
  • last week


00:00A vice president in the middle of the night tonight, don't stand in the back of the
00:263.27 a.m. on this morning after the election, November the 9th, and Kennedy is very, very
00:40slowly pulling away in this very close election.
00:47Thank you very much.
00:56As I look at the board here, if the present trend continues, Mr. Kennedy, Senator Kennedy
01:03will be the next president of the United States.
01:14There obviously is no happiness in the Nixon camp, and it brings Vice President Nixon to
01:20a stop in his political career.
01:26I've had other defeats and disappointments in life, but nobody has really been defeated
01:31after running for president.
01:32You don't know when it's really like.
01:33Well, I have deliberately not made any plans for the future, yet.
01:34You've been through a very tiring campaign, but you certainly don't want to make any decisions
01:35in a hurry.
01:36My political friends said, you've got to go back.
01:37You've got to run for office again.
01:38If you don't run, who's Dick Nixon going to be?
01:39And I said, I'm going to run.
01:40I'm going to run.
01:41I'm going to run for office.
01:42I'm going to run for office.
01:43I'm going to run for office, and I'm going to win.
01:44I'm going to win.
01:45I'm going to win.
01:46I'm going to win.
01:47I'm going to win.
01:48I'm going to win.
01:49I'm going to win.
01:50I'm going to win.
01:51I'm going to win.
01:52I'm going to win.
01:53I'm going to win.
01:54I'm going to win.
01:55I'm going to win.
01:56I'm going to win.
01:57I'm going to win.
01:58I'm going to win.
01:59I'm going to win.
02:00I'm going to win.
02:01I'm going to win.
02:02I'm going to win.
02:03I'm going to win.
02:04I'm going to win.
02:05I'm going to win.
02:06I'm going to win.
02:07I'm going to win.
02:08I'm going to win.
02:09I'm going to win.
02:10I'm going to win.
02:11I'm going to win.
02:12I'm going to win.
02:13I'm going to win.
02:14I'm going to win.
02:15I'm going to win.
02:16I'm going to win.
02:17I'm going to win.
02:18I'll win.
02:19I'll win.
02:33Enthusiastic Nixonites are at hand and twisting at the Pomona-California County
02:36Fairground to welcome back to the site where he started his
02:40first political campaign, former
02:42Vice President Richard Nixon.
02:48that I announce tonight my intention to seek the governorship of the state of California.
02:56Mrs. Nixon said, well, I think it's a terrible mistake for you to run.
03:00We've just been through a campaign. We're just getting back on our feet.
03:04But if you decide to do it, she said, I'll be there with you.
03:09In this campaign, it's generally been stated that if you don't win, you have no future.
03:15I would agree with that objective critique.
03:17But on the other hand, I don't expect to lose. I expect to win.
03:22The last chance of Richard Nixon was to unseat Pat Brown as governor of his home state in
03:27California. The last chance failed. The next day, his press chief told the waiting press
03:33Nixon would not appear or speak. But suddenly Nixon appeared, tired,
03:38making an effort to be genial, but bitterness forced its way out.
03:42People say, isn't it a comedown, having run for president, almost made it to run for governor?
03:49The answer is I'm proud to run for governor. I would like to have won.
03:55I believe Governor Brown has a heart, even though he believes I do not.
04:02I believe he is a good American, even though he feels I am not.
04:06I wish him well. And for once, gentlemen, I would appreciate if you would write what I'm saying.
04:12For 16 years, you've had a lot of fun. You've had an opportunity to attack me,
04:18and I think I've given as good as I've taken. But as I leave you,
04:24just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore.
04:30Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference. Thank you, gentlemen, and good day.
04:36So the end, apparently. The end of the curious, often colorful, sometimes checkered career of
04:45Richard Nixon. I had burned my bridges and spades as far as the press were concerned.
04:52I had been defeated for president of the United States. I had been defeated for governor of
04:56California. I thought I was dead. After going through the trauma of defeat and
05:14disappointment, many felt that being out of office was an end to a career,
05:21and I must admit that I felt that, too. I was physically drained, emotionally drained,
05:29mentally drained. Just numb.
