El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 31 Completo en Español

  • 4 days ago
El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 31 Completo en Español
00:17lull in
00:29I don't know.
00:31What are you two doing together tonight?
00:37I was calling you, but you weren't answering.
00:41I was waiting to see you here with Antonio.
00:45It's true.
00:47You love him. You're still in love with him.
00:49Aurora called me for something else.
00:51Don't get the wrong idea.
00:53You know what? Stay with him.
00:55No, stay with him. Let's go, guys.
01:00Good night.
01:01We didn't say anything.
01:02Nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:12The alcohol didn't do him any good.
01:14No, nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:27What are you doing here?
01:29What do you care? Eat your cake.
01:32Is that why you go to school?
01:34That's where you learned to speak in such a rude and vulgar way?
01:38This is how you respect your elders?
01:40What's wrong with you? You're not even a Spanish teacher.
01:43I'm going to slap you in the face as if you were a Spanish teacher.
01:46So you understand.
01:49Mr. Julio.
01:51Mr. Julio.
01:52Mr. Julio.
01:53Mr. Julio.
01:54Mr. Julio.
01:55Mr. Julio.
01:56Mr. Juventino left the store and hasn't come back.
02:00Hey, hey, hey. You're not going anywhere.
02:02I saw you keep some cell phones here.
02:04Put them in your backpack.
02:05Leave my backpack!
02:06There must be some cell phones here that I saw you keeping.
02:09Here they are.
02:13And they're from Diablo.
02:15What's up with these cell phones?
02:17Very cheap and all, but it's good that you're a rat.
02:20I'm not going to Las Flores.
02:22There was a last-minute inconvenience
02:25in the construction company Diablo Volar in Cancun.
02:28I'm not going to have breakfast here.
02:30I'm not going to have breakfast with Demian either.
02:33I hope it doesn't get worse.
02:38I have to tell you something important.
02:40Tell me.
02:42Yesterday, Demian asked me to marry him.
02:46And I said yes.
02:47Yesterday, Demian asked me to marry him.
02:51Yes, of course you said yes.
02:54Let's see.
02:55If I've given you time to think things over,
02:57it's because I simply...
02:58Because I love him, Dad.
03:01I agreed to marry him.
03:03You can't marry Demian.
03:05You don't love him, Selena.
03:07Do you want to make the same mistake I made?
03:10Of course I don't want to make the same mistakes as you.
03:12Then yes, daughter.
03:13I know you didn't love my mom, but I do love Demian.
03:18You're cheating on me, honey.
03:22Who do you love?
03:23That's the boy.
03:32How was the party, Dad?
03:36Don't tell me anything.
03:41I'm stupid.
03:44And I behaved like a jerk.
03:47Like a teenager.
03:50Like a drunkard.
03:52What did you do, Dad?
03:58It's just that...
04:03Yes, you're right, Julio Cesar.
04:07The best thing is that we don't continue our relationship.
04:20Now what, Pinzas?
04:22You're giving us a hard time.
04:24Let me help you.
04:26No, I can't do it alone.
04:27Please, give me a chance.
04:29No, no.
04:30Those kids are so ungrateful.
04:32What kids?
04:33Angel's son and Pascual's son.
04:37Let him take care of his own problems.
04:39Let me go!
04:40You're very sick of that horrible disease, comadre.
04:43You shouldn't get tired.
04:44What are you talking about?
04:45What disease?
04:46Didn't they tell you?
04:48Oh, comadre.
04:49You have a very ugly, incurable disease.
04:53Worse than cancer.
04:55What are you talking about?
04:57What level are we at in the market?
05:01What happened?
05:03What did you do to my mom?
05:04She had a heart attack!
05:05Angel, help me!
05:07Angel, help me!
05:14Mother, what's wrong?
05:15Please, answer me. Open your eyes.
05:17Mother, I'm here with you.
05:19Do something! Move!
05:20Call an ambulance!
05:23Hello, honey.
05:25I'm here, mother.
05:27Son, can you leave us alone for a moment, please?
