Al-Quran para number 2 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz

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Al-Quran para number 2 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1
Translation Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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00:00:00The block-headed will say what has turned them away from the direction they'd formerly observed in prayer.
00:00:27Say, Do Allah belong the East and the West? He guides whomsoever He wills onto a straight way.
00:00:57And it is thus that We appointed you to be the community of the Middle Way, so that you might be witnesses to all mankind, and the Messenger might be a witness to you.
00:01:27We appointed the direction which you formerly observed, so that we might distinguish those who follow the Messenger from those who turn on their heels.
00:01:37For it was indeed burdensome except for those whom Allah guided.
00:01:42And Allah will never leave your faith to waste.
00:01:45Allah is full of gentleness and mercy to mankind.
00:01:50We have seen the turning of your face in the sky, so We will surely turn you to a Qiblah which you will see.
00:02:00So turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque.
00:02:05And wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it.
00:02:09And indeed, those who have been given the Book know that it is the truth from their Lord.
00:02:15And Allah is not unmindful of what they do.
00:02:45And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, then you are certainly of the wrongdoers, and you will be punished with the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment of the
00:03:15And yet, no matter what proofs you bring before the people of the Book, they will not follow
00:03:23your direction of prayer. Nor will you follow their direction of prayer. None is prepared
00:03:29to follow the other's direction of prayer. Were you to follow their desires in disregard
00:03:35of the knowledge which has come to you, you will surely be reckoned among the wrongdoers.
00:03:40Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize the place towards which one must turn in prayer as fully as they recognize their own sons. This, even though a group of them knowingly conceals the truth.
00:04:09This is a definite truth from your Lord. Be not then among the doubters.
00:04:37Everyone has a direction towards which he turns, so excel one another in good works. Allah will bring you all together, wherever you might be, for nothing is beyond His power.
00:05:02From wheresoever you might come forth, turn your face towards the Holy Mosque, for that indeed is the truth from your Lord, and Allah is not heedless of what you do.
00:05:32From wheresoever you come forth, turn your faces towards the Holy Mosque, and wheresoever
00:05:50you may be, turn your faces towards it in prayer, so that none may have an argument
00:05:56against you, unless they be those immersed in wrongdoing. Do not fear them, but fear
00:06:03only Me, so that I may complete My favour upon you. Perhaps you will be guided to the right way.
00:06:26Just as when We sent among you a Messenger of yourselves, who recites to you Our signs, purifies your lives, instructs you in the Book, and in wisdom, and instructs you what you did not know,
00:06:53so remember Me, and I shall remember you. Give thanks to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me for My favours.
00:07:02Believers, seek help in patience and in prayer. Allah is with those that are patient.
00:07:18And do not say of those who are killed in the way of Allah that they are dead. They are alive, even though you have no knowledge of their life.
00:07:40We shall certainly test you by afflicting you with fear, hunger, loss of properties, and lives, and fruits. Give glad tidings then to those who remain patient.
00:08:07Those who, when any affliction smites them, they say, Verily, we belong to Allah, and it is to Him that we are destined to return.
00:08:30Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy, and those are the ones who are guided.
00:08:48Surely, al-Safa and al-Marwah are the symbols of Allah. Hence, whoever performs Hajj, full pilgrimage to the House of Allah,
00:09:16or makes Umrah, minor pilgrimage, will find that it is no sin for him to ambulate between the two. And whoever does a good work voluntarily should know that Allah is appreciative, all-knowing.
00:09:31Those who conceal anything of the clear teachings and true guidance which we have sent down, even though we have made them clear in our Book, Allah curses such people.
00:10:01And so do all the cursers, except those who repent and make amends and openly declare what they have concealed. Such shall I pardon, for I am much-relenting, most compassionate.
00:10:25As for those who disbelieved and died disbelieving, surely the curse of Allah and of the angels and of all men is on them.
00:10:55Thus shall they abide, and their chastisement shall not be lightened, nor shall they be given respite.
00:11:02Your God is one God. There is no God but He, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
00:11:19Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that sail in the sea for the benefit of mankind, and what Allah sends down from the sky of water,
00:11:40then He brought the earth to life after its death, and He spread therein every kind of creature, and the spreading of the winds, and the clouds that are scattered between the heaven and the earth, are signs for a people who understand.
