• last week
00:00:00I don't remember Team Xtreme winning Moonsault, but nobody there!
00:00:05Oh my!
00:00:08Oh my!
00:00:09Lita found nothing but canvas, Trish now with a chance!
00:00:14Two count!
00:00:16Check this out one more time, Lita missing this huge Moonsault, that would have ended it I think, but...
00:00:24You gonna see some stratisfaction?
00:00:26Trish thinking, stratisfaction!
00:00:28Lita had that one well scouted.
00:00:30As quickly as we had recognized it, Lita probably had it recognized before us.
00:00:35Well there are probably no less than 500 signs around this arena tonight saying,
00:00:39we want to see stratisfaction,
00:00:42but you're right, Lita knew that was coming at some point this match.
00:00:47The crowd cheering loudly at the controversial redhead, Lita, the women's champion.
00:00:55And now Lita with cover!
00:00:57The far right hook!
00:00:59And Trish with everything she had, able to kick out,
00:01:03and Lita infuriated, thought she had the cover in the pin there,
00:01:07she indeed had the cover.
00:01:11Trying to cover her face up,
00:01:13but Lita relentless.
00:01:18Referee Chad Patton checking with the number one contender,
00:01:22number one contender.
00:01:27Shot to the kidneys.
00:01:30And we have had carnage here tonight,
00:01:32we have had injuries, as soon as we get any updates on the status of the
00:01:37men in the Hell in a Cell, we'll pass it along to you.
00:01:40These have been big matches, every one of these matches,
00:01:44so important, and every one of these superstars putting,
00:01:47well putting everything they have on the line.
00:01:51Suplex, snap suplex by the champion.
00:01:54Hook to the leg, now on another near fall,
00:01:57and Trish quickly went to her stomach after the kick out.
00:02:01Oh, hard kick to the ribs by Lita, the women's champion.
00:02:11And this may not be that story beginning,
00:02:15that we all had hoped, or many of us had hoped,
00:02:19that Trish would receive in her hometown,
00:02:22here at her last match here tonight at Unforgiven.
00:02:27We were hoping that September the 17th, 2006,
00:02:31would be a night that that beautiful young woman would never forget,
00:02:34and it may be, but for the wrong reasons.
00:02:37Here comes Trish.
00:02:39Lita getting right in Trish's face,
00:02:41gloating, but now Lita paying the price.
00:02:44Oh, here we go.
00:02:46Side brushing legs,
00:02:47weapon pulled over to the mount position.
00:02:49Nice move by Lita, straight right hand,
00:02:52and Lita says, not tonight, baby.
00:02:54You're all mine, Trish, not tonight.
00:02:59Well, Trish has certainly had nothing to be ashamed of.
00:03:03Another cover, and again,
00:03:06Trish expending so much energy on those near falls.
00:03:10I mean, even if she doesn't win her final match,
00:03:12she's had a marvelous, great career here in the WWE.
00:03:16Without a doubt.
00:03:18You've got to believe that someday she'll join
00:03:20the fabulous Moolah and Jerry Martell, perhaps,
00:03:23in the WWE Hall of Fame with all Trish's accomplishments.
00:03:34Lita again, without sleep for a second time,
00:03:36she's using this match.
00:03:38Trish fighting this huge crowd,
00:03:40this huge crowd trying to get behind Trish
00:03:42and will her, and it's working.
00:03:45A modified neck breaker there
00:03:47on the surgically repaired neck of Lita by Trish.
00:03:52Well over 16,000 fans
00:03:56here tonight in the New York Canada Center.
00:03:57We're thankful that you're with us
00:03:59wherever you are around the world,
00:04:01including our armed forces.
00:04:04Thank you for all you do as Lita and Trish
00:04:11And this, this is a slugfest.
00:04:13Oh, this is great.
00:04:14What a match this is.
00:04:18Oh, right across the frizzly nose
00:04:20with the elbow of Lita.
00:04:22And Trish again, trying it one more time.
00:04:26It worked.
00:04:28Third time's the charm.
00:04:32Trish measuring Lita.
00:04:39Chick, chick, chick.
00:04:42Chick kick may do it.
00:04:44Chick kick should do it.
00:04:45Chick kick didn't do it.
00:04:50I just can't believe that didn't work.
00:04:51I can't either.
00:04:52Near fall here in this matchup
00:04:54for the WWE Women's title.
00:04:58Well, Lita
00:04:59making her twist of fate.
00:05:05In this match, you know.
00:05:13Trish had a fitting predicament
00:05:15with Trish being here.
00:05:17Oh, wait a minute.
00:05:20Wait a minute, JR.
00:05:21Look at this.
00:05:22Wait a minute here.
00:05:23Wait a minute.
00:05:27The crowd's on their feet.
00:05:28The crowd's going crazy.
00:05:30The Sharpshooter.
00:05:32Trish has got the Sharpshooter
00:05:33on the champion.
00:05:34Lita definitely trying to get to the rope
00:05:36to save herself.
00:05:38Trish has it locked in.
00:05:40That hole is as Canadian
00:05:41as Canadian can get.
00:05:43It's over.
00:05:44It's over.
00:05:45And Trish wins
00:05:46the Sharpshooter.
00:05:47The winner by submission
00:05:49and the new
00:05:51WWE Women's Champion
00:05:54Trish Stratus.
00:05:57By God, I can't believe it.
00:06:00Not that Trish didn't win the match,
00:06:02but Trish Stratus
00:06:04using front the Hitman Hart's
00:06:09It was that
00:06:12but it certainly supplied
00:06:13a lot of satisfaction
00:06:15for this huge crowd here in Toronto
00:06:17and for Trish.
00:06:19These fans are on their feet
00:06:21at every level of this arena.
00:06:23Here at Canada Centre.
00:06:33I mean,
00:06:34this is like the Maple Leafs
00:06:36winning the Standing Cup.
00:06:40What an ovation
00:06:41and rightfully so
00:06:43in her last match.
00:06:54One of Canada's
00:06:55greatest export kings
00:06:58is going to have a night
00:06:59in a memory
00:07:00that will last forever.
00:07:13That is absolutely amazing.
00:07:15I'm so happy
00:07:16that we were here tonight
00:07:18to see this situation.
00:07:20These are moments
00:07:21that you work your whole life
00:07:22in this business
00:07:23to be a part of.
00:07:26Well, she certainly deserves
00:07:27a standing ovation.
00:07:28She's getting it.
00:07:35We'll be able to talk her
00:07:36into coming back.
00:07:38Why is she still in the title?
00:07:43Congratulations, Trish.
00:07:46There was never
00:07:47anyone any better.
00:07:52Yeah, what a night it is here.
00:07:54What a night it could be for us.
00:07:56SmackDown's Theodore Long
00:07:58has retained the WWE title.
00:08:00John Cena will go to SmackDown
00:08:04on their big premiere
00:08:05this Friday Night King
00:08:06on the CW Network.
00:08:08Boy, and look at Teddy Long.
00:08:09He is just,
00:08:10he is so anxiously awaiting.
00:08:12He's just rubbing his hands.
00:08:14He can't wait.
00:08:16Well, congratulations
00:08:17go out to Trish Stratus.
00:08:18An emotional victory
00:08:20in her final match.
00:08:21But ladies and gentlemen,
00:08:22my guest at this time,
00:08:23none other than the legend killer himself,
00:08:27Randy Orton.
00:08:30And of course, Randy,
00:08:31you're about to go
00:08:32one-on-one versus Carlito.
00:08:34What's going through
00:08:35your mind right now?
00:08:36Well, first of all, you know,
00:08:37congratulations are in order.
