The Young and the Restless 9-12-24 (Y&R 12th September 2024) 9-12-2024

  • last week
00:00And I've got some good news. Chabot officially closed on the Chalamet deal.
00:05So soon?
00:07Yeah, the board was very impressed with the presentation you gave them.
00:10That is good news.
00:12I thought you'd be more excited. You put a lot of work into making this happen.
00:15I did.
00:17Hey, I know you're upset about Kyle. We both are.
00:23Yesterday you were hopeless, claiming that it was all your fault.
00:28I hope you've gotten that out of your system.
00:33I looked over your proposal. To be honest, I think it's a little short-sighted.
00:40I think we need to allocate more capital to acquisitions.
00:43Our focus needs to be on maximizing development and getting our products into the pipeline so we can get them to market.
00:50We can do that if we make Glissade bigger, faster, and put together a list of companies we should target.
00:57Kyle, we've already spent so much time and money integrating all the small companies in the Glissade portfolio.
01:04We already have too many pieces to put together.
01:07So what's a few more?
02:11I called your office. Your assistant said I could find you here.
02:16Yeah, I've just been really, really focused on work.
02:23I fired Lily and Chance quit, so everything's on me.
02:31Yeah, I know you're really busy, but I was hoping we could talk.
02:42Please come in. Have a seat.
02:44Thank you. Thank you for making the time for me today.
02:52Any new information regarding Billy Abbott and Chancellor?
02:56I do have new information, and I think once you hear it, you're going to realize the time to move is now.
03:07Hi yourself.
03:10Hello, Claire.
03:13Well, it looks like you two are busy working.
03:15No, no. I'm actually done with Kyle. He's all yours. I have to go meet our investor.
03:23I didn't know that was happening, did I?
03:25No. I'm surprised you weren't included. I wouldn't go reading anything into it.
03:31You told me everything that happens, right?
03:33Of course. We're partners, right?
03:37All right. Well, you two have fun.
03:43Yeah. Still does not like me.
03:46Yeah, she doesn't like me very much either. So you're in good company.
03:51And I have a feeling that Audra's bad mood is about to get even worse after this meeting.
03:56I should let you get back to work.
03:58No, no, no. Please sit. Leave me your welcome distraction.
04:05Look at us spending time together in the middle of the day while Harrison's at school.
04:13He did the cutest thing earlier when I dropped him off.
04:17So the class was all about to walk in together and the teacher told him to find a buddy, you know, two by two.
04:22He was supposed to pick a classmate.
04:25And he grabbed your hand.
04:27Yeah, it was so cute.
04:29I told him it was OK that I couldn't go in with him.
04:33I think I would see him later.
04:35Poor guy.
04:36I actually just felt bad for the little girl.
04:38He kept reaching for his hand and he wouldn't take it.
04:42I know.
04:43He has a strong sense of loyalty, that kid.
04:46I just reminded him how excited he was about show and tell.
04:50And then he walked in with her.
04:52Way to show off that chrysalis you two found.
04:57And that's today's Harrison update.
04:59Well, I haven't updated myself.
05:03Why don't I buy you a coffee and tell you all about it?
05:07I've been trying to give you the space you asked for.
05:11To be honest with you, it's been hard for me to do that.
05:17You never have to apologize to me.
05:21I've just been really preoccupied with everything I have at Chancellor.
05:28You used to come to me to talk about work.
05:32But I understand why that can't happen anymore.
05:37It's one more thing my mistake cost you.
05:43I'll figure it out.
05:47I believe in you.
05:50You're probably the only one that does.
05:55But you didn't come here to talk about my work, did you?
06:01I know you said you needed time to think through your thoughts.
06:07See what the future looks like for us, and I want to give you that time.
06:10It's just...
06:12Connor has noticed that you haven't been around.
06:16Did you say to him?
06:17I told him you were on a break.
06:20Which is true.
06:25It was different with us this time.
06:29Different than the last time.
06:34It was...
06:39Which I guess is why it hurts so much.
06:43You let me in.
06:48I did.
