Relic Hunter S01e02 Smoking Gun

  • 2 weeks ago
Relic Hunter S01e02 Smoking Gun


01:30This way, Mr. Capone.
01:43Hotel Melanin.
01:48Mr. Johnson.
01:53Mr. Johnson.
01:58Mr. Johnson.
02:03Mr. Johnson.
02:25Food change.
03:19Who are you?
03:21You're not my usual contact.
03:33Your friend from the FBI won't be coming today, Murray.
04:32Don't worry.
04:34We won't kill you, Murray.
04:37The FBI's already got some of your records, but that's okay.
04:41No one will believe a murderer.
04:43I'm not a murderer.
04:45You are now.
05:17It must really be good.
05:19I can't put it down.
05:21Europe and the people without history.
05:23An anthropological view that suggests
05:25Europeans chronicled foreign peoples and events
05:27through an alarmingly biased perspective.
05:29Nigel, when was the last time you had a date?
05:34I don't know.
05:36Relatively recently.
05:38This year, I'm sure.
05:42You see that girl sitting alone over there?
05:46She's been staring at you for a while now.
05:49I hadn't really noticed.
05:52I know.
05:53You got to be aware of what's out there, Nigel.
05:56Women have been sending signals since it all began.
05:58When they're playing sexual semaphore,
06:00you got to know how to read the flags.
06:02The flags?
06:04Now, this guy heading over here,
06:06he's got another problem.
06:08He's read the signals all wrong.
06:10Let's see what his opening line's going to be.
06:13You sure are one heck of a good-looking man.
06:18I just never figured Sidney Fox for a woman.
06:23I was told you find things,
06:25things of historical interest.
06:29Would a diamond-studded .45 caliber Colt model 1911
06:32made specifically for Al Capone qualify?
06:38You're saying Capone personally shot a man with his gun, you mentioned?
06:43But your grandfather was convicted of murder.
06:46There were several witnesses who identified him as the triggerman.
06:50They were bought.
06:52He died in prison.
06:54Aaron, aside from the fact that you loved your grandfather,
06:59how can you be so certain he was innocent?
07:02Because he was.
07:05Sometimes you just know things about people.
07:07You don't know how you know, but you do, no matter who they are.
07:12If I can't do something about it,
07:14my son is going to grow up under the same cloud that I did,
07:19that my father did.
07:22He's beautiful.
07:24The Hotel Roxbury is where my grandfather believed he hid the gun.
07:28Capone was living there.
07:29He had the top three floors all to himself.
07:31Are that ringing a dingy noise?
07:36It's called a phone, and it wouldn't hurt you to answer it.
07:38I'm busy here, Claudia.
07:40Right, and I'm not?
07:54Ancient history.
07:56She's not going to be available for office hours for the next few days.
08:00Because, that's why.
08:02There's 22,415 references to Al Capone.
08:06Personal business, if you believe that one.
08:10Any luck with the hotel records?
08:13They knew he stayed there, of course,
08:15but there's no record of which suites he used.
08:17I am not being snotty.
08:19Who was the owner of record?
08:21Walker Company.
08:22They were headquartered in St. Louis.
08:23Went out of business after the war.
08:25Claudia, I just work here.
08:27Around the time Capone began staying there, it was sold to CRG Limited.
08:31It's the front, probably.
08:32Shortly afterwards, it looks like it was refurbished.
08:34Sure, call me.
08:39There's nothing in the hotel plans that even remotely indicates the possibility of a vault.
08:45What kind of refurbishment?
08:47It was only five years old.
08:52Carpet, drapes, swimming pool.
08:55Swimming pool?
08:56What was wrong with the old one?
09:01As far as I can tell, nothing.
09:03You know, I think I've heard of this Capone guy.
09:32And they're going to tear this down for an office building?
09:36Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.
09:38We're married.
09:44I think I'm owed an opportunity to discuss this.
09:47We were lucky to get one room.
09:48The hotel's full.
09:52Aye, reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fox.
09:56You could have at least used my name.
09:58I am the husband.
10:00Where's the pool?
10:01We don't have one.
10:23If you don't have a preference, I'll take the left.
10:27I'm not sure I...
10:29The bed, the side of the bed.
10:32The left?
10:34The left for you or the left for me?
10:36I don't care.
10:38Then I'll take the left.
10:41Now, if you could just...
10:52I'm just going to go down to the gift shop and get something.
10:58All right, um, I'll change and meet you in the lobby.
11:01We'll start exploring.
11:11I'll meet you in the lobby.
11:12We'll start exploring.
11:23Here we go.
11:24That's everything, all right?
11:25Three dollars.
11:42I couldn't help noticing.
11:45Jean le Carré.