00:08:39Congratulations, Trish.
00:08:41Good for you.
00:08:43The thing of it is, Todd,
00:08:45is there's one little problem.
00:08:47Nobody really cares
00:08:48about your retirement.
00:08:49Of course, unless you're Canadian.
00:08:53In which case,
00:08:54you don't have much of a life.
00:08:57But news is,
00:08:59as Trish is old news,
00:09:00she's the past.
00:09:01And if we want to talk about the past,
00:09:03we'll refer to two years ago
00:09:05where in this very building,
00:09:07yours truly became the youngest
00:09:09world heavyweight champion
00:09:11in history.
00:09:13So Carlito, think about this.
00:09:15All the apple-biting,
00:09:16silly catchphrases,
00:09:17the stupid haircut,
00:09:18it won't change the fact
00:09:20that Trish Stratus is a bitch.
00:09:23And tonight, Carlito,
00:09:25I'm going to make you mine.
00:09:28My God, how indignant.
00:09:31How damned indignant can I be?
00:09:35Playing some mind games, J.R.,
00:09:36trying to intimidate Carlito.
00:09:40You think it'll work?
00:09:42Don't piss me off.
00:09:44Don't piss me off.
00:09:55Indeed, at SummerSlam 2004,
00:09:57Randy Orton became the youngest
00:09:59WWE champion in history.
00:10:05And it comes to the schedule for one fall,
00:10:07making his way to the ring.
00:10:09From St. Louis, Missouri,
00:10:10weighing in at 245 pounds,
00:10:13Randy Orton!
00:10:15And the question is,
00:10:16can Orton recreate
00:10:20that success in the same arena
00:10:22that he became the youngest champion?
00:10:28Well, we've talked about
00:10:29so many of these matches here tonight
00:10:31at Unforgiven,
00:10:32having what we refer to as
00:10:34personal issues.
00:10:35I mean, this is another one.
00:10:38The personality of Randy Orton,
00:10:40the personality of Carlito.
00:10:43And they've got a clash of personalities.
00:10:45They're going to try to settle things tonight.
00:10:48This is a first one-on-one
00:10:49meeting of pay-per-view
00:10:50between Randy Orton and Carlito.
00:10:53They're both former
00:10:54Intercontinental champions.
00:10:55Orton, of course,
00:10:56a former world champion,
00:10:59WWE champion.
00:11:02You know, this guy,
00:11:04you feel the arrogance
00:11:05and the cockiness
00:11:06that just oozes out of Randy Orton.
00:11:14I spin the face of people
00:11:16who don't want to be cool.
00:11:21And making his way to the ring,
00:11:23from the Caribbean,
00:11:24weighing in at 220 pounds,
00:11:31Carlito's father,
00:11:32the great Carlos Colón,
00:11:34Carlos Colón was at Madison Square Garden
00:11:36last week watching his son
00:11:37get picked for the hair.
00:11:41At the Carlito Club.
00:11:42That's the Angry Hair Club.
00:11:44I spin the face of people
00:11:46who don't want to be cool.
00:11:48That's exactly what Carlito
00:11:49needs to be here tonight.
00:11:50Wild and unruly and emotional.
00:11:55And avoid an RKO.
00:11:56Yeah, but you've got to stay focused.
00:11:58That's what Randy Orton,
00:11:59he's trying to get inside
00:12:00the head of Carlito.
00:12:02He wants to make Carlito,
00:12:03well, you know,
00:12:04like I said,
00:12:05get unfocused.
00:12:06Maybe get mad,
00:12:07get angry about the fact
00:12:08that Randy Orton called
00:12:10Chris Stratus a bitch.
00:12:13You can't let your emotions,
00:12:16let your guard down.
00:12:18Hard elbow tie-up
00:12:19both men wrestling for position.
00:12:22Okay, okay, let go, let go!
00:12:23One corner to the next,
00:12:24Jack Dome got him for a break.
00:12:26You can see the ferocity
00:12:28in how these two men
00:12:29are locking up.
00:12:32They're the young building blocks
00:12:36here on the raw brand
00:12:38of the WWE.
00:12:40Come on!
00:12:46Ultimate show of disrespect
00:12:47by Carlito.
00:12:49That wasn't happening,
00:12:50I don't think.
00:12:51No, you're right, Carlito
00:12:52must not have taken down Orton.
00:12:54Carlito must not think
00:12:55Orton's cool because
00:12:56Carlito spits in the face
00:12:57of people who are cool.
00:13:00And Randy Orton
00:13:01doesn't like to get hit
00:13:02in that pretty face.
00:13:03Less, less getting
00:13:04spat in the face.
00:13:07And now Orton,
00:13:08I think Orton's lost his cool.
00:13:11what can happen?
00:13:12Look at this!
00:13:13The athleticism
00:13:14landing on his feet.
00:13:17Now he's walking.
00:13:18Randy Orton,
00:13:19front kick,
00:13:20maybe works at some point.
00:13:21I mean, he did.
00:13:26oh, thumb in the eye.
00:13:27Orton's shut down
00:13:29that intended offense
00:13:32Two great moves
00:13:33by Carlito,
00:13:34then a thumb to the eye
00:13:35counters all.
00:13:37And now the aggressiveness
00:13:39of Randy Orton
00:13:40coming to the front.
00:13:52Very insulting,
00:13:53no doubt about that.
00:13:55Straight right hand
00:13:56by Randy Orton.
00:14:02line guard,
00:14:03Rick Clairlock chops.
00:14:05I really don't think
00:14:06that Carlito cares
00:14:07whether or not
00:14:08Orton took a hit
00:14:09to that spit in the face.
00:14:10Oh, I don't either.
00:14:12Nice, good slam
00:14:13by Carlito.
00:14:15spring forward.
00:14:16Look at this.
00:14:19A little moonsault.
00:14:25hooking the leg.
00:14:30the couple of real
00:14:31innovative moves
00:14:32that Orton looks to be
00:14:33got popped right in the mouth.
00:14:35It looked like Orton
00:14:36is bleeding from the mouth.
00:14:37I'm not sure.
00:14:38It looked like
00:14:39it looked as if
00:14:40that was the case.
00:14:41Well, Carlito looked
00:14:42as if he landed
00:14:43right on Randy Orton's face
00:14:44with all his body weight.
00:14:45Oh, boy.
00:14:46That's not gonna sit well
00:14:47with Randy Orton.
00:14:48Orton may have lost a tooth.
00:14:49I'm not sure.
00:14:50He's certainly
00:14:51bleeding from the mouth.
00:14:52One would expect
00:14:53it's a
00:14:54hopefully it's not
00:14:55an internal injury.
00:14:56It could be.
00:14:57Speaking of bleeding,
00:14:59hopefully we can get
00:15:00an update on the condition
00:15:01of the fans.
00:15:03The big show.
00:15:04Carlito again
00:15:05lighting up Randy Orton.
00:15:06Orton now is in a
00:15:07tough spot
00:15:08having to taste his own blood.
00:15:09And Carlito
00:15:10elevated over the top,
00:15:11lands on the apron,
00:15:12and got hung up there
00:15:13by Randy Orton.
00:15:14Now Orton's got advantage.
00:15:19Man, that drop kick
00:15:20and Carlito
00:15:21folded himself up
00:15:22like an accordion
00:15:23on that security wall.
00:15:25And Orton
00:15:26bleeding from the mouth.
00:15:27As you can see
00:15:28profusely there.
00:15:29Something about it
00:15:30when you're in a match
00:15:31and suddenly you
00:15:32taste your own blood.