05:37Aurora, don't make my dad suffer.
05:41If you don't love him, leave him alone and leave, please.
05:45Enough, Luis Alberto. Please, leave us alone.
05:53What's going on with you?
05:56You're behaving like a teenager. What's going on?
06:00Look, I don't have the face to apologize, but I'm sorry.
06:06You have to understand that...
06:07Understand? Understand what?
06:10If you're not sure of what I feel for you,
06:13it's best if we solve it once and for all.
06:16I already told you that I love you.
06:19That's the problem.
06:20That's the problem.
06:21You love me, but you don't love me.
06:24Okay, that doesn't justify me behaving like an idiot.
06:34Aurora, I love you.
06:37Really, I don't want to lose you.
06:43Move, Pintas, go with Mr. Palmiro so he can take us to the car.
06:47I'm coming, I'm coming.
06:48Move them!
06:50An ambulance, please! Help us!
06:56Dad, you can't get into my heart and say that I love Ángel just like that.
07:01You're disrespecting me.
07:02Let's see, who's disrespecting you?
07:04His heart is not yours, honey.
07:06Dad, let's see, I sacrificed many things for your happiness.
07:10I lived bitter, alone, sad and abandoned my luck
07:13while you did everything to conquer Patricia.
07:18I don't want to live in the shadow of what happened to you.
07:21And I don't want you to tell me that I'm making a mistake
07:23and that life is going to take it from me like it did with you.
07:26What's wrong with you?
07:27I'm not saying that.
07:28Yes, you are, but in a different way.
07:31If I fail, it's going to be my responsibility
07:33because I'm not a girl anymore.
07:35I'm a woman who just wants to be happy.
07:39And in Demian, who I've known for a long time,
07:43I can find my happiness.
07:45I mean, I'm making a mistake.
07:48I'm telling lies.
07:49You don't love Ángel anymore.
07:51Dad, Ángel and I are very different.
07:53And since when do you care about social classes?
07:56I'm not talking about that, but about something else.
07:58About what?
07:59Look, look, it's okay, honey.
08:00It's okay, I'm not going between them anymore.
08:02I have nothing against Demian.
08:04He's a good boy, yes.
08:06And I only care about you being happy, my love.
08:09I will be.
08:11I will support you in everything you decide.
08:13In everything.
08:14Because I love you.
08:17I really wish Demian would be the man of your life.
08:36¿Dónde andabas, Rolas?
08:38I went to the stationery store for a Muppamundi
08:40that I forgot to buy.
08:43¿Y para eso llevaste la mochila, papito?
08:47Porque aquí llevaba el dinero.
08:50¿A ti te pasa algo?
08:54Yo no ando de ratero.
08:55Solo estoy jugando a las escondidas.
08:57Y tampoco estoy ciego, porque todavía veo.
09:00¿Ah, sí?
09:01¿A poco ya le dicen así a robar?
09:03No, no te me acerques.
09:04Yo no me estoy metiendo contigo.
09:07Me gusta que seas valiente.
09:10Me gusta, Rolas, ¿eh?
09:11Pero te tienes que andar con cuidado.
09:13A pesar de todo, no me caes tan mal.
09:16Por eso no te metas en problemas con este viejo gañán.
09:19Así empezamos todos y luego ya no tenemos salida.
09:42Papito, tú sabes que cuentas conmigo siempre.
09:47Si tienes algún problema, dímelo, ¿sí?
09:49Y lo resolvemos juntos.
09:52Ándale, apúrate que ya se está haciendo tarde.
10:01¿Sabes si tu hermano ya se fue al trabajo?
10:05¡Bájale la tele, por favor!
10:08¿Pero qué maña es la tuya de ver la tele a todo volumen?
10:17Mi carnal se fue a buscar a mi jefa que se fue al mercado,
10:20pero me dijo que se fue temprano a la chamba a pedir permiso
10:23y no sé qué.
10:30Compadre, el ángel se llevó a la comadre al hospital.
10:33¡Es que se puso bien mal, compadrito!
