The Young and the Restless 9-11-24 (Y&R 11th September 2024) 9-11-2024

  • last week
00:00Maria, you do not have to do this if you're uncomfortable.
00:04I'm absolutely uncomfortable.
00:09Checking my mom's meds, sneaking around behind her back.
00:15It feels wrong.
00:16I know. I know. But we need the truth.
00:20We need to know if your mom is on her meds or not.
00:24I just hate doubting her.
00:26We can't really help her until we get some answers, right?
00:30Hopefully, her medication will be easy to find.
00:34Okay, so I go in, I count the meds, I make sure she's on track, and then I get out of there.
00:41Do you know where she was headed when she left you?
00:44No, she just said she had somewhere to be.
00:47I'm assuming the house is empty right now, but I don't know for how long.
00:51Okay, well then, I'm gonna have to be quick.
00:55I just really hope that we're wrong and she's on her meds.
01:00And she's gonna go back to her old self again.
01:02There's nothing I want more. Good luck.
01:15Did you get my message?
01:17Phyllis, I've been dealing with some stuff. What's going on?
01:19Your ex-wife. That's what's going on. She's out of control.
01:30She's out of control.
02:00Hey, Lucy, can you get out of here, please?
02:19I'm not gonna ask you again.
02:25We need to talk.
02:27You're just gonna pile on more punishment?
02:29Well, you keep throwing attitude like that, yeah, you just might get your wish.
02:32I need to see your phone.
02:35Wrong answer. Phone. Now, young lady.
02:41I need to see your phone.
02:44Wrong answer. Phone. Now, young lady.
02:53Airplane mode? Really?
02:56Did you think we weren't gonna check?
02:57Who cares? It's not like I can actually go anywhere.
03:00I care. Whether you believe it or not.
03:02And we installed this tracking app on your phone for a reason.
03:06So you could stalk me?
03:07No. So we would know where you are.
03:09Well, I'm right here.
03:11And you're gonna stay right here. Do not change that again, you understand?
03:16Do I have a choice?
03:17Not if you're smart. And that's all we want, is for you to start making smart decisions.
03:22Whatever. Where's Mom?
03:24She is with a colleague, working on a legal case. If we're lucky, maybe it could turn into an affirmative position.
03:31Or not.
03:33Look, I need to go out too, which means you're gonna be home alone.
03:36Which means that I need to be able to trust that you're gonna stay put.
03:42Lucy, are you going to stay put?
03:48You know what? I'm gonna take that as a yes.
03:52You know, now would be a really good time for you to finish your apology letter to Faith.
03:57Or maybe you could continue to look at the community service options that you had.
04:00Or you could do both. Doing both would be fantastic.
04:08I love you. And we're gonna get through this, I promise.
04:15I'll be back soon.
04:30Please, don't hang up.
04:34I know that I shouldn't be calling.
04:36But things have gotten so weird. We have to talk, please, before things get even worse.
04:58Mommy here?
05:10Please be here.
05:22I gotta sink out and edit this.
05:34What are you doing here?
05:41This is a really bad idea, Lucy.
05:43Please, we need to talk.
05:45I'm not really sure what there is to say. You apologized, I accepted, we're good.
05:51But we've barely been allowed to see each other.
05:54Maybe that's for the best.
05:56No, it's not.
05:59I made a mistake.
06:00I get it, and I will be sorry forever.
06:03But our parents act like what happened was some huge tragedy, but nothing bad actually happened, right?
06:09Things could have been a whole lot worse, Lucy. You get that, right?
06:13We were incredibly lucky to walk away from that crash with only minor injuries.
06:19It was super serious.
06:22But we're okay, right?
06:25So can we please just meet and talk?
06:29The two of us, without our parents freaking out all over the place?
06:33I don't know.
06:35Please, Faith.
06:38I promise you that this is the last favor I will ever ask.
06:45So, Heather and I, we're having a private conversation.
06:49Sharon torpedoes in, starts going off on Lucy and what a bad kid she is, and then starts verbally attacking my son as being a bad parent.
07:00Damn it.
07:01Heather showed restraint, but finally she couldn't take it and she left.
07:06But you decided to stick around and get into it with her.
07:09Well, yeah. I'm not just going to stand there while she trashes my son.
07:14What'd you say?
07:15I'm protecting my family, Nick.
07:19Honestly, I kept my cool.
07:23Yes, because I know Sharon has issues right now.
07:27So you should thank me for showing restraint.
