Mehnati kisan ki kahani I Hindi kahaniyan |

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Mehnati kisan ki kahani I Hindi kahaniyan |


00:00In a village called Madhavpur, a hardworking farmer Mohan and his wife Rupa used to live.
00:15They had two bulls, Chotu and Golu, and a cow whose name was Moti.
00:20Mohan used to take both the bulls to work in the fields every morning.
00:29And Rupa used to sell the cow's milk in a can in the nearby village.
00:44Every morning Mohan used to say to his wife,
00:47Rupa, hey Rupa, are you listening?
00:51Why are you shouting so early in the morning?
00:55Dear, I am going to the fields with my bulls, and I will be late today.
01:05Dear, which field do you come home early from?
01:09You are late every day.
01:14No Rupa, today I have to sow the seeds in the fields after ploughing the fields.
01:21Okay dear, as you wish.
01:24Saying this, Mohan takes both his bulls to his fields.
01:31Come on, let me plough the fields quickly.
01:35And I have to sow the seeds in the fields.
01:38Saying this, Mohan starts ploughing the fields with the help of both his bulls.
01:46After ploughing the entire field, Mohan
01:50Okay, I have ploughed the fields.
01:53Now let me sow the seeds in the fields quickly.
01:57Saying this, Mohan starts sowing the seeds in the fields quickly.
02:05Okay, today's work in the field is over.
02:09My bulls must be hungry.
02:11I will go home quickly and feed them.
02:15Saying this, Mohan starts walking from his field towards his home.
02:20Mohan goes home and first of all he feeds his bulls.
02:26Rupa, hey Rupa, are you listening?
02:30Dear, today you are very late from the field.
02:34All the work of the house is scattered.
02:36And I have to go to the nearby village to give cow's milk.
02:40Dear, you are very late from the field.
02:45I will do all the work of the house.
02:48You bring the cow's milk quickly.
02:50Saying this, Rupa goes to the nearby village to give cow's milk.
02:57Hey, Vimla aunty, how are you?
03:11I am fine, Rupa.
03:13How come you are late today?
03:15Hey, Vimla aunty, today there was some important work in the field.
03:19That's why I was late.
03:21Okay, no problem, Rupa.
03:23Saying this, Rupa gives cow's milk to Vimla aunty and starts walking.
03:29Then Rupa goes to the nearby village to give cow's milk.
03:34Hey, Rupa, how are you?
03:36How come you are late today?
03:38I am fine, Rupa.
03:40Today there was some important work in the field.
03:43That's why I was late.
03:45Okay, no problem, Rupa.
03:47I was just asking.
03:49Saying this, Rupa gives cow's milk to Vimla aunty and starts walking.
04:04Hey, Vimla aunty, today there was some important work in the field.
04:07That's why I was late.
04:09Okay, no problem, Rupa.
04:11Hey, Rupa, how come you are late today?
04:13God, I am late.
04:16What's wrong with this?
04:18God, I will follow your instructions from today.
04:20It's time to harvest after some months.
04:22All the villagers start their preparations to harvest.
04:26Rupa and Mohan also start to check their fields.
04:30Hey, Rupa, how are you?
04:32How come you are late today?
04:36to see their fields.
04:43Dear, the harvest this time is very good.
04:47There is greenery all around.
04:49Dear, do you know,
04:51after seeing our fields,
04:53I don't feel like going home.
04:56Dear, do you know,
04:58all this is the result of the hard work
05:00of our bulls Chotu and Golu.
05:02Dear, I think this time
05:04we will get a lot of profit.
05:07Time goes by,
05:08and after a few days,
05:10Mohan's harvest ends.
05:12This time, Mohan's harvest
05:14was very good.
05:16Dear, this time the harvest
05:18is very good.
05:20I will sell it in the market.
05:22Saying this, Mohan
05:24carries the harvest in his bullock cart
05:26and walks towards the market.
05:34Mohan goes to the market
05:36and sells his harvest
05:38to a big shopkeeper.
05:40In return, Mohan gets
05:42a good price.
05:44Dear, I have sold my harvest.
05:46Dear, do you know,
05:48this time we got a lot of profit.
05:50This is a very good thing.
05:52Dear, I think this time
05:54we will get a lot of profit.
05:56Mohan goes to the market
05:58and sells his harvest
06:00to a big shopkeeper.
06:02Dear, I think this time
06:04we will get a lot of profit.
06:06Day goes by,
06:08and Mohan gets a good house
06:10and a good shop
06:12with the money he earned
06:14by selling his harvest
06:16and milk.
06:18His shop runs very well.
06:26Dear, I am leaving
06:28for my shop.
06:30Ok dear,
06:32but do not forget to
06:34bring fodder for our bulls.
06:36Ok dear,
06:38I will not forget to bring
06:40fodder for my bulls.
06:42Saying this,
06:44Mohan goes towards
06:46his shop.
06:52Being busy in the shop all day,
06:54Mohan forgets to
06:56bring fodder for his bulls
06:58and calls his wife Rupa
07:00in the evening.
07:04I am back from my shop.
07:08I asked you to bring
07:10fodder for our bulls.
07:12Did you bring it?
07:16I was so busy in the shop
07:18that I did not get time
07:20to bring fodder for my bulls.
07:22Being busy in the shop all day,
07:24the bulls were not being used
07:26by Mohan.
07:28Because of this,
07:30Mohan's love for his bulls
07:32started diminishing.
07:34Mohan and his wife Rupa
07:36were worried
07:38about bringing fodder
07:40for their bulls.
07:42Because of this,
07:44one day Mohan says to his wife,
07:48I was saying that
07:50we do not need our bulls anymore.
07:52Why do not we sell
07:54our cows and bulls?
07:56What are you saying, dear?
07:58Whatever we have today
08:00is only because of our cows
08:02and bulls.
08:04But dear,
08:06I find it very difficult
08:08to bring fodder for my bulls
08:10every day.
08:12Rupa thinks for a while
08:14that perhaps dear is right
08:16that we should sell our cows
08:18and bulls.
08:20You are right, dear.
08:22After hearing this,
08:24all three cows and bulls
08:26become sad.
08:28The next morning,
08:30Mohan starts forcing
08:32his three bulls out of the house.
08:34Come on,
08:36get out of here.
08:38We do not need you anymore.
08:40All three bulls
08:42become sad
08:44and after going a little far,
08:46he says to Golu Moti,
08:48You see, Moti,
08:50we have never left
08:52our master's side.
08:54And today when everything
08:56happened to the master,
08:58he threw us out of the house.
09:00Yes, Golu brother,
09:02we have never left our side,
09:04but the master
09:06threw us out of the house.
09:08You are right, Golu.
09:10People these days
09:12are very selfish.
09:14They just use us
09:16for their own work.
09:18Then when the time comes,
09:20they leave us alone.
