• last year
Chris Young is a man of many talents. Not only does he have 14 number ones under his belt at Country radio — including his most recent, “Young Love and Saturday Nights,” but he’s also a closet breakdancer.


00:00Back to keep us company all this week on the Superstar Power Hour on the verge of his 14th
00:05number. Oh no no no no no you can't call it early. We can't say it we can't say it but the thing is
00:08this isn't going to air until we know what's happening. I get that but so here's the thing
00:13everybody everybody always goes like oh you're about to have another uh another number one and
00:19one first of all I'm glad that I'm in a position at this many years into my career where that still
00:26happens but I've seen songs go to two people think oh no was the number one that only went to three
00:33isn't that wild raised on country only went to five like it it's interesting that I've been
00:40lucky enough to have people love my music enough to have the number of number ones that I have in
00:46my career but yeah I don't ever call it until I see nothing above it but letterhead okay I take it
00:52back it's like calling the last run on a ski day yeah it's like going to interrupt a pitcher during
00:57a perfect game it's like nobody wants that you don't do it um I have to ask you about something
01:01because um breakdancing made its debut at the olympics last weekend I can't not do it I can't
01:08that woman is in so much trouble and when this happened this interview surfaced of your mom
01:13talking about you breakdancing and then the internet found the videos of you breakdancing
01:18how did this happen when did you learn to do this can you still do this okay I actually from where
01:22we are sitting used to be down on second avenue there was a group of b-boys that would actually
01:30go meet up so I would play shows this is and this is very early on right so I would play shows
01:38acoustic and then go down to second avenue um and they had cardboard and a drummer
01:48oh my god and so this guy would just sit there and play drums all night long and they would take
01:53tips and like pass the hat around so to speak but uh a lot of those guys were really close
01:58friends of mine and I just picked it up it was something that I thought was was really fun I
02:04guess that's part of me being a gemini because that has absolutely no bearing on me being a
02:09country artist nor will I do it on stage because everybody immediately goes and asks for that
02:15I'm like I that's the I was gonna say when was the last time you like truly were breakdancing
02:23define truly oh my god so it was recently is this like your party trick we're not we're not it's
02:28it's a party trick we're not gonna talk about that just to get people riled up and they'll
02:32be like at every show hey do it again yeah all right great so the story behind the breakdancing
02:38yes um you have been out playing a ton of shows this year you had the young love and saturday
02:42night's tour I know you're playing lots of festivals it looks like you guys are just like
02:45having a really great time this summer do you feel like that yeah it's amazing and um you know
02:51shout out to anybody that's come to any of the shows we just uh got back from vegas uh I had a
02:57buddy of mine who is in sports media jason fitz who used to play do you want to talk about another
03:06person that does two random things uh he he is the been in charge of two different sports media
03:14organizations so to speak uh as an analyst and also played fiddle for the band perry
03:23so i was like hey man do you want to come out to the show in vegas and he was like yeah
03:29absolutely he goes you want me to bring my fiddle and i was like i'll see you at soundcheck
03:34and he absolutely crushed it so see that's so much fun yeah it's it's fun having your friends
03:40come out and join you on things that are like a surprise for the audience and to me that's
03:48there's there's nothing like that when you get a chance to just really switch something up for one
03:52show and uh he's a super nice guy so shout out to jason fitz fits if you ever hear this i love you
04:00um what is i always love to ask this because i feel like everyone has like such a different
04:04answer what is day of show ritual for you like what are the things you and the band
04:08do every day like so it's it sort of depends right if we're flying in versus if we're on the bus
04:17that sort of changes things up we always definitely get together there are multiple
04:26handshakes there are certain things that i'm just a creature of habit about praying before i go on
04:32stage okay and then my like my stage manager uh always has a movie quote that he says once we're
04:40ready to go for the show the audience never hears that obviously same movie different movie no no
04:44different movie every day and we all have to try and guess what movie it is i actually love that
04:49yeah i'm one of the people that's always quoting a movie and then nobody notices and i'm like oh
04:53now they just think i said something weird okay now i have to ask you like is that that much of
04:59a guy thing because i feel like it's more of a guy thing than a girl thing but i don't want to
05:04say that and people be like girls like movies too and i'm like well i know i think they're
05:09just different movies like i would say that i quote mean girls six times a week and guys have
05:15like their cult classic versions of that like what is just like office space or something like okay
05:19you want to go you want to go deep dive we can go like 27 dresses and all this i had i had two
05:26roommates uh one that was my best friend from high school and one who was my sister when i
05:33first got started and i first got my record deal so i didn't get to pick the movies in the house
05:39i got to pick the movies on the road so i got best of both worlds i feel like
