• last year
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan penerapan skema pemanfaatan bersama jaringan transmisi (PBJT) atau power wheeling tidak diserahkan kepada mekanisme pasar bebas. Adapun, skema baru power wheeling diusulkan masuk ke dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Energi Baru dan Energi Terbarukan (RUU EBET). Beleid ini nantinya akan mengatur kekhususan dan pengaturan power wheeling melalui sewa jaringan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan energi baru dan energi terbarukan (EBET).

Direktur Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) Kementerian ESDM Eniya Listiani Dewi menyampaikan, skema power wheeling yang diusulkan dalam RUU EBET mengatur beberapa batasan terkait pemanfaatan jaringan transmisi. Eninya mencontohkan, nantinya pemegang izin usaha penyediaan tenaga listrik untuk kepentingan umum (pembangkit IUPTLU) EBET dilarang untuk menyalurkan listriknya secara langsung ke konsumen, baik itu di dalam wilayah usaha (wilus) PLN maupun di luar wilayah usaha lain.

Namun, dalam skema power wheeling RUU EBET nantinya akan memungkinkan pembangkit IUPTLU yang berada di wilus PLN dapat menyalurkan listrik ke kawasan industri melalui wilus di luar milik PLN dengan menyewa jaringan PLN.

Selain itu, pemegang izin usaha pembangkit tenaga listrik surya (IUPTLS) dan konsumen PLN yang memiliki sendiri pembangkit EBET dapat menyalurkan listrik ke beban perusahaan tertentu dengan menyewa jaringan PLN.


00:00The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has confirmed that the new Energy Law and Renewable Energy Plan, or RUEBET, are just a few steps away.
00:18Currently, the government and the DPR have discussed all aspects of the law, but there are still two issues that have not reached an agreement.
00:31The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has confirmed that the new Energy Law and Renewable Energy Plan, or RUEBET, are just a few steps away.
00:39Of the 63 articles discussed, 61 of them have been agreed, and only two articles have not reached an agreement.
00:46The two articles are a collection of mutual benefits of transmission networks or power wheeling.
00:51According to the Director General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, or EBTKE, Enya Lissiani Dewi,
00:58the government recommends that the fulfillment of consumer electricity needs sourced from renewable energy must be carried out on the basis of RUPTL and can be done through the network rental mechanism.
01:10In the network rental PBJT mechanism, the power transmission network enterprise must open access to benefits with its transmission network for public interest.
01:20Then the network rental in the next PBJT mechanism will be regulated in the government regulations.
01:26Enya added that with the existence of this PBJT scheme, the private sector can become an electricity provider so that the price of EBT electricity becomes cheaper.
01:34The articles are a collection of mutual benefits of transmission networks or RUPTL and can be done through the network rental mechanism.
01:57Through RUU EBT, an enterprise that is currently installing renewable energy contributes to biomass and tries to reduce emissions to get incentives from the value of carbon economy.
02:08This RUU acceleration is called Enya because of the urgent need to smoothen the way in providing electricity for areas that still lack electricity access.
02:17Especially in eastern Indonesia, which still relies on diesel-powered electricity generators whose price is much higher than other areas in Indonesia.
02:25From Jakarta, Riverman Syah, IDX Channel
02:55Good morning, Mr. Fabi.
02:56Good morning, Bras.
02:58How are you, Sir?
02:59I'm fine.
03:00Thank you for your time. Let's start the review.
03:03What do you think about the power-wheeling scheme?
03:07Because this seems to be one of the articles that has not yet been agreed upon in relation to the EBT legislation.
03:14If I look at the power-wheeling or mutual network benefits,
03:25long before this, there was already a determination on the benefits of the mutual network.
03:29For example, in 2015, there was a Permit SDM No. 1.
03:33Which regulates the title of the permit.
03:37Benefits with the power network.
03:40And this is made possible by the power-wheeling legislation.
