The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 559-560 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 3 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 559-560 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 559 to Episode 560, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:18Also please don't forget to share the video, comment and like.
00:23Episode 559, A Mediocre Kidnapping
00:28Although Eric and Emma had checked in early, they hadn't managed to arrive before Andre
00:33had set her trap.
00:35From a distance, she spotted Emma in the lobby and was able to confirm that she was indeed
00:41While her bump may have taken a while to show, it was pretty obvious now that she was six
00:47months along.
00:48Andre disliked Emma, but that didn't mean that she didn't respect her.
00:53She knew that Emma's reputation and success were due to cleverness and determination,
00:58but she couldn't understand why so many people considered her loyal and genuine.
01:04She must be faking it, Andre thought.
01:07No real friendships can survive in such a cutthroat industry.
01:12Andre had people watching Emma around the clock.
01:14As soon as Eric left the room, one of the hotel staff rang Emma's doorbell and passed
01:19her a letter.
01:22This is for you.
01:24I was instructed to tell you to open it alone, the bellhop said.
01:28He gave a polite smile and quickly scurried off.
01:32Emma read the front and discovered that it had a small line of text beneath her name.
01:36It said, tear up this letter after you read it, if you want me to keep your secret.
01:43They must be amateurs.
01:45Delivering the note right after Eric left shows me that they're watching the room.
01:51She thought still.
01:53What secret do they think I'm hiding, she wondered.
01:56She examined the envelope but couldn't find anything unique or interesting about it.
02:01The note inside said, meet me at seven, zero tonight at the Queen's Ballroom.
02:07I'll be waiting by the window for you.
02:10There was no name identifying the sender, but that made it seem more silly than serious
02:15to her.
02:16When Eric returned to the room, he found her laughing at the piece of paper.
02:21What's so funny, he asked, smiling at her smile.
02:25She passed him the letter.
02:27After he read it, he rolled his eyes.
02:30It feels like people are getting less creative.
02:33He complained.
02:35She wrapped her arms around him and laughed again.
02:37I agree.
02:39But it managed to get our attention.
02:42I guess I don't see any harm in playing along, she said.
02:46And I would really like to know who wants to meet me and what secret they think I'm
02:51I don't know, he said hesitantly.
02:55You're acting like we're made of glass, she replied, resting a hand on her stomach.
03:01Normally, he wouldn't take something like this seriously, but now that she was so far
03:06along in her pregnancy, he was more worried about her than ever.
03:10It took a few more minutes of discussion for him to agree.
03:14Emma arrived at the ballroom right on time.
03:17She was surprised and concerned by how many bodyguards lined the room.
03:21It seemed like a waste of energy if the other person's intention was only to meet with her.
03:26What are they up to?
03:28She wondered.
03:30Andre turned around when she noticed a shift in the expressions of the guards closest to
03:35Emma was clearly surprised to see her.
03:38When Emma was closer, Andrea pulled out a chair for her.
03:42Please take a seat, she said.
03:45Andre found Emma's lack of nervousness interesting.
03:49She had walked past the bodyguards as if they weren't there at all.
03:52Is there a reason why you wanted to meet me so urgently, Emma asked.
03:58Andre gestured toward her baby bump.
04:01It looks like you're pregnant, she said.
04:03She had assumed that Emma hadn't announced her pregnancy because she was worried about
04:07how it would impact her career.
04:10Instead, Emma had smiled at the mention of her baby as if she was excited.
04:17About six months, Emma answered.
04:20Andre couldn't figure out why she seemed so relaxed and forthcoming.
04:25Why haven't you announced it, Andre asked curiously.
04:30Emma sighed, already tired of the conversation.
04:33Can you please get to the point?
04:35The small talk is awkward, and my husband will be returning to our room soon.
04:40You have fame, fortune, a powerful husband, and a child on the way.
04:46What do you need an award for, Andrea asked.
04:50Emma smiled and looked around the room.
04:53Should I feel flattered that you are so scared of me, that you hired all these bodyguards,
04:59she asked.
05:01Andrea ignored her question, annoyed by her calm.
05:04I'm giving you two options.
05:07Tell Eric to withdraw your nomination, or you won't be leaving here today.
05:12He's powerful, but do you think he could get you out of here, she asked, waving her hand
05:18toward all the men.
05:20Emma's expression hardened.
05:22You jumped through so many hoops to get me here, and this is all you've prepared.
05:26The only reason I decided to show up is because I thought you had something interesting to
05:31discuss with me.
05:33Andrea was shocked.
05:35Is she mad that I didn't put more effort into threatening her?
05:39She wondered incredulously.
05:42Andre leaned forward, her determination to do whatever it took to win written across
05:47her face.
05:49Sorry, my methods aren't more entertaining, but I managed to get you here, didn't I?
05:55You decide.
05:57Do you want to have a baby, or do you want the award?
06:01Episode 560.
06:03The parking garage performance.
06:05You want to know something interesting?
