くりぃむしちゅーの熊本どぎゃん!- 2024年9月13日 有田哲平 くまモンを超えるキャラクターを探せ!

  • 2 days ago
くりぃむしちゅーの熊本どぎゃん!- 2024年9月13日 有田哲平 くまモンを超えるキャラクターを探せ!
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00It's been a while.
00:02It's been a while.
00:04It's started this month as well.
00:06Yes, it is.
00:08I heard that you have a project that you want to do.
00:12It's the Yuyoshi ceremony.
00:14What is it?
00:16I'm a representative of Kumamoto.
00:22Of course, it's a crime show.
00:26That's what I've been saying all over the country.
00:31Of course, there's a part of me that's lying.
00:35Is that so?
00:37The only person who represents Kumamoto is Mr. Kumamon.
00:43Kumamon is everywhere.
00:45The airport, the prefecture office, the entrance, everything is Kumamon.
00:52How long are you going to rely on Kumamon?
00:56That's a painful question.
00:58I'm not going to drop Kumamon's position.
01:03I'm going to make Kumamon work too much.
01:06I have to create a post-Kumamon.
01:09This is my mission.
01:12You've been through a lot on your own.
01:16Let's meet Kumamon first.
01:21I want to see what kind of work he does.
01:26I think Kumamon is tired.
01:30Let's go to the right.
01:33Look at this.
01:35Kumamon's jewel.
01:37Are you going to Gaisenmon?
01:40This is YACHIYOZA.
01:46This is NEW YORK.
01:48Kumamon is working hard.
01:51Kumamon has accumulated a lot of miles.
01:55This is what Kumamon is doing now.
02:01Excuse me.
02:03Please come in.
02:05This is a program called Kumamoto.
02:08Kumamon is cute.
02:15Kumamon is cute.
02:17Kumamon, long time no see.
02:20Kumamon is working.
02:22Kumamon, I'm sorry.
02:24Kumamon, long time no see.
02:27Kumamon is happy.
02:30I'm glad to see Kumamon's face.
02:32Kumamon is cute.
02:35Kumamon is good.
02:38Kumamon has a sense of humor.
02:41This is great.
02:42Kumamon is the manager of Kumamoto.
02:44Kumamon is the manager of happiness.
02:46Kumamon is good.
02:49This is great.
02:51Today I want to make a title call with everyone.
02:56Have you ever seen Kumamon?
03:03Look at this.
03:06This is Kumamon's pose.
03:08This is Kumamon's pose.
03:11Let's do it.
03:12Let's do it.
03:14This is Kumamon of Cream Stew.
03:16Let's do it.
03:20I did it.
03:22Cream Stew is looking for something to brag about.
03:27This time, Arita Teppei is looking for a character that looks like Kumamon.
03:31Are you sure you want to be like Kumamon?
03:33Wait a minute.
04:13Kumamon was born in 2011 when the Kyushu Shinkansen opened.
04:20Since then, he has been the manager of Kumamoto and the manager of happiness.
04:28He is also the absolute hero of Gotouji characters.
04:33What do you think is Kumamon's strength?
04:38It's not just cute.
04:40It's like our art style.
04:43It's like there's a poison in the back.
04:47It's cute and scary at the same time.
04:50I admire Kumamon's art style.
04:53But I don't want to steal his pleasure.
04:56Are you surprised by Kumamon's strange movements?
05:00You can see it in the gym video.
05:03He has a wonderful dance.
05:06Let's see his dance.
05:09No, no, no.
05:10I don't want to see it.
05:12I don't want to see it.
05:14Do you want to see it?
05:15Do you want to see it?
05:16I want to see it.
05:18I want to see it.
05:22Music start.
05:26What is this?
05:31Can you do this?
05:56I want to see it.
06:10I saw it.
06:11Thank you very much.
06:13Thank you very much.
06:14I saw it and thought.
06:15It's not as beautiful as it used to be.
06:18I'm tired.
06:19Kumamon is completely tired.
06:21He doesn't want to work.
06:22He used to move like this.
06:27But now he can't breathe.
06:33He moves like this.
06:35I didn't know that.
