The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 515-516 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Before listening from Episode 515 to Episode 516, don't forget from today everyone supporting me by buying for me a three coffees from the link in the description or in the first comment, or below the video will get access for all chapters of the book by email. Also, don't forget to subscribe, comment, and like.
00:23Episode 515 Unexpected Entertainment
00:28Our grandfather steadied the ship and covered for you when he was in charge.
00:32Emma stated, that's the only reason you were allowed to stay for as long as you did.
00:38What contribution did you actually make to the company? Can you give us a specific example?
00:44Again, Jenna stuttered in the face of her sister's questioning. When you were the CEO,
00:50the company's shares plummeted. To make matters worse, the family constantly had to deal with
00:55the scandals you created. It was my mother who put the business back on the right track.
01:01I worked hard, Jenna screamed, any semblance of composure melting away.
01:06Hard work isn't the same as good work, Emma responded. The only reason you flew up the ranks
01:13was that your last name was Miller. Otherwise, no one would have rewarded you. You were arrogant,
01:21dishonest, and if anything, a menace to the company.
01:25Jenner seemed to physically feel this verbal blow and took a step back.
01:29The comment had clearly landed a little too close to home. You're right, in one way at least.
01:36I never was the ideal candidate to be CEO, Emma continued. I've never studied management,
01:43and my background is in modeling. Yet, our grandfather still put his trust in a novice
01:49like me over you. I'm sure I don't need to explain why that is. Once again, whispers began
01:57to break out among the audience members as they discussed the implications of what Emma was
02:02implying. Well, she asked. You weren't this quiet a few minutes ago. Is there anything else you want
02:10to say? Jenna wasn't usually one to admit defeat or keep quiet, but there was no way for her to
02:17respond without lying. Grandfather shielded you throughout your time in the business,
02:23but I used my abilities to save the company from a crisis. You never deserved the CEO role,
02:29Emma concluded. This is nonsense, Jenna retorted, finally finding her voice again.
02:37Even you don't believe that, Emma said. Our family's business has always tried to be responsible
02:44if something or someone threatened us. We have always taken action. This is precisely why we
02:51hold a new product launch every year. Jenna said she was clearly going to try and tackle this
02:56argument from another angle, but her sister swiftly shut her down. I'm pretty sure the guests are here
03:04to hear about our new perfume and not to see you. Laughter erupted in the room at Emma's remark,
03:11and the topic of discussion quickly changed back to the theme of the event. Eric reacted quickly
03:18by gesturing for Peter to escort Jenna from the audience, and the atmosphere soon returned to
03:23normal. Sorry about the unexpected entertainment that we presented to you all tonight. Am I correct?
03:31Going on to make further apologies before sitting back down next to her husband.
03:36If anyone had still suspected that she relied on Eric to handle a crisis,
03:40then she had just proved them wrong in front of everyone. She had shown that Jenna was a fraud
03:46while still managing to portray the company as professional and responsible. So without further
03:52ado, the host jokingly paused for a second and looked around as if he were expecting further
03:58commotion while the audience lapped it up. Let's welcome the newest addition to our perfume
04:04collection. Emma later mixed with the guests with her usual elegant composure. It didn't matter that
04:11she had made her name as a model and an actress. Right now, I'm the CEO of this company, and I'm
04:17going to be damn good at it, she thought. Both Jeff and Olivia breathed a sigh of relief.
04:26After all the histrionics, neither of them had expected that the launch would go ahead as planned,
04:33but Emma had once again saved the day. Meanwhile, Jenna was still desperately trying to free herself
04:39from Peter's grasp as he escorted her out of the hotel. Let me go, she screamed in his face.
04:47Once, while you can go back in there and continue to make a fool of yourself and the company,
04:53Peter asked, do you really want to get into round two with Emma after the way she humiliated you in
05:00there? Jenna glared at Peter. I'm your actual sister yet you're treating me like this, she asked.
05:09You finally remembered that you're my sister. Then he spat back. Emma has always been the one
05:14who looked out for me when we were growing up, not you. Why should I treat you with anything
05:20other than the contempt you deserve? Once again, Jenna had nothing to say. How are you?
05:27Not completely ashamed of yourself, Peter asked. He wasn't expecting an answer, and he certainly
05:36didn't receive one. You need to focus on keeping a roof over your head and taking care of yourself
05:42so that you can have a healthy baby. Stop meddling in the company. He let go of Jenny's rest and
05:49turned to leave the quiet corridor. They had found themselves standing in, leaving his sister alone,
05:56dazed and confused. Am I really destined to be a failure? Jenna thought, taking advantage
06:02of her isolation from everyone to gather herself. No. No one can stop me from succeeding.
