日経スペシャル もしものマネー道 もしマネ 2024年9月15日 “嫁パワー”で家業を進化SP!借金4000万の鉄工所&老舗醤油蔵に嫁いだ妻物語

  • 10 hours ago
日経スペシャル もしものマネー道 もしマネ 2024年9月15日 “嫁パワー”で家業を進化SP!借金4000万の鉄工所&老舗醤油蔵に嫁いだ妻物語
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00It's really cool.
00:05Soy sauce is delicious, but the sales are declining.
00:14Recently, there are more people working from home, and there are fewer days to cook at home.
00:20Oh, that's the effect.
00:23The owner of a soy sauce restaurant in Kyoto was worried about the decline in sales.
00:30What did he see at that time?
00:50What did the owner of a soy sauce restaurant in Kyoto make?
00:56Soy sauce sweets?
00:58Soy sauce is different.
01:00I'm doing something that only I can do.
01:05This is the most popular, and it's sold out in size.
01:10It's small.
01:11What is the soy sauce sweets that the owner of a soy sauce restaurant in Kyoto came up with?
01:18It's small.
01:21When I first came here, I was surprised that the rent was about 40 million yen.
01:27I thought it would be okay if we worked together, so I did my best.
01:32The wife who came to the ironworks in Amagasaki, which was a cliff, made something with a wasteful spirit and made a big comeback.
01:40I made a camp goods and raised 10 million yen.
01:48I evolved iron in a fashionable way and saved the factory.
01:53This time, it's a special episode of the great evolution of the family business.
02:07First, we came to Kyoto City.
02:14I'm Sawai from Sawai Shoujo.
02:16It's a proper soy sauce shop.
02:18This is the first customer, Mr. Hiromi Sawai.
02:22It's a historical building.
02:24That's right.
02:25It was built in the 12th year of the Meiji period.
02:28This is the original storehouse.
02:31Isn't it a decoration?
02:32Is it made here?
02:33It's a storehouse where you can store the consumables.
02:38This is also the original storehouse.
02:41There are a lot of soy sauce made in this storehouse in front of the storehouse.
02:47The traditional method of making soy sauce with a large skin, which is said to be valuable now, is said to have been preserved only in Kuden for 145 years since its inception.
02:59However, when I look at the products behind such history,
03:05This is balsamic soy sauce.
03:09That's right.
03:10It's like a mixture of balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.
03:15It's a sour soy sauce.
03:17If you grill the meat and sprinkle it on it, you can eat it lightly.
03:24It looks delicious.
03:25In addition, there are grapefruit-filled ponzu and soy sauce salt.
03:30It's a new type of soy sauce that reverses the image of a storehouse.
03:34I recently made umashi.
03:38It's a sweet soy sauce made in a convenience store, so it's delicious to sprinkle it on udon and grill the meat sweetly.
03:47Hiromi was born in Kyoto City and worked as a nursery teacher.
03:52When she visited her husband and his family for the first time, she was surprised.
03:59It's a soy sauce store, isn't it?
04:02I'm nervous.
04:05It's not a big deal.
04:08It's okay.
04:11Here it is.
04:14I'm nervous.
04:15I'm nervous when I see this store.
04:17It's so good.
04:20It's different from what I heard.
04:24What should I do?
04:26What should I do?
04:27It's hard to make such a good storehouse.
04:30It's a big deal.
04:32Let's go.
04:37Hiromi was overwhelmed by an unexpected atmosphere.
04:42However, she got married safely thanks to her parents' support.
04:46A few years later, she started her own business with Hisateru.
04:53It's safe to have a new type of soy sauce.
04:59When I got married, my husband asked me to help him.
05:03He asked me to sell soy sauce at a market.
05:07He said that the soy sauce at his store was too strong.
05:12If it was too strong, it wouldn't taste good.
05:15I can't think of how to use it now.
05:19It's a mess.
05:22Hiromi was overwhelmed by an unexpected atmosphere.
05:25One day, she was shocked at the market.
05:30It's noisy.
05:33I've never heard of this soy sauce store.
05:36Is it true?
05:38I've been running this store for over 100 years.
05:43I don't know.
05:46I always use it.
05:48I won't use it.
05:49Why did you come here?
05:53I'll be waiting for you.