10:35¡Diosito santo, mi vijita! ¿A qué hospital?
10:37¡Mi jefecita, mi mamita!
10:39¡Se la llevaron en el carro de un tal don Palmiro
10:42al mismo hospital donde le hicieron los estudios, compadrito!
10:45Bueno, vámonos.
10:54De verdad, lamento mucho lo que pasó anoche.
10:58Pero si Antonio no se aleja, voy a tener que ponerle en su lugar.
11:03Aclaro, no estoy hablando de violencia.
11:07Hablo de defenderte a ti, de defender nuestro amor.
11:12Es ahora cuando nos estamos conociendo de verdad.
11:16Estamos tratando de entender a Luis Alberto
11:19y Antonio se convierte en un problema más entre nosotros.
11:25Si de verdad tú y yo estamos pretendiendo y queremos formar un lugar,
11:29pues voy a tener que tomar otras medidas con él.
11:33A ver, sí te entiendo.
11:36Pero no dudes de mi amor.
11:40Para mí esa palabra, amor,
11:43significa mucho.
11:46Porque todas las personas a las que he amado
11:49me han engañado.
11:51Mi padre,
11:54mi hermana y mi sobrino.
11:57Solamente me han lastimado, me han rechazado,
12:01me han hecho mentiras.
12:02Y eso, eso me ha causado mucho dolor.
12:06Y así no quiero.
12:11No voy a volver a dudarte, tu amor.
12:15Voy a hacer todo lo posible
12:18para construir un hogar,
12:20un lugar donde te sientas segura
12:23y donde nunca
12:24jamás te vuelvan a lastimar.
12:29¿Ya te lavaste los dientes?
12:30Sí, ma.
12:31Oye, ma.
12:32A ver, ven.
12:33¿Quién era el señor que vino anoche?
12:35Ya te dije que es un amigo que se llama Edgar.
12:38¿Y por qué siempre invitas a puros compañeros de trabajo
12:41y no a compañeras?
12:43Pues porque no tengo muchas amigas en el trabajo.
12:46¿Es verdad lo que dijo el morro el otro día?
12:49¿Que mamá anda consiguiendo papá?
12:51Ay, no hagas caso de lo que dice ese bueno para nada.
12:54Y ya apúrate porque todavía hay que ir por Anito.
12:59Oye, mami.
13:01¿Es malo robar?
13:03Claro que es malo robar, papito.
13:05Es que el morro anda diciendo que soy un ratero.
13:08Que no le hagas caso a ese tarado.
13:10Voy a tener que ir a ponerle su estate quieto
13:12para que no te ande levantando falsos, mi amor.
13:15Ya, córrele, vámonos de aquí.
13:17Jefecita chula.
13:19Aquí estoy con usted.
13:23¿Qué tiene? ¿Por qué no despierta?
13:25¡Dígame algo!
13:26Hay que estabilizar su porción arterial.
13:28Hágase a un lado, por favor.
13:30Doctora, mi jefa.
13:31Ayúdela, por favor.
13:33Lo siento, pero no puedo entrar a esta área.
13:36Doctora, haga algo por ella, por favor.
13:38Salve a mi madre.
13:40Demián ya le dio anillo de compromiso a Elena.
13:43Te dije que no me interesa tener nada con Demián.
13:46No es si quieres, estúpida.
13:49Tú tienes que hacer lo que yo te diga.
13:51¿Ya te saliste mucho del Huacal
13:53conviviendo con esos tontos?
14:08¿Qué te pasa con esos empleaduchos mugrosos?
14:11Ay, no.
14:13¡Que te levantes, floja!
14:16Mamá, no me pegues.
14:18¡No me pegues!
14:19Ya no soy una niña, mamá, ¡ya!
14:23¿Ya te saliste con la tuya diciendole a Antonio
14:25que nosotras somos las de la foto?
14:27¡Suéltame, suéltame!
14:31A ver, ¿a quién le pides ayuda, eh, traidora?
14:35Esto es para que aprendas
14:37I can't leave you alone on the street.
