Relic Hunter S01e18 The Last Knight

  • 2 weeks ago
Relic Hunter S01e18 The Last Knight


01:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:07I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:14I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:21I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:28I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:33I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:38I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:43I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:48I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:53I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
01:58I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:03I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:08I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:13I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:18I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:23I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:28I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:33I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:38I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:43I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:48I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:53I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
02:58I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
03:03I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of this video, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the end of this video.
03:09With this blade, I have defended the weak and the humble and fought a hundred battles in the name of the Lord.
03:17I will never surrender it.
03:23Arrest him!
03:38Arrest him!
04:28The king is approaching the gates. He has a declaration from His Holiness, Pope Clement, that the order of the Templar must be dissolved.
04:35How many men are with him?
04:37An army.
04:39Are you certain?
04:40Yes, my liege.
04:43The order of the Templars will rise again.
04:47I am entrusting you with our most sacred documents.
04:50Make certain that which I have given you never falls into the wrong hands.
04:56The king must never wield the sword. Only a true knight can possess it.
05:01Where will I take it?
05:03La Place Sacrée.
05:15Now go. Quickly. The balcony.
05:20I will face the king.
05:32I will face the king.
05:54Claudia, call the airlines. Book two tickets for Paris.
05:59Paris, Nigel!
06:01She said Paris.
06:02She said Paris.
06:03I love Paris.
06:06No, you don't understand. I, like, really, really love Paris. I love everything about it.
06:10The clothes, the fashion, the clothes.
06:15I have to go, Nigel.
06:16You're not going.
06:17Call in sick.
06:19I'm not calling in sick.
06:20Fine. Then I'll tell her about the embezzlement.
06:26What are you talking about?
06:27September 15th, 1100 hours. You stole $50 from petty cash.
06:31I borrowed $50. I didn't have any lunch money and there was only a $50 bill.
06:35And you never put it back.
06:36It was last week.
06:38Nigel, in this country we take our crime very seriously.
06:41What you did was a class B felony punishable by up to a year in state prison.
06:45Look it up if you don't believe me. Strike one, pal.
06:47You're certifiable.
06:48I want to go to Paris.
06:49You're not going to Paris.
06:50You're not going to Paris.
06:57What do you know about the Knights Templar?
06:59Um, the Crusades. They protected the pilgrims in the Holy Land.
07:03That's right.
07:05Nigel, I could be on the track to the sword of the last Grand Master himself, Jacques de Molay.
07:14I got a call from Henri Jaber, curator of the French Institute of Antiquities.
07:18Apparently, a 14th century medallion with the Knights Templar symbol on its face was uncovered in a monastery outside Paris.
07:25Are you all right?
07:26Oh, yes, yes, of course.
07:28So they, um, they want you to authenticate it.
07:31Yes, the medallion could lead us to the sword.
07:34Well, um, I just have one question.
07:38In this country, don't you find it refreshing how justice usually wins out for the little guy?
07:45Actually, I found quite the opposite to be true.
07:48It's the big guys that get off and the little guys that get punished.
07:50It's not right, really.
07:58Here's the deal, honey bun.
08:00I don't say a word to the district attorney.
08:02You just head to the store du jour when I call.
08:04This is blackmail, Claudia.
08:06This is the land of opportunity, Nigel.
08:19Sidney Fox?
08:21Peter Graham, assistant to the curator.
08:23I'm glad to meet you.
08:24My colleague, Nigel Bailey.
08:35Oh, my God, look at you.
08:40Who are you?
08:41Nigel Bailey.
08:45Nigel Bailey.
08:50Assistant lover.
08:51Assistant assistant.
08:53It's not as if it would be precedent setting, Sidney.
09:12Take a look at this, Sidney.
09:16It's amazing.
09:18I knew you would be fascinated.
09:20Where did you find it?
09:22A monk brought it to me.
09:24They uncovered it while repairing the masonry behind the altar of their monastery's chapel.
09:28It could have been covered up in a wall for over 700 years.
09:31700 years.
09:33Folklore holds that Jacques de Molay gave the order's sacred documents and his legendary sword to a young aide and sent them into hiding.
09:41In a monastery?
09:42No one knows.
09:43We've turned the place upside down.
09:45No sign of the sword or documents.
09:47The sword supposedly made Jacques de Molay invincible during battle.
09:51And if it still exists, it must be found.
