Rally for health care, not Greenbelt highways - Dufferin and Glencairn (2882 dufferin street)

  • last week
I recorded a few short clips, a few from across the street and then the speakers came next.
The vehicle noise was atrocious, however thankfully they had an amplified speaker, or nothing would have been heard.
00:00I'm going to the airport...
01:00to understand that it is their job to stop 413 just as much as it is any provincial politician.
01:28The federal government has the power to stop 413 as long as it does its job by refusing
01:37permission to destroy endangered species habitat.
01:40The federal government has the power to stop 413 by requiring a new federal impact assessment.
01:48They've already done the work of fixing the legislation, so they have that power again.
01:54So we're really glad that Councilor Mike Cole is right here and we are counting on him to
02:01tell his friends in the Liberal Caucus federally that it's their job to stop 413, it's their
02:07job to require a fresh federal impact assessment of 413, it is their job to use their power
02:16to protect the endangered species along the route for Highway 413 and that's why it's
02:21so great to have someone like Councilor Cole here with influence in those sectors to take
02:26the stand with us, to give voice, to help us put back pressure on the federal government
02:32as well as the provincial government to do their jobs here.
02:36I don't know if you did want to speak, but if you do want to speak, that's great too.
02:40Thank you very much for being here.
02:43I know many of you are too young to know, but it was my legislation that created the
02:49Greenbelt and we did succeed in protecting the Oak Ridges Moraine at the time, so that
03:01was something that took five years of work, but we were able to basically achieve that
03:10success because people had no idea that the headwaters of Toronto's water sources are
03:20in the Greenbelt.
03:21So whether it's the Ganaraska, whether it's the Credit, the Humber, the Don, that's where
03:27your drinking water comes from, so if they're going to pave it with this superhighway, not
03:36only do you end up paving it and attracting more cars, but what happens with the highway,
03:43the basic reason they're doing it is because the highway feeds the development beast.
03:51So wherever you have roads, you're going to have massive development take place that will
04:01help development, but then some of the best farmland in North America will be lost forever.
04:09So once you pave all of the farmland, it's gone forever.
04:15So in terms of the success we achieved in creating the Greenbelt, I can't remember,
04:21it was so long ago, 2003, when we did it, the success is to speak to people directly
04:28and one of the things that you can do that's very effective is to basically visit your
04:39local MPP.
04:42Doesn't matter, there's the developer's friend there, you see?
04:51So what happens is that even if you visit, they record that visit and if you tell them
05:00directly, I'm here to see the MPP or talk to the staff and get other people to visit,
05:06emails don't work, sad to say, forget emails, they don't work.
05:11You have to visit the office of your MPP in person, be courteous, let them know your concerns,
05:21say you're concerned about your children, your grandchildren's ability to have fresh
05:26fruit, fresh vegetables and clean drinking water.
05:30That's what it's all about.
05:33So that is, I think, the most effective strategy because ultimately, the pressure has to be
05:40on the architects of the highway and that is the Ford government and again, they have
05:47to be told and informed that you do not support it and oppose it and as you know, luckily,
05:58we stopped the $8 billion land giveaway and that was a result of a couple of great journalists
06:07that did that and so then there's a police investigation now into that $8 billion giveaway.
06:16So that's why, again, visit your MPP, ask your people across the city, across Ontario
06:23to visit their MPP, be courteous and say, listen, I want drinking water for my children
06:29and grandchildren, I want fresh fruits and vegetables and I don't want to lose the best
06:35farmland in North America, which will happen.
06:40So again, keep it up.
06:42You can effect change, but you've got to be targeted and as I said, don't waste your time
06:49with emails, please.
06:51They all go into the junk box.
06:53So visit and spread the word, keep to farmland food and deal with this oncoming climate catastrophe.
07:05This highway will feed the climate catastrophe and it will accelerate it.
07:11You don't want a catastrophic situation that's even worse than it is now when they build
07:16this highway, which will again end up paving not only the highway but all the lands around
07:23it with nothing.
