Days of our Lives 9-16-24 (16th September 2024) 9-16-2024 DOOL 16 September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Something wrong with your burger?
00:07It's fine.
00:10You're not hungry?
00:13I don't know.
00:16You don't know if you're hungry or not?
00:22I am sitting right here with you, but you are a million miles away.
00:28I'm sorry, babe.
00:32I just can't stop thinking about my visit with our not-so-deceased niece.
00:40Uncle Steve is not going to be as easy a fool as Abigail's other relatives.
00:47No, Mark, I'm telling you.
00:49Okay, the dude wouldn't stop grilling me about what he said his daughter overheard me say to you.
00:56I tried the amnesia card.
01:01It was abundantly clear that Uncle Steve thought I was lying to him.
01:06What if he figures out that his precious little niece isn't back from the dead after all?
01:12I'm freaking out.
01:21Oh, good, you're back.
01:24I saw nobody sitting here all alone.
01:27No, Eric actually stopped by.
01:30Oh, he came to see Holly, but we had a really nice little chat.
01:34Where's Victoria?
01:36She's asleep.
01:40So, don't get me in suspense, how was your session with Marlena?
01:47It was kind of a bust.
01:50Yeah, I kept trying to see Brady behind the wheel, but even with hypnosis, I just couldn't see his face.
02:05Think of your wife and your daughter, they need you.
02:10I'll just get a good lawyer, because now I need a Brady.
02:14Fiona, just go.
02:16Father, stop! Stop!
02:19I have a confession to make.
02:27How could you possibly confess that would stop me from beating the living daylights out of this son of a bitch?
02:34Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
02:49Listen, I know how strange it is to be around Abigail right now.
03:04Especially in the beginning, because she looks so different.
03:07You have to keep reminding yourself that it's really her.
03:12Strange is one word for it.
03:15What exactly happened during your visit with her?
03:20I just wanted to know why she told Stephanie that she was talking to you on the phone when she obviously wasn't.
03:27Please tell me you did not grill her.
03:30I just asked her a few questions.
03:33And what did she say?
03:35She said she was talking to some other doctor about her treatment plan, who she confused with you.
03:41That's plausible, isn't it? I mean, she does have a lot of specialists right now.
03:45She could get the doctors mixed up.
03:48I suppose so.
03:51I know that look.
03:54You don't believe her, do you?
04:02Hi, Chad, I didn't hear you come in.
04:04Yeah, well, um...
04:07Light on my feet.
04:10Who were you talking to?
04:13Oh, I was ordering delivery sushi.
04:18Well, failing miserably at ordering just sushi for delivery, that's what I was doing.
04:22Yeah, well, I heard you say you were freaking out.
04:25Oh, yeah, because I forgot the address here.
04:29And then I realized that I didn't have a credit card.
04:33And then I remembered the estate manager, um...
04:39Harold, thank you.
04:40Harold said there were restaurants that have running demerit family tab, and I forgot the pin code.
04:47And so I was just...
04:49You were freaking out?
04:50Freaking out.
04:53Well, I can text Harold and he can order you something.
04:57He knows what you like.
04:58Yeah, thank you, please.
05:00Um, hi, hello.
05:02Well, why are you stopping by? What's up?
05:05Well, uh, the kids went home early, so I thought I'd come by and see how you were doing.
05:13Oh, well, that was thoughtful.
05:17And I saw Stephanie, and she said, um, she said the two of you had a, uh, a nice visit.
05:29You didn't?
05:30Oh, well, I...
05:32I just assumed she would have told you that I lied to her.
06:01Come on in.
06:04I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the memorial that you held for Everett.
06:11It's totally fine.
06:13I know that you didn't, you didn't really know Everett.
06:16Yeah, but still, Steph, I wanted to be there for you.
06:20Well, you're here now.
06:24You wanna, wanna stay for a drink?
06:27I mean, unless you have some lines to memorize for body and soul, or some push-ups or something.
