El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 21 Completo en Español

  • last month
El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 21 Completo en Español
00:00:30I felt something horrible when I heard his name.
00:00:34Something like this had never happened to me.
00:00:37Who is he?
00:00:39He's a friend of Mrs. Victoria and Mr. Pascual.
00:00:43He gave me the impression that they've known each other for a long time and that's why they're nice to him, but...
00:00:49I don't know, it seemed very strange to me, like he's not a good person.
00:00:54Before you arrived, Angel had a very strong fight with him.
00:00:57Mrs. Aurora, Mrs. Yesabel and young Demian have arrived.
00:01:02Thank you very much, Cardenita.
00:01:04Aurora, it's late.
00:01:07Thank you very much for the invitation. The enchiladas were delicious.
00:01:11Elena, come here.
00:01:14Thank you very much for defending me from Patricia.
00:01:17It's so nice to see how someone is willing to face you.
00:01:22And you've done it twice.
00:01:24Aurora, neither you nor I deserve to be mistreated.
00:01:29Life has not been fair to us and you have lived things that no one should live.
00:01:37I didn't know your mother, but she was probably a very beautiful woman.
00:01:43And you also look like your father, right?
00:01:47Yes, they have the same shine in their eyes.
00:01:51Yes. Thank you.
00:01:56Who is Pintas? Answer me, Yesabel.
00:02:00I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about, Demian.
00:02:04And don't talk to me like that because I'm your mother.
00:02:07Of course you know what I'm talking about.
00:02:10Do you think you can entangle us all with your manipulations and your lies?
00:02:14Not anymore.
00:02:16How dare you?
00:02:18How dare I what? I heard you talking to him.
00:02:21What are you doing? Who is Pintas?
00:02:23You've gone crazy, just like your father.
00:02:26I heard you talking to him in the library.
00:02:28Then I followed you.
00:02:30I just saw you talking to him on the street.
00:02:33Who is this guy?
00:02:35Is he another one of your lovers?
00:02:40Hey, so what did you decide?
00:02:43Are you going to stay in the company?
00:02:46Son, I gave up for you to be together and recover the lost time.
00:02:52I don't know, travel and go to the beach.
00:02:55You got out of a very long coma and I think you're not the same as before, right?
00:03:00I don't remember what I was like before.
00:03:05Dad, I'm not going to get mad at you if you don't quit your job.
00:03:10That's why I told you that from time to time you can work from home
00:03:13and if you want, you can marry Mrs. Aurora.
00:03:27Radiographs are evidence that have to be requested when a cancer patient has a severe pain
00:03:35or a new appearance.
00:03:38So it can be cancer.
00:03:43Let's see, if he's my lover or not, what do you care?
00:03:47I don't have to explain to anyone, and less to you.
00:03:51It turns out that the ducks throw him in the shotguns.
00:03:54And how dare you follow me?
00:03:57I don't care what you do with your life, I don't care.
00:03:59But being with a man like that on dark streets is too much.
00:04:02With that nickname, Mom, Pintas, really?
00:04:05I always thought you liked men with shoes.
00:04:08Please, you're a...
00:04:10A what?
00:04:12A what? Tell me!
00:04:15Everyone thinks that I don't feel, that I don't matter.
00:04:19What else do you care who I sleep with?
00:04:22A lady.
00:04:24You're a lady, that's what I was going to say.
00:04:27Think about it.
00:04:28You're a lady, that's what I was going to say.
00:04:31Think about it.
00:04:33What are the commercial partners going to think when they see you with a jerk like that?
00:04:36Well, they see you with the jerk, with the crazy, with your father's beggar.
00:04:42That's a shame.
00:04:45Get away from him!
00:04:47With your comments, the only thing you're provoking is that I want to stay away from you
00:04:51and that I want to be more with my dad.
00:04:53Demian, your father is bad.
00:04:55He abandoned you.
00:04:57He didn't care about you at all.
00:04:59He's sick, Mom!
00:05:01You know perfectly well that my dad is sick.
00:05:05And you have no mercy?
00:05:08You don't feel love for anyone.
00:05:10You don't feel love for anyone.
00:05:26Excuse me, Cassandra.
00:05:28Permit granted.
00:05:32Hey, Eddie.
00:05:34And who were you talking to in the afternoon?
00:05:36I came in and then you hung up.
00:05:39No, I was talking to Demian.
00:05:41But well, I don't want to tell him about the two of us because, you know,
00:05:44he makes very heavy jokes.
00:05:47Hey, Eddie.
00:05:49And does Mr. Demian have anything against Mrs. Aurora?
00:05:55No, no, no. Why? What?
00:05:57It's just that then he throws very ugly looks at her.
00:06:00Man, no way.
00:06:02Look, I'm better going to make you something delicious so you're not thinking about those things.
00:06:08We're going to bring something delicious and so you don't deviate from me.
00:06:19And remove that face of a planted puberty.
00:06:21I don't have any face of a planted puberty.
00:06:24Oh, don't be a clown. They don't smell bad.
00:06:27Besides, the truth is that I am very upset because Maggie didn't listen to me.
00:06:30Well, neither of us listened to each other.
00:06:33All because of that lizard, Edgar.
00:06:36We still have to pay the bet.
00:06:38No, man. No, no, no, no.
00:06:40The bet was for which of the two would win it, not for a third one to get involved.
00:06:44Don't get it out of him.
00:06:46We set the deadline for a week.
00:06:48Gloria, come on, we can put an extension.
00:06:50Man, who would have thought?
00:06:53Because you only have the face of a lizard, but inside you look like a defenseless pigeon.
00:06:59Look, now you're going too far.
00:07:01It's funny that Edgar intervened, because if not, he would have won you very easily.
00:07:05Oh, really?
00:07:09And when you woke up from the dream, what happened?
00:07:11Maggie spoke to you and said, hello handsome, can you come and take care of the rolls, my love, please?
00:07:15Oh, well, look, she didn't call me hello handsome.
00:07:17Hello handsome.
00:07:19But that was more than obvious.
00:07:21It's sung.
