• el año pasado
N0Gn45-N0-4m45-004 Español Audio Latino


00:00:00I'm going to jump right into the deep with you
00:00:21어제와 달라진 너 매일이 좋아 Falling for you
00:00:26I don't know what to do
00:00:28When I bring you
00:00:29Wanna be with you
00:00:31I don't like to turn it against one
00:00:34달라진 마음을 감출 수 없어 Falling for you
00:00:39I don't know what to do
00:00:41When I bring you
00:00:42I wanna be with you
00:00:45Soy un insecto de artes liberales que no sabe de fracciones
00:00:56¿Estás en artes? ¿Por qué te saltaste la clase de matemáticas?
00:01:20Soy un insecto de ciencias naturales que no sabe conjugar
00:01:23¿A poco reprobaste español? ¿No sabes ni escribir?
00:01:27¿Se enteraron? No me digas
00:02:00A ver, si hago esto, parece que los dos lo tenemos arriba
00:02:06Y así nos vamos turnando
00:02:23Maldita loca
00:02:36Y a la maldita loca, ¿la conoces?
00:02:40Es hija de mamá
00:02:44No es mi madre de verdad
00:02:46Solo me cuida
00:02:48Estoy en un hogar de acogida
00:02:52¿Estamos mal?
00:02:55¿Así que esa loca no es tu hermana real?
00:02:59Son Hye Jung, ¿cómo te atreves a venir vestida así?
00:03:23¿Qué, no vienes como familiar de Nam Jae Hyun?
00:03:26Maestra, presento un informe completo
00:03:28Diga que mi madre no puede educarla, que no es buena madre adoptiva
00:03:32Más bien tú eres la que no es buena persona, ¿ah?
00:03:35Tu mamá está en el hospital porque tu hermano pequeño enfermó
00:03:38¿Y tú me estás diciendo que no es una buena madre?
00:03:41Ellos ni siquiera son mis hermanos
00:03:43Lo son, aunque no de sangre
00:03:45Escucha, esa muchacha ha estado muy distraída
00:03:48No pone atención y se la pasa platicando con todos
00:03:51¿Qué vas a hacer?
00:03:53¿No se la pasa escribiendo?
00:03:55Hasta en la casa todo lo que hace es escribir
00:03:57Exacto, alguien de una familia pobre como ella debería estar estudiando más
00:04:02¿Cómo va a hacer dinero?
00:04:04Puede ser que en 10 años tal vez se vuelva una buena escritora
00:04:08Seguro sus libros serán un éxito
00:04:13Ay, niña, no seas ridícula, por favor
00:04:16¿Crees que escribirlo hace cualquiera?
00:04:18No me diga que a usted nunca le han dicho que los grandes empiezan tarde
00:04:24¿Empiezan tarde?
00:04:25¿Con quién estás comparando a Yayon?
00:04:27¿Estás loca como ella?
00:04:28Lo que digo es que nunca se sabe
00:04:30Si, Nam Yayon crecerá para ser una autora famosa
00:04:33O tal vez una peligrosa asesina en serie
00:04:37¿Eso es una amenaza?
00:04:39Solo felicítela y anímela
00:04:41Si tiene éxito será por usted
00:04:43Y si fracasa ella será quien lo pague
00:04:45Si la anima puede sentirse presionada
00:04:48Pero si no lo hace no tiene nada que perder
00:04:53Son Hye Jung
00:05:04No, no me digas que la loca de ese día
00:05:08¿Esa estudiante universitaria era Son Hye Jung?
00:05:13Uno nunca sabe cómo acabará la gente
00:05:16Pensar que ella podría estar trabajando con todos nosotros
00:05:19Pues sí
00:05:24Oye, ¿y tú sigues escribiendo?
00:05:31Sí, aún
00:05:34Mándame lo que escribes
00:05:38¿Dije algo malo?
00:05:40Es que mi compañía está trabajando en una colección de nuevos libros para niños
00:05:45Por eso lo dije
00:05:46No, no es eso
00:05:51Sí, es que lo que hago
00:05:55Ya no son historias para niños pequeños
00:06:01Ah, para adultos
00:06:03Creo que vi un artículo sobre ese nuevo género
00:06:06Y también hay una gran variedad de terror, de acción, fábulas
00:06:10¿Tú qué género?
00:06:17¿Cómo te lo digo?
00:06:48Historias de adultos que están muy cansados
00:06:53Y se relajan un poco
00:06:56Historias que te hacen sentir muy bien
00:07:00Por dentro y por fuera
00:07:04Historias que simbran y llegan al corazón
00:07:09Ya me dio curiosidad
00:07:12Si realmente no te importa, ¿podrías dejarme leer una?
00:07:18¿Quién es?
00:07:21Es mi jefe
00:07:22Ah, pues si quieres, responde
00:07:28¿Quién es?
00:07:29¿Quién es?
00:07:30¿Quién es?
00:07:31¿Quién es?
00:07:32¿Quién es?
00:07:33¿Quién es?
00:07:34¿Quién es?
00:07:35¿Quién es?
00:07:36¿Quién es?
00:07:38Quiere verme justo ahora
00:07:41¿En este momento?
00:07:42¿Qué es tan loco ese imbécil?
00:07:47Ya, John
00:07:49No eres asesina, en serio, ¿sí?