05:43yeah wait i love this so that you do a different movie quote every night that's very fun
05:47and then young love and saturday nights on its way up the charts right now we're not gonna say
05:52where it's gonna land but we don't know we're hoping we're hoping i feel like ashley gorley
05:58needs his thousandth number one i know right like help him out please chris talk to me about i feel
06:06like something so fun about this song is like well like and i know this wasn't intentional maybe
06:09it was like the brilliance of have like the marketing and having a song that has your name
06:14in it like having young love and saturday night by chris young like it's kind of convenient that
06:18that was not lost on me when i heard it uh it's also i did not write it i've written with all of
06:25the guys other than one who david bowie i i would love for david bowie to have his first country
06:34number one let's let's uh let's put that there that'd be i can say that uh but i also got to
06:40produce it with two of my really good friends that i've collaborated with over the years and
06:46everything about this is coming together at the right time being summer i feel like this is such
06:50a cool song to play for festival crowds you were referencing all the festivals we've been playing
06:56and it it's in an arena outside in an amphitheater it doesn't matter people
07:06locked in on this in the past couple months where the entire crowd's singing it and it's so much fun
07:12to see that you keep talking and i keep seeing this ring that you're wearing what is this ring
07:17i'm sorry uh yeah why are you sorry this is a uh this is a world series ring for the texas rangers
07:25okay casual yeah it's it's really cool i hold it up so we can really like get a good look at it
07:34wow how heavy is that here you go oh i can touch it yeah
07:39i won't oh my god how's it look perfect how did you get this so
07:47what there's so many times i know i know people that know people i didn't think honestly i would
07:56be able to get one i was making a casual observation that those rings are really really
08:01cool and i used to live in arlington texas yeah and went to rangers games when they were at the
08:08the brick stadium before they stopped using that one i got the new one and i was at the world
08:13series last year for a game and i was just like man those are so cool and one of the reasons is
08:21because it actually comes apart stop oh what do you put in there nothing you know what i
08:28immediately thought of what movie is it where they're like you can put your weed in there like
08:32what is that there's something like there's like an adam sandler it's something like that and when
08:36you open that that's the movie quote that was playing in my head mom i did not say that on
08:41radio i would never do that but i'm just saying that's the movie quote that came into my what's
08:45inside um so it's basically r o a d and it shows the united states and where they traveled because
08:53they were 11 and 0 on the road and they played in order teams whose names spell r o a d that's wild
09:04rays orioles astros diamondbacks thank you for saying that because i never would have
09:08i got you you handle the sports stuff okay very cool ring that you ended up with i like that you
09:12were like well let's just throw it out there and see if i get one so my podcast one of the things
09:17that we do we talk about sports that's one of the the sections of the podcast we talk about music
09:22movies sports we have some obligatory hot take that is normally like is a hot dog a sandwich
09:29like that's my favorite thing to say on any interview because that was the very first one
09:33we did and people still argue about it but uh yeah it was just so cool i was like i absolutely
09:42want that that that is amazing and it was such an incredible thing to see because
09:49that team has been so close and they finally got it done and it was through road dominance it was
09:59just amazing wow that's so cool i also just love that it's like a casual tuesday and you're wearing
10:04it well i was coming to see you every day yeah you're like we're gonna see katie let's go yeah
10:08yeah we're gonna put the ring on i love this all right back to music album came out in march
10:14what have been some of just like the coolest things fans have either said to you or you've
10:18seen posts about this album that really like made you feel proud of this man um
10:26just that i mean this people being excited about it being a longer form record because that can go
10:33one of two ways right people could be like i like these two songs the rest of them are they're good
10:41and it's actually hard to figure out like what's the next single going to be because
10:48what's the next single going to be because there's so many oh we open we open the show with
10:53that it's a lot of fun uh but there's there's so many songs that people have leaned into and
11:00that's really all you're hoping for as an artist is for people to love your music and relate to it
11:06yeah that's all you want you posted a few weeks ago a photo with colby calais very mysterious
11:12kind of teasing something can you say anything about it no
11:19i'm gonna let i'm gonna let her say something about it first say something about it oh okay
11:23wait i love that i love colby she's like just like one of the sweetest she is amazing and
11:28like just so creative or start like so much about her i'm really excited to hear what's coming from
11:33her i might once the the red lights aren't on for recording okay i love that you're being so
11:41careful and respectful yeah yeah and i think that she will also appreciate that yeah um we are
11:46going to have you on the show over labor day weekend so we're going to do some labor day
11:51ish questions do you have any plans for labor day are you on the road do you even know where you are
