Seduced (1985) Thriller

  • last week
An ambitious politician, involved in bailing out an ailing retail company, resumes a love affair with an old flame, now married to the millionaire president of a rival company. When she's murdered, he's drawn into a complicated web of intrigue.
00:00:00We must remove him at once.
00:00:03We have supported the president to the limit of both law and ethics,
00:00:07but with the announcement and the indictments against him,
00:00:10the situation has become critical.
00:00:13The stock has already plummeted three points today.
00:00:16Bill, are you going to wait for Barrington's resignation
00:00:19or would you rather announce your takeover at a public execution?
00:00:23The gentleman got caught trading on inside information, Mr. Killian.
00:00:27He violated seven different federal laws.
00:00:31We must move swiftly and decisively
00:00:34to replace him with a top executive from inside the corporation.
00:00:38What you all seem to have forgotten is that K&B is a public corporation.
00:00:44As of right now, you're all tainted by Barrington's indiscretion.
00:00:49I might look more favorably on a merger offer
00:00:53if you get someone from the outside.
00:00:55Well, who? Who from the outside has the qualifications?
00:01:00Wilcox from TransAllied turned us down cold, as did KDF.
00:01:06His father did a pretty good job as mayor
00:01:09and Michael has a flawless record as state's attorney.
00:01:12That's completely irrelevant. The man is devoid of credentials.
00:01:16Nobody knows how to run this company better than I do.
00:01:19Than you.
00:01:22Why not let him speak for himself?
00:01:28Ask Mr. Reardon to come in, please.
00:01:30Yes, sir.
00:01:32You may go in, Mr. Reardon.
00:01:36When Jim Killian asked me to consider
00:01:38the possibility of coming over to Keenan Bridges,
00:01:41I was deeply honored.
00:01:43I don't think there's any other company
00:01:45that's done more for this city and its people.
00:01:48But I also don't believe that the selection of a new president for K&B
00:01:52should be made up by a man who has the qualifications to do so.
00:01:56I don't believe that.
00:01:58I don't believe that.
00:02:00I don't believe that.
00:02:02I don't believe that the selection of a new president for K&B
00:02:05should be made in a single afternoon.
00:02:07Now, you all know that my family's been involved
00:02:09in the business and politics of this town for a long time.
00:02:12So rather than whipping out my resume
00:02:15and claiming that I'm the only one who can save you,
00:02:18I think we should follow Mr. Killian's advice,
00:02:20spend the next few weeks getting to know each other.
00:02:23Then you'll know if I'm the man for the job.
00:02:26And I'll know if it's the job for the man.
00:02:29Thank you.
00:02:35now that logic has replaced hysteria,
00:02:39my presence here is superfluous.
00:02:44Arthur, you know that Orloff & Company
00:02:47is always welcome at this table.
00:02:49Thank you.
00:02:57It was quite a show you put on, young man.
00:03:01A lot of people would kill for that job.
00:03:04Some of them were present.
00:03:07You mean Howell.
00:03:09Killian can take care of him.
00:03:12And if you're worried about your political career,
00:03:15you can always step down later to run.
00:03:18It wouldn't be the first time.
00:03:22You're not actually going to turn it down, are you?
00:03:25You're not actually going to reject the merger, are you?
00:03:28For a man in my position,
00:03:30some things are more important than money.
00:03:33Well, more money, anyway.
00:03:39I have to run by the hall. Can I give you a lift?
00:03:42No, thanks. I'm being picked up.
00:03:44I'll say hello to the man on 5 for you.
00:03:47He may not like the idea of losing me to the corporate jungle.
00:03:59Hello, darling. How are you?
00:04:02I'm fine.
00:04:04Mr. Reardon, you know my wife, Victoria?
00:04:07Yes. How are you?
00:04:10Fine, thanks.
00:04:13Mr. Reardon is going to be taking over at K&B.
00:04:20Relax, young man.
00:04:22I know all about you two.
00:04:25I just wanted to see your face.
00:04:27Is it that obvious?
00:04:29Well, I'm sure Victoria's not a woman one gets over easily,
00:04:33even after nine or ten years.
00:04:36I trust that you'll never have to find out.
00:04:39I hope not.
00:04:41Victoria's a good woman.
00:04:43She's a good woman.
00:04:45You'll never have to find out.
00:04:47I hope not.
00:04:49Victoria's on the K&B women's board.
00:04:51So say hello to her at the benefit next week, will you?
00:04:54Of course. Will you be there?
00:04:56No, no. I'm playing hard to get, remember?
00:04:59Good luck, Mr. Reardon.
00:05:01Thank you.
00:05:03Nice to see you.
00:05:05You too.
00:05:52Fitz, you're going to have to get used to more than just the inside of the car.
00:05:56I know.
00:05:58I know.
00:06:00I know.
00:06:02I know.
00:06:04I know.
00:06:06I know.
00:06:08I know.
00:06:10I know.
00:06:12I know.
00:06:14You'll need more than just the inside of a courtroom
00:06:16if you want to take over for me.
00:06:18Not me, Kim Grazie.
00:06:20This Matuto is strictly for the gugus.
00:06:22And I'm getting a drink.
00:06:24Mr. Reardon,
00:06:26pardon my prying, but do you think your late father
00:06:29would approve of your leaving politics?
00:06:32Well, Mrs. Youngquist, as you know,
00:06:34the mayor is always very supportive
00:06:37of the business community.
00:06:39In fact, he's the one who urged me to attend Harvard for my MBA.
00:06:41Would you excuse me for a minute, please?
00:06:43Yes. Thank you.
00:06:49Would you care for some champagne, Mrs. Orloff?
00:06:52You don't have to be so formal, Michael.
00:07:00You haven't changed a bit. Still the golden boy.
00:07:05You certainly have. Designer dresses and speaking French.
00:07:10You don't approve?
00:07:11It's a long way from teaching classes at the Art Institute.
00:07:15Do you still live in a Southside bungalow?
00:07:18That's one for you.
00:07:23How'd he get you, Vic? I thought I'd tried everything.
00:07:27Almost everything. But your great passions were business and law.
00:07:32I'm afraid I ran a distant third.
00:07:35But here, you were always number one.
00:07:42So, tell me, is it really possible to find happiness with all those millions?
00:07:47I'm afraid so.
00:07:56Who's that? A secret admirer?
00:07:59Hardly. He's a detective, hired by Arthur's daughter. She doesn't like me.
00:08:06I'll have to explain some other time. I'd better get back.
00:08:10I have a good-looking woman. Arthur's a lucky old man.
00:08:14But luck and money often go hand in hand. Have you noticed?
00:08:41So, a little powwow with the Cialonis cream?
00:08:45I know you ain't buzz off.