00:07:55Te creo
00:08:07La próxima vez tú y yo deberíamos de vernos en algún otro lado
00:08:12Me dio mucho gusto verte hoy, Nam ya John
00:08:30¡Guau, Eli y John trabajan juntos!
00:08:38Ya debería estar en el hotel
00:08:40¿Por qué no contesta?
00:08:42¿Dónde estás?
00:08:46Oye, ¡ay!
00:08:47¡Eso duele!
00:08:48Sólo duele si no se queda quieta
00:08:50¡Ay, ya no!
00:08:52Duele mucho cuando clavas
00:08:54Ya, ya, déjame
00:08:56Ya, ya, es la última
00:08:57Es la última
00:08:58Sólo queda esta y ya
00:09:06Seguro le duele la cabeza
00:09:08Estaba cargando casi un kilo de acero
00:09:12¿Quieres ir a bañarte?
00:09:16Ve tú primero
00:09:17Porque yo me tardo
00:09:21Ah, ok
00:09:23¿Qué tienes?
00:09:24¿Nunca habías estado en un hotel?
00:09:25¿Qué pasa?
00:09:32¿Esta es tu primera vez?
00:09:34Es casi igual que un motel
00:09:36Y seguro si has ido a un motel
00:09:51¿Cuándo has ido a un motel?
00:09:53Cuando hice el servicio
00:09:54Fui algunas veces con mi unidad
00:09:56¿Fuiste con tu unidad?
00:09:58Algunos no tienen a dónde ir en vacaciones
00:10:02Y dime
00:10:03¿Sólo ibas a dormir?
00:10:05¿Nunca fuiste a un motel por otro motivo?
00:10:08¿Qué es lo que quieres saber?
00:10:10Es que
00:10:11Tengo que ser responsable
00:10:14Como alguien que ha estado más tiempo en este mundo
00:10:18Quizás debería
00:10:20Darle una lección a un novato
00:10:27¿Que no fue suficiente?
00:10:30¿Qué cosa?
00:10:33El beso
00:10:35Y ahora
00:10:36El novio puede besar a la novia
00:10:41Te dije que quitaras eso
00:10:43Ahora los invito
00:10:44A que aplaudan mientras se besan los novios
00:10:47Y a la feliz pareja
00:10:48Siganse besando durante el aplauso
00:10:53Todos un aplauso
00:11:01Y ahora
00:11:02Que los novios se besen
00:11:15Pero fue un beso en la mejilla
00:11:17Seguro que no lo hicieron porque no aplaudimos fuerte
00:11:20Aplaudan fuerte
00:11:24El novio que bese a su amada novia
00:11:43No, espere señora
00:11:48Perdón pero tengo que irme a casa
00:11:49Mi hijo quedó de ir a visitarme
00:11:52No se levante
00:11:53Espera un momento por favor
00:11:54No, mi hijo
00:11:58Perdón pero ya terminamos con las cosas
00:12:01Me voy
00:12:02Me tengo que ir
00:12:12A ver
00:12:13Un partido de fútbol no es entretenido
00:12:15A menos que los dos
00:12:17Anoten muchos goles
00:12:20Y ambos se diviertan
00:12:39No había venido a un hotel
00:12:42Pero no es mi primera vez en otras cosas
00:13:13¿Por qué no?
00:13:15Cierra los ojos
00:13:26¿Por qué?
00:13:27¿Nunca has besado con los ojos abiertos?
00:13:30Cuando una mujer cierra los ojos
00:13:31¿Ya sabes qué hacer?
00:13:38Ya vete a bañar
00:13:40Tenemos mucho que hacer
00:13:42¿Cómo qué?
00:13:43Lo único que hace una pareja
00:13:44En su noche de bodas
00:13:47Contar todo su dinero
00:13:49Eres bueno contando, ¿no?
00:14:08Casi me da un infarto
00:14:10Qué bueno que te contuviste, He Yong
00:14:14Básicamente casi llegas a nivel de Buda
00:14:18No fui esclava de mi deseo carnal
00:14:26¿Por qué?
00:14:27¿Por qué razón debería contenerme?
00:14:30Le dijo mientras su mirada recorría lentamente su cuerpo
00:14:34No puedo contenerme
00:14:35Cuando tu cuerpo está frente al mío
00:14:38Luego sus labios se curvaron
00:14:41Se llama Yong Bora
00:14:43Y es muy conocida en las novelas online
00:14:46El famoso drama que le pasa al presidente Kim
00:14:48Se basó en una de sus novelas románticas
00:14:51Y la secuela tuvo nada menos que 100 millones de visitas
00:14:56Leí una entrevista que le hicieron
00:14:57Y parece que esta vez está decidida
00:15:00Si la descubren está dispuesta a todo
00:15:03Al parecer su objetivo es escribir una historia
00:15:05Que los lectores no puedan ni siquiera recomendar
00:15:07A un amigo íntimo
00:15:09Y pensar que hay una persona que escribe con ese objetivo
00:15:13Dime, ¿tiene algún sentido?
00:15:15No, absolutamente no lo tiene
00:15:17Lo que estaban haciendo aquí debería llevar una pausa
00:15:20Oye, ¿de qué estás hablando?