06:10Not even Emma. I'll never give up. Ultimately, the product launch ended up being a raging success.
06:17Even Saul hadn't been able to engage in his dirty tricks, as the verbal fireworks that Jenna had
06:22set off had ruined his plans. That woman is such an idiot, he thought. If she had just kept her
06:29mouth shut like I told her to, she wouldn't be in this mess. By laying all her cards on the table
06:36during the product launch, she had seen to it that she couldn't possibly keep working in the family
06:41business. Emma had demonstrated just how incompetent her sister was, so her chances of ever heading up
06:48the family firm were now slim to none. All of this meant that Jenna was of no use to Saul anymore,
06:55so his attention shifted to her much more capable sibling. In spite of the impressive display that
07:00Emma had just put on for all of them to see, he still refused to believe that a woman could truly
07:06run an international company without a man's backing. Meanwhile, Jeff felt a sense of relief
07:13flow over him as he mingled with the guests. Emma has a rare talent, he thought. It's a shame she's
07:20more interested in punishing Jenna for what she did to her mother than running the company.
07:25We would be damn near unstoppable with her permanently at the helm. Episode 516, A Dangerous Trap.
07:33After the annual product launch, Miller-Kor's new perfume quickly became a top-selling product.
07:40The commotion that night hadn't been enough to disrupt the company's operations. In fact, it had
07:46allowed the consumers to see the management's disciplined approach as well as their intent for
07:51the product. As a bonus, they had witnessed Emma's true capability as the company leader. After she
07:58had cleaned up the company's mess, the investors and clients felt a lot more confident. She had
08:05also clearly shown the shareholders that the Miller family could still be trusted to lead the
08:09company. Meanwhile, Irene, the assistant hired by Jenna, tried to take advantage of the messy
08:16product launch to make her escape while everyone was distracted. She had been hiding in terror
08:21from the moment she had returned from Switzerland. She had thought that their plan to kidnap Susan
08:26had been a success, but hadn't anticipated that Emma would end up taking the position of acting
08:32ZCOO. She knew that Emma was extremely capable and would likely find her soon. So she didn't
08:39dare stay around much longer. She received the news of the situation at Miller-Kor and waited
08:45for Emma to let her guard down before she snuck away to the airport and tried to leave New York.
08:51Unfortunately for her, Eric was watching her every move. As soon as she stepped foot into the airport,
08:58his people caught her and took her to the CEO's office at Miller-Kor. As the security guards
09:04brought her in the room, she looked at Emma and guiltily took a few steps back. One of the guards
09:10placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going any further and gestured for her to have a
09:15seat. Just what are you trying to do here? She asked as she sat down. You can't just hold me
09:23against my will. I don't even have a lawyer to defend me. This is illegal. Illegal. Emma looked
09:30at her. You didn't seem concerned about legalities when you plotted to kidnap my mother. Why should
09:37they matter now? Irene trembled and her hands began to sweat. Your mother was kidnapped by
09:43criminals, she said. What has this got to do with me? Why didn't they kidnap you as well? Emma asked.
09:53We're both responsible people here, so let's not go around in circles. I've been watching you the
09:59whole time, and I know everything you did for Jenna. Quit playing innocent. It won't work on me.
10:06Even if you don't cooperate and confess what happened, I can investigate the truth on my own
10:11with a bit of extra work. But that will only hurt you more in the end, she said as she glared at
10:17Irene. So take your pick. Help me out, and we'll go easy on you. Or refuse to help, and we'll make
10:26sure you get what's coming to you. Emma stopped talking and returned to her work, leaving Irene
10:32to sit and think. But the longer the silence continued, the more concerned Irene became.
10:39She was well aware that the woman in front of her was far smarter than Jenna. Emma was dangerous.
10:46I'll give you another minute to decide, but that's it. Emma said, keeping her eyes focused on her work.
