My Bf Mom Worship ME

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Olivia. I grew up in a small town where everyone knows everyone, but I felt like the odd one out.
00:06Things weren't any different at school. In elementary school, I didn't feel confident enough to talk.
00:10But Nick was the only one who ever spoke to me. But he was always up to no good and known for his infamous tricks.
00:16I thought he would stop in middle school, but it only got worse.
00:19Hey Olivia, I got you a cupcake.
00:21That's really nice.
00:22Yeah, I stole it from that loser over there.
00:25Oh, no.
00:27You didn't want a cupcake? Hang on, I'll go steal his whole lunch. Come here, nerd!
00:31I knew I should have stood up for that kid, but like always, I ran away instead.
00:35High school wasn't any better. You know how students get awards for cutest couple, best dress, and stuff at the end of the year?
00:41At the end of my junior year, I finally got one.
00:44The award for the shyest student goes to Olivia!
00:47Olivia! Who's Olivia?
00:49I was the girl who was too shy to accept the award for being too shy.
00:52I felt devastated. That day, I decided it was finally time to grow a spine and learn to be confident.
00:58Hey! Hey, you! No, I! You there, mate!
01:01Australian? Come on, Olivia.
01:04I practiced for days, but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen.
01:08We're off to Las Vegas for the week, honey.
01:10You're going on a trip without me?
01:12It's a short trip, Olivia. Just call if you need anything. Oh, but not after 5pm or before lunch. Ciao!
01:18Well, I guess a giant mansion isn't too bad to be alone all week.
01:21I spent the first few hours writing a super boring essay for school, but the silence was creeping me out.
01:26So, I decided to watch The Notebook in our home theater.
01:29I was mid-sobbing over the love story when I heard the back door swing open.
01:33I froze like a statue.
01:34Do I do stop, drop, and roll?
01:36No, wait. That's for a fire.
01:38I'll just call 911.
01:40Shoot! My phone's upstairs. Time for plan B.
01:42It's too cold.
01:45Okay. Plan C.
01:49Suddenly, there was a crash upstairs.
01:51It sounded like my laptop.
01:52I would rather fight to the death than write that essay all over again.
01:55I tiptoed upstairs and saw someone in the kitchen.
01:57But it was too dark to see their face.
01:59With a burst of confidence, I jumped on their back like a spider monkey.
02:02But my victory didn't last long.
02:05They threw me to the floor and everything went black.
02:07I woke up with a flashlight in my face and all my memories flooded back.
02:11I panicked and kicked so hard, sending them crashing to the floor.
02:14Not intruder. Ouch.
02:16I know that voice.
02:17I snatched the flashlight and shined it at him.
02:20Oh no, that's not happening.
02:21Bailey was my insanely hot neighbor.
02:24And I'd speed him up.
02:25We went to different schools, but I could see straight into his room from my window.
02:29Listen, I'm no stalker, but it seems the universe wanted me to know him.
02:32I mean, how else could I have seen him shirtless or dancing in his room when he thought no one was watching?
02:38Bailey, are you okay?
02:39He's so strong.
02:40He was already standing up.
02:41I'm okay, but what about you?
02:43The pain came rushing back and I almost fainted.
02:46Here, lie down.
02:47Thanks, but what are you doing here?
02:49I heard a crash, so I came to check on you.
02:51Did you catch the intruder?
02:52Bailey held my hand and I felt my stomach full of butterflies.
02:55He got away, but don't worry, the police are on their way.
02:58I told the officers everything that happened, and Bailey's family said I could stay at their house until my parents got back.
03:03Bailey was so sweet that he even brought me tea before bed.
03:06Do you want to ride into town with me tomorrow?
03:08Oh, I don't want to mess up your plans or anything.
03:11Don't worry, most of my friends are at camp.
03:13Meet me in the garage at ten.
03:14We went off to bed, but I spent the whole night imagining our wedding.
03:17The next day I went to meet him and saw the car was unlocked, so I got in the passenger seat and waited.
03:22Oh, we're not driving, we're biking.
03:24Yeah, I was just warming up in a car before cycling.
03:27It helps the wheels spin faster.
03:29It's psychological bike Olivia dynamics.
03:32Oh, I never heard this.
03:33Yeah, it's a new evolution.
03:35Wow, you're serious about biking.
03:37I was way too embarrassed to admit that I didn't even know how to ride a bike.
03:40But if little kids can do it, how hard could it be?
03:43Do you always wear your helmet backward?
03:46Yeah, it's the latest style in Paris.
03:51Oh, okay. Well, follow me.
03:53Easy, you can do this.
03:55I stayed balanced for about two seconds before I toppled over into a pile of garden gnomes.