05:40Ladies and gentlemen, it's a great privilege and pleasure for me to present the former United
05:44States Vice President, Mr. Richard Nixon. My little daughter said today that, you know,
06:00she says, Mr. Nixon, I'll be honest with you, yeah, she says, I do hope that man finds work.
06:04Can Kennedy be defeated in 64? Well, which one?
06:22Would you bring a piano out here if we can do this? We had Mrs. Nixon, Pat, had a tape recorder
06:28going one afternoon, and she quietly said to Mr. Nixon, would you, why don't you play an old piece?
06:33And she recorded it. Now, and Jose has made a concerto arrangement of this hinky dinky song that
06:39you wrote. Would you play it for us?
07:21there are times when a person in public life should get out of the public view,
07:29to go away and then come back in.
07:34I knew that it was well for me to get off stage for a while.
07:40And as it turned out, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
07:50This march will go down as one of the greatest,
08:00if not the greatest, demonstrations for freedom and human dignity.
08:11Today, millions of people throughout the world are trying to find word
08:16adequate to express their grief.
08:30Millions of Americans are denied the right to vote because of their color.
08:37This law will right that wrong.
08:40People are angry with the police for their brutality.
08:43They're tired, they're hungry. I think it started 400 years ago.
08:47You're getting tired of being pushed around by your wife, that's all.
08:50The riots are only the most virulent symptom of a much more disturbing national problem,
08:57and that's the growing disrespect for law in America.
09:01After 16 years in public life, I believe that I should continue to speak out.
09:07I believe that I should continue to speak out from time to time on public issues.
09:22How do we get this war over with, rather than letting it drag on for five years,
09:28which this president administration's policy would let it do?
09:32Mr. Nixon, when are you going to start running for president yourself?
09:37What has got to happen before your intentions next year will be made known?
09:46Do you know what I mean by that, Mr. Nixon?
09:49Intentions about what?
09:52I'd been thinking about it, of course, but the program was underway.
09:56Richard Nixon still is not officially a candidate for president,
10:00but unofficially he is running and has been for some time.
10:07I have an announcement.
10:11Yesterday, I informed the Nixon for president campaign committees
10:17that their campaigns could go forward with my cooperation.
10:21This is not my last press conference.
10:28The final campaigning is underway in the New Hampshire presidential primary.
10:31On the Republican side, Richard Nixon is urging New Hampshire Republicans to give him a big
10:35send-off in his quest for the GOP presidential nomination.
10:49Perhaps if you could make a point of trying to look towards me a little bit more often,
10:52so the sound will be a little bit better.
10:55Mr. Nixon, a lot has been said about a new Mr. Nixon.
10:59Have you been seeking a kind of newness?
11:02Well, my wife says I've got less hair than I've had before.
11:05The hairline goes back a bit here and there.
11:08Others discover that I perhaps have a sense of humor,
11:12which I think I've always had, but perhaps people didn't see it.
11:19I'm really the most difficult man in the world when it comes to a so-called public relations firm.
11:25Nobody's going to package me.
11:27Nobody's going to make me put on an act for television.
11:30I'm not going to engage in any gimmicks or any stunts, wear any silly hats.
11:35If people looking at me say, that's a new Nixon,
11:38then all that I can say is, well, maybe you didn't know the old Nixon.
11:44Well, I guess I'll sit down here and get ready.
11:59And absolute quiet in here because they can pick up everything.
12:03Remember, it's extremely informal, and we slice it out of the tape if we don't like it.
12:11And if it doesn't work, we do it again.
12:12It's not easy.
12:30See, when you're on live, and it's sudden death,
12:35a guy asks you a question and you try to answer it and then bite your tongue.
12:39Okay, ready for the first question and go.
12:43Mr. Nixon, if the Johnson administration can terminate the war within,
12:49well, let's give him eight months, then he has a very good chance of winning next year.
12:55But if we haven't been able to win the war in the past few years, how long could it last, really?
13:02I do know this.
13:04I do know that the new administration can and will end the war
13:08within a matter of a year after we get into power.
13:22I have today ordered to Vietnam the Air Mobile Division,
13:25which will raise our fighting strength from 75,000 to 125,000 men almost immediately.
13:34Without question, Lyndon Johnson, he had all the moves.