09:54You may be holding the key to the Grand Master's sword, Sidney.
10:04Here's my cell number.
10:05You can call me 24 hours a day.
10:13About what Dr. Jabert said.
10:16About the medallion?
10:18About the assistant lover business.
10:20What do you mean by it not being precedent setting?
10:22Do you think this is really appropriate now, Nigel?
10:24You don't want to talk about it?
10:26I completely understand.
10:28Have you had many assistants?
10:32When I say had, I mean it only in the employed sense of the word.
10:36I just meant to inquire as to the...
10:38What do you say we get our little English mind out of the gutter and back to the business at hand?
10:41Sorry, Sid.
10:43Don't worry about it.
10:45I think I know where to begin our search.
10:47It's a bar called L'Exploratorium.
10:51It was the guy before me, wasn't it?
11:13God, who are these people?
11:15Relic hunters.
11:17Or wannabes.
11:19They'd rob their own grandmothers grave for a fistful of coins.
11:25Wait here.
11:27I'll be back.
11:29I'll be back.
11:31I'll be back.
11:33I'll be back.
11:35I'll be back.
11:37I'll be back.
11:39I'll be back.
11:41I'll be back.
11:43I'll be back.
12:00You drooled on me, Rene.
12:02Oh, sorry.
12:04I didn't know you were in town.
12:06What brings you here?
12:08The food.
12:14I wasn't...
12:16I wasn't staring at you.
12:18I was just admiring your necklace.
12:22I gotta make this quick.
12:24If I needed an expert on the Knights Templar,
12:26who would I speak to?
12:28So the rumors are true?
12:30They found Jacques de Molay's medallion?
12:35Have you seen it?
12:37You have?
12:39Is there such a person?
12:41Is there such a person?
12:46Michel Prévent.
12:48Was he a scholar?
12:51Maybe you...
12:53You should just meet him.
13:11Rene, you gonna play?
13:22It's the right address.
14:21Say we unplug him.
14:50Amazon chicks does not go with dead man's planet.
14:54Order out of chaos, huh?
14:56We're looking for Michel Prévent.
15:01You're Michel Prévent?
15:03And you are?
15:05You come to look at my comics, Sidney Fox?
15:07No, what I'm interested in was lost over 700 years ago.
15:11All right.
15:13What would that be?
15:15A sword.
15:19Every year, two or three times,
15:21somebody comes here to tell me
15:23that they have found the sword of Jacques de Molay.
15:25It's always a fake.
15:27Or a hoax.
15:29They are always fortune hunters
15:31out to enrich themselves.
15:38Since you seem to be the expert here,
15:40maybe you could tell me about this.
15:49Where did you get this?
15:51The monastery outside the city.
15:53Do you mind?
15:57These are his reference books?
16:00Comic books are modern myths.
16:03It's one of the few places that heroes still exist.
16:05What about that medallion?
16:08It's an old coin.
16:10It's got some value, but no significance.
16:13But the two men are on horseback.
16:15It is a symbol of the Templars.
16:19The Templars were the rock stars of their time.
16:21So someone decides to commemorate them in a coin?
16:24I'm afraid numismatists all over the world
16:27have pieces like this in their collections.
16:36Well, that was a waste of time.
16:38Maybe not.
16:40What are you talking about?
16:42If the medallion was so common,
16:44why did he take a wax impression of it?
16:54We just had an interesting meeting
16:56with a fellow named Michel Prévent.
16:58Have you heard of him?
17:00Can't say that I have.
17:02He's supposed to be an expert on the Knights Templar.
17:03I'll run the name by Dr. Gébert.
17:05Good, great.
17:07Oh, Peter, I've got another call coming in.
17:09I'll get back to you.
17:11Yep, hello?
17:13Is Nigel with you?
17:15Uh, yeah.
17:17Can I talk to him?
17:19For you.
17:21For me?
17:23For you.
17:25Okay, here's the deal.
17:27There's this hot little mid-length number
17:29in this month's Marc Fashion, page 43.
17:31It's by this new Parisian designer, Lelouch.
17:33He's got La Belle Megazin on the right bank.
17:35In teal, size two.
17:37You can't be serious.
17:39Dead serious, Nigel.
17:41Do you have any idea how much something like that's gonna cost?
17:43Fine, don't get it.
17:45In fact, I'm gonna get you a new outfit.