05:59Hiromi's image of the soy sauce store was distorted.
06:03People in Kyoto didn't know the name of the soy sauce store.
06:12When I entered the store, there were a lot of names of restaurants.
06:16I thought it was a good soy sauce store.
06:19However, I was surprised to hear that many people didn't know the name of the store.
06:23I was surprised to hear that many people didn't know the name of the store.
06:26I was surprised to hear that many people didn't know the name of the store.
06:28I thought I had to spread the word.
06:34If it goes on like this, even if I tell him to die, he will die someday.
06:41Hiromi had a sense of crisis.
06:45She renovated the store with her husband.
06:48She made balsamic soy sauce.
06:51She gradually evolved the new soy sauce store.
06:54She gradually evolved the new soy sauce store.
07:01The name and taste of Sawai's soy sauce has spread to other stores.
07:07However, sales are declining year after year.
07:12Recently, the number of friends has increased.
07:15The number of times I cook at home has decreased.
07:20The consumption of soy sauce has decreased significantly due to the spread of home-cooked food and take-out.
07:28Although the popularity of the soy sauce has increased, the decline in sales has not stopped.
07:36What should I do?
07:44In the midst of such worries, a call comes in.
07:53I received an order for soy sauce from a snack store.
07:59It's been going on.
08:01Recently, I received an order for soy sauce from a snack store.
08:05What do you use it for?
08:07It seems to be used for roll cakes and tarts.
08:14What about soy sauce?
08:15It's kind of sweet and salty.
08:19Salt sweets were popular a while ago.
08:23Salty and sweet go well together.
08:30Next time, soy sauce may come.
08:33At this point, Hiromi is excited.
08:37Soy sauce sweets.
08:40It seems to be interesting for a soy sauce store to make sweets.
08:46Let's go ahead and do it at home.
08:49How is it?
08:51Well, it's okay to try it.
08:55In this way, I decided to join the soy sauce sweets.
09:01I wanted to broaden the possibilities of soy sauce.
09:06When I heard that you wanted to do something new,
09:09I thought it was good.
09:11It was good.
09:13The soy sauce industry is in a state of recession.
09:16There is no room for growth.
09:20Because the population is decreasing.
09:21By blowing a new wind,
09:24I thought it would lead to protecting the natural environment.
09:37What can I do?
09:38Hiromi was eager to make soy sauce sweets.
09:43What should I make?
09:45But I've never made sweets that can be sold.
09:49Start from scratch.
09:54Mr. Matsushima.
09:57He said he knew the president of the candy maker.
10:00Can you give me a hint?
10:04I talked to the candy maker.
10:23Mr. Sawai.
10:24This is delicious.
10:27This taste and scent will definitely go well with sweets.
10:32It's like a rice cracker.
10:33It's like a rice cracker.
10:34It's definitely the strength of the president.
10:40He praised the soy sauce with the heat that exceeded Hiromi's imagination.
10:47Let's figure out how to use this soy sauce together and make delicious sweets.
10:58Thank you very much.
11:02And a few months later...
11:07Mr. Sawai.
11:10I made soy sauce sweets.
11:13I made soy sauce sweets.
11:16Croissant-shaped pies made with soy sauce.
11:22It looks delicious.
11:30It's a good hardness.
11:32How is it?
11:35The scent of soy sauce is well utilized.
11:39Let's make soy sauce croissant pies with this.
11:42All right.
11:45He succeeded in making sweets with soy sauce.
11:49And Hiromi, who felt the response, acted surprisingly after this.
11:57Hey, let's open a soy sauce sweets shop.
12:01Even a shop?
12:03You're not going to put it in our store?
12:06We're going to do something new anyway, so let's make a new place to sell it.
12:11It's better to make the image of Sawai's soy sauce new.
12:16She's a powerful wife.
12:22In 2021, for the first time in half a year, Kyoto opened its first soy sauce sweets shop.
12:31She named it Keystone because she wanted to connect people with soy sauce.
12:39Not only croissant pies, but also soy sauce cheese cakes and soy sauce burritos.
12:44That's delicious, too.
12:45It's a new soy sauce sweets shop.
12:49Japanese people love soy sauce.
12:51But Hiromi's evolution is not over yet.
12:56Actually, I realized that I hadn't made the origin of soy sauce sweets yet.
13:02What's the origin?
