草彅やすともの うさぎとかめ 2024年9月15日 朝食の定番“目玉焼き対決”

  • 10 hours ago
草彅やすともの うさぎとかめ 2024年9月15日 朝食の定番“目玉焼き対決”
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00This is the worst!
00:02Tanagiya's Rabbit Tantanmei!
00:07This time, everyone has made this before.
00:10It's called Medamayaki!
00:13Medamayaki has a little trick to transform.
00:17Oh, really?
00:19Udo-san, you're funny just like your teacher.
00:23It's a super simple dish,
00:25so isn't it hard to make it perfect?
00:30So, just like Hotori,
00:32we aim to make a beautiful, soft, and soft-boiled dish!
00:36It's beautiful!
00:37It's like a lie!
00:40Of course, the three MCs also challenged in the studio!
00:44It's the worst!
00:49I really like rabbit eyes!
00:52I like that!
00:57This is this, right?
00:58I'm transparent, right?
01:01Isn't this transparent?
01:08I'm sorry about this.
01:10It's nothing.
01:11It's because of the typhoon.
01:12I'm sorry.
01:13That's right.
01:14No, it's not.
01:15It's because of the typhoon.
01:17Thank you!
01:19It was hard because of the typhoon, wasn't it, Kusunagi-san?
01:21It was really hard.
01:22What is it?
01:23Do you often stay in Shizuoka?
01:25It was the first time I stayed in Shinkansen.
01:30There are only a few days left this year,
01:32but you were busy this year as well.
01:34I'm happy, right?
01:35That's right.
01:36For an entertainer like me,
01:38when I look at the schedule, it's all blank.
01:41That's scary!
01:43That happens, doesn't it?
01:44You don't know when it'll be like that.
01:46My juniors told me on Instagram stories,
01:51that when I'm done with this performance,
01:53I'll take a five-day break.
01:57That's unexpected.
01:58If you're busy, you want to take a break,
02:02but if you take a break for a long time...
02:04That's scary.
02:06Is it okay if you take a break for a few days in a row?
02:09Kusanagi-san, you're not scared, are you?
02:11No, no.
02:12When something happens,
02:13even if I lose my job,
02:15I'm prepared.
02:17I think I'll lose it someday,
02:20but if I actually lose it,
02:22I think I'll cry a little.
02:25In the corner of the room.
02:26I lost my job!
02:29I'll think about it again from there.
02:32I'm sure of it.
02:34Let's try various things.
02:35Oh, there's a toothpick.
02:37There's a toothpick?
02:38There's a toothpick?
02:40It's a cute toothpick.
02:42Let's start with Hana-san from Haruna.
02:45Hello, Kusanagi-san, Tomoko-san, Yasuyo-san.
02:50Here's the question.
02:52My mother has always asked my father for a bite when we go out to eat.
02:59My father used to hate it,
03:01but now he asks for two servings.
03:06Actually, I've told my husband to give me a bite,
03:10but my father has a bitter look on his face,
03:12so I often put up with it.
03:14Can you give me a bite?
03:19Can I?
03:21No, I hate it.
03:22I hate it, too.
03:24That's brotherly love.
03:25I want to eat what I ordered with the amount I ordered,
03:30so I don't like a bite.
03:33I know.
03:34I've been thinking about it from the beginning.
03:37I'm sure there was a menu in my head when I asked for a bite.
03:41If it was someone else, I wouldn't mind if they gave me a bite.
03:46But if it was my family, I wouldn't give it to them.
03:51My grandmother used to hate it when I asked for a bite.
03:54She used to say,
03:55I'll leave it to you.
03:56She used to say,
03:57I'll leave it to you.
03:58So, I don't like it, either.
04:02What do you think, statistically?
04:04I'm not sure.
04:06I'm okay with it,
04:10but when I was asked,
04:12I was like,
04:13Why don't you give me a bite?
04:16That's how I felt.
04:19I was unconscious.
04:22There are things you can give and things you can't.
04:26I don't like it, so I can get it.
04:29Anything is fine.
04:30That's right.
04:31That's why it's strong.
04:33I don't like it, so I don't need it.
04:38That's right.
04:40So, it's a big welcome.
