
  • 3 days ago


00:00This is Leo. He was studying abroad last year.
00:03Can I get your number?
00:05Oh, fucking asshole.
00:07It's Pippa, right?
00:09So, why does the whole football team hate you?
00:11I broke the quarterback's heart.
00:13Pippa, out of the line!
00:15I found her half-dressed in that room,
00:17and that guy Chris just walks out of the bathroom.
00:20He acted like he got caught doing something.
00:22We're gonna get you home.
00:27Um, do you...
00:30Thank you for helping her.
00:32Do you remember anything?
00:33Nothing with Chris.
00:34I know that's your best friend's little brother.
00:36That does not matter.
00:37I'm really sorry for hurting you so bad.
00:39That probably eroded any sense of dignity you had.
00:41I can't tell Bri who to be friends with, dude.
00:43Y'all break up with her. She's just around. I'm like, friends.
00:45He shared a cigarette with a teacher.
00:47He reached over and took out my earring.
00:49Well, he was definitely flirting with you.
00:51I think I cheated.
00:52I'm done.
00:53I met someone who actually listened,
00:55and I could have gone home with him, but I didn't.
00:57Hey, Professor Banks, could I come by your office later?
01:00This is Steven DeMarco, your new T.A.
01:28Never been to a joint bachelor-bachelorette party before.
01:31Me neither.
01:33It's kind of cute, though.
01:36Thank you for coming with me.
01:39You don't have to thank me.
01:54I love you.
01:57I love you, too.
02:07Hi, Max. Good to see you.
02:09You, too. Congrats.
02:11Come on.
02:14Nice to meet you.
02:17Good to see you.
02:18Hey, Max.
02:23Nice to meet you.
02:24Hey, Lucy.
02:28Good to see you again.
02:29Hey, man. You, too.
02:30All right.
02:32Let's grab a drink.
02:34Hey, I can't believe that you're not having a real bachelor party.
02:37We're supposed to be celebrating your last days of being single.
02:40I'm not single. I'm engaged.
02:41You're not not single until you're married.
02:46Please, back me up here.
02:47Nope. I never really got the bachelor party thing.
02:51Like, why would I want to get a lap dance from a stripper?
02:54I can just have sex with my hot fiance.
02:56Lydia ruined you.
02:59Yeah, you're no fun.
03:00No, I think I honestly just got it out of my system.
03:03Well, I believe in love and strippers.
03:06Where is Lydia anyways?
03:08Oh, she had a last-minute work thing in New York.
03:10She's going to be at the wedding, though.
03:23Everybody has to take a shot.
03:25Guess we'll take a shot.
03:26All right.
03:33Hey, Evan was saying that you have a new restaurant?
03:36Yeah, yeah. We soft-launched a couple weeks ago.
03:38Oh, my God. That's awesome, man. Congratulations.
03:41Thanks, man.
03:45There we go.
03:47All right.
03:56I love you guys so much.
03:58Dude, you're on drugs, and I'm mad you didn't give me it.
04:02Wait, what?
04:03Look at her pupils.
04:04They're bigger than my areolas.
04:07Your areolas are perfect size.
04:09They're perfect.
04:11I know they're perfect.
04:12I just said that your pupils are bigger.
04:14I don't even know what I'm on.
04:16Come on.
04:17Evan's cousin just put something in my mouth.
04:23What are you doing?
04:24You can't smoke this in here.
04:27What are you doing?
04:30It's my party, and I needed one, so...
04:33You're a fiend.
04:34Oh, no.
04:35She's a fiend.
04:47I'm gonna go smoke outside like a normal person.
04:56That's like a lot.
04:57What are you doing with water?
04:59You look good in suede.
05:00Thanks, man.
05:01Yeah, you too.
05:02Where'd your jacket go?
05:03Can I borrow you?
05:04Can I borrow you for a second?
05:07It takes me so long.
05:09Pass it out.
05:10Pass it out.
05:13What's up?
05:15Every time I look over, you're, like, talking to him.
