I Have a Psycho Stalker

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, my name is Kayla, please like and subscribe to MSA while I tell you my story my whole life
00:05I've been a book nerd stories are my escape into new worlds where I can fight dragons on the top of the highest mountains
00:11Or move cars out of my way using my mind. However in real life
00:15I'm virtually invisible and usually powerless in the face of danger. Hey, watch where you're going geek. Sorry
00:22What's the point of those dumb glasses if you can't see anything?
00:26Thankfully help was never too far behind. Oh, you heard my head. That was the idea now imagine what I can do with all these
00:36Are you okay? I am now. Hey, is that Harry Potter? I love that book
00:40You know, I think we're gonna be best friends. That was the first day
00:44I met Faye and she was right we instantly bonded over our love of reading and I was forever in awe of her confidence
00:51Everyone make way your queen is coming through
00:54She proved to me that being into books did not mean you had to be timid and that ends my presentation
00:59On what every Friday should be pizza day at the cafeteria
01:03His life was forever blasting out loud. I felt like something was missing from mine
01:08I've read so many romantic tales of a prince riding into town
01:11Conquering the angry monsters just to be with the one he loves and then I wonder is my prince ever gonna come and save me
01:18Snap out of it Kayla, huh? Look around you. These boys are no match for your intellect
01:23They're all stinky and stupid speak for yourself nerds. That's why you weren't invited to the big house party this weekend
01:30Your fly is undone
01:33You see what I mean Kayla, is that the prince you were looking for?
01:37Yeah, maybe you're right except I really did want to go to that house party
01:41Ah, I knew there was no way that was gonna happen or at least that's what I thought until everything changed one day as I was
01:48Looking for a book in the library. Hey, what's this? Hmm? Looks like a secret compartment. Pull it up. Whoa
01:54Hidden beneath the shelf was a dusty book
01:56We'd never seen before I blew on it and read its title the secrets to get boys to fall in love with you
02:02That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of no wonder somebody hit it
02:06Look at this stuff how to dress for a man how to talk to a man
02:10I wonder if it works who cares shove it back where you found it. Actually, I think we should try it out
02:15What you can't be serious I am we could test it out tonight at the house party
02:20Think of it as a social experiment where we see how easy it is to get boys to fall for us
02:24Well, I do love a social experiment. All right, why not?
02:28I'm in after school you rush to my house and follow the book by the letter always wear bright red lipstick for attention
02:34Check clip in hair extensions for more bouncy hair check learn how to walk correctly by balancing books on your head
02:43Juice your meals to digest them faster. Check. Yeah lift weights to tone your figure. I'm exhausted
02:49Don't sit down. You'll get chair, but and according to this book boys hate chair, but
02:54eyelashes short skirts pink everything and
02:57Wow, we look like completely different people
03:01More like complete bimbos. I didn't care what they said
03:04I was super excited and when we arrived at the party
03:07Everyone was looking at us and I felt seen for the first time. Hey, they're good-looking. Can I get you some punch?
03:14I'll give you a punch. Hey, remember the book like oh my gosh
03:19I would totally love some punch duh once alone
03:22I scanned the room looking for my prince and oh my god, there he was. He was the most beautiful boy
03:29I had ever seen tall muscular well-dressed and looking so cool
03:33I wanted to go over there, but I remembered what the book said chapter 13
03:37Don't pester boys rather stand against a wall and look mysterious and they'll come to you
03:42And so that's what I did, but unfortunately it attracted the wrong guy
03:47Excuse me, miss. My name is Ricardo and let me just say you are a radiant vision of Sunbeam perfection. Oh
03:54Thanks, please. Let's swap numbers. Um, okay now watch my superb dance moves
04:00This weird dude distracted me with the most bizarre dance in the world
04:04And when I looked over my prince was gone and then Faye came up to me. We have to go
04:09Wait, I need to find someone first. Hey, that's the girl that dumped the guacamole bowl on my head
04:14Like I said, we have to go now
04:16We ran away as fast as we could but I turned just in time to see Ricardo blowing kisses after me
04:21Yeah, but hey, at least we knew the book worked the next day
04:25I woke up to a hundred messages from Ricardo
04:28some of them were sweet but others were a little creepy like when he sent selfies of himself with roses in his teeth or
04:35Pictures of sketches he'd made of me and there were a lot of them. Of course. I was just gonna ignore him
04:40I was still hung up on finding the dreamboat from the party and I decided something else that weekend
04:45I liked my new look and how other people looked at me, but on Monday at school they didn't see it the same way
04:52Excuse me, miss Barbie. Why are you still bimbo five? I think I want to try this out for a while
04:57It makes me feel different except it makes you look just like every other bimbo here
05:02Can you stop calling me that please? You know, I think we didn't fully commit to our social experiment
05:07So let's read a few more chapters and then go to the arcade tonight
05:09Why would we do that?
