• last year
00:005. The Release of Fear Take courage!
00:04It is I, don't be afraid.
00:07Mark 6 verse 50
00:10What do you do when you're scared?
00:12Does blood pump in your ears?
00:15Is there a weight in your stomach?
00:17Does your heart pound?
00:19Do you become breathless?
00:21Our bodies respond to fear like this to stop us from being able to ignore our worries and stress.
00:27Jesus' friends felt all these things one night after he had fed more than 5,000 people with just
00:33one packed lunch.
00:35Jesus had sent them ahead to Bethsaida so he could be alone to pray.
00:39During the night, they were rowing against the wind when suddenly they saw him walking on the
00:45Thinking he was a ghost, they were terrified.
00:48Mark 6 verse 49 to 50
00:51But Jesus told them not to be afraid and to be brave.
00:54As he got on the boat, the wind died down and they made it to the shore.
00:59I imagine that their feelings of dread calmed as they experienced the peace he brought with him.
01:05When we feel like we are drowning in stress or worry, we can rest and trust in Jesus' power.
01:11Whether he calms our storms or strengthens us to face them, he will give us the gift of his
01:15peace that transcends all understanding.
01:19Philippians 4 verse 7
01:20And as he answers our fears with his presence, we can know calm even in the middle of storms.
01:27By Aimee Boucher-Paye
01:29To Pray About
01:31Lord Jesus, help me when worry seems to cling to me.
01:35Please give me your peace.
01:37Jesus frees us from fear.