07:30Okay. Thank you.
07:32Because it wouldn't have done anyone any good if you had gone full Phyllis on her.
07:36Well, what's going to do all of us good right now?
07:39Because, honestly, something needs to be done about Sharon.
07:45What are you doing? Why are you here?
07:49Um, I'm sorry if I startled you. I was just coming to borrow a necklace from Faith, and I saw that you weren't here, so I just let myself in. I hope that's okay.
08:03At the coffeehouse, you said you were heading straight to the office.
08:07I was, but then I decided to take an early lunch.
08:12You must really want that necklace.
08:15I love my bling.
08:17Well, by all means, don't let me get in your way.
08:22Uh, how are you, Mom?
08:25That's a very popular question these days. Um, I'm doing fine, but I will be much better once I get a cup of tea.
08:34Okay, well, I'm just going to get that necklace, so I'll get out of your hair.
09:09I can only stay a minute.
09:11I'm just so glad you came.
09:13So, you're still grounded?
09:16Practically for the rest of my life.
09:19Been there, but our parents only do it because they're trying to help us figure things out, make better decisions.
09:26I know it's for my own good, which is why I'm totally following all the rules.
09:31Except for calling me and asking me to come here. Guessing that would be against the rules.
09:36But this is important.
09:38So is honoring your punishment.
09:39I get that I made a mistake. Okay? A lot of mistakes.
09:45But my parents are treating me like I'm some sort of criminal.
09:49I'm basically locked up here.
09:51I have to donate money to a charity, which means I have to get a job.
09:55I can't get my driver's license for an entire year.
09:58And I have to do community service.
10:00I will basically have no life, and it's still not enough for your mom.
10:05My mom?
10:06My mom.
10:08She's totally obsessing and making things even more horrible.
10:25Did you find the necklace?
10:27Uh, yeah. It's right where Faith said it would be, so now I really will be getting to the office.
10:33Mariah, look, I'm sorry about the third degree earlier. I just wasn't expecting to see anyone.
10:41And there I was.
10:44But, you know, you do seem on edge. Did something happen after I saw you?
10:50What didn't happen first? I got accosted by that brat, Lucy, at the coffeehouse.
10:58She practically threw a tantrum just because I don't want her anywhere near Faith anymore.
11:04And then I had the pleasure of running into Phyllis and Heather.
11:09Oh, boy.
11:11It's like I can't get away from that family and their excuses and their constant refusal to see that Lucy's actions almost cost Faith her life.
11:20Yeah, but, Mom, Faith is... she's fine.
11:24You know, I don't have to get to the office straight away. Maybe we could have lunch and talk?
11:33Oh, you're so sweet. You know what I really need right now, though, is a quick nap.
11:39And I would sleep a lot better if I knew that you were at Cassidy first taking care of things.
11:45Then that is exactly what I'll do.
11:54Is this yours?
11:56Uh, no, that's...
11:58Hey, it was a gift.
12:01Okay, well, I love you.
12:03Love you.
12:05I will call you later.
12:07Alright. Bye.
12:48Nicely done.
12:54I thought so.
12:57You know, you used to always shoot me away.
13:01I used to not realize how big the threat to my family is.
13:08That's my girl.
13:18You're so close to knowing what it is that will bring you peace in all this.
13:24The closure that you've been looking for for years.
13:28Imagine the reward, Sharon.
13:33An end to the questions.
13:37The wondering.
13:39An end to your pain.
13:42And all the confusion.
13:46And the beginning of the life that you deserve.
13:51The life you never should have lost.
13:55You will be whole again.
14:00Whole for your family.
14:03And whole for Nick.
14:05Whole for Nick.
14:18We are trying to get whatever is going on with Sharon sorted out, so you don't need to worry about it.
14:24Well, I am worried about it.
14:26Because she's going after my family.
14:30She had the nerve to tell Heather that Lucy was a problem and something was wrong with Lucy and she had a meltdown or something.
14:39I mean, I don't know. Were you here?
14:41Yeah, I was.
14:43Sharon confronted Lucy and told her that she needed to stay away from Faith and that she needed to stop trying to force a friendship.
14:50Okay. What else?
14:53She also said that there needs to be some boundaries in place.
14:57Alright. Is there anything else?
15:00Daniel was there. He tried to step in, but Lucy got upset so she took off and then Daniel followed her out.
15:07My gosh, this is unbelievable.
15:10Lucy is a young girl. I mean, she already feels so guilty about what happened.