00:12:10Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that sail in the sea for the benefit of mankind, and what Allah sends down from the sky of water,
00:12:40then He brought the earth to life after its death, and He spread therein every kind of creature, and the spreading of the winds, and the clouds that are scattered between the heaven and the earth, are signs for a people who understand.
00:13:01Yet there are some who take others as equals to Allah, and love them as Allah alone should be loved. But those who truly believe, they love Allah more than all else. If only the wrongdoers were to perceive now, as they will perceive when they will see the chastisement, that all power belongs to Allah alone, and that Allah is severe in chastisement.
00:13:25When those who have been followed will disown their followers, and they will see the chastisement, and their resources will be cut asunder.
00:13:44And the followers will then say, Oh, if only we might return again, we would disown them, as they have disowned us. Thus Allah will show them the way to Paradise.
00:14:14And He will show them their works, in a manner causing them bitter regrets. Never will they come out of the fire.
00:14:21O people, eat of the lawful and pure things in the earth, and follow not in the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a manifest enemy.
00:14:38O people, eat of the lawful and pure things in the earth, and follow not in the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a manifest enemy.
00:14:48He only commands you to do evil, and commit acts of indecency, and to ascribe to Allah the things concerning which you have no knowledge, that He really is their source.
00:15:12And when they are told, Follow what Allah has revealed, they say, No, we shall follow what we found our forefathers adhering to.
00:15:41What? Even if their forefathers were devoid of understanding and right guidance?
00:15:46Those who have refused to follow the way of Allah resemble cattle.
00:16:08When the shepherd calls them, they hear nothing except shouting and crying. They are deaf, dumb, and blind, and so they understand nothing.
00:16:31Believers, eat of the pure things wherewith we have provided you for sustenance, and give thanks to Allah, if it is Him that you serve.
00:16:40He has made unlawful to you only carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that over which there has been pronounced the name of anyone other than Allah.
00:17:01He has made unlawful to you only carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that over which there has been pronounced the name of anyone other than Allah.
00:17:11But he who is constrained to eat of them, and he neither covets them, nor exceeds the indispensable limit, incurs no sin. Allah is all-forgiving, all-compassionate.
00:17:24Those who conceal anything of the Book revealed by Allah, and sell it away for a trifling gain,
00:17:53are merely filling their bellies with fire. Allah will neither address them on the Day of Resurrection, nor shall He pronounce them pure. A painful chastisement lies in store for them.
00:18:06They are the ones who bought error in exchange for true guidance, and chastisement in exchange for forgiveness. How patient they are in enduring the fire!
00:18:28This is so because Allah revealed the Book with the truth, but those who disagree concerning the Book veered far away from the truth.
00:18:51It is not righteousness to turn your faces to the East and the West, but righteousness is to believe in Allah, and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the Prophets,
00:19:07and He gave wealth to those who loved Him, those who were near to Him, the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who asked for help, and those who were in the grave, and those who performed prayer, and those who gave zakah,
00:19:23and those who fulfill their covenant when they have done so, and those who are patient in adversity, and in adversity, and in adversity. Those are the ones who are truthful, and those are the righteous.
00:19:53True righteousness is attained by those who are faithful to their promise once they have made it, and by those who remain steadfast in adversity and affliction, and at the time of battle between truth and falsehood.
00:20:18Such are the truthful ones, such are the God-fearing.
00:20:48Believers, retribution is prescribed for you in cases of killing. If a free man is guilty, then the free man. If a slave is guilty, then the slave. If a female is guilty, then the female.
00:21:15But if something of a murderer's guilt is remitted by his brother, this should be adhered to in fairness, and payment be made in a goodly manner. This is an alleviation and a mercy from your Lord, and for him who commits excess. After that, there is a painful chastisement.
00:21:33And for you in retribution is life, O people of understanding, that you may be righteous.
00:22:03It is decreed that when death approaches, those of you who leave behind property shall bequeath equitably to parents and kinsmen. This is an obligation on the God-fearing.