13:39He knew how to use power. He was ruthless. He was persuasive.
13:43And then when the war began to escalate, and Johnson didn't know what to do about it,
13:49he just started to flail around.
13:51And everything that he tried seemed to crumble in his hands.
14:04The low-key Minnesota Democrat, Senator Eugene McCarthy,
14:14entered the race against his party's incumbent president
14:17with the express purpose of giving the voters a voice in the Vietnam debate.
14:24Campaign 68, the New Hampshire primary.
14:28The big surprise of the first primary of Campaign 68
14:31has been the strength of Senator Eugene McCarthy.
14:34The volume with which New Hampshire's voters today endorsed his effort
14:38signals trouble for President Johnson's as yet undeclared re-election bid.
14:43On the Republican side, Richard Nixon entered the race to
14:46shed that loser's image he acquired in 1960 and 62.
14:50Seems to be quite apparent from the early returns that we won't have to have
14:53a recount tonight.
14:57Nixon, the only active campaigner, ran far in front,
15:01even farther than expected, with 81 percent.
15:04Mr. Nixon, which tactics and issues do you feel got you this vote in New
15:08Hampshire? Very effective use of television. I know
15:12I'm not supposed to be able to use television, but I think that's one myth
15:15we knocked down this time. We were pretty good on television.
15:18The Nixon campaign needed this kind of a shot in the arm. His supporters now
15:22around the country, I think, are going to look at him a little bit differently as
15:25possibly a vote-getter. Mr. Nixon, do you think you can be
15:28stopped now?
15:34Well, sir, that's a fair enough question.
15:37I can say this. I'm not going to stop myself, that's for sure.
15:43I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the United States.
16:05I run because I am convinced that this country is on a perilous course
16:11and because I have such strong feelings about what must be done.
16:17I do not lightly dismiss the dangers and the difficulties
16:21of challenging an incumbent president. At stake is not simply the leadership
16:28of our party and even our country. It is our right through the moral
16:35leadership of this planet. I thank you.
16:45Well, the whole thing is one of the most extraordinary political and human
16:49dramas, I think, in the history of American politics.
16:52This party may come apart at the seams. It's possible. Mr. Nixon, what sort of an
16:56opponent do you think Robert Kennedy would be if you
16:58both were to be nominated? He would be a strong opponent.
17:03I mean, after all, you can't knock money.
17:08Bobby Kennedy was very intense, very hard working.
17:12He had more fire in his belly than either the other two.
17:15This was a totally political animal.
17:33Many people in Vietnam are speaking of peace,
17:46but the men in the field don't speak of peace. They speak of going home,
17:50which is something they've wanted to do for a long time.
17:55Meanwhile, they march, they fight,
18:00and they die. And peace is only a word.
18:23Gosh, this is hard to read, Jim. You have no idea.
18:27It's just marked up every word, nearly, you see.
18:30I just, and I can't see where period is or not.
18:38Good evening, my fellow Americans. Tonight I want to speak to you
18:45of peace in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
18:50We are prepared to move immediately toward peace through negotiations.
18:58So tonight I am taking the first step to de-escalate the conflict
19:07with our hopes and the world's hopes for peace and the balance
19:11every day. I do not believe that I should devote an hour or day of
19:19my time to any personal partisan causes.
19:25Accordingly, I shall not seek and I will not accept
19:31the nomination of my party for another term as your president.
19:42Roger, no question about it, this was a bombshell politically.
19:46Well, you really don't know where it began.
19:50As you said, there was no warning. The announcement that he would not seek
19:55another term or accept another term was not in the text.
19:58What it says is that President Johnson is willing to pay the
20:01ultimate price to make the ultimate sacrifice for peace in Southeast Asia.
20:06What I'd rather do, Dan, is go home and come back tomorrow
20:11morning and begin to talk about it. It is a stunning moment, and for those of
20:14you in the audience who may be saying, well, those two fellows are having a hard
20:18time coming up with something to say, that's the truth of the matter because
20:21it did come as a distinct surprise. It seems to me that this turns the whole
20:24political basket upside down.
20:30This is a CBS News special report. Good evening.
20:34Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights
20:38movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
20:42At 7 10 this evening, Martin Luther King was shot.