07:24It'll all look like a moonscape.
07:26Anyways, thank you, keep up the passion.
07:29Thank you very much.
07:31Thanks again for coming by.
07:34We weren't expecting you and it's always great when someone comes and of their own accord
07:40show up.
07:41We have been leaning on MP Marshall Mendocino to do his job as well and ensure that there
07:48is a renewed federal impact assessment of Highway 413 and to ensure that no permits
07:54and no designation of permission to destroy endangered species habitat happens along
08:00the 413 corridor.
08:02And it's so great that we have a federal system in Canada because we are leaning on the provincial
08:07government and unfortunately for now they seem to be in the pockets of their friends.
08:13But what we hope and trust is that the same is not true with the federal government.
08:18That's why right now we're leaning on the federal government to renew the federal impact
08:23assessment to provide a, to guarantee that there will be no permission granted to damage
08:32red tide gage habitat.
08:34Federal fish habitat is squarely within, inland fish habitat is squarely within federal responsibility.
08:45Navigable waters are within federal responsibility.
08:47And so while we are pressuring the province to change course, while we are building up
08:53and leaning on the opposition parties in Ontario to lay the groundwork for that and ensure
08:59that nothing can happen in the interim, we're counting on the federal government to ensure
09:03that nothing can happen on 413.
09:05They've been doing a great job so far.
09:08They have passed endangered species regulations that protect the habitat of the red tide gage
09:16along the 413 corridor.
09:18A big, big cheer for Minister Guilbault for doing that.
09:25You know, whatever the other complaints may be, Minister Guilbault has passed those regulations
09:30and that rule, what's called the recovery strategy for the red tide gage, means that
09:36the minister must pass official habitat protection orders for the 413 route by no later than
09:45the end of January.
09:46And so that means that as long as this federal government or some government of similar mindset
09:52remains in place, in our view, there would be no legal way for Highway 413 to go ahead.
09:59And the other...
10:10I just want to say this is a fantastic turnout for what's part of a day of action all over
10:16the place.
10:17We've got actions happening in York Region and Mississauga and other places that I don't
10:24I want to thank the folks from Environmental Defense, from SCAN, from GASP, from TAIR and
10:31the Greater Toronto Health Coalition for coming out today.
10:34It's very important that we're here at Robin Martin's office.
10:37I'm going to say a few things about Robin Martin.
10:42But first, I have a technical thing I have to do.
10:49Is the MP for Eglinton Lawrence.
10:51Up until recently, she was the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Health, Sylvia
11:00And last year, when the conservative government introduced Bill 60, which is about privatizing
11:06the health services that are provided in public hospitals and sending them to private for-profit
11:15It was Robin Martin who headed up the conservative arguments in the committee that examined the
11:26And it's not surprising, because in 2002, 2003, Robin Martin was a policy advisor at
11:33the Ministry of Health under the much reviled leadership of Premier Mike Harris.
11:45And during the standing committee on social policy hearings on Bill 60, which she was
11:53chairing for the conservatives, she proudly spoke of her role at that time in helping
11:58to establish a private, for-profit cancer center at Sunnybrook Hospital back in 2002
12:06under Mike Harris.
12:08What she didn't mention was that this private clinic was the subject of a special report
12:14by the provincial auditor that found that it had failed to reduce wait times, which
12:19is what they were saying they needed Bill 60 for, that it had been tendered using questionable
12:26and possibly unethical methods, that the cost to the public was approximately $500 more
12:32per procedure than in the public hospital, and it drained staff from other jurisdictions
12:39leading to, guess what, a reduction of services.
12:44So that's 20 years of her advocating that model, and that's where we are today.
12:52Given the similarities with that experiment in 2002 and what is unfolding around the province
12:58today, it's no surprise that Robin Martin has been deployed as a key figure pushing
13:04this privatization.
13:06The issues around lack of oversight, the use of public resources for private profit, the
13:11inefficacy of such schemes in actually reducing waiting times, and the documented pattern
13:17of increased wait times for the public system as a result of draining staff resources all
13:24create a sense of deja vu.