14:40Elena! Antonio!
14:43Elena! Antonio!
14:47Oh, there's no one at home. Scream all you want.
14:50What's wrong with you? I hate you. You're a monster.
14:54Oh, I'm glad you hate me.
14:57I already told you to get up and fix yourself.
15:00Let's see, if not your sister Astrid is going to go out with hers.
15:05I don't want to hate a whole world like you.
15:07Oh, please. You've always been jealous of Elena.
15:11She was born in a golden cradle and you in a posylla.
15:15And not only that, she has the best game, Demian.
15:19But I wanted a sister and you forced me to hate her.
15:23To be jealous of her.
15:25It's because you're a stupid who doesn't know anything.
15:28Elena is turning you around.
15:30Why do you think she's friends with Aurora?
15:34A pair of climbing monsters.
15:50Angel, I want to see my little girl.
15:56She's inside with the doctor.
15:57And what did they tell you? When can we see her?
15:59How is my comadre?
16:01The boss is fine. She just passed out.
16:03But why did she pass out?
16:05I don't know. I left the house and saw my boss talking to Pintas.
16:09I got up when I got there. She was about to pass out.
16:14How is my mother?
16:15She's fine. Don't worry.
16:17She passed out as a result of lack of food.
16:22In her condition, it is very important that she eats very well and doesn't skip her meals.
16:27I'm glad you brought her. She has to start her treatment.
16:30Can we see the doctor?
16:31Yes, but she asked to see her husband first.
16:35I'll be right back.
16:38Excuse me.
16:41Brother, what did the doctor say?
16:43That because of her condition, my mother had to eat better?
16:46What are they hiding from me?
16:49Don't worry, sister. Everything will be fine.
16:52We have to be strong for our coffees.
16:55Well, now it's raining on them.
17:00What did you tell my mother to get so bad?
17:02Nothing. I swear on the cross.
17:06Don't wait for me in vain.
17:08I'm going to punish you. And with good reason.
17:11Why did you tell her to take migraine?
17:13No, I didn't.
17:14I just found it on the street and she told me she was very sorry.
17:20Well, I'm on your side.
17:26No, well, now the expenses are going to be very strong if they intern your mother.
17:36Well, if I had money, I would lend it to you, but you know I'm broke.
17:49You were the sigh that entered, turned my heart and you followed
18:05Advancing through my whole body and you don't stop leaving
18:13And here I still think of you
18:19I don't know if I'm going to get used to it, no
18:26You and I are of equal souls that managed to meet
18:37Writing a new verse
18:42And it is that we are auroras in the sky
18:47Illuminating the moments
18:53In a parallel world
18:59I know that there is that place
19:03Where we can meet again
19:22Good morning, Cassandra. Do you look good today?
19:45I just saw my whole life go by in less than four seconds.
19:53And it's very boring.
19:58It's amazing that at my age, my dad thinks he can tell me if I can marry Demian or not.
20:04On the one hand, I understand your dad. He knows, right?
20:07That the time I gave you with Demian was because something was not working, right?
20:12Yes, but he doesn't have to tell me that I'm in love with Ángel either.
20:16And aren't you in love with Ángel?
20:19Obviously it's not love. It was pure attraction, something temporary and that's it.
20:24Oh my God, how good! You don't know how relieved I feel right now.
20:29Come in.
20:32Good morning. Good morning, miss. Sorry to interrupt you.
20:37Don't worry, ma'am. You never interrupt. How can I help you?
20:41Do you think we can talk for a moment? I promise not to entertain you too much.
20:46Of course. Please sit down.
20:49I'm going with Ángel to check the financing proposal for the parade.
21:00Someday you're going to pay me, mom.
21:30And the door is painted or what?
21:33Soon I will have what you asked me.
21:34But you are taking more time because the person from the hospital of the other state is asking for more money.
21:41Oh, for God's sake, I was not born yesterday. You are going to share the money with him.
21:45No, how?
21:47No, it's fine, I don't care. As long as you do what I asked you.
21:51Remember that it has to be six months, maximum seven.