13:04It's the origin of soy sauce sweets.
13:07Look at this.
13:10Oh, it's mitarashi.
13:12It's mitarashi dumplings.
13:15Oh, you're right.
13:17The sauce of mitarashi is the taste of soy sauce.
13:21So I think I can appeal the taste of my soy sauce.
13:26Let's do it.
13:29Yes, a challenge to mitarashi dumplings.
13:36The sauce is made with umashi soy sauce and dashi soy sauce produced by Hiromi.
13:41It has a mild taste and has a good scent.
13:48But here, it hits a wall.
13:57If this is the shape of a normal mitarashi dumpling, it's not enough.
14:03I want you to eat a lot of this sauce.
14:11Yes, mitarashi dumplings naturally lose their sauce when they are eaten.
14:17So there is no point in making this mitarashi dumpling.
14:25So Hiromi came up with a special way.
14:32Oh, if that's the case,
14:35I should be able to eat it, right?
14:40Here is the problem.
14:43Hiromi made mitarashi dumplings to eat a lot of his soy sauce.
14:48How did he sell them?
14:52Oh, you're fast.
14:54You should shake it.
14:56You should shake it to make it stick together.
15:00Next, please.
15:01It's like a paper cup.
15:04You can eat a lot of it while it's dipped.
15:08You can eat it while it's dipped.
15:11You can drink it while it's dipped.
15:13You can drink it while it's dipped.
15:16No, no, no.
15:17That's not possible.
15:19He made the rice cake thick so that the sauce can be easily mixed.
15:23Oh, I see.
15:24There is no need to make the rice cake of mitarashi dumplings round.
15:28No, no, no.
15:29He made it long.
15:30He made it long.
15:31He made it long.
15:32He made it long.
15:33He made it long.
15:34He made it long.
15:35He made it long.
15:36He made it long.
15:37He made it long.
15:38He made it long.
15:39He made it long.
15:40He made it long.
15:41He made it long.
15:42He made it long.
15:43He made it long.
15:51You can solve my problem at once.
15:57When you eat mitarashi dumplings, the sauce spills naturally.
16:02So, Hironomi came up with a solution.
16:05I wonder?
16:07If you're going to do that,
16:09shouldn't you fill the jar with the sauce and scoop it out with a spoon?
16:11I see.
16:15So if I were to do that,
16:17I'll have to scoop it out with a spoon?
16:21I see.
16:23So they decided to fill the jar with the sauce and dumplings.
16:27By doing so,
16:29one can enjoy the sauce like a scoop
16:31without touching it.
16:33Scoop it up and then you can seal it with a lid
16:36The smell of soy sauce and the sauce are not leaking
16:39But the beer looks expensive
16:41It's expensive but it looks fashionable
16:43And so in 2022
16:45They sold it as the cold mitarashi
16:48Cold? This is a hit
16:50Especially in the summer, it was sold out
16:54Today it's sold out
16:57I was thirsty
16:59Everyone likes mitarashi
17:01It's sold out
17:03Let's dip it more
17:05I want to dip it more
17:12It's perfect
17:14The mochi is soft
17:16The soy sauce is not too sweet
17:20Hiromi can't stop evolving
17:23And this year she created
17:27I collaborated with Kanshudo Shichijo
17:30And made this yokan
17:33I made a yokan with cold mitarashi
17:37She made a yokan with a beautiful yokan
17:41And collaborated with Kanshudo Shichijo
17:47The mitarashi sauce, kinako, and kneaded yokan
17:51She made a yokan with 4 layers
17:53And it took half a year to make it
17:56I thought azuki and soy sauce would go well
18:01And I wanted to commercialize it
18:05Kanshudo Shichijo's 8th generation, Akiho
18:10There are mitarashi dumplings
18:14But it's rare to make yokan
18:17So I wanted to try it
18:19It's like a cake
18:21It's a western style image
18:23The yokan with the mitarashi sauce
18:26It's very unique
18:28It's well-received
18:30And many people say it's delicious
18:34It's beautiful
18:44Which one is better?
18:47It's not that good
18:49It's good
18:51It's delicious in my mouth
18:54Why does Hiromi keep looking for new ways to make soy sauce?