11:50I was just wondering if you'd recommend it.
11:53Well, I don't know.
11:55I haven't read it yet.
11:58Of course.
12:02You're English.
13:41Some swimming pool.
14:13Let's go.
14:42Come on.
14:51That is exactly what she said.
14:53You've got to be joking.
14:54I promise you.
15:12Come on.
15:19A teacher.
15:20Eighth grade world history.
15:22Well, world cultures is actually the politically correct term now.
15:26Um, it pays nothing, of course, but I love it.
15:29Are you a history buff?
15:42My parents actually met at this hotel.
15:45They always spoke about it with such affection.
15:47I was curious, you know, as to what kind of magic it held.
15:51And then when I read that they were tearing it down, I just...
15:54It's not like me at all.
15:56I am not a spontaneous person.
15:58But I do believe in magic.
16:00I do.
16:01I do.
16:02I do.
16:03I do.
16:04I do.
16:05I do.
16:06I do.
16:07I do.
16:08I do.
16:09I do.
16:10I'm not a spontaneous person.
16:11But I just drove down and checked in.
16:14That's crazy, isn't it?
16:15I think it's very romantic.
16:17I was lucky to get a room.
16:18The hotel is completely sold out.
16:20I know.
16:22So what are you doing here?
16:26For a book...
16:29about hotels.
16:31Historic hotels.
16:34Are you here alone?
16:35Uh, no, I'm here with someone.
16:38By that, she's just my wife.
16:40Well, she's not my wife at all, actually.
16:42We just said that at check-in so we could sleep together.
16:44Well, we're not actually sleeping together.
16:47I mean, well, we are sleeping together.
16:48She's on the left.
16:49Look, this is coming out all wrong.
16:51You see, the problem is that the hotel is completely sold out.
16:54Sold out.
17:22I should go.
17:25Well, right.
17:30If you have any free time.
17:31I'd like that, yes.
17:34Your friends might.
17:36Still freshening up, no doubt.
17:37Very particular about her appearance.
18:06Excuse me.
18:23I seem to have misplaced my key.
18:32How about those cubs, huh?
18:36Very smart.
18:54Sure, in the lobby?
18:59Aaron just called.
19:00He found some things he wants to show us.
19:02I met the most remarkable woman.
19:04Got to get in there, Nigel.
19:05Got to take a shower.
19:07I read the signs perfectly, Sydney.
19:11I really think you're going to hit it off with her, Sydney.
19:13Aren't you curious where I've been?
19:17What are you doing?
19:18Only have 45 minutes.
19:22I'm in a hurry.
19:23I'm in the shower.
19:25To be honest with you, Nigel, I don't see the problem.
19:28You can't just barge in here.
19:30It's a big shower.
19:31It's not that big.
19:32I don't take up that much room.
19:34I don't care how much room you take up.
19:35It's not, it's not, it's not fair.
19:41I was here first.
19:43The Carthaginians believe that communal
19:45bathing between the sexes was a soothing extension
19:47of friendship.
19:49Quite platonic.
19:56Well, Officer Zales' career didn't suffer
19:59for arresting your grandfather.
20:01What do you think?
20:03Not much here.
20:05The gun your grandfather was carrying,
20:06there were no prints on it.
20:07They were wiped clean.
20:08What about ballistics?
20:10There were so many eyewitnesses,
20:11they didn't even bother checking.
20:13The cops were bought, too.
20:16Well, don't forget we're talking about 1930 here.
20:19You could get away without running ballistics
20:20if you had a whole bunch of eyewitnesses
20:23and a DA in your pocket.
20:25Capone's gun could be checked for ballistics, though.
20:30I don't think so.
20:49See you later.
21:01I think we're being followed.
21:03Pick up the pace a little.
21:12When I say run.
21:21Get out of the car!
21:46This one's full!
21:55Sydney, hi.
22:02Some people just don't get it.
22:08There it is right there.
22:22Something wrong?
22:28I had to get rid of them?
22:30Do you have to be so flashy?
22:32It was reflex.
22:35I don't understand, Sydney.
22:37I took your advice.
22:39I read the signals.
22:40I met a nice woman.
22:41Not only have you shown no interest,
22:43but you barely made eye contact with her.
22:45I had a few other things on my mind at the time.
22:51OK, sure.
22:53Guess I'm a little envious.
22:57It's what you do after you read the signals
22:59that matters the most, Nigel.
23:01I'm not the expert I pretend to be.
23:04You're a natural.
23:07I never got that part down.
23:11So you want to get a divorce and go home?
23:16I don't believe in divorce.
23:19Then I guess we've got a gun to find.
23:41My God!
23:42No wonder they closed the pool.
23:57Capone's escape route.
23:59That's what I thought.