06:51You didn't have to do that.
06:52You didn't give me much choice.
06:56You were so gentle.
06:59So loving.
07:01It's the way you are right now, and...
07:04I don't deserve that.
07:08I think you've...
07:11Had a rough life, so if you're asking me, I think...
07:16You deserve everything to be gentle.
07:20You're doing it again right now.
07:24I hurt you, yet you're...
07:27Trying really hard to hurt me as little as possible.
07:32I'm angry.
07:35I'm not gonna deny that.
07:39I don't want to hold on so long that the love turns to...
08:05Thank you for helping me heal.
08:12And for reminding me with your love that I matter.
08:20I don't think there's anything in my life that means more to me than that.
08:26You can't be a part of my life...
08:33You have confirmed this?
08:36I still have friends at the company, and Chance has definitely walked away from Abbott Chancellor.
08:42Was that Chance's or Billy's decision?
08:45Supposedly, Chance gave Billy an ultimatum.
08:48He said, make him co-CEO or he's gonna quit.
08:51So it's a power grab?
08:52I don't think so.
08:54I think Chance wants to save the company.
08:57I mean, he feels the way that I do, that someone needs to keep Billy in line.
09:04If the Abbott is incorrigible, he's a megalomaniac.
09:09I mean, the acquisition that he has planned, I looked at the numbers again, and it is absolutely a bad deal for Chancellor.
09:16We have to move before he closes it.
09:19What's the timetable?
09:20I don't know, he keeps changing it.
09:22And without Chance there to stop him, I mean, who knows when it could be?
09:26I'm telling you, we have to force him out before the damage is irreparable.
09:30What's the name of the company?
09:35I mean, I haven't told you because you haven't given me a firm answer about our partnership.
09:42Look, Victor, I'm giving you valuable information here.
09:46You'll be able to snatch a prime company away from Billy.
09:51I can reiterate my terms for you.
09:53Not necessary.
09:55Well, just humor me.
09:59I will help you take down Billy, and you will reinstate me as CEO of Chancellor.
10:08We have a deal.
10:16So what's the name of the damn company?
10:20Odyssey 7.
10:25You mean the artificial intelligence startup?
10:28That's the one.
10:32I promise you, Victor, you will not be sorry.
10:36I never am.
10:47What's going on?
10:49Billy was just explaining her disdain, her upset, at the direction that Billy is taking Chancellor.
11:00She has graciously offered to help us strip him of his power.
11:04Is that right?
11:07Well, I feel a duty to Catherine and Jill, and not to mention the people who would be out of work if Billy destroys the company.
11:16So you are convinced that Billy is taking Chancellor down the wrong path?
11:20Yes, I am.
11:21And that has nothing to do with the fact that he's fired you?
11:24No. I don't like that that happened, but vengeance is not my thing.
11:29I know sometimes Billy doesn't think before he acts, and in business, that never ends well.
11:37That being said, I'm having mixed feelings about undermining him like this.
11:42And I would have never agreed to stay silent about it if it weren't for the fact that...
11:46Darling, you know that Billy always undermines himself, all right?
11:50And he has taken a carefully built company and almost driven it to the abyss.
11:55I understand why Lily's upset.
12:00But I also understand your concern for the father of your children.
12:05And your grandchildren.
12:08You and I know that Billy will always have a place at Jabot.
12:12If Jack still wants him.
12:15And if he doesn't, well then...
12:19We all know what that is about, don't we?
12:21I understand why you feel conflicted.
12:25At his core, I also care about Billy.
12:28And Johnny and Katie.
12:30And I promise you, I am not doing this out of anger.
12:34I really believe that we are saving Billy from the guilt he'll feel...
12:39If he destroys the company that his mother and Catherine have built.
12:42You have a very, very...
12:45Clear grasp of the situation, okay?
12:48It's impressive.
12:50Thank you, Victor. That means a lot.
12:52And I gotta tell you...
12:55It brings back memories of your father, who...
13:00Was a very astute businessman.
13:03It's as if he were here.
13:06At Numatara.