04:42But I'll take a bite, too.
04:45It's not as much as you ask for.
04:47That's right.
04:48Your mother doesn't need much.
04:50Just a little.
04:51I just want to taste it.
04:53Let's make it simple.
04:55I'll give you a bite.
04:57I'll be careful from now on.
05:00I'll give it to you.
05:01This is a clear file and a sticker set.
05:05I'll give it to you.
05:09Oh, it fell.
05:11Today, we're going to have a fried egg battle.
05:15Fried egg?
05:16Have you ever seen fried egg on TV?
05:19As expected of Usaka.
05:21It's cool.
05:22It's delicious.
05:23Fried egg.
05:24Fried egg.
05:25Fried egg.
05:29The breakfast is fried egg.
05:32It looks beautiful.
05:34It looks delicious.
05:35Have you ever seen it at a hotel?
05:38But if you do it at home,
05:40the white meat will burn and it will be salty.
05:43That's right.
05:44It's a very simple dish just by breaking eggs.
05:47It's a little different.
05:48Why is it so different?
05:49Don't you think so?
05:50It doesn't burn, but it doesn't swell.
05:52So this time, it looks like a hotel.
05:54It's a beautiful, soft-boiled fried egg battle.
05:59I found a way to make it that never fails.
06:03Who will be the opponent?
06:05Oh, this house.
06:07He's here.
06:08Good morning.
06:09He's a regular.
06:11He's the enemy of the wild.
06:12He's a guest of Yasuha.
06:15Speaking of the fried egg battle,
06:17Minagawa of Navy's Up should be able to make the most of this experience.
06:24The temperature of the egg white and egg yolk is different.
06:28It's common sense for me.
06:31With that in mind,
06:33I think I can come up with a lot of ideas.
06:37Minagawa is full of confidence, but what about Usagi?
06:47I'm sorry.
06:49I'm Suzuki Udo.
06:50Nice to meet you.
06:51I'm Suzuki Udo.
06:54I remember making fried eggs with ostrich eggs.
07:00At work.
07:01You must have done a lot of things.
07:03First of all, it's hard to crack an ostrich egg.
07:06How do you crack an ostrich egg?
07:11Is it a wild egg?
07:13I think I can do it.
07:17Let's see how he does it.
07:21First, heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
07:27Where should I crack it?
07:29I usually crack it with my forehead.
07:33I used to be able to crack it without hesitation.
07:37I'm going to use a helicopter to distract everyone.
07:42It's in.
07:43It's in.
07:44It's high.
07:46It's perfect.
07:48The edge is broken.
07:51That's it.
07:52Did I crack the egg too high?
07:54The egg yolk broke.
07:56I did it.
07:57I often do this, too.
08:01Then add water, cover it, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
08:07It's done.
08:09It's done.
08:12It's done.
08:16It looks delicious.
08:19The egg yolk is broken and the egg white is burnt.
08:22I can't say it's beautiful.
08:25The edge is bitter.
08:28It's not half-cooked.
08:30Is that so?
08:32It doesn't melt.
08:34It doesn't look delicious.
08:37It's delicious.
08:40But the burnt part is the best.
08:43I know.
08:46Let's ask a professional to teach us how to make a wild egg.
08:50Let's ask him.
08:52He is Mr. Chinami Hamauchi, a home cooking researcher.
08:56He is a home cooking expert who has published about 200 books.
09:03There is a trick to make a wild egg.
09:08I see.
09:09I want you to buy it.
09:12Mr. Udo and Mr. Hamauchi are funny.
09:16I'm looking forward to seeing how to make a wild egg.
09:23A week ago, Mr. Udo and Mr. Hamauchi started to practice cooking.
09:29First, cook the egg.
09:32Like Mr. Udo, cook the egg over medium heat with water.
09:36I don't know if I'm doing it right.
09:39Is this right?
09:41Is this right?
09:43The shape is beautiful.
09:46But it's a little burnt.
09:50The yolk looks good, but the egg white is burnt.
09:55It's not good.
09:56The egg white is not good.
10:00The texture is crispy.
10:02Some people may like this.
10:04But the taste of the egg white is not good.
10:09First, improve the egg white.
