Mga unggoy, tambay sa isang resthouse sa Samal Island?! | Dapat Alam Mo!

  • 5 days ago
Aired (September 5, 2024): Sa Isla ng Samal, ang mga Philippine tailed macaque o unggoy tila mga turista rin sa isang resthouse dito. Silipin ‘yan sa video.


00:00Just for a few days, you can rest at your rest house in Cavite.
00:04Yes, Oscar. We just chill when we have time for my chickens.
00:09Chicken, chicken.
00:10You're really worth it.
00:11One rest house seems to have no rest because wild monkeys are visiting.
00:19That's the story of Kuya Kim.
00:21One by one, visitors are leaving a rest house on Samal Island.
00:32Each one is looking for a place to stay.
00:36But be careful with the food and equipment because this is not an ordinary tourist.
00:42This is the Philippine Long-tailed Macaque or Unggoy.
00:52The caretaker of the rest house, Ms. Biminda Murillo,
00:55told us that she bought the land for the rest house in 2017.
01:00If they come early in the morning, they don't attack us right away.
01:04They just play with the wood.
01:09The Unggoy, or Jaguar, is very relaxed on the tree.
01:12He even cleans his own body.
01:14Ms. Biminda said that the number of Unggoy in her rest house might increase.
01:19I told other people to not come near the Unggoy.
01:24They might attack you.
01:26Don't come near it.
01:27If you feed the monkeys, just throw it away.
01:31They will take it.
01:32Some of them are afraid.
01:34Some of them are happy to play with the Unggoy or kiss it.
01:39According to the tourists,
01:41the Unggoy only come near the rest house when they are given food.
01:44It's in their nature.
01:46We are the visitors who come here.
01:49Whatever we see here,
01:51because they are already here,
01:52we need to take care of it because they already live here.
01:55I went to a nice view.
01:58I was a little nervous.
02:00But I know that if you have food,
02:02they will really get the food.
02:05Some of the Unggoy who used to visit the rest house
02:09now have more than 20 Unggoy.
02:12From what I observed,
02:14there are 20 plus.
02:16Later on, they will go up to the house.
02:19But according to the caretaker, Ms. Biminda,
02:21she learned to coexist or live together
02:24without hurting the residents, tourists and Unggoy.
02:28When I work here,
02:30I don't see anyone hurting the Unggoy down here.
02:35With the help of the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office,
02:38or CENDRO, Samal Island,
02:40they also made a law to protect the Unggoy.
02:43Executive No. 264 Series of 2020,
02:47the Samal Island Council and Technical Working Group
02:50for the Protection of Wildlife in the Island.
02:53As of now, we plan to have a cooperation
02:56between the landowner and the city
02:58to manage the area and protect the Unggoy.
03:02We will also ask the local government
03:04to make a resolution
03:06to increase the portion
03:08to make it a local conservation area.
03:11But CENDRO reminds us
03:13not to feed the Unggoy in the rest house.
03:15Since I came here 26 years ago,
03:20the Unggoy didn't really attack the house
03:24or people.
03:27Unggoy are natural pollinators
03:29or spreaders of food in the mountains.
03:32And if the Unggoy attack the house,
03:35they won't be harmed.
03:37That's the story you need to know.