03:59You made up all that stuff about the car and the helmet, didn't you?
04:02Um, maybe.
04:04I was humiliated, but Bailey was so nice.
04:07He spent the rest of the day teaching me to ride.
04:09My parents came back that night, and I assumed I'd never see him again.
04:12But to my surprise, he knocked on my door the next day, and the next day, and the day after.
04:16We were inseparable the whole summer.
04:18And it made me sad to think about how everything was going to change when school started.
04:22On the first day of school, I was walking to my locker with my head down
04:25when I saw one of the popular girls drop her fancy earring.
04:28How was I supposed to get her attention over all this noise?
04:30As I picked it up, I realized something.
04:32I'm the girl who tackled an intruder.
04:34And I'm the girl who spent all summer with her super hot crush.
04:37Hey, you dropped this.
04:38My favorite earring.
04:40Oh, you're a lifesaver.
04:41After that, she waved to me every time she saw me.
04:44I decided to challenge myself to say hi to new people.
04:46To my surprise, people were nice back, even cute boys.
04:49But one day, I was walking to the bathroom when I noticed the school bad boy, Nick,
04:53and one of his friends graffitiing a wall.
04:55Nick split around to tell me off, but then he froze.
04:58Graffiti is so uncool, but I was mesmerized by his piercing blue eyes.
05:02He was so focused on me, he didn't realize he was spray painting his friend's face.
05:06I rushed down the hallway toward the bathroom, but I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.
05:09The old me would have ignored it, but the new, confident me decided to confront him in the study hall.
05:14You know you'll never get into college if you graffiti the school, right?
05:16I'm going to be an artist.
05:18You mean a criminal? I'll post your first mugshot on Instagram.
05:21I held up my phone to snap a picture, but the teacher spotted me.
05:24No phones in the study hall, Olivia.
05:26It wasn't her fault. I asked her to take a picture of me.
05:29Great, then you can join your girlfriend in detention, too.
05:32Detention? Girlfriend?
05:34I don't know which part was worse.
05:36In detention, I tried to sneak past Nick so he wouldn't sit next to me.
05:39But someone bumped into me and I spilled hot tea all over him.
05:42He jumped up and ripped his shirt off.
05:44Ow! Hot!
05:45I am so sorry.
05:47It's okay. I deserve it for getting you in trouble.
05:49I was about to respond when I noticed his insane abs.
05:52And right above them was a really cool tattoo of a dragon on his chest.
05:56I hated myself for thinking he looked so hot.
05:59I tried to look away, but Nick was smirking at me.
06:01I moved as far from him as I could.
06:03But I couldn't stop thinking about him.
06:05That night, Bailey and I met up for the first time in weeks because of our busy routine.
06:08I wish we went to the same school.
06:10That would be nice, but it might be kind of awkward since I'm, you know,
06:14homecoming king and stuff and you're like the quiet girl.
06:17Did he just admit I wasn't cool enough for him?
06:20What do you think? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below.
06:22And hey, you've hit that like and subscribe already, right?
06:24Well, I felt pretty annoyed.
06:26So I pretended to get a call from my mom and went home early.
06:29That weekend, I was walking through the park when I noticed Nick was creeping up behind some lady sitting on a bench.
06:34Was he about to rob her? I didn't want to find out.
06:36I couldn't stand it, so I tackled him from behind before he got too close.
06:39Get off me, psycho!
06:41Wait, Olivia?
06:42You're the psycho! You were going to attack that woman!
06:45Attack her? That's what you think of me?
06:47Nick's face was inches from mine, and his blue eyes looked really hurt.
06:50I felt so guilty and embarrassed that I was wrong, so I just ran off without saying a word.
06:55After school that Monday, Nick was waiting by my locker.
06:57Come to the park with me.
06:58Why would I do that?
06:59Just trust me.
07:00At the park, I saw the same lady from the other day, and as soon as she saw me, she turned red and started hitting me with her purse.
07:07Mom, stop!
07:08Mom? She attacked you!
07:10It was a misunderstanding. This is Olivia.
07:13Oh, why didn't you say so? She's even prettier in person.
07:16What's going on?
07:17My son paints with me every week. I paint birds, but he always paints you.
07:22She reached into her bag and pulled out a beautiful painting of me.
07:25These are creepy, but amazing.
07:27I'm bad at school, but I'm good at art. Teachers think I'm stupid, and I'm sick of it. That's why I always ditch.
07:33You're a genius, but why me?
07:35Because no one appreciates you either.
07:37Wow, all these years. I thought no one could see me, but Nick did.
07:41After that, I started spending a ton of time with Nick. He was surprisingly sweet behind his tough-guy act.