00:15:34And Orton
00:15:35starts that adrenaline pumping.
00:15:36And Orton now
00:15:37wants the cover.
00:15:38Wants the victory.
00:15:39Wants the throw.
00:15:40How close was that?
00:15:41Orton again on the cover.
00:15:42Again the cover
00:15:43and another near fall.
00:15:44Check out this Orton
00:15:45drop kick from Orton.
00:15:46I gotta admit
00:15:47his drop kicks
00:15:48are a thing of beauty.
00:15:49I don't know if anybody
00:15:50gets any higher,
00:15:51any more elevation.
00:15:52He can kick you right
00:15:53between the eyes.
00:15:54Yeah, beautiful extension
00:15:55of the legs,
00:15:56everything he's got.
00:15:57Now look at Orton
00:15:58stomping around.
00:16:00Every body part
00:16:02that's exposed there
00:16:03by Carlito.
00:16:05Oh, the fly of the foot.
00:16:07A bit vicious.
00:16:08Let me show you.
00:16:09We think we're on Carlito.
00:16:10Wait a minute.
00:16:11There's a cover.
00:16:12There's a cover right there.
00:16:14I think this is where
00:16:15like you said
00:16:16that Randy Orton's
00:16:17mouth got busted there.
00:16:19Probably by the elbow
00:16:20of Carlito.
00:16:21Yeah, Carlito's left elbow
00:16:22coming down right in the mouth
00:16:23of Randy Orton.
00:16:24And now Orton
00:16:25with a vicious
00:16:26rear chin lock
00:16:28and crimping the neck
00:16:29of Carlito
00:16:30right there in the center
00:16:31of the ring
00:16:32in this one-fall match
00:16:34between two of the brightest
00:16:35young superstars
00:16:37on Raw.
00:16:39Don't think for one minute
00:16:40that Randy Orton
00:16:41would not love
00:16:43to make the blood flow
00:16:44from the mouth
00:16:45or the nose
00:16:46or the face
00:16:47of Carlito.
00:16:49Carlito pounding
00:16:50his way back up.
00:16:52Again, both these men
00:16:53know what it's like
00:16:54to be champions
00:16:55both former
00:16:56Intercontinental champs.
00:16:57But this was the very arena
00:16:59that Orton wanted all
00:17:01to become the youngest
00:17:02champion in WWE history.
00:17:04Power slam now.
00:17:05The cover.
00:17:08Orton with a
00:17:09primal yell there
00:17:10out of frustration.
00:17:12I thought he had a
00:17:13three count to be honest
00:17:14with you.
00:17:15Nice power slam.
00:17:16And Orton is hoping
00:17:17to replicate
00:17:18some of this
00:17:19Air Canada Center
00:17:22like he did
00:17:23at SummerSlam
00:17:26Which he so accurately
00:17:27brought to our attention
00:17:29in his rather
00:17:30indignant remarks
00:17:31before the match.
00:17:32He never lets anybody
00:17:33forget the fact that
00:17:34he's a former champion.
00:17:37obviously a handsome
00:17:38young man
00:17:40really doesn't like
00:17:41those knife edge chops
00:17:42hates to get hit in the face.
00:17:43And he would hate
00:17:44to see himself right now
00:17:45in a mirror
00:17:46with that blood streaming
00:17:47from his mouth.
00:17:48Absolutely hate it.
00:17:49That would be a tragedy.
00:17:50That would be a tragedy.
00:17:51And right now
00:17:52the tragic end
00:17:53may be
00:17:54coming nearer
00:17:55for Carlito
00:17:56in this matchup.
00:17:58It has been an amazing
00:17:59evening here tonight
00:18:00at Unforgiven.
00:18:02And wherever you are
00:18:03we want to thank you
00:18:04for being a part of it.
00:18:05As Carlito fights
00:18:06his way back up
00:18:07in the southpaw
00:18:08from San Juan.
00:18:10Gets nailed
00:18:11with a right hand
00:18:12all the way
00:18:13from St. Louis.
00:18:14I don't think Carlito
00:18:15can stand to trade
00:18:16punches with Randy Orton.
00:18:19Orton has that
00:18:20leverage advantage
00:18:21at 6'4".
00:18:22And that's what
00:18:23Carlito's got to use
00:18:24right there.
00:18:25Those things.
00:18:28Carlito's got that.
00:18:29No doubt about it.
00:18:32The running million dollar
00:18:33knee lift.
00:18:35Did you hear that impact?
00:18:36Man, what impact
00:18:37was that
00:18:38from the left side?
00:18:41The second one
00:18:42could be.
00:18:43Not enough.
00:18:46Man, that was.
00:18:47Listen to this.
00:18:51Oh, what a smash!
00:18:53Slobber knocker.
00:18:54But close.
00:18:56I'm telling you.
00:18:58Orton out of desperation
00:18:59got a foot up
00:19:00to protect himself.
00:19:03Too little.
00:19:04Perhaps too late here.
00:19:06looking for three.
00:19:07Trying to hook the leg.
00:19:11Carlito let us know
00:19:12how he felt about that.
00:19:13A little frustrated.
00:19:14But once again
00:19:15Orton's face slammed
00:19:16right in his damaged face.
00:19:17Slammed right into that mat.
00:19:20Oh no.
00:19:21Look at that!
00:19:22Backbreaker by Randy Orton.
00:19:23That quick.
00:19:24That fast.
00:19:25A momentum turn.
00:19:26And that brought a smile
00:19:27to the busted lips
00:19:28of Randy Orton.
00:19:30He knows how good he is.
00:19:31Orton's got a big group here.
00:19:32Look at this.
00:19:33That quick.
00:19:37Drop every bit of momentum
00:19:39for Carlito
00:19:40that he had built up.
00:19:43Orton is
00:19:44working himself
00:19:45into a frenzied
00:19:48Orton is working himself
00:19:49into something else.
00:19:50With three letters in it.
00:19:59But Carlito
00:20:00hit the backcrapper.
00:20:01You're right there.
00:20:02You just said it.
00:20:03In a moment's notice.
00:20:04The match can turn.
00:20:05And it just turned again.
00:20:07These are two great
00:20:08young superstars.
00:20:10We got them on wrong.
00:20:11We're happy that we do.
00:20:13But this is a rivalry
00:20:14one of those kind of rivalries
00:20:15that you get.
00:20:16You can see this building
00:20:17and getting more intense.
00:20:21Nice counter.
00:20:23Carlito looking for a
00:20:25maybe a neckbreaker.
00:20:26Got countered.
00:20:27Again Carlito
00:20:28the flip of the face.
00:20:30Quicken the pace.
00:20:31Speed it up here.
00:20:32That's what Carlito's doing.
00:20:33I can see one flaw
00:20:34in Carlito's.
00:20:35Look at this!
00:20:36Oh my god!
00:20:37Oh my god!
00:20:44Out of nowhere.
00:20:46Here is your winner.
00:20:48Randy Orton.
00:20:50I was just about to say.
00:20:51I can see one flaw in Carlito.
00:20:53It's that he has a tendency
00:20:55to take a little too much time
00:20:56to shove over just a tad
00:20:58after a big move.
00:21:00Damn it.
00:21:02Caught him right there.
00:21:03This match could have gone either way.
00:21:05I swear to god.
00:21:06It could have.
00:21:07But right out of midair.
00:21:09Randy Orton
00:21:10stole this match
00:21:11if you will.
00:21:13Out of midair again.
00:21:14Intercepting Carlito.
00:21:17I don't think you can say
00:21:18Randy Orton stole it.
00:21:19I think you gotta give
00:21:20Randy Orton props.
00:21:21Look at this.