00:08:48I'm not.
00:08:50I'm not?
00:08:52I'm not.
00:08:54I'm not.
00:08:56I'm not.
00:08:58I'm not.
00:09:00I'm not.
00:09:02I'm not.
00:09:04I'm not.
00:09:06I'm not.
00:09:08I know you ain't buzz off the clown, but you were playing Romeo after Juliet in there took a hike.
00:09:14So, that was a long time ago.
00:09:17Yeah, I know, and you're a big boy now.
00:09:19So is Arthur Orloff.
00:09:37Arthur Orloff
00:10:07Arthur Orloff
00:10:35State's Attorney.
00:10:38State's Attorney
00:10:48Michael Cialonis.
00:10:53Go inside and ask Mrs. Orloff to come out.
00:10:56Discreetly, if possible.
00:11:54Hi. Maybe you should look at this.
00:11:57Come on.
00:11:58Yes, sir.
00:12:05Looks like it was supposed to be a basic PNE.
00:12:08The guy came in through the patio door, which was open.
00:12:11Came up the stairs.
00:12:13Checked the study.
00:12:23Came into the master bedroom.
00:12:26And hit the jackpot.
00:12:29Anyway, Orloff must have heard him.
00:12:31Came up and got popped in the forehead.
00:12:33Then the guy went back out the patio.
00:12:36A neighbor heard the shot and called in.
00:12:38What caliber?
00:12:40Somewhere in the middle, I'd say 38, 9 millimeter.
00:12:43No alarms?
00:12:45They got to do a secure tick, but it wasn't on.
00:12:54Not bad.
00:12:56Did you check it?
00:12:58Yeah, clean.
00:13:17What is it? We miss something?
00:13:20Orloff was a self-made type.
00:13:23Very old-fashioned. He'd have a safe somewhere.
00:13:26Maybe behind some books nobody'd want to read.
00:13:46Arthur often left it open. He liked to sit out on the patio and smoke.
00:13:49I see.
00:13:52Mrs. Orloff, how would you describe your marriage?
00:13:55I don't see what that has to do with anything.
00:13:57We won't know what's significant until we have all the facts.
00:14:00I'm sorry.
00:14:08Like anyone, we had our problems.
00:14:11Do you have any idea who might have wanted your husband dead?
00:14:14Or why?
00:14:16No, I do not.
00:14:20It's okay.
00:14:23Would you mind opening the safe?
00:14:25I don't know the combination.
00:14:27You don't?
00:14:29The safe was for his personal papers.
00:14:31Who has the combination?
00:14:35I believe Arthur's lawyer, Norman Glass, does.
00:14:39Okay, we'll send somebody out tomorrow with Mr. Glass,
00:14:42and we'll get a list of what's missing then.
00:14:45All right.
00:14:49Thank you for your patience, Mrs. Orloff.
00:14:51I know how difficult this is for you.
00:14:56The vultures have arrived.
00:15:00Well, here's your chance, Fitz.
00:15:02On the job, training in media communications.
00:15:10I think it would be better if you didn't stay here tonight.
00:15:13The cops are going to want things left undisturbed anyway.
00:15:16Call a friend.
00:15:21I'm sorry.
00:15:23And ask Mr. Glass to recommend a criminal attorney.
00:15:30Just to be safe.
00:15:32All right.
00:15:40You should call me if you think of anything.
00:15:47Good night, Vic.
00:15:53Mr. Reardon, do you think Orloff's recent rejection
00:15:56of the merger with Keene & Bridges
00:15:58has anything to do with his death?
00:16:00That's ridiculous.
00:16:02Gentlemen, ladies, we'll have a statement for you in the morning.
00:16:09I know Rita's looking for housebreakers,
00:16:11which makes sense,
00:16:13since about 30 grand worth of jewels was taken.
00:16:15However, I've got to consider some other possibilities,
00:16:18just if I'm earning my paycheck.
00:16:21Who stands to gain if the old man croaks?
00:16:24All right.
00:16:26First wife is dead.
00:16:28I think we can safely scratch her.
00:16:30But there were two children from that marriage,
00:16:32son Lawrence, daughter Barbara,
00:16:34and a second wife from Palm Beach.
00:16:36They should definitely be checked out.
00:16:38And now current wife, Victoria.
00:16:42I thought she was with you and Mr. Reardon.
00:16:45She was.
00:16:47But check her out anyway.
00:16:49The way the market's been jumping around,
00:16:51a broad base is probably better.
00:16:53What we've been doing is buying financial futures
00:16:55to hedge our position in bonds.
00:16:57I'd cut back on that.
00:16:59The short-term jump in rates won't do it.
00:17:01I don't agree.
00:17:03That's what I've been telling you.
00:17:05Well, you're obviously unaware
00:17:07of the extent of KNB's exposure.
00:17:09We were severely hurt by the interest rates in 82.
00:17:11Pardon me.
00:17:13There's a telephone call for you, Mr. Reardon.
00:17:15You can take it in here.
00:17:16Thank you.
00:17:30No, no, I'm about done here.
00:17:36Well, I'm glad that part's over for you.
00:17:39Where was the service held?
00:17:45Now, Vic, you wait.
00:17:47I think you should talk to my assistant,
00:17:49Keith Fitzgibbons.
00:17:51He's in charge of the investigation.
00:17:53I've got to admit, Bill, he's on the ball.
00:17:55How long have I been with this corporation?
00:17:5729 years.
00:18:01I started in the copy room.
00:18:03I haven't labored in the trenches this long
00:18:05to let some Irish kid from the South Side
00:18:07take it away from me.
00:18:09In this business, one doesn't have four years
00:18:11to hide one's skeletons.
00:18:13But when he does,
00:18:15I'll step right over his corpse.
00:18:17Hi, boys. Mikey around? Is he busy?
00:18:19If you're referring to the state's attorney...
00:18:23Thank you, pal.
00:18:27No, no, no, I do understand.
00:18:29But, Vic, I don't...
00:18:32It's 9.
00:18:38Okay, I'll see you.
00:18:40Well, you were right about the safe.
00:18:42Prince or Orloff's.
00:18:44Glass checked it out.
00:18:46Nothing seems to be missing, though.
00:18:48What was in it?
00:18:50Porno tapes or hit lists.
00:18:52Ah, someone is home.
00:18:54Nothing stocks, deeds, papers,
00:18:56things like that.
00:19:06Alvarado pegged the bullet, 9-0.
00:19:07Yeah, not a bad shot in the dark, 15 feet.
00:19:09Right above the eye.
00:19:12What's reserpine?
00:19:14Reserpine's a high blood pressure drug
00:19:16Orloff was taking.
00:19:18Medical examiner said the dose was high,
00:19:20so he'd been on it a while.