06:38Kumamon has many other amazing things.
06:41Let's convince him.
06:43Do you want to see it?
06:45Last year, Kumamon's annual sales were 16.64 billion yen.
06:51Every time I go back to Kumamoto, I buy Kumamon goods at the airport.
07:01I always go to the Kumamoto Antenna Shop.
07:05Is it a shop in Tokyo?
07:06I buy Kumamon goods there.
07:07Kumamon goods are cute.
07:09I bought it this morning.
07:11Thank you very much.
07:12I'm contributing to this.
07:15I pay 3.2 billion yen.
07:19You are smart.
07:21This is not the only reason why Kumamon is popular.
07:25About 12,000 people joined Kumamon's fan club last year.
07:31In addition, Kumamon's official fan club has more than 800,000 followers.
07:40What are you muttering?
07:43I can't speak here.
07:47Do you sell Kumamon goods?
07:49I sell Kumamon's daily life.
07:51Daily life?
07:52Good morning, good night, good night, good night.
07:59Is there anyone who is more popular than Kumamon?
08:02No one.
08:05I love Kumamon.
08:07I have a lot of Kumamon goods.
08:09That's why I'm telling you.
08:11Kumamon is busy, isn't it?
08:13That's right.
08:14Are you tired?
08:15No, I'm not.
08:17You were sweating when you hugged Kumamon.
08:22You can't take a bath, can you?
08:28You can't take a bath because you're busy.
08:31Is that true?
08:32You're right.
08:36Actually, there are many characters who are as good as Kumamon.
08:48I want to make Kumamon comfortable today.
08:50That's right.
08:51I see, I see.
08:52There are many characters who are good at Kumamon.
08:54I'm not going to steal Kumamon's job.
08:56Kumamon is always Kumamoto's face.
08:58But I'll help you a little bit.
09:00That's right.
09:01I'm going to find someone.
09:02I'm sorry, I'm going.
09:04Don't go.
09:05I'm going to take a break.
09:06Don't go.
09:09I won't let you work too much.
09:10Don't go.
09:11I'm going.
09:15Let's go to Kenhoku to find a character who is better than Kumamon.
09:21We came to Tamanashi.
09:23We drove a lot by car, didn't we?
09:25We drove for about an hour from the city center.
09:29There are only Tamanashi characters.
09:33I haven't heard what kind of characters will appear from here.
09:37I'm really looking forward to it.
09:39Let's go.
09:40Let's go.
09:43There are various rooms.
09:46What is this?
09:47This is a complex with cafes and various facilities.
09:54Rikuru Tamanashi, which opened a year ago, is a complex with a kids' gym, a fitness gym, and a cafe where you can enjoy delicious meals.
10:08It seems that there are characters who are better than Kumamon here.
10:14This is good.
10:16I often come here on my days off.
10:20There should be a character here.
10:29Is that so?
10:33If that's the case, I'll look over there.
10:37Is it better for someone to come in?
10:41This is Tamanyan from Tamanashi.
10:43You moved.
10:46You moved.
10:48Isn't it cute?
10:50It's good.
10:51It's really good.
10:52That's good.
10:54I am a character beyond Kumamon.
10:57Entry No. 1
10:59Tamanyan, the mascot of Tamanashi.
11:03Nice to meet you, Arita and Yamamoto.
11:05Nice to meet you.
11:06We are Tamanyan's cheering team.
11:08Thank you for your cooperation today.
11:12Tamanyan is a character who supports Tamana.
11:17Do you support Tamana?
11:19Today is a special day.
11:21That's complicated.
11:24What kind of character is Tamanyan?
11:27Tamanyan was born 17 years ago as a character of the Tamanashi Music Festival.
11:35The name is Kumamon style.
11:40Kumamon because it's Kumamoto.
11:43Tamanyan because it's Tamana.
11:45Kumamon because it's Tamana.
11:47Is it Kumamon style?
11:49I heard that you like ramen.
11:54Tamanyan also likes ramen.
11:58Is that so?
12:00You like fish, don't you?
12:04Do you like seafood?
12:08I always carry this with me.
12:10Wait a minute.
12:12There is Kumamon in the middle.
