Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 17 Forever

  • 4 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 17 Forever


00:00mother's dead. She just wouldn't believe me. Oh god. I still don't think she does. I'm not real.
00:10You're the king. Go before she finds you. She's here.
01:00Buffy, you're here. You alright? Yeah. Did you find something?
01:17This one. It's a fine choice. It speaks of your deep feeling for the deceased.
01:30You don't like it? No, it's not that. It's just...
01:50What if, um...
01:50What if she likes something else better? Gone. I mean, how do we know for sure?
02:03She's the one who has to be in it forever.
02:07Con, maybe it wasn't such a good idea, you coming along.
02:11It's fine. It's just... I'm serious. You shouldn't have to deal with this stuff.
02:20If you'd like a few more minutes to decide... No. It's done. It's fine.
02:28Okay? Okay.
03:30the prices of different florists and funeral homes seems to be fairly competitive.
03:54They'll just go with that. It's a bunch of what color flowers?
04:01Uh, white. They're nice. Yeah.
04:06Uh, what about an announcement? People are going to be expecting a wake after the burial unless we
04:11say something. Um, well, we could put a line in the program expressing your mother's preference
04:16not to have one. There's no wake? Mom didn't like them. She said that potlucks are depressing
04:26enough as it is. She said that? When? Um, right before she went in for the operation.
04:35We had a talk about what she wanted, in case. She never said anything to me.
04:43I'm sure she just didn't want to upset you, Donster. Now you better get working on that dinner.
04:48You barely touched it. You really should eat something. Why should I? You're not. This isn't
04:58about... I'm all phoned out. Will you? I'll message my dad. Of course. Hello? Yes. Yes, I did.
05:12Thank you. Um, the, uh, funeral is at three tomorrow. Do you know the Brown Brothers mortuary?
05:21Can't believe he still hasn't called. He'd instill AWOL, huh?
05:27The number he left for us in Spain is no good. I've left messages everywhere.
05:32Um, how about a line that just says, following the burial there'll be no wake?
05:38Or gathering? At the request of Joyce, there will be no gathering? That sounds lame.
05:48What are we gonna do after? I mean,
05:54are we just gonna come back here? Uh, I don't know. I guess so. Um,
06:03how about, at the request of the family, there will be no wake? Good. Yeah, it's got, uh... I
06:07don't want to be here. Where does it go? Do you put it at the top or just like a small line at the
06:11bottom? Can I go to your place tomorrow? Tomorrow? After everything? Well, oh, maybe you and Buffy
06:27should... I don't mind. Can I? Huh? Can I go to Willow's tomorrow after the service?
06:41Um, if you want to. I guess so.
06:48I'll, uh, get my sleeping bag out of the attic.
06:58You going home? I'm gonna stop by my mom's first.
07:04Been doing that a lot lately. Yeah, I actually might stop by your mom's too.
07:10Well, I'm not going to my place. Those people are scary. Speaking of, you have got to be kidding.
07:21I'm not going in. And you're not leaving those.
07:25You actually think you're going to score points with Buffy this way?
07:28This isn't about Buffy. Bull. We're all hip to your doomed obsession.
07:36They're for Joyce. Like you care about her.
07:40Grace. Grace, not here. Care? Joyce was the only one of a lot of you that I could stand.
07:47And she's the only one with a daughter you wanted to shag. I'm touched.
07:51I liked the lady. Understand, monkey boy? She was decent. She didn't put on airs.
08:04Joyce had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak.
08:12Her mistake. Think what you want.
08:22The guy thinks he could put on a big show and con Buffy into being his sex monkey.
08:27Xander. He didn't leave a card.
09:16We commend to almighty God
09:30our sister, Joyce Summers.
09:36And we commit her body to the ground.
09:39Earth to earth.
09:48Ashes to ashes.
09:53And dust to dust.
10:03The Lord bless her and keep her.
10:06The Lord makes his face to shine upon her and be gracious to her.
10:15The Lord lift up his countenance upon her and give her peace.
10:36Hey, um, Dawn's kind of ready to go. Can you take her with us?
10:43Yeah. She should probably get out of here.
10:49What about you? We can wait if you want.
10:54I'm fine. Thank you.
11:37I couldn't come sooner.
11:47Oh, Dawn. I wish I could help more.
11:57The only thing is, it'll get better. I promise.
12:01You don't know that.
12:03Sure, she does. We're witches. We know stuff.
12:13Life goes on and I forget, Mom.
12:18Is that what you're saying?