00:19:24So, what's the word?
00:19:26Well, I'd say you can go ahead
00:19:28and order the suits and the business cards.
00:19:30Simple case.
00:19:32Orloff caught a burglar in the act.
00:19:36Yeah, well, okay.
00:19:38I'll see you back on the west side
00:19:40if you still remember where it is.
00:19:50It's good, very good.
00:19:54It was awful and you know it.
00:19:57I was being polite.
00:19:59Don't be.
00:20:01We should be honest with each other.
00:20:03Okay, fine.
00:20:05It was like eating an inner tube.
00:20:10You know I was always a lousy cook.
00:20:13Normally I had the chef do it.
00:20:15Where is he?
00:20:17Gave the staff the night off.
00:20:19Can you see the headlines?
00:20:21State's attorney dines with widow
00:20:23while investigating husband's murder.
00:20:28You used to be a beer drinker.
00:20:31Couldn't afford good scotch now.
00:20:32I still can't.
00:20:34Well, years to not being able
00:20:36to say that much longer.
00:20:49Michael, you're going to find out certain things.
00:20:53I'd rather you heard them from me.
00:20:56What do you mean?
00:20:57I didn't get along with Arthur at all.
00:20:59My marriage was a disaster.
00:21:03I know.
00:21:05You do?
00:21:07I talked to the chef.
00:21:09And the maid.
00:21:11It's my job.
00:21:13Maybe I shouldn't talk to you.
00:21:16Depends on what you have to say.
00:21:24I'm sorry.
00:21:26It's okay.
00:21:39First it was wonderful.
00:21:41Arthur made me part of a very special world.
00:21:44He had this tremendous vitality.
00:21:46Then he got old.
00:21:48Had to depend on me for everything.
00:21:52A man like him, well...
00:21:56He didn't like it one bit.
00:22:00I remember one day we were
00:22:02coming home on the expressway.
00:22:05He was driving.
00:22:07He always drove.
00:22:09He missed our exit.
00:22:11Just drove right past it.
00:22:13Looked over at him.
00:22:17The cigar was hanging out of his mouth.
00:22:19He was drooling on his tie.
00:22:23I called his name,
00:22:25but he didn't seem to hear.
00:22:27Finally I just leaned over,
00:22:29took the wheel,
00:22:31pulled the car over and stopped.
00:22:40When he came out of it,
00:22:42he just looked at me.
00:22:46Never seen his face look like that.
00:22:48So ashamed.
00:22:50So frightened.
00:22:56He got out of the car,
00:22:58stumbled halfway up the embankment,
00:23:00sat down and cried.
00:23:02He didn't want me to see.
00:23:08When he came back,
00:23:10he opened the passenger door.
00:23:12I got out,
00:23:14went around to the driver's side.
00:23:16He got in and I drove home.
00:23:19But after that,
00:23:21he started accusing me
00:23:23of stealing his money,
00:23:26it was very difficult.
00:23:29I believe we had the marriage that worked.
00:23:34Oh God,
00:23:36it was such a lie.
00:23:56Arthur talked about me behind my back.
00:24:00So I'm sure you'll have plenty of people
00:24:02tell you what an evil bitch I am.
00:24:22You could have divorced me
00:24:23You can't just leave someone when they need you.
00:24:58Michael, we can't do this.
00:25:14What do you got?
00:25:16Alvarado got a tip.
00:25:18This guy tried to defend Stones.
00:25:20He said it was from the Orloff job.
00:25:22Now he's a repeater.
00:25:24He did two bits in Attica for B&Es just like this.
00:25:26And he uses a piece,
00:25:28a nine millimeter something German.
00:25:30Who's the finger?
00:25:32A fence they're holding for receiving.
00:25:34And well, he wants to trade.
00:25:36Why does this guy want to cooperate?
00:25:38He says he didn't do it.
00:25:45Mr. Perkins, my name is Michael Reardon.
00:25:47I'm the state's attorney.
00:25:49Do you know why you're here?
00:25:51I haven't done anything.
00:25:54You want to speak to an attorney?
00:25:56I have no need of counsel.
00:25:59It's not that the suspect
00:26:01has waived his right to an attorney.
00:26:04Now, Randy.
00:26:07Where were you on the night
00:26:09that Arthur Orloff was murdered?
00:26:11I don't remember.
00:26:21Come on.
00:26:27Randy, you have admitted
00:26:29that these are yours.
00:26:31Alligator clips, west side pass keys.
00:26:35These were found in your basement.
00:26:38We have a witness who will testify
00:26:40that you tried to sell these to him
00:26:42saying they were from the Orloff job.
00:26:44I told you he's lying.
00:26:47I don't know any fence.
00:26:58Bye-bye, Randy.
00:27:13Randy, you know
00:27:15pleading guilty makes things easier for everyone.
00:27:18You've done it before.
00:27:19You want to make things easier now.
00:27:27All right.
00:27:30Recognize these?
00:27:34They were found in the trunk of your car.
00:27:36Now, the lab has matched soil samples
00:27:38from these to Orloff's garden.
00:27:41This is yours, too, Randy.
00:27:43Take a look.
00:27:45You washed it good.
00:27:46But the blood's still there.
00:27:48B positive, Orloff's blood type.
00:27:51Pretty rare, my friend.
00:27:53Only 8% of the population has it.
00:27:58I want to talk to a lawyer.
00:28:03He's our boy. He's our boy.
00:28:06Take it easy.
00:28:08We've got to get some real evidence.
00:28:10We will. Don't you worry.
00:28:12Oh, will you look at this?
00:28:13We bought out an entire table
00:28:15at the policeman's ball.
00:28:17Start a trend. Pay it.
00:28:238 o'clock. Bye.
00:28:43Oh, my God.
00:29:13Oh, my God.
00:29:43Oh, my God.
00:29:54Was it this good between us before?
00:30:04I don't want to lose you again.
00:30:07You won't.
00:30:09I'm with you, Michael.
00:30:14What if you couldn't see me for six or eight months?
00:30:20Would you still feel that way?
00:30:25Is that the bad news you had to tell me?
00:30:30Half of it.
00:30:39We've got to use our heads, Rachel.
00:30:40This is a very small town.
00:30:44Your detective followed me today.
00:30:48Arthur's will is going to be read Tuesday.
00:30:51His daughter must be trying to get something
00:30:53on us together to use against me.
00:30:59Is she afraid of losing the inheritance?
00:31:03Arthur came to regard his children
00:31:06as useless parasites.
00:31:07He hadn't spoken to them in years.
00:31:09Barbara blames me for turning him against her.
00:31:18I ought to have that guy picked up.
00:31:23Then the wrong people might get curious.