03:44If we look at the determination of the Employment Creation Law,
03:50where the power-wheeling legislation is included,
03:56which is included in Permit SDM No. 11-2021.
04:02There, the network benefits of the owners of business areas are also made possible.
04:08In fact, if we look at it, there are certain implications in those articles
04:16which imply that network benefits are indeed one of the instruments
04:22that help owners of business areas, for public interest,
04:29to ensure the safety of their electricity supply
04:34or to provide electricity for their business areas to their customers.
04:42And today, actually, it happens indirectly.
04:47For example, I take an example in Central Java.
04:51There is an industrial control area.
04:54The industrial control area actually has its own business area.
04:59But part of the electricity is taken from PLN.
05:04Actually, they have already used it.
05:09Just because the transmission is owned by PLN,
05:13PLN uses the transmission to sell electricity
05:18from the PLN power plant to the industrial control area.
05:22They sell it in bulk.
05:25This is something normal.
05:27So, actually, this is not a new thing.
05:29What then becomes an issue is,
05:32as if this scheme will create liberalization.
05:37In fact, with today's concept,
05:39with the private sector being given the opportunity to get business areas,
05:44and there are more than 50 business areas throughout Indonesia,
05:47actually, this can be rejected.
05:50Of course, in the dynamics of the RUEBET discussion,
05:55it does become more complex.
05:58It's not just the same scheme.
06:01Because it is wanted by the government
06:04so that the use of joint electricity networks
06:08can also be used to accelerate the achievement
06:13of the development of renewable energy sources in Indonesia.
06:19That's the picture.
06:22So, from the perspective of Indef,
06:24how big is the potential of this power wheeling system
06:27in the development of renewable energy in Indonesia?
06:30Mr. Habra.
06:31Yes, Mr. Pras.
06:32So, first, maybe I want to invite us
06:35to talk about the macro and holistic aspects
06:40of renewable energy.
06:43First, what is the philosophy of renewable energy?
06:46Renewable energy is a source of energy
06:50that can support the economic activities of the community,
06:52both households and industries.
06:54With this current condition,
06:56the government has a commitment
06:58to increase renewable energy sources
07:01through the 2021-2030 Green RUPTL.
07:05And the effort to increase the portion of renewable energy sources
07:09also continues to increase every year.
07:11Up to 13.4%.
07:13But the fundamental error that we are facing right now
07:17is that the demand or consumption of national electricity
07:21is still not optimal.
07:22This causes a classic problem related to electricity oversupply.
07:25This is between the supply side and the demand side until now.
07:29It is far from the discussion in the renewable energy era.
07:33So, we are talking about solving the structural problem
07:36about the demand for electricity that is not optimal.
07:38We are too focused on the supply issue.
07:40Although what we are discussing is the supply side of renewable energy.
07:43Second, of course, with the existence of this powerwheeling scheme,
07:48which certainly does not have urgency
07:51in the midst of still very high oversupply conditions,
07:54this will be a burden and an additional risk
07:57for the incoming government, as well as for the fiscal.
07:59Moreover, Mr. Fabi was mentioned earlier in a B2B way.
08:02Actually, this powerwheeling mechanism
08:04has been regulated in the SDM No. 1 Permit since 2015.
08:08But again, in a B2B way.
08:10And it is very clear in the Energy Efficiency Law
08:14and in the SDM Permit that
08:16one business area is only provided by one business body.
08:21But if this powerwheeling scheme,
08:23this will be a very drastic change.
08:25Not a multi-seller-multi-buyer anymore,
08:28but a multi-buyer-multi-seller.
08:31And this liberalization mechanism is very obvious.
08:36And the open access mechanism
08:40is certainly very controversial with the Law No. 30 of 2009
08:44on electricity power.
08:46And also, if we talk about the benchmark from various countries
08:50that have implemented the powerwheeling scheme,
08:53it also failed.
08:55A moratorium was also carried out on the powerwheeling scheme
08:59because there was a very large electricity production excess
09:02which resulted in a burden for the country as well.