05:20I'm talking to everyone.
05:22Yeah, but you...
05:24You don't have to be so nice.
05:26Would you rather me be rude?
05:30Why does this guy still bother you so much?
05:33Look, if he'd been, like, abusive, I'd obviously fucking kill him.
05:37But he's just some...
05:39random asshole at this point.
05:44He's not a good person.
05:47I don't want him infecting this.
05:49I don't want him infecting any part of my life anymore.
05:52I don't.
05:55You know, it's possible for people to change.
05:57He might not be the same guy he was back then, but even if he is...
06:02it shouldn't matter.
06:11You are so drunk right now.
06:13No, I'm cold, still and sober.
06:15Oh, really?
06:20I really wish you would have come with me tonight.
06:23I know.
06:25That would require you being seen in public with me,
06:27which obviously isn't an option, so...
06:31You know that's not the reason I didn't come.
06:33I just...
06:35have no interest in being around those people again.
06:38Yeah, but it's not about them.
06:40It's about me.
06:41It's about me. You'd be doing it for me.
06:46We can talk about it when you get home.
07:15What, did you follow me out here?
07:17No, you seemed upset.
07:18I just wanted to make sure it wasn't because of me.
07:22No, it wasn't about you.
07:27I got to hang out with Max a bit.
07:29He's awesome.
07:33Yeah, yeah, he is.
07:36What have you been up to these days?
07:37Are you writing?
07:41No, I'm doing sales at a travel agency.
07:44Oh, cool.
07:47You like it?
07:48I love it, yeah.
07:51As long as you're happy.
07:55Hey, Pippa.
07:56Hey, I'm gonna pretend like I need to talk to Lucy,
07:59but what I really want is for you to fuck off.
08:01Okay, yeah.
08:05Always good to see you.
08:12I'm fine.
08:13I didn't say anything.
08:14Yeah, but I knew what you were thinking.
08:17This is so weird.
08:18Pippa, this is so weird seeing him be so nice.
08:20It's not real.
08:22I don't know.
08:24Maybe it is.
08:27Maybe he changed for Lydia.
08:33Steven doesn't change.
09:04Okay, so.
09:05If you have any questions,
09:06please don't hesitate to reach out to our fantastic new TA, Steven.
09:10He's one of the few students to get an A in my class without the curve.
09:13No, I had a little help in the curve.
09:27Lucy, hey.
09:28I had no idea you were in this class.
09:30I didn't.
09:31I swear, they randomly assigned me.
09:34I'm sorry.
09:35I don't want to make this uncomfortable for you.
09:38It's fine.
09:40Oh, hey.
09:41I saw the paper you turned in.
09:43I noticed just a few small mistakes.
09:46So I just fixed it for you.
10:10I'm sorry.
10:11I wasn't...
10:13Is this okay?
10:14Yes, it's okay.
10:16I'm okay.
10:18Let's just...
10:22Let's take a breath.
10:25Let's just breathe.
10:28For a moment.
10:34It's just that...
10:36Well, I have office hours beginning in five minutes.
10:42Oh, my God.
10:43I'm so sorry.
10:45Wait, wait.
10:46I'm not brushing you off.
10:49I want to talk about this with a clearer head.
10:53Perhaps somewhere other than my office.
10:56Would that be all right?
11:02Here, give me your phone.
11:16I'll message you.
11:28You can't talk to anyone else about this, okay?
11:32This has to stay between us.
11:36I know.
11:46Ryan, come on in.
11:48Bree, great work.
11:49Let me know how it all turns out.
11:53I will.
12:05I'm telling you, Diana, it's worse than it's been before.
12:08I think you're being overly sensitive, Mom.
12:10Honey, last night at dinner, you told me to shut up in front of the partners.
12:13It was embarrassing.
12:15He doesn't respect me, Diana.
12:17Of course he respects you.
12:20Why do you always take his side?
12:25Are you there?
12:26Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
12:27I'm just...
12:28I'm not sure what you want me to say.