12:18That's not good.
12:21Don't you feel frustrated?
12:25I want to do something about it.
12:29That's Tamanyan.
12:33Show me what you have.
12:39I'm sorry.
12:41What is that?
12:44What's going on?
12:48Tamanyan has a special skill that is as good as Kumamon.
12:53I love it.
12:55It's despair.
12:57I don't love it.
12:59I just said it.
13:02Let's see Tamanyan's special skill, despair.
13:10Tamanyan, good luck.
13:12Tamanyan, good luck.
13:14I'm sleepy.
13:17Are you okay?
13:20Don't sleep.
13:22Are you okay?
13:26Tamanyan, please.
13:39Thank you very much.
13:41Thank you very much.
13:43Is this it?
13:46If you don't do something more acrobatic, you might be able to make a good character.
13:53I don't think so.
13:55Thank you very much.
13:57How was it today?
13:59It was fun.
14:00Tamanyan, how was it?
14:02I'm sleepy.
14:04I'm not in a good mood.
14:11After the kids' gym, they went to the fitness gym.
14:20This is the fitness gym.
14:22This is for adults.
14:24That's right.
14:25People are running.
14:28This is Nagomimachi's Nagomin.
14:33He is a character beyond Kumamon.
14:36Entry No.2.
14:38Nagomimachi's mascot character, Nagomin.
14:44Can I explain?
14:46Nagomin is a mascot character of Nagomimachi based on Kanakuri Shiso, the father of Japanese Marathon.
14:54Nagomin is a character based on Kanakuri Shiso, the father of Japanese Marathon.
15:02His special skill is running.
15:07I'm not competing to see how much I can run.
15:11Can we hear how much you can run?
15:14I'd like to hear it.
15:15Nagomin can run for 5 hours.
15:185 hours?
15:19Can he run a full marathon?
15:21Yes, he can run a full marathon.
15:23He can run.
15:26With this costume?
15:28I don't have a costume.
15:32It's like Kumamoto Marathon.
15:34If he runs, it will be a hot topic.
15:37Have you ever run a full marathon?
15:39I haven't run a full marathon yet.
15:40It will be a hot topic.
15:46Nagomin is not only good at running, but also good at professional wrestling.
15:51He is very active and has a great sense of sportsmanship.
15:55A delicious souvenir from Nagomin.
15:58This is Nagomimachi.
16:00We are in the middle of a boom in Japanese martial arts.
16:03This time, we brought Kyoho and Shine Muscat.
16:06Please try it.
16:08Shine Muscat.
16:09Is it big?
16:11This is amazing.
16:14This is delicious.
16:16This is sweet.
16:18This is delicious.
16:19Nagomin, do you always eat grapes?
16:22I eat grapes and I feel energetic.
16:26I don't run a marathon.
16:30I don't feel like I'm eating grapes.
16:33I feel like I'm eating chestnuts.
16:36The cheeks of Shine Muscat are also red.
16:40This is Shine Muscat's teeth.
16:43This is Shine Muscat's teeth.
16:45This is the same color.
16:47This is the color of Shine Muscat.
16:55Next is the place where you can play simulation golf.
17:00Is there such a place?
17:03Next is the indoor golf course where you can enjoy the latest simulation golf.
17:11This is amazing.
17:14This is what a professional actually teaches.
17:19Akashi Asoshi is taking a lesson.
17:24Turn your waist.
17:27Don't raise your head.
17:29You can't go to the next round.
17:33Don't raise your head.
17:35I am a character beyond Kumamon.
17:38Entry No. 3.
17:40The image character of Asoshi.
17:47What kind of character is Akaushi?
17:51This is a character that represents Asoshi.
17:55This is a character that represents Asoshi.
18:00He is a character that represents Asoshi.
18:03This is a serious character.
18:05If you tickle him, he will grow old.
18:08Please be careful.
18:11Akaushi's specialty is golf.
18:14Let's take a look at the game.
18:18He is taking a lesson.
18:20I don't have a good manner.
18:22How is it?
18:24I don't care.
18:35Please tell me your best score.
18:37What is your best score?
18:39It's 86.
18:43When did you do that?