13:12Jack, when we spoke yesterday about Kyle, I...
13:16I was really upset.
13:18I'm upset with myself.
13:20But it's not your job to soothe my feelings about my past mistakes.
13:24It's not my job.
13:26No, it's my place. I am your husband.
13:29I am your friend. I am your partner.
13:32Your feelings matter to me.
13:34Well, thank you for saying that.
13:36And you are being much too hard on yourself.
13:39Well, given all I've done, it's kind of hard not to be.
13:42When you first came back to General City...
13:44I know it felt like forever before Kyle let you in.
13:48It wasn't.
13:49It happened very quickly.
13:50You won back our son's trust.
13:53Only to lose it all over again.
13:55Your relationship with Kyle is complex.
13:58There are some underlying emotions.
14:00Things are going to come up from time to time.
14:02I think you need to be as patient with yourself as you were with our son.
14:06Do you really think there's a chance I can heal this rift?
14:09Where there is love, there is hope.
14:11I believe that with everything in me.
14:13And I also believe that you and Kyle, despite the animosity, truly love each other.
14:22Jack, I don't...
14:24I don't want you to think for a second that I don't appreciate our relationship.
14:29I mean, every day we get to go off to work together.
14:32We come home together.
14:34I love the life we share.
14:37As do I.
14:39But it's just hard for me to feel that joy.
14:43Knowing that Kyle believes that some of my happiness has come at his expense.
14:49Are you still mocha?
14:56How did you know that's my drink of choice?
14:59I pay attention to the things that matter.
15:02I have an idea.
15:04Why don't we go for a walk?
15:08I'd like that very much.
15:11I was really hoping that I could find a way to put my feelings and my ego aside, but...
15:21It's just...
15:22It's just that it was Adam.
15:29He destroys everything he touches.
15:34I understand your hatred for Adam, I do.
15:37But this isn't about him.
15:39I lied.
15:41I cheated.
15:42I betrayed your trust.
15:45You can blame him if you want, but...
15:48I'm the one that broke my commitment to him, so I have to own that.
15:52Nobody's victim, Jess.
15:53Everything inside of me is just screaming to...
15:57Convince you not to do this.
16:01To get you to change your mind.
16:03To give me another chance.
16:06But I won't do that.
16:10I hurt you, Billy.
16:13And I know there's a strong possibility that the wounds I inflicted can never heal.
16:21I really wish I could get over this.
16:25I know.
16:27I don't want you to feel badly about that.
16:33Look, I just...
16:35I got so much going on at work, and...
16:39I mean, you need to focus on your family.
16:42You know, you and Adam, you need to be there for Connor.
16:45Did me putting my son first ever make you feel like...
16:49No, never.
16:52It only made me love you more.
16:57Which is another reason why I have to...
17:01Let it go, Chelsea.
17:04I mean, Connor has to come first, and I don't want you to be burdened with the...
17:09Pain and guilt of our situation. You need to be there...
17:13For your son.
17:30I just...
17:33Want to hold onto the hand of the kindest, most generous man I've ever known.
17:40One last time.
17:47Don't worry about how Connor's going to feel when he finds out we're over.
17:52It's not just a break.
17:55Even just saying those words out loud, it hits me hard.
17:59And his recovery, it's so fragile.
18:03Connor's strong.
18:04He is, but he spends a lot of time carefully arranging his world.
18:10Any change can make the OCD flare, and this is a big change.
18:14So you're worried that he's going to blame himself?
18:16He's already tried to.
18:19Connor has a lot of guilt that his illness has affected all of our lives.
18:24I've told him emphatically that he's not to blame, but he doesn't believe me.
18:29I'll talk to him.
18:31I can't ask you to do that.
18:35You don't have to ask.
18:39You know, the more that I sit with your plan to take over Chancellor, the less I like it.
18:46Oh, yeah? I've heard your concerns.
18:49I get the sense that you were being less than forthcoming with Lily just now.
18:52Your mother and I have a deep appreciation of Lily Winters, both personal and professional, right?
18:59That doesn't answer my question, so I guess I'm not getting one, am I?
