Mighty Mouse Cartoons - Mighty Mouse Episode Catastrophe Cat Scrappy's Field Da

  • la semaine dernière


00:00Musique du générique de fin
00:30Maxi Animation présente
00:31Mighty Mouse, The New Adventures
00:33Here he comes, that mighty mouse
00:36Coming to vanquish the foe
00:38With a mighty blow
00:40So don't be afraid anymore
00:43Cause things won't be like they've been before
00:47Here I come to save the day
00:50Thank goodness Mighty Mouse is on his way
00:53So let the trumpet players play
00:57For Mighty Mouse is here today
01:00Here he comes, that mighty mouse
01:03Just like a bolt from the blue
01:05With a heart that's true
01:07Fighting evil, fighting crime
01:10And always there in the nick of time
01:14Here he comes to save the day
01:17And he will prove that crime will never pay
01:20So let the trumpet players play
01:24For Mighty Mouse is here today
01:45Who knows what mystical force is at work right now
01:49Transforming the very fabric of our known universe
01:53How little we know
02:23Hey Pearl, I gotta go
02:26Oh no you don't
02:28In that much of a hurry to play hooky is he?
02:31Well, I'll show him
02:36Gotta change the mighty mouse and avert catastrophe
02:39It's my duty to save the planet
02:41Oh no you don't Mike Mouse
02:43Last month you raced away from your position online 10 times
02:47I kept strict count
02:49And I've got the charts to prove it
02:52This time, I'm stopping you
02:56Look out for that
02:58Pull that weight
03:02But Pearl, I put in triple overtime every night without pay
03:06That's no excuse
03:08Mike, hold on
03:10Mike, oh forgive me Mike
03:13If I'd known it would lead to this
03:15I never would have made an issue of your absenteeism
03:26Here I come to save the day
03:29And I will prove that crime will never pay
03:32So let the trumpet players play
03:35For Mighty Mouse is here today
03:38Here I come to save the day
03:42Poor Pearl, I'll make it up to her later
03:50What's going on here?
04:08What's going on here?
04:24What a great idea for a game
04:31Ready, fire
04:55Something terrible has happened
04:57And it is only with great regret
04:59That I must make the following announcement
05:02Our dear friend and beloved co-worker
05:04Mike Mouse
05:06Will no longer be punching our time clock
05:11Can it be?
05:13After such a brilliantly long and illustrious career
05:15Is this really the end?
05:17I can't believe it
05:19I can't believe it
05:21I can't believe it
05:24After such a brilliantly long and illustrious career
05:26Is this really the end?
05:36Yes, I guess it is
05:38And all of Mouseville must mourn a single sad fact
05:41Mighty Mouse
05:43Is no more
05:45Mighty Mouse?
05:47What about Mike Mouse?
05:49Yes, you're quite right
05:51This day is doubly darkened
05:53Another calamity to fall within the same 24-hour period
05:55Run away train
05:57The brakes are out
06:09My alter ego's co-workers
06:11Are too distracted by grief
06:13To realize the danger they're in
06:15I've got to stop this train
06:23Hey look, it's Mighty Mouse
06:25And he's alive
06:27He'll save the day
06:29And what a day it is destined to be
06:53To be continued
07:23To be continued
08:01I'll be darned if I can remember
08:03But it didn't seem like the wrong side of the bed I got
08:15These balloon payments
08:17Are getting sky high, dear
08:19Always double pocket
08:23Oh no you don't
08:25A bad luck day is one thing
08:27But Scrappy's Orphanage is definitely
08:29Off limits
08:53Oh rough
08:55Wasn't it one train I wanted to stop?
09:23Oh no!
09:27Has anybody looked in the basement lately?
09:32Wait a minute, let me get just one thing straight
09:34We've been celebrating the fact
09:36That Mighty Mouse ain't around to save the day no more, right?
09:39Uh, yeah
09:41So he's not gonna pop in anymore, right?
09:45So he won't be in here, right?
09:49Oh, just checking
10:09Oh oh
10:11Ha! Oh oh
10:29That's enough!