18:45I did it in one hole.
18:49That's the worst.
18:5186 in one hole.
18:53What are you going to do tomorrow?
18:55I play golf in the morning.
18:57You are a professional.
19:00Can I play a game?
19:03Which one will win?
19:06Akaushi and Arita play golf.
19:10Can Akaushi go over 40 yards?
19:16Please look at me.
19:21Please look at me.
19:33He hit 175 yards.
19:35I won.
19:37I won.
19:39Akaushi is weak.
19:41You bastard.
19:48What are you doing?
19:51I want you to play more.
19:56Arita won the golf game.
19:59She got a present from Akaushi.
20:02It's a bento box with a lot of soft and juicy Akaushi.
20:09This is what happens when you grill Akaushi.
20:12Which part of Akaushi is this?
20:16You grilled this part.
20:19Let's eat.
20:25It's soft.
20:29It's soft, but it's not greasy.
20:32That's why I like Akaushi.
20:37I don't know if I can change my nickname.
20:43It's too direct.
20:46I don't want to eat Akaushi next to Akaushi.
20:50I will consider your nickname.
20:56I will call you Akaushi.
21:00I think it's good to be violent.
21:05That's good.
21:07I got a new image.
21:10It's a good nickname.
21:12It's a good nickname.
21:16After this, Arita will eat Tamana ramen.
21:25This is the best.
21:27This is very good.
21:34This is still Tamana.
21:36This is a shopping street in Tamana.
21:38This is a shopping street in Tamana.
21:42He is here.
21:47I can tell just by looking at the silhouette.
21:51I want Tamanyan to do his best.
21:53I don't know if it's a silhouette.
21:59I think it's a person.
22:00It's the same as this.
22:04Arita, Tamana is famous for Tamana ramen.
22:10I have been to Tamana ramen.
22:14Arita ramen festival.
22:17Is that so?
22:18Is there a ramen festival this week?
22:21Arita Teppei aims to hold a ramen festival in Kumamoto.
22:26It is a project to eat ramen from all over the prefecture.
22:31Arita ramen festival.
22:34Arita ramen festival.
22:37This time, I will go to SENRYU RAMEN.
22:43I've never been to SENRYU RAMEN.
22:46Today is a special day.
22:48It's open.
22:50Usually, it's a long line.
22:52It's a long line to the waiting room.
22:56I was waiting for two hours.
22:59Is that true?
23:02It's been 45 years since it opened in Tamana.
23:06Many customers come every day.
23:09SENRYU RAMEN is a very popular ramen shop in Tamana.
23:17Excuse me.
23:19SENRYU RAMEN is also a souvenir shop.
23:22I wanted to buy it because it was on sale.
23:25Is that so?
23:26But there was also a bear.
23:29It's not TAMANYAN.
23:31I want TAMANYAN to do his best.
23:33Where is TAMANYAN?
23:37I'm sorry.
23:38Thank you very much.
23:41This ramen is 100% pork bone.
23:45There is only one type of ramen.
23:47There is also char siu noodles.
23:51This is a new type of ramen.
23:54I will eat this.
23:56Please eat this.
24:03What kind of cat is that?
24:07It's a cat.
24:11It's not TAMANYAN.
24:13Do you often come to TAMANA RAMEN?
24:16When I come back here, I always go to TAMANA RAMEN.
24:20I went to TOUEN and TENKIN.
24:25I also went to DAIRIN and SENRYU.
24:28I went to TAMANA RAMEN.
24:30The shop smells of pork bone.
24:35It's a nostalgic shop.
24:38The ramen shop in Kumamoto is like this.
24:41Is it the same in Tokyo?
24:43Tokyo is famous for this.
24:45Thank you for waiting.
24:47I will give you a drink.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:52Excuse me.
24:55My hand is in my mouth.
24:59I'm sorry.
25:00This is an important item in my collection.
25:06This is 100% pork bone soup.
25:12This is TAMANA RAMEN.
25:16This is pork bone.
25:19I will eat this.
25:25This is pork bone.
25:30This is amazing.
25:37It smells good.
25:39This is delicious.
25:43This is like KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
25:46This is a little different from KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
25:48This is original.