00:31:29Now, you want to hear my good news?
00:31:31Are you sure this place is okay?
00:31:33One of Arthur's companies owns it.
00:31:35People won't be moving in for months.
00:31:38Now, tell me.
00:31:46I think we've got the guy that killed him.
00:31:49You do?
00:31:51Who is it?
00:31:54I don't know.
00:31:56I don't know.
00:31:57Who is it?
00:31:59A very bad boy.
00:32:01A very long record.
00:32:03Name's Randall Perkins.
00:32:06Are you sure he did it?
00:32:08Not officially.
00:32:10We're still gathering evidence, but it's looking good.
00:32:12That's great!
00:32:20In addition to serving as executor of my estate,
00:32:23it is my hope that Mr. Glass
00:32:24will be retained for legal services by my heirs.
00:32:27I thanked Arthur for that.
00:32:29To my son, Lawrence,
00:32:31I leave the annual trust of $12,000,
00:32:34which should just about cover his dry cleaning bills.
00:32:38To my former wife, Lenore,
00:32:40I leave nothing.
00:32:42She has already been generously compensated
00:32:44in our divorce settlement.
00:32:47Oh, Arthur.
00:32:50You were a magnificent man.
00:32:51Congratulations, dear.
00:32:53You were his last wife,
00:32:55but obviously not least.
00:33:01Snap it up.
00:33:03To my daughter, Barbara,
00:33:07I leave the title to the Forrest Bluff House,
00:33:09which she has long occupied on loan.
00:33:12That's it?
00:33:14Let him finish, sis.
00:33:16I don't think so.
00:33:17That's it?
00:33:19Let him finish, sis.
00:33:21And to my beloved wife, Victoria,
00:33:23I leave the remainder of my estate,
00:33:25including all properties,
00:33:29and business interests.
00:33:33Signed this 15th day of May, 1980.
00:33:35That's impossible.
00:33:37He wasn't going to leave her a dime.
00:33:39He must have lied, sis.
00:33:41You know how good he was at that.
00:33:43Oh, shut up, you moron.
00:33:45He told me about you, you tramp.
00:33:47He knew you were sleeping around on him.
00:33:49He was going to write a new will.
00:33:51He was going to cut you off.
00:33:53I agree that the terms are unfair, Barbara.
00:33:55I'd be happy to settle.
00:33:57Mrs. Orloff, I think we should discuss this before...
00:33:59Settle? Settle?
00:34:01You won't see a penny, you pirate.
00:34:03He hated you.
00:34:05You wanted him to die.
00:34:12You slut!
00:34:14Come on, come on.
00:34:15I'll sue you!
00:34:17I'll sue you!
00:34:19You won't get a penny of Daddy's money!
00:34:21She slapped me, did you see that?
00:34:23I'll sue you for that, too!
00:34:25You won't get away with it!
00:34:31I wish you could have seen the fireworks.
00:34:33Pow! I was afraid for my life.
00:34:35That daughter's a major league banana.
00:34:37You know, if we didn't have Perkins,
00:34:39I'd swear that she knocked the old man out of spite.
00:34:41We are ready to go to the grand jury.
00:34:42pH levels and soil samples
00:34:44aren't conclusive enough.
00:34:46And Perkins is B positive,
00:34:48just like Orloff.
00:34:50The stains on the shirt could be his,
00:34:52and the stones are no good without the original settings.
00:34:54We got the fence.
00:34:56He's a criminal.
00:34:58Juries won't believe their testimony.
00:35:00All right, we got Mrs. Robinson.
00:35:02She swears she saw him on the street
00:35:04shortly before the crime.
00:35:06She's an old lady afraid of every black face she sees.
00:35:08She might cave in on the stand.
00:35:10Everything's circumstantial.
00:35:12Let's see what we got here.
00:35:14He's Mickey Dumont.
00:35:16He's a three-time loser.
00:35:18Listen, I don't got to tell you,
00:35:20Mike, it's a squeezer,
00:35:22and this is from the fifth floor, all right?
00:35:24I know who did it.
00:35:28The PLO.
00:35:30Mr. Orloff was a very big supporter of Israel.
00:35:32Thanks for the tip.
00:35:34What do I owe you?
00:35:36Keep my guess.
00:35:38Fitz, how sure are you?
00:35:40I'd go to trial today.
00:35:42Okay, what?
00:35:44Call a press conference,
00:35:46let the grand jury try Perkins,
00:35:48put him away forever.
00:35:50Put him away forever, that's good.
00:35:52What about you?
00:35:54It's Memorial Day weekend, man.
00:35:56Oh, I get it.
00:35:58You're going fishing in Door County,
00:36:00you're going to leave me here to do it by myself.
00:36:02You hate the case, you get the glory.
00:36:04Besides, I got to get out of this zoo.
00:36:06I need time to think.
00:36:08All right, fine, fine.
00:36:10I'll call you when I have conviction.
00:36:12All right.
00:36:42I'll call you when I have conviction.
00:37:12I'll call you when I have conviction.
00:37:45Smells delicious.
00:38:12I forgot the name you're using down here.
00:38:14George Buck Weaver.
00:38:16And you're Miss Kathleen Flynn.
00:38:18Yes, indeed.
00:38:20Cute, huh?
00:38:23Wait a minute.
00:38:25Is this the guy who once said
00:38:27all kids should be sent to summer camp permanently?
00:38:30I also said that the monkeys
00:38:32were the greatest band in history, so...
00:38:35Here, try it.
00:38:46That's the most tripe I've ever tasted.
00:38:50It's like eating an inner tube.
00:38:54Okay, lady, that's two.
00:38:56You want to try for three?
00:38:58Sure, come on.
00:39:00Come on.
00:39:02Oh, no!
00:39:13Populous in the executive suite,
00:39:15which is why you suddenly like children.
00:39:17That's not overdoing it.
00:39:19I said I thought they were cute.
00:39:21I never said I liked the little scorpions.
00:39:23The prosecution calls
00:39:25George Buck Weaver to the stand.
00:39:35Do you swear to tell the truth,
00:39:37the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
00:39:39so help you God?
00:39:41Of course not.
00:39:43I'm a politician.
00:39:45Not anymore.
00:39:47And you're under oath.
00:39:49Sit down.
00:39:51We have heard testimony
00:39:53that you had a relatively happy childhood.
00:39:56Your own sister already has three toddlers,
00:39:58so ask you directly, sir.
00:40:00Do you, if you're not, like children?
00:40:04Kids are all right, I guess,
00:40:06at a safe distance.
00:40:08Would you kindly tell the court,
00:40:10Mr. Weaver, in view of the fact
00:40:12that virtually all of the key executives
00:40:14at K&B have families,
00:40:18do you intend to have one of your own?