07:46Once we were strolling, and he spotted the injured baby bird and saved it, but he made me promise not to tell anybody.
07:51Shh, you're a big softie.
07:53Shut up.
07:54We quickly grew close and eventually started to have lunch together near the school's eateries.
07:58Oh, oh, hold up. Don't call it a date.
08:00Can I ask you a question? Why do you have that dragon tattoo?
08:03It matches the dragon on my mom's necklace. I'm surprised you haven't noticed. She never takes it off.
08:08That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
08:10Yeah, yeah. My turn now. What's going on with that guy you text sometimes? Brian?
08:14Bailey. We were really close last summer, but he's not who I thought he was.
08:18Okay, that's good. That means I can finally do this.
08:20Next thing I knew, Nick was leaning across the table to kiss me, and I couldn't resist and kissed him back.
08:25All right, call it whatever you want. Jeez, I'm just a bit shy, okay?
08:29The whole way home, I couldn't stop blushing, but just a few days later, things went south.
08:34Nick wasn't at school that day, and he wasn't answering my texts, so I assumed he was sick and went straight home after school.
08:39When I walked in, my parents were sitting in the living room with the police officers from the night of the intruder, and in the middle of all of them was Bailey.
08:45Bailey has some really important information about the intruder.
08:48I totally forgot something I saw that night. It was dark, but the intruder had a dragon on his chest.
08:53No, it couldn't be.
08:55There's a local troublemaker named Nick Costello who has a tattoo of a dragon on his chest. We arrested him before school today.
09:02Nick would never do something like that. Mom, I told you about Nick. He—
09:05He had you fooled, Olivia. He was probably just waiting to break in again.
09:09Bailey walked up to me with his arms open, and I crashed into him in a puddle of tears.
09:13The days went by in a blur. My parents tried making me feel better, but I felt so lonely.
09:18Even when I was going through something this upsetting, Bailey only came over once to cheer me up.
09:22I know you miss him, but he's a loser. Now you can hang out with me instead. You know, when I don't have better plans.
09:28Actually, Bailey, Nick is ten times better than you are. He actually likes spending time with me for who I am, and he's not a criminal or a loser.
09:37Are you sure you saw a dragon tattoo?
09:39It was definitely a dragon. I could see it because it was so shiny, like one of those tattoos with glitter in it or something.
09:45Shiny? That doesn't sound like a tattoo. That sounds like jewelry.
09:49I have to go now! I biked to the police station faster than a race car. All the practice on my self-confidence led up to this moment.
09:55You're going to let me talk to Nick right now!
09:57Visitors get ten minutes. I'll bring him out.
10:00How did Nick still look hot in one of those orange jumpsuits?
10:03Your mom was the real intruder, wasn't she? Bailey didn't see your tattoo. He saw her dragon necklace.
10:08Please, don't tell anyone.
10:09But we have to get you out of here.
10:11No! My mom is sick, okay? At night, it's like she becomes a different person. She has no idea who she is or where she is, and she gets into all sorts of trouble.
10:19I go to the park with her so that she doesn't get lost on her way home and go into the wrong house.
10:24Why didn't you tell the police?
10:26Because it's still all my fault. The night she got into your house, I was supposed to walk her home, but I went to the arcade with my friends and lost track of time.
10:34If the police find out, they'll send her to a mental facility.
10:37Hang on. Did you say the arcade? Nick, this is amazing! There are cameras everywhere so kids don't cheat when they play.
10:43We don't have to tell the police anything about your mom. All we have to do is prove you couldn't have been the intruder.
10:48I sprinted to the arcade and basically threw a tantrum until the manager gave me the security tapes from that night.
10:53They totally proved that Nick was there the entire time.
10:56I took the tape back to the cops, and they had no choice but to let him go.
10:59We bought Nick's mom a new necklace to replace the dragon so that no one would ever figure out who the intruder was.
11:05And whenever Nick was busy, I spent time with his mom to make sure she didn't scare any other poor families by accident.
11:10Once everything was settled, Nick told me to meet him at some abandoned building in town.
11:14Uh, Nick, I thought you said this was romantic, but it's totally creepy.
11:19Just trust me. Remember when you caught me doing graffiti in the school? Well, I never got to show you what I was painting.
11:25He took me around the corner, and my jaw hit the floor.
11:28It was a beautiful painting of me.
11:30I love you, Olivia. I always have.
11:32It's beautiful. I love you, too.
11:35But, uh, I definitely didn't always love you.
11:40Nick burst out laughing and pulled me in for a kiss.
11:42At that moment, I learned that you can find love in the craziest circumstances ever.