20:47Martin Luther King, 20 minutes ago, died.
20:56I would like to take this opportunity to ask Reverend John Gensel
21:02to lead all of us in prayer for Martin Luther King
21:07and the future of all civil rights movements.
21:16Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow
21:23human beings. What we need in the United States is
21:27love and wisdom and compassion toward one
21:30another and a feeling of justice toward those
21:35who still suffer within our country, whether they be
21:39white or whether they be black.
21:47When I heard about it, I just couldn't believe that it happened.
21:57I considered him in terms of the black movement as being what I would call a
22:12moderate. At least he wasn't advocating burning
22:15down the buildings and erasing all the kind of hells the Black Panthers and
22:19others were. When Latin America got rid of Marcus
22:22Garvey, she did it and she said he was an
22:25extremist. He was crazy. When they got rid of Brother
22:29Malcolm X, they said he was preaching hate.
22:32He deserved what he got. But when they got rid of Brother
22:37Martin Luther King, they had absolutely no reason to do so.
22:41He was the one man in our race who was trying to teach our people to have
22:47love, passion, and mercy for what white people
22:50had done.
22:56All over America, black ghettos exploded in rage and grief.
23:03There is no cause that justifies violence or breaking the law.
23:08The Constitution does guarantee the right to disagree,
23:11but not the right to disobey. It is time for us to restore respect for
23:18law and then we'll have real progress in the United States of America.
23:22We've heard constant references to respect for law and order,
23:27and more particularly what they mean is respect for the white man's law
23:31enforcement. The American people today want a
23:36president of the United States who will see it like it is and tell it
23:40like it is, and that's what I'm doing to you here today.
23:45Folks, this is John Wayne. We need a president who'll restore
23:55respect for law and order. Richard Nixon is the man to do it.
23:58He's strong enough, he has the experience,
24:02and he doesn't pussyfoot around. That's my kind of a president.
24:06Richard Nixon, the best we have.
24:21Only 40 percent of the men that live in the ghetto have jobs that pay more than
24:2560 dollars a week. How can you support a family? How can you
24:28bring up children and dignity? Robert Kennedy is the only man on the
24:34current political structure that can do the job that we need done.
24:38Is there a second choice? There is no second choice as far as we're
24:46There is a feeling in the political climate that the Kennedy juggernaut
24:50is not to be denied much longer. Senator Robert Kennedy stands a good deal taller
24:54this morning as a result of his clear-cut victory in the Indiana
24:57Democratic presidential primary. On the Republican side, Richard Nixon was
25:02not opposed and write-ins are not permitted in Indiana.
25:06Senator Kennedy picked up 23 convention votes in the District of Columbia
25:10primary. The size of the Nixon win all but wraps up
25:13the Republican nomination for him.
25:20The polls have just closed in California's presidential primary.
25:23We're going to Robert Kennedy's headquarters at the Ambassador Hotel
25:27in Los Angeles. The New York Times has just said that Kennedy is the
25:32apparent winner. Now he's advancing towards the hall
25:36where he will talk to his supporters.
25:53Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
25:56I want to express my gratitude to all of those Mexican-Americans who were
26:03such supporters of mine and I want to also thank all my friends in the
26:08black community.
26:14My thanks to all of you and now it's on to Chicago and let's win there.
26:20Who's going to be the next president of the United States?
26:30From this very beginning, this campaign 68 has been
26:34one which has defied the experts, an unpredictable sequence of political
26:50Get the gun. Get the gun. Stay away from the gun.
26:54Get his thumb. Take a hold of his thumb and break it if you have to. Get his thumb.
27:01A doctor here. A doctor right here.
27:03A medical trainee.
27:05You're a doctor.
27:20I went up to my study and Mrs. Nixon came in and it's one of the few times
27:27I've seen her cry and she said that poor boy died.
27:50My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in death beyond what he was in
27:59To be remembered simply as a good and decent man
28:03who saw wrong and tried to right it,
28:07saw suffering and tried to heal it,
28:11saw war and tried to stop it.
28:16Senator Kennedy's death is a tragedy for a nation and for a family,
28:20but the tragedy would be compounded if we allowed it to cause us to lose
28:26confidence in ourselves and in our nation.