10:13Next, cook the egg over low heat.
10:16It's good.
10:17The sound is different.
10:21It's not good.
10:24It's a little burnt.
10:27But the texture is different.
10:31It's better to cook over low heat than over medium heat.
10:37I see.
10:38The taste of raw egg is gone.
10:41I want to cook a little more.
10:45It depends on your preference, but most people like this.
10:49But it's good if you cook the egg white a little more.
10:56I want to make the egg white hard.
11:00Next, change the amount of water and experiment.
11:02He used to use 1 teaspoon of water.
11:11It's good.
11:14It's good.
11:16The egg white is like a boiled egg.
11:19It's the best so far.
11:23He uses 2 tablespoons of water.
11:25But he wants to improve the beauty.
11:29To make something, you need to know its history.
11:34So I looked it up.
11:36When was it made?
11:38It's an old book.
11:39There is a novel.
11:41It's a book about egg dishes in the Edo period.
11:44There are more than 100 types of egg dishes.
11:47But there is no egg dish in the book.
11:50So the egg dish came to Japan after the Meiji period.
11:54It was one of the Western dishes.
11:57It spread to Japan after the Meiji period.
12:03It's strange, isn't it?
12:05It's the simplest egg dish.
12:09But it spread to Japan later.
12:12You can't make it without a frying pan.
12:17But if you have advanced technology, you can make it without a frying pan.
12:24Shinkoccho in Minagawa.
12:26Electronic microwave.
12:28Put the egg on the heated plate.
12:32It will be beautiful.
12:37Make 2 or 3 holes in the yolk to prevent the explosion.
12:41Add 1 teaspoon of water.
12:43Wrap it and put it in the defrosting mode for 1 minute.
12:47Heat it 3 times while watching the situation.
12:54It looks like a fried egg.
12:58It looks good.
13:00It looks delicious.
13:01How does it look like?
13:05It's too hard.
13:07The white part is soft.
13:10This is it.
13:12It's different from a frying pan.
13:14The egg is heated.
13:18The white part is hard.
13:22The temperature of the yolk is higher than the temperature of the egg.
13:25The yolk will be hard.
13:28The yolk will be hard when the white part is good.
13:39I tried it with a toaster.
13:41The result is the same.
13:43It's easier to make a half-cooked egg dish with a frying pan.
13:49Day 3.
13:50I found a great way to control the temperature of the egg.
13:55There are two types of egg white.
13:59The thick egg white and the watery egg white.
14:02The watery egg white is soft.
14:06The thick egg white is hard around the yolk.
14:09I will use the watery egg white.
14:12I will use the thick egg white and the yolk.
14:18If there is no watery egg white, it will be beautiful.
14:25It's beautiful.
14:27It's very beautiful.
14:29Does the firefly make a sound?
14:33It looks great.
14:35How does it look like?
14:42It looks very good.
14:46I will eat it.
14:51It's done.
14:53It's done.
14:55There is no uneven texture by removing the watery egg white.
14:59It's very delicious.
15:03He is studying how to choose an egg.
15:09Red and white.
15:11The contents are the same.
15:14The chicken with brown feathers gives birth to a brown egg.
15:17The chicken with white feathers gives birth to a white egg.
15:20It contains protoporphyrin.
15:23It's brown.
15:25The contents are almost the same.
15:27You don't have to worry about it.
15:29It's about the size.
15:31Which one is better, the big one or the small one?
15:35The size of the egg will affect the fried egg.
15:40I see.
15:42The size of the egg yolk is almost the same.
15:47The amount of egg white will change.
15:49I see.
15:50I think the small one is better.
15:52I see.
15:53The size of the egg will affect the amount of egg white.
15:57I didn't know that.
15:58The M size has a high proportion of egg yolk.
16:01The M size has a high proportion of egg yolk.
16:05He will do an experiment.
16:08I will change the state of the egg.
16:13He used to make it at room temperature.
16:16He took it out of the refrigerator and drank it.
16:19He thawed it and defrosted it.
16:21He boiled it at the same temperature as the chicken and ate it.
16:27He boiled it at the same temperature as the chicken and ate it.
16:31Will there be any changes?
16:35It's the same.