12:30Do you want me to tell you to leave him?
12:32Honey, men like your father don't let people leave them.
12:34They're the only ones who get to do the leaving.
12:36Listen, Mom.
12:37Tad loves you.
12:39He can be harsh, but he takes really good care of you.
12:43He wouldn't do that if he didn't respect you.
12:46Don't let your head spin for no reason when everything is fine.
12:49You need him.
12:51Maybe I don't.
12:53I'm sorry.
12:55But you do.
13:23I remember these dorms.
13:25I lived here my sophomore year, too.
13:28What are you doing here?
13:34I wanted to check on you.
13:35Make sure you're okay.
13:36Yeah, I'm good.
13:41You were pretty rough last night.
13:46Did you want me to thank you or something?
13:54Well, I'm sure Steven thought the whole story was hilarious, so...
13:59Oh, I didn't tell Steven anything.
14:04I wouldn't do that.
14:06Fine, whatever.
14:09It's just a little weird that you're here.
14:12We're not really friends.
14:14Last night was fucked up.
14:16We don't have to be friends for me to make sure you're okay.
14:25I've seen how you are.
14:26You're not the kind of girl who goes and checks on other girls.
14:29You're kind of brutal with other girls.
14:31I mean, look at what you did to Lucy last year.
14:43I'm glad you're okay.
15:00How many sugars are you putting in that?
15:01I need at least three to make it drinkable.
15:03That's the taste buds of an infant.
15:05And you have the taste buds of a man with a small penis.
15:09Bree broke up with me.
15:12Oh, my God.
15:13What? Why?
15:15Because I cheated on her.
15:18You cheated on Bree?
15:21Oh, no, dude. She's so sweet.
15:23You're not helping, are you?
15:25Yeah, sorry. No, no, no. I just, um...
15:27I just am surprised.
15:29How are you not reacting?
15:30I already told you...
15:31I told him to say something. I'm so sorry.
15:34No, no. Stephen was right.
15:37She deserved to know.
15:39My life is just a fucking disaster, man.
15:43Man, I'm so sorry.
15:47Wait a minute. Hold on.
15:50We broke the curse of the freshman girls.
15:53No, look, I'm just saying...
15:54All I'm saying...
15:56I think this could be the best thing that ever happened to you.
15:58Look, Evan has been tied down all of college.
16:00You've never had fun, dude.
16:02Now we can actually fuck around and do what we're supposed to be doing.
16:05Which is?
16:08Pound a pussy.
16:10You're a monster.
16:11A pussy monster.
16:12Oh, my God.
16:15I really hate you right now.
16:20I'm sorry. I gotta ask.
16:22Who was the girl?
16:23The one you cheated with?
16:26I don't know. Just some random girl. I was drunk.
16:31Fair and then there.
16:38I broke up with Evan.
16:41But I don't want to talk about it.
16:44I'm sorry.
16:46It's fine.
16:48Anyways, I was thinking maybe we could...
16:51Go to the movies this weekend?
16:52Wait, wait, wait a minute.
16:53You gotta tell us something.
16:55What happened? What did you say?
16:58I just told him it was over.
17:01Please don't make me talk about it.
17:03I cannot believe he turned out to be such a fucking asshole.
17:07It's always the quiet ones just silently sticking their dicks in everything.
17:11I just said I don't want to talk about it.
17:14It's like you don't listen to me.
17:22Hey, what up?
17:26Hey, Chris.
17:29What's up, freshman?
17:31Oh, yeah. I forgot you're my wise elder. Apologies.
17:34Yeah, yeah. Please don't ever misaddress me like that ever again.
17:38And don't forget that it's Lydia's birthday in a couple of days.
17:42Okay, well, I'm gonna eat. I am fucking hungover.
17:51That was awkward.
17:52What are you talking about?
17:54You guys were being so weird.
17:57No, we weren't.
18:03No, I don't think so.
18:13I gotta go to class.
18:16I will see you guys back at the dorms. Bye.
18:22I actually gotta go, too. Are you okay?
