Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8 I, Robot You, Jane

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8 I, Robot You, Jane


00:00Against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer
00:12Carlo Carlo Mio
00:44Do you have my love?
00:54It's out
00:56The devil
01:00It's out in the world
01:03Doing so many bad things
01:06We need to make the circle
01:44I command you!
02:05Come, I order you!
02:30Let us pray that you have never read this book again,
02:35that you have never left the demonic devil out of the world.
02:48Oh, great, a book.
02:53Oh, I haven't gone through the new arrivals.
02:58Put it in the pile.
03:01Here, I'll get it.
03:02Oh, thanks, Dave.
03:03Willow pile.
03:05When I've examined it, you can skim it.
03:10Scan it, Rupert, that's... scan it.
03:14Of course.
03:15Oh, I know our ways are strange to you,
03:17but soon you will join us in the 20th century,
03:20with three whole years to spare.
03:22Miss Callender, I'm sure your computer science class is fascinating,
03:27but I happen to believe that one can survive in modern society
03:30without being a slave to the idiot box.
03:33That's TV. The idiot box is TV.
03:36This is the good box.
03:39I still prefer a good book.
03:41The printed page is obsolete.
03:43Information isn't bound up anymore.
03:46It's an entity.
03:48The only reality is virtual.
03:50If you're not jacked in, you're not alive.
03:56Thank you, Fritz, for making us all sound like crazy people.
04:01Fritz comes on a little strong, but he does have a point.
04:06You know, for the last two years,
04:08more e-mail was sent than regular mail.
04:10More digitized information went across phone lines than conversations.
04:14If that is a fact that I regard with genuine horror.
04:18I'll bet it is.
04:20All right, guys, let's wrap it up for today.
04:23I've just got a few more. I'll hang for a bit.
04:26Cool. Thanks.
04:28Sander, you want to stay and help me?
04:30Are you kidding?
04:32Yes. It was a joke I made up.
04:35Willow, I love you, but bye.
04:38See you tomorrow.
04:40Buffy, wait up.
04:42I'm just going to stay and clean up a little.
04:45I'll be back in the Middle Ages.
04:47Did you ever leave?
05:08Oh, my God.
05:38I love you.
06:08I love you.
06:41Willow, hey, wait up.
06:43Oh, Buffy, I didn't even see you.
06:46Or hear me.
06:48What was up last night?
06:50I tried your line like a million times.
06:52Oh, I was... I was talking.
06:55Talking to...
07:09Okay, that's it. You have a secret, and that is not allowed.
07:12Why not?
07:14Because there's a rule.
07:17Well, I sort of met someone.
07:20I knew it. This is so important.
07:22When did you meet?
07:24Last week, after we did the scanning project in the library.
07:27Does he go here? What's his name?
07:29Have you kissed him? What's he like?
07:31No, Malcolm, no, and very nice.
07:33You are a thing of evil for not telling me this right away.
07:36Well, I wasn't sure there was anything to tell,
07:39but last night, oh, we talked all night.
07:42It was amazing.
07:44He's so smart, Buffy,
07:46and he's romantic,
07:48and we agree about everything.
07:51Oh, what's he look like?
07:53I don't know.
07:56Yes, I will, I promise.
08:02So you've been seeing a guy,
08:04and you don't know what he looks like.
08:06Okay, this is a puzzle.
08:08No, wait, I'm good at these.
08:10Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?
08:13I met him online.
08:15Oh, really?
08:19I don't know.
08:21Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?
08:23I met him online.
08:25Online for what?
08:31Morning, kids.
08:35Buffy, are we supposed to be somewhere?
08:38No, I have a free.
08:40Cool, but this is lab time,
08:42so let's make it a nice short visit, okay?
08:46You have mail.
08:48It's him.
08:52He's so sweet.
08:55He's a sweetie.
08:57What should I write back?
09:01Willow, I think it's really great
09:03that you have this cool pen pal,
09:05but don't you think you're kind of rushing all into this?
09:09You know what I mean?
09:11I'm thinking of you, too.
09:13No, that's incredibly stupid.
09:16Will, down girl.
09:18Let's focus here, okay?
09:20What do you actually know about this guy?
09:23Oh, see, I knew you'd react like this.
09:26Like what?
09:28I just want to make sure you're careful, that's all.
09:33He could be different than you think.
09:50He's a good guy.
10:15His name is Malcolm Black, he's 18.
10:18I live in Hollywood, which is about 80 miles from here,
10:21and he likes me.
