Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 12 A New Man

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 12 A New Man


00:00How long have you been practicing?
00:02Since I am was little agent Finn is now in charge of this operation
00:07Counting on you, Riley. I can't bite anything. I can't even hit people
00:14No pain I can hurt a demon you really have a lot to learn about women Riley
00:24You're gonna teach me
00:30What are you I'm the Slayer
00:54Expect anyone
00:57Well, I said she was gonna be at the science library
01:01Is that right
01:18We got trouble what is it I was in the rec room it came through the window vampire
01:25Vampires don't breathe fire. I
01:28Should call her back
01:31We have to move this fast I have better things to do tonight than kill
01:50Guess you won't be killing anything tonight after all don't be so sure
03:03Yeah, so there's a lively space it's like an activity room we had a public school
03:15One time I got up to a bit of a prank with the dark board. I'm bored. Let's eat. Oh, yeah, we talked about this
03:25I'm sorry. That was rude
03:28Please continue your story
03:33Hopefully involves treacle and a headmaster
03:47Giles I have any good time. Yes. Yes
03:52Lot of new faces here on yeah, most of the kids from the dorm a couple of Riley's friends. Hi Giles
04:02Happy birthday. Thank you 19. It's hard to believe there's someone I want you to meet
04:08um, this is
04:10Riley Finn
04:11my boyfriend
04:13Very nice to meet you. Mr. Giles. Did you help plan this quite a surprise the first of many?
04:22Dating long Giles was the librarian at my high school. Ah, I've seen the library. It's gone downhill since you left
04:30Embarrassed to say that I actually miss it at times
04:34So you retired?
04:36I'm sorry
04:39You're working somewhere else now
04:41We're not
04:44Sort of between projects
04:50Look Giles has no cake. Oh here here. I'll get you a piece
04:59He's just nervous
05:01But this is so nice having everyone together for my birthday
05:05Of course, you could smash it on my toes with a hammer and it would still be the bestest Buffy birthday bash in a big
05:11long while right
05:15Willow and Xander did all the planning. I'm not sure I would have gone with a surprise party
05:22You know, you have enough things jumping out at you in the dark
05:26Professor Walsh says adrenaline is like exercise but without the exorbitant gym fees
05:32Very witty. You should meet her. She's absolutely the smartest person I've ever met
05:39Perhaps we should have invited professor Walsh to the party. Oh, no
05:44She's like 40. She's got better things to do than hang out with a bunch of kids
05:48Here you go, sir
05:52You own nothing this shouldn't be taking so long hang on let the fella get organized
06:00That's my radio and you're what shocked and disappointed. I'm evil
06:06So what kind of place are you looking for? I don't know
06:10Maybe a crypt someplace, you know dark and dank
06:15But not as dark and dank as this
06:18It's pretty depressing, isn't it? I've known corpses with a fresher smell. In fact, I've been one
06:25That's it. Let's go
06:27wait, I
06:30Want to give you something for your new place
06:33That's my lamp
06:36Gift is traditional. I read about it
06:39That's among friends with bitter enemies. We don't give them my lamp. It's not gonna have electricity
06:46Anyway, it's a crypt. Remember? Well, what about running water a fridge to keep your blood fresh?
06:54Well, that's gonna suck. You should just get a hotel room or something. Dima girl's got a point need fresh blood
07:02If I had a few Bob for a room with an honor bar out before I get the Slayer over here to kick your ass out
07:10Don't know why she didn't come
07:13Say goodbye
07:14shed a few tears
07:16Well, she has an appointment with someone who's actually still scary. So
07:22the Slayer
07:25That's me
07:26We thought you were a myth
07:30Your myth taken and to think all that time you were sitting in my class well most of those times I
07:38Always knew you could do better than a B-minus
07:42Now I understand your energies were directed to the same place as ours. In fact, it's only our methods that differ
07:49we use the latest in scientific technology and state-of-the-art weaponry and
07:55You if I understand correctly
07:57Poke them with a sharp stick
08:00It's more effective than it sounds. Oh, I'm
08:04quite sure of that as
08:06I'm just as sure we can learn much from each other
08:10I'm working on getting you clearance to come into the initiative. I think you'll find the results of our operation most impressive
08:18Agent Finn here alone has killed or captured. How many is it?
