Word of Honor ( 1981 ) Mystery Thriller

  • last week
A small-town reporter (Karl Malden) refuses to name his source after his hot tip leads the police to a corpse.
00:00:00Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
00:00:15O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
00:00:29And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
00:00:36Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
00:00:43Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
00:00:54O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
00:01:06Now, hi, everybody. On behalf of the VFW Mayflower Post,
00:01:22I want to welcome you to the Plymouth Fall Festival.
00:01:26You see your father anywhere?
00:01:29He's probably in the back with Annie.
00:01:31Now I'd like to introduce our MC for this afternoon.
00:01:34Now just remember, girls, okay, keep a smile on your face.
00:01:37Come on, smile.
00:01:39And look on at the audience and the judges like they were your friends, okay?
00:01:43And please, don't trip.
00:01:46The one and only Roger Clemens!
00:01:50Remember what he said. Keep smiling.
00:02:00Keep smiling.
00:02:01Keep smiling.
00:02:02And no matter what happens, remember, you're still my favorite beauty.
00:02:06Oh, Daddy, please.
00:02:08Miss Michigan Bay, huh?
00:02:14Okay, let's get on with it.
00:02:16Our first contestant, here we are at the Windows on the World,
00:02:20representing Clark's Screen and Glass, Miss Lisa Robinson.
00:02:25Jess, I don't have much time. I've got to get out front.
00:02:27My daughter, you know, she's in that shindig.
00:02:30Okay, we'll start with the angle.
00:02:32And now we have our second contestant, Miss Kim Tuttle.
00:02:43That's the prettiest ribbon in the hair I've ever seen.
00:02:46He's been spending a lot of time up in Lansing.
00:02:48He's got a good string up there and he's been pulling on it all winter.
00:02:51Who is it?
00:02:52I think it's the Secretary of State.
00:02:54Is that confirmed?
00:02:55It's a good guess. Just a guess.
00:02:57No guesses now.
00:02:58It'll help, but we can't use guesses. You know that.
00:03:01What else do you have?
00:03:02Miss Harvard Electric, April Richeson.
00:03:16Angleman's going to be asking for the whole contract.
00:03:18That means the highway, the park offshoot, all the prep work on the Bayfront.
00:03:22Wait, wait.
00:03:23He's going to pull it off.
00:03:25It'll have to go out for bids.
00:03:27That'll be the legal way, not Angleman's way.
00:03:31The state's going to ask for a big completion guarantee. Real big.
00:03:34All with a short deadline.
00:03:36The way money's tied around here, contracts will be in a fix.
00:03:39Only Angleman's getting his cash set now.
00:03:41Get the picture?
00:03:43Because he knows the whole set up.
00:03:45Well, that's incredible.
00:03:46It's the truth.
00:03:47Crooked, illegal, but...
00:03:49I'll blow him out of the water.
00:03:51Mike, please.
00:03:52Go easy on that time he spent up in Lansing.
00:03:54He laid that on me himself.
00:03:55He'll be able to trace it to me.
00:03:57Understand? It's my neck.
00:03:59Don't you worry about a thing, Jess.
00:04:01Just keep me posted.
00:04:02Anything you need.
00:04:04And now, from the people who keep us both hot and cold,
00:04:07representing Miss Hardwick Appliance,
00:04:09Robin Dansby!
00:04:20Is she very nervous?
00:04:23And now, for our next contestant,
00:04:26from the paper with a heart,
00:04:28Miss Daily Tribune,
00:04:30and daughter of one of our leading citizens,
00:04:32Annie McNeil!
00:04:39Oh, she died!
00:04:53Ha, ha, ha!
00:05:00Sources close to the issue speak of Engleman's ties
00:05:03with elected state officials responsible for giving outstanding...
00:05:06No, wait a minute. Let's change that.
00:05:08Responsible for awarding outstanding contracts,
00:05:12officials sworn to manage state affairs by the letter of the law.
00:05:15Engleman, who had admitted to spending large sums of money
00:05:18on behalf of incumbent legislators...
00:05:20Oh, you got the facts.
00:05:21Our own edition, September 1978.
00:05:24Refused to comment on his close ties
00:05:26and was silent when asked about his involvement
00:05:28in pending state highway development.
00:05:30Oh, this is St. Engleman.
00:05:32Good. He should rest in the bottom with all the other crooks.
00:05:35Oh, sorry, Mike.
00:05:37Excuse me, Gordon.
00:05:39I have here with me Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
00:05:41Grady Hall.
00:05:43Gordon Meiji.
00:05:44Our managing editor.
00:05:45Mike McNeil, our chief reporter.
00:05:47Sit down, please.
00:05:49Thank you.
00:05:50What's up, Ardell?
00:05:52The Halls are looking for their daughter,
00:05:54whom they've traced to the Plymouth area.
00:05:56Oh, Runaway.
00:05:57Yes, she's only 15.
00:05:59She'll be 16 in December.
00:06:01Yeah, well, you can't keep the kids
00:06:02that went to the beach in the summertime.
00:06:04Here's a picture of the kid.
00:06:07Cynthia Hall.
00:06:10I told the Halls that we'd run the photo with a headline,
00:06:13something like, uh,
00:06:14please call home and a caption with the girl's name
00:06:17and that her mom and dad are worried.
00:06:19That's okay with you?
00:06:20Oh, sure thing.
00:06:21I'll run it in the morning, first edition.
00:06:23We were hoping that you'd have some way
00:06:25of helping us find her.
00:06:26All we can do is run the picture.
00:06:28We'll let you know if anything comes in.
00:06:30Thank you.
00:06:31We understand.
00:06:32Are our numbers on the back of the photo?
00:06:34Yeah, you're from Detroit.
00:06:35I can hear it.
00:06:36Yes, sir.
00:06:37Did you talk to the police?
00:06:38Yes, we did.
00:06:40He said there's nothing they can do.
00:06:42Police told us there's a girl in the morgue with no ID.
00:06:46With braces.
00:06:47Cindy wears braces.
00:06:49We went down there and we looked at her.
00:06:51Thank God it wasn't Cindy.
00:06:53It's just terrible, you know,
00:06:55not knowing anything, where she is, what she's doing.
00:06:57Well, she's probably fine, having a great time,
00:07:00feeling irresponsible for putting you through all this.
00:07:03We'll do what we can.
00:07:04I'm sure you will. Thank you.
00:07:05Thank you.
00:07:09Thank you, Gordon.
00:07:15Thank you.
00:07:23You got your next feature, Mike?
