• last year
00:05Our animal friends.
00:08We see so many animals around us.
00:13We see animals in our houses like dog and cat.
00:20We see animals in the farm like sheep and hen.
00:27We see animals on the road like horse and bullock.
00:35We also see birds on trees and in the sky like sparrows and crows.
00:46Animals like lion and tiger are seen in the wild and in the zoo.
00:58Some animals are raised in personalized environments called farms.
01:07All these farm animals which we tame are called domestic animals.
01:15Now let us see how animals are important to us.
01:25Animals give us food.
01:29Animals are either a direct or an indirect source of our daily diet.
01:38The different types of meat and seafood we eat come directly from animals.
01:47The products that animals produce become the indirect sources of food.
01:55For example, milk is the most commonly used animal product.
02:03All the products made out of milk are called dairy products.
02:10Eggs also form an important part of our diet.
02:16Do you know?
02:18The collective term for farming chickens, ducks, peepal, etc. for eggs and meat is called poultry farming.
02:36Other than food, animals also form a direct or an indirect source of the various household products we use.
02:49We use the skin of some animals to make a very commonly used material called leather.
03:00When snakes, crocodiles, camels and buffaloes die, their skin is made into leather in tanneries.
03:13The hair of sheep is used to make wool.
03:19Animal fur is also something that people use.
03:26We get honey and wax from the beehives.
03:34Wax is used for making candles.
03:39We make silk cloth from the thread produced by the silkworm.
03:47Horses and oxen draw cards.
03:52Bullocks draw the plough in farms.
03:58Domestic elephants are used to carry loads and pull huge logs of wood.
04:13Now let us see some more uses of animals.
04:19Animals can also be kept as pets not just for recreation but also for security purpose.
04:31They also tend to entertain us.
04:39Animals are also useful to plants.
04:43For example, insects spread pollen and birds drop seeds of fruits they eat and help plants to grow.
04:59The feces of cows, goats, buffaloes, horses and camels is very useful.
05:10It is called dung.
05:13It is not just used as a natural fuel but in most villages now gas is obtained from this dung and used as fuel.
05:27It also acts as manure for the plants and helps in fertilizing the crops.
05:35We all now know that animals are useful to us.
05:40It is our responsibility to take care of them too.