00:22:28Then, if anyone alters the will after hearing it, their sin shall be upon them who alter. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
00:22:50He who suspects that the testator has committed an error or injustice, and then brings about a settlement among the parties concerned, incurs no sin. Surely, Allah is Much-Forgiving, Most-Compassionate.
00:23:17Believers, fasting is enjoined upon you as it was enjoined upon those before you that you become God-fearing.
00:23:47Fasting is for a fixed number of days, and if one of you be sick, or if one of you be on a journey, you will fast the same number of other days later on. For those who are capable of fasting, but still do not fast, there is a redemption, feeding a needy man for each day missed.
00:24:15Whoever voluntarily does more good than is required will find it better for him, and that you should fast is better for you if you only know.
00:24:45During the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was sent down as a guidance to the people with clear signs of the true guidance and as the criterion between right and wrong.
00:25:15So those of you who live to see that month should fast it, and whoever is sick or on a journey should fast the same number of other days instead. Allah wants ease and not hardship for you, so that you may complete the number of days required. Magnify Allah for what He has guided you to, and give thanks to Him.
00:25:46O Muhammad, when My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am quite near. I hear and answer the call of the caller whenever he calls Me. Let them listen to My call, and believe in Me. Perhaps they will be guided aright.
00:26:08The night of fasting has been made lawful for you, and it is for your wives. They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them. Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He has forgiven you and pardoned you.
00:26:27So now give them good tidings, and seek what Allah has written for you, and eat and drink until the white cloth becomes clear to you from the black cloth of the dawn. Then the night of fasting will come, and you will give good tidings to them while you are standing in the mosques.
00:26:50It has been made lawful for you to go into your wives during the night of the fast. They are your garment, and you are theirs. Allah knows that you used to betray yourselves, and He mercifully relented and pardoned you.
00:27:15So you may now associate intimately with your wives and benefit from the enjoyment Allah has made lawful for you, and eat and drink at night until you can discern the white streak of dawn against the blackness of the night. Then give up all that and complete your fasting until night sets in.
00:27:35But do not associate intimately with your wives during the period when you are on retreat in the mosques. These are the bounds set by Allah. Do not then even draw near them. Thus does Allah make His signs clear to mankind that they may stay away from evil.
00:28:05Do not usurp one another's possessions by false means, nor proffer your possessions to the authorities, so that you may sinfully and knowingly usurp a portion of another's possessions.
00:28:35People question you concerning the phases of the moon. Say, they are signs to determine time for the sake of people and for the pilgrimage. Also tell them, true righteousness is not that you enter your houses from the back. Righteousness lies in fearing Allah.
00:29:05So enter your houses by their doors, and fear Allah that you might attain true success.
00:29:11Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors.
00:29:32And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they have driven you out. And transgression is worse than killing. And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. And if they fight you, then kill them. Thus is the reward of the disbelievers.
00:29:56And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they have driven you out. And transgression is worse than killing. And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. And if they fight you, then kill them. Thus is the reward of the disbelievers.
00:30:18And if they fight you, then kill them. Thus is the reward of the disbelievers.
00:30:43Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by Allah prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is directed only against the wrongdoers.
00:30:56The Sacred Month for the Sacred Month. Sanctities should be respected alike by all concerned. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. And if he has not attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. And if he has not attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. And if he has not attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him
00:31:26just as he attacked you. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:31:34Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:31:42Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:31:50Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:31:58Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:06Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:14Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:22Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:30Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:38Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:44Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:50Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:32:56Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:33:02Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:33:08Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:33:14Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:33:20Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you.
00:33:26He shall fast for three days during Hajj, and for seven days after he returns home, that is ten days in all.
00:33:34This privilege is for those whose families do not live near the Holy Mosque.
00:33:40Guard against violating these ordinances of Allah, and be mindful that Allah is severe in chastisement.
00:33:48The Hajj is a month of knowledge, and whoever spends the Hajj therein,
00:33:55there shall be no negligence and no dispute in the Hajj.
00:34:02And whatever good you do, Allah knows it.
00:34:07And you should provide for yourselves, for the best increase is in piety.
00:34:12And be mindful of Me, O men of understanding.
00:34:18The months of Hajj are well known.