00:07:25No, no, not yet.
00:07:32What does she look like?
00:07:33Like any other kid, Gordon.
00:07:35Innocent, good-looking, well-cared for.
00:07:41You know, you'd think they'd want to go to New York or California.
00:07:43Why would they want to come here?
00:07:44I haven't got a clue.
00:07:46Why don't you find out?
00:08:42Did you forget that Gary's folks were coming to dinner tonight?
00:08:46Come on, will you leave that?
00:08:48We just sat down.
00:08:49All right, here I come.
00:08:50You know, I wish you'd called.
00:08:52Come on.
00:08:54I'm sorry, Maggie.
00:08:55Ought to be.
00:09:00Here we are.
00:09:01Sorry I'm late.
00:09:04Come on, Daddy.
00:09:05Hello, pigeon.
00:09:07How's my first runner-up doing?
00:09:10Mike, George has the totals for the liquor and the band and the flowers.
00:09:14Amy, write this minute, please.
00:09:16I got a terrific deal on the band.
00:09:18It's an old fogey band with violins.
00:09:20What's wrong with violins?
00:09:21It's a terrific band.
00:09:23They play at the club all the time.
00:09:25Do you know that you can't get a decent band for less than $600?
00:09:30Yeah, and that's for four lousy hours.
00:09:32Yeah, musicians gotta eat, too.
00:09:34Now, if the people want to dance till 3 in the morning,
00:09:37it's another 300 bucks overtime.
00:09:40No problem.
00:09:41Comes midnight, we kick everybody out.
00:09:44Say, this is good.
00:09:45Are you sure you made this?
00:09:49Mike, Father Danzig wants us to meet with him this Saturday.
00:09:52And then the following weekend, there's a rehearsal, and he wants everybody there.
00:09:56Do I have to be there?
00:09:58I'm supposed to go to the beach on Saturday.
00:10:00Everybody has to be there, especially you.
00:10:02Oh, Mom.
00:10:03When you go down to the beach, what do you do down there?
00:10:07I mean, we swim.
00:10:08With whom?
00:10:09With my friends.
00:10:10What friends?
00:10:11Mike, try some potatoes.
00:10:13No, no thanks.
00:10:14You know, Karen, Lana, Joey.
00:10:16I'm supposed to go down there tonight.
00:10:19You're not going there tonight.
00:10:21Mike, what's got into you?
00:10:22I don't want you to go down there tonight, do you understand?
00:10:24How come?
00:10:25Because I say so.
00:10:26There's a big barn fire tonight.
00:10:28I don't care.
00:10:29I don't want you going down there and hanging around with that group.
00:10:32What are you talking about?
00:10:33I went down to the beach this afternoon.
00:10:35I'm working on a story about runaway kids.
00:10:37I met a group of them.
00:10:40Kids from all over.
00:10:42No families.
00:10:43Hanging around.
00:10:45And when I started talking to them, they kept saying,
00:10:47Well, we're hanging loose, man.
00:10:49We're hanging loose.
00:10:50We know all about those kids.
00:10:52They're harmless.
00:10:53Are they?
00:10:54I don't know whether they're harmless or not.
00:10:57Mike, you know Annie's not like that.
00:10:59Oh, now the beach is a big place.
00:11:01It's not big enough.
00:11:02I don't want you to hang around with that group, especially at night.
00:11:06I think you're overreacting.
00:11:08One of them's lying in the morgue.
00:11:20She's unclaimed.
00:11:22A girl about Annie's age.
00:11:26I don't think this is a subject for the dinner table.
00:11:30You're right.
00:11:31I'm really surprised at you.
00:11:33Excuse me, I'm sorry.
00:11:36Excuse me.
00:11:46What's going on?
00:11:47That's not like you to get so emotionally involved in a story.
00:11:50I know, I know.
00:11:51What's the matter?
00:11:52Well, I guess it's the wedding.
00:11:53The niece getting married, leaving the house.
00:11:56Well, that's supposed to be an occasion of joy.
00:11:58Let's not get depressed over it.
00:12:00Well, it's not easy.
00:12:01It's hard coming up with 5,000 bucks for the wedding.
00:12:03Trying to get this thing finished.
00:12:05You think that's easy, don't you?
00:12:07Look, I was hoping this thing would be done so that we could invite some of the guests that come here after the reception.
00:12:15I know, I know.
00:12:16Well, Gary's going as fast as he can.
00:12:19He's a pretty good carpenter for a law student.
00:12:21Yeah, he's great.
00:12:22Just ran out of material, that's all.
00:12:24You know that loan we were talking about?
00:12:27I'm going to ask for it, is that okay?
00:12:29I told you it's okay.
00:12:30Get your loan.
00:12:31Finish your room.
00:12:34Leave your work at the office, though.
00:12:35Okay, okay.
00:12:38Come on.
00:12:54Hello, Katie.
00:13:14Mike, how's it going?
00:13:16Well, aside from not having rented my tux yet and not being able to find any black shoes to go with it...
00:13:23Sounds like you got it pretty rough.
00:13:25Always something, Roger.
00:13:27Your daughter should have won that contest, Mike.
00:13:29No kidding.
00:13:30She's absolutely the best-looking kid in town.
00:13:32Look, Roger, with the wedding coming up, I'm finding it kind of hard to come up with some cash to finish that new addition of mine.
00:13:39Are you still working on that?
00:13:41Yeah, I'm still working on it.
00:13:42It's been a long time, hasn't it?
00:13:44And I was hoping that the offer...
00:13:46This will be at a different location.
00:13:48You know, for the loan, if it still holds.
00:13:51I got a call from Engleman over the weekend.
00:13:54Told me to ignore any requests for financial assistance from Mike McNeil.
00:13:59That was a beauty of an article, Mike.
00:14:01A beauty.
00:14:04You think it'll stop those crooks?
00:14:06Slow them down a bit.
00:14:08How much do you need?
00:14:12Ten thousand.
00:14:17Fill this out, front and back.
00:14:21No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:14:23Take it home and send it in.
00:14:24The board meets on Friday.
00:14:26I guarantee we'll approve the loan, okay?
00:14:28I appreciate that, Roger. I really do.
00:14:36Good morning, Sekulovitch.
00:14:48Mike, that runaway story was really on the nose.
00:14:52Came from the gut, didn't it?
00:14:54Yeah, pretty grim stuff.
00:14:55They got that idea on that kid in the morgue.
00:14:57She's from Battle Creek.
00:14:58She's been gone seven months.
00:15:00Here, I wrote it all up.
