Relic Hunter S01e03 The Headless Nun

  • 2 weeks ago
Relic Hunter S01e03 The Headless Nun


01:43We burned the village the chariots are sure to follow
03:00It got her head off
03:12Could not see that she was a nun
03:16She will explain that to God
03:30Hurry the villagers are coming
03:42Halifax tower, this is CA one three niner requesting a phone patch over
03:46Sydney where are you a few minutes from the coast? I'm gonna gas up in Halifax and head home. How'd it go?
03:52The settlement was untouched. I picked up some unbelievable pieces
03:57Rasmussen's crown
04:00Ian McKenzie was there looking for it, too. It wasn't easy giving him the slip, but I finally did well
04:06You were more determined as usual
04:08This time anyway, you don't give yourself enough credit
04:13Thanks Nigel got an ETA of 1,600 hours
04:19And where's Claudia in class?
04:22She doesn't have a Wednesday class no yoga class
04:27Call Blaine at the museum tell him the crowd is safe and sound and all his right will do
04:33Well, it should be plain sailing from here on in I mean flying. You know what I mean
04:39Roger that CA one three niner out
04:56Nice to see you I promise this to a Saudi Prince
05:38Give it back now, and I'll only break your right arm
06:49You're all right, it's just a slight concussion. That's all. Oh
06:55I thought I'd know you survived the crash
06:58Heaven's much nicer than this. I
07:01Hope you don't mind. We went through your things looking for some identification. We found your name on your passport
07:09When we searched the internet for more information, we found more than we ever could have imagined
07:15You're a relic hunter
07:17That's why you're here
07:20What's why I'm here you find things that are lost and we've been praying for someone to help us
07:26What are you looking for?
07:28sister Evangeline Oh
07:31Missing person is more the job of the police not in this case sister Evangeline disappeared 400 years ago
07:43Femalist revolution Nigel, I mean no more women in ugly shoes telling us
07:47We're just the same as men because I mean we're not we're different and we should enjoy it. I
07:53Mean, I love my breasts
07:56But we're also not different either which is also very cool. I
08:00Mean women are just as mean and horny and power-hungry as men are
08:06Maybe even more
08:08You don't look good
08:10Do you consider what it's all about?
08:14What what's all about
08:16Why we're here why we exist what really is the nature of our being I
08:25Know I'm asking questions that don't have answers. I never do that
08:32Ancient studies Sydney. Yo, yeah, he's here kind of
08:39Mm-hmm pick you up. Mm-hmm. Not at the airport at the what?
09:02Excuse me
09:05I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm lost. I'm
09:09I'm trying to get into town. Oh
09:11It's about two miles down the road turn left at the sign that says town
09:16Where are you going in town? Um, this is the mercy convent. Oh, um
09:20Turn left at the second set of lights right on Bathurst. It's about
09:25Two blocks down on your right. You really know your way around. I
09:29Live there
09:30You're a nun
09:32Don't worry, it's not contagious. No, of course. No, I'm sorry. It's just well
09:37You don't look like a nun the penguin thing back on black on black. I'm an idiot. No, you're normal
09:45People get into the habit of expecting habits. That's changed
09:50Can I give you a lift no, thank you. I've got another five miles to run training for a triathlon
10:45Excuse me sister. I was wondering if you could help
10:51You haven't
10:52Did you I mean I've been thinking about things as well, but God
10:58Well, that's the point of course, isn't it God, well, I I meant it only as an exclamation of emphasis not as anything derogatory
11:04Are you finished?
11:06Well, yes, I think so
11:09Are you okay? Relax. I just needed something to wear after the plane crash. I couldn't resist trying the whole thing on. What do you think?
