how to actually get scouted

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Here's the hard truth. Most players will never get scouted because they're waiting for the opportunity to come to them
00:06But in today's game you can't afford to wait around
00:08Hoping someone notices you. The days of waiting for a scout to spot you from the sidelines are over
00:13If you're still relying on traditional scouting to get noticed, you're already behind. With the power of the internet
00:19Scouting has evolved. You need to become your own scout. Now, it's all about networking
00:26Connecting with coaches, scouts and clubs online is the new game
00:30It's about making sure your name and skills are out there, visible to the right people
00:35Here is the guide to be noticed by scouts. Follow all the steps carefully
00:39Here's something that might surprise you. One of the biggest mistakes players make when trying to get scouted has nothing to do with their skills
00:47It's about their position. Very often
00:50I see comments with players telling me that they can play multiple positions
00:53No doubt a fullback could also play as a winger
00:56The problem is when you tell me that you can play in literally any position. Here's the problem. Scouts don't want versatility
01:03They want clarity. If you're constantly switching positions
01:07You're sending a confusing message. A scout won't know what your strongest position is or where you truly belong on the pitch
01:14Don't let scouts see you as confused. You need to find your position and own it
01:19Here's a unique approach. The Ikigai method adapted just for footballers
01:23Ikigai is a Japanese concept that helps you find your life's purpose
01:27But it works for football too. If you struggle to find your position, ask yourself
01:31What are you good at? Identify your strongest skills on the pitch
01:35Are you a natural dribbler, a precise passer or a solid defender? Focus on what you excel at. Then ask yourself
01:42What do you love doing? Think about the role you enjoy the most
01:46Do you love controlling the game from midfield or does the thrill of scoring goals as a striker excite you?
01:52Passion is key. And then what does your team need?
01:56Consider where your team could use your abilities the most. Find where you can make the biggest impact
02:01Lastly, what will get you noticed? Think about which position can showcase your talents best to scouts
02:08This is where you combine what you're good at and what your team needs with the visibility you want
02:13When you find the position that lies at the intersection of these four areas
02:18You found your football Ikigai and this is very important for success
02:23The next step to getting scouted is this. Create your own highlight
02:27You need to showcase your best moments and make it easy for scouts to see what you bring to the table
02:32Here's how to do it. Start the video by sharing your main information such as position, team and so on
02:39Focus on quality over quantity
02:42Capture the moments that truly
02:44Highlight your skills. A perfect pass, a decisive tackle or a goal. A few standout clips are more powerful than a long
02:52average compilation
02:53But don't make the mistake of showing only you with the ball. Show clips that demonstrate your understanding of the game such as off the ball
03:00movements, quick decision making and
03:02Teamwork. Scouts are looking for players who can read the game
03:06Not just flashy moves. If you're a defender show your best blocks and interceptions
03:11If you're a striker include your most clinical finishes
03:14Once your highlight reel is ready
03:16Share it on social media, send it to coaches and get it in front of scouts. The more eyes on your reel the better your
03:22chances of being noticed
03:23That is why it is important to have an online profile where people can see what you do in the world of football. With this
03:30you can make important contacts and
03:32Connections. You might find unique opportunities that you might not have in your current poorly scouted team
03:39Step 3. Train like your dad's watching
03:42I know it sounds a bit funny
03:43But think about it when your dad's watching you play or even your crush you suddenly push harder, right?
03:48You want to show them your best. It's almost automatic. Now imagine this instead of your dad on the sidelines
03:53It's a scout and during that one training session, you're not giving it everything
03:58You're not putting in the extra effort. Every training, every match, every drill treated like someone's always
04:04Watching. Because the truth is someone might be. You never know when the moment comes, but you need to be ready
04:09Don't save your best for later. Give it now, every time. This also implies that you must always be professional
04:14Sometimes you'll see your teammates messing around doing foolish things, but don't indulge them
04:20You've got to stand out by showing that you're serious about the game
04:23Even if you play for the worst team in the worst league
04:26Professionalism isn't optional. Being professional means looking sharp on and off the field
04:31Communicating well with teammates, coaches and scouts. Staying consistent
04:36Even when it's hard. Scouts watch players day in day out and most of those players act the same way
04:42Same moves, same energy, same attitude. But if you bring something fresh, something that stands out
04:48They'll remember you. If you make a good impression and scouts feel that new energy in you, they'll be drawn to you
04:55Now I will talk about something that could completely change the way you play
04:59Something that could make your football career easier and help you get scouted. I am talking about fascia
05:04I know it is a very controversial topic
05:06But what if I tell you that fascia is one of the most misunderstood aspects of training? Some people dismiss it as nonsense
05:13But let's clear that up right now. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds your muscles, holding everything together
05:20Think of it like a web that connects all your muscles, organs and bones
05:24Helping them work together as one unit. And here's the thing. Fascia is fundamental to muscle growth and movement
05:32Some people are born with naturally strong fascia while others need to train it
05:36But here's why it matters. When your fascia is strong, your muscles work together more efficiently and
05:43Movements look smooth and effortless. It's like your muscles are locked in
05:48Functioning as a unit, every move feels more connected, more fluid. You feel your muscles follow a unique flow without
05:56Bouncing around. But if your fascia is weak, the opposite happens. Your muscles move separately and your movements look awkward
06:03Disjointed and harder to control. Everything feels more difficult because your muscles aren't working in sync
06:10Fascia training helps you build that connection, making every movement more powerful and
06:15Coordinated. Don't just take my word for it. Test it yourself. I'm not here to tell you what to believe
06:19I want you to try it. Be a critical thinker. Don't take anyone's word at face value, not even mine
06:24Do your own research. Dive deep into fascia, understand its role and see how it impacts your movement. Test it on yourself
06:32Feel the difference in your training. If you strengthen your fascia, you'll notice how your movements become more connected, more powerful
06:38But don't just believe me. Prove it to yourself. Now, you must be wondering
06:43What does fascia have to do with getting scouted? Everything. If you want to stand out, you've got to do what
06:5099% of players don't. Look around at your teammates. What do they do?
06:53They probably hit the gym, lift weights and follow traditional bodybuilding routines. And while that's not bad, it's not enough
07:01They're training the wrong way. Bodybuilding focuses on aesthetics, muscle size and definition
07:06But you're not training to look good on the beach. You're training for strength, conditioning, speed, flexibility and mobility
07:14That's where fascia training comes in. When your fascias are strong, your body moves as a unit
07:21Effortless, smooth and powerful. Scouts notice that. So let's make a brief summary of what you need. Connect and network
07:28Build relationships with people who can make a difference
07:31Coaches, scouts, clubs. Don't wait for them to find you. Reach out, introduce yourself
07:37Showcase your talent. Create highlight videos of your best moments on the pitch. Share them with scouts and don't be afraid to post them online
07:45The more exposure, the better. Be professional. Whether on the field or off, act like a pro. Look the part, communicate well and be
07:53Consistent in everything you do. Even if you're playing in the smallest league, show you take the game seriously
07:58Stand out from the masses. While others follow traditional training routines, focus on what sets you apart. Develop strength, speed
08:06Flexibility and mobility with a unique approach. Love the game. Above all, love what you do
08:12Play with passion every time you step on the field. You have to create a real
08:17Relationship with the ball as if it were as essential as breathing. Before concluding
08:22I invite you to check the description to download my free ebook
08:26Flow State Protocol, a guide to unlocking and understanding flow state
08:32You can also get extra tips for your football career by subscribing to my newsletter
08:37Last but not least, you can also join my discord group with 1000 members who are passionate about football
08:43Hit the protocol and take action