09:05So I think, if the government and the DPR
09:08really want to enforce the latest Energy Efficiency Law
09:12at the end of the current period,
09:14I can see that
09:17in the midst of the current pressure from the people
09:20and also the future economic risks,
09:22the public will definitely strongly reject
09:24the effort to liberalize the energy sector
09:26which actually already happened on the right side,
09:29but this will be continued to the left.
09:32So, of course, this will be a self-consideration
09:36for President Prabowo
09:38to maintain social and political stability
09:40in the first year of his government.
09:42I think this will be quite dilemmatic.
09:45The law will be decided by the government and the DPR
09:49in the near future.
09:51How does AISR see it, Mr. Fahpy?
09:54If there was a concern earlier about the liberalization
09:57with the use of the transmission network,
10:00do you think this is the right thing to do?
10:02Because the SDM also promised that
10:04the powerwheeling scheme will not be completely
10:06left to the market mechanism, Mr. Fahpy.
10:09I disagree with the statement that
10:12making open access, powerwheeling,
10:16is a liberalization scheme.
10:19It depends on how we see it.
10:21Why is this a problem?
10:23Because the owner of the largest business area in Indonesia
10:26and who controls the electricity transmission
10:29is PLN.
10:30PLN is Vertical Integrated.
10:33From the developer to the distributor to the retailer.
10:37When a business entity such as PLN,
10:41which is BUMN,
10:43controls the transmission network,
10:45then it automatically has a monopoly power.
10:52It owns it.
10:55Now, is it allowed for the electricity transmission
10:58to be owned by a non-PLN BUMN business entity?
11:03It's allowed, actually.
11:05And it doesn't violate the law.
11:07It's allowed.
11:09And this is what should also be seen.
11:12And does it violate the Basic Law?
11:14No, it's still owned by the state.
11:17It still belongs to the public.
11:20And everywhere,
11:22if we talk about the electricity industry,
11:25the transmission should be accessible.
11:30For example, Japan.
11:32In the past, there were 7 different utilities in Japan.
11:35All of them were Vertical Integrated.
11:37Then there was the Fukushima crisis,
11:40which caused the government to restructurize.
11:45Japan is very similar to Indonesia.
11:48But it's a private company.
11:50But the Vertical Integrated is the same.
11:52Then it was restructurized.
11:54The electricity transmission
11:56was taken by the government
11:58and made into a National Transmission Company.
12:02Thus, it can be more effective
12:07to make transactions
12:10or transfer power to electricity.
12:12Because if it's owned by itself,
12:14it won't work.
12:16I imagine in Indonesia,
12:18the same concept can also be done.
12:21It can be managed.
12:23And there was a saying in the past
12:25that the transmission management company in PLN
12:30was done more independently.
12:33So it makes it possible for other business actors,
12:37remember, business actors are not always private.
12:41There are also BUMN.
12:44They also want to enter the renewable energy business.
12:50Because they didn't get permission
12:52to build a transmission network,
12:54they automatically use the existing transmission.
12:58So, again, this is a public asset.
13:00Now let's see
13:02whether this asset will be used optimally or not.
13:08Because if we choose...
13:10Actually, by owning a transmission asset,
13:13PLN can use this asset as a new revenue source.
13:19And it will be profitable.
13:21That's all the points that need to be discussed
13:24during the discussion.
13:26Because we're still waiting for the two markets,
13:28including PowerWheel.
13:29We'll discuss it in the next segment.
13:30We'll take a break.
13:32As long as you're still with us.
13:50We'll continue the discussion with Mr. Faby Tumeya,
13:53Director of the Executive Institute for Essential Service Reform.
13:56Then, Mr. Abrata Latov,
13:58Co-Founder of Food, Energy and Sustainable Development Indev.
14:02From Indev's point of view,
14:03what are the points that need to be discussed
14:07in the DPR regarding PowerWheeling?