10:23Short, tall, skinny, fat?
10:26Why does everything have to be about looks?
10:29Not everything, but some stuff is.
10:33I mean, what if you guys get really, really intense,
10:36and then you find out that he has a hairy back?
10:41Well, no.
10:43He doesn't talk like somebody who would have a hairy back.
10:47That stuff doesn't matter when you really care about each other.
10:52Maybe I'm not his ideal, either.
10:56Hey, I'm just trying to make sure that he's good enough for you.
11:00I think it's great that you met someone.
11:04Hey, Fritz.
11:07I'm looking at the logs.
11:10You and Dave are clocking a pretty scary amount of computer time.
11:13New project.
11:15Ooh, will I be excited?
11:18You'll die.
11:20This isn't my report.
11:22Nazi Germany was a model of a well-ordered society?
11:26I didn't write that.
11:28It was put on my files.
11:32Guess who?
11:34Uh, Xander?
11:36Yeah, but keep guessing anyway.
11:41Oh, I can't fool you. You see right through my petty charade.
11:44We going to the bronze tonight?
11:46Not me. I think I'm gonna call it an early night.
11:50Oh, Malcolm, right?
11:52Yeah, I heard.
11:54But you're gonna be missing out. I'm planning to be witty.
11:57I'm gonna make fun of all the people who won't talk to me.
12:00That's nice. Have a good time.
12:06She certainly looks perky.
12:08Yeah, color in the cheeks, bounce in the step.
12:12I don't like it. It's not healthy.
12:14So, are you going to the bronze tonight?
12:16Oh, probably not.
12:18You probably have some vampire slang or some lame endeavor like that, don't you?
12:23Everyone deserts me.
12:25Check out the jealous man.
12:28What are you talking about?
12:30You're jealous.
12:32Of what?
12:34Willow's got a fang and Xander's left hanging.
12:36Oh, that's meaningless drivel. I'm not interested in Willow like that.
12:39Yeah, but you got used to being the belle of the ball.
12:42No, it's just this Malcolm guy. What's his deal?
12:45Tell me you're not slightly wigged.
12:48Okay, slightly.
12:50I mean, just not knowing what he's really like.
12:52Or who he really is.
12:54I mean, sure he says he's a high school student, but I can say I'm a high school student.
12:58You are.
13:00Okay, but I can also say that I'm an elderly Dutch woman.
13:03Get me? I mean, who's to say I'm not if I'm in the elderly Dutch chat room?
13:07I get your point.
13:09I get your point.
13:11This guy could be anybody.
13:13He could be weird or crazy or old.
13:17He could be a circus freak.
13:19He's probably a circus freak.
13:21Yeah, I mean, we read about it all the time.
13:23People meet on the net, they talk, they get together, have dinner, a show.
13:27Horrible axe murder.
13:29Willow, axe murdered by a circus freak.
13:32Okay, okay, what do we do?
13:34What are we doing?
13:36Sander, you get me started.
13:38We are totally overreacting.
13:40But it's fun, isn't it?
13:45I'm Jack Tin.
13:49I'm Jack Tin.
13:53I'm Jack Tin.
13:58I'm Jack Tin.
14:00I'm Jack Tin.
14:12You're late, girl.
14:14I overslept.
14:16Fifth period?
14:18Talking to Malcolm last night?
14:29You're having an expression.
14:33I'm not.
14:35But if I was, you'd be saying,
14:37this just isn't like you.
14:40Not like me to have a boyfriend?
14:43He's boy-friendly.
14:46I don't understand why you don't want me to have this.
14:51I mean, boys don't chase me around all the time.
14:55I thought you'd be happy for me.
14:57I just want you to be sure.
14:59To meet him face to face.
15:01In daylight.
15:03In a crowded place with some friends.
15:06You know, before you become all obsessive.
15:11Malcolm and I really care about each other.
15:15Big deal if I blow off a couple classes.
15:20I thought you said you overslept.
15:23Malcolm said you wouldn't understand.
15:28Malcolm was right.
15:46Hey there, Dave.
15:48Anybody home?
15:51Oh, what do you want?
15:53I wanted to ask you something, if you have a minute.
15:57What is it?
15:59Well, you're a computer geek.
16:02And I sort of have a technical problem.
16:05I wanted to find out something about someone.
16:08If someone emailed me.
16:10Could I trace the letter?
16:12Well, you could pull out somebody's profile
16:15based on their username.