11:16It looks hot
11:18How are you feeling? Fine God good. We're
11:23Booked on a plane out of Halifax change in plans. We're gonna stay and help the nuns find sister Evangeline sister Evangeline
11:29Well, just her body her head's buried under the statue
11:33Right, and they became separated because poor thing was murdered
11:38Just thought you'd like to know your clothes are dry and you must be Nigel. Hi
11:46The men responsible sailed over with Samuel Champlain the French Explorer. Mm-hmm
11:50No one knows what happened exactly but Champlain was shocked by the deed
11:54He executed the murders and gave all he owned to the nuns. Yes, he sailed back to France a man very
12:01spiritually confused I
12:03Had almost given up hope of finding her and then Sidney was delivered from the heavens
12:08Something like that sister. Do you have any idea where Champlain's fort was? Mm-hmm. They're standing on top of it
12:21The convent was built where the fort had been we discovered the remains when our foundation was being replaced
12:27The tunnels are remarkably intact. They've never been excavated. We wanted to of course, but the cost
12:34Maybe we can find something to start with
12:36Well, if you see sister Evangeline ask her to lend a hand you don't really believe that of course
12:42That sister Evangeline is here watching over us
12:47Never seen her but I've certainly felt her presence
12:51It's right down there just follow the foundation walls you mine. Oh help yourself. I'll get your rooms ready while you're working
13:02We're staying here
13:28Here we go again
13:50Watch your step
14:06This way
14:21Oh must be where the murderous went through last days
14:30Come back tomorrow bring some tools
14:43It's a sad fact of life, but the days of relying on charitable donations are a thing of the past
14:49How do you make ends meet sister fruitcakes and doilies
14:57Looks like Silicon Valley
15:00We compile and maintain databases for over 200 companies around the world
15:04You set this up
15:06Derek did a local builder knows the bank helped us get our loan
15:12Angels appear when you need them the most
15:15Sometimes they even land in your field
15:27Spoke to sister Mary. She said the washroom is the first door on the left and assured me. It is strictly a nun free zone
16:20There's been a mistake
16:22They said the this
16:24Facility there wouldn't be that there weren't supposed to be any women nuns people
16:29We were supposed to be nun free
16:31Hmm. Well, no one told me apparently not. I
16:36Have to leave now. No, no, you don't have to go. Yes, I do are very much
16:42I'm doing the shower
16:46You are I mean you are
16:51I think you were in the middle of brushing your teeth
16:56How's your room my room it's
17:00This is perfect
17:02And your bed
17:04my bed
17:08It's like yeah, absolutely
17:11None used to sleep on wooden planks. We've come a long way
17:15Leave your window open. The ocean breeze is lovely and you can hear the foghorn from the point. Well, that's a fog
17:21I'm English. I
17:25Make yourself at home. Thank you
17:29um, oh
17:35My god such a class
17:47Pray that is true
18:57I'm not exactly sure what I saw. I mean it was too dark to actually see a face
19:04If there was a face
19:06It was sister
19:08Evangeline she set that fire the fire department says it was probably caused by faulty wiring sister
19:14She's sending us a message. Well, if she did I wish she'd used email
19:23Sister Grace doesn't believe we should be involved in computers. I'm gonna go take a look around
20:03This fire wasn't an accident.
20:11C40 blasting cap or what's left of it.
20:13Where'd it come from?
20:14Over there.
20:15Someone used it to start the fire.
20:18How can you be so sure of that, miss?
20:22C40's used exclusively at construction sites.
20:25Since I haven't been whistled at all day, I think you need a cop out here.
20:28I am a cop.
20:30Then you'll be one of us.
20:33That fire could have burnt this place to the ground.
20:35If there's any chance that it was arson, you damn well find out who it is.
20:39You will.
20:43Oh, excuse me.
20:45We haven't been introduced.
20:46I'm Derek Bush.
20:47Oh, I've heard about you.
20:49You've done a lot for the sisters.
20:50Yeah, well, now it's a total loss.
20:54Mrs. Tremere was only a day away from signing an insurance policy.
20:58You're kidding.
21:00Well, I know the agent she was working with, so hopefully I can work something out.
21:05Can I ask you, why are you looking for Sister Evangeline?
21:09Part of what I do is search for relics.
21:12Every relic tells a human story, gives us insight into our lives.
