Iran Uprising 2nd Anniversary - September - Toronto Canada (queen's park)

  • last week
Either I missed the first half, or I caught it in full. I didn't expect to see a third protest in the same day.

Music composed for the march timelapse is my own.
00:00Irving Cutler, you know the human rights lawyer who's been very active in regard to Iran
00:10uprisings and advocating for freedom and democracy in Iran. Unfortunately he could not be here in
00:18person but he has sent his audio message that we will listen to his message here.
00:27Pleased to join you together in common cause in the pursuit of justice for the victims of the 1988
00:35mass atrocity and accountability for the perpetrators of this mass atrocity and for
00:41an end to the mass repression in Iran. We meet today at an important moment of remembrance
00:47and reminder of bearing witness of the imperative of taking action. We meet on the occasion of the
00:55second anniversary of the brutal murder of Massa Amini, a looking glass into the ongoing
01:03mass repression in Iran and the mass atrocity crimes. And we meet in remembrance and reminder
01:12of the mass murder in the 1988 massacres by the death squad in Iran which in the recent report
01:20by the UN special rapporteur on Iran were characterized as atrocity crime, as an ongoing
01:27crime against humanity and which the Canadian parliament in a unanimous resolution in 2000 to
01:342013 moved by my colleague, my late colleague of blessed memory, Paul Doerr in which I had the
01:41privilege to co-sponsor the motion with him which characterized the mass atrocity of 1988 as a crime
01:49against humanity which called for justice for the victims and accountability for the violators and
01:56where Canada became the first country in the world and the Canadian parliament the first parliament
02:01in the world to characterize these mass atrocities as a crime against humanity. On adopting this
02:08resolution it opened the looking glass to the ongoing mass atrocities that have continued to
02:15take place in Iran. All of this is a reflection not only of a shocking culture of atrocity,
02:23criminality and corruption but of a shocking culture of impunity where the architects of
02:29repression were not only not held accountable for their mass atrocity crimes but where they in fact
02:35have been rewarded for these mass atrocity crimes and so it is that we meet also at an important
02:42historical inflection moment. We meet in the aftermath of Iranian political prisoner day in
02:50Canada that I mentioned before which made it clear that there were no statute of limitations for the
02:56crime against humanity of this 1988 mass. We meet on the second anniversary of Massaf Amini's brutal
03:04murder and the ongoing repression since. We meet on the occasion of the ongoing murder and torture
03:12and prosecution and persecution and arbitrarily detained and extra judicial executions all in the
03:20course of the mass repression and so we come together to issue calls for action. We call on
03:26the government of Iran to cease and desist from its ongoing mass repression. We call on the Canadian
03:34government and the Canadian parliament to hold the architects of repression in the 1988 massacre
03:40accountable and put an end to this culture of impunity. We call to bring to justice all those
03:47responsible for the crime of the downing of the PS752 airliner which the superior court in Canada
03:54characterized as a terrorist crime. We call on Iran to cease and desist from its policy and
04:01fract of wanton extrajudicial executions to free the Iranian political prisoners which include
04:08Nobel Peace Laureate Najm Mohammadi and where we call on Iran to put an end to the persecution
04:14and prosecution to the policy and practice of its massive repression and gender apartheid, its
04:22massive oppression of women and finally to sanction the architects of repression in Iran to ensure
04:29that these architects of repression are held accountable and are not rewarded for their
04:34criminality and we put an end to this culture of impunity in the face of these mass atrocities and
04:40so I conclude by saying that may this important anniversary gathering be not only an act of
04:47remembrance which it is may it also be an act of remembrance of a remembrance to act on behalf of
04:53our common solidarity on behalf of the people of Iran and may we meet again next year along the path
05:01for freedom in Iran and along the path of holding the architects of repression accountable as we
05:08pursue justice for the victims of these mass atrocities and accountability for the perpetrators
05:15that must be and continue to be our common cause and we shall not relent in this common cause.
05:23Thank you. I'm pleased to join you together in common cause in the pursuit of justice for the
05:31victims of the 1988 mass atrocity and accountability.
05:36Iranians were chanting no to Shah and no to Mullahs denouncing any affiliation with the fake
06:01alternatives made by the Iran's ministry of intelligence. The propaganda machine
06:10of the regime constantly pumped with disinformation to deviate the path towards a free and democratic
06:21Iran. The well-exposed regime tactics and demonization of amicus as their most organized
06:31alternatives has only intensified and every day we face a new fake alternative designed
06:42by misinformation to silence any voice who tries to expose their atrocities.
06:51Just recently when professor Javed Rahman published his report on the situation of human rights
07:02in the Islamic Republic of Iran and stated quote atrocities crimes of summary arbitrary
07:14and extrajudicial executions during 1981 1982 and 1988 amounted to crimes against humanity
07:29of murder and extermination as well as genocide yes as well as genocide.
07:38The executions included women some reportedly raped before being executed and many children
07:50the regime and its allies tried to discredit Mr. Javed Rahman's report.
07:58I see we demand that Canadian government to put the culture of impunity away and
08:08hold regime of Iran accountable for the crime against humanity.
08:16This is the country who listed IRGC so let's continue the path hold the regime accountable
08:24and recognize the units of resistance in Iran and their fight for freedom for freedom of Iranian
08:34people. We are proud supporter of amicus and also we recognize its effort to establish a democratic
08:46secular democratic republic of Iran.
19:46I like to thank the
19:57police park officials especially the police department and all the team that provided
20:07security and all the facilities that they have allowed us to have here to have this gathering.
20:16Thank you Queens Park.