19:04Here you are.
19:07Hey, Victor.
19:08Hey, Cole.
19:10I thought you were in Oxford.
19:12Yeah, yeah, I was, and now I'm back.
19:17Hey, listen, is there any chance that I could pull you away for lunch?
19:22Oh, yeah, that would be great. Sounds nice.
19:28We'll talk about this later.
19:30No, there's no need. It's all set, okay?
19:35Let me just grab my bag from the office.
19:39Cole, would you mind hanging around for a minute? I'd like a word with you.
19:50What's up?
19:52Didn't I make myself clear?
19:56I don't like you associating with my daughter.
19:59Victor, why do I suddenly feel 16 again, and about to get the third degree from the father of the girl I want to date?
20:08I don't trust you, Cole.
20:10Oh, okay, okay. So we're going back to what happened with Jordan.
20:14You betrayed me.
20:15No, no, no. It wasn't betrayal.
20:17And you continue to defy me.
20:21Victor, do you seriously think that you can order me around?
20:26Do you seriously think that you can order me to stay away from your daughter?
20:32I just didn't.
20:35You are not the only person that bears some responsibility for this tension with Kyle.
20:40I let you both down by letting things fester.
20:43No, you didn't want to take sides.
20:45No, I stepped back when I should have stepped in.
20:48I kept insisting that the two of you work out your differences at the office, and it turns out it wasn't just about work.
20:56The two people I care most about in the world are at odds. I should have made that my first priority.
21:02Kyle is now drifting, and possibly prey to Victor.
21:08I know how upsetting that is to you.
21:10No, what's upsetting for me is to see you suffer with this.
21:14Yes, but I just don't think I can be happy, truly happy in my life, knowing that Kyle hates me.
21:21You definitely got our work cut out for us, making things right with our family, but I'm never going to give up hope that we can do it.
21:31Come on.
21:36Harrison, he got your smile.
21:40You're just noticing that now?
21:42Well, maybe you haven't been smiling enough since we met.
21:45Well, maybe you need to get used to it.
21:47Summer and I met with our attorneys, and it looks like we're going to be able to work things out.
21:51I'm so happy for you both, and for Harrison. I knew you could do it.
21:58I knew you'd do it.
22:00Do what?
22:02You went through years of hell with Jordan. Somehow, you're still a total optimist.
22:09So, are things at the Sod going well, too?
22:14Very well.
22:18Now that I have shown our investor they were right to put their faith in me.
22:28Send her in.
22:33You're in.
22:39Well, I can see you're not in the best of moods.
22:43But maybe that will change once I tell you what's going on at the company.
22:48I understand you told someone about my investment in Desire.
22:58I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02About my investment in Desire.
23:17Hey, buddy. How you doing? Good to see you.
23:21You didn't have to drag Billy and me here to make it seem like everything's okay.
23:25No, this is about me. I asked your mom if I could talk to you, man to man.
23:31That's something adults say when they're about to tell you something you don't want to hear.
23:36Well, I think it's important what's going on between me and you, so I want to be direct.
23:41I'd appreciate that.
23:52Want to sit?
24:01You know your mom worries about you a lot, right? You know that.
24:05Yeah, because of my OCD.
24:07Well, not only that, but, I mean, you're her whole world, right?
24:13So sometimes she's not going to be as straight with you as maybe you'd like.
24:18She's trying to protect me.
24:19Yeah. That's what parents do.
24:23Even if it means keeping the truth from me?
24:26Yeah. Kids usually see through that, don't they?
24:30You know, my mother wasn't as gentle with me as your mother is.
24:36And if I did something wrong, I didn't get a hug. I wasn't told it was all going to be okay.
24:42What'd she do?
24:44Well, my mom would usually call me an idiot.
24:46She still does. It's kind of how she shows her love.
24:51That's kind of messed up.
24:53Yeah, well, parents do their best, and then it's up to you to do better.
25:00And I've seen your mom do so many little things better.
25:06Well, I mean, there's big things, and then there's little things like cutting the crust off your bread when she's making you a sandwich.
