Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 Episode 13 Wolves At The Gate Pt 2

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 Episode 13 Wolves At The Gate Pt 2


00:30I am so alone.
00:34The moon has risen.
00:36Perhaps we could try
00:38to catch you outdoors.
00:40I took the liberty
00:42of losing an Albanian boy
00:44in the garden.
00:48No, thank you, Butterfield.
00:50Are you certain? He's quite small.
00:52And frightened.
00:56I am certain.
00:58Shoot the curtains!
01:00Be gone
01:02from my sight, Butterfield.
01:06the servants are concerned.
01:08You spend your time stumbling about
01:10in a liquor-drenched oblivion.
01:12You haven't killed
01:14so much as a peasant in months.
01:18What has become
01:20of the mighty Dracula?
01:26I don't require help
01:28from you
01:30or from
01:38Yes, Master?
01:40On second thought,
01:42fetch me
01:44my razor.
01:56What is it?
02:00We need your help.
02:04do you now?
02:06Well, unfortunately,
02:08this is not a good time.
02:12has just loosed
02:14an Albanian boy in the hedge maze.
02:16If I'm not quick to slaughter him,
02:18his blood will become
02:22from the terror.
02:24Perhaps you could come back late.
02:26No, no, no, no.
02:28We need to talk to you now.
02:30I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you.
02:32I beg you.
02:34It's important.
02:38Oh, very well.
02:40Come inside,
02:44Your maw can wait in the stables.
02:48No, no, no, no.
02:50She's not my maw.
02:52This is Rene.
02:54She's with me.
02:56Magnificent. I'll alert the kitchen.
02:58If I know my manservant,
03:00he could use a plate of hot mealworms
03:04before he changes into his manservant bloomers.
03:08Maybe you should wait outside, actually.
03:10Absolutely not.
03:12For the record, I've never worn
03:14my manservant bloomers.
03:16Hey, you could go look for that Albanian boy.
03:18Xander, knock it off.
03:24I'm not leaving you alone
03:26with this guy.
03:32And his very gaze
03:34holds the power
03:36to make you his slave.
03:38For he is
03:40the lord of darkness.
03:42Okay, we know who Dracula is.
03:44Oh, you think you know who Dracula is,
03:46but I suspect your knowledge
03:48comes strictly from what you've seen
03:50in the motion pictures, little one.
03:52You're the one wearing
03:54the replica George Hamilton outfit
03:56from Love at First Bite.
03:58Okay, A, big extra credit for noticing,
04:00and B, it's not a replica.
04:02It's his.
04:04I bought it at an auction
04:06and have the COA to prove it.
04:08So is Xander still, like,
04:10under Dracula's spell?
04:12Hard to say. I mean, certainly,
04:14Dracula's gaze has some long-term effects,
04:16but we suspect that
04:18in Xander's case,
04:20they've also become
04:22fast friends.
04:24I really don't need to see the COA.
04:26Well, they first hit it off
04:28when Dracula came to Sunnydale.
04:30Then they stayed in touch.
04:32Then Xander went
04:34and lived with Dracula for a few months.
04:36What the hell are you talking about?
04:38Xander took a leave of absence
04:40and went to Transylvania.
04:42He needed some guy time.
04:44And what, Buffy
04:46just allowed him to go hang out
04:48with Dracula?
04:50Dracula's fond of Xander.
04:52Xander taught him to ride a motorbike.
04:54In fact,
04:56I should ride motorbiking
04:58up here under powers.
05:00This is seriously his worst lecture
05:02since his one on that weapon from Krull.
05:04Hey, I heard that, and it's called
05:06Slave, thank you very much.
05:08We got a hit.
05:10Vampire sect in Tokyo
05:12has been making waves in the demon underground.
05:14Their leader's name is Toru.
05:16He matches the description of the guy
05:18you tangled with in the armory.
05:20We didn't tangle.
05:22He ran away before we could tangle.
05:24He's an untangler.
05:26My point, ma'am, is that
05:28he sounds like our guy.
05:30Who found him?
05:32Aiko, one of ours.
05:36I want to talk to her.
05:38Figured as much.
05:42Wow, it's really you.
05:44Yep, it's really me.
05:46How did you get the intel?
05:48Oh, you know.
05:50I asked around.
05:54Are those Kabuki demons?
05:56They were Kabuki demons.
05:58Those things are vicious.
06:01You got a location on these vamps?
06:05Good. Keep surveillance.
06:07But do not approach.
06:09Got it.
06:11I'm serious, Aiko.
06:13You wait for us. We'll be in touch.
06:19Prep the others.
06:20I want our team suited up and ready for transpo
06:22in less than an hour.
06:24How many girls you want to bring?
06:26All of them.
06:28You sure that's a good idea?
06:30We should probably leave behind a squad as a safeguard.