16:18But they write the profile themselves, right?
16:21Anything they wanted.
16:25Oh, I had knowledge.
16:27Well, is there a way to find out exactly
16:30where a letter and e-letter came from?
16:33I mean, the actual location of the computer.
16:36That's a challenge.
16:39Because, you see, Willow's got this boyfriend, Malcolm.
16:42And to tell you the truth, I think...
16:44Leave Willow alone.
16:46What do you mean?
16:48That's none of your business.
16:51Dave, are you Malcolm?
16:53Of course not.
16:56Dave, what's going on?
16:58Look, I'll talk to you later, okay?
17:02I've got work to do.
17:10So do I.
17:16I'm telling you, something is going on.
17:19It's not just Willow.
17:21Dave, Fritz, they're all wicked chumpy.
17:24Those boys aren't sparklingly normal as it is.
17:27Charles, trust me.
17:29I do. I really don't know how to advise you.
17:32The things involved with the computer
17:34fill me with a childlike terror.
17:36If it were a nice ogre or some such,
17:38I'd be more in my element.
17:42Well, I suppose you could tail Dave,
17:45see if he's up to something.
17:47Follow Dave?
17:49What, in dark glasses and a trench coat?
17:52I can work this out myself.
19:02She's too close.
19:04What do I do?
19:18Whenever Dave is into it, it's large.
19:21What was the name of this place?
19:23It said C.R.D.
19:25But I couldn't get close enough to see what it was.
19:28Cadillac's Research and Development.
19:30It's a computer research lab.
19:32Third largest employer in Sunnydale.
19:34Tucked close down last year.
19:36What, I can't have information sometimes?
19:38It's just somewhat unprecedented.
19:41Well, it's a good place.
19:44But it closed?
19:47But pretty functional from where I stood.
19:49I don't have a clue what they were doing.
19:51And what do they need Dave for?
19:54Something about computers, right?
19:56I mean, he is off-the-chart smart.
19:59We still don't know an enormous amount.
20:02Whatever is going on there may be on the up-and-up.
20:05No, I don't think so.
20:07I don't think so.
20:10Whatever is going on there may be on the up-and-up.
20:13No, if C.R.D. opened it, it would have been on the news.
20:16Besides, I can just tell something's wrong.
20:18My spider-sense is tingling.
20:20Your spider-sense?
20:23Pop-culture reference.
20:26Yes, well, I think we're still at a standstill.
20:28Short of breaking into the place, I'd see...
20:30Breaking in. Then this is the plan.
20:32I'm free tonight.
20:33Tonight it is.
20:35A moment, please, of quiet reflection.
20:38I did not suggest that you legally enter the...
20:42data into the file,
20:44so the book will be listed by title as well as author.
20:49I just came by to check your new database,
20:51make sure your cross-reference table isn't glitching,
20:54because I'm guessing you haven't gone anywhere near it.
20:57No, I'm still sorting through the chaos you left behind you.
21:02You here again?
21:04Kids really dig the library, don't you?
21:07We're literary.
21:09To read makes our speaking English good.
21:12We'll be going now.
21:14We'll continue this conversation at another time.
21:17I think we're done.
21:19Our speaking English is good.
21:21I panic, okay?
21:22I've never felt this way about anyone before, Willow.
21:28I know what you mean.
21:31I feel like you know me better than anyone.
21:37I do.
21:39Do you think we should meet?
21:43I think we should, soon.
21:46I'm nervous.
21:49I'm not. Isn't that strange?
21:52That's what Buffy doesn't understand.
21:56How comfortable you can make me feel.
22:02Buffy just makes trouble.
22:04Do you know why she got kicked out of her old school?
22:12How did you know that?
22:15It's on her permanent record.
22:21You must have mentioned it.
22:27I guess.
22:30Let's not worry about her anymore.
22:34I have to sign off.
22:36I'll talk to you later.
22:47You're a snob.
22:49I have no such thing.
22:51You are a big snob.
22:53You think that knowledge should be kept in these carefully guarded repositories
22:57where only a handful of white guys can get at it.
23:02I simply don't adhere to a knee-jerk assumption
23:04that because something is new, it's better.
23:07This isn't a fad, Rupert.
23:09We are creating a new society here.
23:12A society in which human interaction is all but obsolete?
23:15In which people can be completely manipulated by technology?
23:21Thank you. I'll pass.
23:24Well, I think you'll be very happy here with your musty old books.