08:2417 11 vampires 6 demons
08:29Wow, I mean that's
08:3417 what about you me?
08:40How many hostiles would you say you've slain
09:25No, we can't wait for her willow demon Prince Barvain is going to rise tonight
09:33Where is she exactly?
09:39Those are my best stories and I didn't tell you that Buffy breaks your butt stories
09:46But you killed the
09:49You did the thing with that
09:53You drown
09:55The snake
09:58Not to mention
10:00Daily slay
10:06It's no big really hey who wants ice cream
10:13When I saw you stop the world from you know ending I
10:18Just assumed that was a big week for you
10:21Turns out I suddenly find myself
10:24Needing to know the plural of apocalypse
10:27Look if you've been fighting since you were 15, you'd have a hefty resume to
10:3115 I
10:33Know Wow
10:35The point is that that we have different amounts of experience, you know
10:40And and plus I do have that whole creature natural slayer strength deal
10:44I've seen
10:46Don't get me wrong girls. I grew up with could hold their own
10:52Well, I'm not even sure I could take you
10:54That all depends on you
11:09Professor Walsh I presume
11:12You're hard to find these these halls are
11:15Quite the labyrinth. I felt like
11:18Theseus and the monitor in the
11:25Can I help you with something mr. Giles Rupert
11:31I'm looking for Buffy Summers. I'm a
11:35friend of hers
11:38And I was her
11:40high school librarian
11:42I'm sorry, but he's not here. But if I see her Buffy's been very influenced by your course
11:50She quotes you quite often
11:53Sometimes she sounds a bit like an introductory textbook herself. I
11:57Don't lecture from the textbook, but I'm glad she's inspired by the material
12:02She's bright
12:04All she's really been lacking is encouragement in the academic setting. Well, I think it's best if
12:12If we let a young person find their own strengths
12:17If you lead a child by the hand then they'll never find their own footing and if it's true about hiking
12:25Ergo, it must be true about life
12:29That's not
12:32I'm just saying Buffy is a
12:34Which is not the typical student
12:37Once you get to know her, she's a very unique girl. I
12:41Hope you're not gonna push I think I do know her and
12:46I have found her to be a unique woman woman. Of course, how wrong would you choose my own work?
12:51She's very self-reliant very independent exactly, which is not always a good thing. I
12:58Think it can be unhealthy to take on adult roles too early
13:02What I suspect I'm seeing is a reaction to the absence of a male role model
13:07I've since Buffy clearly lacks a strong father figure
13:15I'm sorry. I have things to do. I'll tell Buffy her friend was looking for her
13:29This Prince demon guy was supposed to rise at sunset so aren't we like
13:34Wait, of course if I hadn't had to search the globe for our Miss Summers and do battle with that
13:39How did him and if you hadn't gotten lost on campus afterwards? Never mind?
13:43I'll just have to take care of it myself. Thank you. It's a few demons in my day without her
13:47Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if we are entirely too late demon on the loose carnage everywhere
13:59Your better demons will clean up after themselves
14:06Should be ruptured earth and
14:09Broken stone. Oh
14:14Apparently it hasn't happened yet a bit of luck. Oh
14:19You know what I bet I bet the initiative took care of it who
14:24How Riley and his guys probably all over it? Yeah, it has that too neat. Look they must have cleaned up a place
14:34They read hotspots
14:36Areas of otherworldly energy. He must have picked this place up days ago. Stop both of you. What?
14:44What are you talking about? What's the initiative?
14:48What on earth does it happen to have to do with Buffy's new boyfriend?