17:47It's this really great design,
17:49all wide horizontal stripes in black and white.
17:51Awesome designer.
17:53What's the name again?
17:55Oh, right, the Department of Corrections.
17:57All right, all right, I'll figure something out.
17:59What did Claudia want?
18:01Oh, usual Claudia nonsense.
18:03Is everything okay?
18:05Yes, fine, great, really good, great.
18:28I'm sorry.
18:54Can we go now?
18:56Not yet.
18:58I haven't eaten.
18:58Not yet.
19:00Wherever he's gone, he's probably gone for the night.
19:02I strongly suggest that we go.
19:04Time to go.
19:04Not exactly.
19:05That's what I've been saying for the last hour.
20:08We're under the Seine, some kind
20:10of abandoned service tunnel.
20:12What was he doing down here?
20:55Now what?
20:58Padlock, so what?
21:00Padlock on the inside of a room that's completely empty.
21:03Why would anyone lock themselves inside of an empty room?
21:07Unless you didn't want to be seen, because the room wasn't
21:10really empty.
21:12Hidden space of some kind.
21:21If this room has a light, chances are the hidden one
21:23would have one as well.
21:24Might be on the same circuit.
21:26Which means it might be online now.
21:33So if we turn off the light in this room, Nigel.
21:41I'm quite capable of lifting you up, Sydney.
21:43I'm sure you can, but I'll take you up on that next time.
21:46Look, it's not often I get to contribute in a physical way.
21:49Not like your other assistants.
21:51Look, at least allow me this.
21:57This isn't working.
21:59I've just got to get my balance.
22:14My right.
22:20My right.
22:51Got it.
23:30Looks like the Templars aren't the only ones keeping secrets.
23:42You don't suppose?
23:43The rock star himself, Jacques de Molay?
23:45Apparently our friend Michel has more than just a passing interest in the sword.
23:49So, why was he so blasé about the medallion?
23:58Sydney, take a look at these.
24:09A lion, a crescent moon, and a cross.
24:13And all three in the shape of crosses.
24:16What do you think they are?
24:18I've no idea.
24:30Wait here.
25:19Ah, ah, ah.
25:40Are you okay?
25:42Why did you hit me?
25:43He got away.
25:44Well, what are you doing here, huh?
25:45We know you were intrigued with the medallion,
25:46and that it's real.
25:47What we don't know is your interest in it.
25:48So you broke in?
25:49We're here with the French Institute of Antiquities.
25:51What do you want from me?
26:10What do you want from me?
26:11We need your help, Michel.
26:13We need to get to Domolay Soy before the wrong people do.
26:21And how do I know you are the right people?
26:33What did King Philippe have against the Templars?
26:35He borrowed a lot of money from them
26:37and rather than pay them back,
26:38Pope Clement to signing that death warrant.
26:41But de Molay had his vengeance, didn't he?
26:44Before his execution, he put a curse
26:45on the king and on the pope.
26:48Within one year, they're both dead.
26:52They say the sword was the instrument of his power.
26:55So they say.
26:56Do you believe that?
26:59I know it sounds crazy, but I do.
27:03I don't know why.
27:05I just always have.
27:07Then help us find it, Michel.
27:17I need more time to study this medallion.
27:19All right, while you're doing that,
27:21we'll go figure out who the competition is.
27:24Not now, darling.
27:32Look, Nigel, it's your pygmy friend.
27:37Great necklace.
27:43I'm so sorry.
27:44It's all right.
27:45It's all right.
27:46It's all right.
27:47It's all right.
27:48It's all right.
27:49It's all right.
27:50It's all right.
27:51It's all right.
27:52It's all right.
27:54It's all right.
27:55I wouldn't do that if I were you.
28:00It's good to see you, Sydney.
28:01I'll bet.
28:03Last time we parted you left me in a flea market
28:05with a dead Bedouin named fez.
28:08I cut his throat?
28:09Stabbed him in the back.
28:14That sort of business is behind me now, Sydney.
28:17Oh, is it?
28:18I'm in Paris to find a husband.
28:21Settle down.
28:22Well, I'm sure you'll find someone suitable for you in here.
28:26The sword belongs to whoever finds it, Sydney.
28:29Not exactly true, Rita. Whoever finds it has to hold on to it.
28:34You're right about that.
28:36Because if anyone finds it before me, they're as dead as face.