06:33Push-ups? No.
06:36A drink sounds great.
06:43Marlena put me under, and she took me through the events of that night.
06:53As hard as I tried to remember the details of the accident, I just couldn't.
07:05Xander must have been very disappointed, though, because I know how much he wants you to remember.
07:10I can.
07:12Especially because there's no hard evidence against Brady.
07:17So where is that husband of yours, anyway?
07:20The office?
07:22I guess there was some sort of work emergency.
07:28I can't let you do this.
07:30Don't worry, Mom, I'm not gonna kill him, I'm just gonna do to him what he did to Sarah.
07:34I'm here, I should leave you to ask yourself that, Mom.
07:37Alexander, you don't understand.
07:39Don't understand what?
07:41Brady and I slept together.
07:55Look, Steph didn't think that you were necessarily lying about the phone call.
08:00But she, she did mention it to you.
08:03Yeah, she just said she was confused that you said you were talking to her mom when she talked to her mom, and she said that you weren't.
08:09I was the one that was confused.
08:11I mean, I mixed up Dr. Johnson with many other doctors that I have, but honestly, I feel like it should be illegal to have Dr. Johnson and Dr. Johansson working in the same hospital at the same time.
08:23Yes, it should be.
08:26They're very similar.
08:27Especially considering the fact that I have to refer to my phone half the time when I'm trying to remember my own name.
08:32I know.
08:33Listen, we're trying to shove 35 years of names into your, you know, into your brain.
08:40It's normal that a few of them are gonna get jumbled.
08:46So then, you believe me?
08:49Of course I believe you.
08:54I'm glad.
08:56I'm not sure that Uncle Steve does.
08:59Listen, I'm not trying to play bad cop here, but Abigail's explanation about who she was talking to on the phone seemed a little thin.
09:08Thin how?
09:11Seemed like she was covering.
09:13A code word for lying.
09:15No, I didn't say that.
09:17But just for argument's sake, what possible reason could she have for lying about who she was talking to?
09:24I don't know.
09:25And if she wasn't talking to some other doctor, what was this plan that she was referring to?
09:36Why don't you just say it?
09:38You don't believe that the woman you were talking to is Abigail.
09:46How did Xander seem after the session?
09:51He was upset.
09:53He was upset, for sure.
09:56I was just, I was really in my own head, so I went to the ladies' room to splash some water on my face, and when I came back, he was gone.
10:04Fiona drove me home.
10:06She's been such a help.
10:09Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
10:12And hopefully she can help Xander get past his rage at Brady.
10:17Yeah, I hope so too.
10:18From both of you.
10:19From both of you?
10:23You don't think it's possible?
10:28I think Xander's not going to be at peace until Brady's punished for what he did to me.
10:35And I really don't think that anybody can say anything to change his mind.
10:41Why would you say something so vile?
10:45Because it's the truth.
10:46Don't you remember? I told you that I was seeing someone.
10:51The men's underwear I found in your hotel room.
10:54Those were his?
10:56Fiona, you don't have to-
10:57Shut your mouth!
10:58Alexander, yes, they belong to Brady. He spent the night-
11:07No, he wasn't-
11:09I was actually happy for you.
11:12That you found someone.
11:13I suggested that you invite him to our wedding.
11:17And all the while my own mother was sleeping with my nephew.
11:24That's it.
11:26I've changed my mind.
11:28I am going to choose you.
11:29I am going to choose you.
11:41More than enough that you drank and nearly killed my wife.
11:43Get to bed.
11:44My mother told me-
11:45It wasn't like that, Xander.
11:47We didn't know about the family connection when we met.
11:50Oh, you knew exactly why you assumed him near Brady.
11:53Why is this?
11:54I saw you once, you shattered my heart.
11:55No, come on. I would never do that to a woman.
11:57Let alone your mother.
11:59Why should I believe one word that comes out of your drunken mouth?
12:02He's telling the truth, Xander.
