Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.
00:00Toad the Brake Van was feeling sad. Everywhere he looked, he could see engines and coaches moving steadily forwards.
00:14They all looked confident and cheerful.
00:19One day, he decided to talk to Oliver, the Great Western Engine.
00:24I'm always going backwards, Mr Oliver. I have forward-thinking views. I could be a leader, if you know what I mean.
00:32You can't be a leader without a train to follow you. You don't have a train. Gordon said.
00:38Toad felt sadder still. Oliver wanted to help.
00:41You're a very useful brake van, Toad. You help me brake, and you keep my trucks in order when we go down hills.
00:47I know, Mr Oliver, but it would be so exciting to go forwards for a change instead of always seeing things sliding away from me.
00:55The trucks were cross with Toad.
00:57Who's he to start complaining? He's lucky to be able to look after us. Let's teach him a lesson.
01:18The trucks decided to carry out their plan when they reached Gordon's Hill.
01:25When they were nearly at the top, they played their tricks.
01:29Ready, steady, go, said the trucks, and they jerked at a coupling which broke.
01:36We're making your wish come true, Toad.
01:41Follow the leader, yelled the trucks.
01:45Toad was still in a state of shock, so didn't know what to think, and he couldn't ask the guard. He had jumped clear.
02:04Faster, faster, as fast as you want, screamed the trucks.
02:15Suddenly, Toad found it all rather fun.
02:18But the fun was soon over.
02:20A crossing lay ahead and the gates were closed. Toad couldn't stop.
02:24Worse still, Toad now realised he was on the wrong track.
02:28There ahead was Gordon.
02:30The signalman changed the points just in time.
02:37On, on, faster, cried the trucks.
02:44Suddenly, he saw James pulling a long, slow train.
02:51Help, save me, a quick-thinking shunter did just in time.
02:57What was that? exclaimed James.
03:00The signalman warned the stationmaster at the next station. There's a runaway coming.
03:05We'll send them into the sidings.
03:08Help, help, called Toad again.
03:14Toad saw some buffers. Those'll stop me.
03:17But the points to the buffers weren't set.
03:19Oh, no, I'm back on the main line.
03:24Meanwhile, Oliver was racing to the rescue.
03:30I must catch Toad, I must.
03:33Toad sped past Henry.
03:38More danger lay ahead.
03:40Men were working on a bridge, but they had been warned about the runaway Toad and his trucks.
03:48They diverted him onto old sidings.
03:51Straight into a muddy pool.
03:59Stopped at last.
04:02Oliver arrived, and when he saw Toad, he could only smile.
04:06A pond's the only place for a Toad, I suppose.
04:11That night, Toad spoke to Oliver.
04:13I'm sorry, Mr Oliver, if I caused you any embarrassment.
04:17That's all right, Toad, so what did you think of going forwards?
04:21It was fun, but from now on, I'll be happy to look forward to the future.
04:26Busy going backwards, so to speak.