00:07:23Let's say you're kind of...
00:07:25Kind of crazy, right?
00:07:27Crazy you have the brain, huh?
00:07:29And you don't call me fat anymore.
00:07:31Hey, I'm not calling you fat.
00:07:33What do you mean?
00:07:35You keep calling me a worm.
00:07:37Well, yes, I'm fed up with you.
00:07:39Legs of popotitos.
00:07:41Oh, well, I prefer having legs of popotitos to having legs of pastor's trunk, look.
00:07:43Oh, really?
00:07:49You smell bad, understand that.
00:07:51You, your mouth smells bad.
00:07:53Hey, and apart from all those things you told me you know how to do,
00:07:57well, you tell me, what else do you know?
00:08:02Keeping secrets.
00:08:04Oh, really?
00:08:08And what kind of secrets, my damsel in danger?
00:08:13That my boss is the lover of the employee Carlos.
00:08:16And they say she killed him out of love.
00:08:26And you know what?
00:08:28I'm really upset with you.
00:08:30Because you spend the other day throwing it at me,
00:08:32you threw it in front of me and you made a fool of me.
00:08:34I did it to defend myself, huh?
00:08:36Oh, to defend yourself, look, nothing else.
00:08:38Well, those ways are not cool, huh?
00:08:40Besides, violence is not good.
00:08:42But violence is also in the words,
00:08:44and you're not pointing it out to me.
00:08:46Oh, and you're not pointing it out to me either.
00:08:48Look, Quines, I'll tell you in a good way.
00:08:51You can be my friend and everything, and I can love you a lot,
00:08:54but I'm tired of you calling me fat all the time.
00:08:58I haven't called you fat.
00:09:02Well, not in that way.
00:09:04But besides, you're the one who keeps telling me I have skinny legs,
00:09:09and you think it doesn't hurt me?
00:09:10I try to eat more and more and they just don't grow.
00:09:14Well, you should be happy.
00:09:16I try to eat less and I don't lose weight.
00:09:28See you tomorrow, daddy.
00:09:30Get some rest.
00:09:32Mom, why are you and I alone?
00:09:35Where are my grandparents?
00:09:36You've been asking a lot lately, Rolando.
00:09:39What's going on?
00:09:41I just want to know why I don't have grandparents like the other kids.
00:09:45The thing is, your grandparents divorced a long time ago.
00:09:50They were teachers at the same university.
00:09:52But when they split up, they got into a lot of trouble,
00:09:56and everyone lived their own life.
00:09:58And do they live here in Mexico?
00:10:01Yes, but sometimes the family gets together again.
00:10:06The further away, the better.
00:10:09Mom, don't you get mad if I dream about my dad even though I don't know him?
00:10:15Of course not, son.
00:10:31Oh, my God.
00:10:33Oh, my God.
00:10:35Please don't let him know who his dad is.
00:10:44Now it turns out that Antonio is going to put everything in your name and Elena's.
00:10:49Well, you asked for it, Mom.
00:10:51What you did at the restaurant was stupid.
00:10:53And worse, you brought gossip to the press.
00:10:55And you don't make me happy at all.
00:10:57You're against me.
00:10:59No, I'm not against you, Mom.
00:11:00I was just trying to calm you down.
00:11:02Who is giving you these terrible advice?
00:11:06I don't need anyone to advise me.
00:11:08I am capable of making my own decisions.
00:11:11Well, some advice is given to me by Isabel.
00:11:14You have to move the press.
00:11:16Mom, what you need to do is try to save your career.
00:11:19Look for, I don't know, a good agent.
00:11:22You don't know how this medium works.
00:11:25My career is fine, I just need to be present in the gossip shows.
00:11:30You'll see how right I am.
00:11:32And that whore Aurora is going to pay me.
00:11:34Aurora hasn't done anything to you, Mom.
00:11:41I have lived with a man who has only used me, Briana.
00:11:45Antonio has never cared about my feelings or my needs.
00:11:51He only used me to fill a space in his perfect life.
00:11:56I was like a doll to decorate his house.
00:12:01He never cared if I felt love or nothing.
00:12:05He never cared if I felt love or nothing.
00:12:24How can you be so calm reading after everything that happened?
00:12:28And a book about love.
00:12:33Don't you think the only thing that can change things is love?
00:12:37It's true, I've never understood Patricia.
00:12:40Enduring her instability, her failures,
00:12:45only for the good of the family, was a mistake.
00:12:50It was the fault that kept me by her side for so many years.
00:12:54Antonio, you still love Aurora.
00:13:00With all my heart.
00:13:02With all my soul.
00:13:04And you know, this is not a memory of youth.
00:13:10Aurora is the love of my life.
00:13:15And you?
00:13:18Have you fallen in love again?
00:13:23A person like me has no right to love.
00:13:30We all have the right to love.
00:13:33For me, the only love that exists
00:13:36is the one I feel for my son, Demian.
00:13:39I want to save him from Isabel's clutches.
00:13:43That, my friend, is love.
00:13:52Can I come in?
00:13:54Yes, come in, dad.
00:14:01Tell me something.
00:14:03Can I sleep here tonight with you?
00:14:06Yes, dad, but I don't think we can both fit.
00:14:09No, no, no, no, no problem.
00:14:11I can sleep here on the floor.
00:14:13No, I'd better go down to the floor
00:14:15and you sleep in the bed.
00:14:17No, no, no.
00:14:19All I want is to sleep here with my son comfortably,
00:14:22without any problem.
00:14:26Tell me something.
00:14:27Do you really agree that I should marry Aurora?
00:14:32Yes, dad.
00:14:34Do you love her a lot?
00:14:38And I don't just love her.
00:14:40I love her.
00:14:43More than my mom.
00:14:45They are two different kinds of love.
00:14:49Your mom gave me two spectacular children.
00:14:54I adored her.
00:14:57I lived wonderful moments with her.
00:15:01And we met when we were your age, look.
00:15:06We went to the same university.
00:15:09A beautiful time of my life.
00:15:13And meeting Aurora has changed my life.