00:21:22That was the thing of beauty
00:21:24right there.
00:21:26The timing to catch
00:21:27Carlito in midair.
00:21:29Turn that into an RKO.
00:21:31And get the victory.
00:21:33That was huge.
00:21:34Orton can be a jackass.
00:21:36But that was an amazing move.
00:21:38He's a damn good jackass.
00:21:41An amazing
00:21:42an amazing move.
00:21:46What a match that was.
00:21:48Damn right it was.
00:21:49That was a great match.
00:21:51I want to pay to see that one again.
00:21:55Carlito and Randy Orton.
00:21:57What a night this has been
00:21:58ladies and gentlemen.
00:21:59And we're not through
00:22:00because the main event
00:22:01is still to come.
00:22:02And men on the stakes high.
00:22:04John Cena King
00:22:05must win.
00:22:06Well I'll tell you.
00:22:07We saw Teddy Long
00:22:08wringing his hands.
00:22:09I'm wringing my hands.
00:22:10Thinking about the fact
00:22:11that we may lose
00:22:12John Cena
00:22:13from RAW.
00:22:14Tables and ladders
00:22:16and chairs.
00:22:17Theodore R. Long.
00:22:18The general manager
00:22:20of SmackDown
00:22:21is here.
00:22:22He's going to
00:22:23skybox all night
00:22:25if John Cena
00:22:26doesn't win
00:22:27the WWE title
00:22:29Cena's already signed
00:22:30a three year contract
00:22:31with SmackDown.
00:22:32I know it.
00:22:33And if you ask me
00:22:34nothing could be worse.
00:22:35But look.
00:22:36There's Teddy Long.
00:22:37He's smiling.
00:22:38And he'll have to have that
00:22:39smile surgically removed
00:22:40if John Cena
00:22:41doesn't win.
00:22:42And this rivalry
00:22:43took a new twist
00:22:44in Cena's hometown
00:22:45at SummerSlam.
00:22:49Despite overwhelming odds
00:22:51stacked against me
00:22:52in John Cena's hometown.
00:22:55The brass knucks
00:22:56in the back right there.
00:22:57I emerged from SummerSlam
00:23:01Son of a bitch!
00:23:03I am still
00:23:06WWE champion.
00:23:08I think we should
00:23:09remove the last remnants
00:23:10of John Cena
00:23:11with a beautiful
00:23:13burial at sea.
00:23:15And so ends
00:23:17the era
00:23:18of John Cena.
00:23:20Please welcome
00:23:21a new era.
00:23:22An era
00:23:28John Cena got it!
00:23:30John Cena coming
00:23:31to get a piece of it!
00:23:37Time to swim, kid.
00:23:40Oh my God!
00:23:42I ain't going nowhere!
00:23:45You do not put your hands
00:23:46on the WWE champion
00:23:48and throw me in that
00:23:49polluted, disgusting
00:23:50cesspool known as
00:23:51the Long Island Sound.
00:23:53You need to fire
00:23:54John Cena.
00:23:55I want John Cena
00:23:56out of my life!
00:23:59You want me gone?
00:24:01Here's your ticket.
00:24:02This right here
00:24:03is a three-year contract
00:24:04straight off the desk
00:24:05of Teddy Long
00:24:06of SmackDown.
00:24:07I got no problem
00:24:08signing it.
00:24:09I just need one thing
00:24:10from you.
00:24:12And that's one more
00:24:14for the WWE title.
00:24:16You win,
00:24:17I sign on a dotted line,
00:24:18no questions asked,
00:24:20and I'm out of your life.
00:24:24Fine, I'll do it.
00:24:25With two conditions.
00:24:27Number one,
00:24:28I name where the match
00:24:29takes place.
00:24:30And number two,
00:24:31I name what kind
00:24:32of match it is.
00:24:38It's gonna be unforgiven
00:24:40in my hometown,
00:24:42Toronto, Canada!
00:24:44And I've decided
00:24:45what match it's gonna be.
00:24:46Oh my God!
00:24:48A match you've never had!
00:24:50A match I've never lost!
00:24:56and chairs!
00:24:58The race is running
00:25:00a pace that's quicker
00:25:02The clock's tick-ticking
00:25:04I guessed
00:25:06The world keeps turning
00:25:08This house is on fire
00:25:10Won't catch me sleeping
00:25:11Walking again
00:25:14Running, saying I'm running
00:25:15I'm running, I'm coming
00:25:16As you're coming
00:25:17Running, saying I'm running
00:25:21It is a must-win situation
00:25:23for Cena
00:25:24at Unforgiven!
00:25:27never back down!
00:25:28You're out of your element, son,
00:25:29and I never quit!
00:25:31You will be off my show!
00:25:33Cena has one last chance
00:25:36to win the WWE title!
00:25:38I always win this match!
00:25:40And it's gonna be on
00:25:41Edge's hometown!
00:25:43I fear nothing!
00:25:45and regretless!
00:25:46And chairs!
00:25:47Oh my!
00:25:49Running, turning
00:25:50Running, I'm running
00:25:51I'm coming
00:25:52As you're coming
00:25:53Running, saying I'm running
00:25:57Oh, my!
00:26:02Over 16,000 fans
00:26:04have stood out the air
00:26:05at Canada Centre.
00:26:06There have been four
00:26:07Canadian WWE Champions
00:26:09in history of this company.
00:26:11We're about to meet
00:26:12the last one.
00:26:13What we're looking at right now
00:26:15is hostile territory
00:26:16for John Cena!
00:26:19All this time
00:26:21I've seen clearly
00:26:24♪ The hand has come to life
00:26:27♪ And a place where the poor can be
00:26:32♪ And we'll meet again
00:26:34Will you listen to this ovation?
00:26:36Indeed, a huge home field advantage
00:26:38for Edge and Ruff in the shadow of Toronto,
00:26:42who dreamed of being a cheerer of this moment
00:26:45as a young man.
00:26:47Well, maybe the first time I've ever heard
00:26:49anyone cheer this guy, but you're right.
00:26:53Almost everyone in this arena are on their feet
00:26:56for their hometown favorites.
00:26:59I'm telling you, it's a huge advantage for Edge.
00:27:02That's why he wanted this match here in Toronto.
00:27:05Los Angeles has never lost
00:27:07a tables, ladders, and chairs match.
00:27:09You think all the way back in 1963,
00:27:12when Nature Boy Buddy Rogers became the first champion,
00:27:15he ever thought he'd wrestle in a TLC match?
00:27:19I don't think so.
00:27:20Let me tell you something else.
00:27:22All this week, that man right there, Edge,
00:27:24has been sucking up to every bit of the media
00:27:27throughout the entire country of Canada,
00:27:29but especially right here in Toronto.
00:27:31He's been on every talk show.
00:27:32He's been on every radio show.
00:27:34He's called in.
00:27:35He's had them call him.
00:27:37He's done everything he can to get this crowd,
00:27:40this entire city behind him tonight.
00:27:43I saw Edge on a Toronto Blue Jays game
00:27:45this week, a national broadcast.
00:27:48But the bottom line is he's one hell of a champion.
00:27:51This is his match.
00:27:52He's never lost it.
00:27:53Nobody would go to a Blue Jays game
00:27:55unless they're really trying to suck up.
00:28:05It's gotta be a little bit disappointing for Edge
00:28:07hearing some of those boos out there.
00:28:15Cena fears the Canucks.
00:28:29I like him or not, these fans are on their feet here.
00:28:36Well, you know, King, I'll tell you,
00:28:38you gotta believe that.