15:15It's unfortunate and I agree with you. Sharon crossed the line.
15:20But I did talk to her.
15:23Nick, this is beyond the talking phase. It really is.
15:29I think you should consider checking her into Fairview.
15:38Can you just try and understand where Sharon is coming from? Okay, this crash, it stirred up some stuff for her about Cassie.
15:46I mean, I get it. I do. I understand that. It was a horrible tragedy. We all know that.
15:55But it seems like she hasn't been able to move on and that was a while ago.
16:01And it's not right that she keeps on attacking my family and my son. This has got to stop.
16:09Yeah, I know. And we are trying to work out her medication.
16:12Okay, but you've been saying that. I mean, the doctors should have worked out the medication by now and they haven't.
16:18And what's going on with her is beyond a problem with medication.
16:21Quite honestly, I think she's dangerous. Okay, Phyllis, come on.
16:25You didn't see the way she was talking to me. There was hate in her eyes. It was not like the Sharon I've known.
16:32There was venom. It was scary and I don't scare easily.
16:37She's attacking my son. I don't like it. I have to protect my family. If you don't do something about it, I will.
16:46I will.
16:48Phyllis, can you...
16:56I mean, you saw it. The way that your mom dragged you out of society when all I wanted to do was talk to you.
17:03Her crash really scared her. But it was so uncool. I mean, what's wrong with talking?
17:09And then it got even worse when my dad and I ran into her.
17:12I was super polite and I asked if you and I could talk. And then your mom totally blew up on me about how I'm desperate and needy and you don't want to be my friend.
17:25That I make you uncomfortable and that I should stay away.
17:29She said all that?
17:30She said all that?
17:32It was totally humiliating. I was hoping that maybe you could talk to her. Convince her to back off. Let us be friends.
17:44I'm sorry you're upset. But there's no real point in me talking to my mom.
17:51I know, right? Parents are always so convinced that they know everything.
17:56I'm not going to talk to my mother because I don't think she's wrong.
18:04How could you say that?
18:06Like I said, she's upset over what happened. What could have happened.
18:11But we're fine. Everything's fine. She needs to let go.
18:16Actually, you are the one who needs to let go.
18:20Oh, hey. Good to see you.
18:23Good morning.
18:25Is it though?
18:27Wait, what's wrong? Did something happen?
18:29Oh, Sharon happened. I mean, she publicly humiliated Lucy. Lucy ran off.
18:38Are you serious?
18:41Lucy's already dealing with enough.
18:42I know. And to have Sharon do that to her? Who attacks a defenseless child like that?
18:48Why would Sharon do that?
18:50Why would she do anything she's doing right now if she is so out of control?
18:54I mean, that little event is just more of the same.
18:58And telling Lucy that she's forbidden to hang around Faith, I mean...
19:04I mean, look. I get why Sharon's upset.
19:06Lucy drank and Faith had to drive her home. That's the only reason the accident happened.
19:10I know. And her parents are punishing her for that. That's fine.
19:14But Sharon doesn't need to stick her nose in our family business.
19:18Okay? She doesn't need to make scenes all over town.
19:21All over town?
19:23Yeah. Just earlier, right here, Heather and I were talking.
19:26Sharon walked in like a bat out of hell, accusing Heather and Daniel of being horrible parents
19:31and accusing me of being a horrible parent.
19:34And we both know that that is not true.
19:37You do love hard.
19:39I do. And I will protect my family.
19:42So, if Sharon comes for me, or my kids, or my grandbaby, she has consequences to deal with.
19:51Okay, Mom, I...
19:53She is out of control right now, Summer.
19:56I'm telling you, nobody knows better than we do how extreme Sharon can get.
20:30Sorry to wake you.
20:33You just look so beautiful. And peaceful.
20:39I couldn't resist.
20:41I am totally letting go of the accident.
20:44I'm actually writing a letter of apology to you and your parents.
20:48What you need to let go of, Lucy, is the idea of us being best friends.
20:53Like I told you, at the park, we are in totally different places in our lives.
20:58And I don't want you to feel alone.
21:00I don't want you to feel alone.
21:02I don't want you to feel alone.
21:04I don't want you to feel alone.
21:06I don't want you to feel alone.
21:07Like I told you, at the park, we are in totally different places in our lives.
21:11We don't have anything in common.
21:13I thought you understood this. You said you did.
21:16I know, but the more that I thought about it, it just made me sad.
21:20We have a real connection if you just give it a chance.
21:24I think we did.