00:15:17And even more so, after everything that has happened,
00:15:20I thought I would never live again.
00:15:23And she practically gave me back the illusion.
00:15:29You know, dad,
00:15:31I would also like to fall in love.
00:15:35And soon you will meet the young woman
00:15:38who will lead you down that path.
00:15:41The Aurélie Camino.
00:15:44She will lead you down that path.
00:15:47The path of love.
00:16:00You don't feel love for anyone, mom.
00:16:08And I don't even know what it is.
00:16:11Because I didn't have your love,
00:16:14nor my dad's, nor my aunt's.
00:16:17And I have everything.
00:16:22But I never knew it was the love of a family.
00:16:25I want love, Elena.
00:16:28I need your love, Elena.
00:16:39I need to make money so my mom doesn't worry anymore.
00:16:43And for Elena.
00:16:45Oh, Elena.
00:16:48You bring me nothing.
00:16:51What am I going to do if I'm falling in love like a little kid?
00:16:56What am I going to do with this love?
00:17:02Who bought these delicacies, dad?
00:17:06Well, I don't think it was Patricia.
00:17:09She would never eat something like that.
00:17:11I think Ada made them.
00:17:14Don't even mention Patricia to me right now,
00:17:16my cupcake is going to go bad.
00:17:21Why is it called that, dad?
00:17:23Seven times love.
00:17:27because the protagonists have seven times love in their lives.
00:17:33Well, yes, they discover the love of friendship,
00:17:36the love of the couple,
00:17:38the love of the man, the woman.
00:17:41There are four, right?
00:17:43Well, I've even read it.
00:17:48I love you, daughter.
00:17:51You are a very brave woman.
00:17:54I was very surprised that you were with Aurora.
00:17:57I am the most surprised, dad.
00:17:59I'll tell you.
00:18:02Aurora told me that I look a lot like you.
00:18:05That we have the same brightness in our eyes.
00:18:08Well, don't doubt it, it's true.
00:18:11Although you are much braver than me at your age.
00:18:15Have you ever seen this boy?
00:18:19The boy of hugs.
00:18:22The boy of hugs, yes, he has.
00:18:25Yes, right?
00:18:27Yes, right?
00:18:30Yes, I've seen him.
00:18:32And you don't know, he ran over a motorcycle.
00:18:35And how is he?
00:18:37All right, he just had a hit on the side, nothing serious, but ...
00:18:44Come on, dad, stop looking at me like that.
00:18:47You know, if you weren't sure of your love for Demian,
00:18:52I would swear that that brightness in your eyes
00:18:56is because you are in love with the boy of hugs.
00:18:59No, no, seriously, daughter.
00:19:01No, no.
00:19:03In love.
00:19:05In love.
00:19:22What are you doing?
00:19:29Don't go.
00:19:32I don't care if you don't talk to me.
00:19:35I'm going to show you that I love you.
00:19:40I think you don't love me.
00:19:43You don't feel love for me.
00:19:45Look, and yet I am the only person in your life who has sacrificed everything for you.
00:19:52What things, right?
00:20:00How can we confuse the meaning of loving someone?
00:20:07I just know that I have not stopped thinking about you.
00:20:10That you will always, always be in my heart, wherever you are.
00:20:16My Gabriel.
00:20:19My greatest love.
00:20:40These are for you.
00:20:43You filthy rat!
00:20:45Here, fun comes in all sizes.
00:20:48In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:20:51This Sunday, September 1st, 8 p.m.
00:20:53What seemed to be full of innocence
00:20:56And I love you with all my heart.
00:20:58can make life stop being a child's game.
00:21:01How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
00:21:04She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
00:21:06Interrupted Games
00:21:08This Thursday at the last minute.
00:21:10And from August 30th, available on VIX.
00:21:13Super Secret Comedy Laboratory
00:21:21Launch me!
00:21:23Laughter is an exact science.
00:21:25Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact, they are the funniest.
00:21:30Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
00:21:33Swear to me you're going to be honest.
00:21:37There is tonation.
00:21:39I don't know what's wrong with me. I think something and I say it.
00:21:41Sir! I'm not a teacher. I plagiarized my thesis.
00:21:43And the truth, how do I look?
00:21:45Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
00:21:47Being honest is destroying my life.
00:21:50The Honest Candidate, August 8th, only in cinemas.
00:21:53We are in third grade.
00:21:56Here we discuss the different points of view.
00:21:59Common interest issues with different positions.
00:22:04Third grade.
00:22:06Wednesday at the end in point with Enrique Acevedo.
00:22:09With the stars.
00:22:11Here you will find the latest sports news.
00:22:14Moments that mark day after day.
00:22:17I'm going to Javier Aguirre.
00:22:19The names of the great figures must return.
00:22:21Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irving Estupilosa.
00:22:24Enter in Contacto Deportivo, Tuesday.
00:22:26Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
00:22:29With the stars.
00:22:57Don't tell me it's you.
00:22:59Yes, Federico.
00:23:00These are for you.
00:23:03Rotten rat.
00:23:05Here fun comes in all sizes.
00:23:08In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:23:11This is Sunday, September 1st, 8 at night.
00:23:13They don't know they'll have to pay the price.
00:23:15You saved our lives.
00:23:17I'm in debt with you.
00:23:19Since that man came, you're another.
00:23:21I'm tired of your jealousy, Iván.
00:23:23Wait, daughter.
00:23:24Hug me.
00:23:26The price of loving you.
00:23:28Starts Monday, September 2nd, 9.30 at night.
00:23:31With the stars.
00:23:55Each experience is an opportunity to grow and gain experience.
00:24:00You know I give you a house and food and that's how you pay me?
00:24:03I know you well and I know when you lie to me.
00:24:05We're all worried about you.
00:24:07Don't worry, okay? I'm stronger than I look.
00:24:09As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:24:26I think she hung Mr. Paki's sneakers.
00:24:2840 y 20, this Friday at the end of Noti.
00:24:31For the stars.
00:24:33No, you have to forget me, Daniel.
00:24:35How can I not feel this love that I don't even know when I started to feel for you?