00:40:20I object.
00:40:22The prosecution is using unfair pressure tactics.
00:40:24You're overruled.
00:40:26Answer the question.
00:40:30I wouldn't mind a son.
00:40:32I'd like a daughter.
00:40:34What's that to?
00:40:36I think I might go, please.
00:40:38It's too late.
00:40:40You're already guilty.
00:41:55All right, thank you.
00:41:59Wait a minute.
00:42:01Here's this.
00:42:08Oh, that's good.
00:42:20We've got company.
00:42:22You're detective.
00:42:29What should we do?
00:42:37We're having fun.
00:42:45When I make my move,
00:42:47you head back to the hotel,
00:42:49pack your bags,
00:42:51and catch the first plane home.
00:42:53I won't be able to see you for a while.
00:42:55Don't call.
00:42:57I understand.
00:42:59Love you, Michael.
00:45:08That's my camera.
00:45:10It is?
00:45:13Well, it's a funny place to leave it.
00:45:15Somebody stole it from me
00:45:17while I was watching the carnival.
00:45:19Yeah, well, you're lucky they didn't like Japanese cameras.
00:45:22I guess that's true.
00:45:24You know,
00:45:26I don't think I've ever seen a Japanese camera before.
00:45:29I don't think I've ever seen a Japanese camera before.
00:45:31I don't think I've ever seen a Japanese camera before.
00:45:33I guess that's true.
00:45:36Well, everything seems to be in order.
00:45:39Thanks for finding it, Mr...
00:45:41Reardon. Mike Reardon.
00:45:43Dave Emerson.
00:45:45What line of work you in, Mr. Emerson?
00:45:49How about you?
00:45:53That could be a very dangerous business.
00:45:55Hey, why do you say that?
00:45:57Well, you never really know who your enemies are.
00:45:59Oh, no, you find out eventually.
00:46:01The trick is to identify them before it's too late.
00:46:03I've got a couple of cops.
00:46:05Why don't we report the theft and, uh...
00:46:07No, no, no, it's all right.
00:46:09The important thing is I got it back.
00:46:11Good luck to you, Mr. Reardon.
00:46:13Your business, you're gonna need it.
00:46:15We all do, Mr. Emerson.
00:46:17We all do.
00:46:33Where's the rest of the team?
00:46:58It's Mike.
00:47:03Oh, you should watch yourself.
00:47:07Here, it's your sister.
00:47:09She's pregnant again.
00:47:11Congratulations, Meg.
00:47:15No, I haven't made a final decision yet.
00:47:20I don't know what you paid Josefina for.
00:47:22She's an orphan. She needs the work.
00:47:24She's cleaning the oven again.
00:47:26Right, I'll tell her.
00:47:30Meg says to get over there. The tub is filthy.
00:47:34Aren't you the one?
00:47:36Where'd you find your shoes?
00:47:42Oh, I'm late again.
00:47:44You'd better think I had another heart attack.
00:47:51But what is it, Michael Francis?
00:47:53You know you're taking the job,
00:47:55so why the fuss?
00:47:58He said himself it would spin like a top
00:48:00if I ever laid down the torch.
00:48:01Dear father, God love him.
00:48:03Be happy to see you set a little Irish fire
00:48:06to those stuffed wasp shirts.
00:48:09Now, be a good boy, drive me, will you?
00:48:11I gave Detective Morgan the afternoon
00:48:13to visit his sick cousin.
00:48:15Come on.
00:48:32Mr. Reardon?
00:48:37The guys downtown said that's urgent.
00:49:01Michael, good to see you again.
00:49:31I ordered the trout for you.
00:49:33They said it was caught only this morning.
00:49:35I hope you don't mind.
00:49:37Mr. Killian.
00:49:39Been hearing great things from the board.
00:49:41Most of them don't even want to wait
00:49:43for you to put Perkins away.
00:49:46Mr. Killian, I'm afraid
00:49:48I'm not going to be able to join you over at Canby.
00:50:02Hope she was worth it.
00:50:05I received copies of these same pictures
00:50:07last night.
00:50:10And you waited for me to call you?
00:50:12I had to make sure you'd do the right thing.
00:50:14You did.
00:50:16So I wasn't entirely wrong about you.
00:50:21Any idea who our friends are?
00:50:23I don't know.
00:50:25I don't know.
00:50:27I don't know.
00:50:29I don't know.
00:50:31And your friend is?
00:50:33I think he's a detective
00:50:35hired by Orloff's kids to spy on Vicky.
00:50:37Fitz is checking into it.
00:50:41Let's eat.
00:50:44That's it?
00:50:46Detectives don't pay their bills
00:50:48by finding lost dogs.
00:50:50If that's who it is.
00:50:52You'd be surprised
00:50:54at who'd like to see dirty pictures taken.
00:51:14What on earth are you doing?
00:51:16I think we should have a little conference, Hal.
00:51:18Forget it.
00:51:20Your pals are all down in the sauna
00:51:22hoping for miracles.
00:51:26What seems to be on your mind, Mr. Bearden?
00:51:29Where I come from
00:51:31we've got a problem with the guy
00:51:33we go right to him with it.
00:51:35We don't sneak around
00:51:37peeking in people's windows.
00:51:40I'm afraid I find you
00:51:42quite obscure.
00:51:46Must have cost you quite a bit
00:51:48to fly your peeper all the way down to the Caribbean.
00:51:50And sending this stuff to me
00:51:52you got a big laugh out of that, huh?
00:51:54How many heart attacks were there at the tower
00:51:56when they got a hold of it?
00:51:59Listen, you Neanderthal.
00:52:01I don't know what you're talking about.
00:52:03And the club's not looking for new members right now
00:52:05so why don't you just get out of here?
00:52:17Look at that.
00:52:19Even when you play with yourself
00:52:21you lose.
00:52:29Say, I thought I was running this investigation.
00:52:33Well, who lit your fuse?
00:52:43Looks like we're looking for Thunder Thighs.
00:52:46She said one.
00:52:48Well, now it's two.
00:52:50Hey, buddy.
00:52:52Hey, buddy.
00:52:54Hey, buddy.
00:52:56Hey, buddy.
00:52:58Hey, buddy.
00:53:03You Thunder Thigh?
00:53:05That's right.
00:53:07I'm Mike Reardon.
00:53:19And who's this yo-yo?
00:53:21Fitz is my name.
00:53:23I got it for my birth certificate.
00:53:25Where'd you get yours from, sweet pea?
00:53:26I paid to find that out.
00:53:28Well, I'm fresh out of nickels.
00:53:30Back off.
00:53:32What do you have for me, miss?
00:53:39Randy didn't trunk that old man.
00:53:41He was with me that night.