00:28:39That Edge manipulated himself being introduced first,
00:28:44so he got that great ovation and pre-conditioned
00:28:47this audience to do the hell out of John Cena
00:28:51here at Edge's hometown of Toronto.
00:28:54Well, Cena has one more obstacle to overcome,
00:28:58and it's a huge obstacle.
00:28:59Well, it's been a bad job.
00:29:01This match has no disqualification,
00:29:04no count-outs, no pinfalls, and no submissions.
00:29:09The match can only end when one man can climb the ladder
00:29:13and retrieve the WWE championship belt
00:29:17that is currently around the waist of the champion, Edge.
00:29:23Well, I'm sure that...
00:29:26I'm sure there are some fans that have come across the border
00:29:28from the United States to be here tonight
00:29:30to cheer for John Cena.
00:29:34You gotta look at the confidence
00:29:36ripped all over the face of Edge.
00:29:40This is a hot ticket
00:29:42and has been for several weeks.
00:29:46John Cena, the number one contender for the WWE title.
00:29:50Talk about a hot ticket, JR.
00:29:51This place, this arena, sold out
00:29:53before the card was even announced.
00:29:58Canadians love the WWE.
00:30:00This is a tables, ladders, and chair match,
00:30:05and it is for the WWE championship.
00:30:09Introducing the challenger,
00:30:11from West Newbury, Massachusetts,
00:30:13weighing in at 248 pounds,
00:30:16he is a former two-time WWE champion,
00:30:21John Cena!
00:30:27It is a road game for Cena.
00:30:29And from Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
00:30:32weighing in at 250 pounds,
00:30:36he is the rated-R superstar
00:30:38and the WWE champion, Edge!
00:30:48Well, King, this has gotta be an emotional moment
00:30:51for Edge, a mixed bag of emotions.
00:30:53I'm telling you.
00:30:55Is this the Stanley Cup or what, JR?
00:30:57Amazing atmosphere.
00:30:59Senior referee Mike Chioda
00:31:00shows what's on the line tonight,
00:31:02and that's what it's all about,
00:31:03the rated-R belt that signifies
00:31:07the WWE championship.
00:31:10No matter the design,
00:31:12it still signifies the most coveted prize
00:31:15in sports entertainment, the WWE title.
00:31:18That coveted prize, that rated-R championship belt,
00:31:22is about to be hoisted up high.
00:31:25Tables, ladders, and chairs are about to come into play.
00:31:28There's gonna be a lot of pain dealt out.
00:31:30Cena! Cena! Cena!
00:31:33Will this crowd get in Cena's head,
00:31:35or will it motivate the number-one contender?
00:31:38Well, these fans right behind us
00:31:39are certainly not Cena fans.
00:31:47I don't even know why we should sound like we're surprised.
00:31:51This is Edge's hometown.
00:31:54This is Toronto, Canada.
00:31:56This is why Edge wanted this match here.
00:31:58I'm not really surprised, King.
00:32:01I mean, I think it's a smart move by Edge.
00:32:03Well, I'm surprised to hear 17,000 people cheer for Edge.
00:32:06Here we go, and we're off and running here.
00:32:10Again, no pinfalls, no submissions,
00:32:12no disqualifications, no count-outs.
00:32:15Only one way to win.
00:32:16Climb the ladder, retrieve the title belt,
00:32:18which is hanging high above the ring.
00:32:23Cena has a little bit of an advantage,
00:32:25on one hand, in the fact that he's a brawler.
00:32:27That's what these matches usually entail.
00:32:32Well, Cena has never been in a TLC match.
00:32:34Just look at this crowd. This is great.
00:32:36Cena with not a lot of experience,
00:32:38and as a matter of fact, none in a TLC match.
00:32:42Edge has never lost one.
00:32:46Cena with a hard shoulder block,
00:32:48taking down the reigning WWE champion.
00:32:58And not one, not two, but now three big shoulder blocks.
00:33:02And again, it's very basic.
00:33:04Oh! Oh, my goodness!
00:33:08And Cena, infuriated by the slap,
00:33:12taking down Edge.
00:33:14Cena really got ground in town yet.
00:33:17He's seen a lot of different strategies
00:33:19utilized in these matches.
00:33:20Lost that record by Edge,
00:33:21but remember, he can't go for a pinfall.
00:33:24Well, this thing is so personal between these two.
00:33:26And, oh, here we go, JR.
00:33:29You knew that Edge was not gonna wait long,
00:33:32introducing, well, the hardware.
00:33:35The hardware to John Cena that this match is all about.
00:33:38Chair, legal.
00:33:41And swinging for Cena's head, face.
00:33:45Cena able to duck.
00:33:48Irish wristbar side.
00:33:51And Cena downstairs.
00:33:53Fisherman suplex, nice move by Cena.
00:33:56Much to the displeasure of this pro-Edge crowd
00:34:00in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
00:34:03Well, I know it's not in Cena's expertise,
00:34:05but somewhere, Cena's gonna have to
00:34:08break out the hardware himself.
00:34:09Oh, man!
00:34:11Payload DDT.
00:34:14And right now, it'd be a great time for the cover
00:34:16if it were applicable, but it's not.
00:34:18Well, you're gonna have to climb a ladder
00:34:20and go way up there to get that championship belt.
00:34:26Edge tossing that steel chair.
00:34:28How many tables and ladders are there around the ring?
00:34:31Tons of them.
00:34:34Around every side of the ring, chairs, ladders, and tables.
00:34:38Edge has got two steel chairs.
00:34:40What's he gonna do here?
00:34:42Who knows?
00:34:43Edge thinking here.
00:34:45Just remember, he's never lost one of these matches, JR,
00:34:46so whatever he's gonna do, he knows it's gonna work.
00:34:49Trying to suplex Cena.
00:34:52Cena counters.
00:34:54Cena now.
00:34:57Cena muscle up Edge.
00:34:59Oh, Edge.
00:35:00Oh, my God!
00:35:04Oh, my God, what impact on those two steel chairs.
00:35:10The fans and many of the fans are loving that action.
00:35:15It looked like Cena was gonna reverse Edge for a moment.
00:35:20These fans have got to be proud of Edge.
00:35:22I mean, every time he goes into a WWE ring,
00:35:27he's announced as the WWE champion from Toronto, Canada.
00:35:31Look at Edge sitting at that table,
00:35:33that chair right on the rim of the WWE title championship belt.
00:35:39Look at him hanging there.
00:35:40How much do Canadians have to cheer for anyway, JR?
00:35:42And look at that. Oh, look out!
00:35:44Oh! Oh!
00:35:46Edge taking down Cena after Cena took Edge off that ladder.
00:35:53You heard Edge say, this is my match.
00:35:55Edge said, this is my match in my house.
00:35:57I've got the experience.
00:35:59I've never lost this match.
00:36:01I'm not planning on starting tonight.
00:36:03You got to hand it to Edge.
00:36:07He went into Cena's hometown of Boston
00:36:10at SummerSlam and retained the WWE title.
00:36:15That's winning a rope game yourself.
00:36:17And now another ladder is being manipulated.
00:36:20The Edge is so ingenious.
00:36:22That is a lot of imagination
00:36:24to get your opponent in the face of a ladder.
00:36:26Well, Edge is out there rearranging the furniture.
00:36:28Now, Edge is out there amongst his people now.
00:36:31Now he's going to try to rearrange
00:36:33that Cena's face with the furniture.
00:36:36Josh, Edge drop-kicking that ladder
00:36:39right back in Cena's face.
00:36:42And when he said about the strategies here, look at this.
00:36:45All the way from that restraining wall.
00:36:48Home Depot drop-kick, my God, right in Cena's face.