00:24:38Thank you for believing in me.
00:24:40Does he also want to come into your life?
00:24:42I just hope you are more sensible than Greta.
00:24:44I ask you to respect your marriage.
00:24:46Love, what were you talking about?
00:24:48I've started my work with Sebastián.
00:24:50Verania is already the image of the campaign.
00:24:52Verania, it's you.
00:24:54These are the news in point.
00:24:56The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:25:00They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:25:04The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:25:07Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:25:10In point. 10.30. For the stars.
00:25:13You're going to be honest.
00:25:17There is a detonation.
00:25:19I don't know what's wrong with me. I think something and I say it.
00:25:22I'm not a lawyer. I plagiarized my thesis.
00:25:24And the truth, how do I look?
00:25:26Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
00:25:28Being honest is destroying my life.
00:25:30The honest candidate. August 8, only in cinemas.
00:25:33What we never thought would happen.
00:25:35Let's see if there.
00:25:37It happens in the stars.
00:25:39Families. I know that one day they had to fly out of the nest.
00:25:41Abandon us to their mother and me.
00:25:43What I want to know is when they will return for their tiliche.
00:25:45They left us here and we don't know what to do with them.
00:25:47We know how to make you laugh with a family.
00:25:4810. New season. Sunday, September 15, 7 at night.
00:25:54We are in third grade.
00:25:56Here we discuss the different points of view.
00:26:01Common interest issues with different positions.
00:26:06Third grade. Wednesday.
00:26:08At the end in point with Enrique Acevedo.
00:26:11With the stars.
00:26:13Super secret laboratory of comedy.
00:26:18Laughter is an exact science.
00:26:20Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
00:26:22if they are the funniest.
00:26:24Televisa. We know how to make you laugh.
00:26:48La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:26:50Premiere episode.
00:26:52Monday with the stars.
00:26:54Here you will find the latest sports news.
00:26:56Moments that mark day after day.
00:26:59I'm going to Javier Aguirre.
00:27:01The names of the great figures must return.
00:27:03Among them, Raul Jiménez and Irving Estupilosa.
00:27:06Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
00:27:08Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
00:27:11With the stars.
00:27:13The young man will no longer have as much endurance as before.
00:27:16How old are you, little creature?
00:27:18I'm 25.
00:27:20Let's see if the truck can take it.
00:27:26I think she hung Mr. Paki's sneakers.
00:27:2940 and 20. This Friday at the end of the noti.
00:27:32For the stars.
00:27:34These are the news in point.
00:27:36The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:27:40They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:27:43Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:27:47Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:27:50In point. 10.30 by the stars.
00:27:53There are risks that must be taken.
00:27:55If you go out, you are exposing yourself to being recognized.
00:27:58I'm not going to deprive myself of something.
00:28:00I thought there was something beautiful between the two of us.
00:28:02I'm as interested in you as in the relationship.
00:28:04To achieve your dreams.
00:28:06I want to be able to share nights with you.
00:28:08Like this for the rest of my life.
00:28:10Give me my word that it will be like this.
00:28:11Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
00:28:14When this door opens, everything comes in.
00:28:17Don't tell me you're...
00:28:19My Federico?
00:28:21These are for you.
00:28:24You filthy rat!
00:28:26Here, fun comes in all sizes.
00:28:29In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:28:32This Sunday, September 1, 8 at night.
00:28:41I love you, Federico.
00:29:12And here I still think of you
00:29:17I don't know if I'm going to get used to it, no
00:29:25You and I are of equal souls
00:29:30That managed to meet
00:29:36Writing a new verse
00:29:41Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
00:29:46Iluminando los momentos
00:29:52En un mundo paralelo
00:29:58Sé que existe ese lugar
00:30:02Donde podamos
00:30:09De nuevo
00:30:28What did you want?
00:30:30Good morning.
00:30:32Good morning.
00:30:33Good morning, Dad. How are you feeling?
00:30:35Good, son, better. And you?
00:30:36How did you sleep?
00:30:38Thank you, son.
00:30:40I had to sleep on the side so I wouldn't get hit.
00:30:43But it's okay.
00:30:45Son, can you take Anita to school?
00:30:48Maggie sent me a message.
00:30:50She had to go earlier because the teacher called her to talk to Rolas.
00:30:53It's just that Rolas went to the blackboard,
00:30:55but he didn't answer well about some triangles.
00:30:58And I couldn't see anything.
00:31:01Poor Rolas.
00:31:07What did I do?
00:31:09Did I put the uniform upside down or what?
00:31:19And now what are you wearing, Dad?
00:31:23I was happy to have them.
00:31:25To have you, Vickita.
00:31:28To have this beautiful family that God gave me.
00:31:31I am the luckiest man in the world.
00:31:33That's good, Dad.
00:31:35Because you were fine, Vinagrito.
00:31:37But fine, Vinagrito.
00:31:39Come here.
00:31:44My old man.
00:31:46My handsome old man, how I love him.
00:31:52Mrs. Aurora.
00:31:54Come in, please, come in.
00:31:56What a pleasure to see you, ma'am.
00:31:58Please come in and sit down.
00:31:59I come for you, Mrs. Espe.
00:32:02You already found out that I quit, right?
00:32:04Excuse me, can I offer you something?
00:32:06Coffee, water?
00:32:08No, thank you very much.
00:32:12I would like to talk to you.
00:32:14Mr. Demian also came to talk to me.
00:32:16What a fine and well-mannered boy.
00:32:18It is noticeable that Miss Elena
00:32:20has been a very good influence for him.
00:32:22Mrs. Espe.
00:32:24Are you serious?
00:32:28Are you sure you want to go back
00:32:30to work at the corporation?
00:32:32It's been many years.
00:32:34Maybe go to rest,
00:32:36enjoy your time.
00:32:38Mrs. Aurora.
00:32:40The corporation is my home.
00:32:42I saw how that business grew
00:32:44and my family is you.
00:32:46Why do I stay here alone?
00:32:48To die slowly?
00:32:52Of course.
00:32:54If I lived with Pepe La Yerba,
00:32:55we could enjoy
00:32:57our fall love together.