21:17Sister Evangeline's life was a beautiful story.
21:20Well, 400 years is a long time.
21:22Yes, but Champlain's fort's never been touched.
21:25Maybe we'll be able to make a lead out of it.
21:28Well, look, let me know if there's anything I can do.
21:30I will.
21:36Last one.
21:39Give me your hand.
21:41Just a little more.
21:54Champlain's stockade.
21:56Looks like he had room for quite a few guests.
21:58Those were ratty times.
22:06Why is it prisoners always write on walls?
22:12Maybe when you're about to die, you want to leave something behind that lives on.
22:20It doesn't look like there's anything left here but bad memories.
22:30Now I have one of my own.
22:43Someone fancied himself an artist.
22:46A tree.
22:47Very good.
22:51The guy that killed Sister Evangeline was named Laforet.
22:55Forest in French.
23:19Got something.
23:20What is it?
23:37Emile Laforet.
23:55The cross must be where Sister Evangeline is buried.
23:58Why else would he put it on the map?
24:00If he didn't want anyone to know where she was, why did he draw a map at all?
24:08It must be Sister Mary or someone from the convent.
24:14Who's there?
24:25Is there anyone there?
24:26What was that?
24:33There it is again.
24:47Were you calling out for me?
24:55Horrible room.
24:58Cram really didn't pay back then.
25:01Laforet left this behind.
25:06It might lead us to Sister Evangeline.
25:18Watch your step, Sister.
25:19I'll be right back.
25:20Watch your step, Sister.
25:53Go, Sister, quickly!
26:06Would you sit down, Nigel?
26:07You're making me nervous.
26:08I'm fine.
26:09I'm fine.
26:10I'm fine.
26:11I'm fine.
26:12I'm fine.
26:13I'm fine.
26:14I'm fine.
26:15I'm fine.
26:16I'm fine.
26:17I'm fine.
26:18I'm fine.
26:20I don't feel like sitting, okay?
26:22I just came within inches of losing my head.
26:25It seems to happen a lot around here.
26:29That thing, how do you explain it?
26:31Whatever it was, it wasn't Sister Evangeline.
26:34Of course not.
26:35Sister Evangeline was a woman of peace.
26:36That could never change, regardless of what happened to her.
26:39Then what was it?
26:41The smarter this thing needs, the higher.
26:43That's very comforting.
26:46Take a look at this map.
26:47See the way it lays out?
26:49It's like looking at a constellation of stars.
26:52Connect the pictures with a line and it forms a triangle.
26:55With the cross at the apex.
26:57Sister Evangeline.
26:59La bouche diabolique.
27:01The devil's mouth.
27:03Does that mean anything to you, Sister?
27:05I'm afraid none of this does.
27:08Well, 400 years ago, the devil's mouth was probably another landmark.
27:13The only thing I do recognize is this rock formation.
27:16It's on the road leading out to the coast.
27:19Is there anyone here that knows what this area used to look like?
27:24You should talk to Paul.
27:26Is Paul an historian?
27:29Some important junk.
27:31Looked at them the wrong way, did I?
27:35Who knows how to build things at last?
27:37Don't care about nothing but the god almighty dollar.
27:41Sister Mary said your family's lived here for 300 years.
27:44Three hundred and sixty-seven.
27:46Been downhill most of that time.
27:50She thought you might help interpret this map.
27:56Perhaps this is a bad time.
28:00You might check the gas tank.
28:08Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
28:11Don't you want to talk?
28:12Where are you going to in such a hurry?
28:15There's a trouble with the world these days.
28:17Everybody's in a hurry.
28:23The windmill would have been in a Van Helsen place.
28:27Mini golf course.
28:31There's the rock formation that Sister Mary mentioned.
28:41The windmill would have been in a Van Helsen place.
28:43Windmill was there.
28:45Morton's Grove there.
28:46Spring to the right.
28:50When I was a youngster you'd come out here and see nothing but fields.
28:55Now you got a yacht club, housing estate.
28:59A golf club behind there.
