09-09 Joe Brady

  • 4 days ago
Buffalo Bills offensive coordinator Joe Brady addresses the media following Monday's practice, as his group gets ready to face the Miami Dolphins on "Thursday Night Football" in South Florida. (Courtesy of the Buffalo Bills)
00:00Thursday night games are never easy for players you know they get after it on a
00:06Sunday and it's a quick turnaround a lot of them their bodies aren't feeling good
00:09come Thursdays as it is right and so we have such an incredible training staff
00:14that our guys know the importance fortunately it's we've only had one game
00:18in the season different than doing it you know when you're in week week 12 but
00:21it's not easy but you know our guys are ready for it and we'll have them ready
00:27to go yeah I don't know I don't know it's it's a great question you know
00:41sometimes you get the you get the thought of hey later in the year and you
00:44know the guys are a little more beat up you know and they're maybe a little
00:48fresher now but later in the year they're also a little more accustomed to
00:51being able to play you know 60-70 plays I'm not sure but I know our guys are our
00:58guys will be ready to go
01:10yeah I don't know I think you know there's some plays where there were some
01:17opportunities for you know maybe guys would have been the primary receiver and
01:20they didn't get the ball and Josh just trusting just going through the
01:22progressions and I think one of the the positives that we have is we have a
01:26bunch of guys that she kind of can play a bunch of different spots and Josh is
01:30comfortable in them and so I was excited for the guys you know a lot of guys made
01:35plays on balls you know and and so we were able to move the change from that
01:40perspective but yeah I don't know if you know one catch is necessarily everybody
01:45eats but I was fortunate the guys with their opportunities came and they caught
01:48the ball and were able to help us with it
01:56yeah I didn't there was never a doubt in my mind you know as everything goes I
02:02mean look I told you guys last weekend or last week you know I know the stats
02:06might say something but that's a good team that we just faced in the good
02:09defense it presents a lot of issues and but we felt yesterday that you know the
02:13we were the ones that were going to be able to stop ourselves and obviously you
02:17had a great return on the first drive and you know you when you put the ball
02:21on the ground you know that's never a recipe for success but we felt like as
02:25long as we were out on the field we were going to have success and we're fortunate
02:28to be able to get those that double dip right before half that you know the next
02:32time the defense got the ball back you know it was a tie game and so our guys
02:36didn't blink to win close games as hard in the NFL especially early in the year
02:40and so it was it was it was great to see us come away with one
02:48yeah I think I think it's no matter where in the season or the early in the
02:56early in the season you really never know what you're gonna get you know both
03:00offensively and defensively throughout the NFL right everyone's kind of been
03:03doing research and some of it fits for some defenses and vice versa and so you
03:08just got to be ready to adjust and making sure that you're giving the guys
03:11what they know as you continue to build your identity and as you continue to
03:14really understand the type of teams that you're kind of facing so yeah I
03:18mean one games one game is really hard to kind of go off of so you kind of
03:21really got to just trust your guys and what you kind of do
03:32yeah you know I think I think Dalton I thought Dalton played a really good game
03:38you know you can tell that the defense was was was really concerned with where
03:43he was on any given moment and it kind of opened it up for some other guys and
03:47I don't think that was buying maybe necessarily intention but I love to get
03:52him going a little earlier but you know he had some of the best blocks in the
03:56game and it never didn't bother him at all and so you know it everyone eats
04:03kind of mindset if he's if people are focusing on him it opens up for other
04:06people and so I was pleased with after the game how excited he was with only
04:11one catch or something like that so obviously he's a good football player
04:14and he helps us when the ball's in his hands and we'd love to get him more of
04:17it just like a lot of the other guys but all he cares about is winning and that's
04:21a lot of the guys on our offense
04:33are you talking you talking Dalton yeah I think you know I think you try to be
04:39intentional about as you go through the openers and go through things just with
04:42different types of guys but I don't think you can force it as well and you
04:47want to make sure that you're not just you know handcuffing yourself in a sense
04:52of like I this ball has to go here and all if it doesn't know the next one has
04:55to go to this guy and if it doesn't because then you're losing the flow of
04:57the game and so I felt like the way that the game was going yesterday with with
05:03some of the things that Josh was doing a good job of you know taking what the
05:06defense was giving them and and you know it happened to be in a second long
05:10situation that you know Dalton you know get the first down with it but I don't
05:14think anybody's pressing to feel like oh my gosh I have to get him the ball and
05:18right now what we're really just trying to preach is just let the let the
05:21offense kind of come to you let the defense kind of dictate or let us kind
05:24of dictate where we want to go with the ball based on the coverages and as long
05:27as Josh is in control everything else would take care of itself
05:32well you know we've been talking about him since training camp right just his
05:36mindset he's an extremely bright football player and it's completely
05:40different playing in the center and guard and then being able to play out on
05:42jumbo that you're going at your blocking different type of guys but he has the
05:47right mindset with and understands and he has a lot of guys you got a guy like
05:50David Edwards that played that role last year and will collapse done it a lot in
