• last year
People across the Highlands have spoken about what they want from the newly elected Wingecarribee Shire Council.
00:00What do you want from the incoming council?
00:02Okay, well, I did actually prepare a bit of a list
00:04First thing I think is communication. I want them to listen
00:07I want them to listen to the community and I want them to respond
00:11But that seems to be the major issue that we're not getting communication. We're not being listened to
00:17I think the whole administration's been really disappointing. Nothing seems to have changed. I want teamwork
00:23I want them to work together. I want people with side hustles and single issues
00:28I want people to go what is best for the community or the various communities that are out that spread out in the Highlands
00:37So listen to us, work together, be decent human beings. No mates rates, no
00:44special interest. No, you know a bit of give and take here about what what is best for us
00:49I want them to be able to like adults and to come to an agreement on things without putting personal opinions too strongly
00:58To stand up, they have to have some backbone, but they don't have to be antagonistic or aggressive or anything
01:05So we want them to to just be able to come to a mutual agreement on things
01:13I'm concerned about development in the Windsor Caribbee Shire. I accept that it has to happen
01:18but in keeping with the character of the Shire and
01:23especially for all the small villages such as the one I live in here in Exeter
01:26but there are many beautiful villages in the Shire and if we allow unfettered development to go ahead then
01:34we lose the, and I hate this word because it's a bit hackneyed, the chance