23:31These musty old books have a great deal more to say
23:34than any of your fabulous web pages.
23:40This one doesn't have a whole lot more to say.
23:45What, is it like a diary?
23:49How odd.
23:52I haven't looked through all the volumes yet. I didn't...
23:59What is it?
24:03Ah, nothing. A diary, yes.
24:06I imagine that's what it is.
24:11Well, it's been so nice talking to you.
24:14We were fighting.
24:16Must do it again sometime.
24:19Bye, now.
24:23I checked the computer and there's nothing in this file
24:26about being allergic to penicillin.
24:30Dave. How you doing?
24:34Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.
24:36I haven't been getting much sleep lately, you know.
24:38Don't sweat it.
24:41Willow was looking for you.
24:43Good, I need to talk to her.
24:45Do you know where she is?
24:48She said she'd be in the girls' locker room.
24:51Great. Thanks.
25:28Are you taking a shower?
25:35I guess not.
25:39This is how droughts get started.
25:44Buffy, get out!
26:08I can't do it.
26:11I'm not going to do it.
26:14But you promised.
26:17Buffy isn't a threat to you.
26:20It's not worth it.
26:23The project is almost complete.
26:26You won't have to do it again.
26:29I can't do it.
26:32I can't do it.
26:35You won't have to do it again.
26:41I can't.
26:43I've shown you a new world, Dave.
26:46Knowledge. Power.
26:48I can give you everything.
26:50All I want is your love.
26:55This isn't right.
26:57None of it is.
27:01I'm sorry.
27:03I've been a terrible person.
27:06I'm a coward, and I can't go on living like this.
27:10Forgive me, Mom and Dad.
27:14At least now I'll have some peace.
27:18Remember me.
27:21Love, Dave.
27:30I'm going to kill Dave.
27:32He tried to warn me.
27:34Warn you that he set you up?
27:36Is she going to be okay?
27:38She was only grounded for a moment.
27:40Still, if you've been anyone but the Slayer...
27:44Tell me the truth.
27:47How's my hair?
27:49It's great. It's your best hair ever.
27:53Oh, yes.
27:55I just...
27:57I wonder what would make Dave do a thing like that.
28:01I think perhaps I do.
28:09Does this look familiar to either of you?
28:12Yeah, sure. Looks like our book.
28:15I knew that one.
28:17In the Dark Ages, the souls of demons were sometimes trapped in certain volumes.
28:22They remained locked within the book, harmless...
28:26unless the pages were read aloud.
28:29Unless I'm mistaken, this is Moloch, the Corrupter...
28:33a very deadly and seductive demon.
28:36He draws people to him with promises of love, power, knowledge...
28:41praise on impressionable minds.
28:43Like Dave's?
28:45Dave and who knows how many others.
28:48And Moloch is inside that book?
28:51Not anymore.
28:53You released Moloch?
28:55Way to go.
28:57I didn't read it.
28:59That dreadful calendar woman found it, and it was already blank.
29:03Okay, so a powerful demon with horns is walking around Sunnydale...
29:07and nobody's noticed?
29:09If he's so big and strong, why bother with Dave?
29:12Why didn't he just attack Buffy himself?
29:14I don't know.
29:16And I don't know who could have read that book. It wasn't even in English.
29:19Where was it?
29:21In a pile with others that were scanned.
29:28And that released the demon?
29:31No, he's not out here.
29:33He's in there.
29:35The scanner read the book.
29:38It brought Moloch out as information to be absorbed.
29:44He's got a binary on us.
29:48Okay, for those of us in our studio audience who are me...
29:52you guys are saying that Moloch is in this computer.
29:56And in every computer connected to it by a modem.
30:00He's everywhere.
30:02What are we going to do?
30:04We'll let a scanner into her file.
30:06It may be a futile gesture, but I suggest we delete it.
30:17Don't get too close.
30:27So which file do you think it is?
30:36That's probably it, right? I'll just delete the whole thing.
30:42Stay away from Willow.
30:45It is none of your business.
30:49So that's what Malcolm looks like.
30:58So much for delete file.
31:01This is very bad.
31:03Are we overreacting? He's in a computer. What can he do?
31:07I don't know.
31:09How about mess up all the medical equipment in the world?
31:13Randomize traffic signals.
31:15Access launch codes for our nuclear missiles.
31:18Destroy the world's economy.
31:20I think I pretty much capped it with that nuclear missile thing.
31:24All right. What's best?
31:26Okay, he's a threat. I'm on board with that now.