12:21Not forget, no. You make a place for her in your heart.
12:28It's sort of like she becomes a part of you.
12:32Does that make sense?
12:36Dawn, hey, we don't have to talk about this now. We could just go to sleep.
12:44No. I don't want to sleep.
12:48Okay, we can just sit or whatever you want.
12:54Good. Because I know what I want to do now.
12:59Great. What are you up for?
13:04You guys are witches and you do magic and stuff.
13:11You want us to teach you something?
13:15Like a glamour or I could make a stuffed animal dance?
13:20I want to do a spell. I want to bring Mom back.
13:29That was different.
13:48Yeah, it was more intense.
13:52Just because of Joyce.
13:57Well, she got me thinking about how people die all the time and how they get born too.
14:06And I kind of need one so you can have the other.
14:11When I think about it that way, it makes death a little less sad.
14:17Sex a little more exciting.
14:21Again, I say, huh?
14:23Again, I say, huh?
14:25Well, I just think I understand sex more now.
14:29It's not just about two bodies smooshing together.
14:33It's about life.
14:36It's about making life.
14:40Right, when two people are much older and way richer and far less stupid.
14:50You're turning colors.
14:52I'm not ready to make life with you, but I could.
14:57We could.
14:59Life could come out of our love and our smooshing and that's beautiful.
15:05It all makes me feel like we're a part of something bigger.
15:09Like I'm more awake somehow, you know?
15:15Yeah, I do.
15:21Of course you want to bring your mother back and I wish we could, but it's not possible.
15:34You guys do magic for all kinds of things.
15:38We do, but this is different.
15:42Magic can't be used to alter the natural order of things.
15:45But all you do is mess with the natural order of things.
15:49You, you make things float and disappear and...
15:52But you don't mess with life and death.
15:56Dawn, I know how bad you hurt.
15:59You don't.
16:04They put her in the ground.
16:07They did and it's awful and unfair, but this isn't the way.
16:13I'm not even sure it's possible, Dawn.
16:15I mean, I've seen things on resurrection, but there's books and stuff.
16:24I guess the spells backfire?
16:28That's not the point.
16:29That's not the point.
16:31The point is it's bad because...
16:34Because witches can't be allowed to alter the fabric of life for selfish reasons.
16:40Wiccans took an oath a long time ago to honor that.
16:43So it's possible.
16:45To bring someone back?
16:48They wouldn't have taken an oath if they didn't know they could do it.
16:53Maybe they could, but we can't.
16:56She's right, Dawn.
16:58It's too dangerous.
17:00You said you wanted to help me.
17:19The funeral was...
17:23It was brutal.
17:27It was...
17:29It was...
17:31It was brutal.
17:35And it's tomorrow that I'm worried about.
17:38What's tomorrow?
17:42That's exactly what I don't know.
17:46Up until now, I've had a roadmap.
17:51Things to do every minute having to do with mom.
17:56And tomorrow, the stuff of everyday living resumes.
18:01And everybody expects me to know how to do it because I'm so strong.
18:08You just need some time.
18:10I'm sure everybody understands that.
18:14Time's not the issue.
18:19I can stick wood in vampires.
18:21I can stick wood in vampires.
18:26But mom was the strong one in real life.
18:31She always knew how to make things better.
18:35Just what to say.
18:40Yeah, you'll find your way.
18:43I mean, not all at once, but...
18:47I don't know.
18:51I keep thinking about it.
18:55When I found her.
18:58I just got in there ten minutes earlier.
19:03You said they told you it wouldn't have made a difference.
19:07They said probably wouldn't have made a difference.
19:15The exact thing they said was probably.
19:21I haven't told that to anyone.
19:24Doesn't make it your fault.
19:26Couldn't have done anything different.
19:29I didn't even start CPR until they told me.
19:34I fell apart.
19:38That's how good I am at being a grown-up.
19:45Be okay if it was just me I had to worry about.
19:52But don't.
19:53It's okay.
19:55I don't feel like it now, but you are strong, Buffy.
19:58You're gonna figure this out.
20:02And you have people to help you.
20:05You don't have to do this alone.
20:13It's gonna be light soon.
20:15I can stay in town as long as you want me.
20:20How's forever?
20:23Does forever work for you?
20:31That's a bad idea.
20:36I'm seriously needy right now.
20:40I'm gonna be alone.
20:45Let me worry about the neediness.
20:49I can handle it.
21:15I told you.
21:36You better go.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:43It's okay.
21:49I'm so grateful that you came, Angel.