28:30There are sick people in America, but the American people
28:34are not a sick nation.
28:38Of course all people are sick.
28:42Of course all political campaigns have been suspended.
28:46It's far too early to contemplate any political implications from this.
28:50It's simply too early to have a reading on what the possible effect
28:54could be on the political campaign for the rest of the year,
28:58that it will have an effect no one can deny.
29:12At 6.30 this evening, as scheduled,
29:16the man most likely to succeed on Wednesday arrived and heard his
29:20first hurrahs in Miami Beach.
29:24Richard Nixon remains far out in front in the delegate strength,
29:28but if he's to win a nomination he still is going to need some additional support.
29:32And there's going to be a great deal of maneuvering and that's certainly the understatement of the day.
29:42Nelson Rockefeller was in there and he had a huge amount of money.
29:46And then also Ronald Reagan was making a little run at it from the coast.
29:50There has been some movement.
29:54Ronald Reagan could claim 16 fresh votes
29:58as an aftermath of his meetings today with two southern delegations.
30:02I think that Mr. Nixon can be stopped and I think if he does not get it on the first ballot he's through.
30:06Anybody in politics must have grade.
30:10Competitive instinct. He must want to win.
30:14He must not like to lose.
30:18But above everything else he must have the ability to keep fighting more and more strongly
30:22when it seems that the odds are the greatest.
30:30The most important developments have centered mostly on a conference
30:34that Richard Nixon held last night.
30:38And he seemed to be trying desperately
30:42to win the south to his side.
30:46As a result of his statements to the southern caucus, black voters are aware that
30:50Richard Nixon is opposed to busing to help eliminate racial imbalance in the nation's schools.
30:54That he has a deep and basic opposition
30:58to open housing and that he will try to capitalize on the political and racial
31:02issues of law and order and violence.
31:06I am going to cast my vote for that world statesman
31:10and that great American, Richard M. Nixon.
31:18And South Carolina's votes will go with me.
31:22I again
31:26proudly accept that nomination for President of the United States.
31:30But I have news for you. This time there's a difference.
31:34This time we're going to win.
31:42My fellow Americans, for a few moments
31:46let us look at America. Let us listen to America.
31:50As we look at America we see cities enveloped in smoke and flame.
31:54We hear sirens in the night.
31:58We see Americans dying on distant battlefields abroad.
32:02We see Americans hating each other, fighting each other,
32:06killing each other at home. And as we see and hear these things
32:10millions of Americans cry out in anguish,
32:14did we come all this way for this?
32:18Listen to the answer to those questions.
32:22It is another voice. It is a quiet voice
32:26in the tumult of the shouting. It is the voice of the
32:30great majority of Americans, the forgotten Americans, the non-shouters,
32:34the non-demonstrators. They're good people.
32:38They're decent people. They work and they save and they pay their taxes and they care.
32:42And what America needs are leaders to match
32:46the greatness of her people.
33:00Good evening from Chicago where the 35th
33:04National Democratic Convention opens with the promise of turmoil
33:08inside this hall and a threat of violence without.
33:12Today 5,000 National Guard troops join federal and local
33:16forces in imposing unprecedented security.
33:20As for the demonstrators, estimates range up to 100,000 protesters.
33:24The invading students, hippies, yippies, radicals, activists,
33:28McCarthy kids and other anti-war horses.
33:32We want change! We want change!
33:36More than 5,000 screaming, cheering supporters of Eugene McCarthy
33:40swarmed all over Midway Airport.
33:44Across town, Hubert and Muriel Humphrey
33:48stepped from their chartered jet. In Vietnam he is,
33:52if the word means anything, rather hawkish and he's stuck with it.
33:56Oh say can you
34:04by the dawn's early
34:12What so proudly
34:16we hailed
34:20at the twilight's last gleaming
34:24A new line of police moving down Balboa Street now to take positions
34:28and to try, presumably, to clear this intersection.
34:40A noisy but nonviolent crowd
34:44jams the streets as Chicago police charge suddenly in all directions.
34:48The police clearing off the sidewalks and the crowd is running. The police are chasing
34:52them in the grand park.
35:00They jab nightsticks to the stomachs and skulls.
35:04Shots, bullets, gas.