22:01Jess, at three o'clock you have lunch with Mr. Reynoso.
22:05At 5.30 you have a visit to your sister's association.
22:09No, cancel it. It won't be necessary anymore.
22:12Has Aurora arrived?
22:14No. Who arrived was your son. Excuse me.
22:31Six months, do you think it's good?
22:39Let's talk later, Julio.
22:41We have many things pending.
22:47Don't doubt my love, please.
22:50No, no, no, I'm embarrassed.
22:52Taking you to Serenata, singing with Gloria Aquiles.
22:56Thank you, my love, I loved it.
22:59But right now what matters is to fix everything regarding Detective Rocha.
23:04That miserable.
23:07How could he do this to you after everything you helped him?
23:11There is no point in mortifying yourself.
23:14We can't even complain to him now.
23:17I'm going to talk to Elena to help me write a statement about it.
23:21I'm going with Damien to sign a document.
23:24See you in a while, okay?
23:31Oh, Mr. Aurora.
23:33Oh, excuse me, can I talk to you?
23:36Of course, tell me.
23:45I don't care if you lose my contracts.
23:47I'm not going to leave you alone.
23:50But it's very important to me.
23:59I'm telling you, those guys from La Bienvenida didn't even give me a sad chocolate.
24:04Of course, if my Pepe La Hierba lived, another rooster would sing to me.
24:09Which is not the same as if Lupe La Tripa lived.
24:12That would be very bad, miss.
24:14Which of the two did you love more, Espe?
24:17My Pepe La Hierba was like Mexico.
24:20Well, I mean, like him, there are no two, miss.
24:24You never loved two men, miss?
24:29I see you very happy with the young Damien.
24:32He is a good boy, respectful, charming, faithful.
24:38He even gave me the ring of commitment.
24:41I knew it!
24:42I knew it!
24:44I knew it! How beautiful!
24:47But those red eyes we talked about are things of the past, right?
24:55Miss Elena, I got happier for the ring.
24:59No, of course I'm happy, Mrs. Espe.
25:02It's just that I haven't fallen in love.
25:06Mrs. Espe, I don't know what to do.
25:09I don't know what to do.
25:11What's wrong, honey?
25:14I'm sure of the love Damien has for me, but...
25:20But you're not sure you feel love for Mr. Damien, are you?
25:26Then that means your heart belongs to someone else.
25:30It belongs to Angel.
25:34If you don't love young Damien,
25:36I advise you not to get married.
25:38And break that commitment, daughter.
25:43Oh, sorry to interrupt you, Elena, but Angel hasn't arrived.
25:47They called him and he said he was in the hospital because his mother got sick.
25:57I'm only going to be here for an hour and then I'm going to the association with Aurora.
26:01Yes, I know that Aurora over there and Aurora over here.
26:04Hey, what's wrong with you?
26:06It's just that I wouldn't have liked to have reconciled with her.
26:09The truth is no, Dad.
26:11Aurora is lying to you and she doesn't trust me.
26:14What are you saying?
26:16That she doesn't love you, Dad.
26:18She's only using you to help her, but she really loves a guy named Antonio.
26:24How do you know that?
26:26I heard it from someone in the company.
26:29If Aurora convinced you otherwise in three minutes, not me anymore.
26:33No, it's just that she hasn't convinced me of anything.
26:36I love her and we're just trying to build something, nothing more.
26:40Well, I don't agree with you getting married to her anymore.
26:49I'm sorry to meddle, but you're right.
26:53Aurora still loves Antonio.
26:58I appreciate what you do, but you shouldn't cancel your trip.
27:01No, Mom, I'm not going to leave you again.
27:07Casandra, then tell Margarita to come in, please.
27:10Margarita went to the reception downstairs because they called her urgently.
27:17Sorry to come in like this, Aurora, but Dad, what are you doing here?
27:21My partner went to Cancun instead of me.
27:25Aurora, I need to go out.
27:26Aurora, I need to go out.
27:28Angel's mom got very sick and I just hung out with him and he sounded very worried.