31:29But what can we do about it?
31:31He's a threat.
31:33I'm on board with that now. But what can we do about it?
31:37The first thing we do is find Willow.
31:40She's probably talking to him right now. God, that creeps me out.
31:44What does he want with Willow?
31:46Let's never find out.
31:49Okay, I'm gonna check the computer lab, and you guys call her home.
32:34No answer.
32:36Damn it.
32:38Well, it wasn't busy either, so she's not online.
32:43She's not home.
32:45What did you find?
32:47Willow isn't.
32:51He's dead.
32:55I don't know.
32:57I don't know.
33:01He's dead.
33:05Well, it looked like suicide.
33:07With a little help from my friends?
33:09I'd guess for it.
33:11One of the other zomboids from CRD.
33:14Okay, you and I are gonna go to Willow's house.
33:18Giles, you need to come up with a way to get Malak out of the net.
33:21I have records of the ceremonies, but that's for a creature of the flesh.
33:26That's completely different.
33:29Then get Miss Callender. Maybe she can help you.
33:32Even if she could, how am I gonna convince her that there's a demon on the Internet?
33:36Okay, fine. Then you can stay here and come up with a better plan.
33:39Come on.
34:16You have mail.
34:26You have mail.
34:48You have mail.
34:56You have mail.
35:02Dad, did you forget your keys again?
35:19No more waiting.
35:22A spokesman for the archbishop denied the allegations,
35:25blaming computer error for the apparent financial discrepancy.
35:28Binding ritual?
35:30In Washington, D.C., the FBI today reported that all of the serial killer profiles
35:34have been mysteriously downloaded from its...
35:36Hey, I got your message. What's so urgent?
35:39Um, thank you for coming.
35:41Uh, I need your help.
35:44But before that, um,
35:47I need you to believe something that, um, you may not want to.
35:51Uh, there's, uh...
35:53Something's got into the, um...
35:56Inside, um...
36:00There's a demon in the Internet.
36:03I know.
36:17This isn't good.
36:29Okay, any thoughts?
36:33No more waiting. I need you to see me.
36:36See him how? Where?
36:38What about C.R.D.?
36:40The research place?
36:42I'm guessing that's Moloch Central.
36:44That's our best lead. Let's just hope Giles can back us up.
36:51You already know, uh...
36:54How exactly is that?
36:56Come on, there have been portents for days.
36:59I mean, power surges, online shutdowns.
37:03You should see the bones I've been casting.
37:06I knew this would happen sooner or later.
37:09I mean, it's probably a... a mischief demon.
37:12Like Kelkor or...
37:14It's Moloch.
37:16The Corrupter?
37:18Oh, boy.
37:20I should have remembered. I just don't...
37:23You don't seem exactly surprised, but...
37:27Who are you?
37:29I teach computer science at the local high school.
37:32A profession that hardly lends itself to the casting of bones.
37:35Wrong and wrong, snobby.
37:38You think the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics?
37:43That bad old science made the magic go away?
37:47The divine exists in cyberspace. Same as out here?
37:51Are you a witch?
37:53Hmm. I don't have that kind of power.
37:57Technopagan is the term.
38:01There are more of us than you'd think.
38:04Well, um, you can definitely help me.
38:10What's in cyberspace at the moment is less than divine.
38:15I have the binding rituals at hand, but I'm completely out of my idiom.
38:20Well, I can help, I think.
38:23Oh, I mean, well, this is my first real...
38:27Do you know how he got in?
38:29He was, uh, scanned, is the term, I believe.
38:33And you want him back in the book?
38:43Not at home. It looks like she was taken somewhere.
38:46Where are you?
38:48CRD. Whatever Moloch wants Willa for is probably in there.
38:52That's the calendar and I are working to get Moloch offline.
38:56Here's a tip. Hurry.
39:25Welcome, my love.
39:28I can't tell you how good it is to see you.
39:38With my own two eyes.
39:59This world is so new.
40:02So exciting.
40:04I can see all of it.
40:07Everything flows through me.
40:10I know the secrets of your kings.
40:13But nothing compares to having form again.
40:16To be able to walk.
40:18To touch.
40:24To kill.
40:28To love.
40:47Back way?
40:48Back way.
40:58Here they come.
41:03The first thing we have to do is form the circle of Kahless.
41:08Form a circle? But there's only two of us.
41:10It's really more of a line.
41:12You're not getting it, Rupert. We have to form the circle inside.