00:53:44All night?
00:53:46Until 11.
00:53:48And then he drove me here to work.
00:53:51I'm not lying.
00:53:53Could have done it after he dropped you off.
00:53:56I heard it happened around 9.
00:54:00You seem to know a lot about this case.
00:54:03Why didn't you come forward before this?
00:54:07I was visiting my folks when he got picked up.
00:54:10Bullard Bean, Tennessee.
00:54:15How well do you know Pearl?
00:54:18I know he's a thief.
00:54:20If that's what you mean.
00:54:23But he's no killer.
00:54:25Randy's too smart for that.
00:54:27Well, he's not too smart to do six years in the slam.
00:54:30Yeah, even pinheads like you get lucky once in a while.
00:54:35Like you, Miss Pimble Street, Miss Grease,
00:54:38and Scuzzaloid covering for another.
00:54:40Now I see why folks don't cop right with you, Pete.
00:54:45What's your real name?
00:54:50Cheryl Lee Chan.
00:54:55Miss Chan,
00:54:57where were you
00:54:59last Wednesday?
00:55:02I told you, I was in William Dean. I got back Friday.
00:55:06How about yesterday?
00:55:10I don't remember.
00:55:12You don't remember, that's right.
00:55:15I can't. What were you doing?
00:55:17Answer the question!
00:55:24I went to the beach.
00:55:26The beach? Which beach?
00:55:28You went to the beach yesterday, you're sure?
00:55:30Yeah. It was Foster Street.
00:55:32Foster Street, what the hell difference does it make?
00:55:34Miss Chandler,
00:55:36if you can barely remember where you were yesterday,
00:55:3924 hours ago,
00:55:41then how can you recall in precise detail
00:55:44where you were and who you were with
00:55:46on the night of Arthur Orloff's murder
00:55:48more than six weeks ago?
00:55:51It was my birthday.
00:56:03That will was written years ago
00:56:05when father still thought of
00:56:07that woman as an innocent foundling
00:56:09before he found her in bed with someone else.
00:56:13He confided in me.
00:56:16I've never seen him cry before that day.
00:56:17Did he tell you the man's name?
00:56:19I don't remember.
00:56:21One of his partners, I think.
00:56:23When did all this happen?
00:56:25We'll discuss this at another time.
00:56:27No, Norman, it's all right.
00:56:29It happened earlier this year,
00:56:32just after winter.
00:56:34That's when he decided to draw up a new will.
00:56:38Excuse me.
00:56:44What's up?
00:56:46Well, it's some story.
00:56:48Orloff only had about 50 partners.
00:56:52She seems pretty rational, though.
00:56:54Without losing all that dough, it'd sober anyone up.
00:56:56Let's not forget she's a diagnosed manic depressive.
00:56:58They had her in the psych ward at Billings.
00:57:00You know her.
00:57:02We'll never make the opening,
00:57:04and I can't afford to hire new people
00:57:06unless that will is successfully contested.
00:57:09Mr. Glass, did Mr. Orloff ever mention
00:57:11changing his will to you?
00:57:13Yes, he did on several occasions,
00:57:15but I never saw anything on paper.
00:57:18If he did draw up such a will,
00:57:20would he have kept it in the safe?
00:57:22Until I transcribed it and notarized it,
00:57:24I suppose, yes.
00:57:26And you were the only one
00:57:28who knew the combination, right, besides himself?
00:57:32You're sure no one else could have known?
00:57:34Mr. Orloff,
00:57:35you're sure no one else could have known?
00:57:37Mr. Ridden,
00:57:39I may be old, but I'm not senile.
00:57:41Not quite yet.
00:57:43But, uh,
00:57:45there was one thing.
00:57:47Arthur had a very poor memory,
00:57:49and he used to telephone me quite frequently
00:57:51to get the combination,
00:57:53having forgotten it himself.
00:57:55And he'd write it on a slip of paper
00:57:57and then misplace it.
00:57:59Someone may have... There, you see?
00:58:01That's it.
00:58:03The bitch got the combination.
00:58:05You control yourself.
00:58:07Mrs. Goldstein,
00:58:09exactly why is it that you hate Mrs. Orloff so much?
00:58:14I don't hate her, Mr. Ridden.
00:58:17I don't hate anyone.
00:58:20Then you'd have no reason
00:58:22to hire a private detective to spy on her?
00:58:25No, of course not.
00:58:27That's a ridiculous idea.
00:58:31Mr. Ridden, my own father
00:58:33told me of that woman's infidelities.
00:58:35It's me.
00:58:46Hello, Mr. Riordan.
00:58:48Mr. Killian would like you to wait
00:58:50in the conference room, please.
00:58:52Thank you.
00:58:57It was a long meeting.
00:59:00And rather turbulent,
00:59:02as you may well imagine.
00:59:05Many of us feel
00:59:07that a certain unity
00:59:09of historical perspective
00:59:11is necessary to preserve
00:59:13the integrity of the organization.
00:59:15Some do not.
00:59:19I ask the chairman
00:59:21for the privilege of personally
00:59:23delivering the verdict to you.
00:59:36Thank you.
00:59:39I guess this means
00:59:41you can call off your peeper.
00:59:44Mr. Riordan,
00:59:46I am quite capable
00:59:48of formulating my own opinions
00:59:50in reference to your suitability
00:59:52for this post.
00:59:54I don't need a detective
00:59:56to assist me.
00:59:58That's not how we work.
01:00:00I don't need a detective
01:00:02to assist me.
01:00:04That's not how we do it
01:00:06where I come from, either.
01:00:25So, let's forget about Perkins
01:00:27and the jewels.
01:00:29The killer wants Orloff's fortune, okay?
01:00:31Somehow he finds out
01:00:33and he gets the will.
01:00:35No, no, no, listen.
01:00:37The patio doors were open, right?
01:00:39The killer comes in.
01:00:41He's got the combination to the safe.
01:00:43He gets the will.
01:00:45Then goes for the jewels
01:00:47to make a cover.
01:00:49Orloff shows up, bang, bang,
01:00:51back out the patio doors
01:00:53and we spend two months
01:00:55looking for second stories.
01:00:57Come on, it's 9 o'clock at night.
01:00:59He could have had people over.
01:01:01He could call the cops
01:01:03if he wanted to, right?
01:01:06Maybe somebody deliberately
01:01:08gave him an overdose
01:01:10to make him groggy.
01:01:12Then he would have walked right into it.
01:01:14What did she do, Mikey?
01:01:16Did she dump you again?
01:01:18What are you talking about?
01:01:20Well, the only one that fits that motive
01:01:22is your favorite former dance partner.
01:01:24You trying to tell me
01:01:26that she set up the hit
01:01:28and got some doofus
01:01:30to pull the trigger for?