00:15:22Ah, no me escuchó
00:15:25El protagonista de esta novela es He Yong
00:15:28He Yong
00:15:29Fue por eso que me ofendí todavía más
00:15:31Porque ahí me acordé de ti
00:15:33A ver, me hace leer una novela con una escena de sexo explícito
00:15:36Y luego me dice que se acordó de mí
00:15:40No es cierto, secretario
00:15:42No lo digas de esa forma, haces que suene muy extraño
00:15:45Yo solo digo que debería tener una buena excusa
00:15:47Si no quiere enfrentarse a un cargo criminal
00:15:50No entiendes que no
00:15:52Te juro que nunca he tenido un solo pensamiento sobre ti
00:15:54Que requiera que me demandes de ninguna manera
00:15:56Sí, ¿pero qué crees o no lo entiendes?
00:15:58No, no lo entiendo
00:16:00Te juro que nunca he tenido un solo pensamiento sobre ti
00:16:02Que requiera que me demandes de ninguna manera
00:16:04Sí, ¿pero qué crees o no lo decide el culpable?
00:16:06La cantidad de casos como este de acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo
00:16:09Son condenados duramente por la sociedad
00:16:11¡Fue mamá!
00:16:15Mamá estaba...
00:16:20...leyendo esas cosas
00:16:49¿Así que ingresó al hospital por el shock de ver que su mamá leía esto?
00:16:53No fue por eso
00:16:57Fue por ser un hater
00:17:00Como sabes, soy de una familia moral pobre de corazón
00:17:04Pero yo soy una buena persona
00:17:07Tengo corazón de pollo
00:17:10Mientras escribía, sufrí un colapso mental
00:17:14No sé cómo todas esas personas pueden con la culpa
00:17:20¿Cómo? Pues, ¿qué pudo haber escrito para que quedara tan mal?
00:17:23Aún así, la que lee esto es su señora madre
00:17:26¿Por qué decidió atacar a la autora?
00:17:30¿Tú lo harías?
00:17:33¡Deja de leer esa novela!
00:17:35¡No leas esos detalles del sexo tan gráficos y explícitos!
00:17:38¿Tú te atreverías?
00:17:40¿Tendrías el valor de hacerlo?
00:17:48Desde hoy
00:17:50Solo me voy a dedicar
00:17:53A destruirla
00:18:17Si está cansada, vayas a dormir
00:18:19Yo terminaré de contar el dinero
00:18:21Mi dinero no confío
00:18:25¿Cómo pudo casarse con un hombre en el que no confía?
00:18:28¿Tú crees que esto era un tema de confianza?
00:18:31Ya me casaré con alguien en quien confíe
00:18:39Oigan, ¿por qué no confía en mí?
00:18:42Soy el único que puede abrir la caja fuerte de la tienda
00:18:49Eres sospechoso
00:18:51Es como si ocultaras algo
00:18:57¿Yo qué podría ocultar?
00:18:59Si hablamos en torno a algo personal, cambias de tema o te callas
00:19:03Por ejemplo, ¿quién es esa persona que está en Canadá?
00:19:07¿O cómo era tu abuela contigo?
00:19:09Aparte de tu nombre, edad y aspecto, no sé nada de ti o de tu vida
00:19:16Y no quiero insistir en que me cuentes todo
00:19:19Solo digo que para confiar, las dos partes tienen que saber sobre la vida del otro
00:19:28Cuando era joven
00:19:32Mucho más joven
00:19:35La hija de mi abuela se mudó a Canadá cuando se casó
00:19:39Para ella, su belleza era una maldición
00:19:42¿Si esa hija de tu abuela es tu tía?
00:19:47¿O no?
00:19:51¿O es tu mamá?
00:20:00¿Y por qué?
00:20:02Mi abuela
00:20:05Lo quiso así
00:20:07Mi abuela
00:20:09Lo quiso así
00:20:13Esa familia desconoce mi existencia
00:20:15Y si voy a verla
00:20:17La metería en problemas
00:20:21Por el bien de mi abuela
00:20:23Tengo que vivir yo solo
00:20:26Dicen que el amor fluye corriente abajo
00:20:30Pero el afecto de mi abuela solo llegó hasta mi madre
00:20:34Como su nieto, estoy a una generación de distancia
00:20:51¿Por qué haces eso?
00:20:52Porque creí que ibas a llorar, pero no
00:20:54¿Y por qué iba a llorar como un niño?
00:20:58Siempre serás un niño cuando hables de tu madre
00:21:04Pues gracias por decírmelo
00:21:07No debió ser fácil compartirlo
00:21:11Solo quería demostrarle
00:21:13Que no pensaba robarme su dinero
00:21:34Te lo advierto
00:21:36Si también me arrancas esta ropa
00:21:38Me voy a enojar
00:21:55Señorita John
00:21:56Creo que un imbécil está bajando su calificación a propósito
00:21:59Mediante la publicación de comentarios negativos
00:22:02Sé que a usted no le afectan los haters
00:22:04Pero el bajar de rating es solo temporal
00:22:06Así que por favor no le dé importancia
00:22:08Ay, ¿por qué trabaja a estas horas?
