• last year
Get ready for a wild ride through the annals of thought with our side-splitting, mind-bending "History of Philosophers" series!

A bonus for ANY donation this month at https://www.freedomain.com/donate

Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:

- The Buddha's Enlightenment Express: Watch as Siddhartha Gautama seeks enlightenment, only to find it under a tree while everyone else is looking in the sky. "Middle path? More like middle of nowhere!"

- Confucius Says... What?: Confucius tries to teach harmony and virtue, but his students keep confusing his wisdom for fortune cookie messages. "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."

- Zeno's Paradoxical Party: Zeno of Elea throws a party where you can never actually reach the dance floor because you always have half the distance left to go. Spoiler: No one dances, but everyone's really good at standing still.

- Socrates' Socratic Sarcasm: Socrates wanders around Athens, pretending to know nothing, just to make everyone else look foolish. "The only thing I know is that I know nothing... about your fashion sense."

- Plato's Cave Rave: Plato hosts a rave in a cave where shadows on the wall are the only entertainment. "You think this is reality? Ha! Try stepping outside, my friend."

- Aristotle's Logic Lab: Aristotle attempts to organize everything into categories, including his sandwich ingredients. "Is this bread a substance or an accident? Let's debate!"

- Augustine's Confessions of a Drama Queen: Augustine writes his confessions, but it's more like a reality TV show where he's both the star and the narrator. "Oh, the drama of my soul!"

- Anselm's Ontological Origami: Anselm tries to prove God's existence by folding a piece of paper. "If I can imagine the greatest paper airplane, it must exist, right?"

- Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica Showdown: Aquinas takes on every philosophical question in a rap battle format. "I'm Aquinas, here to say, I'll sum it up the Thomistic way!"

- William of Ockham's Razor Sharp Wit: Ockham shaves down complex arguments to their simplest form, often leaving his opponents bald with embarrassment. "Simplest explanation? You're wrong."

- Francis Bacon's Scientific Shenanigans: Bacon tries to revolutionize science, but his experiments keep exploding. "Knowledge is power... and sometimes very loud."

- Hobbes' Leviathan Laughs: Hobbes imagines a world where life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short," but it turns out he's just describing his roommate.

- Descartes' Doubtful Disco: Descartes doubts everything, including the music at the disco. "I think, therefore I dance... maybe."

- Pascal's Wager on Wheel of Fortune: Pascal bets on God's existence like it's a game show. "What do you mean, 'Bankrupt'?"

- Locke's Essay on Human Understanding: Locke tries to explain human understanding, but everyone's too busy understanding why there's no more coffee.

- Spinoza's Substance Soirée: Spinoza invites everyone to a party


00:00Hey there, it's Stefan Molyneux from Freedom Ain't No Beauty. Well, now you and I both
00:03know how bone marrow allergic I am to giving myself even the slightest smidge of praise.
00:11But I'm going to break precedent just this once and tell you about the most magnificent
00:13work that I've done in many ways over the last couple of years, my majestic magisterial
00:1824-part history of philosophers series. Each individual specific philosopher with tasty
00:25bookends and bone marrow meat implants of how this all fits together and what the growth
00:32of philosophy as a whole have been over the last 3,000 or so years, starting with the
00:37pre-Socratics, with the Buddha, and all the way through the Greeks, the Romans, the Dark
00:43Ages, the early medieval period, all the way up to Hume and Locke and other juicy tidbits
00:50of philosophical greatness. And it is some of the best work that I've done. Historical
00:55details, biographical details, analysis of thoughts, general patterns, it's really, really,
00:59really great work. And, and, why am I telling you all of this? Just to give you your old
01:04teas? No, no, no. I'm telling you this because not only is it my birthday month, September
01:092024, but not only but also, if you donate at freedomaint.com slash donate, I will send
01:15you, yes you, a lovely juicy RSS feed for the history of philosophers series for you
01:21to download and consume at your leisure. This is brain-crackling bone marrow goodness,
01:27he said, repeating the metaphor perhaps once too many times. But this is great stuff and
01:32I hope that you will partake of it and take joy in it. It is some of the best work that
01:36I've done. The series will continue soon. We've got all the way up to Immanuel Kant,
01:42who is my nemesis in many ways and one of the greatest philosophers to challenge. So
01:46I hope that you will check it out, freedomaint.com slash donate. Any donation, you used to have
01:50to be a subscriber now, it's just for donations, just for this month. Any donation, freedomaint.com
01:55slash donate will get you the history of philosophers series. Thank you so much everyone for the
02:00immense privilege I have of doing this work. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
