Insta Empire

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I wash my wife's dirty clothes, I clean after her family, and why do I keep tolerating this humiliation despite being the richest guy in town?
00:12Oh, I got it. Got it, got it. Kevin, why don't you tell her that you're a billionaire now?
00:21I can't. I want to keep it as a secret.
00:25Kevin, enough talking. You said you would help me.
00:31Sorry, I'll be in a minute.
00:37You see, I gotta go.
00:40And don't forget about the dishes, Cinderella!
00:54Finally. The dishes won't wash themselves, Kevin.
01:02My shirt got dirty, I had to get changed. But don't worry, I'll clean everything up.
01:08Wow, thank you so much. Actually, you've been living in this house for two years.
01:14But washing dishes makes up for it.
01:21Sometimes I just want to tell Dorothy that I haven't been just living in this house for two years.
01:28I've paid rent, I've fixed up the whole house, but I cannot tell the truth because it might upset Lily and I don't want her mother to hate me even more.
01:43So, thank you, Mom, for doing so much for me and Lily, and if there's anything I can do in return, please just tell me.
01:52And I will tell you, Kevin. Maybe you can start making some money.
01:56My daughter could have married someone else, but for some reason, she chose you.
02:02Well, I will work very hard to show her how much I love her, and one day, trust me, I'll be worthy of her.
02:08I have many doubts about that.
02:10Kevin gasped when he saw his former classmate, Brittany, enter the room.
02:14Wow, she looks stunning. I'm not surprised, though. Brittany was the most popular girl in high school.
02:20I figured she would have left Chicago by now.
02:23Just as Kevin lifted his hand to wave at Brittany, Tucker quickly jumped in front of him and yelled,
02:27Hey, Brit-Brit, did you forget about me?
02:30Brittany walked over with an all-knowing smile on her face.
02:33Tucker, you haven't changed one bit.
02:37Tucker laughed. You say that like it's a bad thing.
02:40Brittany tilted her head to the side and laughed.
02:42We did date on and off throughout high school, so it can't be too bad.
02:46You're right, Brit. We had some good times back in the day.
02:49But look at you now. You look amazing. What are you up to?
02:53Brittany bit her bottom lip.
02:55Well, I know it's a bit cliche, but I'm about to sign with an agency.
02:59No shit. You're really doing it.
03:02Brittany's cheeks turned red.
03:04Well, I'm trying to. I haven't signed anything yet, but it's looking good.
03:08You were always meant for bigger things, Brit.
03:11To think, I'll be able to say I knew her when.
03:14Tucker grinned.
03:15Suddenly, a group of girls sat down at the table with Kevin.
03:18One of the girls turned to the other and whispered,
03:20I heard that Brittany is about to become a superstar.
03:23She's too sweet to ever brag about it, but Brittany is going to sign with Williams Media next week.
03:28Another girl replied, no way.
03:30Williams Media is the biggest media company in America.
03:33If Brittany signs with them, then she'll be famous before we know it.
03:36A small mousy girl popped up from her seat.
03:39I'm going to ask Brittany for an autograph.
03:41The two other girls nodded.
03:43Good idea. It might be worth something one day.
03:46Hey, Brittany, can we get your autograph?
03:49The three girls harmonized as they stepped in between Brittany and Tucker.
03:53Seeing Brittany handle them with grace and humility, Kevin smiled to himself.
03:57Good for Brittany. I'm so glad that she's still pursuing her dream.
04:01And if she is really signing with Williams Media, then I should get to know her a little better.
04:05After all, as of tomorrow, I will be the official owner of Williams Media.
04:09This will be a good chance for me to familiarize myself with my clients.
04:13Just then, Brittany and Tucker came and sat down at the table with Kevin.
04:17Turning to his right, Kevin gasped to himself.
04:20Just my luck. Brittany sat down right next to me.
04:23Something tells me I'm going to love running Williams Media.
04:26I'll finally have a chance to create my own empire.
04:29Looking into Brittany's beautiful almond-shaped eyes, Kevin smiled to himself.
04:33But first things first, I need to go talk to my newest client.
04:38Kevin felt a little excited at the idea of running Williams Media
04:42and talking with Brittany, who would be his newest client.
04:46However, just as his butt touched the chair, Brittany looked at him indifferently.
04:50Sorry, I'm saving this seat for Jessica.
04:53Huh? I thought Jessica was sitting over there.