01:01:32No, I didn't.
01:01:36Mikey, Mikey.
01:01:40All right, what do you want me to do?
01:01:42Put a hold on the Perkins trial,
01:01:44follow up on the missing will.
01:01:46No, no, I can't do that.
01:01:49Look, I'm already in a vice.
01:01:51You can't ask me to turn the crank to myself
01:01:53just because you've been dancing in a live minefield.
01:01:55What if Perkins is innocent?
01:01:57He's not. That bimbo is lying.
01:01:59Look, what do you got to back this up?
01:02:01A disinherited looney tune?
01:02:03There's no missing will.
01:02:05A daughter wants a little extra cash.
01:02:08Mikey, look.
01:02:10We got our man.
01:02:12You gave me the ball on this.
01:02:14Let me run with it.
01:02:16You never could think straight,
01:02:18could you, when it came to that chick?
01:02:20Look, you better get yourself another hammer
01:02:22before she puts a jacket on you.
01:02:27Now there's no meatpacking plan on the site.
01:02:29But in a year,
01:02:31we'll have orders of Orloff and company.
01:02:35William Burke designed it.
01:02:37I don't think Arthur himself could have done any better,
01:02:40even if he did have doubts about the merger.
01:02:49What's wrong, honey?
01:02:55Nothing much.
01:02:58Killian got those Caribbean pictures?
01:03:02I'm about to prosecute an innocent man
01:03:04for your husband's murder, that's all.
01:03:07I don't understand.
01:03:09I think you do.
01:03:11I think you've been telling me fairy tales.
01:03:13Michael, I wouldn't lie to you.
01:03:15Don't give me that.
01:03:17Your husband didn't have doubts about the merger.
01:03:20He turned it down cold.
01:03:22What about your little affair, huh?
01:03:24What about your husband's new will?
01:03:26I don't know what you're talking about.
01:03:28You start telling me the truth right now.
01:03:29I can't.
01:03:32We don't have time for that.
01:03:34You bastard!
01:03:36That's right, that's right.
01:03:40Now, out with it.
01:03:42Perkins didn't kill him, did he?
01:03:44Did he?
01:03:46All right!
01:03:48No, Perkins didn't kill him.
01:03:50Four days after my husband was killed,
01:03:52I got a phone call.
01:03:53The man said that Arthur had refused to pay off a debt
01:03:56and that he had taken care of him
01:03:58and that I was the one that was going to have to pay
01:04:01if I wanted to stay healthy.
01:04:03That was the day I called you.
01:04:05Why didn't you tell me that then?
01:04:08I wanted to, but he said he'd kill me.
01:04:11How much did you give him?
01:04:13Twenty-five thousand.
01:04:15I hoped that'd be the end of it.
01:04:18But that first night we were together,
01:04:20here, he followed you.
01:04:23He called it a warning.
01:04:25He said he'd kill me.
01:04:27He said he'd kill me.
01:04:29He said he'd kill me.
01:04:31He said he'd kill me.
01:04:33He said he'd kill me.
01:04:35He said he'd kill me.
01:04:37He said he'd kill me.
01:04:38He called it a warning.
01:04:41Damn it, why didn't you tell me?
01:04:46I didn't want you to get hurt.
01:04:48We could have had him picked up.
01:04:50The jerk has been following us all over the place.
01:04:52That isn't him.
01:04:56It isn't.
01:04:58The night I dropped off the second payment,
01:05:00I waited around.
01:05:02He drove up in that car. What was it?
01:05:04Green sedan.
01:05:06Right. He's a heavyset man with dark hair.
01:05:08He was hiring a detective.
01:05:11Don't you think she could be lying?
01:05:19Seems to be a family trait.
01:05:21Michael, I was going to tell you all this.
01:05:23You've got to believe me.
01:05:39What about the affair?
01:05:41It never happened.
01:05:43It was one of my husband's fantasies.
01:05:48And the new will?
01:05:50He threatened to draw it up, to cut me out.
01:05:54But I thought it was just another one of his cruel games.
01:05:57He played a lot of them.
01:05:59He wasn't the only one.
01:06:04I know I shouldn't have lied to you.
01:06:05But I didn't know what else to do.
01:06:36You can start off by telling the cops everything.
01:06:40God, there's going to be a circus when this comes out.
01:06:47Come on, we'll go straight to the station.
01:07:05Come on.
01:07:35Watch out.
01:10:35Mr. Reardon, is it true you were charged with shooting?
01:10:57I'm sorry, I have no comment, but...
01:10:59Mr. Reardon, what do you think your father would think?
01:11:01I should charge you, you nerf ball, for being an idiot, if nothing else.
01:11:05But your story checks with Mrs. Orloff, so we're calling it justifiable homicide, for now.
01:11:10In fact, you've got some congratulations coming to you.
01:11:13It seems you and Annie Oakley knocked off a genuine outfit sleazeburger.
01:11:17Joey Manicola?
01:11:20I know that name.
01:11:22Oh, you should. Him and Lenny Barteki burned down Jefferson Park in 79.
01:11:26Remember, indicted but not convicted, outfit clout?
01:11:29All right, are you ready for this?
01:11:31Now, the bullet on the left was taken from Orloff's body, 158 grain SPI jacketed.
01:11:36The one on the right was test fired from Manicola's gun.
01:11:40It's a death in a match.
01:11:42Now, we don't have all our evidence in yet, but it looks like your girlfriend was telling the truth.
01:11:47Manicola nailed the old guy and put the arm on her.
01:11:51Classic move.
01:11:54Perkins was just some west side hustler trying to graduate by pretending those dime store rocks were part of the Orloff hit.
01:12:01We got a Nole Prasim. We're gonna look like Laurel and Hardy.
01:12:04This is weird.
01:12:09Cops found a second pistol in Manicola's body.
01:12:12Yeah, .25 caliber. He was a capable kid. What's so weird about that?
01:12:18His main gun was an H&K 9mm automatic.
01:12:21In the trunk, they found a custom .308 hunting rifle. The guy's a class act.
01:12:25What's he doing with a puny little .25 auto in his pocket?
01:12:29I mean, well, maybe he hunts squirrels on the weekend. How do I know?
01:13:11What is it?
01:13:14Give me some blowups of this.
01:13:16And everything you got on Manicola, including the racetrack burn job.
01:13:47James, go on in. He's there.
01:13:49Thank you.
01:13:55Come in.
01:13:56Well, Michael, how are you feeling?
01:14:00Fine, Mr. Killian.
01:14:07Would you like a drink?
01:14:17I tried to call you, Jim.
01:14:19What did you expect? We bought an image. You certainly don't fit that now.