10:31I'm telling you, everything stops right here, right now!
10:35That's better
10:37Now, what is going on?
10:39Who is doing all this?
10:43It's me
10:45I'm doing it
10:47I don't mean to
10:49It's just that bad luck
10:51Follows me around
10:53Wherever I go
10:57Bad luck?
10:59Is that all?
11:01Man, listen to what you're saying
11:03Look around, the world is a wonderful place
11:05You just have a bad attitude
11:08Get that chin up, stand up straight
11:10Suck in that gut
11:12Like this?
11:16Now wake up, man
11:18Smell the coffee
11:20The world is yours
11:22Now go out and get it
11:26The world is mine
11:28The world
11:30Is mine
11:34Now, if only I could solve
11:36Everything so easily
11:38Gosh, I feel good
11:48Wait, what about Mike Mouse?
11:50What about Pearl?
11:52Oh my gosh, Pearl!
11:54I forgot
11:56Yeah, what about me?
11:58My best worker is gone
12:00And it's all my fault
12:02Hi Pearl, need a lift?
12:04You, you're alive
12:08I wasted the whole day crying over you
12:10And there you were swimming around
12:12And having fun
12:14But Pearl...
12:16But me, Mike Mouse
12:18Just wait till we get back to work
12:20You'll see
12:22You think you can goof off all day
12:24But you'll see
12:34On this bright young day
12:36We find the schoolchildren of Mouseville
12:38Preparing for another exciting field trip
12:44Today, the pride of Mouseville
12:46Are going to the Museum of Natural History
12:48Where they will see relics and artifacts
12:50Of the prehistoric mouse past
12:52Oh, there's one now
12:54Tell me, sir, just how many of these trips
12:56Have you made over the years?
12:58This is my first week here
13:00Really? How many?
13:06Hey, wait for me
13:08You guys
13:12Hey, wait for Scrappy
13:26Who wants to go on an old field trip anyway?
13:28All they're going to see are a lot of people
13:30All they're going to see are a lot of bones
13:32And fossils and stuff
13:34I could see stuff like that in the cafeteria any day
13:40Hey, wow, is this bus yours?
13:42Actually, it's a loaner
13:44But that doesn't matter
13:46Climb aboard, Scrappy
13:48And we'll have ourselves a real field trip
13:50Gosh, Mighty Mouse, that sounds great
13:52Gee, I guess I won't have this
13:54To kick around anymore
13:56I'm sure glad you came along, Mighty Mouse
13:59I missed the bus to the Museum of Natural History
14:01Is that where you wanted to go?
14:05It sounds real interesting
14:07All that ancient prehistoric history stuff
14:09Well, I'll tell you what, Scrappy
14:11Let's go to a place that's even more interesting
14:15What place is that?
14:17The real prehistoric past
14:23Better roll up the window, Scrappy
14:25We're headed into outer space
14:27Ever been through time, lad?
14:29Not yet
14:31But how can we, Mighty Mouse?
14:33Well, it's probably too complicated for you to understand, Scrappy
14:37By orbiting the Earth counterclockwise
14:39At subsonic hydrospeed
14:41We can dissimulate the central particles
14:43Of present time
14:45Gee, so how do we do that?
14:49We put it in reverse
14:53I think I'm gonna be sick
15:05Look out the window, Scrappy
15:07You can see the pages of history go by
15:11I read about all these creatures
15:13In my comic books
15:19I read about all these creatures
15:21In my comic books
15:23Hang on, Scrappy
15:25We're about to land
15:29I've gotta get those brakes checked
15:31Are you okay, Scrappy?
15:33That was fun
15:35Will you let me drive next time?
15:37Welcome to prehistory, little buddy
15:39We're right where we started
15:41Only it's millions of years ago
15:43Well, how do you know that?
15:45Take a look for yourself
15:48We're in this spot one million years from now
15:52Oh boy, I wanna get some ancient relics
15:54And artifacts
15:56I'll show the kids back in school
15:58Let me at them
16:04What is it, Mighty Mouse?
16:06I don't know
16:08An earthquake, maybe
16:10Wait, I know
16:18Wait, where are you going?