12:04Brady and I were both in a bad way when we got together the first time.
12:09First time?
12:10How many times were there?
12:12What does it matter?
12:13We were two lost souls looking for a soft place to land.
12:16That's all it was.
12:19Wait a second.
12:22Were you both drunk when you hooked up?
12:28Zeta came with me to spread Everett's ashes.
12:32It was really nice having her there.
12:36Even if we were technically mourning two different people.
12:42Well, I hope that brought you some closure, at least.
12:47A little.
12:51Steph, I'm really sorry.
12:53I know how much you cared about him.
12:56When he first came back into my life, I was...
13:00I really thought that we were meant to be.
13:03That we finally had our second chance at happiness.
13:09If only I'd known what he was suffering from.
13:14I mean, everyone keeps telling me that there's nothing I could have done to help him.
13:18But still.
13:21It just hit.
13:23It just hit.
13:25It breaks my heart that he was so tortured.
13:30And that he ended up being so destructive to others.
13:36And to himself.
13:41Steph, I'm gonna tell you again.
13:44Just like everyone else has told you.
13:46There was absolutely nothing you could have done to help him.
13:49Especially because you...
13:51You said it yourself, you had no idea where you were suffering from.
13:57I don't mean to be glib, and maybe I shouldn't even be saying this at all, but...
14:02You are definitely going to find love again.
14:07You're beautiful.
14:09You're brilliant, and you're successful.
14:12You are the whole package.
14:14I mean, I would be crazy not to want to be with you.
14:24Thank you for saying that.
14:44I love you.
15:14So Steve was here?
15:15He stopped by earlier this morning.
15:20Well, um...
15:22I mean, I'm sure I told you.
15:23You two, uh...
15:24You two were very close.
15:25Before you...
15:27Before he died.
15:33Well, I'm surprised he didn't, um...
15:36Come here sooner.
15:37See you with his own two eyes.
15:39His own eye? You mean...
15:41Oh my god, was that...
15:42I'm sorry.
15:43No, no, no.
15:44No, no, no, that was...
15:46Oh, I got a high five.
15:47Yeah, you got a high five.
15:48That was weird.
15:49I'm sure Steve would have liked it.
15:51I've just never heard you make a joke like that before.
15:56It's like I'm doing a lot of things that I didn't used to do before, like...
15:59Not remembering which doctor is my actual aunt.
16:07I'm okay with this not being a straight line.
16:09I hope so.
16:11I really don't feel like everyone is.
16:14Well, I'm sorry that Steve upset you.
16:17I'm sure that's not what he wanted.
16:20Just treated me like I was a suspect.
16:22Well, yeah, he's a detective.
16:24You know, comes with the territory.
16:27But he loves you.
16:28A lot.
16:29And I'm sure it was just like, you know, what happened with your mother.
16:32Where it's just, they get...
16:36You know, it's because it...
16:37Feels too good to be true.
16:46Is that how you feel?
17:03I feel like this is the miracle.
17:05I feel like this is the miracle.
17:08That I prayed for every single night since you left me.
17:15That's how I feel.
17:25I'm not sure if I believe that she's Abigail or not.
17:33Here's the thing.
17:35When I walked into the DiMera mansion, she was talking to Stefano's portrait.
17:40Saying something about her brother.
17:45Well, that's what she said when I asked her about it.
17:48But why would she be talking to her dead father-in-law about a brother she doesn't even remember?
17:55What was her explanation?
17:57She didn't really have one.
17:59That's when I took the opportunity to tell her about a time when I believed I was someone else.
18:06And how did she respond to that?
18:08Well, she was kind of defensive.
18:10And she made a point of reminding me that she had passed that DNA test.
18:15Well, the DNA test did confirm that she was Abigail.
18:20And as I keep pointing out, how many times have DNA tests in this town been tampered with?
18:28And I told you that the only people who had their hands on that test were Dr. Green and me.
18:33Okay, I get that.