04:56Kevin pointed at a voluptuous woman who was at least seven or eight seats away from them.
05:00His face was filled with confusion. Brittany frowned and looked very unhappy.
05:05She raised her hand to cover her nose and said in a muffled voice,
05:08You seem to have a strange smell. I feel uncomfortable, so can I trouble you to change seats?
05:14Kevin was stunned. He raised his arm to sniff. It didn't smell.
05:19He had just changed into clean clothes before he went out.
05:22This woman must have a problem with her nose.
05:25Kevin, you haven't taken a shower for a few days, have you?
05:28Commented one of the guys.
05:30A female classmate sitting next to him quickly said,
05:33Come on now, I'll change seats with you, Kevin.
05:35Don't make Beauty Britt so sick that she can't eat.
05:38Kevin wanted to argue, but at that moment his old friend Zach walked over and urged Kevin to get up.
05:44They found a corner and sat down together.
05:46Zach explained,
05:48Kevin, Brittany is not a woman we can get close to. You are asking for trouble.
05:52Come on, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's have a drink.
05:56Kevin looked at Brittany who was talking and laughing with Tucker.
05:59He shook his head and sneered.
06:01He picked up the glass and clinked it with Zach.
06:04The two of them drank as if there was no one else around.
06:07Zach might be the only one among the group of old classmates who treated him sincerely.
06:12When Zach was bullied in school, Kevin had helped him with his fights in the past.
06:16As the drinks began to flow, the guests suggested that they should all play music, dance together, and play a game or something.
06:23Most people remembered that Brittany had been a fabulous dancer since primary school,
06:28so they started to cheer her on and let the future big star put on a show for everyone.
06:32Buzzed off the drinks, Brittany's beautiful face was flushed,
06:36which added to the already intoxicating atmosphere of the reunion.
06:40Unable to resist the unanimous request of her classmates,
06:44Brittany got up and walked to the middle of the private ballroom, dancing slowly along with the music.
06:50Her bright, misty eyes swept across everyone who was there.
06:54Her slender waist moved quickly, then more slowly,
06:57her entire body dancing like softly flowing water.
07:00It was particularly charming.
07:02All the male students were entranced, and some had already unconsciously gasped in wonder.
07:07Stunning! She was too beautiful.
07:10Brittany was even more attractive than she had been back in school.
07:13The gathering finally ended as evening fell.
07:16Because the class president and the head teacher were busy today and were unable to attend,
07:20everyone got together and arranged to meet again in the future.
07:24When Brittany was about to leave, several male classmates rushed to say goodbye and offered rides in their fancy cars.
07:30In the end, Brittany said that she already had a car, and the driver was already waiting outside.
07:35So everyone watched Brittany get into the latest Maserati and speed away.
07:39The guys who were still fighting over the chance to see Brittany off were all left with embarrassed expressions on their faces.
07:45Zach saw the Maserati turn around and could not help but whisper in Kevin's ear,
07:50Brittany is so beautiful. I would give up five years of my life just to sleep with her once.
07:55Kevin smiled helplessly.
07:57Just as he was about to say something, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.
08:01Fly me to the moon.
08:04Everyone within earshot immediately looked at Kevin.
08:08What year was this? Why did he still use such an old-fashioned song as a ringtone?
08:13Kevin took out his phone. When he saw that the caller was his wife, he smiled and answered the call.
08:19Lily asked him, did you buy the clothes I asked you to get for the meeting?
08:23After you take care of that, we'll meet at home.
08:26Her tone was very cold. After she'd finished speaking, she hung up the phone.
08:30Only then did Kevin remember that he had not bought the clothes yet.
08:34He quickly exchanged contact information with Zach and then rode away on his little electric scooter in a hurry.
08:40The women who saw this snickered.
08:42Oh my God, Kevin actually rode a tiny electric bike to attend the get-together.
08:47Do you think you'll run out of juice before he gets there?
08:50They burst into laughter.
08:52Even though Kevin was already pretty far away, he could still hear them clearly.
08:57On the other side of town, Lily was about to leave the office when a man in a black suit
09:01suddenly appeared in front of her with a gift box in his arms.
09:04You are? Lily said as she looked at the unfamiliar man in front of her with a puzzled expression.
09:09The man in the suit handed the box to Lily and said very politely.
09:13This is a gift for you from our boss.