18:26Yeah, I'm good.
18:49They say it's bad luck to find a girl meditating on a camp's bench.
18:58Can we just talk for a minute and I'll fuck off after if you want?
19:11I called you a couple times.
19:14I know.
19:18Oh, fuck.
19:21I was having such a good time with you.
19:23I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry.
19:25You didn't scare me.
19:27Okay, good.
19:32It seems like you're scared now.
19:36Did you know that guy?
19:44I know, it's crazy. I know.
19:47So you attacked a guy you've never met before because he was being slightly rude?
19:57Have you done that before?
20:08I don't want to lie to you. I have a problem with my anger.
20:12And I don't know what else to call it. It's just something that I've been working on, but sometimes I...
20:20I'm so sorry. I can't do this right now.
20:24Okay, yeah, no, it's okay.
20:27Sorry again.
20:34How do you have no homework? I already have a quiz and a paper due.
20:38I'm glad you asked. I have a system.
20:40Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes are a straight no.
20:43You filter for Tuesday and Thursday so you can get fucked up and sleep in.
20:46And then I look at the syllabuses.
20:50Actually, both are correct.
20:52And then I find the classes that only have a midterm and a final, and voila.
21:05Oh my God, it's our MVP!
21:22Oh my God, look, she talks back.
21:27Yeah, it's so funny.
21:28Guess what? No one gives a shit about D2 football, so I really hope that you enjoy this moment while it lasts,
21:35because it's the only time in your lives you'll ever be valued for an idiotic devotion to spandex, capri pants and concussions.
21:42Fuck you.
21:47And fuck you.
21:49Watching them fuck with me like this this whole time and doing nothing makes you an even bigger asshole than they are.
22:04What the fuck?
22:06I don't know.
22:07Honestly, she kind of has a point.
22:40I think I'm gonna take a nap.
23:07I might have done something a little crazy.
23:09Can we talk about it later? I'm just really tired.
23:56No, no, no, no, no, no.
24:03Oh my God, Gordon.
24:04What's going on? What's wrong?
24:06I have this paper due tomorrow and it's all fucking gone.
24:09What do you mean it's gone?
24:10I don't know. I opened the file and it's not there.
24:13Did you save it?
24:16Oh, I don't know.
24:18Oh, shit.
24:19I'm supposed to be at this acapella thing in an hour and there's no way I'm gonna be able to finish this.
24:24I'm fucked.
24:25Okay, okay.
24:26Hey, it's okay.
24:27Listen, it's okay.
24:28I can help.
24:29I can write the paper.
24:31No, you can't.
24:32Yeah, I can.
24:33What's the paper on?
24:34The French Revolution.
24:35I've seen Les Mis.
24:39Hey, I'm a faster writer than you.
24:40Not better, just faster.
24:43Are you sure?
24:45Yeah, yeah, I am.
24:47I can help.
24:48It's okay.
24:49It's no problem.
24:53My mom called yesterday.
24:55I think she got in my head.
24:59What did she want?
25:00She's complaining about my dad again.
25:03I don't think she realizes how much she needs him.
25:06Like, what would she even do if she left him?
25:09Yeah, she just feels pathetic.
25:14She is.
25:17And you're nothing like her.
25:18It's one of the many reasons I love you.
25:54I'm sorry about earlier.
25:58I didn't know that the team was doing that.
26:00No, I, no.
26:02That's not true.
26:03I did, I did.
26:04I just didn't realize how bad it was.
26:06It was overkill.
26:08And I should have said something, but I didn't.
26:10So I'm sorry.
26:25What are you listening to?
26:26Oh, um, nothing.
26:30Yeah, I just wear these so people don't talk to me.
26:32There you go.
26:35So, what's new with you?
26:39Same old.
26:58See you around.
27:39I'm glad you came.
27:43I'm not really sure what to say.
27:47Well, I just want you to know that it is very difficult for me not to touch you right now.
27:56I can't stop thinking about you.
27:59Me neither.
28:05I really want to make you feel good.