00:32:59And what about Pepe?
00:33:01No, Mrs. Aurora.
00:33:03The truth is that Pepe
00:33:05has a mom like those.
00:33:07That we are going to eat,
00:33:09yes, but with my mom.
00:33:11That we are going to the movies,
00:33:13yes, but with my mom.
00:33:15That we are going to the doctor,
00:33:17but my mom will be here.
00:33:19That we are going to sleep, I ...
00:33:21Well, not there, but almost.
00:33:23Almost, almost.
00:33:26How is it possible
00:33:28that they made me arrive so early?
00:33:30Glorio has arrived late?
00:33:32Well, sometimes a little.
00:33:34Glorio is missing?
00:33:36Well, a couple of times.
00:33:38Glorio goes with the union?
00:33:40Well, once missing.
00:33:42Hey, coward, don't do it.
00:33:44Where are you going, coward?
00:33:46Did you call me a coward?
00:33:48Yes, you're not going to leave me like that.
00:33:50You follow me.
00:33:52Where is your part of the bet?
00:33:53How do you see it?
00:33:55I had to wake up early
00:33:57so they wouldn't do it.
00:33:59But what did you say?
00:34:01Oh, he didn't fulfill it?
00:34:03Well, here it is, daddy, look.
00:34:05Fulfilled bets, long friendships.
00:34:07This one is very nice, huh?
00:34:09Yes, the truth, yes.
00:34:11Although I also lived mistreatment,
00:34:13nothing compares to his tragedy.
00:34:15Oh, ma'am, forgive me.
00:34:17Forgive me,
00:34:19sometimes I don't read my comments and ...
00:34:21No, no, no, don't worry.
00:34:23It's just how I've lived your story so closely.
00:34:27I remember everything that happened very well.
00:34:31And of course we're not going to start the day
00:34:33remembering sad things, right?
00:34:37But I do want to tell you something.
00:34:39I deeply admire you.
00:34:41But stay firm.
00:34:43I know that life will return you what it took from you.
00:34:47It wasn't life, Mrs. Esperanza.
00:34:50Look what this old woman is telling you.
00:34:54But surely one day your son will appear
00:34:57and he will say,
00:35:01God hears you.
00:35:05God hears you when you ask with so much faith
00:35:08what your heart wants.
00:35:10One day God will hear you
00:35:13and all those mothers who have lost their children.
00:35:16And our Lord,
00:35:18may our Lord make us the miracle
00:35:20by filling them with happiness.
00:35:22So be it.
00:35:24So be it, Lord.
00:35:28Did you sleep well, Dad?
00:35:30Doesn't your back hurt?
00:35:33With the years, everything starts to hurt.
00:35:37And why did you get up early? Are you going somewhere?
00:35:40I'm going to the office with you, Dad.
00:35:44Oh, Dad, and you wanted me to be a coward.
00:35:47Well, look, here I am fulfilling the bet
00:35:49No, no, no.
00:35:51No, it's not what you think.
00:35:53It's not what it looks like at all.
00:35:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:35:57I'm going to explain.
00:35:59We made a bet, we had to get a tattoo
00:36:01and it had to be in a visible place, right?
00:36:03Besides, I don't like these tastes at all.
00:36:05No, no, no, no, and I like these tastes.
00:36:07I don't like the nun.
00:36:09Well, I do, because it's mine.
00:36:11And you said you weren't going to bother me anymore
00:36:13because I was fat and good
00:36:15and I wasn't going to bother you because you're a worm.
00:36:16What are you saying, worm?
00:36:18You're bothering me, you're bothering me, aren't you?
00:36:20Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry.
00:36:22I'm an international Latino.
00:36:24And I'm an international fat and good.
00:36:26Yes, yes, yes.
00:36:28Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
00:36:30Hey, Luis Alberto called me.
00:36:33He's coming with his dad here to the company.
00:36:35He wants us to eat together.
00:36:37Oh yeah?
00:36:39Well, that's great, he invites us to eat again, right?
00:36:41That would be good.
00:36:44I have a strange feeling.
00:36:46He said he wants to get to know Mrs. Isabel a little more.
00:36:50Poor thing.
00:36:52May God make him confess.
00:36:55Is it good?
00:36:57Is it good, Nacho?
00:37:01Oh, how did I fall asleep?
00:37:05What are you going to think of me?
00:37:07If I'm super decent.
00:37:09I had never fallen asleep.
00:37:11Oh, princess, look, come, come.
00:37:13Don't worry, don't give me so much crap that I wasn't born yesterday.
00:37:16You are an adult woman and you know perfectly well what you are doing.
00:37:19I'm going to get to the office in the same clothes as yesterday.
00:37:24I had a horrible nightmare yesterday.
00:37:27Oh yeah? And what did you dream of?
00:37:30Well, that, that you said that Carlos killed Isabel.
00:37:34It's not that big of a deal.
00:37:36What I meant to say is that he died of love.
00:37:39Besides, how does it affect you?
00:37:43Hey, thanks for my cell phone, Marca Diablo.
00:37:46Now I hope the owner of the house doesn't come to collect my rent.
00:37:51Wasn't it yours?
00:37:53I wish.
00:37:55But hey, we have to hurry up because Demian must be waiting for me.
00:37:59Besides, he's not going to take the house from us out there.
00:38:01The house?
00:38:03That no longer exists.
00:38:05Everything is done by transfer.
00:38:07Let's see, in the colonies, the landlords are coming back and I have to pay the rent.
00:38:10Well, what world do you live in, my Cinderella?
00:38:21Don't you think you're very brave because even Elena stood by your side?
00:38:25Let's see, do you think Elena and Antonio are your family?
00:38:28Mom, I don't want you to treat me like that anymore.
00:38:31I can treat you as I please.
00:38:34I am the one who thinks for you and I know what is best for you.
00:38:36You've done something very stupid and you haven't been able to separate Demian from Elena.
00:38:41That doesn't interest me anymore, mom.
00:38:43For me, they can get married whenever they want.
00:38:46And who decided that?
00:38:48I did. I am the owner of my life.