00:15:01They called her house.
00:15:02Her father's dead.
00:15:03Mother's living in Detroit and working on the line.
00:15:05Her grandmother got fed up with looking for her.
00:15:08Nobody cared.
00:15:10Keep on it.
00:15:11I need all the help I can get.
00:15:22How do you program this thing for a column and a half?
00:15:35If we don't get this back wall framed up,
00:15:37the whole thing will fall down.
00:15:39I know that. You're not telling me anything.
00:15:41I just don't know where I want to put the window.
00:15:43Hold the header up over here, will you?
00:15:46No, never mind.
00:15:48Bring it over here.
00:15:49Daddy, for you.
00:15:50Yeah, okay.
00:15:51I want to be able to look out of my garden when I'm working at my desk.
00:15:54Is this where the desk is?
00:15:57You got it.
00:15:59Just joking.
00:16:01Yeah, yeah.
00:16:07I know where you can find Cindy Hall.
00:16:09Who is this?
00:16:10Never mind that.
00:16:12I'm a friend, okay?
00:16:14I have to get a pencil.
00:16:17Okay, tell me what you know.
00:16:19I saw her last week.
00:16:21You know Limestone Road off of Shore Drive?
00:16:24I think so.
00:16:25It's out by the road to the heights.
00:16:26Yeah, I think I know where it is.
00:16:28Okay, it's the cottage on the right.
00:16:30There's a long driveway.
00:16:31You can't see the house from the road.
00:16:32Well, whose house is it?
00:16:33That's where she is.
00:16:35She needs help.
00:16:36Well, how come?
00:16:39What's wrong?
00:16:46Bring the car around the front.
00:17:35Can you imagine trying to get up here in the wintertime?
00:18:14I don't think there's anybody here.
00:18:18Hello, anybody home?
00:18:21Man, it looks to me like you've been had.
00:18:24Wouldn't be the first time.
00:18:32Somebody has been here.
00:18:34Yeah, it's a weekend place.
00:18:36It's lived in all right.
00:18:38Newspapers all over the floor.
00:18:41Ashes in the fireplace.
00:18:46Look, maybe they're in town shopping or something.
00:18:49Maybe we better just leave a note.
00:18:51You want to do that?
00:18:52I'm not so sure.
00:18:54I don't want to frighten the kid.
00:18:56It's better to confront them, you know.
00:18:58Uh, excuse me, we're trespassing here.
00:19:01You know that.
00:19:02What, are you giving me legal advice now?
00:19:05You saw the sign.
00:19:07Why don't you wait until you graduate from law school before you start practicing?
00:19:11I don't see the sign.
00:19:22So what you're telling me is if I build this addition on my house,
00:19:25my taxes are going to go $150?
00:19:27That's right.
00:19:28There's nothing I can do about it?
00:19:29Uh, no. I'm sorry, there isn't.
00:19:31Thank you.
00:19:33Angleman called me the day before yesterday.
00:19:35He's suspicious.
00:19:36He didn't say anything.
00:19:37Jess, let me assure you that nobody,
00:19:42not even my own wife knows about this,
00:19:44so let's not talk about it.
00:19:46I want to find out the owner of a piece of property on Limestone Road.
00:19:49You know, street numbers out there.
00:19:51Do you have the lot numbers?
00:19:52I've got them right here.
00:19:53D, 8283 and 84.
00:19:55Give me a lowdown on them, will you?
00:19:57I'd like to know everything you can find out about this property.
00:19:598283 and 84. Give me a lowdown on them, will you?
00:20:01I'd like to know everything you can find out on that piece of property.
00:20:04It'll take a minute.
00:20:05Listen, I can't wait. My daughter's waiting in the car.
00:20:08Just call me when you find out.
00:20:20Come on, Daddy. I'm not going to have any time to warm up.
00:20:29I'm not going to have time to warm up.
00:20:59I'm not going to have time to warm up.
00:21:29I'm not going to have time to warm up.
00:21:31I'm not going to have time to warm up.
00:21:59All right, Jess, what have you got?
00:22:01The house on map 141.
00:22:03Lots 8283 and 84 zoned outright.
00:22:06No liens.
00:22:07It's in the name of the Christopher Foundation.
00:22:09What the hell is the Christopher Foundation?
00:22:11Roger Clemens owns it.
00:22:15That's right.
00:22:16His foundation bought the parcel about ten years ago.
00:22:19They had 16 lots and sold off all but the three you gave me.
00:22:22Well, who's living in that house?
00:22:24I don't know.
00:22:25They had 16 lots and sold off all but the three you gave me.
00:22:28Well, who's living in it now? I mean, who's renting it now?
00:22:31As far as I know, it's not rented.
00:22:34Jess, I've got to go. Thanks a lot.
00:22:56You know, you could have at least kept it turned off during the audition.
00:22:59Well, I didn't know it was on.
00:23:00Teddy, please be careful with the strings.
00:23:02You were terrific.
00:23:03How can you say that? You weren't even there.
00:23:06Come on.
00:23:12Listen, I've got something, but it doesn't make sense,
00:23:16so I'd like to run that girl's picture again.
00:23:19Cindy Hall?
00:23:31Hey, where are you going?
00:23:33I'm just gonna take a look.