13:27And shame indeed.
13:29To give a flavor of her political approach to this question, I'm going to play a clip
13:34from the legislature of her response to opposition criticism of the government's proposal to
13:40privatize health care.
13:42I hope this comes through properly.
13:49Listening to some of the complaining going on, I get tired of listening, I get tired
13:55of listening to people trying to make a crisis and make fear in the population at a time
14:01of pandemic even worse by using words and expressions like the worst crisis in generations
14:09and, and, oh my god, the government is going to privatize?
14:15Trying to scare the police?
14:22Okay, so that is Robin Martin in full flight in the legislature making light of the very
14:30real worries and concerns people have about the destruction of our public health care
14:35She does not give a shit about what happens to our public health care system.
14:39And so I just want to wrap up today what I want to say.
14:43Number one, it's very good to be here together to say we want health care, we want public
14:50health care, not green belt highways.
14:53Public health care, not green belt highways.
14:56Public health care, not green...
14:58Many other issues, of course, that we could reinvest in.
15:01Education, clean water for Indigenous communities, there are so many things that we could be
15:07spending the money on that they're trying to waste on Highway 413 and the Bradford bypass.
15:12Robin Martin is contemptuous of the very real and widespread concerns Ontarians have about
15:19the wholesale drive to privatize health care.
15:22What we're seeing is possibly the largest transfer of public money into private hands
15:28in this province's history.
15:29That is what's happening with the privatization of hospital services.
15:33It's happening right now, right as we speak.
15:36And she's been centrally involved.
15:39However, Robin Martin was elected in June 2018 in this riding by a margin of 957 votes
15:48and in the recent election in 2022, she won by 524 votes.
15:55So what we need to do, we've got a poster here that Matt mentioned, and thank you Matt
16:00for making this, a nice poster.
16:03This is your MPP, Eglinton Lawrence.
16:07Robin Martin puts highways before health care.
16:10Highway 413 will cost $10 billion, pay part of the green belt, and only add, only reduce
16:16travel times in the GTA by 30 to 60 seconds.
16:21But Robin Martin thinks that's a better use of tax money than nurses and hospitals.
16:27Because Robin Martin is a longtime advocate of private for-profit health care.
16:31She was a policy advisor under Premier Mike Harris and helped create the first for-profit
16:35cancer center in Ontario.
16:37The center was closed because it was expensive and useless, kind of like Highway 413.
16:44Call Robin Martin.
16:46We want to put these up at the end of our excellent program today, so if anyone wants
16:50to stick around, we've got paste and posters, and thanks everyone for coming out today.
16:56...government for a lot of different issues, and the more we can sort of get to know each
17:00other, work together, I think we'll have a lot of success, because a lot of people in
17:04Ontario are mad about the same things.
17:09...of environmental defense to speak about the highway, Highway 413.
17:14Hey everybody, thanks for coming out and helping to hack away at one of the Achilles
17:20heels of this despicable Highway 413 scheme.
17:24Thank you so much for coming, and congratulations, because six and a half years after they promised
17:33to deliver 413, the odds are really no higher than they ever were that the highway is ever
17:41going to happen.
17:42They are no closer to delivering 413 than they were six and a half years ago.
17:52And things are so bad for the Premier that the Premier's friends are starting to breathe
17:58down the Premier's neck.
18:00For sprawl developers who want taxpayer subsidies for their mansions on the Greenbelt and the
18:06last remaining habitat of the Redside Gates.
18:09They want a $12 billion subsidy and they're mad that the highway hasn't come yet.
18:15The multinational construction conglomerates that want to rip us off the way they have
18:22been ripping the Ontario public off on every construction project under this government's
18:29They are all breathing down his neck.
18:33And so what has the Premier done to cover his butt?
18:39What has he done to try and get them off his back?
18:42He's resorting to mind games.