35:08More McCarthy! More McCarthy!
35:12The whole world is watching the chants of the crowd on the side.
35:16More McCarthy! More McCarthy!
35:20Nothing described any other way except unprovoked.
35:24And the police lost control.
35:36Richard Nixon can take some heart from what happened here this week.
35:40The impact could help thrust Richard Nixon into the White House
35:44next January.
35:50Mr. Nixon chose to open his drive for the White House in Chicago
35:54where the Democrats had a certain amount of difficulty last week.
35:58Today the crowds were big, boisterous, and friendly.
36:02A picture of the city of Chicago and the people of Chicago
36:06went out across America and across this world.
36:10It was an ugly picture. And my friends, I can tell you today
36:14it was an unfair picture. It wasn't a true picture.
36:18I saw the real Chicago yesterday.
36:22A record number of Chicagoans came out.
36:26Some said 400,000. Some said 600,000. Let's call it a half a million.
36:30They had taken to the streets because they want a change in America
36:34and they're going to get it by their votes this November.
36:42I, in a sense, am in the ring tonight and I think this is the time
36:46and I think this is the place to take off the gloves and sock it to them.
36:52Nixon's staff today claimed he would win a landslide
36:56427 electoral votes next Tuesday.
37:04The polls showed that we were going to win very, very handsomely.
37:10But Lyndon Johnson still had the White House
37:14and that White House almost finished us off
37:18just three or four days before the election.
37:24Good evening. President Johnson announced tonight
37:28he has ordered a halt to the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam
37:32effective at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning Washington time.
37:36A North Vietnamese spokesman said the Hanoi delegation
37:40President Johnson's decision has brought the highest prospects
37:44for peace in Vietnam in three years.
37:48I shall do everything in my power to move us toward the peace
37:52that this president and I believe every other American
37:56so deeply and urgently desire.
38:00To think that this should be pulled out of the hat
38:04right before the election at a time that it was bound to give Humphrey
38:08a treat and give me a trick which would defeat us.
38:12It seems to me that the statement made tonight by the president
38:16cannot help but help Vice President Hubert Humphrey.
38:20After the president announced the bombing halt last night
38:24the Lewis Harris poll reported today that Hubert Humphrey
38:28has narrowed Richard Nixon's lead to three percentage points.
38:32Harris has said in the past that if Humphrey reached within
38:36then the election could become too close to call.
38:40There's no question that I was very distressed
38:44and all of my associates were.
38:58I want to talk to you very confidentially because I think
39:02we're skirting on dangerous ground.
39:26This is treason. I know.
39:30It would shock America if a principal candidate was playing
39:34with a source like this on a matter this important.
39:40I know this, that they're contacting
39:44a foreign power in the middle of a war.
39:52Hello. Mr. President? Yes.
39:56Yes, Dick. I just want you to know
40:00that I got a report from Everett Gershman regarding your call.
40:04And, uh...
40:08My God, I would never do anything to encourage
40:12Hanoi, I mean Saigon, not to jump to the table because
40:16basically we've got to get them to Paris or you can't have a peace.
40:20You just see it. Your people don't tell us how Vietnamese
40:24get any better deal out of the United States government than a conference.
40:34An American spokesman in Paris said today the peace talks scheduled for tomorrow
40:38will be postponed because of South Vietnam's refusal to participate.
40:42As we come down to the wire, it seems to me that the developments
40:46of the past few days clearly indicate that
40:50the American people need fresh ideas, new men,
40:54and new leadership if we are to bring to an end the war in which we're presently engaged.
41:04Election Night 68. Reporting from election headquarters.
41:08Perhaps the closest race in the nation's history.
41:12Richard Milhous Nixon, in a remarkable political
41:16comeback, narrowly has been elected the 37th President of the United States.
41:20The President-elect
41:24Richard Nixon.
41:28Remarkable comeback, perhaps the most remarkable political comeback
41:32in American presidential history.
41:36And Nixon is indeed the one today.
41:40Having lost a close one eight years ago and having won a close one this year, I can say this.
41:44Winning's a lot more fun.
41:52The Nixon administration is engaged
41:56in a polarization process.
42:14We are going to use enemies.
42:18We've got some dirty tricks up our sleeves.