00:23:35Cindy Hall yeah I don't know Gordon Gordon please listen to me will you I
00:23:43got a phone tip last night somebody tipped me off on Cindy Hall's whereabouts
00:23:48so I went out there to check it out but she wasn't there I found out the name of
00:23:52the owner of the house where she's supposed to be staying and Gordon that's
00:23:56what doesn't make sense what are you talking about who call I don't know
00:23:58that's what I'm trying to find out that's why I want to run that girl's
00:24:02picture again I want to headline it still missing maybe the caller will try
00:24:06again all right still missing page one one column two columns all right two
00:24:12columns that a boy Gordon
00:24:32daddy you can turn around now
00:24:50absolutely stunning and he's gonna wear the exact same gown Mike you wearing a
00:24:55formal suit oh yes he wouldn't have it any other way oh you'll all be so
00:25:00gorgeous I don't know if I dare to show up with my gown honey what am I
00:25:04gonna see your wedding dress oh that is the pièce de résistance you will just
00:25:09die Sally can I see it don't get it no way nobody's going to see it until the
00:25:13wedding and that goes for you too daddy
00:25:17that was a to the first piano concerto by Joseph daddy it's for you I know it
00:25:28is McNeil who is this look let's stop playing games okay if Cindy Hall needs
00:25:40help just tell me who you are and how you happen to know all this I was there
00:25:45I believe you but when I went out there she wasn't there so please tell me who
00:25:50you are why don't go over and play some gin after dinner why not why don't you
00:25:57think you should afraid of what we'll just run across the back is the back
00:26:02door open just one moment please one second I'll see you later Ray hello are
00:26:08you there I'm still here why don't we meet somewhere
00:26:13someplace where it's dry I don't know look you just named the place and I'll
00:26:18be there in no time you don't have to be afraid of me if you think this girl
00:26:23needs help why don't you meet me please
00:26:28small gray house at 115 Crawford Drive 115 Crawford Drive I'll be there in 20
00:26:39minutes you're so convincing daddy
00:27:19thank you mm-hmm listen mr. McNeil before we go any further with this I
00:27:27gotta ask you to promise me something I want you to promise that you won't use
00:27:31my name why is that because I just don't want it used that's all now if you've
00:27:37got some problem with that then maybe we should call this off and you should go
00:27:46no names
00:27:49I give you my word I'm not in the habit of revealing my sources
00:27:58word of honor
00:28:01okay you want to take a seat yes
00:28:17uh coffee yes I'd like some okay you know I got a real good job these days
00:28:30and I'm engaged I'm getting married my oldest daughter's gonna get married in
00:28:36three weeks yeah well see the thing is uh my boyfriend Hank he doesn't know
00:28:44anything about what I'm gonna tell you nothing and if he ever finds out I'll
00:28:50lose him I won't tell this thing ever gets out you know I'll lose my job lose
00:28:56everything listen nobody's gonna find out at least not for me okay okay
00:29:09well I met this I met this guy named Roger Clements uh down I used to hang
00:29:18out by the beach he sort of picked me up I mean I wanted to be picked up you you
00:29:25could tell right off he wasn't just some crummy he had a lot of class I know Roger
00:29:32Clements yeah well then you know big car lots of money it's good-looking and he
00:29:43likes girls young girls I mean really young like Cindy Ho younger even I mean
00:29:52like 18 is over the hill listen young lady
00:30:00you're making a lot of serious accusations you know that don't you I
00:30:06haven't even started yet see I thought he was really terrific you know romantic
00:30:12he had lots of dope pills anything I wanted yeah he put me up at this this
00:30:20house on the lake on limestone road right boy I lived there like a queen no
00:30:30he used to come see me and we had a good time I was falling in love with him I
00:30:39thought I was special you know at first he made me feel that way only I didn't
00:30:44know I wasn't just the first girl he'd stuck away up there you mean there were
00:30:48others oh yeah lots
00:30:54anyway he started to act crazy you know he wanted to take pictures of me first I
00:31:05thought it was some kind of a kick but he wanted more more pictures you know
00:31:15the kind I'm talking about right doing things those kind what kind of things I
00:31:21don't want to get into that you can just take my word for it
00:31:27then he got crazier he used to beat me up because I wouldn't tell him what a
00:31:34big guy he was made it real tough on me I mean I like the guy I told you I
00:31:39thought I loved him but well after he started kick me around the house and
00:31:44everything I decided maybe it was time to get out and he kept me there he
00:31:58locked me in now wait a minute you sure you couldn't get out you weren't there
00:32:06you don't know anyway he had all the pictures I don't know maybe maybe I
00:32:17wanted to stay
00:32:22then I got pregnant seeing after that he wouldn't come near me except just to
00:32:26knock me down or kick me or something it was too late to do anything so I had the
00:32:39that's his finally he let me go and he gave me some cash you know to take care
00:32:49of the kitten to keep me quiet and then I met Hank and I got my job and I decided
00:33:00I wanted to go over to the house and tell Roger Clemens to stop sending me
00:33:04his money because I didn't want him in my life anymore I just wanted to get rid
00:33:07of him that whole part of my life you know so last week I went up there and I
00:33:16heard this screaming and yelling he had another girl there he didn't see me but
00:33:26I saw him man he was just punching her and she was begging him to stop and I
00:33:39saw the picture in the paper and I knew it was her it was Cindy Hall you're
00:33:48certain of that I saw her I was on the front porch looking in that guy's crazy
00:33:59he's got that girl and he's not gonna let her go
00:34:10I take this listen to me Julian Julian I don't care what sports feature you're
00:34:16working on just drop it get your butt over to the police station and get the
00:34:20lead on this story do you understand go back to your desk
00:34:25Paul Gordon and tell him the judge has just signed a search warrant yeah I'm
00:35:23open up it's police police
00:35:46check the basement and send somebody up into the crawlspace who gave you this
00:36:12information what's the difference I believed it I'm still not certain she
00:36:17wasn't here she's not here now it was worth a look
00:36:22Captain Bruins look at this our bit you it's enough to drop a horse or a team of
00:36:32horses captain come on over here I think there's something you should see
00:36:42it's the whole kid
00:36:56how about her yeah what about this one thank God how many kids did he bring up
00:37:05here I got seven or eight different ones here here's a whole girl captain
00:37:16that's her and here's a picture with Roger Clemens in it
00:37:31pick up Roger Clemens