14:53You know, I'm sure you know Riley's one of the commandos
15:04Well, that's marvelous, isn't it
15:06Well, here I am spent weeks trying to get a single scrap of information about our mysterious
15:13Demon collectors and no one bothers to tell me that Buffy's dating one of them who else knows
15:19No one no one else knows this
15:24Onion that's it
15:27And spike
15:30Spike knew only the basic stuff, you know that Riley is a commando and professor Walsh's in charge
15:37professor Walsh
15:40Fish wife, you know, she's actually not that bad when she get
15:45Said the demons probably a little late. We will just see don't forget it
15:53Only to clear off I'll stay a little longer just in case
15:57Stay a little longer just in case you sure cuz cuz we could stay no go
16:31Wouldn't say that
16:36Wouldn't say that at all
16:38In fact Ripper old mate, I'd say something rather interesting was about to happen someone Oh bug. I thought you'd gone
16:53Ethan Raine
16:58You have no idea how much threshing you is gonna improve my day
17:13Didn't beat the crap out of me go ahead. I can't stop you or you can listen to what I have to say
17:19Find out what's going on. What are you talking about? Something bad is happening bad for both of us
17:26No, no, no, listen, you have to listen. You're going to need time to prepare
17:41That's more fun for me just tell me what you want to tell me. Oh
17:47So cross we used to be friends River and all that fall apart
17:55At the same time you started to worship chaos Oh
18:00Religious intolerance sad. I mean, let's look at the Irish troubles. Oh, hang on
18:14Something happening in the dark world
18:18It's all whispers and rumors out there
18:22Only one thing is coming through clear
18:25Is that something's harming demons?
18:28And it's not the slayer
18:31You know anything about it
18:33What are they saying?
18:35You know demons
18:37It's all exaggeration and blank verse
18:40Pain as bright as steel things like that
18:45They're scared
18:48There's something called 314 has got him scared most of all
18:53Kind of scared that turns too angry. I
18:58We're not particularly fond of each other
19:04But we are a couple of old mystics this new outfit it's plundering into places it doesn't belong
19:11Throwing the world's out of balance and that's way beyond chaos mate
19:20We hated quite literally for one hell of a fight
19:47Maybe a little
19:52Maybe a little too
20:00I'll go all out if you will. Are you sure? Here we go
20:25Are you hurt?
20:33I don't think so. I'm so sorry. I I didn't mean to it's fine
20:44So it gets me
20:47This forgets me
20:5020 years. I've been fighting to you
20:53like you all should have
20:55Nancy ninja boys come in
20:57six months later
20:59Demons are pressing themselves with fear. I never even noticed me
21:04Who's Maggie Walsh?
21:09Said I was an absent male role model
21:12That's my ass. I'm twice about you. You know, you're really very attractive
21:21She's my my name number
21:26You give me a
21:28Call I'll show you
21:32Yeah, thanks
21:34I've got a face we've changed. Well, not you. You're still sadistic
21:39So sensitive is to me the world has passed this boy
21:46Snuck in and that's just a couple of
21:48clapped out has-beens in our place
21:56Methods may be causing problems, but they're getting the job done
22:00What am I?
22:02Unemployed library
22:06We won't have to worry about that anymore mate
22:09He went to the loo. I slipped a small pellet of poison in your drink. You'll be dead in an hour
22:20Just kidding
22:35Enjoy the night
22:38There is still a couple of sorcerers the night is still our time
22:44Time of magic
22:52I'm glad you wanted to get together. I don't sleep
23:00Thanks, I'm I was happy you called
23:06We'll start out slow, okay
23:21Willow yeah start out slow doing what Oh
23:29We're gonna float the rose
23:32Then use the magics to pluck the petals off
23:36one at a time
23:38It's a test of synchronicity
23:41Our minds have to be perfectly attuned to work as a single delicate implement
23:53And it should be very pretty
24:42It worked no for the hard part the pedals
24:59I don't know but pedals are off
25:26Feel like hell in the morning
26:55Like pancakes cuz they're stackable Oh
26:57And waffles cuz you can put things in little holes if you wanted to
27:02You should always have a new boyfriend. You're so much fun right now
27:06Hey, I didn't hear you come in last night. Where were you?