19:00Soy sauce is not just a seasoning
19:03It can be used in sweets
19:06It can be used in any way
19:08It's been around for a long time
19:10If we can pass it on to the next generation
19:14I think it will become our role
19:17Totsuida's special
19:24Next is Mr. Amagasaki
19:31I'm Nakashiya from Hirose Engineering
19:34Nice to meet you
19:36The second one is Sachiko Nakashiyoya
19:39What is Sachiko doing at Totsuida?
19:42I make a lot of iron products
19:46What is Sachiko doing here?
19:49I make camp goods here
19:52Camp goods?
19:54It's a camp boom
19:56What's special about this bonfire?
19:59All the parts are separated
20:02When you go camping, you have a lot of luggage
20:04You can put it in the gap
20:07For example, you can put your child's name here
20:11Like this
20:13There are a lot of camp goods made of iron
20:18What is the most popular one?
20:20This is the most popular one
20:23It's sold over 10,000
20:25How much is it?
20:29I can't calculate
20:33Sachiko makes camp goods that are so popular
20:38Did you originally make iron goods?
20:41No, I didn't make anything for the general consumer
20:46My husband was in charge of the tank of the ship
20:49I was in charge of the construction of the raw concrete factory
20:55Sachiko was born in Amagasaki
20:57After graduating from university, she worked as a computer instructor
21:02She was married to Yoshihiro, the second generation of Hirose Engineering
21:07They were childhood friends
21:12Actually, my father made this debt
21:18How much?
21:2140 million yen
21:2340 million yen?
21:25In your 20s?
21:28What should I do?
21:30You have a funny life
21:33What do you mean funny?
21:35I'm sorry
21:36I don't know, but it'll work out
21:40I can pay it back easily
21:42She said it
21:44This is wonderful
21:48She got married with such a positive attitude
21:52I'm a person who works hard
21:54If I work hard, I think I can pay it back
21:59I thought I could pay it back
22:03But when I got in, I was surprised
22:07I didn't know how to write an e-mail
22:10I didn't know how to communicate with e-mails
22:14I've been working on handwriting for a long time
22:18Why is it inefficient?
22:20I used to work in the computer industry
22:23So I decided to use software
22:26Software became my role
22:31Sachiko's marriage reform has begun
22:35The first reform she did was
22:39Hey, look
22:45Make my homepage
22:48Who will look at such a street vendor's homepage?
22:52That's why
22:54If it's from an outsider like me
22:56I don't know what a steel factory is
22:59That's true
23:00Is that so?
23:03Create a company homepage
23:08That's why I'm not only in charge of accounting
23:12I'm also in charge of advertising
23:17She made a wish and started advertising
23:22A new existence called a wife, not a craftsman
23:26It was a new power for a small factory
23:30What is the motive of such a wife?
23:34I never spend money on what I do
23:39I start on my own
23:41The president didn't say anything
23:44I was like, what if I did it?
23:47I'm not going to bother such a company
23:52Such a weather came to Sachiko in 2017
23:58The beginning was Yoshihiro's surprising words
24:04I want to introduce this machine to my house
24:08What I brought is a huge machine that can cut steel freely
24:16How much is such a big one?
24:2028 million
24:2228 million?
24:24It hasn't decreased at all
24:27I think I can do something with this
24:31I can become a steel factory
24:34Do your best
24:35What is a Neo Steel Factory?
24:39Neo Steel Factory
24:43With this machine, it is possible to do production and processing on your own
24:50Sachiko has a suggestion
24:53You don't have to say that
24:56Is it okay?
24:59The investment of 28 million yen was a great success
25:07As expected, the demand has increased
25:11That's great
25:12In the meantime, Sachiko was looking at a change
25:17It's good that I can now process from a big iron plate
25:23Do I have to throw away this edge?
25:27It's like a scrap
25:30It's still easy to use
25:36The rest of the parts that were cut out from the iron plate of the material were thrown away without any use
25:45In contrast to the increase in demand, the number of scraps was increasing
25:50I see
25:51I asked him how to do it, and he told me to throw it away
25:54It's a waste
25:57It's 3 meters, so it's pretty big
26:01It's a waste
26:02But I can't use anything
26:05I can't use anything
26:08It's unacceptable for an amateur like Sachiko to just throw away scraps of this size
26:14That's right
26:16In addition, Sachiko, who is in charge of advertising, has another concern
26:21I bought it with a lot of money in it
26:24It's a waste if I don't advertise this machine
26:28Advertise a machine?