16:22I'm going to put a cork in that volcano
16:28Boy, someday I wanna be as brave as Mighty Mouse
16:32Not today, though
16:48Mighty Mouse?
16:50Oh no
16:52I hope nothing's happened to him
16:54He owes me money
16:56I better go look for him
16:58I wouldn't wanna be stuck out here
17:04Is this the end of Mighty Mouse?
17:06Has our hero been overcome
17:08By this battle against the forces of nature?
17:10And what will become of poor little Scrappy?
17:14Poor little Scrappy
17:16Poor little Scrappy has his own problems right now
17:26Hey, anybody home?
17:30Hi, my name is Scrappy
17:32Please don't eat us
17:36Oh, you guys got it all wrong
17:38I just wanna be friends with you, that's all
17:42Why sure
17:44What are your names?
17:46Well, my name is Grock
17:48He's called Snack
17:50And this is my sister Grooty
17:52Pleased to meet you
17:54Do you guys really live in here?
17:56We have to
17:58I think you met one of the reasons why
18:00Yeah, I can see your point
18:02Gosh, if only Mighty Mouse were here
18:04He'd show those grooty cats
18:06Mighty Mouse?
18:08Who's he?
18:10Oh, he's my hero
18:12He's the bravest mouse in the whole world
18:14And if he were here right now, I bet he wouldn't
18:20Run like crazy
18:22Oh, who will help these brave mice?
18:24What has happened to our hero?
18:32Oh, hey, look what you almost stepped in
18:34Well, what do you know?
18:36It's a mouse
18:38Sheesh, boy, is he ugly
18:40But I bet he'd be great with a little pineapple sauce
18:42Go tell the boys to start up the wok
18:46Yes, sir
18:48It's gonna be a hot time in the old griddle tonight
19:00Things go bad
19:10Gosh, what do you think it is?
19:12What did you say?
19:14I said, what do you...
19:16Think it is?
19:18I don't know, Scrappy
19:20I've never seen it before
19:22What do you think, Grooty?
19:24Well, maybe it's a transcendental icon
19:26Sent here by a race of extraterrestrial super-beings
19:30Who are trying to preserve our existence
19:37Hey, what's wrong, guys?
19:39Oh no
19:41What is it? More tiger cats?
19:43Worse than that
19:45It's the most dangerous creature of them all
19:53God bless you, sir
20:01Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:03Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:05Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:07Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:09Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:11Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed, Abed
20:13White Males, where are you?
20:15We need you
20:17Scrappy, in trouble?
20:25Hey, what's going on here?
20:27Why, the main course is going on
20:29On the serving dish, that is
20:35Ha, ha, ha
20:47I think I let him cook a little too long, boys
20:49He's really tough
20:59Always remember, kids
21:01Never leave a fire burning
21:03Mighty Mouse, where are you?
21:33Here I come, to save the day
21:45You see, that's Mighty Mouse
21:47Kind of short, isn't he?
21:49Boy, did I put in some overtime today
21:51Well, at least you won't have to worry
21:53About those giants anymore
21:55Well, Scrappy, what do you think
21:57Of the past?
21:59Well, it's a nice place to visit
22:01But I'll take Kansas
22:05See you later
22:09Do you think we'll ever see them again?
22:13Gee, Mighty Mouse
22:15This has been the best field trip
22:17I've ever been on
22:19That's great, Scrappy
22:21Did you like it?
22:24That's great, Scrappy
22:26Did you learn a lot about the past?
22:28I sure did
22:30Good, I'll tell you what you learned
22:32Always remember
22:34Those who don't know about the past
22:36Are doomed to repeat it
22:38Gosh, did I learn that?
22:42You bet you did
22:44And so did the kids at home
22:48And so I brought back
22:50This piece of Peloponnesian cheese
22:52To show you all today
22:54That's very nice, dear
22:56And how about you, Scrappy
22:58What do you have to show us?
23:00Well, Miss Greatpoint, I...
23:10I don't have anything to show you
23:12But this genuine Barbasaurus egg
23:14From the prehistoric age
23:22To be continued