27:11the chem lab by myself I
27:14Was trying this new spell floating a rose
27:18all of a sudden
27:20Like all around the room. It's like a rose based missile
27:25Yikes, I know I
27:28Think there's something out there. I
27:30Felt this presence this dark magics energy
27:36Blocking the spell. It's new
27:39someone else doing magics
27:42Maybe if so, it's someone pretty powerful
27:45Hmm, I'll tell Giles about it
27:48Or maybe I'll tell Maggie
27:50She seemed kind of interested in learning the mystical side of the whole demon hunting biz tell Giles
27:56He's feeling a little hurt right now
27:59How come you never told him about Riley being a commando did I?
28:06Didn't he says no
28:09He's feeling neglected and out of the loopy. Well, I mean I didn't at first because Riley said not to and
28:16And then meow cat out of the bag and I guess I just forgot that he didn't know
28:22I'll make it up to him when I see him tomorrow. I'm spending today with Riley. Oh, yeah
28:27I forgot that's what you always do on the days when the earth rotates
28:32It's just going so well right now, I think I hope I
28:41Sort of
28:42Kicked him across the room last night. Um, that's not good. We were sparring and he said not to hold back
28:50And he's a little dented
28:52But he said he was okay with it. And I I think he's okay with it. Do you think he's okay with it?
28:58I'm sure yes
29:00If he's not, you know, you had to do it. I mean, he's right. You can't walk around pretending you're less than you are
29:08It wouldn't be right for you to hold
29:13What I
29:17Held back a little
29:31Still asleep
29:341030 in the morning
29:43Sander Sander wake up
29:52No, it's not mom now
29:54When you look at me
29:56You may be a little
29:58Alarmed, but there's no need it's it's me child
30:02Yeah, Ethan has turned me into a demon and I need your help
30:08Hello, yes, it's me
31:12So it had pointy things what kind of pointy things the pointy kind and tough to years when it might have a saucepan shape
31:36Looks like Sander wasn't the only one to get a visit today. He's not upstairs. Oh
31:41God child
31:43Okay, there's a demon and Giles is gone, but it doesn't mean that he's hurt. I mean, there's no blood anywhere
31:50So maybe the demon just took him somewhere. I
31:54Think it ate him up
32:08What do I spy with my little eye a
32:18That would be all right the things I can kill
32:26Wonderful the perfect ends to a perfect day
32:30Giles go on then. Let's get on with the fighting
32:36You understand me, of course, I understand you I'm speaking English. No, you're speaking Fioral. I happen to speak Fioral and
32:45By the way, why the hell are you suddenly a Fioral demon?
32:49It has come over old demon II this morning. As a matter of fact, I did thanks to Ethan rain
32:55You have to help me find him
32:57He must undo this and then he needs it
33:00Good to being killed and I'm supposed to just help you out of the evilness of my heart
33:09You help me and I don't kill you Oh
33:13tremendously convincing
33:16Try it again without the stutter money. I could pay you money. Oh, I like money
33:23How much?
33:25$100 a hundred dollars
33:27You'll have to do a lot better than that
33:32200 fine
33:35Right then right then what's first I run tell the sleigh what you've gotten yourself into no when I find Ethan I can
33:43Clear all this up without Buffy ever having to find out that anything happened to me at all
33:51Okay, that's a giant vulture I'd have mentioned if it was a giant vulture
33:56Buffy even if we figure out what kind of demon got Giles. I mean, how are we gonna find it?
34:02We'll figure it out. Oh
34:06This one is tough to ears
34:27What are you doing here?