14:11I think the government and the DPR need to be very careful
14:15to pass this PowerWheeling scheme
14:19because this will not only have an impact
14:22on the short-term energy sector,
14:25but also in the long term.
14:26This will be a gateway to liberalization,
14:30which is a structural problem,
14:32as I said,
14:33that there is still a mismatch between supply and demand for electricity.
14:36So, in the beginning, from 2019 to 2028,
14:39the assumption was that the growth target for electricity sales was 6.5%.
14:45But in reality,
14:46electricity sales are only 4.3% per year.
14:50And when electricity supply is pushed,
14:53either through fossil fuel or non-fossil fuel,
14:57but the speed demand decision cannot be balanced,
15:00this will be a problem.
15:01And all this time,
15:03the advantages of this oversupply must be borne by the state
15:07through subsidies and electricity compensation.
15:09Every year, the number continues to rise.
15:11Just last year, for example,
15:12electricity compensation has reached Rp70.9 trillion
15:15plus electricity subsidy Rp64 trillion.
15:18Again, this is related to the issue of electricity oversupply.
15:22also from the economic side,
15:25the government must also focus on
15:27how the manufacturing industry sector
15:29which is the main absorber of electricity
15:31can grow even higher.
15:33Because the manufacturing industry is currently experiencing deindustrialization.
15:37This is reflected in our PMI index,
15:39which has contracted for two consecutive months.
15:41Then, just last year,
15:42electricity sales for industry customers
15:44only grew by 0.1%.
15:47the growth of industrial consumption is very minimal.
15:51Even though this energy was increased from the needed energy
15:54to support industry activities.
15:56Well, what if the supply continues to increase,
15:59but the demand cannot be absorbed?
16:00It will definitely be a burden on the country's finances.
16:03In the end,
16:04when our fiscal numbers,
16:05in the middle of a very tight fiscal year,
16:08are no longer able to bear the additional subsidies and compensation,
16:12there will definitely be choices.
16:14There are two.
16:15Increase the debt deficit,
16:18or do a tariff adjustment.
16:20Raise the basic electricity tariff,
16:22which in the end,
16:23consumers will be affected.
16:24This power wheeling
16:25is actually increasing
16:28in a situation where we can't solve the problem of oversupply of electricity.
16:31So, I think this is a very serious problem
16:35if the government is reluctant
16:37to include the power wheeling
16:40in our energy sector.
16:42Mr. Fabian,
16:43then, how?
16:44Is there a concern that
16:45the oversupply of electricity,
16:47when the power wheeling scheme is implemented,
16:49needs to be taken care of?
16:50Don't let it end up being another attack,
16:53in other words,
16:54how the benefits are not optimal,
16:56and then there is another overpowering of electricity
17:00that will be drained.
17:03Yes, I don't see a strong relationship
17:06between these two things,
17:07between power wheeling and overcapacity,
17:09if I may say so.
17:10First, overcapacity is the result of a miscalculation.
17:15Yes, I exactly follow the electricity power scheme,
17:20it started from a 35,000 megawatt project.
17:23At that time,
17:24when it was planned,
17:26electricity growth was above 8.7%,
17:28economic growth was 7%,
17:30that was in 2015.
17:32Since 2015 until before COVID-19,
17:36we have never achieved an economic growth of 7%,
17:39the average economic growth was below 5%.
17:42Electricity growth has never reached 8.7%,
17:45but in the 2019 Europetal,
17:48and before that,
17:49the 35,000 megawatt capacity was maintained.
17:52Therefore, when COVID-19 happened,
17:55it became a problem.
17:56In 2018,
17:59the large-scale PLTU projects,
18:02which now have TEC or P,
18:04were canceled or delayed,
18:06but the contract was not even taken.
18:08Why is that?
18:10So there is COVID-19 and so on,
18:11it worsened.
18:14today's issue is
18:16if there is overcapacity,
18:18it is temporary.
18:20Even if we look at some regions,
18:22the situation is already critical.