00:38:51And find out once because I'm in love with someone else.
00:39:07I'll see you in the meeting room. I'm going with Elena.
00:39:20Companion of Mrs. Victoria Bonilla.
00:39:23It's me. I'm your son, Angel Santos.
00:39:31Today we did the tomography and all the blood tests.
00:39:33The biopsy is also done.
00:39:35But you can pay for that once we give you the results.
00:39:38I agreed with the doctor to pay half today.
00:39:40The blood tests, the tomography and the consultation.
00:39:47This would be half.
00:40:14Here I have more.
00:40:2030, 40, 50.
00:40:2430, 40, 50.
00:40:32Why are you dressed like that yesterday?
00:40:34Oh, no, Jess.
00:40:36How do you think I'm going to put on the same clothes two days in a row?
00:40:42Well, after the corporate meeting, I'm going to go out to the flowers.
00:40:45And you don't take me, Jess?
00:40:49Because it's dirty.
00:40:51Has Aurora arrived?
00:40:53Yes, Jess.
00:40:55Julio Cesar and his son Luis Alberto.
00:40:58He's at the reception.
00:41:01Let's see, let him in.
00:41:15Here you go.
00:41:19This arrived a moment ago.
00:41:25I don't know if this photo is from someone in the house.
00:41:28And they threw it by mistake.
00:41:30But I found it in the trash.
00:41:35I retire.
00:41:44This is the first cut.
00:41:46I want you to see it and give me your opinion.
00:41:48We can integrate all the changes.
00:41:49We didn't see each other all day yesterday.
00:41:52I was busy and so were you.
00:41:55And did you miss me?
00:41:58Of course I did, but the day went by very quickly.
00:42:01I can imagine.
00:42:03Where were you?
00:42:06Demian, I know we've given each other some time.
00:42:10Why did you ask for it?
00:42:12I don't doubt your love, Demian.
00:42:15I don't doubt it.
00:42:16I don't doubt your love, Demian.
00:42:21Sometimes it makes me doubt.
00:42:23I've always been honest with you and I don't want to lie to you.
00:42:31Angel what?
00:42:33Angel kissed me and I reciprocated.
00:42:47In the goal, I'm the key that everyone stops.
00:42:51Saki Kaki, poor guy.
00:42:53Bruno comes as a pet.
00:42:55They go as starters, so hold on.
00:42:57Even the little hands come out of the TV.
00:42:59We know how to make you laugh with jokes.
00:43:01New season, this Sunday at 7.30pm.
00:43:04Your day begins in Despierta.
00:43:09With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
00:43:13Also, everything about sports, entertainment and climate.
00:43:17Despierta, a newscast from NMASC.
00:43:20Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning, with the stars.
00:43:23The mistake that united her to the love of her life changed Juana's destiny.
00:43:28She called our son.
00:43:30I love you.
00:43:32Can a love story that starts backwards have a happy ending?
00:43:35She has to pay for taking Gabriel from me.
00:43:37And she's going to pay.
00:43:39My life without you would be incomplete.
00:43:41Grand Finale, this Friday, 9.30pm.
00:43:45We are in third grade.
00:43:47Here we discuss the different points of view.
00:43:52Topics of common interest with different positions.
00:43:57Third grade, Wednesday, at the end, with Enrique Acevedo.
00:44:02With the stars.
00:44:05Look at us.
00:44:07They call us young people with few resources.
00:44:11But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
00:44:19Imagine everything that your donation can do for us.
00:44:25The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
00:44:29Agile, precise and punctual.
00:44:31This way you will know all the information in the news.
00:44:34Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:44:36I am Carlos Gustavo and I wait for you in the news.
00:44:37Your news, order more.
00:44:39Friday, Friday, 5.50am.
00:44:41With the stars.
00:45:07The best system of integration is a chipmunk.
00:45:11Is it true?
00:45:13I thought it was a joke.
00:45:15It smells weird to me.
00:45:17Answer, for example.
00:45:19Let's see if they don't get mad.
00:45:21Nothing happened.
00:45:23Is it true, Eva?
00:45:25What seemed to be full of innocence.
00:45:28And I love you with all my heart.
00:45:30It may be that life ceases to be a child's game.
00:45:33How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
00:45:35She wanted a child.
00:45:37I gave it to her.
00:45:39Interrupted Games.
00:45:41This Thursday at the last minute.
00:45:43And from August 30, available on VIX.
00:45:45No, you have to forget me, Daniel.
00:45:47I do it so I don't feel this love that I don't even know when I started to feel for you.
00:45:50Thank you for believing in me.
00:45:52Does this also want to enter your life?
00:45:54I just hope you are more sensible than Greta.
00:45:56I ask you to respect your marriage.
00:45:58Love, what were you talking about?
00:46:00I have started my work with Sebastian.
00:46:02Summer is already the image of the campaign.
00:46:03Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
00:46:05Not all are the same.
00:46:07What is that women want?
00:46:11Some are afraid.
00:46:13I am Siberian, between stone and mud.
00:46:16And others are very determined.
00:46:18I don't want to continue with this relationship anymore.
00:46:21For her, I am Eva.
00:46:23Monday to Friday, 1.30 pm.
00:46:25These are the news in point.
00:46:28The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
00:46:31They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:46:36The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:46:39Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:46:42In point. 10.30 by Las Estrellas.
00:47:01El Candidato Honesto, August 8, only in cinemas.
00:47:31La risa es una ciencia exacta.
00:47:38Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos, sí son los más divertidos.
00:47:43Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
00:47:45Lo que pareciera estar lleno de inocencia.
00:47:48Y yo te amo con todo el corazón.
00:47:50Puede hacer que la vida deje de ser un juego de niños.
00:47:53¿Cómo es que dieron con el orfanato de Artur?
00:47:56Ella quería un hijo. Yo se lo di.
00:47:58Juegos Interrumpidos.
00:48:00Este jueves al terminar en punto y a partir del 30 de agosto disponible en VIX.
00:48:05El error que la unió al amor de su vida cambió el destino de Juana.