29:01Sure it won't be long before Starbucks will be selling lattes to the mountain bikers.
29:07This is where the lines on the map come together.
29:10No cross, no tree.
29:12At least not one that looks 400 years old.
29:14Nothing that looks like a devil's mouth.
29:30The bloody bench is built on a tree stump.
29:38In its size it could be hundreds of years old.
29:59Sydney, is this sensible?
30:00I mean, it's a 200 foot drop.
30:02We're not jumping, Nigel. We're climbing down.
30:04Well, what if we slip, fall?
30:06There are rocks in the water and God knows what else.
30:08You're being negative.
30:09I'm being practical.
30:11This is a piece of cake. I've rappelled down hundreds of cliffs.
30:13That's why I have a hard time climbing out of a bunk bed.
30:15The secret is not to look down.
30:17That's what my father taught me the first time we climbed together.
30:19You ready?
30:23Come on, Nigel.
30:24I'm coming.
30:26I suppose I could try anything once.
30:41Devil's mouth.
30:51I was wrong.
30:53I can't do this.
30:54Not even once.
30:55How am I supposed not to look down when all there is is down?
30:59Just grab the rope and close your eyes.
31:02I can't do this.
31:03I can't do this.
31:04I can't do this.
31:05I can't do this.
31:06I can't do this.
31:07I can't do this.
31:08I can't do this.
31:09I can't do this.
31:10Right, good.
31:11Thanks very much for the advice.
31:20Are you coming or not?
31:24I'm coming.
31:26It kills with you.
31:39I never want to have to do anything like that again, Sydney.
31:44Paul says we've got about half an hour before the tide fills this up.
31:48Not much of a cave, is it?
32:06I stand corrected.
32:11I've never seen anything like it.
32:12It's immense.
32:19It's also a dead end.
32:24We, uh...
32:25We really should get back.
32:27I'm sure you're right.
32:32No, wait!
32:57A door.
33:41We haven't much time left.
33:42We should come back after the tide's gone out again.
33:47Well, ridiculous suggestion, of course.
33:53Looks like a cathedral.
34:19There's more than Sister Evangeline.
34:32Laforet must have figured he couldn't risk coming back here.
34:34He went after her, he chopped a nun's head off.
34:36He left a map for whoever he would send back to retrieve the treasure for him.
34:39It's a bloody fortune.
34:40Bloody might be the right word for it.
34:43What do you mean?
34:45No one leaves a fortune unprotected.
34:50Come on.
35:01Step around.
35:14This is a miracle.
35:15It certainly is.
35:16I could have been killed.
35:17We found Sister Evangeline.
35:18Well, what's left of her, at any rate.
35:19And enough money to get the nuns all the computers they need for another four hundred years.
35:20I'm afraid their credit's already shot.
35:21This is what I meant by more here than I thought.
35:22I'm sorry.
35:23I'm sorry.
35:24I'm sorry.
35:25I'm sorry.
35:26I'm sorry.
35:27I'm sorry.
35:28I'm sorry.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:30I'm sorry.
35:31I'm sorry.
35:32I'm sorry.
35:33I'm sorry.
35:34I'm sorry.
35:35I'm sorry.
35:36I'm sorry.
35:37I'm sorry.
35:38I'm sorry.
35:39I'm sorry.
35:40I'm sorry.
35:41I'm sorry.
35:42I'm sorry.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:44I'm sorry.
35:45I'm sorry.
35:46I'm sorry.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:52I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:54I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12I'm sorry.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14I'm sorry.
36:15I'm sorry.
36:16I'm sorry.
36:17I'm sorry.
36:18I'm sorry.
36:19I'm sorry.
36:20I'm sorry.
36:21I'm sorry.
36:22I'm sorry.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:24I'm sorry.
36:25I'm sorry.
36:26I'm sorry.
36:27I'm sorry.
36:28I'm sorry.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:30I'm sorry.
36:31I'm sorry.
36:32I'm sorry.
36:33I'm sorry.
36:34I'm sorry.
36:35I'm sorry.