25:52KUMAMOTO RAMEN doesn't have this.
25:58This is delicious.
26:01The soup uses only the knee and spine of the pork.
26:08This is a strong firepower and is cooked for about 2 hours.
26:13This is a soup made from kelp.
26:16This is medium-thin noodles.
26:19This is topped with char siu, green onions, kikurage, and seaweed.
26:25This is TAMANA RAMEN.
26:28This is a garlic chip.
26:32This is a rule set by the owner of the restaurant.
26:36I need a license.
26:39Can I eat this?
26:41Excuse me.
26:45I will eat this.
26:49Do you want to eat this?
26:52This is a remnant of KUMAMOTO RAMEN I ate when I was a student.
27:01He is particular about char siu.
27:04This char siu tastes like KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
27:08He is particular about char siu.
27:10I can't eat this char siu in Tokyo.
27:16Char siu is cooked in the soup.
27:19Char siu is not cooked in soy sauce.
27:23Char siu is cooked in the soup.
27:28Char siu is soaked in the soup.
27:31I haven't eaten this taste for a long time.
27:39This is delicious.
27:42This has a strong taste of pork bone.
27:45However, when I eat this, I don't feel the smell of pork bone.
27:53It's been 30 years since I went to Tokyo.
27:58When I went to Tokyo, I ate pork bone ramen.
28:03Sometimes I thought pork bone ramen was good.
28:05I wanted to eat pork bone ramen.
28:09When I ate this, I felt like I was in Tokyo.
28:16This is it.
28:18This is the soul food that I have tasted in KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
28:24This is TAMANA RAMEN.
28:28He finished eating this in no time.
28:32I really like ramen.
28:36I want to do this in KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
28:39I want to gather people from various prefectures.
28:41I want to do this in KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
28:46If I have time, I don't have time.
28:50You have to wait for 2 hours.
28:52I have to wait for 2 hours.
28:54I'm sorry.
28:56I can't wait for 22 hours.
28:59I would be grateful if you could watch this.
29:03I did this before.
29:05I did this before, but it was physically difficult.
29:09Now I have a problem with my hands.
29:12I haven't done this recently.
29:15You have a record of doing this before.
29:20Do you have any know-how?
29:24I have both know-how and tools.
29:28Do you have both tools?
29:30Do you have a problem with your hands?
29:32The staff of KKT told me that he was training now.
29:38If you teach me well, I will do the last work.
29:44I will do my best.
29:46I want people from various prefectures to eat this.
29:50I want people from various prefectures to eat KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
30:02Arita enjoys delicious ramen.
30:04She wants to confirm something here.
30:12Do you know TAMANYAN?
30:14I know.
30:16It's a character of TAMANA.
30:18I don't see TAMANA RAMEN anywhere.
30:21Is it TAMANYAN?
30:23I'm looking for a character to replace KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
30:30You don't like TAMANYAN, do you?
30:33I don't think so.
30:35I have a strong impression of KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
30:40TAMANYAN is hazy.
30:42I didn't say that.
30:47After this, they found a character that is more than KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
30:52Arita is interested in TAMANYAN.
30:55That's amazing.
31:01Arita came to NAGASUMACHI.
31:05NAGASUMACHI is famous for goldfish.
31:10When I was a child, I fell in love with CHOSHU RIKI.
31:16I can see CHOSHU RIKI in this character.
31:27When I first saw CHOSHU RIKI's poster, I thought it was KIKARA NAGASU.
31:35NAGASU is the name of KUMAMOTO RAMEN.
31:39I thought it was CHOSHU RIKI.
31:42I still think it's CHOSHU RIKI.
31:47NAGASUMACHI is famous for goldfish.
31:52Is there a character that is more than KUMAMOTO RAMEN?
31:58You can experience saving goldfish all year round here.
32:02I can experience it.
32:04Everyone is so absorbed in saving goldfish that they don't notice Arita.
32:09That's right.
32:11I still have a long way to go.
32:13But goldfish are less famous.
32:17There are about 30 rare goldfish in NAGASUMACHI.
32:23You can visit NAGASUMACHI for free.