00:34:20Whoever intends to perform pilgrimage in these months shall abstain from sensual indulgence,
00:34:26wicked conduct, and quarreling.
00:34:29And whatever good you do, Allah knows it.
00:34:32Take your provisions for the pilgrimage, but in truth, the best provision is piety.
00:34:38Men of understanding, beware of disobeying Me.
00:34:41It is no offence for you to seek the bounty of your Lord during pilgrimage,
00:35:09When you hasten back from Arafat, then remember Allah at Al-Mash'ar Al-Haram, i.e. Al-Muzdalifah.
00:35:16And remember Him in the manner He has directed you, for before this, you were surely in error.
00:35:32Then press on, even as others press on, and implore Allah's forgiveness.
00:35:38Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
00:35:42And when you have performed your rites, remember Allah as you remember your fathers, or remember Him even more.
00:36:11There are some among those that remember Allah who say,
00:36:15Our Lord, grant us what is good in this world, such shall have no share in the hereafter.
00:36:34There are others who say, Our Lord, grant us what is good in this world, and what is good in the world to come, and protect us from the chastisement of the fire.
00:36:57They shall have a portion from what they earned.
00:37:00Allah is quick in reckoning.
00:37:02And remember Allah in a few days, for he who hastens in two days shall have no sin against him, and he who delays shall have no sin against him for he who fears Allah, and fear Allah, and know that to Him you shall be gathered.
00:37:25And remember Allah through the appointed days.
00:37:28It is no sin for him who hastens off and returns in two days, and it is no sin for him who delays the return, provided he has spent the days in piety.
00:37:38Beware of disobeying Allah, and know well that to Him you all shall be mustered.
00:37:55Among people there is a kind whose sayings on the affairs of the world fascinate you.
00:38:01He calls Allah again and again to bear testimony to his sincerity, yet he is most fierce in enmity.
00:38:10Whenever he attains authority, he goes about the earth spreading mischief and laying to waste crops and human life, even though Allah, whose testimony he invokes, does not love mischief.
00:38:34Whenever he is told, fear Allah, his vain glory seizes him in his sin, so hell shall suffice for him. What a wretched resting place!
00:38:55And among the people is he who wills to seek the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is kind to His servants.
00:39:06On the other hand, among men there is a kind who dedicates his life seeking to please Allah. Allah is immensely kind to such devoted servants.
00:39:17Believers, enter wholly into Islam, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, for he is your open enemy.
00:39:39And if you stumble in spite of the clear instructions which have come to you, then know well that Allah is most mighty, most wise.
00:40:00Do they wait for Allah to come to them in clouds and angels, and that the matter be decided? And to Allah are all matters returned.
00:40:15Are those people who are not following the right path in spite of admonition and instruction waiting for Allah to come to them in canopies of clouds with a retinue of angels and settle the matter finally? To Allah shall all matters ultimately be referred.
00:40:45Ask the children of Israel how many clear signs We gave them, and when a people tamper with Allah's bounty after it has been bestowed on them, then indeed Allah is severe in punishment.
00:41:04The life of this world is adorned for those who disbelieve and mock those who believe, and those who fear Allah above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah provides for whom He wills without reckoning.
00:41:22Worldly life has been made attractive to those who have denied the truth. Such men deride the men of faith, but the pious shall rank higher than them on the Day of Resurrection. As for worldly livelihood, Allah grants it to whomsoever He wills without measure.
00:41:41The people were one nation, and Allah raised the Prophets as bearers of good tidings and warners. And He sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed.
00:42:11So Allah guided those who believed to that in which they differed from the truth by His permission. And Allah guides whomsoever He wills to a straight path.
00:42:41And those who innovated divergent ways rather than follow the truth were none other than those who had received the knowledge of the truth and clear guidance, and they did so to commit excesses against each other.
00:43:04So by His leave, Allah directed the believers to the right way in matters on which they disagreed. Allah guides whomsoever He wills onto a straight way.
00:43:34And those who believed with him, when will be the help of Allah? Verily, the help of Allah is near.
00:44:04When will Allah's help arrive? They were assured, Behold, Allah's help is close by.