16:39He took the egg out of the refrigerator.
16:45It's soft.
16:47It's thick.
16:50He thawed it and defrosted it.
16:54It is said that the egg yolk will be thicker.
17:00The egg yolk is thicker.
17:03The egg white is a little lonely.
17:08The result of the experiment.
17:10He took the egg out of the refrigerator and drank it.
17:14It's good, isn't it?
17:21There are various ways to bake eggs overseas.
17:24He is looking for a hint.
17:27It is common to choose a way to bake in America.
17:33It is common to choose a way to bake in America.
17:38He will try to bake over medium.
17:45I will turn it over.
17:48It's good.
17:50If you want to bake over medium, please say sunny side up.
17:56Sunny means sunny.
17:59Sunny means sunny side up.
18:02This is called one-sided.
18:06I want to go to LA.
18:09I want to go to LA and Hawaii.
18:13I want to go to Asia.
18:16I want to go overseas to watch TV.
18:21YOSHITAKA and I have been doing something at home.
18:26This is the best.
18:30I was able to do it.
18:34This is a dish from Southeast Asia.
18:39However, it is difficult to bake over medium.
18:48Next is Chinese fried egg.
18:50This is fried in oil at 180 degrees.
18:53This is fried in oil at 180 degrees.
18:56This looks delicious.
18:58I'm scared.
19:03This looks very delicious.
19:06This is scary.
19:08This is delicious.
19:10This has a different flavor.
19:13I'm not good at this.
19:20In Spain, this is fried in olive oil and garlic.
19:25This looks delicious.
19:26In the UK, this is fried in egg white.
19:30This is called a cloud egg.
19:32This is very cute.
19:34Everyone has a different way of eating this.
19:38Next is Italy.
19:41This is fried in olive oil.
19:44This is fried in olive oil and garlic.
19:50This is fried in olive oil.
19:55This is fried in olive oil and garlic.
20:01Does olive oil affect the taste?
20:08This is delicious.
20:11Some people don't like the taste of the yolk.
20:16However, olive oil softens the taste of the yolk.
20:22I tried various things.
20:24I chose olive oil.
20:27I have two tasks left.
20:29I remove the trouble of scraping with a sieve.
20:32I put the yolk in the middle.
20:35I did research.
20:37I found the easiest way.
20:40It took me a week to make this.
20:45This is very good.
20:48I also made a charm.
20:51I make a wish.
20:55This is a charm.
20:59This is delicious.
21:02What is the easiest way to cook?
21:06I can't do it.
21:08I will teach him how to make UDO.
21:12Please remember this.
21:14The egg white solidifies at 58 to 60 degrees.
21:18Remember that.
21:22If you are careful from the beginning, the egg white will rise.
21:27Please keep this in mind and practice.
21:32It is important to keep the temperature of the egg white.
21:36Prepare the egg white so that the temperature of the frying pan does not rise too much.
21:41When you break the egg white, break it flat.
21:46If you break the egg white at an angle, it will be easy to break the yolk.
21:51I put the egg white on a plate.
21:53I put the yolk in the middle.
21:58Today's dish is a dish that can be made at home.
22:00It's like a hotel.
22:02It's a fried egg.
22:04It's like hypnosis.
22:06What kind of image do you have?
22:08It's a fried egg that can be made at a hotel.
22:10I put the egg white on a plate.
22:12That's your style.
22:14It's a fried egg.
22:16Where is the yolk?
22:18The yolk is in the middle.
22:20I want to separate the egg white from the yolk.
22:24Separate the egg white from the yolk.
22:27To make a beautiful fried egg, you just need to put the egg white and yolk in a separate frying pan.
22:33I'm not doing it at all.
22:35Be careful.
22:37Set the fire to a low heat.
22:39Set the fire to a low heat.
22:41I set the fire to a low heat.
22:47I set the fire to a low heat.
22:49It's like this.
22:51Did the fire go out?
22:53Did the fire go out?
22:56The fire is set to a low heat.
22:58The point is to heat it up.
23:00The point is to heat it up.
23:02It's about two times the temperature of the frying pan.
23:05It's about two times the temperature of the frying pan.
23:07What did you put in the fried egg?