00:37:50armed with a search warrant Plymouth police launched a pre-dawn raid this
00:37:56morning on a hidden lake house owned by Roger Clemens the prominent yeah that's
00:38:04right Roger Clemens the prominent local banking executive who every year is the
00:38:08master of ceremonies of the Plymouth Fall Festival beauty pageant
00:38:56buddy take a look over here
00:39:04they get the captain down here and bring some shovels
00:39:17found some fresh turn dirt back in the woods seems to be something buried out
00:39:21there okay dig it up
00:39:48it's a girl captain
00:39:53get her out of there
00:40:04not her
00:40:11is she wearing braces on her teeth
00:40:15yeah she's got braces
00:40:20yeah it's her it's Cindy Hall
00:40:38hi daddy hi sweetheart
00:40:49hi hi sweetie
00:40:59hello uh just a minute please what he's not he's not here right now can I take a
00:41:07message yeah wait wait
00:41:38great piece of work Mike you did a good job yourself last night Julian I don't
00:41:45know how you managed to make sense out of my dictation you're a good writer
00:41:48Julian even though you can't spell worth a damn thanks a lot Mike I'm glad I was
00:41:54here Gordon assigned you to the whole family yeah I'm leaving to cover it now
00:41:59look your story made the wire service it's both up take it easy on me okay
00:42:04I'll do that preliminary findings released early today by the coroner's
00:42:11office indicate that Cindy Hall died of a drug overdose and was severely beaten
00:42:15prior to her death Mike McNeil oh my come on in that sounds
00:42:20fine I'll tell Marcia to cut the last gravity and get her out of here on to
00:42:23the rest of stuff all right nice work
00:42:29Oh Mike how you feel lousy how should I feel well except for the content of the
00:42:36story you should be tickled think I know certainly is we sold out both
00:42:40editions and we're printing an additional 10,000 but tomorrow streets I
00:42:44talked to Captain Bruns today he said they've got a lot of things on Clemens
00:42:48are you all set for the follow-up I've been thinking about it well let's hear
00:42:55it I'd rather wait until after the hearings
00:42:58it's Clemens turn on the DA's Gordon
00:43:04I I'm so involved in this whole thing that well I'd like to cool it for a while
00:43:14I understand I'm gonna have to sign somebody do the follow-up why services
00:43:22are throwing a bunch of heavyweights in as a picture we're gonna have to have
00:43:25somebody there shoulder-to-shoulder
00:43:29should I send scatterbrain down there Julian you want Julian down there with
00:43:35the heavyweights well he's on the case
00:43:41okay just tell him to consult me about everything you tell him now Mike listen
00:43:48to me they're gonna put you on the stand you know that that's all I've been
00:43:53thinking about Arnell's gotten four calls from the DA and worked really
00:43:58drooling you've been named in that warrant and and I acted on a tip from a
00:44:06source anonymous source who witnessed a great deal now what are you gonna do
00:44:14Mike I don't know what I'm gonna do Gordon okay don't rush it Mike but I
00:44:29will have to tell Arnell just how you feel about it he's been saying that you
00:44:33will do everything in your power to see that the judicial process will be
00:44:37unhampered he's been saying that really but I'm telling you Mike that we'll
00:44:44support you every step of the way no matter what position you take and I
00:44:50guarantee it
00:44:54this is the case of the people against Roger Ward Clements mr. Clements you are
00:45:03before this court arraigned on the charges of murder in the first degree
00:45:08kidnapping rape felonious assault endangering the welfare and morals of
00:45:15minors unlawful imprisonment contributing to the delinquency of
00:45:20minors illegally disposing of a body sexual abuse possession of controlled
00:45:28substances manufacturing and possession of lewd and indecent materials how do
00:45:35you plead the defendant please not guilty you have a right to a preliminary
00:45:43hearing to determine the validity of these charges and counsel what is your
00:45:50pleasure your honor this warrant is a disgrace we move to have a preliminary
00:45:54hearing at this time we have reasonable ground to believe that the charges are
00:45:59based on hearsay representations by a reporter who seeks publicity for himself
00:46:07or for his newspaper
00:46:12are the people ready to proceed we are your honor but first we request a brief
00:46:19recess granted corporate reconvene 15 minutes
00:46:38listen if that's the way they're gonna fight this thing you're going to have to
00:46:43take the stand and you're going to have to reveal the identity of your source
00:46:47okay they've left us no other choice so why don't you just give me his name for
00:46:52the record and I'll send someone out to pick him up I don't know I don't know
00:46:55about that don't even think about it Mike we've got to have that information
00:46:59to make these charges stick okay I tell you what if you want I'll put you on the
00:47:07stand and you can refuse it first and I'll ask the court to direct you to
00:47:12answer now under orders from the judge you'll have no choice so I don't let you
00:47:15off the hook let me think about it Mike listen do you want this guy to get away
00:47:26with murder after everything he's done
00:48:00I'm David Lerner New York Herald well I'm honored to meet you I thought you
00:48:13were older at least you're right like you were older I never expected a big
00:48:21time writer like you to be interested in a small-town murder case that's not why
00:48:25I'm here and you know it I like to flatter myself in thinking I can smell a
00:48:29big story in the making no big story here sorry oh no how about your choices
00:48:36I mean you do have to make some choices don't you big choices big stories mr.
00:48:47McNeil you are named on this sworn affidavit as the reliable informant upon
00:48:57whose information the defendant's property was subsequently searched are
00:49:01you not I am as to these allegations made in the affidavit and given to the
00:49:07police how did you happen to come by this information I had a confidential
00:49:12source it's very common in the newspaper business I'm sure it is sir so you the
00:49:18informant got your information from yet another informant is that so yes that's
00:49:26right mr. McNeil did you have any personal knowledge independent of your
00:49:34confidential source as to any wrongdoing alleged in this document at the time it
00:49:40was sworn no I did not thank you sir
00:49:46your honor the defense moves to suppress all of the evidence obtained by the
00:49:52search warrant and to dismiss the charges on the ground that the affidavit
00:49:56was insufficient to issue the warrant in the first place your honor and that
00:50:01the people have failed to present anything remotely resembling probable
00:50:05cause or legal or sufficient proof and that the search warrant was obtained by
00:50:09nothing more than hearsay and innuendo supplied by an unknown confidential
00:50:14source your honor the people would like to examine the witness you may mr.