05:53his NFL and in his career to be able to let you know better to help him of like
05:57hey this is how you'd approach a block on a different type of player than you
06:00would if you know he's head up on you're you know inside in the trenches
06:03and so I was pleased with how we played the other day
06:18yeah I think you know we've been saying along as long as we can find different
06:23ways to win football games I don't think you go into a game and it's like hey
06:26this is the exact number we're gonna have you know it prior to the two-minute
06:29drill we only had 14 plays you know in the first half so I think some of that
06:33is you know making sure of you know you go into halftime and you had 14 plays
06:37plus a two-minute drill it's you know there really isn't a tendency at that
06:40point and trying to figure out what your run pass is you know but I think a lot
06:46of that is just the flow of the game and understand how the defense is kind of
06:48playing you and making sure you're not just like oh my gosh I got to make sure
06:52I'm passing it a lot more of understanding how the game's going and I
06:55felt like the way that the game was going yesterday we were able to have
06:58success only on the ground it opened up some of the play-action pass you know we
07:02hurt ourselves with the penalties naturally and forced us to get behind
07:05the change but our guys didn't blink and we're able to overcome some of those
07:08that makes it hard on normal normal weeks but yeah I don't think I think some
07:12games it might be the complete opposite but it's more about the adjustments in
07:16game and the flow and just find ways to get one more point than them
07:28yeah it's the it's the communication throughout the week you know Josh just
07:35understanding the intent of the play call and knowing hey what we're
07:38expecting to be getting and if we get it hey make sure you get into the alert and
07:42you need a great job of getting us out of the play and get or get into the
07:45alert the second play in the play call and Dalton and Dawson doing a great job
07:49of getting on the ball off the ball there's so much that goes into it
07:52besides just catching it you know and making the throwing catch and just
07:56everyone doing their job and you know Mac did a great job just crossing
07:59crossing his face and great throw and catch and you know but that was all
08:03stuff that was discussed throughout the week and you know the night before if
08:06hey if we get this in this situation this is what we're getting to and so he
08:09didn't blink was able to execute and those are always fun ones to watch
08:18yeah it's it's it's you really don't have a choice right it's a you know
08:23there's there was not a second after that game that you get to enjoy any part
08:27of a win right you're like okay a lot of times you play especially a one o'clock
08:30game you at least can get a second to take a breath but you know Thursday you
08:35know we'll take a breath on Friday and so soon as that game was over you kind
08:39of kind of flip your hat and kind of get going on the Dolphins and it's gonna be
08:41a great opportunity going down there it's me a great environment and but I
08:45think our guys if you know they came in today with the right minds and
08:48understanding that hey what happened yesterday has no bearing this week and
08:51they're gonna have to be ready to go
08:57yeah you know and a lot of that shows up across the league early and early in
09:01the year and there's no excuse for it like you know especially when you're
09:04playing at home you got to you know making sure you're all on the same page
09:07and and staying poised and making sure you're kind of locked into some of the
09:10things that might be a little different early in the year but the biggest thing
09:13is just just the attention to detail and just really listening into the snap
09:17count and not trying to make it more than it is of hey this is my block I
09:20got to get this thing I get so locked in that I forget hey the quarterback can
09:24change something and that's what was happening on some of those and so no
09:27excuses for that and you know our guys are they understand that it's important
09:30and living behind the change is never easy and so any five-yard penalty or
09:34taking away a big play or makes it a little harder on us and so but they're
09:40they understand that they took accountability with it and I I'm
09:44expecting a difference this week
09:47yeah it was you know that's kind of who they are right nothing is nothing's too
09:54big for them and you know Ray obviously had a you know the great job on the
09:58check down you know there's four guys covering Dalton and does something with
10:03the ball in his hands and the next play you know great opportunity and makes a
10:07guy miss in the run and so it was it's good the juices are always flowing for
10:13guys especially as rookies but he didn't blink and you know can going up and
10:17making the play you know that was a huge play in the game and gave us gave
10:21us some some energy that we kind of needed at that point and but they're
10:26they're two veterans and they might be different in ages but they're both
10:29mature football players and mature people and we count on them regardless
10:33if it's the first game of the season then being rookies and it kind of shows
10:47yeah no are you talking the touchdown or the the one that he the scramble that
11:02he kind of yeah that's what that I called it for that purpose you know and
11:06just see him make like three guys miss and kind of get rocked but no that's who
11:11he is like he's a football player and in he's at his best when you're in a
11:15stadium and people are trying to tackle him and his his body control his balance
11:20his football IQ it all comes it all kind of shows when you get out there and I
11:25guess sometimes I have no clue how he's able to keep his balance how he's able
11:29you know how he's able to reach in for that end zone you know the touchdown and
11:33be able to find a way to get that in there but everything we've been saying
11:37like he's a baller he's a football player and when the balls in his hands
11:40good things happen and our quarterback trust some guys on our offense trust him
11:44and and he goes and shows that awesome appreciate you guys