00:22:10Ya debería estar dormida
00:22:12Eso no me importa en lo más mínimo
00:22:14No se preocupe y descanse
00:22:21Cuando se ignora un comentario
00:22:23Es mucho mejor leerlo antes
00:22:33Look at you
00:22:43Grandes escritores están retorciendo en sus tumbas ahora
00:22:47El retorcido de odio eres tú
00:22:51Solo desperdicia su tiempo para escribir algo tan poco inspirador
00:22:56Y de mal gusto
00:23:32Última llamada para los pasajeros A9
00:23:51Ya estoy en el aeropuerto
00:23:55Lo deposité en cuanto llegué
00:23:57Ay, ya, no te preocupes innecesariamente
00:24:00Oye, ¿crees que yo perdería todo ese dinero?
00:24:06Ah, por cierto, Hee-uk vino conmigo
00:24:09¿Te acompañó hasta allá?
00:24:11Sí, es que la esposa de Anuye nos vio subir al autobús del aeropuerto
00:24:15¿Por qué es tan entrometida?
00:24:17Debe ser mi karma
00:24:20¿Ya están listos?
00:24:22Ya tenemos los boletos
00:24:23¿A dónde iremos?
00:24:25Adivinen a dónde vamos
00:24:26¿Quién sabe a dónde vamos?
00:24:28¿Quieren un regalo? ¿Qué les gustaría?
00:24:30¿Un juguete?
00:24:32¿Uno de peluche?
00:24:34Sí, bueno, te llamo cuando llegue, ¿sí?
00:24:43Todo listo
00:24:47Por fin eres libre
00:24:49Ya puedes irte
00:24:52¿Qué te pasa?
00:24:54¿Quieres ir a nuestra luna de miel?
00:24:59Yo creí que iba a llevar a su madre al viaje
00:25:04No soy tan cercana a ella
00:25:06Y tampoco me cae bien
00:25:09¿No son cercanas? ¿Y no le cae bien su mamá?
00:25:15¿Pero hizo todo lo de la boda solo por su bien?
00:25:18¿Y porque la quiere?
00:25:21Claro que la quiero
00:25:25Puedes amar a alguien que no te caiga bien
00:25:28Y no amar a alguien que sí te agrade
00:25:35¿Sigue resentida con ella?
00:25:37¿Porque ella ya no puede recordarla?
00:25:40¿Eso es porque está enferma?
00:25:41Mi mamá siempre fue así
00:25:47Había tantas cosas por las que se preocupaba
00:25:50Que nunca se acordó de mí
00:25:52Me olvidaba
00:25:54Pero al final la perdoné
00:25:56¿Por qué?
00:25:58Porque soy su hija
00:26:07Hablando de eso casi lo olvido
00:26:10Aquí está
00:26:11Esta es tu parte
00:26:14Era a cambio de cuidar a mi nena
00:26:16Todo trabajo debe ser recompensado
00:26:18Esta es tu parte
00:26:21Así como viniste hasta aquí
00:26:23Yo mantendré mi palabra de cuidar a tu nena
00:26:26Yo no lo quiero
00:26:28Es solo un poco más que el salario mínimo
00:26:31Es suficiente para que vayas a Canadá
00:26:34¿Quién dijo que quiero ir allá?
00:26:36Me casé para que no me insistieran en ir a Canadá
00:26:38¿No querías porque quizá te convencería?
00:26:42Hasta luego
00:26:47Que disfrute sus vacaciones
00:26:59Para tu abuela
00:27:01Su hija era más importante que su nieto
00:27:03Pero para mí tú lo eres más
00:27:05Mi esposo siempre va a ser lo más importante
00:27:08Te recomiendo ir a donde quieras ir
00:27:10Conoce a quien quieras conocer
00:27:13Y vive tu vida como quieras
00:27:20¿Por qué sigue llamándome esposo?
00:27:26Porque aún somos familia
00:27:51Un día tan largo
00:28:00Ahora está cambiando
00:28:09Se ha convertido en ti
00:28:32¿Qué es esto?
00:28:39Felicidades por su matrimonio, señorita Song Hye Jong
00:28:45Este mundo sería mejor si no perdiera nada por estar soltera
00:28:51También si esta boda fuera real y se estuviera casando con la persona que ama
00:29:14Antes de el matrimonio
00:29:40Aunque haya elegido esto para ser feliz
00:29:44Even if it's fake, if this helped you to be successful, I think it's enough justification.
00:29:56I hope all your choices bring you a lot of luck,
00:29:59from your fake and temporary husband,
00:30:02who wishes you true happiness.
00:30:14That was the last time I saw Kim Hee-wook.
00:30:45New creative and innovative business ideas to take us to the top of the industry.
00:30:55I'm in!
00:30:58Hi, congratulations. You've been doing well since you got married.
00:31:01It was nothing, don't congratulate me.
00:31:03You don't have to pretend to be humble with us, you won with justice.
00:31:07True, it was a very competitive contest and it was pretty tough.
00:31:12And what are you doing here, just getting in the way?
00:31:15Here comes the winner.
00:31:18Hey, you should have a little humility or you're going to make the world hate you.
00:31:23Yes, I'm a little humble, but I still beat them.
00:31:31Directors are directors, it's rehearsal.
00:31:33I'm going.
00:31:35Come, so they can applaud us.
00:31:37Among colleagues we have to support each other.
00:31:39Of course, the winners of the first and second places deserve the honors.
00:31:43See you later.
00:31:44I'm not going, I'm green with envy.
00:31:47Well, excuse me, see you later, bye.
00:31:56Win the second place with the proposal you stole from me.
00:31:59Did you like it? Do you dance to your heart's content?