27:33He says he's afraid of the worst.
27:35Angel's mom?
27:37Well, let's go, I'll take you.
27:38No, no, please, I'll do it.
27:40I'll do it.
27:49Look, you scared us.
27:53How are you going to pay for all this?
27:56You should have taken me to the insurance company.
27:58No, don't think about that right now.
28:00We'll fix it.
28:02It won't reach us.
28:04That's why you have to tell Angel the whole truth, old man.
28:08No, no, never.
28:11It's not fair what we're doing to that poor woman.
28:18Look at me, Pascual.
28:21Mrs. Aurora is suffering because of us.
28:24That's not true.
28:26Yes, it's true, Pascual.
28:29Our infinite love for Angel has led us to commit a crime.
28:35And I'm going to die.
28:38Don't say that, old woman.
28:41We have to return Angel to his real mother.
28:55I already signed Julio Cesar the documents for the commitment payment with the bank.
28:59Okay, very good.
29:01And you have to know that I already gave the ring of commitment to Elena.
29:05And she accepted it with pleasure.
29:07And is she going to marry Pantalon in Esclilla?
29:10Or are you going to go to the neighborhood where that...
29:12What's his name?
29:15What, Angel?
29:18Are you going to go to his neighborhood with Pantalon in Esclilla?
29:20What, Angel?
29:23Are you going to go to his neighborhood to buy him his wedding dress?
29:29Oh, it's a joke, my love.
29:31You know, I was even going to make a scandal at my aunt for hiring him for human resources, but...
29:40But, no, forget it.
29:41Maybe I won't tell you my plans, Mom.
29:43Oh, don't tell me anything.
29:44Anyway, I always find out everything.
29:46No, no.
29:47Even if you sleep with Edgar, you won't get anything.
29:49He doesn't even know.
29:52Angel got in between Elena and me.
29:55She even kissed him.
29:59Elena kissed a poor man.
30:02And you're going to marry her?
30:05Calm down.
30:08Oh, I don't know if you're very narcissistic or very old.
30:13Keep going, Mom.
30:14Keep going.
30:15You make fun of me.
30:16Make fun of me all you want.
30:17At the end of the day, that snob, just like he got here, is going to leave.
30:24And why don't you just disappear?
30:29Why are you looking at me like that?
30:31Well, deep down you want it.
30:34They're going to kill him.
30:36I know who can do you that favor.
30:59How's your mom?
31:06Very sad, ma'am.
31:10She's dying.
31:17She's dying.
31:37Thank you for coming.
31:40You're going to make me feel better.
31:41You'll see.
31:43Thank you, Mrs. Aurora.
31:44You have nothing to thank me for, Angel.
31:46Everything's going to be fine.
31:51Where's Pintas?
31:52He left with him.
31:56My mom's okay.
31:58And my dad's with her.
32:00She gave us a terrible fright.
32:02And did they do the tests to find out why she passed out?
32:06So they already know what's wrong with her?
32:14Son, your mom wants to see you.
32:17I also want to go in, Dad.
32:19Yes, my daughter.
32:20Only that you can have a visit at the same time.
32:23It looks like she's only going to stay a few hours
32:25and then they'll kick her out.
32:28You see?
32:30It looks like it was just a scare, right?
32:32Well, look, boy.
32:33If you need us, we're here.
32:35And don't worry about the money.
32:37That's not a problem.
32:39Mrs. Victoria will receive all the attention she needs
32:42and the money is not a problem.
32:45Thank you very much.
32:48I'm going with my mom.
33:05Son, I don't want to fight with you,
33:07but you're behaving like a child.
33:10Calm down.
33:11I'm just going to say goodbye to Aurora
33:12and we're going to look for her at the university, okay?
33:14No, no, no, lawyer.
33:15If you go to Mrs. Aurora's office, she's not there.
33:18She left.
33:19She left?
33:21It looks like she went to eat with Mr. Antonio
33:23and his daughter, Helena.
33:27Ask them where they went, Dad.
33:30So you make them feel bad.