26:30I want people in the world to know that I have introduced a machine worth 28 million yen
26:36I can't do this
26:37So I consulted with the expert of Koho, who used to take care of me
26:44There is such a big machine in a small factory like mine
26:49I think it's rare to have such a big machine
26:53So, is there any good way to advertise this machine?
27:01Mr. Nakashiyoya
27:03No one is amazing just by looking at this machine
27:09So I don't advertise the machine
27:15Then what do you advertise?
27:18It is important to advertise the product made with this machine
27:25And you get to know the machine through the product
27:31That's a good idea
27:35This word will be a point of inquiry for Sachiko
27:40I see
27:41I see
27:45If I make a product with the leftovers of iron
27:49I can solve my problem at once
27:54Sachiko, who thought so, immediately took action
27:59It's better to fight than not to fight
28:03What should I make?
28:05Iron, iron
28:08What came to mind here was a mother's word that had nothing to do with Tekkojo
28:16That's right
28:17My mother used to say that meat is delicious if it is baked with thick iron
28:25After all, iron is iron
28:28But it's a crime
28:29Sachiko's family owns a steakhouse
28:33Sachiko has been told by her mother about the goodness of thick iron since she was a child
28:40The iron used in the factory is so thick
28:44If you use this, you can eat delicious steak at home
28:48Or fluffy okonomiyaki
28:52The commercial iron plate is about 1mm thick
28:56If the iron plate is 6mm thick, you can definitely make delicious food
29:04I wanted to draw a picture and try it immediately
29:09But Sachiko, an amateur wife
29:13I said at the beginning that I wouldn't make Tekkojo
29:18I'm just in charge of the idea
29:22I think it was like, make this, make this
29:26But she made everything I asked her to make
29:31She showed her friend the iron plate she made
29:38How is it?
29:39You can bake steak or okonomiyaki at home
29:44You don't use this at home, do you?
29:46It's a camp
29:48I heard an echo
29:50Here it comes
29:52She made it to use at home
29:55But her friend told her to use it outdoors
29:59I see
30:00It was in the era
30:03Actually, since around 2013, camping has become popular
30:09It was an unexpected suggestion from a friend who liked camping
30:14I didn't even think about it
30:17I was like, oh, it's a camp, I can use it for camping
30:23If it's iron, you can make a bonfire or something that can be used for camping
30:29Hey, don't talk to me
30:32With such a feeling, Sachiko developed new products one after another
30:40A bench that can put an alphabet on the iron part
30:43She also made a stylish cafe table with an iron foot
30:48She started selling it with the brand name Hibanasu
30:55I got an order
30:59She must be happy
31:01It's a bit sudden, but the order came
31:06What is it?
31:07It's a product for advertising
31:13It's a product for advertising
31:17It was more important to get to know it than to sell it
31:22How did you get to know it?
31:24I saw it on the internet
31:27I think there are people who have seen it
31:30I haven't spent any money on advertising yet
31:33With such zero-yen advertising, Sachiko gradually increased the company's reputation
31:40After this, she unexpectedly created a big hit product
31:48It was about half a year later
31:52Hey, what should I make next?
31:56If it's camping, isn't it a peg?
32:00What is a peg?
32:03It's a peg that you put on the ground when you set up a tent
32:07It's a peg that you put on the ground when you set up a tent
32:10I didn't know there was such a thing
32:14This is easy to make with a cutting board
32:16Let's do it
32:18Since it's a big deal, let's make it in the shape of an alphabet
32:21No, I've seen it before, so I don't think so
32:25You're giving it to your friend again
32:27Even if you just imitate the existing product
32:30There is no way to beat a super small-scale brand
32:34So I thought
32:36Pegs are for pulling tents, right?
32:42Oh, if it's that, it's funny
32:48This spark creates more than 10,000 big hit products
32:55Here's the question
32:59What shape did Sachiko's idea of a big hit peg process the iron?
33:08Oh, here it is
33:09I told you it's for pulling, right?
33:11It's a turnip
33:13A big turnip
33:14Everyone is pulling the turnip in order
33:16It's in that shape
33:18It's like pulling out the turnip when you pull out the peg
33:21It's funny
33:22What do you think?