00:48:09Te amo, nuestro hijo. Te amo.
00:48:12¿Puede una historia de amor que empieza al revés tener un final feliz?
00:48:16Ella tiene que pagar por haberme quitado a Gabriel.
00:48:18Y va a pagar.
00:48:20Mi vida sin ti estaría incompleta.
00:48:22Gran final este viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
00:48:25Estamos en tercer lugar.
00:48:28Aquí debatimos los diferentes puntos de vista.
00:48:33Temas de interés común con diversas posturas.
00:48:38Tercer grado, miércoles, al terminar en punto con Enrique Acevedo.
00:48:43Con las estrellas.
00:48:57Aquí la diversión viene en todos los tamaños.
00:49:00En Más Vale Sola sabemos hacerte reír.
00:49:03Estreno domingo primero de septiembre, 8 de la noche.
00:49:05Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias deportivas.
00:49:08Momentos que marcan jornada tras jornada.
00:49:11Hoy para Javier Aguirre, los nombres de las grandes figuras deben de regresar.
00:49:15Entre ellos Raúl Jiménez e Irvin Estupiloso.
00:49:17Entra en Contacto Deportivo.
00:49:20Martes, jueves y viernes a las 11.30 de la noche.
00:49:23Con las estrellas.
00:49:25Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
00:49:35La risa es una ciencia exacta.
00:49:38Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
00:49:41sí son los más divertidos.
00:49:43Televisa, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:49:45En el dicho, te recordamos que cada vivencia es una oportunidad de crecer y adquirir experiencia.
00:49:52¿Sabes que le doy casa y comida y así me pagan?
00:49:55Yo te conozco bien y sé cuando me mientes.
00:49:58Todos estamos preocupados por ti.
00:50:00No te preocupes, ¿va? Soy más fuerte de lo que parezco.
00:50:02Como dice el dicho.
00:50:04Historias que conectan contigo.
00:50:06Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:50:08La Convención Nacional Republicana en Mibuqui es una celebración de identidad.
00:50:12Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:50:16Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:50:18Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información en punto 10 30 por las estrellas.
00:50:42Thank you for telling me the truth.
00:50:45It's okay.
00:50:46No pasa nada.
00:50:48Nos estamos dando un tiempo y está bien.
00:50:54Hey, la verdad pensé que ibas a reaccionar diferente.
00:51:00Elena, el amor verdadero da paz, no guerra.
00:51:06No reclama ni pide explicaciones. Eso lo es.
00:51:10Yo quiero darte eso.
00:51:12Paz, no violencia.
00:51:13Yo estoy seguro de tu amor y comprendo cuando uno de los dos se puede cegar ante el amor verdadero.
00:51:22Ante el amor real.
00:51:43Disculpe la tardanza, señora Isabel.
00:51:46No te preocupes.
00:51:48¿Nos traes café, por favor?
00:51:55Ven, siéntate.
00:52:00No he tenido la oportunidad de hablar con tu papá, pero yo no sabía que tenía un hijo.
00:52:05Nadie lo sabía. Creo que mi papá me estaba protegiendo.
00:52:09Ay, caray. ¿Y protegiéndote de qué?
00:52:19Este tiempo separados me ha enseñado que amar no es poseer.
00:52:24Lo que sea que Ángel haya hecho para que tú aceptaras besarlo,
00:52:28pues está bien, pero está muy lejos de ser amor.
00:52:33Porque el amor no es inmediato, Elena.
00:52:36El amor se construye. Como tú y yo lo hemos hecho.
00:52:40Pero a veces el amor y la costumbre se pueden confundir, Demián.
00:52:44¿Cómo sabes si en verdad me amas?
00:52:47Y no estás solo acostumbrado a estar conmigo.
00:52:50Porque hemos pasado muchos momentos, buenos y malos.
00:52:55Desafortunadamente, hemos pasado malos momentos,
00:52:58pero aún así lo superan los buenos, Elena.
00:53:01Y después de tantos años que llevamos juntos, no hay un solo día
00:53:05que yo no sienta lo que sentí por ti la primera vez que te vi.
00:53:10Han sido muchos años.
00:53:14Sí. Y me duele mucho saber que la mujer de mi vida,
00:53:19que mi alma gemela, se besó con alguien más.
00:53:23Pero ¿sabes qué?
00:53:27El dolor se sana con verte, con estar frente a ti.
00:53:32Yo te amo, Elena.
00:53:35Y voy a luchar por ti toda mi vida, pero también solo si tú así lo quieres.
00:53:40Demián, no sé.
00:53:42No, es que sí sabes. Solo tienes miedo, ¿sabes?
00:53:45Y yo también tengo miedo, porque muero por darte todo, Elena.
00:53:49Y me da mucho miedo que dejes todo lo que hemos planeado por algo pasajero.
00:53:57No sé qué decirte.
00:53:59Está bien, está bien. No me tienes que decir nada ahora.
00:54:07¿Te parece que después de la junta trabajemos tú y yo la propuesta comercial?
00:54:14Sí, está bien.
00:54:16¿Estás bien?
00:54:22Oye, respecto a lo de mi tía, lo que hiciste por ella,
00:54:27quiero decirte que estoy muy agradecido.
00:54:30Porque tal vez en un futuro tengas que cambiar de puesto.
00:54:46Ay, Dios mío.
00:54:50Ayúdame a decidir bien, porque ya di el primer paso.
00:55:00Creo que si hay que ir a comprarte ropa de tu talla.
00:55:03Ah, no es necesario, amigo.
00:55:05Solo te pedí el traje para que en el sanatorio me vean presentable.
00:55:09Pero no es necesario gastar más en mí.
00:55:12Ya me has ayudado muchísimo, ¿no?
00:55:14Pues sí, sí, sí, pero ese traje ni siquiera me queda a mí.
00:55:17Para eso estamos los amigos, ¿no?
00:55:21¿Y esa foto?
00:55:23La encontró Ada en el bote de basura.
00:55:25¿Quiénes son?
00:55:26Puedes creerte que lo mismo me pregunté yo.
