Tram trouble

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Tram Trouble
00:05Thomas the Tank Engine and Toby the Steam Tram are very good friends.
00:12Toby always tells Thomas when he's worried, and Thomas is always happy to help Toby.
00:21One bright morning, Thomas puffed in to Arlesdale End.
00:26Hello Toby, you look happy.
00:29The Fat Controller has asked me to lead the parade at the first Great Waterton Festival.
00:35Thomas was pleased for his friend.
00:38That's because you're the only steam tram on Sodor. Everyone will cheer for you.
00:43Thomas puffed quickly away.
00:46The Fat Controller was waiting for him at Great Waterton.
00:49He had three important jobs to do.
00:52Thomas raced into Great Waterton, fizzling fireboxes.
00:57Waiting on the rails was another steam tram.
01:02Thomas, this is Flora. She's the new steam tram on Sodor.
01:08Flora smiled her sunniest smile.
01:12Hello Thomas.
01:17Flora is to lead the parade with Toby.
01:21Thomas gasped.
01:23Take Flora to meet Toby.
01:26Then Toby must bring Flora back here for the parade.
01:31Thomas was worried.
01:33Toby thinks he's leading the parade all by himself, thought Thomas.
01:37Now he will be very upset.
01:39I must keep Flora away from Toby until after the parade.
01:45Thomas and Flora arrived at the junction.
01:49Suddenly an idea flew into Thomas' funnel.
01:53I will take Flora to do one of my jobs before we go to Arsdale End.
01:58He chuffed to himself.
02:00By then Toby will have left to lead the parade.
02:04Let's go to the wood yard first.
02:06It won't take long.
02:09That sounds exciting.
02:11So they raced away to the wood yard.
02:18Thomas collected a flatbed of heavy logs.
02:21Now we can meet Toby.
02:24Flora was pleased.
02:26Hooray, she peeped prettily.
02:28They set off.
02:30Toby, Toby, you must go.
02:32Hurry now to lead the show, Thomas puffed to himself.
02:37Flora and Thomas waited at the junction to Toby's shed.
02:42It looked empty.
02:44Come on, Flora.
02:46Flora pumped her pistons perkily.
02:49Suddenly Thomas saw steam coming from Toby's shed.
02:54Cinders and ashes, he thought.
02:56Toby's still there.
02:58Toby mustn't see Flora.
03:00Flora, I've just remembered.
03:02We must go to the quarry first.
03:05Flora was surprised.
03:07If you say so, Thomas.
03:09And they puffed away.
03:16At the shunting yard, Thomas was coupled up to the stone trucks.
03:21Now we can meet Toby.
03:24At the shunting yard, Thomas was coupled up to the stone trucks.
03:28Now we can meet Toby.
03:31That made Flora very happy.
03:34Toby, Toby, please have gone.
03:37Lead the show.
03:38Be proud and strong, Thomas puffed to himself.
03:46Thomas and Flora arrived at Arsdale End.
03:50This time Thomas was sure Toby's shed was empty.
03:54Come on, Flora.
03:57Oh no, thought Thomas.
04:00Toby's still there.
04:02Toby mustn't see Flora.
04:04Flora, we're late to pick up my load.
04:07We must go to the docks.
04:09If you say so, Thomas.
04:13And they puffed quickly away.
04:21At the docks, Thomas was coupled up to his large load to take to Great Waterton.
04:27Thomas was sure Toby would now be leading the parade.
04:31Come on, Flora.
04:33Flora's axles ached, but Thomas steamed strongly.
04:42Thomas and Flora puffed up to the junction.
04:46Then there was trouble.
04:48Flora had chuffed too far.
04:51She had run out of coal.
04:53I'm sorry, Thomas.
04:55Flora's wheels wobbled weakly.
04:58Thomas felt bad.
05:00He knew it was his fault.
05:03Then he heard a chuff and a puff and a ring of a bell.
05:08It was Toby.
05:10Thomas, I've been waiting for you.
05:13Who, who's that?
05:16Cinders and ashes.
05:18Toby had met Flora.
05:20Neither of them was at the parade.
05:23The Fat Controller would be very cross.
05:26Thomas couldn't have felt worse.
05:29Flora, this is Toby.
05:31Toby, this is Flora.
05:35Toby looked very happy.
05:37Thomas was surprised.
05:40I wanted to tell you, Thomas,
05:42that I was too scared to lead the parade all by myself,
05:45but now Flora and I can lead it together.
05:49I thought I knew what you wanted, Toby,
05:52but I was wrong.
05:54Now Thomas had to quickly put right his mistake.
05:58Flora, take my coal.
06:00I'll pick up more.
06:02Puff as fast as you can to Great Waterton.
06:06Toby and Flora soon puffed away.
06:13Later, Thomas chuffed in to Great Waterton.
06:17The parade was ready to leave.
06:20Thomas's flatbed was uncovered.
06:25Flora gasped.
06:27She had a wonderful new tram car.
06:31Toby was pleased.
06:36Thomas watched his two friends
06:38lead the first Great Waterton parade.
06:45The children cheered.
06:47The brass band booed.
06:49Now I have another best friend,
06:51and she's a steam tram too.
06:54And Thomas smiled his happiest smile.