21:54I didn't think I was gonna be able to make it through the night.
22:03Yeah, look, we still have a few more minutes until I have to go.
22:34Tell my sister I'm sick of running into her Jawa rejects.
22:38She bade me come to you.
22:41The news of your relationship with the slayer.
22:44We don't have a relationship.
22:46But you attempted to court her.
22:49Did you not?
22:50You're more fun when I hit you.
22:52It's just glory.
22:54We'd like to encourage this interest of yours in the slayer.
22:58It might lead to more information about the key.
23:02And why would I share that with the most unstable one?
23:06Time is running short, sir.
23:10Every moment you fight glory, you're only fighting yourself.
23:15You see, fine.
23:17Let the best me win.
23:19Let glory understand this.
23:21I won't help her find the key.
23:23I would never do that to an innocent.
23:26An innocent.
23:29The key.
23:29That's an interesting choice of words.
23:31No, that's not what I.
23:33I understand, sir.
23:34I'm sorry to have bothered you.
23:35I'll take my leave.
23:36You understand what?
23:37When I said it's innocent.
23:39I didn't mean that the key is.
23:40It's not a person.
23:42Of course not.
23:43You're going to run and tell her, aren't you?
23:45Do you understand what's going to happen if she finds the key?
23:48How many people are going to die?
23:50I wish I had nothing.
23:51I can't let that happen.
23:53Don't you see?
23:57I can't.
24:04We're heading down to breakfast.
24:09I'm not hungry.
24:14It's just we have class after that.
24:17And I didn't know if you want to go home or.
24:21I was going to sleep some more.
24:24Giles said he'd pick me up whenever.
24:27Oh, okay.
24:31Sure, hang out.
24:34I have a break around lunchtime.
24:36I can come back.
24:39I might not be here.
24:41Well, I'll try my luck.
24:45Take care, Don.
25:09Age of Levitation.
25:35War of the Warlocks.
25:43A controversy born.
26:09You don't have to do that.
26:14Don't just just relax.
26:16Yes, sit down.
26:18We have some very amusing chicken feet you can play with.
26:21That's okay.
26:23Don't you watch television?
26:26I thought all children despise effort and enjoy cartoons.
26:31Um, I like being useful.
26:33Keeps my mind off things.
26:37Then useful you shall be.
26:40I can always use a hand.
26:42But you have a hand.
26:44A paid hand.
26:45A hand that isn't the hand of the illegal child labor.
26:53But of course, it's wonderful that you find doing my job so distracting.
26:59I am unthreatened.
27:05Yes, carry on, Dawn.
27:07Is there anything I should know?
27:10Like, um, off-limits stuff?
27:13Willow told me that some of the books and things are kind of dangerous.
27:19Quite right.
27:21They're all labeled and kept off the floor.
27:25Most of our more potent texts and potions are all up there.
27:31Anyone asks you about anything in that area, just come and get me.
27:36Anything else?
27:39Um, well, if you like, I can teach you how to work the cash register.
27:45It can ring up sales.
27:48Ring up sales?
27:50With the money?
27:52She gets to fondle the money?
27:58Hello, customer.
27:59I'll just be a moment.
28:01I'll help you.
28:02No problem.
28:02No problem.
29:20I'll go and watch this transaction that Annie is doing, then I'll let you try.
29:25You got it.
29:51I hope it's just dirt you're after.
29:55Spell calls for anything more than that.
29:58You're into zombie territory.
30:01That's bad news.
30:03Spike, I wasn't.
30:05I know good and well what you're up to.
30:07That book you've got is infamous.
30:10Please, don't tell Buffy.
30:13I just, I have to get her back.
30:19I have to.
30:23I'm not gonna tell a little bit.
30:29I'm gonna help.
30:33And to touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses.
30:42How his naked ears were tortured by the siren sweetly singing.
30:47For the sparkling waves are calling you to kiss the white lace lips.
30:58Never use this bloke's services myself, but this talk
31:01Wooders, he knows everything there is to know about resurrection spells.
31:05Come on, now. No worries.
31:08You don't have to be all nice to me.
31:11I know why you're doing this.
31:13Do you now? Enlighten me.
31:16Spike, I'm not stupid.
31:19You're like stalking my sister.
31:22You'd do anything to get in good with her.
31:25Buffy never hears about this, okay?
31:29Found out what I was doing, she'd drive a redwood through my chest.
31:33And if you don't want credit, why are you helping me?
31:38I just don't like to see Summer's women take it so hard on the chin is all.
31:44And I'm dead serious.