18:45So whenever, for example, I'll give a great example, when even after months of expensive
18:53litigation by the provincial government, the federal government insisted upon a memorandum
19:00of understanding that preserved its right to designate 413 for impact assessment, that
19:06preserved the federal right to stop 413 by denying endangered species permits.
19:13What did the province do?
19:15It sent Minister Sarkaria on a lying tour around all of the major transit stations he
19:21was on right before me on CP24, claiming that the MOU said completely the opposite.
19:28Because he can't account for what the actual news is bad.
19:33When the federal government did what we asked and re-estated, as we said they would, the
19:40Impact Assessment Act so they can designate 413 for the impact assessment, what did the
19:45province do?
19:46They tried to make it a non-story.
19:48They said, oh, don't worry, we're going to get the shovels in the ground later this year.
19:53They started putting up signs, fake signs, along the 413 route saying future location
20:00of the 413.
20:01It's no accident that happened when they re-instated the Impact Assessment Act, as we'd asked them
20:07to do.
20:10And a couple of weeks ago, and this is one of the funniest ones, when the federal government
20:16did as we asked and issued a key recovery strategy for the Redside days, which doesn't
20:22sound like a big deal, it sounds like a technical thing, but it designates almost the entire
20:27route of 413 as the critical habitat of an endangered species, and promises a habitat
20:35protection order that will make it illegal to build 413.
20:40What does the province do?
20:42Well, we caught them off guard when we asked about that one, because the answer from the
20:46Premier on that one was even more ridiculous than ever.
20:49He said, oh, habitat protection will be no big deal because I've been told, and you'll
20:56laugh to hear who told him, that endangered species can just hop over the highway from
21:02one side to another and it'll be fine.
21:04He implied that endangered species that live in southern Ontario can move up to the north,
21:10and so that means somehow that the designation of the 413 route as critical habitat somehow
21:16isn't a big deal.
21:18Step after step, we are winning these fights against the 413, and all the Premier has are
21:25mind games.
21:27Now, the dangerous thing is that the Premier is trying to play those mind games on your
21:33federal liberal MPs.
21:35He is trying to scam them into thinking, for example, that the public is somehow behind
21:41the 413.
21:42He is trying to scam them into thinking that a safer move would be to ignore their federal
21:49responsibilities and roll over and let 413 happen.
21:53And so, when we put out a poll, which was independently conducted, it was an ECOS research
21:59poll, which showed there was overwhelming opposition to the actual route of 413, that
22:06something over 80% of Ontarians said that they don't want the actual 413 to be built
22:12through the Greenbelt, through endangered species habitat, where it would actually go.
22:17What did they do?
22:18They commissioned a rigged poll, the developers did, which asked them some vague question
22:24using a name for the highway they never heard, and so it was, do you like highways?
22:31So they tried to pretend that the public supported it, and that they are pressuring the liberals
22:39right now, but with these rigged polls claiming that because people like highways in general,
22:45or because when they use a different name for the highway and don't say where it is,
22:50people are okay with it, they're okay.
22:51But we know that when you ask about Highway 413, when you say where it goes, the general
22:58public overwhelmingly opposes it.
23:01I'm not able to share the figures now, but the numbers on that are starker than ever.
23:06We know that if the federal liberals were to let 413 happen, this would actually be
23:14a politically disastrous move for them, that we see them wiped out of the city of Toronto
23:20altogether, and wouldn't gain them anything, even along the 413 route.
23:25We know this to be true.
23:27You know this to be true.
23:29They want you to believe that your lying eyes can't be trusted, that when you talk,
23:35that your ears can't be trusted, when you talk to your friends and they agree with you
23:40that 413 is idiotic, that somehow there's some silent majority out there that disagrees.
23:47It's just not true.
23:50And thank you for having the guts and trusting your own reason to understand that the overwhelming
23:56view of the public is in opposition to 413.
23:59And in particular, I want to reiterate, thank you for identifying the biggest Achilles heel
24:07of the case for 413.