33:43The last thing I want to think about is that guy.
33:46I'm not happy, Mom.
33:48Are you telling me to have him killed?
33:51You're a gangster.
33:54But hey, if I need your services, I'll let you know.
34:01Can I know who your salary killer is?
34:06I think I know.
34:07El Pinto.
34:09Don't you dare say that name again.
34:11What, El Pintas?
34:12Yes, get out and get off the desk.
34:14A vice president doesn't raise his feet.
34:17And I'm tired of you talking to me with irony and disrespect.
34:20I'm your only support.
34:23And don't laugh.
34:24I'm the only person who knows who you are
34:26and what you're capable of.
34:29This is the last thing I expected from you, Dad.
34:31You're getting rid of me because you can't get rid of Aurora, right?
34:34No, no, no, no, no.
34:35It's your way of saying things, of doing things.
34:39You disrespect everyone.
34:40My relationship with her.
34:42Aren't you ashamed?
34:43Go away.
34:44That all employees take into account the kind of dad you are?
34:48Sir, why don't you go to the meeting room and fix your things there?
34:52Don't meddle in what doesn't concern you.
34:53Hey, don't meddle in what doesn't concern you.
34:58You dropped the mask, Dad.
35:00Because I'm sure
35:02that you and Aurora
35:04knew each other before my mom died.
35:07And then they say I'm the one in the circus.
35:10Sandra, what happened?
35:12Something horrible and terrible.
35:14But since I'm already away from gossip, I can't say anything.
35:16Sandra, don't get like that.
35:18Guys, please come.
35:20Come on.
35:21Yes, yes, yes, yes.
35:24Take Alberto to the car.
35:25I'm not a child.
35:26And these two
35:28are not my babysitters either.
35:31Please, go.
35:32Go, go, go.
35:33Come on, come on, Gloria.
35:34Child, child, wait.
35:36This is a scandal, Julio Cesar.
35:40So that insolent boy is your son?
35:45You are not a perfect father.
35:51Calm down.
35:55Calm down, Mom.
35:57It was a joke.
35:58Stupid joke.
36:01It can hurt you to get mad like that.
36:03I still don't understand
36:05why you want to pretend
36:06that you are a dangerous woman.
36:08I don't think you can kill someone.
36:10Or do you?
36:13No, I think you're lucky.
36:15You die alone.
36:17Like Detective Rocha.
36:18Did you tell the police
36:19all the detective's information?
36:22Or did you hire someone
36:23to run him over?
36:26You just said it.
36:28I'm not capable of doing something like that.
36:32Dead the dog,
36:33no more anger.
36:35Was that it?
36:38Be very clear, Mom.
36:41The naked dog
36:42is the last of my worries.
36:45The naked dog
36:46is the last of my worries
36:47right now.
36:48I don't care.
36:50There is no small enemy, Demian.
36:52And that naked dog,
36:53as you can see,
36:55is your aunt's new protégé.
36:58Well, it's not just
36:59that my aunt Aurora
37:00is also falling in love
37:01with young people, Mom.
37:03Like you.
37:05Because you like young people
37:06and fools.
37:08Oh, my love.
37:10The one who likes Angel is
37:14And be careful,
37:15because, as they say in the neighborhood,
37:18they're going to kill you.
37:21My son.
37:29Deep down, you want him.
37:31Have him killed.
37:33I know who can do you that favor.
37:37Oh, don't listen
37:38to that third-rate actress.
37:40All children have differences
37:41with their parents
37:42at some point in their lives.
37:44I already knew
37:45you had a son.
37:46And it wasn't Aquiles
37:47or Glorio
37:48who told me.
37:50Thank you, Cassandra.
37:53But my son
37:54has been very strange lately.
37:56Have we managed to be okay?
37:59maybe someone
38:00is giving him the wrong advice,
38:04But who?
38:05These guys?
38:07Maybe Jess
38:08can help him.
38:10Yes, Abel.
38:11I hope that woman
38:12has nothing to do
38:13with all this.