31:46You breathe a word of this to Buffy, I'll see to it that you end up in the ground.
31:51Got it?
31:55Got it.
31:58Where is he?
32:00Should have been back hours ago.
32:03I'm sure Jinx is on his way, your new and improved-ness.
32:08He's most loyal to...
32:10Hey, he'd better be loyal.
32:17Oh, no, no.
32:19Mind the rug, honey. His blood's a bitch.
32:22Who's this, the Slayer? I'll pull her wings off.
32:26It was Ben.
32:31Ben? Oh, good, you pointless, stupid wimp!
32:37Oh, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!
32:40The key. He told me.
32:45The key?
32:48What about the key?
32:50He indicated that it was a person.
32:55Highest you.
32:59The key's in human form?
33:02I believe so.
33:05Good one.
33:10Jinx! You rope stud! You're my man!
33:15I'm even gonna let you slide on the lame toadying on account of your dying and stuff.
33:21So, the key's all secreted away in a flesh rat fur.
33:30This narrows the search from now on in a serious way.
33:33I mean, we didn't have a clue.
33:35It could have been a log or a bicycle bump or whatever, am I right?
33:42Get him fixed, would ya?
33:45I can't hear the whole story again without all that annoying moaning.
34:00This place belongs to a magic guy.
34:04Smells like Grandpa.
34:06Hey! Anybody home?
34:16I know you.
34:18Don't think so, mate.
34:20No, no. You're that guy. That guy hangs around down at the corner mart.
34:25Big into dominoes, aren't you?
34:27Can't say as I am. Look, we came here because...
34:31It's crazy, isn't it?
34:33I mean, I'd swear you were that guy.
34:37I mean, your hair's a different color and you're a vampire, but other than that...
34:44Maybe we should just go.
34:46No. Now, just because the lights are dim doesn't mean the juice is all gone.
34:52What can I do for you?
34:55This one's mom kicked it a few days back.
34:59Oh. I'm so sorry.
35:03We were wondering what's to be done about it.
35:06Heard you were the one to ask.
35:12Oh, no. That's... You don't want to mess with that.
35:17I know some tonics that'll make the grieving fly by.
35:22I don't want any tonics.
35:25Either one of you witches?
35:28Got any experience with spells of this magnitude?
35:38Didn't think so.
35:46Your mother's a good candidate, at least. Strong DNA.
36:11Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:13Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:15Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:22Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:24Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:26Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:28Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:30Hmm, hmm, hmm.
36:32I've gathered some ingredients, but this spell I found...
36:38There's things on it I don't understand.
36:41We've got the gora demon standing between you and success.
36:45That's the translation you were missing.
36:48Gora. I've heard of those. They local?
36:51Yeah. They like to stick close to the hellmouth.
36:56Egg of the gora gives life.
37:00It's key to the spell.
37:02Can you buy it? This egg or...
37:06It's not as easy as making an omelette. Everyone would try it.
37:10No. You have to steal the egg from the nest of the demon.
37:17And the gora won't be happy about it.
37:20Where do we find this demon?
37:22First things first.
37:24We'll need an image of your mother. A photo, a painting.
37:28No problem.
37:30Once you get all the ingredients together,
37:32put them in the center of a sacred circle with the photo of your mother.
37:39Then say this incantation three times.
37:47She won't appear. Poof.
37:51It'll take a while, but she will come to you.
37:57Got it?
38:00Got it.
38:02Oh. Anything goes wrong, the only way to reverse the spell
38:07is to destroy the image of your mother. Understand?
38:10I'll do it right.
38:12It's a tricky spell, girl.
38:15I can't say for sure your mother will come back exactly like she was.
38:21Sometimes these things get a little off.
38:27But she'll still be my mother.
38:31Won't she?
38:33More or less.
38:46And the gora?
38:48Oh, right. Sorry.
38:51Go in the sewer entrance near Tracy Street.
38:56The opening's on the left.
38:59Can't miss it. Just follow that down.
39:05No, no. Keep your money.
39:19Just keep in touch now.
39:22Let me know how it goes.
39:33I will.
39:48It's here.
39:51Just like you said.
39:53So, at least we know the old coot isn't completely daft.
39:57Look, you better let me snatch this egg thing on my own.
40:01No way. I'm going.
40:04No, you are not. I've got no idea what's down there.
40:08You need me, Spike.
40:11Somebody's got to get the egg while you distract the gora.
40:14Oh, come on.
40:19Well, what do you know?
40:21Bitty Buffy.