23:11I put oil in it.
23:13It's not sold.
23:15Let's put it in.
23:17He doesn't use oil.
23:19He doesn't use oil.
23:22By using oil, the temperature rises too much and the egg white burns.
23:26By using oil, the temperature rises too much and the egg white burns.
23:30Only use the white part.
23:32To make a beautiful one.
23:34To make a beautiful one.
23:36Only use the white part.
23:38You have a chance.
23:40You have a chance.
23:42It looks like this.
23:44You can make it round.
23:46You can make it round.
23:48Can I make a heart?
23:50The temperature is low, so you can shape it however you like.
23:53I see.
23:54You can even make a heart!
23:58It's starting to solidify.
24:00Can you see this?
24:01It's become white.
24:02Then, drop it to the edge.
24:05Here you go.
24:06It looks good.
24:07To make the yolk the center,
24:09leave it on the plate for about 10 seconds.
24:12When the heat passes through, the egg white and yolk will stick together.
24:16Let's do our best for a while.
24:20You can breathe.
24:22You can hold your breath.
24:25How is it?
24:26It's amazing.
24:30It's solidified.
24:31It's solidified.
24:32It has a sense of accomplishment.
24:34All you have to do is wait until it becomes the hardness you like.
24:37It's difficult.
24:38Do I have to do this?
24:42I want to leave the yellowness.
24:45The egg white on top of the yolk is actually covered.
24:51If you put water in it and put a lid on it,
24:54the yolk will become white.
24:57It's like filling an egg.
24:58Although it's a trick,
25:00Minagawa's Medamayaki uses a lid,
25:03so the yolk looks white.
25:06If you want a more vivid color,
25:08it's better not to use a lid.
25:10It looks like a sample.
25:13I'm nervous.
25:15Are you nervous?
25:16I'm nervous.
25:17I'm scared.
25:19It's hard to take it out of the frying pan because it's not oily.
25:23What's the secret?
25:26It's said that you have to heat the iron while it's hot.
25:29If you put the iron on a cold cloth,
25:33the iron will tighten and the protein will come off.
25:38That's amazing.
25:40This is the secret of a professional.
25:42It's a trick.
25:43If you put the frying pan on the iron,
25:46the iron will come off easily.
25:48It's said that you can use any kind of chicken.
25:51It's beautiful.
25:53It's really beautiful.
25:54It's good.
25:55It's done.
25:57How is it?
25:58It's good.
25:59Is it done?
26:00It's good.
26:01It's good.
26:02It's good.
26:03It's good.
26:04I'm impressed.
26:05It's a beautiful Medamayaki made by a professional.
26:07It's amazing.
26:10Feel free to eat.
26:11It's done.
26:12It looks delicious.
26:17The bottom is cooked and the top is soft.
26:29It's good.
26:30I don't think it's Medamayaki if I make it myself.
26:35The one-hour lesson is over.
26:45It's done.
26:46It's done.
26:47It's done.
26:48It's been one hour.
26:50Thank you for your hard work.
26:52Thank you for your hard work.
26:55I'm Miyawaki.
26:57Thank you for your hard work.
26:58I'm Udo at that time.
26:59I'm Minako at that time.
27:01Thank you for your hard work.
27:02How is it?
27:04It's perfect.
27:06I'm sorry, but I'm perfect, too.
27:09That's right.
27:10I can't embarrass Hamanuchi Sensei.
27:13That's true.
27:14Right, Sensei?
27:21It's amazing.
27:22It's interesting.
27:23The combination of Sensei and Uti was good.
27:25That's right.
27:26It's a combination.
27:27That's right.
27:28Udo was hidden.
27:30What kind of fire do you like, Kusanagi-san?
27:32It's like the last one that Sensei made.
27:35It's beautiful.
27:36Most white parts burn.
27:39That's right.
27:40It's weaker than I thought.
27:42That's right.
27:46That's right.
27:47It's gone.
27:49It's weak enough to disappear.
27:51The fire is strong, so it's impatient and burns.
27:54That's right.
27:55That's right.
27:56Udo always looks at it like that and shows it to us.
27:59He remembers it very well.
28:01That's right.
28:02He's smart.