34:29There were nine one one calls from a couple different places including here
34:33You get nine one one calls. We have a tap into the system
34:38It flags things with possible non-human causes. We check them out
34:43What are you doing here, this is Charles apartment he's missing
34:49The calls to anyone see what did it negative no
34:55Neighbors just heard, you know growling things breaking
35:00Sounded like a struggle
35:03We'll get him back
35:06What are you working on we have stuff pictures we have nothing
35:19I'll help
35:21Whole initiative. We'll do whatever you need
35:26I just wish I knew what I needed. I
35:29Keep thinking let's ask Giles
35:32And I remember he'd be great right now he'd find himself in a second nobody is cooler in a crisis
35:41Don't try for third best. I don't know if I'm driving this thing or wearing it. It's perfectly serviceable
35:52Funny hearing a feral demon say serviceable
35:55Had a couple of them working for me once they're more like like to crush crush now
36:02Strong though, you won't meet a jar. You can't open for the rest of your life
36:08What was that did you growl no
36:12Listen about this
36:16Do I have
36:18Special powers. I'm setting things on fire with my sizzling IVs. Well, you got the mucus thing
36:29Paralyzing mucus shoots out through the nose and sets out fast
36:33Hottest rock pretty good in the fire. Are you making this up?
36:39But hey, you feel a sneeze coming on you warned me
36:45Turn here
36:49Calm down, will you sure I can
36:53Feel like I'm
36:56Fine with me so long as you pay me
36:59like this feeling
37:02Mindless need to destroy
37:09Good times go with it. No
37:13It's fun. I can't do it do it for me. I don't let yourself go
37:19I refuse to become a monster because I look like a monster. I have a soul a
37:25Conscience I am a human being. Oh
37:29stop the car
37:53All right, let's go then
37:56That's the thing that attacked me
38:00For all demon sort of a foot soldier type
38:05Works for other demons lots of the times very strong
38:10And hey mucus mucus
38:19Agent Finn go ahead
38:22How do I kill it silver a weapon made of silver? Yes, I
38:31The demon attacked professor Walsh got out of a small gray car
38:35Citroen stole Giles his car. Why would a demon steal a car?
38:41Why would a demon steal that car a demon that steals a car has a reason a
38:49But it doesn't sound like these
38:51Fial demons are really big independent thinkers
38:55So will this the spells that are going wrong
38:59Could they be caused by someone using magics to control a demon?
39:03Making this Fiora demon attack Giles. Yeah. Yes that would draw a lot of dark energy
39:10Willows and or stay here who's ever controlling this demon may call and ask for a ransom give them anything they want
39:16You got it Riley. You and I are going to the magic shop
39:20Maybe they didn't get supplies
39:23Some things silver a letter opener, it's not very sharp. I'll have to put some muscle behind it
39:36Two of them
39:38English like me
39:40far older less attractive
39:43One of them gave you his number. I threw it out. I mean I took one look and so I was staying at that rat trap
39:51No, thanks, which rat trap the one by the highway the Sunnydale Motor Man, thank you
40:02Credit cards let me sell receipts. Help me look
40:06to the door I
40:08Do not have time to play by the rules tonight. I have a master key opens every shop on Main Street. Oh
40:16Well next time absolutely, I don't know what I'm looking for
40:24Ethan rain
40:25Who's that?
40:27Professional bad guy. He's got to be the guy that made the demon attack Giles
40:31At least we know who we're looking for
40:33Commander you there
40:35What are you doing?