00:55:28No estoy seguro, pero creo que es Patricia con Briana de bebé.
00:55:31A ver.
00:55:39A ver, Demian, por favor, tranquilo, mira.
00:55:42Tienes que estar en tu centro para la junta.
00:55:44Ve, por favor, tranquilo.
00:55:46Eso, respira.
00:55:48Ese perro besó a mi novia.
00:55:53Bueno, o sea, técnicamente no son novios.
00:55:54No, sí es mi novia, es mi novia.
00:55:56Y va a ser mi prometida.
00:55:58Y después mi esposa.
00:56:00Desquítate conmigo.
00:56:02Saca todo tu coraje.
00:56:04Prefiero que lo hagas aquí a que vayas y arruines la junta, por favor.
00:56:06O, o, o.
00:56:08¿Por qué mejor no te desquitas con tu tía, pero de una manera inteligente?
00:56:14Tienes razón.
00:56:17Cambio de planes.
00:56:19Quiero que parezca que ese naco provocó a quienes lo van a golpear.
00:56:22Como usted ordene, mi general.
00:56:25Quiero que eso pase hoy.
00:56:28Esta misma noche.
00:56:37Que no tengan piedad.
00:56:44Seguramente Damián ya me está esperando para la junta extraordinaria.
00:56:48Y no dudo que solamente sea para desechar por completo mi plan financiero.
00:56:53No lo va a hacer.
00:56:55Damián sabe que es bueno.
00:56:57Yo también se lo dije.
00:56:59¿Hablaste con Damián?
00:57:03Yo hablé con Antonio.
00:57:05Y estoy de acuerdo que sea socio.
00:57:09Eso es lo que realmente querías.
00:57:10¿Eso es lo que realmente querías?
00:57:14Volver a creer en Antonio significa que en el fondo quizás todavía sientes algo por él, ¿no?
00:57:22No, mi pasado no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con la decisión que estoy tomando.
00:57:28Dime una cosa.
00:57:30Tú estás buscando amarlo otra vez, ¿verdad?
00:57:33Escarbar en sentimientos que ya pasaron tanto buenos como malos.
00:57:36A ver, Julio César, que yo lo haya aceptado como socio no significa para nada eso.
00:57:42Me parece que estás equivocado.
00:57:45No creo estar tan equivocado.
00:57:48Aurora, tú sabes que yo te amo.
00:57:51Mira, a mí no me importa si él se quiere convertir en socio de la empresa o no.
00:58:00Voy a luchar por ti.
00:58:02¿Sabes por qué?
00:58:03Quiero casarme contigo.
00:58:12Estas radiografías me las pidió el doctor Castro, el doctor de allá del barrio.
00:58:16Cuando aparece un cuadro como el de la señora Victoria, no podemos escatimar en los estudios.
00:58:22Pero, ¿por qué el doctor Castro no me supo explicar?
00:58:27Porque era necesario un diagnóstico especializado.
00:58:30¿Por qué era necesario un diagnóstico especializado?
00:58:33Doc, ¿y esta manchita es grave?
00:58:37Precisamente, esta manchita es la que nos está indicando que hay un problema.
00:58:42No puedo decir que tan grave es, Ángel. Tenemos que esperar los resultados de la biopsia.
00:58:47¿Cuándo detectaron este problema en tu mamá?
00:58:49Pues, hace unos días.
00:58:52Nunca es agradable dar este tipo de noticias.
00:58:55Pero lo mejor es saber para poder darle un tratamiento adecuado.
00:58:58¿Saber qué, doctora?
00:59:00Por favor, necesito que me diga qué tiene mi madre.
00:59:05Todo indica que la señora Victoria presenta cáncer de hueso.
00:59:13Ángel y tú vienen de realidades muy distintas.
00:59:17Tarde o temprano, las diferencias se notan.
00:59:19Así que debido a tu mal funcionamiento como presidenta,
00:59:23pues nos vimos obligados a solicitar tu destitución de inmediato.
00:59:30Tranquilita, por favor, que no se me vaya mi viejita.
00:59:50Imprégnate en mi vida de ti y de momentos felices.
00:59:58Y aquí sigo pensándote.
01:00:12Por favor, perdóname, mi amor.
01:00:15Perdóname, perdóname, perdóname.
01:00:17Mil veces perdóname, mi amor, por favor.
01:00:21¿Qué haces tú aquí?
01:00:24¡Tú no tienes nada que hacer aquí!
01:00:26Por favor, don Armando, cálmese.
01:00:27Ya, tranquilo, abuelo, por favor.
01:00:29Por favor, tranquilícese. Solo quiero estar un rato con ella.
01:00:32No he venido aquí desde la última vez...
01:00:33¡Es cuando mataste a mi hija, maldito asesino!
01:00:37Yo cumplí mi condena, don Armando.
01:00:38¡Eso a mí no me importa!
01:00:40Mejor vete, neta. Yo también digo que no tienes nada que hacer aquí.
01:00:44¡Lárgate! ¡Lárgate!
01:00:48Hijo, hijo...
01:00:51Tranquilo, abuelo.
01:00:54Hijo, yo sabía que había salido de la cárcel,
01:00:59pero eso no le da ningún derecho estar aquí.
01:01:02Ya pasó. Ya se fue, ¿ok?
01:01:06Vamos a estar un ratito con ella, ¿va?
01:01:16Un año más sin ti, ma.
01:01:20Y aunque casi no me acuerdo de ti,
01:01:24aquí el abuelo me platica un montón de cosas que decías y hacías.
01:01:31Me platica tanto de ti que hasta siento que estuviste conmigo más tiempo.
01:01:40Me haces mucha falta, hija.
01:01:42No sabes el terrible vacío que has dejado en mi vida.
01:02:00Vámonos, abuelito.
01:02:20Hijito, vente a comer que se te va a enfriar.
01:02:22El niño se queda ahí. Que se quede con hambre. A ver si así aprende.
01:02:27Yo solo quería que el frijol comiera algo.
01:02:29¡Me lo va a matar el hambre!
01:02:31El perro es mío y yo hago con él lo que me dé la gana.