00:32:04Hey, Song Hye-yong, don't talk to me like that at work.
00:32:09Anyway, why compete with my past self when today's is even better?
00:32:15I'm going.
00:32:36Well, it's done.
00:32:37The production of the audio drama, The President's Menu, will begin.
00:32:42And from now on, I trust my script in your capable hands.
00:32:46I warn you, I'm going to ask you all kinds of questions.
00:32:49And I promise I'll try to make the script as faithful as possible to the novel.
00:32:53But unfortunately, as you know, it's only going to be an audio series, what a shame.
00:32:58Oh, I know.
00:32:59I know that some changes in the story are inevitable due to the medium,
00:33:03but do not limit yourself to the original material.
00:33:07It's better to consider it a compass to orient yourself in that direction.
00:33:11That's why I'm a fan of Miss Jeon.
00:33:14I'm going to write a script that you'll love.
00:33:16I know.
00:33:18It looks like we started with the right foot.
00:33:20What do you think if we go out to celebrate?
00:33:23Sorry, I didn't think we were going out, and the truth is, I have something else.
00:33:29But I can cancel.
00:33:30Oh, no, don't worry.
00:33:31It shows that she came dressed to have an appointment.
00:33:34Besides, I also have to go.
00:33:36Editor, for the other one?
00:33:38Sure, I assure you.
00:33:40So, are we done?
00:33:42Yes, thank you for your time.
00:33:44See you later.
00:33:47Excuse me, Miss Jeon.
00:33:50Give me a minute.
00:33:52Oh, well, I'll go ahead.
00:33:55Goodbye and be careful.
00:33:59It's about the person who was bothering you.
00:34:02He will receive the complaint we sent this afternoon.
00:34:08Tell the lawyer that I will not forgive him, nor will I reach an agreement.
00:34:12With pleasure.
00:34:14It was probably difficult.
00:34:17It's nothing.
00:34:28I'm a fool for trusting him.
00:34:36Good morning, sir.
00:34:39What brings you here?
00:34:40He brought me with his stupidity.
00:34:42No, dad.
00:34:44But what did I do?
00:34:47Does the president have something in the afternoon?
00:34:50He will go to the award ceremony of the contest organized by the company.
00:34:52Cancel it.
00:34:54No, no, no.
00:34:55Please, stay with your family.
00:34:57Dad, Dad, no.
00:35:00You're a fool.
00:35:01Why does everything have an explanation?
00:35:04Govern yourself.
00:35:08Help me.
00:35:09You're a fool.
00:35:10You didn't tell me anything.
00:35:13Oh, shit!
00:35:23An announcement for the employees.
00:35:25The award ceremony for the Ideas Contest is about to begin.
00:35:30We hope everyone can join us at the event.
00:35:34An announcement for the employees.
00:35:37Girl, the lighting here is fantastic.
00:35:40Later, when you receive your award, you'll see what pictures I take of you.
00:35:49If you wanted to be inconsiderate, you would have become a waiter.
00:35:52Drinking, betting, there's a lot of nonsense.
00:35:55Many things that are forgotten more easily.
00:35:58That's what you should have done, but no.
00:36:00I asked you for a new business strategy, and all you do is risk us.
00:36:05I should have been like you, just go and be rude.
00:36:08You're a bastard!
00:36:09Why are you talking to your father like that?
00:36:12Your father only had sex.
00:36:15Adultery sounds very elegant, don't you think?
00:36:18I didn't do it without love either.
00:36:20It was something beautiful, and also very romantic.
00:36:23Although in the end it ended badly.
00:36:25And look, I didn't have a problem again.
00:36:27It's just that you didn't have it, you hid it.
00:36:29Because I'm a great strategist.
00:36:31And you, solve this, either a lawsuit or an agreement.
00:36:35This must not appear in the news before the case is closed for any reason.
00:36:39From now on, you are not Bucky O's son.
00:36:41And the president of Kulby.
00:36:43Is it clear?
00:36:47How stupid.
00:37:01Forgive me, please, mom.
00:37:06End this once and for all.
00:37:09As Bucky O's son.
00:37:29What's up? You're late.
00:37:36Get out, get out.
00:37:56I regret to inform all those who took time out of their busy day to come to the ceremony, as well as the proud winners.
00:38:03Due to a sudden change in his agenda, the president will not be able to attend the awarding ceremony.
00:38:10Therefore, we will make this awarding ceremony very brief.
00:38:13What? Why?
00:38:14The president is not going to come to the ceremony?
00:38:18That piece of glass only has meaning because the president is the one who gives it.
00:38:22If they are going to be so brief, why did they make us come?
00:38:27Do you think it's an omen?
00:38:29All your group started with the left foot?
00:38:59I'm not going to sue you.
00:39:01Wasabi is here?
00:39:03Hello, miss.
00:39:12Is it the producer, June?
00:39:18Why is Miss Mingy leaving with the producer?
00:39:26I was dressed for a date.
00:39:29Congratulations to the director Anuche for winning second place in the contest!
00:39:38With so much screaming, they're going to think he was the winner.
00:39:45He looked like the winner when they gave the awards.
00:39:48His wife also looked so good awarding to her husband.
00:39:53Did you like it?
00:39:54Yes, I liked it.
00:39:55You eat too.
00:39:57I love you.
00:39:59Such a beautiful scene.
00:40:01Isn't it?