18:36But can we talk about the new face?
18:39I mean, what's up with that?
18:42Abigail was stabbed in the abdomen. Why in God's name would she need reconstructive surgery on her face?
18:49She was in an accident that she doesn't remember.
18:52I know. That's what she says.
18:56Listen, I know this is not what you or Chad or Jennifer or Jack want to hear.
19:01But I have a lot of questions.
19:04That's not unreasonable.
19:09Because I want you to run another DNA test.
19:14But this time we keep it just between us.
19:17I mean, let's just check in with Xander and Johnny's now.
19:22Why not?
19:24Oh, I think you've had enough worrying tonight, sweetheart.
19:29I think you need to focus on your recovery.
19:33Not on your health.
19:35I know.
19:37I know.
19:38I think you've had enough worrying tonight, sweetheart.
19:43I think you need to focus on your recovery.
19:46Not on that beautiful little girl upstairs.
19:50I really hate that Xander's having a hard time.
19:54I do too, yes.
19:56But he's a grown man.
19:58I mean, he's a husband, he's a father.
20:01I mean, he's gonna have to learn to manage his emotions on his own.
20:08You, you have enough to deal with.
20:15You're right.
20:18At least Xander patched things up with his mom.
20:21Just in case we have to talk him off a wedge.
20:23Be good to head Fiona.
20:25Yes, reinforcements.
20:29Were you drinking?
20:32Did you fall off the wagon and land on this jackass?
20:35I think so.
20:36No, I was drunk, okay?
20:38I was drinking when I met your mother.
20:41I was drowning my sorrows about Theresa and she was having a rough night too.
20:45It was just after you threw me out of your wedding.
20:48I was very hurt.
20:50Oh, so you're blaming me for this?
20:54No, not at all.
20:55I just want to explain why I can't let you hurt him.
20:59Oh, good God.
21:01Please don't tell me that you have feelings for Brady Black.
21:20You should stop.
21:31you're a moron.
21:35And I'm not completely over Theresa.
21:42Steph, I know I just said that
21:46any guy would be crazy not to want to be with you.
21:50But I've also come to realize that
21:53there is nothing
21:56more valuable than a friend.
22:00And I really wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.
22:05I hope you wouldn't either.
22:10You're right.
22:11You're right. You're right.
22:12What was I thinking?
22:17You're trying to make the hurt go away.
22:21Who could blame you?
22:31I was just thinking about how much you've
22:33changed since you first came to town.
22:38The old Alex would have
22:41jumped right into your shoes.
22:44And you wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.
22:48You wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.
22:50Alex would have
22:52jumped right into bed with me without giving it a second thought.
22:57Yeah, that's definitely true.
23:01But the new and
23:04hopefully improved Alex
23:08has come to learn that there is nothing more valuable
23:11than a good friend.
23:16He's definitely improved.
23:19You think so?
23:32I don't know about you, but I'm
23:38order takeout?
23:39Watch a movie?
23:43Sounds like a plan.
23:51I am not going to
23:53perform a medical test on Abigail
23:55so I can give my husband the results of it without her consent.
23:59Why not?
24:00Well, aside from my personal reasons,
24:02it's a huge violation of her HIPAA rights.
24:05Come on, Kayla.
24:06No, when that's your argument, come on.
24:09Sweetness, listen.
24:10No, no, no, no.
24:12Don't you sweetness me, Stephen Earl Johnson.
24:15Oh, now I'm getting the middle of it.
24:17Yeah, yeah, deservedly so.
24:18Look, I understand that you are suspicious.
24:21It's your job.
24:22It's your nature.
24:23And I certainly know better than to try to talk you out of anything.
24:27But you are just going to have to find some other way
24:30to get the answers that you are looking for.
24:45All I want is
24:47for you to feel comfortable.
24:51And to feel how loved you are
24:53by so many people.
24:57Including me.
25:03That means a lot to me.
25:12What's in your bag?