00:44:10They ask you, What do they spend? Say, Whatever good you spend, it is for the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, Allah knows best.
00:44:41Allah is aware of whatever good you do.
00:44:47Fighting is ordained upon you, and it is disliked by you. It may well be that you dislike a thing, and it is disliked by you.
00:45:10Fighting is ordained upon you, and it is disliked by you. It may well be that you dislike a thing, even though it is good for you. And it may well be that you like a thing, even though it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know.
00:45:27They ask you about the month of al-Haram, there is fighting therein. Say, Fighting therein is great, and a barrier from the way of Allah, and disbelief in it, and the Masjid al-Haram, and the expulsion of his family from it is greater in the sight of Allah, and the trial is greater than the killing.
00:45:50And they continue to fight you until they turn you away from your religion, if they can. And whoever turns away from his religion from you, he dies while he is a disbeliever. For those, their deeds have come to naught in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein.
00:46:20People ask you about fighting in the holy month. Say, Fighting in it is an awesome sin, but barring people from the way of Allah, disbelieving in him, and denying entry into the holy mosque, and expelling its inmates from it are more awesome acts in the sight of Allah, and persecution is even more heinous than killing.
00:46:43They will not cease fighting against you till they turn you from your religion, if they can. So remember well, that whoever from amongst you turns away from his religion and dies in the state of unbelief, their work will go to waste, in this world and in the next. They are destined for the fire, and it is there that they will abide.
00:47:13On the contrary, those who believed and forsook their hearth and home and strove in the way of Allah, such may rightly hope for the mercy of Allah. For Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.
00:47:43They ask you about wine and games of chance. Say, In both these there is great evil, even though there is some benefit for people, but their evil is greater than their benefit.
00:48:13They ask, What should we spend in the way of Allah? Say, Whatever you can spare. In this way Allah clearly expounds his injunctions to you, that you may reflect upon them.
00:48:43Both in regard to this world and the next. They question you concerning orphans. Say, To deal with them in the way which is to their good, that is best. And if you intermix your expenses and living with them, there is no harm, for they are your brothers.
00:49:04Allah knows the mischievous from the righteous. And had Allah willed, He would indeed have imposed on you exacting conditions. But He is all-powerful, most wise.
00:49:34A believer is better than an idolater, even if he pleases you. They are the ones who invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and forgiveness by His leave. And He reveals His signs to the people, that they may remember.
00:50:05Likewise, do not give your women in marriage to men who associate others with Allah in His divinity, until they believe. For a believing slave is better than a free, respectable man who associates others with Allah in His divinity, even though he might please you.
00:50:29Such people call you towards the Fire, and Allah calls you by His leave towards Paradise and forgiveness. And He makes His injunctions clear to people, so that they may take heed.
00:50:59They ask you about menstruation. Say, it is a state of impurity, so keep away from women in the state of menstruation. And do not approach them until they are cleansed. And when they are cleansed, then come to them as Allah has commanded.
00:51:30Truly, Allah loves those who abstain from evil and keep themselves pure.
00:51:36Your wives are your tilth. Go then into your tilth as you wish, but take heed of your ultimate future and avoid incurring the wrath of Allah.
00:52:02Know well that one day you shall face Him. Announce good tidings to the believers.
00:52:09Do not swear by Allah in your oaths if they are intended to hinder you from virtue, piety and promoting the good of mankind.
00:52:30Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
00:52:35Allah will not take you to task for the oaths you utter in vain, but will certainly take you to task for the oaths you utter in earnest.
00:52:57Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.
00:53:02For those who vow abstinence from their wives, there is a respite of four months.
00:53:22Then if they go back on their vow, they will find that Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate.
00:53:29And if they resolve on divorce, surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
00:53:42Divorced women wait for three generations.
00:53:50It is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs.
00:53:56In their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day and their vows, it is more likely that they will be returned to that if they desire reformation.
00:54:14And for them is equal what is due to them in good and for men is a degree.
00:54:22And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
00:54:25Divorced women shall keep themselves in waiting for three menstrual courses.
00:54:31And it is unlawful for them, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day, to hide whatever Allah might have created in their wombs.