24:01Think you wanted people to think it was his escape route?
24:27Why would Capone have a generator in an escape route?
24:36Hear that?
24:40Here, help me.
24:43What are we looking for?
24:45Anything that moves.
24:47Like this.
25:17What's this?
25:19You never do.
25:21This is for you.
25:23This is for you.
25:25You're not in the house.
25:27I'm in the house!
25:29You're not in the house.
25:31You're not in the house.
25:36You're not in the house.
25:38I'm in the house.
25:40Come on, let's go.
25:42You're not in the house.
25:45What's this?
25:57A room of some kind.
26:14Al Capone's bunker.
26:30The man himself.
26:32Going on the ground didn't exactly mean going without, did it?
26:44He was a stay here for weeks at a time.
26:46Well, the police searched from everywhere except the place he escaped from.
26:49It was right under their noses.
26:52Felonies, men of war cabinet.
26:54Thirteenth century, I'd guess.
26:56Village chieftains would keep their weapons.
27:00Machine guns.
27:01Machine guns.
27:03The Thompson submachine gun, model 28 AC.
27:06Also known as the Tommy gun.
27:08Fully automatic, capable of 300 shots per minute, designed to take a .45 caliber bullet.
27:14It's a brilliant concept, revolutionary design.
27:16You're scaring me, Nigel.
27:20I wonder what the chances are of it still firing.
27:23America cheered Capone and booed Herbert Hoover.
27:44Officer Zale sure gets around.
27:59This must be the office.
28:01Let's go.
28:31Let's go.
29:02Let's go.
29:26I am not a spontaneous person.
29:28It's just that after your, you know, chop chop, I just had to get back in that elevator.
29:33And then I saw the plaque and the old hand crank and I pushed it and...
29:40And this isn't about a book, is it?
29:47We're historians, trying to help someone whose grandfather was framed by Al Capone.
29:53And this was his bunker.
29:54This is where he hid from all the gangsters who were trying to blow his brains out
29:57and the cops who wanted to put him in the slammer for life.
30:04Gotta find the gun.
30:06I actually worked on an archaeological dig in the Yucatan.
30:09I mean, it was only a summer thing, but I am familiar with site excavation protocol.
30:17Alright then, let's start digging.
30:25Nigel says you teach history.
30:27Only 8th grade.
30:28Only 8th grade? Are you kidding me?
30:31That was the year I discovered life.
30:33What do you mean?
30:34My father was a civil engineer.
30:36He built dams and bridges all over the world.
30:40My cradle was a cradle of civilizations.
30:44Think I appreciated that?
30:48Anyway, he got a job at a construction company.
30:53Anyway, he got a job for a year in San Francisco.
30:56It's the first time I went to public school.
30:59My history teacher was Mrs. Rosa.
31:02She was amazing.
31:04I know it sounds strange, but somehow she made the life I was already living come to life for me.
31:13The best for last. Al Capone's bed.
31:16He had money, he had power.
31:18He had syphilis.
31:21There's something wrong with this headboard.
31:23It's too big for the bed. It's all out of scale.
31:30Any luck?
31:36What's this?
31:58Al Capone's secret safe.
32:03Now where's the key?
32:07I know this might be a long shot, but I've noticed with my students,
32:10even though they've changed from the way I was like, they haven't changed in the basic ways.
32:15You know, they still want a boyfriend, they still want to listen to music that their parents hate,
32:19they still want to suck face.
32:22They still hide things the same way.
32:24Gum, secret notes, keys to their diaries.
32:28The bottoms of drawers.
32:39That was a good theory.
32:41There's one more, actually.
32:45Wait a minute.
33:20Corrado didn't find anything.
33:41The gun.
33:42Looks like Aaron was right.
33:44It really does exist.
33:47Browning Colt, model 1911A1.
33:49Finest automatic pistol ever made.
33:52Early breath.
33:53My dad was an artillery officer.
33:55And I'm sure he would appreciate you following orders.
33:59You're under arrest.
34:06This is all a mix-up.
34:07That business in the elevator.
34:09We had no idea.
34:10These people are historians.
34:11That's right.
34:12I'd say we're looking at trespassing, breaking and entering.
34:15I'd say we're looking at trespassing, breaking and entering, grand larceny.
34:18No, but they're working on a case.
34:20Lori, save your breath.
34:21They're not going to arrest us.
34:23I mean, these police are...
34:25Dirty, I believe, is the adjective you're searching for.
34:27Come on.
34:28I'd say the odds are about 50-50.
34:45Back in the bedroom.
34:53Nothing's going to get through that door.
34:56They can't get in.
34:58We can't get out.
35:00Come on.
35:16Get out of here.
35:18Come on.
35:29Carbon monoxide?