28:09But if we did this, would you be able to accept the situation?
28:17The fact that I'm married.
28:19I love my wife and I'm not going to leave her.
28:23We can't do this if it's going to hurt you.
28:32I think so.
28:45I'm terrible.
28:46I'm so sorry.
28:47I don't know what I was thinking.
28:50This was, um, this was, um, incredibly fucked up for me.
28:58And it's not fair to you.
29:04You're probably right.
29:25Want to smoke with me?
29:29What do you mean?
29:36Okay, I have to ask you.
29:39What made you want to dye your hair blonde?
29:47I just wanted a fresh start this year.
29:51And I'm dramatic, so blonde felt right.
30:01Why am I so attracted to all these fucked up guys?
30:04Steven, it was not your fault.
30:08Leo headbutted someone in front of me.
30:10I'm sorry, what?
30:12Like, like fully use his head?
30:13Like full, full force forehead action?
30:16Like forehead to forehead contact?
30:17Yes, pretty much.
30:21That's insanely hot to me.
30:27It wasn't.
30:29It wasn't?
30:31I saw him today and he tried to explain.
30:32He said he had anger issues and he's working on it, but...
30:41I don't know.
30:42I just feel like there's something wrong with me.
30:44There's nothing wrong with you.
30:46How are we supposed to know if someone's dangerous when we first meet them?
30:52I'm so fucking mad at Chris.
30:54Oh, my God, what?
30:55No, no.
30:56That's not talking about me.
31:08You know something, though?
31:11Leo owned his shit.
31:13Most guys wouldn't do that.
31:15Steven wouldn't do that.
31:17Yeah, yeah, that's true.
31:20No one has any idea what Steven is heading.
31:23He's in his own category of fucked up.
31:27He's, like, the most dangerous guy we know.
31:41Oh, my God.
31:42I'm not gonna lie, it's really good.
31:43Oh, you're amazing.
31:45You're amazing.
31:46I didn't hear that.
31:47You're amazing.
31:49Seriously, I'd be so fucked without you.
32:04Why is Lucy's ID in your bag?
32:08Oh, um, she dropped it when I bumped into her on campus.
32:13When was that?
32:15I don't know, like, a week ago?
32:16It wasn't a big deal.
32:20What did you talk about?
32:21Nothing, it lasted like a minute.
32:23Well, that's long enough to say something.
32:27Why are you being weird?
32:28I'm not being weird.
32:30I find that confusing considering all the shit you gave me about her last year.
32:33If that was actually nothing, you probably would have told me about it.
32:38She came at me on campus.
32:40She wanted to talk or whatever.
32:43I don't know, I guess she's still not over everything.
32:46But I just told her to fuck off.
32:48It was honestly really sad.
32:50I felt bad for her.
32:51So when I saw that she dropped her ID, I picked it up.
32:54I completely forgot I had it.
32:58I'm gonna be late for class.
32:59Wait, sorry, sorry.
33:00Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:03I didn't mean to snap like that.
33:05It's fine.
33:06It's not, it's not.
33:09I don't want her harassing you.
33:13It really, it really wasn't a big deal.
33:17She's fucking with me.
33:21She's in this class I'm TA-ing.
33:23I had no idea.
33:25Now I think she switched into my section on purpose.
33:31Are you serious?
33:34That's genuinely creepy.
33:37I know.
33:38I just don't want her to mess anything up with us.
33:41Hey, hey.
33:43No one is gonna do that.
33:53I have to get to class.
34:22What are you doing here?
34:27You lost something.
34:28I just wanted to give it back to you.
34:33This was in Diana's bag.
34:36Why did Diana have your ID card?
34:39Oh, she, she didn't tell you?
34:42We fucked.
34:44It was amazing.
34:46Can you give it back to me?
34:47She said you came to her on campus and tried to talk to her.
34:50If that's what she said, then, then fine.
34:52Can you get the fuck out of my room now, please?
34:54What were you talking to her about?
34:58What don't you understand?