36:36I'm sorry.
36:37I'm sorry.
36:38I'm sorry.
36:39I'm sorry.
36:40I'm sorry.
36:41I'm sorry.
36:59She's not gonna be happy.
37:00Pull sister Mary's a survivor.
37:02She'll get over it.
37:04I was talking about Sister Evangeline.
37:06You're making a big mistake.
37:08There are some things you don't mess around with.
37:11Oh, I worry about a lot of things.
37:14But a nun who's been dead for 400 years is not one of them.
37:17Hurry up!
37:18You're gonna be underwater in a few minutes.
37:21You know that miracle you were talking about, Sydney?
37:24I could sure use another one.
37:29What the hell's that?
37:31The wind.
37:32That's not the wind.
37:33No, it's not.
37:34You shut up!
37:35That's the damn wind!
37:38Oh, shit!
38:26That was the wind, wasn't it?
38:39Oh, my God.
38:50She's at peace now.
38:53Thanks to you.
38:55We've got a lot to thank Sister Vangeline for.
38:58She is amazing.
39:01I'm gonna go pack our stuff.
39:09You know, it's...
39:12It's well known that Sister Vangeline had a strong voice
39:15and a fierce temper.
39:20400 years ago?
39:24400 years ago.
39:29Do you really believe it was her?
39:33Belief is a mysterious thing, Nigel.
39:36If we could prove what we believed in,
39:39it wouldn't be a belief anymore.
39:41We would know.
39:44I can't prove it was Sister Vangeline.
39:51if you believe strongly enough, Nigel, anything's possible.
39:56Anything and everything.
40:03I'm back.
40:05Have you heard the Lilith Fair CD?
40:08I'm back?
40:12I was gone.
40:14I was gone.
40:16I was gone.
40:18I was gone.
40:20I was gone.
40:22I was gone.
40:24I was gone.
40:26I was gone.
40:28I was gone.
40:30I was gone.
40:33Okay, what about the Lilith Fair CD?
40:36Isn't it amazing? I mean, women celebrating women.
40:39It's, like, completely empowering.
40:41Like, totally.
40:44Please get me a cup of tea.
40:46I don't think so.
40:48Excuse me?
40:49No tea.
40:51What, are we out?
40:54Then what?
40:55I don't get tea, Sydney.
40:58Tea, uh, what about coffee?
41:00No coffee.
41:02No juice, no milk, not anymore.
41:06Might I ask why, Claudia?
41:08It's a form of gender enslavement.
41:10I mean, you're only asking me to do this because I'm a woman.
41:13No, I'm asking you because I'm the woman you work for and you're my assistant.
41:19My point exactly.
41:24Speaking of subservient, where's Nigel?
41:27He won't be available for a while.
41:29Where is he?
41:35Ours is a silent order.
41:37We ask that our visitors completely refrain from talking while they wait.
41:40Of course, of course.
41:41We find we hear so much more when we're not talking.
41:44Oh, yes, well, of course, that's why I've come, to hear my own voice.
41:50You're on a spiritual journey.
41:52I suppose I am, just embarking.
41:56Go slowly.
41:57It can be a little unsettling at first.
42:07One thing, just before I start.
42:12Is there a phone?
42:18Just in the Monsignor's office.
42:25It's just that I'm having second thoughts, Sydney.
42:28Talking's not allowed.
42:30Apparently we eat in our rooms.
42:31I'm going to be alone every single minute of the day and night.
42:34I'm just not sure I'm ready for this.
42:36It's like running a bloody marathon before learning how to walk.
42:42Claudia, what does she want?
42:44You and I need to stick together, Nigel.
42:46I mean, when you think about it, we're both oppressed.
42:49Well, you're repressed as well, which is even worse.
42:52But anyway, these servants' tasks we're performing are just demeaning ourselves.
42:55I mean, I was watching this Limp Bizkit video last night with this guy,
42:58and he asks me to give him a shoulder rub because he's got this pain in his...
43:22I don't know.
43:52I don't know.
44:22I don't know.