01:14:29Howell might not be so bad. He does have the experience.
01:14:33Howell? He'll never get higher than he is.
01:14:36We're sending for a headhunter. Try to find someone from out of town.
01:14:39Michael, do you remember the Hickman case?
01:14:44Of course.
01:14:46He had 20 bodies buried under the garage.
01:14:49You told Kelly to give it to me.
01:14:52It was my big break.
01:14:55You were the best prosecutor the city has ever seen.
01:15:03I'm sorry.
01:15:04The best prosecutor the city has ever seen.
01:15:11I still am.
01:15:13A man on fire doesn't think so.
01:15:18When you see him, tell him I think that's something for the voters to decide.
01:15:24Give my best to your wife, will you?
01:15:35Be seated.
01:15:38Call the case.
01:15:40In re, the estate of Arthur Orloff.
01:15:43It is the finding of this court that the last will and testament of Arthur Orloff
01:15:48is indeed true and functional.
01:15:51And that there is no basis, in fact, for contesting said will.
01:15:55It is the finding of this court that the last will and testament of Arthur Orloff
01:15:59is indeed true and functional.
01:16:01And that there is no basis, in fact, for contesting said will.
01:16:04Therefore, let the provisions of said will take effect promptly and without delay.
01:16:10I'm sorry.
01:16:31Ah, finally. Thanks.
01:16:33This just came for you, too.
01:16:36Thank you.
01:16:40Thank you.
01:17:05My God.
01:17:10Come on.
01:17:20Come on.
01:17:23Vicky, listen.
01:17:24Mike, it's good to hear your voice.
01:17:25Wait, wait. Listen to me.
01:17:27Ballistics match the gun. Manicola killed your husband.
01:17:31No, wait. The blonde guy. The one that's been following us.
01:17:34He's Manicola's partner.
01:17:37Look, I'm coming over...
01:17:38I'll meet you at the plant. We should talk about this on the phone.
01:17:41Yeah, you're right.
01:17:42All right, I'll meet you there.
01:18:08I'll meet you there.
01:18:38Vicky, where are you?
01:20:22Hey, Redden!
01:20:25I told you you were in a dangerous business.
01:22:55Hello, Vic.
01:22:58How are you doing?
01:23:02Sit down.
01:23:03You must be exhausted.
01:23:05How about a drink?
01:23:07No, thank you.
01:23:16I expected you a bit earlier.
01:23:20I guess you had to pack first, huh?
01:23:25Well, if you're planning a little trip,
01:23:31you'll need this.
01:23:35The addendum to your husband's will.
01:23:38It's dated a few days before he was killed.
01:23:41Signed, but not notarized.
01:23:45You didn't have time.
01:23:50He was going to cut you off, Vic.
01:23:52Nothing, not a penny.
01:23:56You wanted all those millions to go to Yale, his alma mater.
01:24:00But you know all this.
01:24:08Do I?
01:24:12Why don't you tell me about it, Vic?
01:24:16I'm kind of tired myself.
01:24:19Please proceed, prosecutor.
01:24:22I've always enjoyed fairy tales.
01:24:25I've always enjoyed fairy tales.
01:24:37Your husband was a silent partner in the Jefferson Park racetrack.
01:24:43Leonard Bartecchi burned it down.
01:24:46And he and Arthur split the insurance money.
01:24:49Arthur's clout got him off.
01:24:51That's when you met Bartecchi.
01:24:54He's the one you had the affair with.
01:24:58And when Arthur found out and he threatened to change his will,
01:25:02the two of you decided to kill him.
01:25:06You told me Manicola did it.
01:25:09He pulled the trigger.
01:25:11Bartecchi hired him to torch the racetrack, too.
01:25:14He was just an errand boy.
01:25:16You were the one who gave him the combination to the safe.
01:25:20And you left the door open and you made sure
01:25:23to put a little extra in Arthur's nightly dose of reserpine
01:25:26just to slow him down a bit.
01:25:29No, Manicola did it.
01:25:31He was blackmailing me.
01:25:33Yeah, Manicola had big dreams.
01:25:37He wasn't happy with just the jewels.
01:25:40So he put the arm on you and you had to come out.
01:25:43Because he had kept the will.
01:25:48So you got that little .25 automatic.
01:25:52He never dreamed that I would help you
01:25:55kill Manicola with his own gun.
01:26:00And while I was unconscious,
01:26:02you dumped the .25 in the perfect place.
01:26:05On him.
01:26:07There was just one problem.
01:26:10The poor slob was jealous of us.
01:26:13I'm sure you warned him,
01:26:15but he still kept following us around
01:26:17like some lovesick puppy.
01:26:23Lord knows it took me long enough,
01:26:26but I finally figured out who he was.
01:26:28So I had to go.
01:26:34All that was left was the will.
01:26:38It wasn't easy to find.
01:26:40Cops are still searching Manicola's office
01:26:43and his parents' house.
01:26:45I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:47I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:49I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:51I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:53I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:55I'm sure they'll find it.
01:26:56Manicola's office and his parents' house.
01:27:00But it was right here.
01:27:02Rolled up in the barrel of that shotgun.
01:27:06In his own house.
01:27:08If he'd gotten here a little earlier, Vicki,
01:27:12he just might have beaten me to it.
01:27:16it doesn't have to end like this.
01:27:20I don't care what happens to me.
01:27:22I don't care about any of it.
01:27:24All I want is to be with you.
01:27:28All those years with Arthur.
01:27:31I forgot what it was like to be happy.
01:27:34Be in love.
01:27:37Then I met you again.
01:27:40You planned it, Vicki.
01:27:43You planned everything.
01:27:45You don't believe that.
01:27:47You can't.
01:27:49The biggest mistake I ever made was leaving you.
01:27:53I don't want to lose you again.
01:28:00It's good between us, isn't it?
01:28:31Let's go.
01:28:33Oh, Vicki.
01:28:38Think about what you're doing.
01:28:41You've got the only evidence.
01:28:44All you have to do is walk away.
01:28:45You're much too persistent to let me get away with that.
01:28:51But things have changed.
01:28:56The way we feel
01:29:00is things we didn't plan.
01:29:13I don't know.
01:29:15I don't think you can do it, Vic.
01:29:18You'd have done it before.
01:29:20Or Manicola had me by the throat or a hundred other times
01:29:23while I was asleep beside you.
01:29:29It would have been easy then.
01:29:31Much easier than now.
01:29:34When I'm standing here,
01:29:36able to see every facet of light in your eyes,
01:29:41smell your hair,
01:29:43and even taste you.
01:29:50You can't do it.
01:29:54You'd be killing yourself.
01:29:59Killing us.
01:30:16Oh, my Michael.
01:30:42I'm sorry.