00:54:39Should their husbands desire reconciliation during this time, they are entitled to take them back into wedlock.
00:54:45Women have the same rights against their men as men have against them.
00:54:50But men have a degree above them.
00:54:51Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.
00:55:21Divorce can be pronounced twice.
00:55:37Then either honorable retention or kindly release should follow.
00:55:43While dissolving the marriage tie, it is unlawful for you to take back anything of what you have given to your wives unless both fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah.
00:55:56Then if they fear that they might not be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah, there's no blame upon them for what the wife might give away of her property to become released from the marriage tie.
00:56:08These are the bounds set by Allah. Do not transgress them.
00:56:12Those of you who transgress the bounds set by Allah are indeed the wrongdoers.
00:56:37Then if he divorces her for the third time after having pronounced the divorce twice, she shall not be lawful to him unless she first takes another man for a husband and he divorces her.
00:56:58There's no blame upon them if both of them return to one another thereafter, provided they think that they will be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah.
00:57:09These are the bounds of Allah which he makes clear to a people who have knowledge of the consequences of violating those bounds.
00:57:18And when you have divorced the women and reached their term, hold them to good terms or expel them to good terms, and do not hold them to harm, lest you transgress.
00:57:35And whosoever transgresses, and does so, he has wronged himself. And take not the Signs of Allah as a mockery, but remember Allah's favour upon you and what He has sent down to you of the Book and Wisdom, that He may guide you thereby. And fear Allah, and know that Allah has knowledge of all things.
00:58:03And so, when you divorce women and they reach the end of their waiting term, then either retain them in a fair manner or let them go in a fair manner, and do not retain them to their hurt or by way of transgression.
00:58:17And whosoever transgresses, and does so, he has wronged himself. And take not the Signs of Allah as a mockery, but remember Allah's favour upon you and what He has sent down to you of the Book and Wisdom, that He may guide you thereby. And fear Allah, and know that Allah has knowledge of all things.
00:58:39And so, when you divorce women and they reach the end of their waiting term, then either retain them in a fair manner or let them go in a fair manner, and do not retain them to their hurt or by way of transgression.
00:59:02And fear Allah, and know that Allah has knowledge of all things.
00:59:32And as you do not know.
01:00:02And if you want to have children, there is no blame on you if you submit what you have given in a good manner. And fear Allah, and know that Allah sees what you do.
01:00:32And if mothers wish that the period of suckling for their children be completed, mothers may suckle their children for two whole years. In such a case, it is incumbent upon him who has begotten the child to provide them, i.e., divorced women, their sustenance and clothing in a fair manner.
01:00:51But none shall be burdened with more than he is able to bear. Neither shall a mother suffer because of her child, nor shall the father be made to suffer because he has begotten him. The same duty towards the suckling mother rests upon the heir as upon him, i.e., the father.
01:01:09And if both the parents decide by mutual consent and consultation to wean the child, there is no blame on them if you decide to have other women suckle your children. There is no blame upon you, provided you hand over its compensation in a fair manner. Fear Allah, and know well that Allah sees all that you do.
01:01:39The wives of men who have died must observe a waiting period of four months and ten days. When they have reached the end of the waiting term, there is no blame upon you regarding what they have done.
01:02:07There is no blame upon you regarding what they may do with themselves in a fair manner. Allah is well aware of what you do.
01:02:37There is no blame upon you whether you hint at a marriage proposal to such women or keep the proposal hidden in your hearts.
01:03:07Allah knows that you will think of them in that connection, but do not make any secret engagement with them and speak openly in an honourable manner. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah knows even what is in your hearts. So have fear of Him, and know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing.
01:03:34There is no blame upon you if you divorce your wives before you have touched them or settled a bridal gift upon them.
01:04:04But even in this case, you should make some provision for them, the affluent according to his means, the straightened according to his means, a provision in fair manner. That is a duty upon the good doers.
01:04:34There is no blame upon you whether you divorce your wives before you have touched them or settled a bridal gift upon them. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing. Do not resolve on the marriage tie until the ordained term has come to its end. Know well that Allah is all-for
01:05:04Either the women act leniently and forego their claim, or he in whose hand is the marriage tie acts leniently and pays the full amount. If you act leniently, it is closer to God-fearing. And forget not to act gracefully with one another, for indeed, Allah sees all that you do.