00:50:23McNeil I understand that you have promised your informant anonymity but I
00:50:30want you now to weigh that promise a promise made to an individual for
00:50:35whatever reasons you deem necessary I want you to weigh that against the
00:50:41severity of the situation that we are now confronted with a man is being
00:50:47charged with very serious crimes against children will you now after
00:50:54some thought please tell to the court the name of your informant
00:51:11I'm sorry I can't tell you
00:51:17your honor I request that the court direct the witness to answer the court
00:51:30directs you to answer your honor I refuse to answer on the grounds that
00:51:37would violate my constitutional rights
00:51:41pursuant to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution
00:51:49protecting the privilege confidentiality of a newspaper man sources of
00:51:53information mr. McNeil the court has directed you to answer the question I
00:51:59hope you're aware of the consequences if you should continue to refuse mr. McNeil
00:52:11I'm sorry order please you may step down
00:52:25fail if you squirt the witness to my chambers your honor the defense asked
00:52:32that you now consider the dismissal of all charges before the court entertains
00:52:37dismissal the people request a continuance until such time as the
00:52:40witness may be brought to understand the seriousness of the situation I
00:52:43believe the witness understand and so perhaps he may change his position I
00:52:49will grant a five-day continuance this court reconvene on Tuesday next your
00:52:54honor the defense asks that mr. Clemens be released without bail until Tuesday
00:52:59your honor please the defendant is under charges of first-degree murder and other
00:53:03capital offenses there vehemently denies those charges he has had no prior
00:53:07trouble with the law he lives in the community is a pillar of the community
00:53:12in view of everything the fact that the people are not ready to proceed the
00:53:18background of the defendant and the fact that the people have no legal charge
00:53:22that they can substantiate at this time the court is inclined to release the
00:53:26defendant on his own recognizance
00:53:46Michael everything I know about you suggests to me that you are well fair and
00:53:52square now the issue at stake here is that Roger Clemens gets a fair trial oh
00:53:58we all agree to that don't we I mean if he's committed any crimes he should be
00:54:03made to pay for them well you do believe that certain rights and
00:54:08privileges should be balanced against other rights and privileges don't you
00:54:11Mike I mean Roger Clemens has rights too if evidence isn't given we cannot find
00:54:19out where the man's innocent or guilty John
00:54:24a reporter has to feel free to circulate through a community he has to feel free
00:54:32to talk to people and to assure those people that their identities won't be
00:54:36disclosed no one's trying to censor you well then what do you call this you're
00:54:41demanding that I reveal my source in effect you're restraining me from
00:54:45collecting information and you know as well as I do that if I can't collect it
00:54:49what have I got to publish nothing well I see you've given this matter a great
00:54:55deal of thought I don't have to agree with you on all those points but then
00:54:58again I'm judge not a reporter or informant I'm giving you until Tuesday
00:55:04to talk to a lawyer talk to your newspaper to your confidential source
00:55:08and if by Tuesday you still feel the same way I'm going to put you in jail
00:55:14for contempt of court
00:55:39Mike how do you feel about the prospect of going to jail I've never been behind
00:55:45bars at least not as a prisoner and knowing myself the way I do if I can't
00:55:51do what I want to do what I want to do it it's gonna be hard time for me you
00:55:56can say that again how long did you say Farber was in jail 40 days you take
00:56:04Manny's mr. Lerner oh no thank you I ate at the hotel are you sure
00:56:09would you take it off the hook yeah I'll get it no I have to go in anyway do you
00:56:14want anything else on in the house what's up here yeah that sounds good
00:56:17some more beer the judge will probably give you a deadline after it passes
00:56:21they'll have to dismiss the warrant does that mean that Roger Clemens will go
00:56:25free unfortunately that's the way it works and daddy will be in jail oh no
00:56:31your father will be let out then no reason to hold him once the charges are
00:56:35dropped you know Denise said that Gary said that if the search warrant proves
00:56:40to be no good then all the evidence obtained on the original search warrant
00:56:43will be lost forever you mean they can't ever punish Roger Clemens for what he's
00:56:47done that's right unless the police can dig up some new evidence daddy you can't
00:56:52let that happen it's not fair Mike honey that was the bank on the phone
00:56:57the loan right yeah they turned us down oh no daddy your room
00:57:07but Mike we've got an airtight case against Clemens let me ask you something
00:57:26are you afraid that your informant by giving testimony will be putting
00:57:30himself in danger of criminal charges I can't say well let me assure you that
00:57:38there will be no charges leveled I can give you my word on that even if he's
00:57:42involved in the murders unless of course he actually committed the murder he
00:57:47didn't did he oh that's not the problem well then what is it is it just that you
00:57:54promise is that all it is what do you mean is that all it is I gave my word
00:57:58you just gave me yours would you go back on it oh that's different we're not
00:58:02talking about the same thing then what are we talking about we're talking about
00:58:05a criminal that's right and if I hadn't given my word you wouldn't have a case
00:58:09against this criminal Roger Clemens I am trying to tell you that if you don't
00:58:12reveal your source I'm not gonna have a case anyway and you have a witness to
00:58:18these crimes and I need him and you're obstructing justice I know that and I
00:58:26understand your point of view but do you understand mine I don't care about
00:58:31yours all right
00:58:43look why don't we just get this thing settled huh you can swallow some pride
00:58:51for a moment and then be satisfied when they slam Clemens button the pen and let
00:58:57me tell you because I'm familiar with that feeling it will give you the
00:59:03greatest satisfaction
00:59:11you know what really bugs me I am sick and tired of hearing the press whining
00:59:17about being made an arm of the law when they run around like Dick Tracy trying
00:59:23to make idiots out of the real cops
00:59:27I'll see you in court
01:00:01oh very good thank you how long have you been playing about seven years I started
01:00:11with a violin but kind of like the sound of the cello
01:00:25all right front tires kind of low
01:00:31why did you come here because I had a hunch that your father was it's going
01:00:42to be a very special man that was right you know a lot of people have principles
01:00:47until it cost them something your dad your dad's willing to pay a great price
01:00:53because he believes deeply and the need to protect the freedom of the press it
01:00:58makes him special that's why I came here
01:01:18I have a look at the calendar I'm showing up oh I'm so glad you can punch
01:01:25now look everybody if I could have your undivided attention for the next few
01:01:29minutes I have a funeral to preside over a funeral whose funeral oh you didn't
01:01:34know her she never came to church and she only realized she was a Catholic in
01:01:37intensive care and now the only thing the arches have to be concerned with is
01:01:42whose side the guests are for or against this is not a football game no that
01:01:48begins after the marriage without counseling it happens yes now should we
01:01:53get on with the routine everyone here will be outside at the beginning of the
01:01:57service the groom and the best man will be here in the ante room to my left now
01:02:02when you the organ starts playing you are said when the organ starts playing
01:02:08you will come out and take your seats in the second row right here the bride will