00:40:02It was beautiful to see that in such a dark day.
00:40:04Watch who eats.
00:40:05Don't stop eating.
00:40:06Let your hands be faster than your mouth.
00:40:10Girl, it doesn't matter what they say.
00:40:12You are the star.
00:40:15It's okay.
00:40:16With drama or without it.
00:40:17In the company, you know who won.
00:40:20She's not the only one with a husband.
00:40:22You also have an adorable husband.
00:40:25Girl, tell your husband to come.
00:40:30If I'm honest, 80% of your victory.
00:40:34Of course it's yours.
00:40:35But 20% is your husband's.
00:40:38Did he help you win?
00:40:40Your husband was the one who gave you the support you needed.
00:40:43To be like them.
00:40:45Oh, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle.
00:40:46With love, love.
00:40:47Tell him to come.
00:40:51Oh, it's just that...
00:40:53He's in Canada.
00:40:57Yes, Canada.
00:40:59He had to go for a few days.
00:41:01My in-laws needed him.
00:41:05Oh, it's true.
00:41:06You said they lived in Canada.
00:41:08What a shame.
00:41:10I wish I had celebrated with him.
00:41:11Director, tell us the truth.
00:41:13Do you want to see your handsome husband again or not?
00:41:19Do you think I want to steal my subordinate's husband?
00:41:23Well, you're absolutely right.
00:41:26But it's a party when he comes back.
00:41:28It was necessary.
00:41:29Oh, it worked, didn't it?
00:41:31It should be one.
00:41:32Of course.
00:41:34Anyway, you're going to be the leader soon.
00:41:37Head of a group of professionals.
00:41:39Congratulations, Director, for winning first place!
00:42:01You again?
00:42:03Oh, it's true.
00:42:04He doesn't work here anymore.
00:42:06I'm sorry.
00:42:07I've been here for months.
00:42:09The last cashier left because he bothered you, didn't he?
00:42:14Of course not.
00:42:16Did you hear me?
00:42:17Yes, I heard you.
00:42:18I'm sorry.
00:42:19I'm sorry.
00:42:20I'm sorry.
00:42:21I'm sorry.
00:42:22I'm sorry.
00:42:23Of course not.
00:42:25I called you and you never answered.
00:42:27Well, I bought you a gift that I thought you'd like.
00:42:32You were the one who called?
00:42:34Who are you?
00:42:35I work here.
00:42:36Where is Kim Hyuk?
00:42:38The night shift cashier.
00:42:40I think that boy has already resigned.
00:42:42And that's why I was hired.
00:42:43What do you mean he resigned?
00:42:47How could he?
00:42:49Well, thank you.
00:42:54Song Hye Jong?
00:42:57Yes, my name is Song Hye Jong.
00:42:59Hyuk left you a message for me.
00:43:02It's just that...
00:43:06There's a package for you.
00:43:24I wasn't even in love with him.
00:43:33And it's clear to me that the boss of this store...
00:43:37cares a lot about appearance.
00:43:40Or maybe it's because of the neighborhood.
00:43:54Song Hye Jong
00:44:15Do you want to buy cigarettes?
00:44:18Ah, yes.
00:44:19Sunghill 6mm, the strongest one.
00:44:26I like this.
00:44:27A cashier that doesn't bother me.
00:44:29Sunghill 6mm, Sunghill...
00:44:34To the left, a little lower.
00:44:36To the left, a little lower.
00:44:37No, now to the right.
00:44:39Ah, to the right?
00:44:41Ah, I found them.
00:44:44Lung cancer or stroke.
00:44:49Lung cancer or stroke.
00:45:19Lung cancer or stroke.
00:45:49Lung cancer or stroke.
00:45:52Lung cancer or stroke.
00:46:17Yes, I'm the greedy cat.
00:46:51I never see that naughty cat.
00:46:53Nor that boy.
00:46:54And why don't you kick her out?
00:46:56Weren't you going to take care of her for a week?
00:46:58To kick her out, first I have to find her.
00:47:00I don't know where she hid.
00:47:02I can't find her no matter how much I look.
00:47:04She eats, poops, lets her hair down,
00:47:06and breaks things while I'm gone.
00:47:08She's not a girl.
00:47:10She's a swindler.
00:47:12Try not to feed her.
00:47:14If she's hungry, she'll show up or leave.
00:47:22Where's the boy from the store?
00:47:24You still can't find him?
00:47:27What's wrong with that idiot?
00:47:29We had a great breakfast at the hotel.
00:47:31And then we said goodbye calmly.
00:47:33Why did he disappear?
00:47:35Besides, he never answers me.
00:47:38She only meows when I talk about Hugh.
00:47:41Does she understand?
00:47:45Tell me the truth.
00:47:47Tell me the truth.
00:47:49Tell me the truth.
00:47:51Did you have sex?
00:47:54I already told you no.
00:47:56That doesn't make sense.
00:47:58One person only leaves another after spending the night.
00:48:01And she leaves because she doesn't want to make a commitment.
00:48:03Let's see.
00:48:05Imagine what happened.
00:48:07Why is he the one who ignores me?
00:48:09There are men who have never slept with me,
00:48:11but none of them refused to come back.
00:48:14The men who never slept with you,
00:48:16and who chose to leave.
00:48:17Did they explain it to you?
00:48:18Oh, what a fool.