10:53Irene swallowed nervously as she clasped her hands together. After struggling with her thoughts for a
10:59while, she let out a big sigh. I'll tell you everything, she said, but you need to promise
11:07me that you won't call the police. I can do that, Emma replied, but you need to do something for me
11:14too, and then we'll have ourselves a deal. At the Miller home, although she felt uncomfortable and
11:21unwelcome, Jenna continued to live there because she had nowhere else to go. After all, Jeff had
11:28said that no matter what mistakes she made, she would always be able to live there. However,
11:35she didn't know that he had only said that to pacify her and stop any more trouble,
11:39at least until the baby had arrived. That night, a snowfall blanketed the streets in a fine white
11:46powder. Inside, the housekeeper set the table and made arrangements with a caterer, as Emma would
11:53be coming for dinner, along with several other guests. It had been a long time since Emma had
11:59been there, and Jeff hummed to himself as he prepared for her arrival, but while most of the
12:05family was looking forward to her visit, Jenna felt like she was trapped in a cage with no way
12:10out. The guests Emma had invited started to arrive, filing out of the cars and carefully
12:18walking to the front door in their fancy outfits as they tried not to slip in the snow. The
12:23shareholders thought that the Miller family was treating them to an early New Year's celebration
12:28dinner, but as they sat down around the table, they looked at each other and felt that something
12:34was off. A shareholder turned to Jeff and said, Emma invited us here for dinner, but I don't see
12:41her. Why isn't she here yet? Jeff rubbed the handle of his cane and flashed a big smile.
12:49She's on her way right now, he said. The roads are slippery and the snow is making it hard to
12:55see out there, so I told her to be careful and drive slowly. Olivia and Peter huddled together
13:02to chat, completely ignoring Jenna as they whispered to each other. Meanwhile, Jenna supported
13:08her back with her hand as she slowly sat down and looked at her bulging belly. The housekeeper
13:15approached with two snowy coats in hand, turned to Jeff and said, Emma and Eric are here. Everyone
13:22looked toward the entrance and watched as Eric walked in with his arm around Emma. The couple
13:27had an imposing and almost regal presence as they entered the room.
13:32Sorry for making everyone wait, Emma said. The roads are really bad right now. Glad you two
13:38made it here in one piece, Jeff said. The food's all set. Come join us. He pointed to the two seats
13:46beside him. Emma smiled at Eric. He was only there to accompany her, but his presence was so striking
13:53that he was hard to ignore. I invited you all here today to apologize for any difficulties
14:00I might have caused you over the past few days, Emma said as she lifted her wine glass.
14:06I want to toast you all and thank you for all your support. You sure are made for the business
14:11world, one of the shareholders said as he raised his glass. You may never have studied management,
14:18but you know the tricks of being a good leader and you show just the right balance of discipline
14:24and forgiveness. Although Emma hadn't completely won over everyone else, they didn't want to be
14:30rude. So they politely smiled and raised their glasses as well. Thank you for all the kind words,
14:37she said. I'm still just a rookie when it comes to management, but I try to constantly improve
14:43my skills. She paused as she glanced at the faces of everyone present and said, I invited you here
14:50to apologize, but there's also another matter I would like to address. If you have something to
14:56say, please go ahead, the shareholder said, gesturing for her to continue. She looked at
15:04Jenna who responded to her glance with a mocking smile. How did I upset you this time? Jenna asked,
15:11are you going to attack me, your own sister, when I'm already down? Even when I'm pregnant,
15:18she rubbed her belly and made an exaggerated frown. I know what happened to my mother, Emma said,
15:25her intense gaze piercing through Jenna. Jenna grew pale and her heart sank. How does she know?
15:32She wondered. Our plan was foolproof. I think my big sister here can explain the situation to all
15:39of us, Emma said. What do you mean? One of the shareholders asked, what does your mother's
15:46kidnapping have to do with Jenna? Jenny's face was stiff with anxiety, but she wasn't willing to admit
15:53defeat. I know I'm a failure, but don't blame me for every single issue, she said. Susan was kidnapped
16:01because of some bad luck. How is that my fault? I knew you wouldn't admit it, Emma said as she shook
16:08her head. I also know that all the shareholders here have caused a lot of trouble for my mother.
16:14So I gathered you here to lay the cards on the table. Everyone suddenly realized that they weren't
16:19really there for a celebratory dinner. Emma had skillfully lured them into a trap and she was
16:26going to make someone pay before releasing them. Think this over carefully, she said as she looked
16:32at Jenna. If you don't come clean, I'll have to force the truth out and it won't be pretty.
16:38If you want to be there for your baby and not stuck in prison while your child grows up,
16:42you need to confess now. Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to subscribe to my channel,
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