32:27This goldfish was born in NAGASUMACHI.
32:31This goldfish is different from ordinary goldfish.
32:35Do you understand?
32:37What's the difference?
32:39This goldfish has a long fin.
32:41This goldfish has a long fin.
32:44This goldfish doesn't have a fin.
32:46That's right.
32:48This goldfish is not good at swimming.
32:51This goldfish is cute.
32:55I like this goldfish.
32:57This goldfish is cute.
33:00This goldfish is cool in summer.
33:02This goldfish is cool.
33:04Is that okay?
33:08The people who support this goldfish are amazing.
33:14Welcome to NAGASUMACHI.
33:16Thank you very much.
33:18I'm Furekin-chan from NAGASUMACHI.
33:21I'm Furekin-chan.
33:22Are you Furekin-chan?
33:24I'm a character that goes beyond Kumamon.
33:27Entry number 4.
33:29I'm the mascot character of NAGASUMACHI.
33:31I'm Furekin-chan.
33:35What is the origin of the name Furekin-chan?
33:38I'm Furekin-chan.
33:39I'm a mascot character who supports everyone.
33:43You are a little twisted.
33:47I'm not a mascot character who is lucky.
33:50I'm not NAGASUMACHI.
33:53I have a big face.
33:55I have a red goldfish.
33:59I'm a mascot character.
34:02You are a mascot character of Furekin-chan.
34:05Furekin-chan is a mascot character.
34:08You are a mascot character of Furekin-chan.
34:11What are your special skills?
34:15Furekin-chan is famous for goldfish.
34:17Goldfish is famous for goldfish.
34:20Furekin-chan is famous for goldfish.
34:23It's like eating goldfish.
34:26I don't eat goldfish.
34:27You eat goldfish.
34:29You eat goldfish.
34:32Furekin-chan will eat goldfish.
34:37This is difficult.
34:40What is this?
34:59This is not KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
35:06You look like a child.
35:13I am a mascot character.
35:20I came from KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
35:25Does KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO want to do goldfish scooping?
35:30KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is not good at goldfish scooping.
35:36I'm good at praying.
35:39I'm good at praying.
35:42You shouldn't be good at praying.
35:45It's a matter of feeling.
35:48When do you do goldfish scooping?
35:51KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is popular with children.
35:56What kind of event do you attend?
35:59Various events.
36:02Do you really go to KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO?
36:04I go there.
36:05Did you come to KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO to do goldfish scooping?
36:15That's right.
36:18This is KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO's specialty.
36:21Arita wanted her to eat KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO's fresh FUGU SASHIMI.
36:33This is delicious.
36:36This is delicious.
36:38Thank you very much.
36:41KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO has the second largest fish population in Japan.
36:46KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is famous for its sweet grass.
36:49Is TORA FUGU the second most popular fish in Japan?
36:51That's right.
36:52Let's have a goldfish scooping battle with KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
37:00The winner will represent KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
37:02Wait a minute.
37:03I will also participate in that battle.
37:08What will happen to KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO?
37:16Let's have a goldfish scooping battle with KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
37:23The winner will represent KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
37:25Wait a minute.
37:26I will also participate in that battle.
37:38KUMAMON is here.
37:42KUMAMON is a great king.
37:44I wanted to meet KUMAMON.
37:46Wait a minute.
37:48I'm scared of KUMAMON.
37:51I'm scared of KUMAMON.
37:54I'm scared of KUMAMON.
37:57KUMAMON is the main character of this program.
37:59I see.
38:00KUMAMON is the main character of this program.
38:03The more I meet various people, the more I miss KUMAMON.
38:07If you beat KUMAMON, you can take over KUMAMON.
38:12KUMAMON is the main character of this program.
38:15Can you do that?
38:18Don't do that.
38:20Are you confident that KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO will be the main character of this program?
38:25Do you have confidence?
38:27Have you ever done a goldfish scooping?
38:29I'm good at scooping goldfish.
38:31I'm good at scooping goldfish.
38:33You are good at scooping goldfish.
38:34Is that so?
38:36Let the three of us do our best.
38:38I want to see it.
38:39Do you usually do a goldfish scooping?