25:13Or pretending to like pepperoni pizza because that's what you like.
25:18She does not pretend.
25:20Come on. Trust me. I've watched her order pizza, okay? The only thing she gets are veggies. So you read into that what you will.
25:30She does let me have my way a lot.
25:34She pays attention to you. She wants to do everything for you. That's how she shows her love.
25:39It's a lot of little things. Maybe too many.
25:44What do you mean by that?
25:47Maybe that's why you guys are breaking up. Because of me, she doesn't have time to do all the little things for you.
25:53I don't know. You don't worry about that. That's not, that's not what it is.
25:58Why then?
26:01I don't know.
26:02You don't worry about that. That's not, that's not what it is.
26:06Why then?
26:10Trust me, okay? It's got nothing to do with you. Nothing at all. Okay? You hear me?
26:17Did my mom do something?
26:19I'm an idiot. Remember?
26:23Did you do something to hurt her?
26:26Look, I'm, uh, I'm a little too selfish for your mom.
26:33I just, I have too much going on at work and I just need to focus on everything that I have a chance there right now.
26:41And I don't have the, the time to love someone as amazing as your mom.
26:50I know that look.
26:53What look is that?
26:55It's the look that says that you are unhappy with something that your father did.
27:02My father just, he has it in for Billy.
27:06Okay, well, that's nothing new.
27:10No, what's new is that he's using you.
27:14Okay, well, that's nothing new.
27:17No, what's new is that he's using Lily Winters towards the end.
27:23Well, how did he rope her in?
27:26Billy fired Lily, so she has her own reasons for going after Billy. I just don't see this ending well.
27:34Okay, so you're conflicted because you want Chancellor for your mom.
27:40Listen, you cannot let my father or anyone else in my family know that I confided that in you.
27:47Okay, listen, honey, you know that you can trust me, right?
27:51Yeah, I do.
27:53Okay, well, Billy is Katie and Johnny's dad and you don't want to see him get hurt.
28:01If you're about to suggest that I tell Billy about my father's plan, I want you to know that I've already considered that.
28:09Okay, well, you always take care of the people that you care about. You always do.
28:18What about you? That look that you had when we sat down.
28:23Oh, really? What look was that?
28:25It was just kind of like the same look that I had.
28:29So what did you and my father talk about anyway?
28:32He warned me to stay away from you.
28:35No, he did not. Why would he do that?
28:37Just being overprotective.
28:40Well, it's a nasty habit.
28:43Well, I am not afraid of Victor Newman.
28:48You aren't?
28:50Nope. It kind of brings out the rub on me, actually.
28:53Makes me think that our romance is, uh, actually makes it really exciting.
29:00Is that what this is? A romance?
29:04If you can't tell, I'm doing something wrong.
29:10No, you're not. You're doing everything just right.
29:17I have zero tolerance for defiance.
29:21I didn't ever.
29:22And even less tolerance for lies.
29:25There are plenty of people around you who can attest to the fact that if you lose my trust,
29:32my confidence in you,
29:35it's nearly impossible to regain it.
29:41I'm confident that the challenges I'm dealing with at work will be behind me soon enough.
29:49And what about the challenges you're facing with your parents?
29:57Yeah, I don't see the point in wasting any more time or energy on that. I mean, it is what it is.
30:04They don't trust me, and I can't rely on them.
30:07You lived together. You worked together. Maybe it was too much.
30:10Maybe some time and some space will make things better.
30:14I don't see it.
30:19I know that they hurt you, Kyle.
30:22You do not want to talk about this.
30:24Actually, I do.
30:26I'm your friend, and that means hearing the bad along with the good.
30:31And even if you've given up on making things better with your parents,
30:36I haven't.
30:39Again, I appreciate it.
30:42You don't need to look out for me.
30:45I'm not sure that's true.
30:48So, if it's okay with you, I'm going to keep doing just that.
30:58So, I'm going to be very clear with you, okay?
31:02I'm always going to consider you part of my family.
31:05Because Johnny and I are brothers.