01:05:25Be watchful over the prayers, and over praying with the utmost excellence, and stand before Allah as would utterly obedient servants.
01:05:43And even if you face the state of fear, still perform the prayer, whether on foot or riding. And when you are secure, remember Allah in the manner that He taught you, the manner that you did not know earlier.
01:06:10Those of you who die leaving behind your wives should make testament of one year's provision, without expulsion.
01:06:40Likewise, let there be a fair provision for the divorced women. This is an obligation on the God-fearing.
01:07:10Thus Allah makes His injunctions clear to you, that you may understand.
01:07:40O Messenger! Have you thought of those who went forth from their homes for fear of death, even though they were in their thousands? Allah said to them, Die! Then He restored them to life. Indeed, Allah is bounteous to mankind, but most people do not give thanks in return.
01:07:59So fight in the way of Allah, and know well that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
01:08:29Allah has the power both to decrease and increase, and to Him will you be returned.
01:08:59O Messenger! Have you thought of those who went forth from their homes for fear of death, even though they were in their thousands? Allah said to them, Die! Then He restored them to life. Indeed, Allah is Bounteous to mankind, but most people do not give thanks in return.
01:09:29O Messenger! Have you thought of those who went forth from their homes for fear of death, even though they were in their thousands? Allah said to them, Die! Then He restored them to life. Indeed, Allah is Bounteous to mankind, but most people do not give thanks in return.
01:09:59So fight in the way of Allah, and know well that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
01:10:29And their prophet said to them, Indeed, Allah has sent forth Saul, Talut, as your king. They said, By what right shall he rule over us, when we are more worthy than he to dominion, for he is not very wealthy? He said, Allah has chosen him over you, and has endowed him abundantly with both intellectual and physical capacities.
01:10:57Allah indeed has the power to bestow dominion upon whomsoever He wills. Allah is All-Resourceful, All-Knowing.
01:11:27And their prophet said to them, The sign of his dominion is, that in his reign the ark wherein is inner peace for you, will be brought back to you, and the sacred relics left behind by the house of Moses and the house of Aaron, born by angels. Truly, in that is a sign for you, if indeed you are people of faith.
01:11:57So when Talut separated the soldiers, he said, Indeed, Allah will test you by day. So whoever drinks from it is not from me, and whoever does not feed him is from me, except he who takes a room in his hand, and they drink from it, except a few of them.
01:12:26So when he and those who believed with him passed it, they said, There is no power for us today against Jalut and his soldiers.
01:12:37Those who think that they will meet Allah will say, How many a small party has overcome a large party by the permission of Allah, and Allah is with the patient.
01:13:07But as soon as Saul, Talut, and the believers with him went forth across the river, they said, Today we have no strength to face Goliath, Jalut, and his forces.
01:13:31But those who believed that they were bound to meet their Lord said, How often has a small party prevailed against a large party by the leave of Allah. Allah is with those who remain steadfast.
01:13:44And when they came out before Jalut and his soldiers, they said, Our Lord, pour upon us patience, and make firm our feet, and help us against the disbelieving people.
01:13:58And when they went forth against Goliath, Jalut, and his forces, they prayed, Our Lord, shower us with patience, and set our feet firm, and grant us victory over this unbelieving people.
01:14:12So they defeated them by the permission of Allah, and David killed Jalut, and Allah gave him power and wisdom, and taught him whatever he wanted. And if Allah had not pushed some of the people away with some, the earth would have been corrupted, but Allah is the possessor of grace over the worlds.
01:14:39Thereupon, by Allah's leave, they put the unbelievers to flight, and David killed Goliath, and Allah granted him dominion and wisdom, and imparted to him the knowledge of whatever he willed. And were it not that Allah repelled some people with another, the earth would surely be overlaid with mischief. But Allah is bounteous to the people of the world, and thus extirpates mischief.
01:15:09These are the signs of Allah which we recite to you in truth, for indeed, you are one of those entrusted with the message.