33:23Oh, I see
33:24The upper part is cute
33:28It's in the shape of a vegetable
33:30Pulling out
33:31Oh, I see
33:32It's like a radish
33:34I told you it's a turnip
33:36It's the same idea as a turnip
33:40Don't stop me
33:42I'm an answer thief
33:46It's a peg that pulls a tent
33:53Sachiko has saved the industry from the eyes of an amateur
33:58Sachiko, when you first joined Shochiku Entertainment,
34:01did you succeed because you were an amateur?
34:05Yes, I did
34:06When I joined Shochiku Entertainment,
34:09there was a TV show with Moriwaki-san
34:11Oh, Sessha Takumaru
34:13There were 40 to 50 people sitting on a monkey mountain
34:16There was a lot of work
34:18It was really hard
34:20There was the oldest man
34:22He was a producer
34:24I didn't know what a producer was
34:26You didn't know that?
34:27I didn't know
34:28I asked him to give me a quiz on the mountain
34:32Everyone was like,
34:33Hey, hey, hey, hey
34:35I'm an amateur, so I don't know
34:37I asked him to give me the first question of the next week
34:41From then on, we did the monkey mountain
34:45I was the one who gave the quiz
34:47When I knew the rules,
34:48the young man suddenly went to the producer
34:50and said, let me do it
34:51He didn't say that
34:52He didn't say that
34:53I'm glad I said that
34:55I see
34:56Is there such a thing?
34:59I always feel like an amateur
35:02I'm doing this now
35:04I've been on the Kansai show for a few years
35:07It was like this
35:08I was doing it on the show I was watching
35:11What's the atmosphere?
35:13It's like an amateur
35:14Sachiko came up with a new peg
35:18That is
35:20Pegs are for pulling the tent, right?
35:26Oh, if that's the case,
35:28it would be funny if someone was pulling it
35:31Because it's for pulling the tent, right?
35:35Yes, a human-shaped peg
35:38When he put it on the ground,
35:40he made it look like a person was pulling the tent string
35:45Then, he said,
35:46this is cute
35:48Over 10,000 hits
35:51I see, the timing is like the Tokyo Olympics
35:53It's a human-shaped peg,
35:54but the legs are short
35:57This is definitely a little longer
36:00That's cute
36:01But this was the limit
36:04Such a skillful iron peg
36:07has a durability that doesn't bend even if you hit it hard
36:11It was a big hit at a cheap price of 880 yen
36:15This will sell
36:16And it's made of firewood,
36:18so it's only profitable
36:20I think
36:22It was broken down
36:24It was broken down?
36:25It's broken down
36:26If you think about the labor cost,
36:28it takes a lot of time
36:31Actually, this peg
36:33It only takes a few seconds to cut it into a human shape
36:37It's not dangerous to use it with bare hands
36:39It requires a skilled craftsmanship
36:43Considering the labor cost,
36:45it wasn't worth it
36:49From my point of view,
36:51it's impossible if it's less than 1,000 yen
36:53I thought it would never sell,
36:54so I made it at that price
36:57I should have thought about it more
37:00I thought about the labor cost
37:02But if you ask me if it sold for 1,500 yen,
37:04I don't think it would sell
37:06So I'm glad
37:09I'm a little disappointed
37:12I didn't even expect it to sell
37:15I was really an amateur
37:17There are so many kinds
37:19It's the Tokyo Olympics
37:20Ms. Kochika has a particular commitment
37:22when it comes to creating products
37:26I don't like camping
37:28I'm particular about what I'm not particular about
37:31Simple is best
37:33That's how I make it
37:35Is there a merit of not being particular?
37:37If it's a mess,
37:39I can't mass-produce it
37:41But if it's simple,
37:43it's easy to make
37:45and the craftsmen don't have to work on it
37:47Ms. Sachiko says
37:51I was particular about this
37:54What do you do with it?
37:56It's not really a product
37:58that I do anything with
38:01Here's a 10-second quiz
38:03for Mr. Masuda
38:05What is the first product
38:07that Ms. Sachiko was particular about?
38:13A product that I was particular about?
38:15A product that I was particular about?
38:17It's not a watch
38:19It looks like a bell
38:22The hint is this shape
38:24Don't you remember it?