18:25And it is estimated that in Java and Bali,
18:28the overcapacity condition will not last long,
18:31maybe only until next year.
18:33So if we talk about the law,
18:35the law is a long-term issue,
18:37to achieve a long-term goal,
18:39to achieve net zero emissions in 2060 or earlier.
18:42So not this year.
18:45the law does not discuss technical details,
18:48how this power willing will be implemented.
18:51It has been stated that it will be arranged
18:53in the government regulations, for example,
18:55where the government regulations will be submitted
18:58in the technical regulations,
19:00the ministerial regulations, for example.
19:01It will take at least 2-3 years
19:05to complete the implementation regulations.
19:07Only then can the law be implemented quickly.
19:12So there is no connection.
19:14That's what I said.
19:15What I said earlier,
19:17this power willing can be made
19:20by limiting it.
19:22How is it limited?
19:23For example,
19:24if the purpose is to generate renewable energy,
19:27then it can only be used
19:31to distribute green electrons
19:33or electricity from renewable energy.
19:35Outside of that, don't.
19:36This is to limit it.
19:40in the setting of the willing charge,
19:43or the rate,
19:44do not harm the network owners.
19:47Network owners,
19:48if we say,
19:49maybe not just PLN.
19:50Because earlier,
19:51there were more than 50 business owners
19:53who also have an integrated business area.
19:56So this will not only apply to PLN,
19:59but also to other business owners.
20:01This is what must be considered.
20:02This willing is not only for PLN,
20:05but also for others who have obtained permission.
20:08They also have the same rights,
20:10in my opinion,
20:12and have the obligation
20:14to fulfill the terms and conditions
20:15set by the law.
20:17Because of that,
20:19the principle is to ensure
20:21that the team is not disturbed,
20:24the reliance is not disturbed,
20:26the willing charge can accommodate the cost
20:30to maintain the quality of electricity,
20:34including the development of the network's investment
20:36in electricity,
20:37it must be included.
20:39So the use of the network is not free.
20:41There is an on-cost.
20:43This on-cost is set
20:46so that the network owner is not harmed.
20:49And lastly,
20:50there must be a regulation
20:53by the independent regulator body.
20:55It cannot be the owner of the business area
20:58or the owner of the infrastructure
21:00that determines the willing charge itself.
21:02And other regulations must be regulated
21:05with the principles I mentioned earlier.
21:07Because this regulatory body,
21:08in my opinion, is very important.
21:09Because it will be the arbiter,
21:12the judge,
21:13who will decide whether this is fair or not.
21:16But the principle of fairness,
21:19and then ensuring that
21:21the team is not disturbed,
21:23the reliability of the network must be maintained,
21:26in my opinion, is very important
21:28in the establishment of Power Willing.
21:30I think if these principles are accommodated
21:32in the RUEBET discussion,
21:35in the Power Willing article,
21:37then it can be implemented.
21:40Okay, that's a recommendation
21:42given by ISR.
21:43Related to the limitation of network usage,
21:46then the rental fee
21:48may also be adjusted there.
21:50Be careful.
21:51Then there is an independent regulator body
21:54that regulates how to make use of it,
21:56what the network is like,
21:58and also the rental fee.
22:01And it needs to be underlined,
22:03like the index earlier,
22:04that there is a concern
22:06that electricity needs to be shared.
22:09So the important thing is
22:10how our energy resistance is achieved nationally,
22:13then it can meet the energy needs
22:15in one area of the industry.
22:17So that the economic wheel,
22:18in a fun way,
22:19can still be seen.
22:21Okay, Mr. Fabi Tumiwa,
22:22thank you very much for the time,
22:23for sharing what you have already said.
22:25Mr. Abra Talatof,
22:26thank you also for the insights and analysis
22:28that you have delivered to the audience today.
22:30Congratulations on your activities again.
22:32Stay healthy.
22:33Mr. Fabi, Mr. Abra, thank you.
22:35Thank you, Mr. Abra.
22:36See you again.
22:38See you again, sir.