28:59How is Dr. Chébert?
29:01Still sleeping. I filled in Peter Graham, though.
29:04Any luck?
29:05While doing some cleaning, I found a few markings on the rim of the medallion.
29:22Early Arabic letters.
29:24I think the letters translate loosely to read something like Pierre Chevalier.
29:30The Stone Knights.
29:31Pierre Chevalier.
29:33Pierre Chevalier.
29:34What's this?
29:36This is my Bible.
29:38It was written 600 years ago by cloistered monks.
29:41They were disciples of the Mole.
29:43Or maybe the same order that possessed the medallion.
29:46La Place Sacrée, the Sacred Place.
29:48This says that the order's most sacred possessions and the sword
29:53were kept in a secret hideaway outside Paris.
29:56What was sacred about it?
29:58Well, nobody knows.
30:00Maybe a ritual retreat.
30:02Well, it's never been found.
30:04There is a painting in the Louvre called Pierre Chevalier.
30:19You always get this kind of treatment in a museum?
30:23You should see what they do for a Disney World.
30:27This painting was a gift for King Philip on his birthday.
30:32And guess who the patron was?
30:34Jacques de Molay?
30:36The two men were on good terms then.
30:38The Stone Knights.
30:40The Stone Knights.
30:42The Stone Knights.
30:44The Stone Knights.
30:46The Stone Knights.
30:48De Molay commissioned his own treasure map?
30:55Hey, Sid.
30:57Is Nigel with you?
30:58Yes, he's here.
30:59Can I talk to him?
31:00What's going on with you two?
31:03Yes, what do you want?
31:04Where are you?
31:06The Louvre.
31:07Do they have the dress?
31:08It's a museum, Claudia.
31:10They sell dresses in museums?
31:12Paris is so cool.
31:14I am not dress shopping.
31:15Claudia, this is ridiculous.
31:16I just don't have the time.
31:18I saw this really great movie last night.
31:20Cool Hand Luke?
31:21You should rent it.
31:22It's all about prison.
31:24They've got this tiny metal box that they throw people into
31:26and in the day it gets really, really hot.
31:28Claudia, I can't.
31:30Nigel, what we have here is a failure to communicate.
31:33I'll be in touch.
31:44Is there something I should know?
31:46No, definitely not.
31:48Does this Abbey still exist?
31:56No, nothing.
31:58I don't know.
31:59It was always a long shot.
32:01Maybe this sword wasn't meant to be found.
32:03I don't think you believe that's true, Michelle.
32:04This has been your quest.
32:06I don't know anymore.
32:12I think it's only a matter of time before we find the sword.
32:15Over here!
32:20Look at this indentation.
32:22It's the exact same shape as the stones.
32:24That's right.
32:25Where did those stones come from, Michelle?
32:27They were found at the ruins of the old Knights Templar's castle years ago.
32:30It seems to be the same geological composition as the stones.
32:32Yeah, well, if one of the stones fits in there...
32:34Then there should be two other indentations somewhere else around here.
32:39We need those stones.
32:45Looks like someone's a step ahead of us.
32:51They've taken everything.
32:53My stones, my research.
33:24Where is she, Rene?
33:26I don't know.
33:27You're gonna know.
33:33We need to talk about this.
33:36Bad timing, Claudia.
33:38Anything with you?
33:39She's kind of busy!
33:41Right now.
34:03Well, we're not exactly sure what the stones do yet,
34:06but we're headed out to the ruins of the Abbey near Rambouillet.
34:09Thanks for keeping us posted, Sydney.
34:11I'll tell Dr. Gébert.
34:13Well, I'd rather tell him myself, Peter.
34:15He's resting, Sydney.
34:17I'll pass on the information.
34:21I'll see you later.
34:37Was that Sydney?
34:39Yes. Yes, it was.
34:41What did you see?
34:43Unfortunately, it's not going well.
34:46They seem to have hit a dead end.
35:00The third one is here!
35:31All right.
35:33So, all we have to do is match the stones with the indentations.
35:42What are you doing?
35:44I have an idea. Just humor me.
35:46The line is a symbol for England.
35:48So let's try this in the northernmost position.
35:55The crescent is a symbol for Islam.
35:58And the eastern boulder?
36:00The cross is a sign for the Templars.
36:02So this will stay right here.
36:09Yes! That's in. It fits.