38:30What is the first product
38:32that Ms. Sachiko was particular about?
38:34It's a product
38:36that I was particular about
38:38It's a product
38:40that I was particular about
38:42It's a trophy
38:44It's a trophy
38:46It's a trophy
38:48It's a trophy
38:50It's a trophy
38:53I made it
38:55because I wanted to decorate it
38:57because I wanted to decorate it
38:59I'm a big fan
39:01Of course, the Tiger's version of the famous movie
39:03The fans were particular
39:05about the 1mm unit
39:09This trophy is
39:119,900 yen
39:13Mr. Masuda,
39:15would you like one at home?
39:17I want one
39:19I'll take it
39:21Would you like one?
39:23I'll take it
39:25I'll take a sample
39:27There's a PEG
39:29and a PEG that does batting
39:31and a PEG that does batting
39:33and a PEG that does batting
39:35and a PEG that does batting
39:37and a PEG that does batting
39:39and a PEG that does batting
39:43You can process it
39:45in any shape you want
39:47It looks good
39:49It looks good
39:51It's good
39:53You can place your order
39:55You can place your order
39:57I got it made
39:59with the giant machine
40:01that was on the VTR
40:03It's very fast
40:05with a capable cuts
40:07It's very fast with a capable cuts
40:09Look at the PEG and the logo
40:11how detailed it is
40:13Like a general block
40:15like a general block
40:16According to Mr. Okuchi, the owner of Maneikenja, there is a hit product that was born from an amateur's point of view.
40:25For example, this is a metal processing plant in Arakawa, Tokyo.
40:30This is a company that makes metal fittings for Shinkansen and home door fittings for stations.
40:35They make things that people can't see.
40:39However, in 2008, they lost 80% of their sales due to the cancellation of their previous order.
40:47They were in great danger.
40:51So, Mr. Tone, the president, focused on looking for a new deal.
40:56Meanwhile, his wife, Ms. Ryoko, who was a full-time housewife, took a certain action.
41:01That is...
41:03I started studying by watching TV Tokyo's World Business Satellite instead of my busy husband.
41:10Was it Kotani Maoko's era?
41:12While I was doing that, I was convinced that I should make a niche product that I would be happy if I had.
41:21So, Ms. Ryoko asked her husband to develop a kitchen appliance that had nothing to do with pottery.
41:28In the end, this became a big hit with more than 25,000 orders in a row.
41:32I see.
41:33Here is Mr. Okuchi's quiz.
41:35Here it is.
41:36What is it?
41:37What is it?
41:38It's a bag of potatoes.
41:41It's a bag of potatoes.
41:43It's not that.
41:44It's a tool for grilling.
41:48It's a bird.
41:50It's a tight-fitting bird.
41:51Speaking of birds...
41:53It's an egg.
41:55It's an egg grill.
41:57An egg grill?
41:58It's a frying pan that can be grilled beautifully.
42:01The correct answer is a kitchen appliance that makes egg-based rice delicious.
42:07The correct answer is a kitchen appliance that makes egg-based rice delicious.
42:09What is it?
42:10What is it?
42:11What is it?
42:12What is it?
42:13What is it?
42:14What is it?
42:15What is it?
42:16The answer is this.
42:19An egg-based cooking appliance.
42:22An egg-based cooking appliance?
42:24Ms. Ryoko doesn't like the roughness of the egg whites.
42:29She has a limit to how many she can make with chopsticks.
42:31I see.
42:32So I asked him to make something that would be good at cutting and mixing.
42:39So he used a stainless steel cutting board that was lying around in the factory and made a prototype.
42:45Then Ryoko-san used it and said,
42:47This is no good.
42:49How about this?
42:50This is still no good.
42:52And so he repeated the prototype,
42:54and in 2019, this Tokikokochi was completed.
43:00When it was sold at a 100-yen shop, it received an unexpected response.
43:05Ryoko-san's inspiration created a hit of 25,000 copies in total,
43:10and the company's sales increased by about 10%.
43:15How much is this?
43:17This is 4,290 yen.
43:20So if you spend 25,000 yen, it's roughly 100,000 yen.
43:24The only weakness of this product is that it's durable, so once you buy it, it won't break.
43:30That's good.
43:31There's no repeat purchase.
43:33So even if you pay that much, it's worth it.
43:36That's right.