09:16At this time, two of Lily's assistants walked over and looked curiously at the man and the gift box in his hands.
09:22Wow, Madam Chairman, a gift from an admirer.
09:25Lily glared at them and pretended to be angry.
09:28Don't talk nonsense. I don't have any suitors.
09:31Lily turned to look at the man in the suit and hesitated for a moment before taking the box.
09:36Who is your boss?
09:38The man replied.
09:39Sorry, the boss said that he hopes you can guess his identity.
09:43The gift is for you personally. I hope that you have a good time tonight.
09:47After saying that, he turned around and left.
09:49Lily looked at the gift box in her hand and finally decided to open it to see what it was.
09:54When she opened it, she was instantly stunned.
09:57The two assistants beside her could not help but let out a scream.
10:00Oh my god, this is the dream lover.
10:04The rare necklace sparkled in the light.
10:06Oh my god, there are only ten dream lovers in the world.
10:10Madam Chairman, your admirer is so generous.
10:13Lily could tell at a glance that this was an authentic dream lover.
10:17Because she had such a strong interest in the dream lover bordering on an obsession,
10:21she had researched everything related to it in detail.
10:25The one she was holding in her hand was definitely genuine.
10:29Lily looked at the dream lover that was lying in the gift box and felt that it was surreal.
10:33Was she dreaming?
10:35Who exactly gave it to her?
10:37Could it be, could it be Bradley Smith?
10:40But even to Bradley Smith, the dream lover was still out of reach.
10:44Could it be that he really liked her so much that he'd spent all his savings to buy the dream lover for her?
10:50Thinking of this, Lily couldn't help but feel very moved in her heart.
10:54If she wore the dream lover to tonight's family get-together,
10:57she would definitely become the envy of all the women in the family.
11:01Lily felt her heart skip with even more excitement.
11:05At the same moment, Kevin was trying to figure out what to do about his clothes.
11:09He went to the mall and walked around.
11:11Most of the suits weren't his style.
11:13Maybe it was because they were all off the rack and not tailored.
11:16He felt that none of the suits fit him very well.
11:19Finally, his solution was to call the personal secretary that Uncle Thomas had arranged for him that afternoon.
11:25She was very efficient.
11:26In less than half an hour, she sent someone to make a simple handmade tailor-made suit and had it sent to Kevin.
11:32He carried his clothes under his arm as he rode the electric scooter back to the Joneses' family neighborhood.
11:37As soon as he entered the house, he saw his wife Lily standing in front of the mirror in the living room,
11:42admiring the dream lover on her neck.
11:45It seemed like his wife was very satisfied with the gift he had given her.
11:49She quickly put it on the moment she received it.
11:52With the dream lover on her graceful swan-like neck,
11:55she became even more noble and elegant.
11:58Upon seeing Kevin as she walked back from the mirror,
12:01Lily instantly hid her exhilarated expression.
12:04She looked away to check her clothes and did not look back.
12:07She completely ignored that Kevin even existed.
12:10Dorothy, who was on the sofa, frowned as she looked at the dark black bag in Kevin's hand.
12:14She urged,
12:15Are those the clothes you bought?
12:17Hurry up and change. We'll leave in five minutes.
12:21Okay, I'll get dressed right away.
12:23Kevin responded and quickly went into the other room.
12:26He changed his clothes as fast as he could, combed his hair, and then walked out.
12:30Dorothy looked at Kevin, who was wearing a dark gray suit, and her face showed a rare look of satisfaction.
12:35She nodded and said,
12:37This suit isn't bad. You're finally dressed like a man who has some class.
12:42Hurry up. I don't want to be late again.
12:44Lily said as she sighs Kevin up.
12:46The unhappiness in her eyes also melted away a little.
12:49She slipped her feet into her high heels and walked out first.
12:52With Kevin driving, the three of them soon arrived at the Jones family's mansion.
12:57By now, there were dozens of cars parked outside the mansion.
13:00At a glance, they were all makes and models of high-end cars.
13:04It was like a luxury car show.
13:06Dorothy was wearing a long peacock green dress with an apricot-colored cape.
13:10She looked very sexy and elegant as she walked.
13:13Her clear, smooth face looked radiant as she walked with her daughter Lily.
13:17You couldn't tell at all that they were mother and daughter.
13:20Instead, they looked more like sisters.
13:22So when the two of them walked into the Jones family's hall,
13:25they instantly attracted everyone's attention.