00:36:52Well, in this kind of match,
00:36:53Edge has experience doing things
00:36:56that, like I said, he knows will work
00:36:58that John Cena's never even attempted before.
00:37:02Edge has done so many amazing things
00:37:04in these TLC matches over the years.
00:37:08So many memorable moments.
00:37:11I mean, look at this.
00:37:13Cena will move out of the way
00:37:15and see what a big roundhouse strike.
00:37:18Edge don't like it.
00:37:24Another shot.
00:37:25Oh, my God!
00:37:26Oh, what a headlock takeover.
00:37:28And Edge's back, his lower back, his kidneys,
00:37:32his neck, his head.
00:37:34Oh, my God.
00:37:35Oh, my God.
00:37:36Oh, my God.
00:37:37Oh, my God.
00:37:38Oh, my God.
00:37:39Oh, my God.
00:37:40Oh, my God.
00:37:41Oh, my God.
00:37:42He is landing on that ladder
00:37:47with a basic hip lock.
00:37:49What is John Cena realizing here?
00:37:54Watch this and listen again.
00:37:58There's no way to land and protect yourself.
00:38:01And Cena now,
00:38:03he's only got a few time.
00:38:06He's trying to hold on to the D-line.
00:38:08Edge outside the ring.
00:38:10Maybe through the table.
00:38:13Edge and Cena extending a hard right hand.
00:38:16You can hear the smack of flesh
00:38:18all the way to the mirror where we are.
00:38:21Edge is teetering.
00:38:23Oh, no.
00:38:24But he caught Cena with that elbow.
00:38:27Cena wanted desperately to put Edge through those two tables.
00:38:30That would probably give Cena enough time
00:38:32to climb that ladder and grab that title.
00:38:35Cena's own momentum got him in the backside on that occasion.
00:38:39And now Edge up to take a chance
00:38:41in this whole environment
00:38:43of TLC is about taking chances.
00:38:52Not a smooth landing.
00:38:54Bad place to sit.
00:39:00He's getting more familiar with the apparatuses.
00:39:04Let's see how creative
00:39:08Cena can get with tables
00:39:10and ladders and chairs.
00:39:13Some of the fans here expressing their emotion
00:39:16and their feelings
00:39:18for the number one contender
00:39:20for the WWE title.
00:39:22Edge still in a precarious position
00:39:24sitting on the top turnbuckle.
00:39:26I really don't think that these fans
00:39:28and their chants are going to affect John that much.
00:39:30I was talking with him earlier today.
00:39:32He was expecting this.
00:39:34Edge scrapping that turnbuckle.
00:39:37His voice went north and south.
00:39:39And now Cena,
00:39:41the front facelock.
00:39:44But Edge is holding on.
00:39:46Edge has almost braced himself
00:39:48to that top turnbuckle.
00:39:49Now look at Edge
00:39:50hammering and clipping away on Cena's back.
00:39:53Oh my God.
00:39:56Edge trying to drive Cena.
00:39:59And I think it was a...
00:40:01The table was a little farther out
00:40:03than Edge thought.
00:40:04No, I just, if you watch,
00:40:05I just think Cena was clutching
00:40:07those top ropes.
00:40:08He was not going to be
00:40:10powerbombed through that table
00:40:11if he could help it
00:40:12and he hung on to those ropes.
00:40:16Now power slam
00:40:18through the furniture.
00:40:21Cena back and spine first
00:40:24through that table.
00:40:27Well, Cena avoided it once,
00:40:29but not so lucky the second time.
00:40:33Cena not getting any positive
00:40:35motivation here.
00:40:38Coming out of the corner,
00:40:39picked up, power slam,
00:40:40right through the table.
00:40:43That broken table
00:40:44being taken out of the ring,
00:40:45which is a smart thing.
00:40:49Not that there won't be
00:40:50another table used.
00:40:51Lord only knows.
00:40:54What's this now?
00:40:55Oh my God!
00:40:56Oh my goodness!
00:40:57Edge taking a hell of a chance
00:40:59running that ladder
00:41:01first spotting Cena
00:41:03from the inside of the ring
00:41:04over the top to the out.
00:41:09That's an amazing,
00:41:11amazing risk
00:41:13that the WWE Champion
00:41:14just put himself in.
00:41:15Well, you're right.
00:41:16Check it out one more time,
00:41:17that ladder.
00:41:19I think Edge's momentum
00:41:20made that ladder fall out
00:41:22before Edge expected it to.
00:41:24He was lucky to be able
00:41:25to get out
00:41:26and land on John Cena.
00:41:27And how these men
00:41:28are still moving around
00:41:30is amazing to me.
00:41:32The condition
00:41:33that they're in
00:41:34and the will to be
00:41:35the WWE Champion
00:41:38is what's driving
00:41:39both Edge
00:41:40and the number one contender
00:41:41and Cena tossed inside.
00:41:43You just don't realize
00:41:44how much more dangerous
00:41:46this match becomes
00:41:47when you introduce
00:41:48these ladders
00:41:49and these chairs
00:41:50and tables.
00:41:51Edge again
00:41:52with that
00:41:53got one table
00:41:54and one ladder
00:41:55get a ladder in the ring
00:41:57and now two chairs
00:41:59with a table
00:42:00right in front of us
00:42:01set up with a ladder
00:42:02laying across it.
00:42:08look at Edge's eyes.
00:42:09Edge's eyes
00:42:10are a far away look.
00:42:11Well, Edge,
00:42:12I mean, that had to hurt him
00:42:13as much as it did
00:42:14John Cena.
00:42:15Come on, let's go.
00:42:16Damn right.
00:42:17Here comes the steel chair
00:42:18Nothing Cena could do
00:42:20I don't think he saw
00:42:21that one coming.
00:42:24Cena trying to get
00:42:25the feeling back
00:42:26in his arms.
00:42:27Oh, wait a minute.
00:42:29Cena trying to
00:42:32Edge is putting
00:42:33Cena in position
00:42:34for you to watch
00:42:35don't you?
00:42:36You've got to be kidding
00:42:38Oh, the dreaded
00:42:40This is what
00:42:41Edge made famous.
00:42:42Oh, no.
00:42:43Oh, no.
00:42:44Oh, no.
00:42:45Oh, no.
00:42:46Oh, no.
00:42:47Oh, no.
00:42:50escaped disaster.
00:42:52Edge was looking
00:42:53for the conchita
00:42:54to scramble
00:42:55Cena's dreams
00:42:56between those
00:42:57two steel chairs.
00:42:58Listen to these fans.
00:42:59They're disappointed
00:43:00that they didn't
00:43:01see John Cena
00:43:02afraid to scramble.
00:43:04Oh, man.
00:43:06The bloodthirster move
00:43:08driving Edge
00:43:09face first
00:43:10into the steel chair
00:43:11line there
00:43:12on the canvas.
00:43:14And the number one
00:43:15contender for the
00:43:16WWE title
00:43:17former two-time
00:43:19John Cena
00:43:21sees opportunity.
00:43:25Oh, here
00:43:26he comes in.
00:43:28Another ladder left
00:43:29laying in the ring.
00:43:30Edge's face
00:43:31or head
00:43:32was bounced
00:43:33right off the
00:43:34metal chair
00:43:35laying on the floor.
00:43:36Now, what does
00:43:37John Cena
00:43:38got in mind?
00:43:39They are
00:43:40Cena thinking
00:43:42John Cena
00:43:43got some
00:43:45what a gun
00:43:46he can have.
00:43:47Oh, like a guillotine.