21:26You were sad after we talked at the park.
21:29And you drank.
21:31And then you were nervous at the concert, and you drank then, too.
21:34What does that have to do with anything?
21:37It was only twice, and I said that it was a mistake.
21:40Drinking seems to be your go-to when you're upset. It's not healthy.
21:44Okay, then I'll stop.
21:46I don't get what the big deal is here.
21:50Is this just some excuse for us not to be friends?
21:54No. I'm concerned.
21:57I like you, Lucy. I want you to be happy.
22:00That's why maybe you need to talk to someone.
22:05Well, I'm talking to you, and it's not going so well.
22:09No, I mean, like, a professional.
22:12So you think that I should see a shrink?
22:15Because I want to be friends, and I drank a few times?
22:19I think it could help.
22:21Why is everyone making this into so much more than it actually is?
22:26Maybe because you need to realize that it is a big deal, Lucy.
22:30The choices that you make right now could affect your life forever.
22:32Trust me, I know from experience.
22:36And I'm too stupid to make good ones.
22:39You are smart, and funny, and kind.
22:42And I know that you are going to figure things out.
22:45And there's nothing wrong with getting help to do that.
22:49You know, your mom said the same thing.
22:52That I needed therapy.
22:54She's really gotten to, hasn't she?
22:58This is all me, Lucy.
23:01I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.
23:06You should go. Your real friends are probably waiting on you.
23:25You will get through this, Lucy.
23:27School starts soon. You'll find friends your own age, you'll see.
23:32Promise me you won't hit up your parents' liquor cabinet because you're upset, alright?
23:39What Sharon did when she switched my paternity test was awful.
23:45I mean, the pain that she caused Dad and Jack, and me and you.
23:50It was awful.
23:52It was awful.
23:54It was awful.
23:56It was awful.
23:58It was awful.
24:00It was awful.
24:02It was awful.
24:03The pain that she caused Dad and Jack, and me and you.
24:08But look, Mom, that was when Sharon was deep in the grips of her bipolar disorder.
24:14You know, it wasn't really her doing those horrible things.
24:19It was the disorder, and I feel like I've come to understand that and accept it.
24:26Uh, okay.
24:28Well, some things can never be forgotten.
24:31That's fair, but Sharon's been diagnosed now.
24:36She's been taking medication that balances her out.
24:39And she's not very balanced right now.
24:42Hey, Mom.
24:43Oh, hey, babe. I'm so glad you're here. Sit down.
24:46Sit down.
24:47Um, Lucy.
24:48You and I, we need to have a little chat.
24:50Yes, we do.
24:51You need to stay away from Sharon.
24:52Oh, no.
24:53Do not engage. Don't oh-no me. Don't oh-no me. This is not your fight. Please.
25:01I'm sorry.
25:08Sorry, that was... I think I was still partly asleep.
25:14No need to apologize.
25:17Been together a long time.
25:20That old spark, it's still there.
25:23Is it?
25:25I'd like to think so.
25:27The old spark.
25:30We still got it, baby.
25:33And I'll take you upstairs and prove it.
25:36But if we don't get a move on, we're gonna be late.
25:40I was hoping you would be ready by now instead of lazing around, and I was sure Cassie would be here.
25:47You mean Mariah?
25:50No, Mom.
25:55He means me.
26:07Hi, Dad.
26:08Hey, baby girl.
26:10What'd you want to see me about?
26:11Well, I just wanted to check in with you, see how you're doing.
26:15Bruise is looking a lot better. Any, um, headaches or anything?
26:20Only Lucy.
26:22Oh, the crash? What's going on with Lucy?
26:26Is this hitting you harder than you're letting on?
26:29No. No, I'm doing okay.
26:32I've processed what happened and why.
26:35Might have even gotten some closure today.
26:38Yeah? How so?
26:40I talked to Lucy. Made it clear that I think she's great, but we'll never be friends the way that she'd like.
26:47I also suggested that she might want to talk to someone.
26:51You know, like a professional.
26:54About her issues. Drinking.
26:57I'm sure that went over well.
26:59I felt bad for her, but I just couldn't pretend like everything was okay between us.
27:04You did the right thing.
27:07Still wasn't easy.
27:10Why did you think that I would hide something like this?
27:15Um, your mom, you know, suggested that maybe you're shaken up and sitting on some feelings. Are you?
27:28Did you promise me?
27:30I'm good. I would tell you if I was upset, I swear.
27:34Why would mom think that I would keep something like that to myself?