00:48:28Yayon, do you see something?
00:48:33I look like a rich girl.
00:48:36First go buy good taste.
00:48:38Yayon, do you really think that's how luxury brands are dressed?
00:48:41Rather, you have to let the brands buy you and use you.
00:48:44You look very bad.
00:48:45Where are you going like this?
00:48:50Turn around.
00:48:53But one question.
00:48:55Do you know what the producer is doing?
00:48:59Well, right now...
00:49:00Sending messages to some woman.
00:49:07Why do you keep sending messages to your boyfriend from 10 years ago?
00:49:11Better go see him.
00:49:12Go talk to him in person.
00:49:14So you can let me rest on my couch.
00:49:20I better go.
00:49:42Sir, we're here.
00:49:53You can't hide it.
00:49:54My innate class.
00:49:55I speak with dignity.
00:49:56He looks like a trash.
00:49:57Perfect to look like a hater.
00:49:59He has the look of a loser and unemployed.
00:50:05Do I really have to go that far?
00:50:07Did you forget what your father told you?
00:50:09If this ends up in the papers,
00:50:10he won't be your son or the president anymore.
00:50:14Oh, president.
00:50:24You have to stop thinking about that.
00:50:25Today, you only focus on one thing.
00:50:27President Ki-un.
00:50:29President Bo-Ki-un.
00:50:32Secretary, I...
00:50:33Beg for mercy.
00:50:34Tell him he did it out of envy.
00:50:35Kneel and think about your future.
00:50:41So, your sincere reflection and apology.
00:50:44Why don't we practice it?
00:50:50You do know why you're here, right?
00:50:52Forgive me.
00:50:53Why do you write hate messages?
00:50:55You have nothing to do!
00:50:58Forgive me, please.
00:50:59And why don't you lower your head?
00:51:01Weren't you sorry?
00:51:03Put him in jail, please!
00:51:05I beg you!
00:51:08Very good.
00:51:10When it's all over, call me, okay?
00:51:14What? You're not staying?
00:51:26Autor Joan Borat.
00:51:27The president's menu.
00:51:29103 entirely, 51 of them malicious and defamatory.
00:51:36Your nickname is Love You?
00:51:39Ah, because your last name is Bok.
00:51:43Yes, that's right.
00:51:45You should spread good luck and not hate.
00:51:47Okay. Confirm the comments you wrote.
00:51:50Read them aloud.
00:51:52Who? Me?
00:51:53Or should I do it and get my mouth dirty?
00:51:55You wrote them.
00:52:03The protagonist leaves her desk during the day.
00:52:09And she has an appointment with her ardent lover while she is working.
00:52:13She is full of greed and instead of diligence...
00:52:19...luxury invades her.
00:52:22It is a clear reflection of the author.
00:52:25By any chance, have you thought about how the victim might feel after reading that?
00:52:29Here, slander is punished more than defamation.
00:52:31She could end up in jail.
00:52:33In jail?
00:52:36Yes. In another one.
00:52:39If I had shares in that company, the first thing I would do...
00:52:42...would be to celebrate a meeting and destroy that president.
00:52:55Secretary! Secretary!
00:53:02I'm done. Where are you? Why?
00:53:05I'm done. Where are you? Why?
00:53:08Why are you up there?
00:53:10You had to be here as soon as I left.
00:53:12You always do whatever you want.
00:53:15Leave what you're doing and come get me.
00:53:17You're disgusting.
00:53:19I'm going to destroy you.
00:53:25Don't be late.
00:53:27Don't be late!
00:53:29Don't be late!
00:53:32I'm so sorry.
00:53:34What a shame. Are you okay?
00:53:37Oh, hey.
00:53:39You dropped your phone. Here you go.
00:53:43Miss John Bora, that person has already been questioned by the police.
00:53:48Don't tell me it's John Bora.
00:54:22Maybe he went to Canada to see his mom.
00:54:26And if he lives there, he probably has a new phone.
00:54:42Yes? Who is this?
00:54:45Oh, it's you.
00:54:48What's this number?
00:54:51No, no, you stay there.
00:54:53Yes, I'll go get you.
00:55:06I think he told me he was here.
00:55:08He's still not coming out?
00:55:10Yes, President. I'm already outside.
00:55:19President Bob?
00:55:31Are you the president of Culpe Education?
00:55:42I'm Pocky.
00:55:44Don't tell me you were robbed!
00:55:47No, it wasn't that. But you are...
00:55:52Good morning. I'm the director of the Culpe Education 1 team.
00:55:56I'm He Jong. Nice to meet you.
00:55:58Oh, of course. The winner of the contest, right?
00:56:02Yes. I was disappointed that the award ceremony was shortened,
00:56:06and you couldn't be there. I was a little sad.
00:56:10Yes, I'm very sorry. It's just that something personal came up.
00:56:15I'm very proud to have found talents like you, Director Son.
00:56:20And more through this competition.
00:56:22Director Son, I have great expectations of you and your new proposal.
00:56:26Do the impossible to lead the new group.
00:56:32I will become the new engine that drives us.
00:56:34And I'm going to take it right to the top, sir.
00:57:14Ten, your hater left it at the station.
00:57:21Hey, you should have told me what happened to you.
00:57:25Why were you there alone?
00:57:29I didn't want to worry you about that.
00:57:31Didn't you think about it? Why run away? Tell me.