38:14Those who probably know
38:15are Aquiles and Glorio.
38:21Jess has everything to do with it.
38:23She's giving him the wrong advice.
38:27Angel inspires me
38:28with a lot of tenderness.
38:30He's such a good son,
38:31so good with his parents.
38:34I don't know,
38:35but I feel him close to me.
38:38Come on,
38:40something like this
38:41shouldn't happen.
38:43Look, not with
38:45his spontaneous hug,
38:47his way of being
38:48so transparent.
38:51Look, I've helped
38:52many young people in my life,
38:54and that inspires me
38:55to move forward.
38:58But Angel,
39:00Angel has something special.
39:04I confess to you
39:05that the affection
39:06I feel for him
39:07is spontaneous,
39:08it's something that worries me.
39:09No, no, no.
39:12have you met his parents?
39:14Yes, once I went to see Elena
39:15and I met them.
39:17They are simple people,
39:18honest people,
39:19very good people.
39:22Excuse me.
39:24Nice to meet you.
39:25I'm Antonio Morrieta,
39:26Elena's father.
39:30If you want,
39:31I can take you
39:32to the office with me.
39:34And I can ask your daddy
39:35for permission.
39:36No, I'm not going to move
39:37until my mom comes out.
39:39They're going to kick her out today.
39:41And you have to eat something.
39:43Do you want a hamburger?
39:45I don't want my mom to get sick.
39:49Daddy, I miss my mom.
39:52Your mommy is already
39:53resting, my girl.
39:55We have to be strong.
39:57I don't want to be strong,
39:58I love my mom.
39:59I love my mom.
40:07You're not going to leave me alone,
40:08right, dad?
40:09No, daughter.
40:10Everything will be fine.
40:22Don't go, dad.
40:29You won't be alone, Anita.
40:32I promise you.
40:33No one is going to hurt you.
40:37It's not the first time
40:38Viquita has lost her mind.
40:41But she's always been alone.
40:43Someone told me
40:44she had a biopsy.
40:46A biopsy?
40:52I have to talk to you
40:53about something very important.
41:00Leave me alone.
41:01You and my dad
41:02want to treat me
41:03like a child.
41:04Then don't behave like one.
41:06Besides, we're not your babysitters.
41:08Tell us first
41:09what happened.
41:10My dad hit me
41:11because of Audora.
41:12That woman is a harpy.
41:13I hate her.
41:14She's not a harpy.
41:15The only harpy here
41:17is Isabel Campero.
41:18I know you like her
41:19and all that stuff,
41:20but that woman
41:21is not Fiarra.
41:27My beautiful son.
41:29I scared you, didn't I?
41:31Don't worry about me,
41:32beautiful mom.
41:35I'll take care of you
41:36so this never
41:37happens to you again.
41:43I'll miss you.
41:47don't say that.
41:50You'll be here
41:51to see your grandchildren.
41:55Yes, my beautiful son.
41:57I'll live a hundred years.
42:00And I'll go with you
42:01to the altar
42:02the day you get married.
42:04And you'll be healthy
42:05and beautiful
42:06and more beautiful
42:07than your girlfriend.
42:09And I'll be out of here
42:10in a few hours, Mom.
42:12That's great, son.
42:14Is Anita out?
42:16Oh, my poor girl.
42:19Yes, she's with my dad
42:20and Elena.
42:22My little girl
42:23was very scared.
42:24But Elena
42:25was pampering her.
42:26Mr. Antonio's dad
42:27also came
42:28and Mrs. Aurora.
42:31Mrs. Aurora.
42:34I'm very grateful
42:35that you're here.
42:37You barely know us
42:38and you're worried
42:39about my son.
42:41And we're
42:42from a different class.
42:45Please, Mr. Pascual.
42:47Don't mention that.
42:49We're here
42:50because we love Ángel.
42:52My daughter and her son
42:53are friends.
42:54You know that, right?
42:55Yes, yes, yes.
42:56But I...
42:57It's true, it's just that...
42:58Tell me.
42:59I want to tell you that,