27:38Well, Mariah thinks your mom's projecting her own issues, and you pretty much just confirmed it.
27:45You're even more worried about mom, aren't you?
27:51So am I.
27:59You're all grown up.
28:03Uh, yeah. I have been for a while.
28:08I'm sorry. It's just, you look especially beautiful right now.
28:14And how are you? What's new? I want to know everything that's been happening in your life.
28:22Well, not much has changed.
28:25Well, not much has changed. I'm still working as a vet.
28:31That's our girl, saving the world one animal at a time.
28:35And I'm still dating dad's favorite minor league baseball pitcher.
28:40Still waiting for season tickets and a call up to the bigs?
28:43I'm working on it, okay?
28:46Any weddings in your future?
28:49Mom, sorry.
28:50Sorry. No, it's not that I don't want to get married. I do. It's just, you and dad have set the bar so high.
29:00We have?
29:03Yeah. You guys have been married for like a zillion years, and not everyone can have the fairytale perfect marriage.
29:13It is pretty perfect, isn't it?
29:16It's been one for the ages.
29:20Okay, you two are adorable, but we have places to be, and you're not even ready. Did you forget?
29:28Forget what?
29:30The concert at the Romilati.
29:33The Romilati?
29:36The Daniel Romilati Memorial Pavilion.
29:42Uh, perhaps you have not heard the latest.
29:46No, no, no. Heather told me all about it.
29:47Oh, okay, so you know that Sharon accosted us right here.
29:52And you could have walked away with Heather.
29:54Um, there's no way I'm going to do that. You know, Sharon was hateful and she was mean. I could have just walked away.
30:01That's exactly what you're going to do. From now on, you see Sharon, you cross the street, you leave the room, you don't even look at her, okay? Just do not engage. Please.
30:10I'm never not going to protect my family.
30:13Listen, I appreciate so much how you've been there for us through all of this, and you too.
30:19And I really hope that Lucy writing this letter will help her see the damage she's caused and help her get through it.
30:25But in the meantime, we need to figure this out as a family before it gets even more out of hand.
30:30Okay, well, I am family.
30:32Gee, I'm talking about the nuclear family. Me, Lucy, and Heather.
30:39Are you firing me as your mom?
30:41No. I am begging you just to sit this one out.
30:49Good. Great. I'm glad that's settled.
30:52I've got to go to the rooftop deck for a meeting about a lead on a possible job, which hopefully turns into a real job.
30:59Then maybe once Heather and I start working again, maybe we'll have some stability and maybe we can help Lucy get back on track.
31:05Look, Daniel, Lucy is going to come around. It's going to be okay. And you are going to find an amazing job. And so will Heather.
31:17Well, that's the plan.
31:26You are going to back off, right?
31:29That's what your brother asked me to do.
31:32You didn't answer the question.
31:35Listen, he's not seeing things straight, seriously. I mean, he's out of a job. He has a rebellious teenager. He's distracted. He can't see the situation as clearly as I can.
31:47Mom, he asked you nicely.
31:51I'll do my best, but Sheriff's not going to change just because Heather and Daniel hope she will.
31:56Maybe it's not such a bad idea for you to try to find a job, too.
31:59I mean, I'll look when the time is right. Okay?
32:03What's going on with you? Anything I need to know?
32:06Well, I do have some good news and some kind of bad news. Which one do you want to hear about first?
32:11The good news, of course. The good news. I don't want any more bad news.
32:16The way Mom dragged me out of society to get me away from Lucy and her parents, it freaked me out a little.
32:23Lucy said that Mom went off on her this morning.
32:25Lucy said that Mom went off on her this morning.
32:28Yeah, it was pretty harsh. I tried to talk her down, but your mom's convinced she's protecting you.
32:36But she couldn't protect Cassie.
32:40So what do we do? How do we let her know that everything is okay, that I'm okay?
32:45Well, hopefully Mariah's getting to the bottom of that right now.
32:49With any luck, she will come back with some answers that will help us figure out a solution.
32:55What is she doing?
32:57Hey, record time.
33:00How'd it go?
33:01I would have been here sooner, but Mom came home.
33:05Did you get caught?
33:09I'm sorry. Will someone please tell me what's going on?
33:12We think your mom might be off her meds.
33:15So I popped in to search the place and find her pills, see if she's up to date.
33:22Did you find them?
33:24Yeah, they were in her medicine cabinet.
33:28Sharon's being honest. She's taking her meds.