00:57:34He already knows he was wrong.
00:57:36You come dressed like a rich woman.
00:57:38Why didn't you kick him and then you paid the hospital?
00:57:42If I'm honest, I didn't think that would happen.
00:57:46But when I faced him, I was very scared.
00:57:51Did he look intimidating or threatening?
00:57:56No, he looked very normal.
00:57:58He asked someone who had fallen if he was okay.
00:58:03He returned his cell phone.
00:58:07And then he went to the station and left it.
00:58:11He was a very normal person.
00:58:13But it is normal people who enter the internet and release their hatred.
00:58:20That was what scared me the most.
00:58:50Kim Hyuk?
00:59:21Careful! Wait a little longer.
00:59:25Thank you very much.
00:59:27Team leader, Son Hye Young.
00:59:42Don't tell me it's Jung Bora.
01:00:02Well, since I'm done, I'm leaving for today, sir.
01:00:07How dare you be rude to the president?
01:00:09No, sir.
01:00:11I'm not rude. I take the day off and that's it.
01:00:15So why did you come?
01:00:16I wanted to be courteous with you.
01:00:18Let you know that I'm going with a friend.
01:00:22Do you have friends, secretary?
01:00:24Yes, school friend. And she's a writer.
01:00:30Do you want to come with me?
01:00:32I'm the president.
01:00:33If I go with you, I'm sure you'll feel uncomfortable.
01:00:36Go now.
01:00:38Good luck.
01:00:49And when does our rookie arrive?
01:00:51Oh, don't tell me you're tired.
01:00:54My body is not the same as before.
01:00:56The new ones are being trained.
01:00:58They will arrive soon.
01:00:59Do you want to have a coffee?
01:01:00I'm going for them.
01:01:01Leave it. I want to go.
01:01:03I'm done fixing.
01:01:05I know you like ice cream.
01:01:07What are you going to want?
01:01:08For me, vanilla ice cream.
01:01:10Vanilla. Okay, I'll remember.
01:01:12Thank you very much.
01:01:19Good morning.
01:01:21That secretary can't have what I don't have.
01:01:24A friend?
01:01:33Hey John, guess where I am.
01:01:37I'm going to eat with John.
01:01:41Enjoy your date.
01:01:48I'm going to eat with John.
01:02:18Hello, welcome.
01:02:19Good morning.
01:02:20An ice cream, an ice cream with vanilla ice cream,
01:02:23and also an American ice cream.
01:02:25And three croissants, please.
01:02:27With pleasure.
01:02:28May I have your card?
01:02:31Let's go. Excellent.
01:02:49Excuse me, I'm going in.
01:02:58Hey, yes?
01:03:01Thank you very much.
01:03:03New employees, everyone gathers here.
01:03:18I'm sorry.
01:03:50Your mouth is...
01:03:51You don't know how much I miss you, ma'am.
01:04:19I'm sorry.
01:04:27I'm sorry.
01:04:48I'm sorry.
01:04:56What are you talking about?
01:04:58Does your fake husband work at the company?
01:05:00She already knows.
01:05:01She approached him on purpose, knowing he was my secretary.
01:05:05Listen, if they catch you, I'll have another ceremony.
01:05:08Your funeral.
01:05:09You were the one who missed him and took care of his baby.
01:05:12You complained that you didn't see him or the damn cat.
01:05:14I didn't want to find him here that way, but something happened.
01:05:17You and I weren't close enough for you to hide something from me.
01:05:20Forget it.
01:05:21Do you really think so?
01:05:47I'm sorry.
01:05:48I'm sorry.
01:05:49I'm sorry.
01:05:50I'm sorry.
01:05:51I'm sorry.
01:05:52I'm sorry.
01:05:53I'm sorry.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:05:55I'm sorry.
01:05:56I'm sorry.
01:05:57I'm sorry.
01:05:58I'm sorry.
01:05:59I'm sorry.
01:06:00I'm sorry.
01:06:01I'm sorry.
01:06:02I'm sorry.
01:06:03I'm sorry.
01:06:04I'm sorry.
01:06:05I'm sorry.
01:06:06I'm sorry.
01:06:07I'm sorry.
01:06:08I'm sorry.
01:06:09I'm sorry.
01:06:10I'm sorry.
01:06:11I'm sorry.
01:06:12I'm sorry.
01:06:13I'm sorry.
01:06:14I'm sorry.
01:06:15I'm sorry.
01:06:16I'm sorry.
01:06:17I'm sorry.
01:06:18I'm sorry.
01:06:19I'm sorry.
01:06:20I'm sorry.
01:06:21I'm sorry.
01:06:22I'm sorry.
01:06:23I'm sorry.
01:06:24I'm sorry.
01:06:25I'm sorry.
01:06:26I'm sorry.
01:06:27I'm sorry.
01:06:28I'm sorry.
01:06:29I'm sorry.
01:06:30I'm sorry.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:32I'm sorry.
01:06:33I'm sorry.
01:06:34I'm sorry.
01:06:35I'm sorry.
01:06:36I'm sorry.
01:06:37I'm sorry.
01:06:38I'm sorry.
01:06:39I'm sorry.
01:06:40I'm sorry.
01:06:41I'm sorry.
01:06:42I'm sorry.
01:06:43I'm sorry.
01:06:44I'm sorry.