00:43:48He survived
00:43:50and that ladder
00:43:51could give him
00:43:52that lesson.
00:43:53Wait a minute.
00:43:54Wait a minute.
00:43:57with Edge
00:43:58between the ladder.
00:43:59He's gonna have
00:44:00to tap out
00:44:01but it's not
00:44:02gonna mean
00:44:04Edge is tapping out
00:44:05but it doesn't
00:44:07Cena's showing you
00:44:08that he can be
00:44:09as bad as
00:44:10any son of a bitch
00:44:12Well, Edge
00:44:13Edge tapped out
00:44:14and now I think
00:44:15he's passed out.
00:44:18and pinfalls
00:44:19that means zero.
00:44:21Maybe less than.
00:44:23That chair's
00:44:24flying all around
00:44:25this place.
00:44:27And, oh!
00:44:29Right between
00:44:30the eyes
00:44:32and Cena
00:44:33showing a mean streak
00:44:35He just
00:44:36dotted the eyes
00:44:38of the WWE
00:44:40and Cena's face
00:44:41tells one hell of a story.
00:44:42Cena wants
00:44:43this WWE title.
00:44:44Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:44:46And he'll do any damn
00:44:47thing he can to get it.
00:44:48It's that obvious.
00:44:50Look at this.
00:44:51Cena just
00:44:52FU'd the ladder
00:44:53right on top of Edge.
00:44:56This crowd
00:44:57may not like it
00:44:58but that was
00:44:59a damn
00:45:01physically intense
00:45:03by John Cena.
00:45:05Look at this.
00:45:08Oh, FU
00:45:09to the ladder.
00:45:10FU to Edge.
00:45:15WWE Championship
00:45:16is hanging
00:45:17high above
00:45:18the ring.
00:45:20The only way
00:45:21to win this match
00:45:22is to climb the ladder
00:45:23and retrieve
00:45:24that title.
00:45:32muscling up
00:45:34with a high impact
00:45:40Cena's in his own
00:45:41now, JR.
00:45:42You can't see me.
00:45:46Cena just
00:45:48about to get a
00:45:49brainstorm or a
00:45:52He can't get to
00:45:53He can't get to the title.
00:45:54I think every now and then
00:45:55John Cena realizes
00:45:56this is
00:45:57a table
00:45:59chair match.
00:46:00He's got a little
00:46:01modified knuckle shovel
00:46:03from near the top
00:46:04of the ladder.
00:46:05Cena grabbing his
00:46:06right hand
00:46:07right into the face.
00:46:09He may have broken
00:46:10his wrist by Cena
00:46:11but right now
00:46:12I don't think
00:46:13Cena can give a damn.
00:46:15What a move.
00:46:17Now what?
00:46:18The fist drop
00:46:19from near the top
00:46:20of the ladder.
00:46:21More tables.
00:46:22We got tables
00:46:23around the ring.
00:46:24We got tables
00:46:25inside the ring.
00:46:26John Cena up
00:46:27on nearly the top
00:46:28of the ladder.
00:46:29Huge fist drop.
00:46:31And still
00:46:33somewhat defenseless
00:46:34on the canvas.
00:46:35And Cena
00:46:36now moving
00:46:37and there's a
00:46:38shot of
00:46:39high above
00:46:40the ring
00:46:41of the
00:46:44It's still
00:46:45laid out from that
00:46:46fist drop.
00:46:47I love a good
00:46:48fist drop,
00:46:54It just snatched
00:46:55that middle
00:46:56chair away from
00:46:57the ref.
00:46:58Watch it.
00:46:59That's right.
00:47:00Look out.
00:47:01Look out.
00:47:02Look out.
00:47:03It is going.
00:47:05It is gone.
00:47:06The WWE
00:47:07title chances
00:47:08for John Cena
00:47:09may have just
00:47:10been knocked
00:47:11right out
00:47:12of his head.
00:47:13Good night,
00:47:16Edge knows
00:47:17it's over
00:47:18and this crowd
00:47:19has rejuvenated
00:47:21here in Toronto.
00:47:24that's sickening.
00:47:27That is the
00:47:29of the sickening
00:47:31of steel
00:47:32meeting cranium.
00:47:34And Cena
00:47:35knocked literally
00:47:36out of his feet
00:47:39is not exactly
00:47:40on his feet
00:47:41but he is out.
00:47:42What else
00:47:43is under
00:47:44this ring?
00:47:47How many
00:47:49That's another
00:47:51I don't know
00:47:52how many
00:47:53tables these
00:47:54men have gone
00:47:56There are still
00:47:57tables at
00:47:58ringside with
00:47:59ladders on
00:48:01Tables under
00:48:02the ring.
00:48:04these men
00:48:05don't want to
00:48:06run short.
00:48:07What in the
00:48:11Cena is out
00:48:12on his feet.
00:48:13Cena is
00:48:15Cena is not
00:48:16even moving
00:48:17after that shot
00:48:18to the head.
00:48:20my God.
00:48:23This crowd
00:48:24is on their feet.
00:48:25I don't think
00:48:26there's two
00:48:29Look out!
00:48:30Look out!
00:48:32my God!
00:48:34just saved
00:48:35his soul
00:48:36and his
00:48:38to become
00:48:39WWE champion
00:48:40by taking
00:48:42off the top
00:48:43to the security
00:48:45Edge almost
00:48:46went into the front
00:48:48We're seeing
00:48:49things here,
00:48:50and this is
00:48:51going to be
00:48:52one of them
00:48:53that you just
00:48:54don't think
00:48:55are possible.
00:48:57Cena at
00:48:58the last
00:49:01where Edge
00:49:02was coming
00:49:03and then look
00:49:04where Edge
00:49:05came from.
00:49:13That's a big-ass
00:49:17look at that.
00:49:18No, that's not
00:49:20All right,
00:49:21that is bigger
00:49:22and higher than
00:49:23the other ladder.
00:49:24The other ladder
00:49:25is taller than the
00:49:26other ladder
00:49:27from the floor almost.
00:49:28I'm not a real
00:49:29good handyman,
00:49:30but that looks
00:49:31like about a
00:49:3215 or...
00:49:3316 foot I think
00:49:34Cena, that huge ladder, now that ladder will take you right up to the WWE title.
00:49:44That ladder will take you to the promised land.
00:49:47And there is what it's all about, the WWE Championship.
00:49:51And this is your chance, get up there.
00:49:53Edge is...
00:49:54What is Edge?
00:49:56Edge is still on the outside.
00:49:58Edge is still on the outside.
00:50:01Cena, in uncharted territory here.
00:50:05Oh, there's Edge.
00:50:08Edge, trying to fight, climb back into it.
00:50:11There's Edge.
00:50:14My God!
00:50:15Ladder to ladder.
00:50:18Body to body.
00:50:20Edge just flew through the air and speared John Cena right off the ladder.
00:50:26Edge just speared his way right back into contention to retain the WWE title.
00:50:32Cena holding his midsection, may have broken some ribs.
00:50:38And Cena's head cracked that mat, too, gang.
00:50:40Take it out one more time, see if we can see that.
00:50:43Oh, yes.
00:50:46That's that concussion territory.
00:50:48And Cena may be starting to cough blood, too, as he's holding his diaphragm there.
00:50:56And now Edge has an opportunity.
00:51:00This is a gut check for John Cena.
00:51:04I think John realized...
00:51:07A huge gut check for Cena.
00:51:09Edge just steps away, one rung at a time, to retain the precious WWE title.
00:51:16Edge may be on his way here.
00:51:17Cena, look!
00:51:22Look at the strength of Cena!
00:51:25Cena muscling up Edge!