24:10When we ask people whether they think 413 is a good use of money, or whether they would
24:18like that money, or three quarters of it, to be dedicated to healthcare and education
24:25and other public services, even the overwhelming majority of people who say they think 413
24:31is a good idea, the majority of those people say no, we should cancel 413 and invest the
24:38money in healthcare and education.
24:41The majority of people who think that 413 is a good idea, even the majority of them
24:47think that it would be a better idea simply to pay the tolls of truckers to use Highway 407.
24:53So the public is with you.
24:56You are not some weird group of people.
24:59You are speaking for the vast majority of your neighbors.
25:03You are just the ones who are putting the time in to manifest that view.
25:08And it's really important that you make your elected representatives understand that too.
25:14Because I guarantee you, if you look at the lobbyist registry, the federal lobbyist registry,
25:19what's happening is they are paying people, day after day, to request meetings with this
25:25MPP, MPs, federal MPs, to convince them that the safest move is just to go ahead with the
25:31413, because there's $12 billion dollars at stake for this big international conglomerate.
25:36So they've got all this money to keep doing this.
25:39So it's up to you, free of charge, to remind them of the truth.
25:43They don't care whether the federal government gets re-elected.
25:46They're happy to see them walk into a fan.
25:49But you can speak in their interest and explain to them that the only move, the safest move,
25:55the most reliable move for them, is to do their jobs, protect the environment, and stop 413.
26:02And you can tell this MPP that no matter how much she's hoping that by underfunding healthcare
26:09and squandering the money on Highway 413, it's going to support her agenda to privatize
26:16healthcare, Ontarians aren't on board with it.
26:20And Ontarians are on to her.
26:23So if she wants to be re-elected, then she's going to have to change her view.
26:28And the good news, folks, is that it works.
26:31We know it works.
26:33Because as strongly as this MPP and other MPPs are claiming that 413 is going to happen,
26:40no matter why, no matter how confidently they're saying it now,
26:44they were speaking just as confidently about how they were going to build their mansions
26:49on the Greenbelt a little over a year ago.
26:52And we all know how that went.
26:54You scared the living bejesus out of them, and they backed down.
26:59So scare the living bejesus out of Robin Martin by showing her that she cannot be re-elected
27:06unless she stops the 413.
27:13Thank you, Phil.
27:14Thanks, Michelle.
27:15Thanks, everybody, for coming out.
27:17This has been a great event.
27:19I knew a lot about Highway 413, but I didn't realize that Robin Martin has been advocating
27:25for privatized healthcare for 20 years.
27:27That was news to me from this collaboration with the Greater Toronto Health Coalition.
27:32And I'm going to talk to my neighbours a lot about that.
27:34The idea of a for-profit cancer centre at Sunnybrook, which operated using public facilities
27:39after hours, is totally obscene.
27:42And I think that's a good thing to raise to your neighbours if you live in this riding.
27:46So I want everyone to come in.
27:48We're going to get a big group photo in front of Robin Martin's office.
27:51We also have some sidewalk chalk.
27:53We encourage you to take some sidewalk chalk.
27:55And you can write,
27:57Healthcare, not highways.
27:59You can write, save public healthcare.
28:01You can write, stop 413.
28:03Whatever messages you want to leave for Robin Martin in front of her office.
28:07And sort of up to the corner and back.
28:09And then also, please come and get some posters from myself or Michelle at the end.
28:13And we're going to all sort of head off in our own directions
28:17and poster up this neighbourhood.
28:19Because people need to know
28:21that Robin Martin is a big advocate for private healthcare.
28:25And that she loves the Highway 413.
28:27So let's bring in our banners and let's all gather up for some group photos.
28:31And if you have a camera and you want to post on social media,
28:34this is a great time to get a big picture of the big crowd that we brought out today.
28:38So thanks again everybody for coming.
28:40We hope you have a lovely afternoon.
28:44It's always important to find the right screw to turn.
28:48And so when you're talking to your federal liberal MP, as well as your provincial MP,
28:52it's worth noting, point out to them that Mike Cole showed up and he's with us.
28:58So why the heck aren't you?