06:08Andrea said, my last assistant fell down some stairs after I caught her having an affair
06:13with my manager.
06:15I was so sad when she miscarried, and the stairs weren't even that high.
06:19Did you know pregnancies could be that fragile?
06:22I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed by your reaction.
06:27She continued standing to face the window.
06:29I didn't plan anything complex because I figured you've seen enough ridiculous schemes over
06:34the years.
06:35I didn't want to waste my time by overcomplicating things.
06:39She looked over her shoulder and added, also, you don't have to worry about your husband
06:44returning to the room he's occupied right now.
06:47I thought for a moment before asking, why can't you let the judging stay fair?
06:52I don't mind giving up the award, but if I withdraw, won't winning feel less special
06:57to you?
06:58Andrea sighed.
07:00I heard you like lecturing people.
07:03She said, I don't think you understand that.
07:06We want different things in life.
07:08You've got oodles of family money, and you're married to an industry leader.
07:12You could be a terrible actress, and you would still be rich and the CEO of a company.
07:19Everything I have, I had to fight for.
07:21I hope you didn't think being married to a gangster was fabulous or easy.
07:27You don't understand what it's like to know you're one wrong.
07:30Move away from being considered dead weight.
07:33She continued.
07:34I would do anything to free myself from this life.
07:37So make your decision.
07:40Emma looked at her carefully.
07:42The part of Emma that related to the other woman still couldn't justify how she had held
07:47her hostage and threatened her baby.
07:50I feel bad for you, but your actions prove you aren't any better than the people you
07:55I'm, I replied, regardless, even if I withdraw my nomination, I still have to call Eric for
08:02him to arrange it.
08:05Andre rolled her eyes and said, do you think I'm stupid?
08:09I'm not going to wait for you to go through the proper channels and try and worm your
08:13way out of this.
08:15Where's Eric?
08:16Emma asked.
08:17Don't worry about it.
08:19He'll be fine as long as you do what I say.
08:22Andrea replied.
08:23It may be your game, but you need to follow some of my rules.
08:27Emma said, you're not getting anything from me until I see that he's safe and sound.
08:32You seem to know enough about me to know that I would do anything to protect my husband.
08:37Andrea met her eyes and realized Emma wouldn't back down.
08:42She spat out.
08:44Andre had become overconfident because of her careful planning.
08:48Controlling Eric had been the least of her worries.
08:51In the process, she had underestimated what he was capable of.
08:56While Andrea and Emma faced off in the ballroom, Eric was in the parking garage, having just
09:01returned from running some errands.
09:04The products available in the hotel were not familiar to him and Emma, and he wanted
09:09to make sure she felt at home as he parked.
09:12He felt something was off in the parking garage.
09:15The garage should have been well lit, but someone had put out the lights.
09:20He sat in the car silently for a while, but when he couldn't detect any movement in the
09:25shadows, he slowly got out.
09:28Just then, he could hear the sound of footsteps and realize that several people must be closing
09:32in on him.
09:34He checked his surroundings.
09:37Seeing that he was close to the pay booth, he crouched down and weaved between the cars
09:41until the footsteps paused.
09:44The people following him had clearly lost sight of him, figuring that he must have somehow
09:49gone out the main exit.
09:51They rushed to their car and tried to drive out.
09:55The assistant in the booth put out his hand and asked for their parking ticket, his hand
09:59still a few feet away from the driver's window.
10:02Can't you stand up and reach for it?
10:05The driver asked, annoyed that they were being slowed down.
10:10The attendant went quiet and frowned.
10:12I'm sorry, but I'm in a wheelchair.
10:15That's why I got this job, so that I could stay seated, he explained.
10:19The driver resisted the urge to roll his eyes and opened his door so he could hand the attendant
10:24the ticket.
10:26As soon as the car had driven off, the attendant pulled off the hat.
10:30It was actually Eric who had ducked into the empty booth and put the attendant's hat on.
10:36He called hotel security as he grabbed his bag and headed into the hotel.
10:42Maybe I should pursue acting as a career.
10:45He thought, slightly surprised that his last-minute trick had worked.
10:50Shortly after, Andre received a call from one of the bodyguards informing her that they
10:55had lost track of Eric.
10:57She was furious, but tried not to show it.
11:00Lying to Emma, she said, My men have already secured your husband, Emma snorted.
11:06I doubt it.
11:08You don't seem very confident, she replied.
11:11Even if I didn't have him, I still have you.
11:15Andre snapped.
11:16She waved over two of her guards.
11:19Come here, she instructed.
11:21Emma tried to delay Andre further.
11:24Why don't I just call the committee directly and withdraw from nominations, she suggested.
11:29If we keep doing what we're doing now, the stress might cause me to miscarry anyway,
11:35which ruins your bargaining chip.
11:36You want the award?
11:38I want my child.
11:40Why are you making this so complicated?
11:43Andre shook her head.
11:44No, she replied.
11:46I'm not letting you off the hook that easily.
11:49Thank you so much for watching.
11:51Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