06:32This isn't up for discussion, Satsu.
06:38I gave you an order.
06:40Get moving.
06:42Yes, ma'am.
06:45Have we heard from Xander?
06:47I've been trying him.
06:49He's not responding.
06:51You think he's in trouble?
06:55I suppose that depends on your definition of trouble.
07:04This tea is delicious, Master.
07:11Butterfield prepared it himself.
07:13He's proven to be an excellent manservant.
07:16The best I've ever had.
07:21I mean, that's good.
07:23I'm glad to hear you're doing well.
07:25You've lost weight.
07:27Can you tell?
07:29Yes, it suits you.
07:31Thanks. You look good, too.
07:33You're just saying that because I complimented you.
07:35No, I'm not.
07:37You're more handsome than ever.
07:39Do you really think so?
07:42For the love of God.
07:44Will you two knock it off?
07:46We have business to discuss.
07:48Tell your more to watch her tone,
07:54Watch your tone, more.
07:56Oh, really?
07:57I mean, hey!
07:59She's not a more.
08:01Also, she has a lovely tone.
08:04We think someone stole your powers.
08:06What are you talking about?
08:08Some vamps attacked us.
08:10They had your ability to shapeshift.
08:12Wolves, panthers, fog, the whole bit.
08:16No, Master.
08:18They had your powers, I swear.
08:20They ripped you off.
08:22That's preposterous.
08:24Or maybe you sold your powers to the highest bidder.
08:31your more is one snide comment away
08:35from a swarm of bees.
08:38Okay, okay.
08:39Calm down.
08:41We're not accusing you of selling out, Master,
08:44but these vamps...
08:46something must have happened.
08:49These powers you speak of,
08:51they're part of the ancient magics.
08:54I risk my very soul to attain them.
08:58The very idea that some two-bit run-of-the-mill vampires
09:01could just come along and take them from the...
09:05Lord of Darkness.
09:11Oh, balls.
09:14These vampires you speak of,
09:18they wouldn't happen to be orientals, would they?
09:24Kumiko wants the kill.
09:26She can't have it.
09:28That's gonna make her angry.
09:30I'm not particularly concerned with Kumiko's state of mind, Raiden.
09:36I need her focused on the spell.
09:40She'll have plenty of opportunities to slaughter things soon enough.
09:45I understand.
09:47But perhaps you should tell her that.
09:51Kumiko can have the body when I'm done with it.
09:55Where's the slayer?
10:00One block back,
10:02south side of the street.
10:05She's keeping a close eye on us.
10:12Well, then.
10:15Let's give her something to see.
10:23Where's the yellow swine?
10:27They think they can steal from Dracula.
10:31I'll bathe in their blood.
10:33Master, wait. Back up.
10:35What happened?
10:36To be honest, the details are a bit fuzzy.
10:39But I was at the Tibetan speakeasy
10:41and I seem to recall copious amounts of rubbing alcohol,
10:45a heated game of Pai Gao,
10:47and the pink slip to a Kawasaki Z1000.
10:51Hang on.
10:53You sold your secrets for a motorcycle?
10:59I lost my secrets gambling for a motorcycle.
11:04Those filthy yellow swine!
11:08You know, I really don't remember you being this racist.
11:11You've located these vampires?
11:13They're in Tokyo.
11:16So does that mean you're coming with us?
11:20I don't owe you anything.
11:22I'm not interested in your cause,
11:24and the next time you're more smart off at me,
11:27I will slit her throat!
11:31I loathe Buffy Summers.
11:35Her whole army makes me want to retch,
11:38and I just as soon see them wiped off the map once and for all.
11:49Nobody steals from Dracula.
11:58Here's the thing.
12:02She's alone.
12:04She's vulnerable.
12:08And she is the weight of the world on her slender shoulders.
12:14If that's not a recipe for an ill-conceived one-night stand...
12:19You think I took advantage of her?
12:23I definitely think there was some two-way advantage going on there.
12:27But you need to remember...
12:31She's not like us.
12:35She's the general, we're the army.
12:40Also, she's not, you know, a dyke.
12:45I just don't want you to get your hopes up, that's all.
12:49I hear ya.
12:52Now, what's she like in the sack?
12:57I'm not telling you anything.
12:59Did she make that high-pitched squeal?
13:02I call it her shoe-sale noise.
13:16I've got visual confirmation on Toru.
13:19We're touching down at around 0500.
13:22Think you can stay on him till then?
13:52Oh, shoot.
13:54I just broke your jaw, didn't I?
13:57That's unfortunate.
14:00I was hoping you could tell me what it feels like to be a regular girl again.
14:09Must be terrifying.
14:22That's a Raiden.
14:25I call that...
14:28A successful beta test.
14:39I think it's time we take this technology...