01:02:13be in the ante room downstairs with the maid of honor and mom and dad as soon as
01:02:17you hear the organ you will come up the stairs to the landing and then up to the
01:02:23foyer now then the bride and the daddy will appear in the doorway and begin
01:02:28walking slowly down the aisle she will then be greeted by the groom Gary here
01:02:34and you will say goodbye to your daddy and you will take your place by your man
01:02:39and I will start the ceremony and direct you from there all right that clear with
01:02:45everybody all right good I have to talk with someone in my office you just stay
01:02:49here and get acquainted with your seats and I'll be back in a few minutes
01:02:52Mike I'm I'm concerned about you are you George that's nice but you don't have to
01:03:09be it's really not that simple now Maggie mentioned the Gloria that you
01:03:13might not be here next Saturday you might be in jail there's a good possibility of
01:03:19it happening George you don't have to go to jail I've been over it a hundred
01:03:24times and if the judge wants to put me away that's where I'm gonna be next
01:03:27weekend it's not like you're the criminal I mean that's crazy perverted
01:03:31son of a I mean he's the one that should be put away not you life isn't fair
01:03:37George but you're doing it to yourself don't you see no I don't see it that way
01:03:41at all well you know the worst part about this is not that you will be in
01:03:46jail but you have the power to put him in jail I I don't know how to say this
01:03:51but what you're doing is a terrible thing you're letting a criminal get away
01:03:56with murder and I won't hesitate to tell you that I'm not the only one that sees
01:04:00it that way tell me about it people think you're trying to protect Roger
01:04:08Clements what's that yeah they think you have some kind of deal oh what kind of
01:04:12baloney is that I practically had to drag the police out there and put
01:04:15shovels in their hands if it wasn't for me they'd still be passing out speeding
01:04:19tickets on Michigan Avenue and I don't care what they say those are the same
01:04:23people who when they were shown the preamble to the Constitution said it was
01:04:26the Communist Manifesto yeah well don't you see what it looks like I mean if you
01:04:30and Clements wanted to arrange something to get him off well this is a perfect
01:04:35setup yeah where did you hear that in a barbershop no as a matter of fact at the
01:04:39club at the club is that all you idiots have to do down there I call you're in a
01:04:44church I don't give a damn daddy please well you hear what your father-in-law's
01:04:49trying to say about me he says that I'm trying to help Clemens get off can't you
01:04:52people wait until after the wedding well I don't know whether I'm gonna be here
01:04:55then Gloria so I might as well get it over with listen you why don't you and
01:05:00your friends stick to figuring out how to get your golf balls into that little
01:05:04tiny round hole
01:05:26Michael why are you doing this I'm not doing this to us what about that wedding
01:05:29in there Michael we've got a wedding to look forward to here now I've been
01:05:32looking forward to this wedding for 25 years why now I didn't pick the time
01:05:37everything's coming apart first it was alone now it's the wedding that's just
01:05:41an innocent child I need you now I need you Maggie you need all right if you
01:05:46need me if you need us then just you stop thinking about the damn
01:05:49Constitution you start thinking about us I am thinking about this family I am
01:05:52thinking about then why are you doing this I don't know will you listen to me
01:05:56I don't have all the answers all I know is that I'm a newspaper man and I've
01:06:00been one for 31 years and that is all I know
01:06:05you're gonna lose it I'm not gonna lose it you're going to lose I won't lose it
01:06:12Michael don't I won't lose it
01:06:21I'm hanging on for dear life
01:06:25you take my so far so good take this paragraph here the one about the pills
01:06:39put it up closer to the top because it comes much too late
01:06:55shut the door Mike now I'm not gonna beat around the bush I want you to get
01:07:05this business over with tomorrow understand me so we can get back to
01:07:09normal around here what do you mean over with tell Jim Burke who your source is
01:07:14let him go out and pick him up so we can get on with a trial who set you on to
01:07:20this who citizens Trust Bank for one they pulled out their ads for the week
01:07:27so did Marshall's Lumber Irwin department store called me up early this
01:07:31morning very early in the morning are now you're the publisher of this paper
01:07:35you don't have to remind me of that I've had plenty of reminders all weekend Mike
01:07:40I want Clements to get what he deserves as much as you do as much as anyone in
01:07:46this town I want it to happen I want it to happen fast you understand me well
01:07:49you said you were behind me on this I never said any so Gordon did Gordon
01:07:53doesn't own this paper I do I'm telling you right now Mike you don't cooperate
01:08:00with the courts I'm going to consider letting you go I can't carry you
01:08:08you don't have to consider anything I'm going
01:08:19oh my god I'm not gonna believe this Marty the police are raiding the city
01:08:28room that's right did you get that
01:08:49just hold on until I get there wait from the desk everybody get away from
01:08:58the desk please against the law are you a lawyer now which one three meals death
01:09:02runs what do you want information Mike all the information you've got in the
01:09:08Cindy whole case and on the runaway story and on Clements I've got a
01:09:12warrant here it's all on the level it's all named in the affidavit
01:09:16stand back come on stand back are you gonna tell me which desk is yours or do
01:09:22we turn them all inside out either it's McNeil's desk here captain look lady
01:09:29you can be arrested for obstructing justice now you don't want that
01:09:34take all this stuff take it all here give you all the evidence you want take
01:09:51this you take what's left I'm clear out you're a disgrace to the business
01:10:08Arnold Peterson you're selling yourself for money and you've forgotten what this
01:10:12is all about and I'll tell you something else they're not gonna find what they're
01:10:21looking for
01:10:34Superior Court of Oakland County State of Michigan is now in session judge
01:10:38Bohannon presiding
01:10:41mr. McNeil I guess we can just pick up where we left off last week you are
01:10:51still under oath you are still under the judge's direction please tell to the
01:10:56court the name of your confidential source I will not reveal my informant
01:11:04your honor I have no choice to find you in contempt and to summarily remand you
01:11:13to the county jail until you change your mind
01:11:18oh you don't need them Daniel sorry Mike I have to I respectfully request the
01:11:26personal bond be continued for my client your honor
01:11:28I request granted this spinner that is my disposition of the case court is
01:12:27Amy I'm gonna take a beer all right
01:12:43what's the matter I was rejected by the symphony
01:12:52read it though we found your performance well above our standard certain circles
01:13:01and though we found your performance well above our standards certain
01:13:07circumstances extenuating beyond practice for it really practice for three
01:13:11years and the board feels strongly that your participation this year should be
01:13:15postponed indefinitely because of him damn it and it's because of you because
01:13:24of me what you talked to my father into it you know if you weren't here my
01:13:28father wouldn't be in jail not with Denise getting married and not with my
01:13:31symphony audition you wouldn't be you're not being reasonable reasonable
01:13:34you came here and you practically made your own story happen you just walked
01:13:37right in here talking my father ain't Amy stop it
01:13:42your father has been a good newspaperman for a long time do you really think he
01:13:47needed me to come in and tell him what to do all I ever did was sit and take