28:03He's just pretending to be stupid.
28:05That's right.
28:06That's right.
28:07He's deceived every time.
28:09Minagawa-kun was confident this time.
28:11Minagawa-kun had a very delicious one this time.
28:15That's right.
28:16It's a good game.
28:18I want Minagawa-kun to win, too.
28:20That's right.
28:21He's always doing it in the same place.
28:24He's a little different from Raipachi-kun.
28:26What do you think about Minagawa-kun and Uwe going abroad?
28:29Raipachi-kun is the best.
28:37This is my fourth egg battle.
28:40I'm sorry.
28:41I will definitely win.
28:42Udo-san, congratulations.
28:43That's ridiculous.
28:44Please pray for me.
28:46I will definitely win.
28:49Now, it's time for the final battle.
28:52I'm sorry. Please pray for me.
28:54That's amazing.
28:55It's so close.
28:56That's just...
28:57It's like a barbecue.
28:58Please take a look.
28:59He's like a skeleton.
29:00He's a man like Ranpaku.
29:05As Udo-san taught, Ranpaku is divided into two.
29:12Please marry me.
29:15I'll give you something better.
29:16That's right.
29:21I see.
29:22So you split it.
29:26Then, without oil, you put in Ranpaku.
29:30You use your hands to make a beautiful ball.
29:33Udo-san, you're taking your time.
29:36I'm not taking my time.
29:37It's so quick.
29:38If it's my way, I don't need that much time.
29:41I'm not taking my time.
29:43Udo-san, you're taking your time.
29:45I'm not taking my time.
29:46I'll show you my secret weapon.
29:48Please take a look.
29:49If I have this...
29:50You have something new?
29:52It's everywhere, right?
29:55It's beautiful.
29:56It's beautiful.
29:57It's like a lie.
30:01I'll show you my secret weapon.
30:03Please take a look.
30:04If I have this...
30:05You have something new?
30:07It's everywhere, right?
30:09Inagawa's secret weapon.
30:11Anarchy ball strategy.
30:14He wanted to make it easier to separate the water-soluble egg whites.
30:18So he stopped using a strainer and used anarchy balls.
30:22Look at this.
30:24Only the water-soluble egg whites fall down.
30:26I see.
30:27Only the egg yolks and the thick egg whites remain on top.
30:32I see.
30:33You can create an ideal state of Inagawa.
30:35I took the water-soluble egg whites.
30:39Do you really know about the water-soluble egg whites?
30:41Of course.
30:42I used the water-soluble egg whites.
30:45If you use the water-soluble egg whites, the egg whites will burn.
30:48That's not good.
30:50You're crazy.
30:53And Udo gently dropped the egg yolk in the middle.
30:58I was surprised.
31:00I didn't have to hold it down at all.
31:04The egg yolk became fluffy.
31:06What about Inagawa?
31:08I put the egg yolk in the middle so that it doesn't crumble.
31:14It's beautiful.
31:15If you don't get the egg yolk in the middle,
31:20you can use a plastic bottle to suck up the egg yolk.
31:25It's true.
31:27It's amazing.
31:28This is also a secret method found on the last day.
31:31It's a plastic bottle strategy.
31:33The suction power of the plastic bottle is perfect for moving the egg yolk.
31:40It's in the middle.
31:42It's amazing.
31:43What if you suck up all the egg yolk?
31:45If you suck up all the egg yolk, you can separate only the egg yolk.
31:48I scooped up the egg yolk with a spoon.
31:51If you don't have to do that, you can do it in an instant.
31:53What did you say?
31:55I thought you were using a troublesome method.
31:59It's beautiful.
32:03I'm happy.
32:04It's beautiful.
32:06I'm happy.
32:07I'm sorry.
32:09It's beautiful.
32:15It's like a picture.
32:18It's ready.
32:19Hamauchi Hinami-sensei's homemade hotel-style fried egg.
32:27This week's special!
32:31It's a beautiful fried egg.
32:35It's beautiful.
32:37It's beautiful.
32:39It's beautiful.
32:42It's small.
32:43Look at this.
32:44It's fluffy.
32:47It's ready.
32:49The ultimate fried egg that took a week to make.