05:11Just then as I opened my locker an avalanche of teddies and gifts and love letters poured to the floor
05:17Looks like Ricardo found me. Whoa, wait a minute. I'm starting to get the picture
05:22You think you're actually gonna get your prints this way, don't you? You mean this guy? I don't even like him
05:27Please just come to the arcade do it for me Faye hard pass
05:31I'll be at the library where the smart people usually are you're on your own
05:34I hated to see face so annoyed I figured she'd get over it besides
05:38I needed to continue my mission that night
05:40I read a few more chapters and then went to the arcade alone where all the popular kids hung out
05:45I felt super nervous by myself and considered leaving when hey, are you just going to stand there?
05:51Are you gonna play something? Oh my gosh, it was the hunk
05:53I saw at the party and he was talking to me think quick Kayla. What did the book say?
05:58Oh, yes chapter 7 always laugh at boys jokes
06:01You're so funny
06:03Thanks. My name is Lloyd. Are you waiting to play this claw game chapter 20 be the damsel in distress?
06:09Oh, it's too complicated for me. Oh, yeah, I'll show you the trick is all about timing
06:14Wow, you're so good at that. Thank you. Sure thing. Would you like to get ice cream? Oh chapter 3 avoid fatty desserts
06:22Um, how about a low-fat milkshake instead as we shared a vegan milkshake Lloyd started telling me about his life
06:28He was a part-time model, but his true passion was volunteering at the Children's Hospital
06:33I mean can someone be more perfect I gazed into his eyes and then we both moved forward to sip our straws at the same
06:40Time our faces were so close
06:42I almost thought he might kiss me when suddenly my phone rang and it was my mom telling me to come home immediately
06:49Apparently my grandma had broken her hip and my parents needed to go out of town to see her since I couldn't miss school
06:55They asked me to stay with Faye for a few days. I know the timing isn't great and you're mad at me. Don't be silly
07:01What are friends for?
07:02You packed all that makeup to bring over since when do you even have so much makeup?
07:07I went shopping yesterday. And what is this ridiculous bag? Wait, I've seen all the cheerleaders carrying this lately
07:13Are you gonna start waving pom-poms in my face next? Hey, is me staying over gonna be a problem?
07:18Ah, no, of course not fine
07:21I won't say anything although the amount of money you spent on that makeup could run a soup kitchen for a year
07:26Okay, okay. I'm done now, but she really wasn't she stared at me disapprovingly every day as we headed out for school
07:33She huffed away angrily whenever any of the popular girls gave me compliments or invited me to sit with them at recess and she gave
07:39Me the silent treatment as I headed out for the arcade in the evenings
07:43I'd met up with Lloyd there a couple more times and I thought it was going well
07:46Just as we were sharing another milkshake, we almost came close to kissing again when suddenly hey bestie
07:52I thought I'd find you here. Ooh, aren't you gonna introduce me to this hunky monkey?