25:13What you brought?
25:20It's a wedding album.
25:23Yeah, I was going through Dougie and Drew's attic
25:25and they keep a bunch of mementos up there.
25:28You know, so I, uh,
25:32I was looking through and there's a bunch of our wedding stuff.
25:34So I thought maybe we could
25:36go through it together.
25:38It's no pressure, right?
25:40It's just, um,
25:41I thought maybe you could help bring back some memories.
25:43The good ones.
25:45No, yeah.
25:46I'd love to.
26:18Oh, wait.
26:19Thomas and Charlotte were there?
26:22Yeah, well this was, uh,
26:24was actually our third wedding.
26:27Oh, we were married three times.
26:31We, uh, we had our fair share of ups and downs.
26:35It was either, uh,
26:37bad luck, bad timing.
26:41But we always found our way back to each other.
26:44Kind of like now.
26:49Small wedding, huh?
26:52I guess you're tired of coming after the first two.
26:58We decided we wanted it to be an intimate wedding.
27:02Just, uh, just a family.
27:05So yeah, Julie did the ceremony.
27:07And then right after, we, uh, we took off to Paris.
27:13That sounds like an adventure.
27:15You know, our whole life has been an adventure.
27:28You know, I, um, I...
27:32Memorize their vows?
27:35Memorize them?
27:37Yeah, memorize them.
27:40You wanna hear them?
27:42Yes, I do.
27:45It's really good to say that.
27:53So I...
27:55need this.
28:02You are so beautiful.
28:07Every time I look at you,
28:10our children,
28:12our family,
28:15I see a future.
28:20A future that I almost lost.
28:26I doubted you.
28:31You never doubted me.
28:36Your love for me has always been unwavering.
28:51You know, someone...
28:54asked me...
28:56a long time ago,
28:57what it is I thought you wanted.
29:01A house.
29:04A job.
29:13I realized that all you really wanted was me.
29:19Just me.
29:27You've always fought for your health.
29:32And for us.
29:49I will cherish you.
29:55I will protect you.
29:58I'm yours.
30:04And I'll never doubt you again.
30:09Because it's true.
30:14A love like ours
30:17really does only come once in a lifetime.
30:31That's a profound, beautiful thing.
30:39No one's ever said anything like that to me.
30:46Not I, but whatever I need.
30:52It's true.
30:58And then we exchanged rings.
31:02And then Julie told me that I could kiss my bride.
31:28I love you, Julie.
31:39I'm sorry.
31:40I know.
31:47Right, so...
31:49Dad, Julie.
31:51Is everything okay?
31:55Is she okay?
32:00Yeah, I'm on my way.
32:03Is everything all right?
32:05Miss Charlotte, she had a nightmare.
32:08She was upset, and she, uh...
32:10She's asking for me.
32:11Oh, poor baby.
32:13She should probably go.
32:16Of course.
32:17Take care of our little girl.
32:37For bringing the photo album
32:40and sharing the vows.
32:42I, um...
32:45I was a lucky woman.
32:49I was a lucky one.
32:52I was a lucky one.
32:54I was a lucky one.
32:59Still am.
33:19How did Chad and Jack discover
33:22that Abigail was alive in the first place?
33:25Clyde told them.
33:26That's right.
33:27He blurted it out when Chad was about to kill him.
33:32And Poplar Bluff was his old stomping ground
33:35where Abigail was found,
33:37where Clyde Whiston allegedly took her.
33:41So if anyone knows if our so-called niece is on the up-and-up,
33:45it's him, right?
33:48I don't like where this conversation is heading.
33:51Nothing good ever comes from you being mixed up with Clyde Whiston.
33:55And why do you think he's going to tell you the truth anyway?
33:59Because if he doesn't,
34:02I'll threaten to finish what Chad started.
34:10I'm going to see how Cook is coming along with dinner.
34:12You want to join me?
34:13No, I'm okay.