00:51:27My gosh!
00:51:30Wait, wait, wait, wait, look at this!
00:51:33Cena trying to help you, Edge.
00:51:36Almost backfired on him.
00:51:39Oh, my God!
00:51:42Cena throwing Edge, a human body, right into that ladder.
00:51:48The strength of Cena is frightening.
00:51:52And the way Edge landed was even more frightening.
00:51:55Cena's to the point he just doesn't give a damn what happens to Edge.
00:51:59If you don't believe it, watch this.
00:52:05Man, I'll tell you what, Edge may be no low contender in this country.
00:52:10See, I don't agree with this.
00:52:12I think John Cena could climb that ladder right now and get that title.
00:52:16But it's gone past that right at this point.
00:52:19Have you seen this thing in the insurance team?
00:52:21He wants to bust Edge's brain down right here.
00:52:24They've had an amazing rivalry, these two.
00:52:30Shot to the side of the head.
00:52:33Edge kind of turned away.
00:52:37And Cena, I don't know if he got all that chair that he wanted.
00:52:40He sure as hell won the chair that Edge delivered to Cena's skull a few minutes ago.
00:52:45I think he got all that he needed.
00:52:46I think you're right about that. That's a key term.
00:52:49It may not be what you want, but it's all you want.
00:52:55And now John Cena is stepping closer and closer and closer to the WWE title.
00:53:05He's got it. He's got it.
00:53:08Cena's staying on. Wait a minute.
00:53:10Now Lita.
00:53:15Oh my God!
00:53:17Oh my!
00:53:21Cena has crashed!
00:53:23He has burned!
00:53:25He is mangled!
00:53:27It's John Cena thanks to Lita!
00:53:30And the referee cannot disqualify anybody.
00:53:34There's only one way for this match to end.
00:53:37John Cena's broken in half. Watch this.
00:53:39Thanks to that bitch Lita.
00:53:41I can't believe that she comes out here and does this.
00:53:43Watch this.
00:53:44How far is he falling? Good God!
00:53:47From that 16-foot ladder, over the top rope, out of the ring,
00:53:52through the air, through the table, to the floor,
00:53:56that's where John Cena went.
00:53:58That was his journey.
00:54:00Now look at the look of determination.
00:54:03I think Edge feels it.
00:54:08Cena is done.
00:54:10Referees are checking on John Cena.
00:54:12And Cena may be done for the night.
00:54:15If Cena can recover from this, it'll be miraculous.
00:54:19Because Edge has, again, never lost this match.
00:54:22A TLC match. Ever.
00:54:24If Edge can get that ladder pulled directly beneath that title, he'll have it.
00:54:30Edge has got to be a little bleary-eyed himself.
00:54:33After what he's been put through by John Cena.
00:54:36And that bitch Lita.
00:54:39And Cena. Look at Cena.
00:54:41Somehow John Cena is willing himself.
00:54:45It's not this crowd. It's John Cena.
00:54:48Willing himself to get back to this match.
00:54:51But Edge is up there. Edge is already in the top.
00:54:53All he has to do is stand up. Look at Lita.
00:54:57Lita with a...
00:55:01Lita hits Cena.
00:55:04Cena rammed into the ladder from a brutal chair shot.
00:55:09And so Lita has inadvertently knocked Edge right off the ladder.
00:55:14As much as Lita hit Edge earlier when she knocked Cena off the ladder.
00:55:19Now she's hurt Edge.
00:55:22Oh, what an evil bitch.
00:55:24Look at this.
00:55:31Look at this.
00:55:37I think Lita has just tipped out of this match.
00:55:40I don't think we're going to see any more Lita involvement.
00:55:44The former women's champion has been cancelled.
00:55:49Get those tables out of the way. You don't need...
00:55:56What the hell is John Cena thinking about?
00:55:59Well, he knows he's in the driver's seat right now.
00:56:02You know, looking back at the WWE Championship.
00:56:05He's thinking, he's thinking, what should I do?
00:56:07Hell, I can just climb the ladder and win this match. Do it!
00:56:11That's what you came here for, John.
00:56:13You came to win the WWE title.
00:56:19Cena placing that ladder.
00:56:21Well, this is the smartest thing that Cena can do.
00:56:24The Edge's history.
00:56:26Win this thing. Stay on Raw.
00:56:31Cena climbing to the top.
00:56:33But wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:56:34There's the WWE Champion, Edge.
00:56:37Edge, back in the fray here, King.
00:56:40Back in the equation.
00:56:41The WWE Champion.
00:56:44Climbing his side of the ladder.
00:56:47These guys are about to go toe-to-toe at the top of this ladder.
00:56:51This is dangerous, JR. This is real dangerous.
00:56:53A 16-foot ladder.
00:56:54This is death-defying.
00:56:56Career ending.
00:56:57Both men reaching for the WWE title.
00:56:59Who's got it? Who's got it?
00:57:00Who's got the ladder?
00:57:02Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
00:57:04John, don't do this, John.
00:57:07Oh, no!
00:57:13Edge is just gonna have to use not one but two tables
00:57:17from a 16-foot ladder.
00:57:20From maybe the baddest set of events we've ever seen.
00:57:23And look. Look at this.
00:57:27John Cena.
00:57:31John Cena has won!
00:57:33He's won!
00:57:38My God, what a match.
00:57:39Here is your winner, and the new WWE Champion,
00:57:45John Cena!
00:57:49I'll tell you one thing.
00:57:51John Cena stands here to earn this victory here tonight.
00:57:57Whether you love him or you hate him,
00:57:59how can you not respect John Cena,
00:58:02what he's gone through here tonight?
00:58:04And the same can be said for the price that Edge has paid
00:58:08in his attempt to retain the title.
00:58:11Boy, you're right against all odds.
00:58:14I don't think I've ever seen a deck stacked more against someone
00:58:18with over 16,000 fans cheering for his opponent,
00:58:21but still, you're right.
00:58:22John Cena earned the WWE Championship here tonight.
00:58:27John Cena came.
00:58:29There's his father.
00:58:31A man that was physically assaulted by Edge.
00:58:35He's in his own home.
00:58:37His father's own home.
00:58:40His dad's sitting here in ringside.
00:58:42What a moment for him.
00:58:44A salute from father to son.
00:58:47John Cena coming into as hostile an environment
00:58:51as any body I can ever recall being in the WWE
00:58:56and leaving with the most coveted prize in sports entertainment.
00:59:06God almighty, what a man.
00:59:08Boy, did you see as John Cena walks out of here,
00:59:11the environment, the territory didn't get any more hostile
00:59:15than it was here tonight in Toronto.
00:59:19But John Cena, be proud.
00:59:22You earned it.
00:59:24There stands the man, folks.
00:59:27The champ is here tonight.
00:59:30An unforgiven.
00:59:32Check this out.
00:59:33I thought it was over here.
00:59:34It's Lita.
00:59:35Tip the ladder.
00:59:36John Cena through the table.
00:59:39And right in front of his own father,
00:59:41he went through that table.
00:59:42But Lita, that inadvertently,
00:59:44brought this oppression burn to an end.
00:59:49And my God, this is crazy.
00:59:50Never seen anything like that.
00:59:52An FU of a 16-foot ladder through two tables.
00:59:57I don't know yet.
00:59:58We don't know yet if they can survive this.
01:00:00My God, I've never seen anything like that.
01:00:02But let me tell you this.
01:00:03John Cena did what he had to do,
01:00:07what he had to do to leave Unforgiven
01:00:10as the WWE Champion.
01:00:13The champ is here.
01:00:15And his name is John Cena.
01:00:18What a night.