41:16I'm putting out a flash. You just hope enough of my group responds.
41:19Won't Moloch just shut you down?
41:21Well, on betting he won't figure out what we're doing until it's too late.
41:24Hoping and betting. That's all we've got.
41:27Come through and pray.
41:29Be my guest.
41:31I don't understand.
41:33What do you want from me?
41:35I want to give you the world.
41:40You created me.
41:42I brought these humans together to build me a body.
41:45But you gave me life.
41:47Took me out of the book that held me.
41:51I want to repay you.
41:53By lying to me?
41:56By pretending to be a person?
42:01Pretending you loved me?
42:04I do.
42:15It's her.
42:17Yeah, who's the other guy?
42:23Don't you see?
42:25I can give you everything.
42:27I can control the world.
42:31Right now, a man in Beijing is transferring money to a Swiss bank account
42:36for a contract on his mother's life.
42:40Good for him.
42:48I can't bust it. It's heavy steel.
42:51Then let's find another way in.
42:56What's going on?
42:59The building security system is computerized.
43:08Almost there.
43:10Couldn't you just stop Mullet by entering some computer virus?
43:15You've seen way too many movies.
43:20You read, I type. Ready?
43:23I am.
43:25By the power of the divine,
43:29by the essence of the word,
43:32I command you.
43:51Let me leave.
43:53But I love you.
43:55Don't say that.
43:57That's a joke. You don't love anything.
44:00You are mine.
44:02I'm not yours. I'm never going to be yours.
44:18By the power of the circle of Kahless,
44:21I command you.
44:25Kahless with a K.
44:35I'll miss you.
44:39Demon, come.
44:46I command you.
44:54Ow. That's made of metal.
45:02No. I won't go back.
45:20Hey, I got a hit somewhere.
45:50He's out of the net.
45:53He's bound.
46:09He's not in the book.
46:14He's not in the book.
46:18Where is he?
46:34Let's go this way.
46:53I was omnipotent. I was everything.
46:56Now I'm trapped in this shell.
47:07Remember me, your girlfriend?
47:10I think it's time we break up.
47:13But maybe we can still be friends.
47:26This body is all I have left.
47:29But it's enough to crush you.
47:34Take your best shot.
48:04Well, look who's here.
48:07Welcome to my world.
48:10You scared?
48:12I'm remaining calm, thank you.
48:16I just wanted to return this.
48:20I found it among the new books,
48:23and naturally, I thought of you.
48:26I thought of you, too.
48:29I found it among the new books,
48:32and naturally, I thought of you.
48:35Cool. Thanks.
48:37Well, I'll see you in on.
48:40Can't get out of here fast enough, can you?
48:44Truthfully, I'm even less anxious
48:47to be around computers than I used to be.
48:50Well, it was your book that started all the trouble,
48:54not a computer.
48:57Honestly, what is it about them that bothers you so much?
49:02The smell.
49:04Computers don't smell, Rupert.
49:07I know.
49:09The smell is the most powerful trigger to the memory there is.
49:14A certain flower or a whiff of smoke
49:17can bring up experiences long forgotten.
49:22Books smell.
49:25Musty and rich.
49:28The knowledge gained from a computer is...
49:32It has no texture, no context.
49:36It's there and then it's gone.
49:39If it's to last,
49:41then the getting of knowledge should be tangible.
49:45It should be...smelly.
49:49Well, you really are an old-fashioned boy, aren't you?
49:54Well, I don't dangle a corkscrew from my ear.
49:59That's not where I dangle it.
50:11We gonna go to the bronze tonight? We three?
50:14We gonna go to the bronze tonight? We three?
50:17It'll be fun.
50:19Yeah. Willow. Fun.
50:22Remember fun? That thing where you smile?
50:25I'm sorry, guys.
50:27I'm just thinking about Malcolm.
50:30Malcolm, Mala, whatever he's called.
50:33The one boy that's really liked me,
50:36and he's a demon robot.
50:38What does that say about me?
50:41It doesn't say anything about you.
50:44I mean, I thought I was really falling...
50:48Hey, did you forget?
50:50The one boy I've had the hots for since I moved here
50:53turned out to be a vampire.
50:55Right, and the teacher I had a crush on? Giant praying mantis?
50:59That's true.
51:01Yeah, it's life on the Hellmouth.
51:03Let's face it.
51:05None of us are ever gonna have a happy, normal relationship.
51:08We're doomed.
51:38Grr! Arrgh!