34:14I'm going to go check on Victoria.
34:17You want some help?
34:20Mom, I'm fine.
34:22I'm getting used to the stairlift, so...
34:29Do you know if Fiona's joining us tonight?
34:32I don't.
34:33No, she left shortly after she brought me home from the hospital.
34:37But maybe I should call her.
34:41This isn't about my feelings for Brady.
34:43Yes, I was fond of him at first.
34:46When I found out what he had done to our Sarah,
34:48I ended things immediately.
34:50But did you know that he was a drunk?
34:52I knew he was drinking,
34:54but it's not like we were exchanging drunkologues.
34:59two alcoholics just happened to hook up
35:02and Booze wasn't involved?
35:04Like I said, only on my part.
35:06You're lucky
35:08that my mother showed up when she did,
35:10otherwise you'd be a cripple right now.
35:12Dad, I will say this to you one more time.
35:14I am...
35:15so sorry for what happened.
35:17Shut up, Brady!
35:18There is nothing that you can say or do
35:21that will ever make things right between us.
35:23And I'm not going to stop
35:25until I see you get what you deserve.
35:27Now pack up your crap
35:29and get the hell out of my building.
35:31You're fired.
36:01So, they're talking Teddy Bear
36:03smokes weed too.
36:06Have you never experienced the majesty of Ted?
36:10I guess not.
36:11I didn't think it was up my alley.
36:13How about now?
36:15And now?
36:16I'm really glad I subscribed to Peacock.
36:20It's some funny stuff.
36:24Well, thank God,
36:25because if you didn't approve of Ted
36:27I'd probably have to disown you as a...
36:32Truly, I mean, he has a personal hero to me.
36:34He's an icon.
36:35He's a guru.
36:37Okay, that explains so much.
36:49I needed this.
36:51You want a raunchy stoner, Teddy Bear?
36:54No, I meant...
36:55I know what you meant.
36:57Me too.
37:02Want to run another episode?
37:05Let's do it.
37:19What are you doing here all...
37:22Uh, well, Mom is checking on dinner
37:25and Victoria's upstairs asleep.
37:29Why do you have a bat?
37:33I saw Brady.
37:36You didn't hurt him, did you?
37:37I wanted to.
37:39And I came very...
37:41very close.
37:44But Lydia showed up and stopped me.
37:47What do you mean?
37:51She stopped me by telling me that, um...
37:56she's been sleeping with Brady.
38:07I suppose I, uh...
38:08I owe you...
38:10possibly saving my life.
38:13Thank you for covering for me on my drinking.
38:18Alexander's lost so much already, I, uh...
38:21I didn't really want to be responsible for him losing his...
38:26I appreciate that.
38:29More than you know.
38:31Fiona, you know your...
38:32your son has every right to want to hurt me.
38:36Because of what I did to his wife.
38:43Brady, I...
38:48I'd better be getting back.
38:54I'm afraid this is goodbye.
38:57We really shouldn't have anything to do with each other from now on.
39:03I understand.
39:06Bye, Fiona.
39:09Bye, Brady Black.
39:14You know, I really hate you talking about murder so casually.
39:20I said I was going to threaten to finish Weston off.
39:24I didn't say I was going to go through with it.
39:26But you didn't say you weren't either.
39:30Listen, the ball will be in his court.
39:34He can either decide to do the right thing...
39:36or not.
39:38You know, there's one little problem with your plan about getting Clyde Weston to tell the truth.
39:44What's that?
39:45Well, the last I heard, he's in a maximum security prison.
39:49With no access to visitors.
39:51Chad and Jack both tried to see him.
39:53With no luck.
39:55I heard.
39:56So why do you think that you'll be any different to get in to talk to him?
40:00I'm sorry, have we met?
40:05Hey, have a little faith, sweetness.
40:09Where there's a will, there's always a way.
40:33I can't. I shouldn't. I can't.
40:39I don't think I can do this anymore.
41:02I can't.