35:00I don't, I don't want any part of this.
35:02I don't give a shit about Diana and I...
35:05I don't give a shit about you.
35:09Yes, you do.
35:13I know you do.
35:17I saw your face when you walked into class and you saw me.
35:24And that wasn't not giving a shit.
35:32That's exactly what that was.
35:40It wasn't.
35:43Okay, then.
35:47It was hatred.
35:50No, I, I don't...
35:53I don't think it was that either.
35:57I don't think...
36:00You hate me.
36:03At all.
36:08I promise you I do.
36:16This is really fucking embarrassing for you.
37:12Can we, uh, can we talk for a minute?
37:28What do you want?
37:29I, I have to tell you something.
37:32Look, we both know that Stephen is capable of some fucked up stuff.
37:35I know you know that.
37:37But I don't think you're aware of how far it goes.
37:40Something happened with him last year and I didn't tell anybody
37:43because I swore to him I wouldn't and honestly I was, I was scared.
37:52Stephen was in the car with Macy when she died.
37:55They were sleeping together that summer before she even got here.
37:58They're from the same town, they were hooking up
38:00and they were together at a house party during welcome week.
38:04Macy got drunk.
38:06She drove them home and they got in a wreck on the way
38:08and he was in the car when she died.
38:11He, he saw her die and didn't fucking do anything, didn't call for help.
38:14He just fucking left her there.
38:16And I thought you should know.
38:21Yeah, okay, thanks.
38:27You, you don't, you don't believe me?
38:30I know you're fucking crazy but this is next level.
38:35Why would I lie?
38:38Is that a serious question?
38:39I am telling you the truth Diana, Stephen is, he's dangerous, he's a bad person.
38:44Here's the thing, you've got a pretty good track record of being insane.
38:49I'm not lying Diana.
39:05This is not my problem anymore.
39:21Is there a reason you're dropping the class? I'd advise against it.
39:24I had something personal come up and I can't make it work this semester.
39:27Alright, but if you drop this class now it will show up as an incomplete on your transcript.
39:31The add drop period is ended.
40:46Can I come in?
40:47Yeah, yeah, of course.
40:57So what's up?
40:59I uh, I don't think I gave you enough credit for coming to me and trying to explain things
41:08and I should have at least listened.
41:13When you said I was scared, you were right.
41:20I was.
41:24Of me?
41:26Of a lot of things.
41:28But I want to try and understand and hear you out if you, only if you still want to talk about it.
41:40Yeah, yeah I do.
41:44Um, I get really angry sometimes, even if I don't want to.
41:58Something will happen and a normal person will be able to talk himself back to sanity
42:03but sometimes something happens in my head and I, I don't know, I stop thinking
42:09and then all of a sudden there's a guy lying on the floor with a broken nose
42:13and I'm just standing there looking around the room and it's so fucking embarrassing
42:21and it's pathetic and I don't want it to keep on happening.
42:30Does that, does that make sense?
42:33Honestly, no.
42:35I mean when you run the best case scenario of headbutting a stranger in a coffee shop
42:40and the results are pretty straightforward, you're uh, you're never going to end up getting what you want.
42:48Yeah, didn't, didn't really seem like you had much of a plan there.
42:57Look, I um, I really want to keep hanging out with you and I get if that's off the table
43:02but just so you know, I, I would love it and that's, that's pretty much, pretty much it.
43:14I've kind of been bullshitting you about some stuff.
43:19And I didn't um, want to get into it because I didn't want to admit that there was anything wrong with me
43:27but everything with Steven was really bad last year.
43:33Like a lot worse than I said it was.
43:38And it made me fucking crazy and sad and got to a point where I didn't even really trust myself anymore
43:53and definitely not anybody else.
43:59And I just don't want anybody in my life to make me feel that way again.
44:10Yeah, I get that.
44:13So if I keep hanging out with you, you're not going to like, be awful to me, are you?
44:24No, I'm not.
44:43I'm house-sitting for a friend while they're on sabbatical in London.