31:07Well, that, but I just think you're a great kid.
31:10I mean, you're cool. I really respect how you carry yourself,
31:14and I think you're one of the bravest people I've ever met.
31:19Then why am I so scared all the time?
31:22Well, being brave doesn't mean you're not scared.
31:25It just means that you're not so scared that it stops you from doing what you need to do.
31:32I know we probably won't be hanging out much, but, like you said,
31:36we're kind of family.
31:38And I'm really glad.
31:40Me too.
31:43I need to ask you a favor.
31:47Can you be gentle with your mom?
31:49For just a little while, at least.
31:51You know, give her a few extra hugs.
31:56You're not going to stop caring about her, are you?
32:03That way, you'll never have to worry about her again.
32:06That way, you and I can always be friends.
32:09That's a guarantee.
32:12I'm going to go find my mom.
32:14Give her one of those hugs.
32:16Okay. Before you do that, let me sneak one of those, too.
32:24And if you ever want to get pizza, with pepperoni.
32:28I know who to call.
32:45I saw you with Connor.
32:48I hope you don't think less of me for hiding until he was gone.
32:52No. No, that was the right thing to do.
32:55Just happened a little heart to heart.
32:58Yours is broken.
33:01So was yours.
33:03Want to sit?
33:08Wouldn't you rather get out of here?
33:15So, you know how I start every day with my writing?
33:22Mm-hmm. Yeah. You said that it gives you a jolt of energy.
33:26A jolt of energy.
33:30Well, writing isn't what does that anymore.
33:35Now, it's you.
33:38I have to admit, I was surprised about how much I missed you when you went to Oxford to get your things.
33:47I didn't realize how much a part of my life you'd become again.
33:54Because of Claire.
33:56Well, yeah. I mean, Claire is the person who brought us together, but I think we both know that it's more than that.
34:07You're the person that I want to talk to when I'm feeling happy or sad.
34:13You're the person that I'd like to share things with.
34:18You're that for me, too.
34:21Every time I see you, you look more beautiful to me.
34:27Every day, I'm reminded of the things that I adore about you.
34:36I'd like for you to show me what you mean.
34:40I swear, Victor, I didn't say anything.
34:42Please stop lying, okay? You told Nate Hastings.
34:48He guessed, Victor. He put together the pieces, and I can't imagine he's the only one.
34:53Then it was up to you to convince him otherwise.
34:56Well, that wasn't feasible. Nate and I are... were involved, and...
35:00Spare me.
35:03I don't trust you.
35:06And I don't trust Nate Hastings.
35:09Well, I trust Nate a hell of a lot more than I trust Kyle Abbott.
35:14Jack, I don't want to put this on you.
35:17If you come to me upset about anything, especially about family, it is never a burden to me.
35:24Just promise me you won't give up on our son.
35:28Even though he's already given up on me?
35:31No, I... I promise. I promise. I have moments of doubt, but...
35:36Of course, I'm going to keep trying to make things right with Kyle.
35:46I'm sorry.
36:16I'm sorry.
36:41You trusted me when we agreed to make this deal, Victor.
36:44And now I think that was a mistake.
36:48If I'm going to run this company, and make it the runaway success we both want it to be,
36:53then I have to be given the freedom to make my own choices, and that includes who to trust.
36:59You trusted Tucker McCall.
37:02Where did that get you?
37:03They got me Glissade.
37:10You know how much value I bring to this company.
37:14I can see I've given you reason to question my loyalty and discretion.
37:18But I will accomplish everything you want, and a hell of a lot more, if you just let me do what I do best.
37:26I know you don't like it when people don't do as you ask.
37:28But I'm also pretty sure you're not big on someone working you to advance their own agenda.
37:34No one...
37:36is working me.
37:40Someone told you about my indiscretion.
37:43I know it was Kyle.
37:46What do you think his motive was for doing that?
37:48I do not owe you an answer. I don't trust you, so kindly leave.
38:00Excuse me.
38:10Oh, Kyle.
38:21Would it be okay if we all sat down together to talk?