01:13:52notes your father did it all by himself here you're to frame this it's the exact
01:13:57opposite of what your dad is all about
01:14:07sorry about your audition
01:14:24you look great you look wonderful how do you feel I played my first basketball
01:14:29game in 25 years you better be careful you're not in such a good shape
01:14:34who won I won I'm winning take a look at this and he cut these out what's all
01:14:45that encouragement articles about you in dissent critical speeches time even the
01:14:51National Review support you well what'd you expect they're my colleagues aren't
01:14:56they what's that that's my story about you ran into Harold yesterday
01:15:12front page I always wanted to be on the front page of the New York Herald of
01:15:19course I I wanted it to be a story by me not about me hey be happy it's not
01:15:26your rope it's on page 44 I'll leave them for you how are the kids the kids
01:15:36in their love they miss you of course we all do Denise and Amy are going to come
01:15:41down later they won't let Annie in you know Mike we're all a little bit
01:15:47concerned about you being in the wedding um Gary wants us to talk to the
01:15:50judge but Denise wants to postpone it no no way you go right ahead with it after
01:15:58the way I acted with George at the rehearsal maybe it's better if I don't
01:16:01show up Mike I want you to tell me the name of the informant
01:16:11no just so I can just so I can go and talk absolutely and don't you ever ask
01:16:25me again understand
01:16:29I love you
01:17:51guess I like it yeah I think we can put off on this old roofing bill I'll just
01:17:57call him on Monday and tell him oh no no no this has been around here too long
01:18:01no we'll pay this let's just cut down on the credit card payments pay the minimum
01:18:05now don't forget you still have to pay interest on that okay it's like a loan
01:18:09I'm aware of that
01:18:16you know I just thought for sure you'd tell me I just know if I could talk to
01:18:21that person you know I was there when daddy got that call and I remember him
01:18:27writing down the address do you remember it I remember the number it was one one
01:18:34five the street it was Dawson da something like that you told me that he
01:18:44said he'd be there in 20 minutes and he left right away right right okay well if
01:18:49it took him 20 minutes it must have been somewhere on the north side
01:19:01okay well is there a Dawson on the north side not gonna know if there's a there's
01:19:07a Crawford that's it that's it one one five Crawford Drive I'm certain of it
01:19:11are you sure absolutely I'm certain I'm going my way can I come no no no no no I
01:19:17think everybody should stay here and I should go by myself because this person's
01:19:20really touchy one of us should go and I think it should be me okay slow down
01:19:23everybody I think we should discuss all the possibilities first
01:19:4714 to Central I'm moving out after the lady
01:22:46hello my name is Maggie McNeil I'm Michael McNeil's wife
01:22:55oh is there something we can do for you maybe it would be better if we just talk
01:23:04alone if you don't mind yeah yeah that's a good idea Hank why don't you leave us
01:23:13alone for a few minutes okay is everything all right yeah everything's
01:23:18fine I just have something sort of personal I'd like to discuss with Bev
01:23:25you want me to take a walk yeah why don't you do that and take the baby too
01:23:29he looks like you could use a little fresh air okay take a walk you and me
01:23:35you take me for a walk and I'll take you for a walk thank you hey you bet I was
01:23:48scared when I heard about that hearing and I heard your husband was being
01:23:53pressured I thought I thought I'd had it I know this isn't what you want to
01:23:59hear but when I read that he refused to tell about me you don't know how relieved
01:24:06I was he's a very dedicated man I guess I've been hoping for some kind of
01:24:16miracle Beverly something so Mike could be relieved of this awful burden and so
01:24:26Roger Clements could be tried and put away
01:24:33you know the really sad thing is that that the principal Mike is standing up
01:24:39for will be saved Beverly but in the process he and his family will suffer
01:24:45and the families of all those girls will suffer and that man is just going
01:24:53to go on being the same without any kind of help without treatment he's going to
01:25:00be a free man I came here today to see if you're willing to make any kind of
01:25:09sacrifice to help this McNeil there are plenty of people in this world like your
01:25:16husband who are willing to make sacrifices I am NOT one of those people
01:25:22I don't believe that no did you see Hank with my baby now he's got no idea that
01:25:29I'm the kind of person I once was and he's never gonna find out
01:25:33it would kill him how do you know that do you really know how he'd react no but I'm
01:25:44not gonna take a chance to find out I'm too scared I don't want to lose everything now
01:25:50see when I'm with Hank somehow I feel like a respectable person you know like you
01:26:18you don't have much faith in that man of yours do you
01:26:20don't go out
01:26:38come on baby come on go see mommy okay
01:26:50some folks have got connections then some folks don't the judge ordered you
01:27:08released for the weekend for the daughter's wedding the nicest part of you're getting
01:27:14is you're coming back
01:27:44me ready for the bail not yet what time is it oh I don't know it's probably about time
01:27:58Amy what where's Annie Annie sweetheart run and tell daddy to come down does that mean
01:28:04I know
01:28:08one minute just one more minute
01:28:21I don't know why they're taking it out on Denise and Gary
01:28:23we're sorry we're late it's my fault I drove oh I'm glad you came Gordon well did you think we
01:28:32would nobody else did except some of Gary's friends and family everybody that we invited
01:28:37from town didn't show oh sorry Mike oh I can't believe it Mike you think they'd overlook come
01:28:43on don't let it ruin your day it's not gonna ruin mine good Gary thanks Gary take a seat
01:29:02I don't want her to come upstairs and see
01:29:15I'll go
01:29:31is my bailing all right yes wait just a minute let me do the button you're beautiful
01:29:38don't go weak on me daddy I need you to help me down the aisle
01:29:50Denise nobody came what funny daddy very fun no it's not a joke nobody came and it's my fault
01:30:02it's what I did it's me daddy they're taking it out on you and Gary because of me it's what I did
01:30:09and I feel so selfish you're not selfish daddy
01:30:21so is Gary here of course and his folks and you and mom and my sisters
01:30:37everyone's here who counts right then let's go I'm in a hurry to get married
01:30:51I'm sorry
01:31:03I know I am careful careful with fail don't smash it
01:31:17who's my mascara it's terrific
01:31:34I love you you're a wonderful day
01:32:17will you let me have a couple of minutes thanks
01:32:26okay gosh look at this man it's like nobody hey I thought it was pretty good
01:32:43but in the end maybe too sweet my mother this I don't know I don't know any would
01:32:48you just put all this stuff in the garbage honey not to everything oh she tore the paper
01:32:57that's too bad too because we could have saved some of it I really don't want any help
01:33:02thank you at least though she got a lot of nice things she can use at least most of them one
01:33:11toaster that's about to be at first or didn't she get another oh sure well we'll just return
01:33:17it's not as nice as that one I guess we can return it I don't know what that lady Maggie
01:33:21please please Maggie it's okay I'll get it yes you better start getting ready huh yeah
01:33:48it's not too late is it mr. McNeil
01:34:03I know how difficult all of this has been for you miss Sims reliving an experience that anyone
01:34:13would want to forget it has been a terrible ordeal
01:34:20now would you please point to the individual who has caused you such suffering
01:34:29that's him over there the gentleman in the gray suit yeah that's the guy
01:34:43but the records show that the witness has identified the defendant
01:34:54no questions