• last year


00:00Go, Bucky!
00:09Me stop!
00:27Good boy, Bucky!
00:30And so, for your lifetime of brave service to the space program,
00:37I'd like to take a thoughtful moment to reflect on the past.
00:42I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:44I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:46I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:48I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:50I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:52I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:54I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:56I'm sorry, Bucky.
00:58I'd like to take a thoughtful moment to reflect on...
01:02Oh boy, look at the time.
01:07Why don't we just hand out these award plaques real quick
01:10so we can all enjoy today's shuttle launch.
01:18Speaking of launch, what kind of meat is this?
01:21Where am I?
01:24Where? Who?
01:32Sorry, sorry about that.
01:34He might have a concussion, dear. Don't let him get up too fast.
01:43If I were you, I'd put a bandage on that cut before it starts to fester.
01:54Sorry, really sorry about the whole thing.
02:01That's fine. Really, don't sweat it.
02:04I accept all your apologies.
02:07I have to. It's company policy.
02:10Well, what's everybody looking so glum about?
02:14Let's start the big tour.
02:23The solid fuel tanks of the space shuttle...
02:25I tell you, Bernie, this place really brings back fond memories.
02:30Yep, those were the days.
02:33I really felt like somebody back then, Benny.
02:37Oh, heck.
02:39I wish somebody would drag me off this shuttle right now
02:42and yank me back into duty.
02:54Okay, Bentley, you can stop now.
03:04Well, what do you know, Barley?
03:06It's just like old times again.
03:11What do you say we take this baby for a little spin?
03:33Dang! Visor's stuck!
03:35Take the wheel, Barry!
03:47Oh, no!
03:49Sorry! Sorry again!
03:51We're kind of in an emergency.
03:53Really? Well, I have kind of a shuttle to launch.
03:57You don't understand. Grandpa is loose.
04:01And here's the really scary part. He's loose with...
04:04Bucky! Bucky! Yay!
04:07Bucky! Bucky!
04:09Bucky! Bucky!
04:11Bucky! Bucky!
04:13Bucky! Bucky!
04:21Oh, please!
04:23Tell me they're not really aboard the shuttle.
04:26They're aboard the shuttle, all right, sir.
04:28But not to worry.
04:30In order to disengage from the tower,
04:32the old man and the dog would have to hit
04:34an incredibly elaborate sequence of control buttons.
04:37I tell you what, Barry.
04:40It sure is fun to be back in a spaceship again.
04:45Hey, look at that!
04:48I made a little Christmas tree design with the lights.
04:52Well, what do you know?
04:54They're disengaging from platform.
04:56Please, please tell me there's no way
04:59they can actually take off.
05:01There's no way.
05:03Not unless they throw that big red lever
05:05by the dog's right paw.
05:07Listen to me. Listen to me!
05:10Whatever you do,
05:12whatever you do,
05:14don't throw the big red switch.
05:19Throw the...
05:21red switch.
05:23Thank you for your assistance, Mission Control.
05:26Beardly, would you mind throwing that big red switch?
05:32Ignition. Engage.
05:34Ten seconds until liftoff.
05:37Nice work, Barry.
05:39We're A-OK for liftoff!
05:42Ten, nine, ten,
05:44two, three, one,
05:55Bucky! Bucky! Yay!
06:10And now, after centuries of preparation,
06:12we will assault the Earth
06:14and free our less fortunate brethren
06:16from the humiliating enslavement
06:18that humans so glibly refer to as
06:21pet ownership.
06:26Hey, Blimey, where do you suppose
06:28they keep the squeeze food on this crate?
06:32Commander, we have visual confirmation
06:34of an approaching attack vessel.
06:36Our worst fears have been realized.
06:38The mortal enemies of the Dog Planet
06:40have joined forces with the humans to repel us.
06:43Meow! Abort mission!
06:45Meow! Meow!
06:51All I'm saying is that Berkley
06:53is a very focused little dog.
06:55So you're suggesting we should get the dog
06:58to fly the shuttle?
07:04We have communications back, sir.
07:06Oh, sure! Maybe I'll just say,
07:09Hey, doggie, grab a hold of the wheel
07:11and steer the shuttle safely into orbit.
07:16The shuttle is rotating safely into orbit.
07:18Then while you're at it,
07:20maybe you could give the Russian space station
07:22a bump to get the air conditioning working again.
07:26All aboard!
07:33We're receiving word from the Russian space station, sir.
07:36They're thanking us for restoring the air conditioning.
07:42Oh, no! Let go of that wheel!
07:45Bad dog!
07:48What did you say about the Russian space station?
07:56Sir, the shuttle is veering wildly off course.
07:59Spooky! Spooky!
08:02Okay, I've gone numb with fear.
08:05Anybody else have a plan?
08:07Grandpa can land the shuttle.
08:09Maybe not right where you want him to, but he...
08:12Anybody else?
08:14Hey, Penelope could be right, you know.
08:16Dad was a pretty darn good astronaut in his day.
08:19Yes, unfortunately, that was way back
08:22in the days when flying lizards ruled the Earth.
08:28Are you okay?
08:30Are you kidding?
08:32I haven't felt this exhilarated and clear-headed in years!
08:36Do you think you can land the shuttle?
08:38What shuttle?
08:40Hey, who yelled at Blinky?
08:42I did.
08:44Now let's concentrate on landing the shuttle, shall we?
08:47Not until you apologize to the dog!
08:50He is my co-pilot, after all.
08:53Now hold on just one minute.
08:56I'm not about to apologize to a...
09:00Sorry, doggy!
09:02Say you're sorry.
09:04Apologize. Come on, say you're sorry.
09:07Okay, okay.
09:09I'm sorry.
09:12You're a good dog.
09:14There, are you satisfied?
09:18Apology accepted!
09:20I'm signing off and taking her on home.
09:33Hey, they're coming in for a landing.
09:36Unfortunately, they're coming in at about three times the proper speed,
09:40upside down and backwards.
09:44I've lost them on the radar, sir.
09:47Well, I took her on home,
09:50just like God said I would.
09:52I tell you, Vance,
09:54you should have seen the looks on the neighbors' faces
09:57when we tumbled into the driveway in this baby.
10:00Whoo-hoo! All right!
10:02What neighbors? Where are you?
10:08Hello? Hello?
10:10Does somebody speak to me?