32:52The ultimate fried egg that took a week to make.
33:02The 7 ladies who will be judging this time are the 7 ladies who love fried eggs.
33:06Nice to meet you.
33:09The 7 ladies who love fried eggs.
33:11It's the first time I've met them.
33:14Do you love fried eggs?
33:16I love them.
33:17She's cute.
33:18She's cute.
33:20Everyone will be judged based on their choices of A and B.
33:26First, let's start with A, made by Usagi Udo.
33:30It's a waste to break the yolk.
33:33It's melting.
33:37It's good.
33:38It's good.
33:39It's good.
33:40It's good.
33:44Next is B, made by Minagawa.
33:47Minagawa's fried eggs are good, too.
33:49It's melting, too.
33:52I think the egg white is fluffier.
33:54It's beautiful.
33:56It's different.
33:58It's different.
33:59It's delicious when you eat it.
34:00I like this one.
34:01It's not chewy.
34:02It's not chewy at all.
34:03Neither is it.
34:06I think the hardness of the egg white is completely different.
34:09It's firm and fluffy.
34:11It's fluffy.
34:12Both are in the middle.
34:15It's very soft.
34:17The edge is hard.
34:18As I expected.
34:19Both are beautiful.
34:20Which one do you like more, lady?
34:22Which one do you like more?
34:24I see.
34:26Both are highly rated.
34:29Will Usagi Udo win the fierce battle?
34:32Or will Minagawa win?
34:35Please give her the egg that you think is more delicious.
34:46A got 3 votes.
34:47B got 4 votes.
34:51The winner of B is...
35:01I'm very happy.
35:03I like egg white.
35:05The egg white of B was thicker.
35:09And the texture was very smooth.
35:13Do you like egg white?
35:14You're wearing the most yellow clothes.
35:18It's a big deal that you put this on your face.
35:21To be honest, Udo was more beautiful in appearance.
35:26But I was particular about the thickness of the egg white.
35:29I'm very happy that it was rated.
35:33Minagawa won the fierce battle.
35:38B got 4 votes.
35:42Isn't it amazing?
35:43It's amazing.
35:45If I had won, I would have eaten a lot of egg white.
35:51If I had won, I would have eaten a lot of egg white.
35:57Minagawa won.
35:59The charm worked.
36:01You can't say that.
36:03I'm scared.
36:04But Uti looks more beautiful.
36:07It's like a child drew it.
36:09When I saw it, I thought it was amazing.
36:14Minagawa has a thick egg white.
36:19But Uti's egg white is too thick.
36:22I think so, too.
36:23If the egg white is smaller, it will be thicker.
36:27Let's make your favorite egg white.
36:34It's up to you.
36:35There are three people today.
36:37One person.
36:39Let's make it with Udo.
36:41I'll make it with Minagawa.
36:43I'll make it with Uti.
36:46I'll take the yolk.
36:52It may have cracked.
36:54There is still some left.
36:56It cracked.
36:57It's difficult.
37:00The staff will eat it later.
37:04It's a waste.
37:06It was difficult to put it in the egg.
37:08The egg white may have disappeared.
37:11Can I have another egg?
37:21It's okay.
37:22It went well.
37:24It's beautiful.
37:25It went well.
37:27It spreads.
37:31This is difficult.
37:33It spreads.
37:35It's okay.
37:38I wanted to make it thicker.
37:40The frying pan is not flat.
37:43It spreads.
37:44It spreads.
37:49Eggs are amazing.
37:51Eggs are amazing.
37:54I'm grateful for eggs.
37:56I think so, too.
37:59You can eat it alone.
38:05It contains a lot of nutrients.
38:08Eggs can be taken care of more.
38:12Rumor has it that it contains nutrients other than vitamin C.
38:18I don't know if it's true.
38:20Eggs have been around for a long time.
38:23It has been eaten for a long time.
38:29It's difficult.
38:30It's too big.
38:31It spilled here.
38:33I don't like this.
38:34I don't like this when I go to a hotel.
38:37I don't like this.
38:39This is good.
38:40This is good.
38:41This is good.
38:42This is very good.
38:43This is beautiful.
38:44This is good.
38:45This is fixed for 10 seconds.