38:43I haven't done it for decades.
38:45I want you to experience it first.
38:49First, ARITA will try goldfish scooping.
38:54I haven't done this for a long time.
38:57This is very small.
39:04This is difficult.
39:07Can KUMAMON do this?
39:11This is a terrible picture.
39:15I've never seen a character scooping goldfish with everyone.
39:28How much goldfish can you scoop in three minutes?
39:32Ready, start.
39:36ARITA, please give us an explanation.
39:38I understand.
39:40I can't see the explanation.
39:44KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO has already lost.
39:48Can you see the goldfish?
39:53Can you see the goldfish?
39:56KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO can't see the goldfish.
40:00Can you see the goldfish?
40:05This is a special cleaning.
40:09Please be careful.
40:14KUMAMON won.
40:17Is there still one goldfish?
40:19There is still one goldfish.
40:21KUMAMON is scooping goldfish with his hands.
40:31KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO scooped the first goldfish.
40:37KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is good at scooping goldfish.
40:45KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO scooped the second goldfish.
40:50KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
40:57KUMAMON has already scooped goldfish.
41:01KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
41:06KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
41:10KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
41:16We can't see anything.
41:20KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is good at scooping goldfish.
41:24KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO scooped the second goldfish.
41:27KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO scooped the third goldfish.
41:34KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO is good at scooping goldfish.
41:38KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
41:44KUMAMON is looking down.
41:51This is a video of KUMAMON scooping goldfish.
41:54What are you doing?
41:5510 seconds left.
41:578, 7, 5 seconds left.
42:01KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
42:07Time is up.
42:10KUMAMON has scooped one goldfish.
42:14KUMAMON is good at scooping goldfish.
42:18FUREKIN is good at scooping goldfish.
42:25FUREKIN is good at scooping goldfish.
42:28KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO has scooped three goldfish.
42:34The winner is KAMIYAMA KUSASHIRO.
42:42After this is a happy report for everyone watching the program.
42:50I met various characters today.
42:55I met various characters today.
42:58Who is that?
43:00Is that NAGOMI?
43:02That's NAGOMI.
43:04That's TAMANIAN.
43:08Do you remember?
43:10That's AKARUSHI.
43:14It's hard to meet at once.
43:16I thought it was a high level.
43:18I thought it was a high level.
43:20There are more strange characters than KUMAMON.
43:24I thought it was a high level.
43:27I was looking for a character that is more than KUMAMON.
43:34Everyone has their own personality.
43:39I feel the possibility of carrying the next generation of KUMAMON.
43:49When KUMAMON appeared at the end, I saw his aura.
43:55When I saw his aura, everyone was disappointed.
44:02KUMAMON won.
44:06KUMAMON is the winner.
44:12I will do my best for a while.
44:17I will do my best for KUMAMON.
44:20But I'm still looking for KUMAMON.
44:23There were a lot of KUMAMON this time.
44:25I'm still looking for KUMAMON.
44:27Are you still looking for KUMAMON?
44:29I want to give KUMAMON a break.
44:33I don't want to take KUMAMON's place.
44:36I'm still looking for KUMAMON.
44:38I want to give KUMAMON a break.
44:42Let's all cheer up KUMAMON.
44:47Let's do our best.
44:49There was nothing in the TAMANA RAMEN shop.
44:53There was nothing in the TAMANA RAMEN shop.
44:59This program was broadcast once a month.
45:03This program will be broadcast every Friday from next month.
45:08That's great.
45:13The staff are used to editing.
45:16The staff are used to editing.
45:21The staff are used to editing.
45:24I'm looking forward to the next episode.
45:26The first episode will be broadcast by ARITA and UEDA.
45:30Will the two of us be on the show together?
45:32Will the two of us be on the show together?
45:34That may be the case.
45:36That may be the case.
45:40I'm looking forward to it.
45:41Please look forward to next month.
45:43Let's do this together.
45:46Let's do this together.
45:48Let's do this.
45:50KUMAMON, let's go.
45:56KUMAMON, let's go.
46:00This program will be broadcast every Friday from October.
46:04Please look forward to it.
46:13Please subscribe to this channel.