40:36It's agent Finn. I need a search local hotel registrations matching the name Ethan rain are a y and e
40:45Call me back
40:47You can do that, let's take a couple of minutes
40:51Get in the car. I'm ready to go
40:55Earlier when I talked to Professor Walsh
40:58She gave me very specific orders. Yeah
41:02She said when we located the demon I
41:06I'm not supposed to bring you along. Oh
41:10What are you doing I'm going to the car Buffy I can't take you with me you're not taking me with you
41:16I am going and I am letting you come along Buffy. It's not really your call
41:20This is a military operation now and call out the troops because nothing less than that is gonna stop me
41:27This demon did something to Giles. I'm gonna kill him
41:44How are you feeling
41:46That's not being next until everyone's dead
41:49Now that sounds like a few old demon good for you
41:56Picked up a tail. Yes, just a little
41:59That's when I sit. I think someone's following us
42:03I'm the military
42:06Speed up lose them. I've got it flawed. Why'd you buy this car? We'll do something if they catch us. We'll both end up in a
42:15gang closer
42:19And it's not a friend
42:23Sure dismantle the getaway car that'll scare
42:27Slow down. I'll jump back. They'll follow you. Hold on. These commanders are the same guys are after me, too
42:33Maybe I want you around to split their attention
42:36I'll pay you another hundred dollars
43:24You've got to stop it it killed Ripper now, it's trying to get me don't let him go
43:35What did you do to him what did you do?
43:53You just try and stop me stupid job
44:48This is for Giles
44:55God Giles
45:00Oh God Giles Giles, I'm I'm so sorry, please don't die
45:07Actually, I feel quite well
45:10Except for the rage. I think he's okay
45:16Is this thing real silver I
45:18Really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town as the stained gloat gets me every time
45:36You okay
45:43Ethan's wardrobes
45:48How did you know it was me
45:52Your eyes
45:55You're the only person in the world that can look that annoyed with me
46:02It's gonna go on much longer
46:05I'd rather like to be going and
46:08Why would I let you go? Well, maybe because you have no choice
46:13I'm human. You can't kill me
46:16What's a slay gonna do to me by the authority of the US military you were being taken into custody
46:22pending a determination of your status
46:26Take me
46:31Take mr. Rain to a secret detention facility in the Nevada desert
46:36I'm sure he'll be rehabilitated in no time
46:40Is it um, you don't mind I'm just gonna go and watch them manhandle him into a vehicle
46:53Thanks told you I'd help
46:56You did
46:58if I'd gotten here any later and if
47:01Giles had killed Ethan I
47:04Never would have gotten him back
47:06You'd find some other way
47:13Really strong like spider-man strong
47:21Yeah, but I don't stick to stuff
47:26Yeah, and
47:28You're in charge
47:30You're like make the plan execute the plan
47:35The one giving you orders
47:38I'm the slayer
47:43Like it
47:51But give me another old week to get ready and I'll take you down
48:04Nice phone
48:06Yes, fabulous technology
48:09See if anyone has any information. I need to know they can
48:14Simply tell me about it
48:16through this
48:17ingenious speaking tube
48:19I'm very excited. I am. Sorry Giles. I really thought I told you about Riley and the initiative and
48:28I know that it doesn't help
48:30Look, I promise it won't happen again. I will tell you everything
48:37Buffy I don't want to ask you to
48:40Betray any confidences and I certainly don't want to interfere. Uh-oh. You have butt face
48:47You look like you're gonna say but
48:52But this
48:55Initiative I'm concerned Ethan's not exactly a reliable source, but
49:04I'm not sure that he's wrong about
49:07I'm not dating the initiative. I'm dating Riley
49:11He's a good guy. I
49:13believe that but
49:16He's part of something that we we don't really understand
49:21You sure not just saying this because you don't like Riley's boss no, no, I'm not saying that at all
49:27No, I do hate her quite a lot, but I want you to have your personal life, but
49:35Keep your eyes open
49:37Make sure you know what you're getting into
49:41So she walks in and the rules just suddenly break
49:47Pretty much
49:49Be careful with her
49:51She reacts on instinct
49:53There's no discipline there her loyalties are uncertain. You won't be disappointed in her. She's good at what she does
50:00She is the truest soul I've ever known
50:05Spontaneous poetic exclamations Lord spare me college boys in love. I'm just saying she'll work out
50:13You'll be proud of her
50:16You want to know what I think I
50:18Think you're probably right
51:34Grr argh