40:36Doesn't look so bad.
40:39It wakes up. That's usually when the bad starts.
40:45I can't get to the eggs unless it moves.
40:48No way.
40:50I'll make it.
40:52You just be ready.
40:54Hey! Gora.
40:57Heads up.
41:02Right. Hence it is.
41:08Trip-tips. That's the best you can do.
41:13Go on. Hey, get away from us.
41:23Now, face me.
41:24Spike, come on.
41:25Come on, bastard.
41:35Leave it. Don't.
41:36I can't. Mom.
41:37It's too dangerous.
41:38And I haven't got a weapon.
41:46Go on.
41:47Go on.
41:48Hey, get away from her.
41:52Hey, leave her be.
41:56Ha, missed.
42:05Come on.
42:11Come on, bastard.
42:29Did you get it?
42:31I'm sorry.
42:41Giver of darkness.
42:44Taker of life.
42:47God of gods.
42:51Accept my offering.
43:14I beg of you.
43:17Return to me.
43:33What did I have for breakfast this morning?
43:36Do you remember?
43:39I want to see Bagel, but I think that was yesterday.
43:43You had two eggs sunny side up.
43:46I remember because they were wiggling at me like little boobs.
43:51Sassy eggs.
43:54What are you writing this for?
43:57Your journal.
44:02That's new?
44:05I figured life goes by so fast.
44:09If you don't write stuff down, it just gets lost.
44:13And I want to remember.
44:16Done every last Bagel.
44:20Done every last everything I do with you.
44:32What happened in the history of witchcraft?
44:37Is it there?
44:43Dawn must have taken it.
44:45No, she didn't.
44:46Did she?
44:48This is bad.
44:49This is really bad.
44:51But it's just a history book.
44:54It might answer some of her questions.
44:57I don't think she could do any harm with that stuff, could she?
45:01Well, it's not a how-to guide, but it refers to specific resurrection spells and potions.
45:07But I didn't, I mean, hey, how'd she know that?
45:12I don't know, but, God, what else did she take?
45:17I think, I think she took nothing else.
45:22But maybe she did, and we should probably look.
45:27Because who knows?
45:28I don't.
45:30No, no, we can't waste time on that now.
45:33We don't know what she's up to.
45:36We have to call Buffy.
45:47Bone, flesh, breath.
45:51Yours eternally.
45:53Bone, flesh, breath.
45:57I beg of you.
45:59Return to me.
46:06What have you done?
46:08What have you done?
46:10She's coming.
46:11She's coming home.
46:23You have no idea what you're messing with.
46:25Who knows what you actually raised?
46:27What's gonna come through that door?
46:29No, I know.
46:30It'll be her.
46:32Tara told me that these spells go bad all the time.
46:36People come back wrong.
46:39Bone, he told me her DNA.
46:42Who told you?
46:43Who helped you?
46:44Nobody let me know.
46:46You have to stop it.
46:48Reverse it.
46:51Don, you know this is wrong.
46:54You know you can't let this happen.
46:56Not to Mom.
46:58But I need her.
47:01I don't care if she...
47:05I'm not like you, Buffy.
47:08I don't have anybody.
47:13Of course you do.
47:15You have me.
47:16No, I don't.
47:18You won't even look at me.
47:21It's so obvious you don't want me around.
47:24That's not true.
47:27Yes, it is.
47:32Mom died.
47:35And it's like you don't even care.
47:40Of course I care.
47:44How can you even think that?
47:46How can I not?
47:49You haven't even cried.
47:52You've just been running around like it's been some big chore or something.
47:58Cleaning up after Mom's mess.
48:11I've been working.
48:15I've been busy because I have to.
48:20You've been avoiding me.
48:22I'm not.
48:26I have to do these things because...
48:32Because when I stop,
48:35then she's really gone.
48:39And I'm trying.
48:42Don, I am.
48:44I am really trying to take care of things.
48:48But I don't even know what I'm doing.
48:52Mom always knew.
48:55Nobody's asking you to be Mom.
48:58Well, who's gonna be if I'm not?
49:01Huh, Don?
49:03Have you even thought about that?
49:07Who's gonna make things better?
49:10Who's gonna take care of us?
49:16I didn't mean to push you away.
49:19I didn't.
49:21I just...
49:23I couldn't let you see me.
49:27Oh, God, Donnie.
49:30I don't know what we're gonna do.
49:34I'm scared.
50:25It's okay.
50:27It's okay.
50:37It's okay.
50:57It's okay.
51:27Grr! Arrgh!
