• last year
(Adnkronos) -
Lily Collins è atterrata a Roma per la premiere della seconda parte della quarta stagione di 'Emily in Paris', dal 12 settembre su Netflix. L'attrice in un'intervista all'Adnkronos racconta del suo rapporto con l'Italia e di come questo personaggio sia un manifesto delle donne capaci di amare se stesse.  Dopo i drammatici eventi del matrimonio fallito tra Camille e Gabriel, Emily è sconvolta: prova forti sentimenti per due ragazzi diversi, ma ora Gabriel aspetta un figlio dalla sua ex, e le peggiori paure di Alfie su lei e Gabriel sono state confermate. In agenzia, Sylvie è costretta ad affrontare uno spinoso dilemma del suo passato per il bene del suo matrimonio, e il team dell'Agence Grateau deve affrontare cambiamenti di personale. Mindy e la band si preparano per l'Eurovision, ma quando i fondi finiscono sono costretti a risparmiare. La chimica tra Emily e Gabriel è innegabile mentre lavorano insieme per raggiungere una stella Michelin, ma due grandi segreti minacciano di mettere a rischio tutto ciò che hanno sognato. Mentre vecchie abitudini si scontrano con nuovi problemi, Emily si sente attirata da una potenziale nuova storia d'amore e da Roma. (di Lucrezia Leombruni)


00:00From your point of view, what is the most important contribution
00:05that this series has made to the narrative about women and love?
00:12I think, you know, so often storylines that involve women and love
00:16are usually about women falling in love,
00:19and I think that this show really allows the different storylines with women
00:24to show women falling in love with themselves,
00:26but loving themselves unapologetically and loving to work,
00:30and that being a really positive thing and not having a negative connotation.
00:34And I think that having love for oneself is the most important thing,
00:39so that you can show up to other relationships the best version of yourself.
00:43What has Emily Cooper taught you?
00:46How to be more solution-driven and think in the moment,
00:50because I think that there's so many things that have been thrown her way
00:53that she's had to deal with that have made her need to think on her feet,
00:57and she has to do it very quickly,
00:59and so I think I've learned more of how to do that.
01:02Do you felt a little bit Audrey Hepburn during the shooting, the shoot?
01:06We were very much inspired by Charade and Roman Holiday for certain scenes this year,
01:11and yeah, I mean, there's just a total elegance and grace
01:16and also wide-eyed excitement about her in those movies that Emily feels in this,
01:22so it was nice to pay tribute and homage to her.
01:25Who is the most romantic between Parisians and Romans, and why?
01:31Oh my gosh, I mean, I think we've talked about the fact that both cultures
01:37have different ways of showing love.
01:39I can only speak to the way that my husband shows love,
01:41and he's neither French nor Italian,
01:44but I will say that Emily is experiencing different types of love
01:47throughout this experience on the show,
01:50whether it's friendship love with Mindy,
01:53you know, love with Alfie and Gabrielle and maybe now Marcello,
01:57so I think every experience and culture brings something different to her.
02:01What do you like?
02:03Leave in a future, maybe.
02:06I love Rome so much.
02:07I love visiting it.
02:10I'm partial to Copenhagen.
02:13I love Copenhagen a lot,
02:14so I think, I don't know if I would live if I,
02:17I mean, I definitely spend a lot of time here,
02:19and I hope we get to go to a season five so we get to shoot more in Italy,
02:23but I do feel very much at home here.
02:25Lily, the words brat and demure are trending on TikTok.
02:30In everyday life, when do you feel brat and when do you feel demure?
02:36Oh my gosh, I am very mindful most of the time,
02:39so I will say maybe I'm a little bit more demure all day,
02:43but a little sass comes out and makes me brat.