36:14Same here.
36:16Now what?
36:18Stand with your back to the rock.
36:20Start walking in the direction of the arrow.
36:30The stones pointed us here.
36:32We have to trust the signs, but...
37:29The sarcophagi.
37:30The sarcophagi.
37:33They buried the dead here.
37:44A Templar memorial.
37:48It's incredible.
37:54Stone knights.
39:31Take your hands off that sword.
39:35You're even better than Dr. Jabez said, Sydney.
39:38I can't believe how quickly you found it.
39:40And I can't believe I was taken by a common thief.
39:45I don't think so.
39:47I'm going to have Damole's sword.
39:49And the power that goes with it.
40:44This shrine is a holy place.
40:48You have desecrated the memory of the Knights Templar.
41:03You never would have found it without the medallion.
41:10I guess this belongs to Dr. Jabez now.
41:13The sword is meant for a knight with a true heart.
41:17This is where it should stay.
41:19With you.
41:21You think so?
41:23You were chosen.
41:24I don't know.
41:27You were the only one that could withdraw the sword.
41:30I'd say it was your destiny, Michelle.
41:54Welcome back.
41:56Did you get it?
41:57Oh, I got it all right.
41:59I'm going to make a few phone calls,
42:00then I've got to run through the library.
42:02If Blaine calls, tell him I'll be back in a few minutes.
42:06This is an address.
42:07Very astute.
42:08Where's my dress?
42:09Well, that's the thing.
42:10I was in the boutique about to max out my entire credit
42:12and lay out a month's pay when it hit me.
42:14What hit you?
42:16Section 201.5, paragraph A.
42:20Section 201.5, paragraph A.
42:24The penal code.
42:25You must know it after how easily you quoted it to me.
42:29Obviously, you didn't study it hard enough.
42:31Section 201.5, paragraph A,
42:33states that any unauthorized use of a designated handicap parking space
42:37is a Class A misdemeanor,
42:39punishable by three months in jail,
42:41a $500 fine, or...
42:46But you don't have any...
42:48It's amazing what Jimmy from the video department will do for a case of beer.
42:52Of course,
42:53a misdemeanor is less than the felony you accused me of,
42:56but considering I have five separate incidents on tape...
42:59Oh, I did get you something.
43:03Yeah, Amazon chicks, number 33.
43:06I understand it's collectible.
43:18I'm sorry.
43:19I'm sorry.
43:20I'm sorry.
43:21I'm sorry.
43:22I'm sorry.
43:23I'm sorry.
43:24I'm sorry.
43:25I'm sorry.
43:26I'm sorry.
43:27I'm sorry.
43:28I'm sorry.
43:29I'm sorry.
43:30I'm sorry.
43:31I'm sorry.
43:32I'm sorry.
43:33I'm sorry.
43:34I'm sorry.
43:35I'm sorry.
43:36I'm sorry.
43:37I'm sorry.
43:38I'm sorry.
43:39I'm sorry.
43:40I'm sorry.
43:41I'm sorry.
43:42I'm sorry.
43:43I'm sorry.
43:44I'm sorry.
43:45I'm sorry.
43:46I'm sorry.
43:47I'm sorry.
43:48I'm sorry.
43:49I'm sorry.
43:50I'm sorry.
43:51I'm sorry.
43:52I'm sorry.
43:53I'm sorry.
43:54I'm sorry.
43:55I'm sorry.
43:56I'm sorry.
43:57I'm sorry.
43:58I'm sorry.
43:59I'm sorry.
44:00I'm sorry.
44:01I'm sorry.
44:02I'm sorry.
44:03I'm sorry.
44:04I'm sorry.
44:05I'm sorry.
44:06I'm sorry.
44:07I'm sorry.
44:08I'm sorry.
44:09I'm sorry.
44:10I'm sorry.
44:11I'm sorry.
44:12I'm sorry.
44:13I'm sorry.
44:14I'm sorry.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:16I'm sorry.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:18I'm sorry.
44:19I'm sorry.
44:20I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:22I'm sorry.
44:23I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.
44:25I'm sorry.
44:26I'm sorry.
44:27I'm sorry.
44:28I'm sorry.
44:29I'm sorry.
44:30I'm sorry.
44:31I'm sorry.
44:32I'm sorry.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:34I'm sorry.
44:35I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:40I'm sorry.
44:41I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.