35:33Capone would never have painted himself into a corner.
35:35There's got to be a way out.
35:37A real escape tunnel.
35:42I'm sorry.
35:44It's not your fault.
35:45I followed you here, remember?
35:48There's a good chance they may never find us.
35:51When the hotel comes down, we'll be buried forever.
35:55I think there's something kind of romantic about being in a tomb together forever.
36:15I know.
36:17You're not really a spontaneous person, are you?
36:22None of these books look like they've ever been cracked.
36:25Probably just here to impress someone.
36:27Maybe to hide something.
36:29Look for one that seems more worn than the others, even just a little.
36:36Like this one.
36:38The edges of the spine are duller than the ones next to it.
36:40A hand repeatedly pulling it out would do that.
36:43Great expectations.
36:57Come on.
37:31Show the hotel manager the bunker.
37:33Then call the police.
37:54Here. It was in the bunker.
37:56Check out the guy in Capone's left.
38:00That's the cop that arrested Murray Shiner.
38:02Lauren Sale.
38:03Went on to become one of the most distinguished chiefs of police in Chicago history.
38:06He was working for Capone.
38:09Let's go see how the chief is spending his retirement.
38:57You needn't bother.
39:00He's dead.
39:04You're hard to get rid of.
39:07Unlike Murray Shiner.
39:09Murray was an honest accountant with a conscience.
39:12He was a good man.
39:14He was a good man.
39:16He was a good man.
39:18He was a good man.
39:20He was a good man.
39:22He was a good man.
39:24He was a good man.
39:27What was his problem?
39:29He died in the line of duty.
39:31Someone was breaking into the house.
39:33I called him. He was shot.
39:36By you.
39:38With this gun.
39:41Your passion for poor Aaron's bizarre story finally lead you to cross the line.
39:46But before he died he managed to kill both of us.
39:49Yes of course.
39:50Of course.
39:55I'm not sure I...
39:56We're being framed, Nigel.
39:59Like Murray Shiner.
40:01I gotta hand it to you, Chief.
40:03You always manage to have all your bases covered.
40:05All of us have our mistakes we regret.
40:09I can't let one of mine destroy my place in history.
40:13Why didn't he shoot you?
40:15I'm not worried about that.
40:17No, I guess you wouldn't be.
40:19What crime, son, is it?
40:21Law enforcement has always been a tradition in the Zale family.
40:25So's murder.
40:27Just to keep you abreast of the facts, Chief,
40:29the woman that was with us is out talking to the good guys right now.
40:32Yes, I thought she might.
40:38I'm so sorry. They must have overheard me.
40:41Don't sweat it.
40:43Ah, men and their guns.
40:46What a bore.
40:48If only we could turn the tables on them for once.
40:53She is beautiful, Chief.
40:56What are you gonna do with her?
40:58Keep her or destroy her?
41:11That gun is 70 years old.
41:15So is the Thompson, as your grandson knows.
41:20Still, you gotta figure the numbers twice.
41:23The chances of it still working,
41:25and the chances of it having a shell in the chamber.
41:32I can pay you well, you know.
41:34I know.
41:36Unfortunately, I'm priceless.
41:45Checking out Mr. and Mrs. Fox?
41:47Of course. Do you need any help with your bags?
41:49No, my husband will take care of that.
41:58Was everything all right for the two of you?
42:01Couldn't be more perfect.
42:03We found exactly what we were hoping we would.
42:07Thank you so much.
42:11You're everything I'd hoped you'd be.
42:13I was happy to do it, Aaron.
42:15Especially for the baby.
42:18I often have guest speakers come to my class.
42:22Is that right?
42:24That's right.
42:44Ancient history.
42:47Claudia, Sydney.
42:48Hold on.
42:50Gotta jam.
42:52What's up?
42:53Anything I should know about?
42:55Let's see.
42:56Mac's come out with this really cool new shade.
42:58It's kind of in the plum family.
43:00About school, Claudia.
43:05You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:13You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:14You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:15You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:16You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:17You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:18You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:19You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:20You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:21You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:22You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:23You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:24You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:25You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:26You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:27You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:28You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:29You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:30You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:31You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:32You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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43:44You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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43:49You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:50You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:51You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:52You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:53You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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43:58You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
43:59You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:00You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:01You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:02You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:03You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:04You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:05You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:06You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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44:09You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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44:11You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
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44:13You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:14You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:15You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:16You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:17You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:18You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:19You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:20You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:21You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:22You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:23You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:24You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:25You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:26You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:27You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:28You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:29You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:30You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:31You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:32You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:33You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:34You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:35You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:36You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:37You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:38You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:39You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:40You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:41You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.
44:42You know, I still cannot place this Capone guy.