The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 513-514 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 513-514 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 513 to Episode 514, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:23Love, Episode 513
00:28It's my turn to talk.
00:30MillerCorp's annual product launch was fast approaching, but the public still didn't know
00:35if Emma would attend.
00:37After resolving the issue with the leaked feeb list, she had once again disappeared
00:41from the public eye, even though she was the acting CO of the company.
00:46There was little need for her to be there in person, meaning the staff barely got to
00:51see her either.
00:53As the afternoon rolled around, guests began to gather in the various lounges and bars
00:58of the hotel where the event was due to take place.
01:01However, Emma was still nowhere to be seen.
01:05Meanwhile, Jenna sat down in one of the bars, carefully looking at the people milling around
01:11Saul sat next to her, and her makeup artist carefully scanned her face to see if she needed
01:16any touch-ups.
01:20The makeup artist exclaimed, putting the brush she had been holding back into her bag and
01:25leaving the room.
01:27Saul slowly looked Jenna over and admired the way her looks had been softened.
01:33She certainly looks angelic, he thought, letting a sly smile creep across his face.
01:39It's a good thing I know better than to be fooled by that face.
01:44Remember what I said?
01:45He told her, keep your mouth shut and smile.
01:50Saul obviously knew the schedule for the product launch, and he was well aware that Emma had
01:55come up with a novel way to reveal the new perfume.
01:59He planned to use this information to undermine her.
02:02He had already paid someone to tamper with the big reveal.
02:07He also assumed that Emma hadn't turned up yet, because she was determined to make a
02:12much grander entrance towards the end of the evening.
02:16Models don't miss out on opportunities like this.
02:20Saul thought he didn't realize that Emma had no interest in drawing attention to herself
02:24at all.
02:25In fact, she had arrived at the hotel early in an effort to avoid drawing attention to
02:30herself to one side of the stage.
02:33Emma and Eric sat hidden in the crowd.
02:36Eric's position allowed him to shield her from any onlookers.
02:40If anybody did happen to glance at them, they may have even mistaken them for hotel
02:45staff in their nondescript clothes.
02:48You're really not going up there, Eric whispered, nodding toward the stage.
02:54This was the jewel in the crown of Miller-Corsier, and his wife had planned most of the event.
03:01He knew Emma wasn't the type of person who sought the limelight just for the sake of
03:06But he didn't want someone else to get all the praise for her hard work, either.
03:10Our baby's more important than this.
03:13Emma gently patted her stomach and grinned at her husband.
03:17Eric returned the grin and marveled at how lucky he was to be married to such a level-headed,
03:23talented, and beautiful woman.
03:26Ever since, Jenna and Jeff had talked about splitting the family assets.
03:31Jenna had suddenly transformed into the model granddaughter.
03:35However, her grandfather was well aware that something was up.
03:39In fact, he was beginning to suspect that someone else was pulling her strings behind
03:44the scenes.
03:46It wouldn't be the first time, Jeff thought, thinking back to all the scheming she had
03:51done with Linda in the past.
03:53I wonder who's controlling her now.
03:57Soon enough, famous people from a variety of industries arrived at the hotel for the
04:02product launch, including several celebrities.
04:06After walking the red carpet and engaging with the fans who had turned up to see them,
04:12they made their way to their seats.
04:14Of course, the majority of fans were there to see Emma and Pete McMillan.
04:19Many of them marveled at how handsome he was and screamed their appreciation.
04:24Others wondered where Emma was as they huddled under the shelter that she had arranged for
04:29them when rain looked likely.
04:33Reassurances that she wouldn't miss such an important family event fluttered around
04:38the crowds.
04:39As it was a family affair, both Peter and Olivia had put aside their work commitments
04:44to attend.
04:46Much to everyone's surprise, Emma was still nowhere to be seen.
04:50The host soon appeared on the grand stage and started introducing all of the guests
04:55inside the packed venue.
04:57Professionals from a number of industries were curious about the new product.
05:01There's Emma.
05:03Olivia discreetly asked Peter while the host was talking.
05:07No idea.
05:08Her brother responded with a shake of his head.
05:11It didn't make any sense for Emma to skip the event, but he'd never been an expert
05:15at what went on in Emma's head.
05:18Looking to the other side of him, he saw Jenna in the seat next to him and quickly turned
05:22away in disgust.
05:25Seeing how her brother had reacted, Olivia nudged him.
05:32Grandfather doesn't need any more trouble.
05:34Peter responded with a sigh, so she allowed herself to relax, while Jenna fixed her smile
05:40even more firmly on her face and continued to stare at the stage.
05:44As a giant in the perfume industry, Millercore has consistently wowed the world with its
05:51innovative creations, the host said.
05:55Before we reveal the newest addition to our collection, please allow the man behind our
05:59company's success to offer us a few words.
06:02Dressed in a well-tailored suit, Jeff walked onto the stage and looked out at the audience.
06:09In spite of the presence of his cane, he looked extremely sprightly.
06:13Ladies and gentlemen, this will be the last time I will attend our annual product launch,
06:20he said, then paused for a moment as chatter bubbled up around the audience.
06:24The perfume business is a young man's game.
06:28As you can see, I'm not exactly a young man anymore.
06:32Some of the more polite members of the audience laughed awkwardly, while other guests took
06:38the opportunity to speculate that Jenna was the reason that Emma wasn't there.
06:43Jenna listened to the discussions behind her and braided her teeth, trying to hide all
06:48the anger and resentment inside her.
06:51Come on.
06:52One man sitting behind her said, Jenna has to know that we would much rather have her
06:57sister here who wants beer when you can have champagne.
07:01That's enough.