11:55i i have no idea i look about a week out from now i i'm off oh never mind i'm sorry my manager just
12:03told me that i'm off on labor day so i i will be with my friends um and you know i it's so wild
12:14i schedule so many different things and other people schedule so many different things that
12:20i've gotten to a point where i've really looked seven days in the future and i'm aware of things
12:25that are happening but then when you pick like a specific day i'm like i don't know let me grab my
12:31phone real fast let me check yeah let me and then you have to remember to check the day before and
12:36the day after because sometimes you fly something yeah the the worst thing in the world is committing
12:43to something the day before and having to call somebody back and be like hey remember we were
12:48going to write a song that day i fly out at 8 a.m from nashville so sorry yeah crazy schedules but
12:55if you're going to be home for labor day you're going to be grilling like what are your are you
12:59a grilling guy you're a green egg guy what are you what's your what's your vibe out there so uh
13:04my friend's not gonna like this very much but uh nick pate one of my really good buddies
13:10and i have a competition going on currently where we have had two challenges
13:18grilling i won one he won one and we gotta have the tiebreaker so i love to cook i love to grill
13:28i love to do all of that and uh actually there's a guy um on tiktok that a lot of people follow
13:39who's a chef and uh he's obviously on tiktok because he's sort of unconventional okay he swears
13:49a lot okay got it can't relate but he yeah um his name's gary and uh might be doing a collab
13:59with him because i sent him my rib rub and he was like we should make this with my company
14:05so i yeah wait i love this everybody's like coming out with like tequila and whiskey and
14:10you're like here's my rib rub i'm like here's how to cook food yeah i love that that's gonna
14:15be so awesome congratulations thanks can't wait for the chris young cookbook
14:20oh lord don't don't do that to me no not yet not yet all right so another thing that we usually do
14:25for labor day is worst job you've ever had you have a bad one um i can't say that i've had a
14:35worst job i can say in like one day that was the worst day at one of my jobs which was um
14:47i did hvac i did doctors leveling and seals if people do construction you know what i'm talking
14:55about i was trying to pay for more than a 500 car at some point um me and a friend of mine
15:08got an offer to do a driveway and like do bricklaying and we took the job
15:18drove out to this house and unbeknownst to us part of the agreement was
15:22that as we dug up the like laid out pins to the front steps of the house from the driveway
15:31because it was basically like a brick walkway from the driveway to the the front steps
15:38they wanted us to take the soil and put it in a wheelbarrow and put it in the backyard
15:44what we did not know is that it was going to be like 102 degrees no shade
15:51it had been hot for several days so the ground was very very hard and the like gardening bed
16:00that they had that they wanted the soil in that we had to put in the wheelbarrow and
16:04put it up the driveway was uphill oh my god
16:07both of us got sunburnt like really really bad i bet like borderline heat stroke like not not good
16:16um so i if i had to point to one i would say probably that that was right yeah that's like
16:20real hard manual labor on a real bad day yeah oh poorly timed poorly executed we did a good job
16:29i'm sure that you did um i have a couple silly questions for you we've been doing these and
16:32questions for you we've been doing these and getting really funny answers from it
16:36weirdest place that you've ever been recognized
16:42or weirdest place that you've like seen your own merch
16:46i feel like that's funny when you see somebody like wearing a chris young shirt i feel like
16:49anytime somebody recognizes you in a bathroom oh i feel like there's got to be some sort of
16:55guy code etiquette where you're you're supposed to wait until it's only guys that ever say that
17:01answer i just i'm sorry that one weirds me out it's like it would weird anybody out
17:09wait till we're washing our hands man that's all i'm gonna say like hey nice to meet you
17:15nice to meet you too yeah uh okay yeah have you ever been mistaken for another country artist
17:23yes who do you get um one time while he was walking across the lobby uh during an acms
17:33many years ago uh me and randy hauser somebody thought somebody was like
17:41tall guy hair beard pretty and i was like he's over there he's literally right the other baritone
17:48the other baritone guy and he started laughing and he's getting if you've ever heard randy
17:52hauser laugh he has the best laugh it's so infectious oh my god it's contagious
17:57yeah it's the best oh my gosh that's so great well listen thank you for playing along for some
18:01silly questions it's really great to see you i'm happy to see this song doing so well and you seem
18:05like you're doing great having a fantastic summer and outside of my dog eating my couch while i
18:10was gone this weekend it's been great what's wrong with him yeah it's a very expensive couch too he
18:16it always is they never pick the cheap stuff how bad is it it's the yeah it's bad couch it's
18:24no not a new couch but those those two cushions are done poor baby feathers everywhere i was more
18:31mad that i had to vacuum the feathers up right as i got home right well how long was he like
18:36what was it what was his deal do you know was he just like mad i just wasn't there
18:40i love when they do that sorry to hear that well he's fine he's 115 pounds of fluffy fury so
18:48i can't be mad at him no it's so good to see you thank you for stopping by good to see