07:56What say was here and she was dressed by the book to Lloyd Faye Faye Lloyd
08:02That's such a manly name. So Lloyd, can you show me how the photo booth works? Oh my gosh, it's so
08:10Confusing. Yeah, I can show you this was crazy. They was trying to steal the spotlight from me
08:15Well, you can play at that game. Oh, wow. Look at these photos. We'd make such a cute couple for sure
08:22If you say so, oh Lloyd, let's have a dance battle. All right. Oh Lloyd. Let's sing karaoke
08:28Okay, Oh Lloyd, let's get some cotton candy. Sure. Oh Lloyd. Let's shoot some zombies can do Oh Lloyd
08:36Let's break the basketball high score. I
08:40Know Lloyd, let's trade some prizes for our tickets. Whoa. Oh, please Lloyd. Oh
08:46This way
08:48Come on Lloyd stop. I don't know what's happening here, but it's freaking me out. It's not me. It's her
08:54She's a phony me. You're the phony. Look at her. What the heck look
08:59I don't know what's going on here
09:00But you two clearly have some serious issues and I don't want to get in the middle of it. Goodbye
09:05Oh Lloyd come back. I can explain wait Kayla. Don't be a fool
09:10Suddenly I heard a loud crack and turned to see Faye tumble to the floor. Oh these dumb heels. Hey, are you okay?
09:17I think I broke my ankle call an ambulance as we waited for the ambulance. They turned to me angrily
09:23This is all your fault me
09:25You're the one who thinks all boys are trash
09:27But then you just show up here to hit on Lloyd and ruin my chances with him. What's wrong with you?
09:32I don't want Lloyd. I was just trying to show you the mirror by acting like you
09:36You look pathetic trying to be someone you're not just to make some stranger like you
09:41I thought we were the cool smart ones who don't care about what's on the outside if you don't care about that
09:46Why does it bother you how I choose to dress or what I put on my face?
09:50You know what? You're just so used to bossing me around you're pissed off
09:54I'm doing something on my own that you don't agree with fine be a wannabe bimbo. We can't be friends then
10:00Thanks for letting me know that our friendship is conditional on me always listening to you
10:05The ambulance arrived and took Faye away. I didn't want to go to her place right away
10:09So I went to my own house to cry it out to my shock
10:12I found my room was overflowing with gifts from Ricardo heart-shaped balloons bouquets and dozens of teddy bears
10:19This was all too much. And when I looked in the mirror, I didn't even recognize myself
10:23I had lost my chances with Lloyd and things with a were all messed up. Plus these new clothes were so
10:29Uncomfortable and that's when I realized all these troubles started with the book
10:33I opened it up to the final chapter and read in horror chapter 31 charm boys by cleaning up after their mess
10:41Chapter 32 make boys sandwiches when they are sad. This was not a magic guide to romance
10:46This was the most sexist book in the world and I had been such an idiot
10:50I needed to make it right the next day. I returned to the arcade only this time as boring old Kayla. Excuse me Lloyd
11:00Yeah, this is how I really look and I'm just here to apologize. I've been acting like somebody
11:05I'm not which isn't cool or fair to you seems like you have some self-work to do most definitely
11:11Okay. Well, sorry again. Goodbye. Hold on
11:15Do you want to get a milkshake as long as it's full fat the rest of the evening?
11:20We played arcade games and then went for a romantic walk by the river and Lloyd seemed to like me for me
11:26I went home on cloud 9 that night and when I woke up the next morning
11:30I was determined to fix everything else starting with Faye. I just wanted to apologize. You're right
11:35I shouldn't have to change anything about myself to get noticed or be liked by anyone Kayla
11:40I owe you an apology to to be honest. I just got jealous and insecure
11:45I mean you're out there trying to find your prince charming. Well, I'm perfectly happy just the two of us in the library
11:51I just didn't want anything to change. We can have both Faye
11:54You'll always be my bestie no matter who else comes into my life
11:57I can handle that as long as whoever he is appreciates the Kayla that I know deal deal
12:04Huh, it's me
12:06Ricardo I've been searching for you for days. Why are you ignoring my gifts?
12:11There was something crazy in his eye Ricardo. You're coming on too strong
12:15You broke into my house to leave me gifts and now you're following me around
12:19We don't even know each other but we can spend our whole lives getting to know each other
12:23We're meant to be I love you. Oh catch a hint, dude. She doesn't like you
12:29I will not rest until you're mine
12:32Ricardo grabbed me by the wrist and I was about to panic when suddenly let go of her two boys
12:37Paddling over me sounded like a fairy tale in a romance novel, but now that it was actually happening
12:42I didn't like it one bit and that's when I remembered the book the whack
12:49Didn't know you break my head. I don't want to be here anymore
12:53At least this book came to some good use girl I am so proud of you