07:02Jenna exclaimed, interrupting the event as she got to her feet and turned around.
07:07It's my turn to talk.
07:09So at 514, the family war zone, Saul looked on in disapproval as Jenna stood up.
07:18I wish she was more like her sister, thought.
07:20Even when people were wrongly accusing Emma of killing Margot, she just sat back and let
07:26the situation resolve itself.
07:28I back the wrong horse here.
07:31Jenna was never worth the effort.
07:33Let's wait until the launch is over and we can discuss it at home.
07:38Jeff pleaded with his granddaughter from the stage.
07:41He knew that she had been provoked, but this was neither the time nor the place for one
07:45of her outbursts.
07:47I can't stand this anymore.
07:49Jenna yelled, I've always been the one who put in the most effort in this family.
07:54I knew there was a responsibility to uphold the family name.
07:58So I worked hard to do exactly that.
08:01She paused for a moment and regarded the shocked people around her as if she was a leopard
08:06stalking its prey.
08:08Over the years, I've given everything I had to this business.
08:13In spite of that, the acting CEO, my own sister had me kicked out.
08:18She turned back to face her grandfather on the stage.
08:21I can just about deal with that.
08:23But what I can't stomach is everybody gossiping about me as if Emma is some sort of saint
08:29and I'm the devil.
08:31She's the one who waltzed into the company, undermined all of my hard work, and then got
08:36rid of me.
08:37Do you really think that's fair?
08:40Jeff could tell that Jenna had been wanting to say all of this for a long time.
08:44The insults and jibes had merely ignited her anger and brought it to the surface.
08:50Everyone in the room was focused on Jenna, including the incredibly frustrated soul.
08:55What the hell is wrong with her?
08:57He silently asked, does she have the slightest idea how crazy she looks?
09:03Since you're insisting on doing this here, I'll respond.
09:06Jeff finally said, you've always been arrogant and you were the one who continually compared
09:11yourself with Emma.
09:14Not me.
09:15What you failed to realize is that your sister cleared up after your many mistakes time and
09:21time again.
09:23That's not true, Jenna said, but her grandfather pressed on.
09:28Emma lied about her test scores when you were both at school together so you wouldn't be
09:33upset that she always did better than you.
09:36She left home and went into modeling because she didn't want to get in the way of your
09:41being involved in the business.
09:43I've worked so hard for this family over the years.
09:47Jenna responded, how many drops of perfume has Emma created?
09:52How many times has she actually gone down to the lab to see how smoothly things were
09:57She knows practically nothing about this industry, yet she's the one giving orders.
10:03Jeff sighed in an attempt to calm himself down.
10:07It was inconceivable to him that she was really trying to paint herself as the victim to all
10:12these people.
10:14If anybody else had been causing this kind of trouble, the issue would have been swiftly
10:18resolved by security, but her.
10:22Status as a member of the Miller family and her pregnancy were making them hang back.
10:28It wasn't as if she would leave without creating an even bigger scene, either.
10:33Both Emma and Eric were sitting nearby and watching everything play out before them.
10:38She picked up her hand, hoping to offer her some comfort.
10:42Eric had some idea of Emma's life when she was younger, but he never knew just how much
10:47she had tried to accommodate her sister and her flaws.
10:51How much time has Emma actually spent with our family over the years?
10:56She barely has any time for you at all now that she's married.
11:00Jenna stated, pausing to look around at the rapt faces of the crowd around her.
11:04I would never have spoken up like this if you just considered how hurt I've been by
11:09all of this.
11:11The whole event had become a family war zone, and Jenna was determined to get her point
11:17If Jeff didn't offer her an explanation, this situation could get even worse, as his granddaughter
11:23appeared to be acting like she had nothing left to lose.
11:27I just don't understand how you could treat me like this.
11:31She said the host had intended to step in at this point and bring the event to an untimely
11:36close, but another voice suddenly spoke up.
11:39What don't you understand?
11:42Hundreds of heads turned to look for the speaker before they finally spotted Emma.
11:47Soon everyone was watching as she made her way onto the stage.
11:51Emma called for the audience to quiet down, and the room became silent except for her
11:55emotional and unimpressed sister.
11:59You've always been sneaky.
12:01You wait around in the shadows and then jump out when you see an opportunity to snap something
12:06away from me, Jenna said.
12:10You really have no idea why you were fired from the company, Emma asked.
12:15She was in no mood to play games and cut straight to the point.
12:19I know why.
12:21Jenna responded, you felt threatened and wanted me out.
12:25Emma shook her head and then said, okay, I'll ask you a few questions about the company
12:29that you've supposedly devoted yourself to all these years.
12:33If you answer them honestly, I'll happily let you take over as CEO.
12:39Jenna folded her arms and pursed her lips.
12:42Fine, so you said that I don't fully understand the perfume business, but who really created
12:48Night Spirit for which you received an award in Switzerland.
12:52Jenna froze, noting her shocked expression.
12:57Jeff was also taken aback.
12:59He had been completely unaware that one of Jenna's greatest triumphs had come about through
13:04underhanded tactics.
13:07Jenna replied, fumbling for an answer.
13:10If it helps, I'll jog your memory.
13:12You stole the recipe for the blend from my notebook.
13:15If that was too long ago for you to remember, there was also that time when I found a way
13:20to make that year's fragrance last longer without it needing to be reapplied.
13:25You took credit for that too, and made quite a name for yourself within the company.
13:30Emma continued to recount events where Jenna had stolen all the glory for other people's
13:36All the while, the audience squirmed in secondhand embarrassment at the weak defense Jenna was
13:42putting up.
13:44Thank you so much for watching.
13:46Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