38:46This is in the middle.
38:48This is good.
38:49This is in the middle.
38:50This is good.
38:53I've never thought about eggs so much in my life.
38:56This is a great show.
38:58This is very brave.
39:00I think so, too.
39:01This is very brave.
39:02This is very brave.
39:03I don't know what to do with this.
39:05Let's eat this.
39:07I really like Usagabe.
39:09I like that.
39:11This is very fun.
39:15Usagabe is the best.
39:18How long should I wait?
39:20I don't care.
39:21This show is an hour long.
39:24This is amazing.
39:25This is a show that lasts 5 minutes.
39:29This is done.
39:30This is very beautiful.
39:34This is true.
39:35This is very good.
39:37This is not good.
39:41This is two layers.
39:43That's right.
39:44This is good.
39:45This is more yellow than MINAGA.
39:48This is a little yellow.
39:52This is the last one.
39:53This is very difficult.
39:55This is the worst.
39:56What's wrong?
39:57This is the worst.
39:58What's wrong?
40:00This is the worst.
40:04This is the worst.
40:05This is the worst.
40:06The fire hasn't burned through to you yet.
40:10I should have kept it a little longer.
40:12This is the worst.
40:13This is too raw.
40:14This is the worst.
40:16This is the worst.
40:17This is the worst.
40:22It was so beautiful.
40:23This is the worst.
40:25The eggs are frozen.
40:28The eggs are frozen.
40:31I'm sweating.
40:33I want everyone to see this.
40:36This is fine.
40:37But the result is everything.
40:39I'm winning so far.
40:41Me too.
40:43This is the result.
40:44How is it?
40:45This is very difficult.
40:46This is frozen.
40:50This is the worst.
40:52This is the worst.
40:55This is difficult.
40:57This is difficult.
40:58Please do your best.
41:00This is very thin.
41:02This is important.
41:05Please do your best.
41:06This is difficult.
41:07This is like glass.
41:11This is dangerous.
41:12This is dangerous.
41:14This is dangerous.
41:17This is the worst.
41:20This is the worst.
41:23I'm the one who is in trouble.
41:24This is the worst.
41:26This is very difficult.
41:28This is difficult.
41:29This is burnt.
41:31This is impossible to do at once.
41:32That's right.
41:34This is too thin.
41:35That's right.
41:36This is the best.
41:38This is good.
41:39When I was on the frying pan, I was wondering what this was.
41:42I thought this was the best.
41:44This is the result.
41:46I eat this with salt.
41:48Can you eat this with salt?
41:50I eat this with salt.
41:52This is the worst.
41:53This is the worst.
41:56When I put this on top, it becomes crispy.
42:00My yolk is hard.
42:02This is not soft.
42:04This is hard.
42:05This is not good.
42:09I eat this.
42:13This is not burnt.
42:17My yolk is hard.
42:20This is too hard.
42:23This is not good.
42:26This is crispy.
42:28This is too thin, so it's hot.
42:31Can you eat this with white meat?
42:34This is not good.
42:35This is delicious.
42:36The yolk is good.
42:38This is white meat.
42:41White meat is delicious.
42:46I understood the secret.
42:49The yolk is very delicious.
42:51This is delicious.
42:52I see.
42:53I like white meat.
42:55I like soft yolk.
43:01This is the worst.
43:04This is the worst.
43:09This is a luxury.
43:10This is delicious when you eat only eggs.
43:13This is delicious.
43:14Everyone should try this.
43:16You can do it right now.
43:18Please watch the program until the end.
43:20You can do it without saying anything.
43:25This is delicious.
43:27This is the worst.
43:29This is the worst.
43:31Everyone succeeded.
43:33This was very fun.
43:35Everyone should try this.
43:38That's all for this week.
43:43This was a good program.
43:51This is delicious.
43:54Everyone did well until the end.
43:56This is difficult.
43:58This is delicious.
44:01This is soft and delicious.
44:03This is delicious.
44:04Let's do this.
44:06Let's do this.
44:10If you want to see this again, please watch the program until the end.
44:14The next program is a competition.
44:17This is a miracle.
44:20This is a magic lesson.
44:23Please look forward to it.