44:49Water the plants, feed the cat, you know.
44:57It's nice.
44:59I like the frogs.
45:04It's nice.
45:06It's nice.
45:08I like the rugs.
45:10It reminds me of this home that I lived in for a little while in middle school.
45:13They had a rug like this one.
45:15It wasn't as nice.
45:36I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear.
45:45I'm going to show you where it's dumped but have no fear.
46:14Is this okay?
46:22I'm going to walk for you.
46:27I'm going to drive you through the night down the hills.
46:36I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear.
46:46I'm going to show you where it's dumped but have no fear.
46:57There's something inside you.
47:07What are you doing?
47:11What do you want me to be doing?
47:14I'm going to look at me.
47:20I know you better than anybody, right?
47:25Of course you do.
47:31Let me feel you.
47:43Let me feel you.
47:44Let me feel you.
47:45Let me feel you.
47:46Let me feel you.
47:47Let me feel you.
47:48Let me feel you.
47:49Let me feel you.
47:50Let me feel you.
47:51Let me feel you.
47:52Let me feel you.
47:53Let me feel you.
47:54Let me feel you.
47:55Let me feel you.
47:56Let me feel you.
47:57Let me feel you.
47:58Let me feel you.
47:59Let me feel you.
48:00Let me feel you.
48:01Let me feel you.
48:02Let me feel you.
48:03Let me feel you.
48:04Let me feel you.
48:05Let me feel you.
48:06Let me feel you.
48:07Let me feel you.
48:08Let me feel you.
48:09Let me feel you.
48:10Let me feel you.
48:11Let me feel you.
48:12Let me feel you.
48:13Let me feel you.
48:14Let me feel you.
48:15Let me feel you.
48:16Let me feel you.
48:17Let me feel you.
48:18Let me feel you.
48:19Let me feel you.
48:20Let me feel you.
48:21Let me feel you.
48:22Let me feel you.
48:23Let me feel you.
48:24Let me feel you.
48:25Let me feel you.
48:26Let me feel you.
48:27Let me feel you.
48:28Let me feel you.
48:29Let me feel you.
48:30Let me feel you.
48:31Let me feel you.
48:32Let me feel you.
48:33Let me feel you.
48:34Let me feel you.
48:35Let me feel you.
48:36Let me feel you.
48:37Let me feel you.
48:38Let me feel you.
48:39Let me feel you.
48:40Let me feel you.
48:41Let me feel you.
48:42Let me feel you.
48:43Let me feel you.
48:44Let me feel you.
48:45Let me feel you.
48:46Let me feel you.
48:47Let me feel you.
48:48Let me feel you.
48:49Let me feel you.
48:50Let me feel you.
48:51Let me feel you.
48:52Let me feel you.
48:53Let me feel you.
48:54Let me feel you.
48:55Let me feel you.
48:56Let me feel you.
48:57Let me feel you.
48:58Let me feel you.
48:59Let me feel you.
49:00Let me feel you.
49:01Let me feel you.
49:02Let me feel you.
49:03Let me feel you.
49:04Let me feel you.
49:05Let me feel you.
49:06Let me feel you.
49:07Let me feel you.
49:08Let me feel you.
49:09Let me feel you.
49:10Let me feel you.
49:11Let me feel you.
49:12Let me feel you.
49:13Let me feel you.
49:14Let me feel you.
49:15Let me feel you.
49:16Let me feel you.
49:17Let me feel you.
49:18Let me feel you.
49:19Let me feel you.
49:20Let me feel you.
49:21Let me feel you.
49:22Let me feel you.
49:23Let me feel you.
49:24Let me feel you.
49:25Let me feel you.
49:26Let me feel you.
49:27Let me feel you.
49:28Let me feel you.
49:29Let me feel you.
49:30Let me feel you.
49:31Let me feel you.
49:32Let me feel you.
49:33Let me feel you.
49:34Let me feel you.
49:35Let me feel you.
49:36Let me feel you.
49:37Let me feel you.
49:38Let me feel you.