13:28Many relatives and friends who knew Dorothy and her daughter stepped up to greet the two of them.
13:33Kevin, who was following behind them, was ignored by most people as usual.
13:37However, there were some people who liked to pay more attention to Kevin.
13:40For example, there was Jason.
13:42If he didn't cause trouble for Kevin every time he saw him, it wouldn't be normal.
13:46Jason mocked him.
13:47Hey, isn't this Kevin?
13:49It's rare to see him dress like a human.
13:51I almost didn't recognize you.
13:53Jason walked to Kevin's side and patted him on the shoulder.
13:56His voice was so loud that almost everyone in the hall could hear him.
14:00Kevin looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything.
14:03Jason snorted in disdain.
14:05You got these clothes on sale, right?
14:07I remember I saw the exact clothing down at the mall.
14:10Was it $75 or $100?
14:12Quality stuff, right?
14:14Hearing this, many people looked at Kevin with scorn.
14:17Some even laughed out loud.
14:19Lily looked at Kevin with an embarrassed expression on her face.
14:22She was definitely angry.
14:24To think that she had given him $1,000 to buy himself some decent clothes.
14:28He, on the other hand, he actually went and bought a cheap suit for $100.
14:32Why did he always make things so difficult for her?
14:35Kevin adjusted his collar and responded casually.
14:38I'm really disappointed to hear that.
14:40Actually, I didn't pay for my clothes.
14:42Jason laughed.
14:44You didn't pay for it?
14:45Could it be that the owner of the store saw that you were too pathetic
14:48and out of pity gave you a new suit?
14:50The people around them started laughing as well.
14:53They looked at Kevin like he was a fool.
14:55Lily and Dorothy's faces showed their embarrassment.
14:58Dorothy coldly snorted and began to walk away.
15:01She didn't want to stand anywhere near Kevin,
15:03her stupid son-in-law, for another second.
15:06We should go sit down.
15:08Lily disappointingly whispered to Kevin.
15:10She really didn't want to bring Kevin along to these events.
15:13However, unless someone was out of town or dealing with some special circumstances,
15:17all the family members had to attend.
15:19Lily, I'm really not talking about you.
15:22It's fine if your husband lacks experience and is stingy.
15:25Aren't you willing to spend a little money on yourself?
15:28The dress you're wearing must have cost around $500, didn't it?
15:31It's shameful that you have the nerve to wear it to our family get-together.
15:35Jason looked Lily up and down.
15:37The smile on his face made her feel very annoyed.
15:40Seeing that everyone was paying attention to them,
15:42Jason straightened up and padded the suit he was wearing.
15:45There was arrogance in his expression.
15:47In order to attend the family gathering,
15:49I went to the most famous designer in the country
15:51and spent $20,000 to have this suit made especially for me.
15:56Wow! $20,000? Everyone thought.
16:00Almost everyone in the room was shocked.
16:02After all, even though their finances were pretty solid,
16:05spending $20,000 for a suit was really too extravagant.
16:09Feeling the envious gazes from the people around him,
16:11Jason was extremely proud of himself.
16:13The way he looked at Lily showed even more disdain.
16:16Lily's face turned red.
16:18She was both angry and embarrassed.
16:20Jason had deliberately made her embarrassed in front of all these people.
16:24Lily just wanted to see her make a fool of herself.
16:27But there was nothing Lily could do.
16:29When she glanced over at Kevin, who still had a smile on his face,
16:32she felt even more choked up.
16:34Kevin noticed Lily's eyes and turned his head to smile at her.
16:37After a moment, she quickly turned her head away.
16:40Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at Jason,
16:42who had a smug look on his face.
16:44Kevin imitated Jason by patting him back on his shoulder.
16:47What are you doing? Who asked you to touch me?
16:50Jason almost jumped, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.
16:53He angrily slapped Kevin's hand away and quickly brushed off his shoulder.
16:57It was as if he was afraid that his clothes would be contaminated
17:00with some kind of bacteria by Kevin's touch.
17:03Kevin didn't care at all as he put his hand into his pocket
17:06and returned Jason's disgusted gaze.
17:08He sneered and said,
17:10It's only a $20,000 suit.
17:12I was afraid that it would soil my hands.
17:15My Lily likes to dress casually.
17:17However, she really prefers fine jewelry.
17:20After saying this, Kevin pulled a stunned Lily to his side.