Days of our Lives 9-25-24 (25th September 2024) 9-25-2024 DOOL 25 September 2024

  • 3 days ago
00:00Thanks for your concern Harold, but I assure you Gabriella will be fine.
00:12She is currently in the ICU, but is expected to make a full recovery.
00:16I'll let her know you've called to check on her.
00:19Okay, bye.
00:22What do you want?
00:23I heard about the explosion at the mansion, so I rushed right over and you've gone, you're
00:30Hey Holly, it's me.
00:36I'm guessing you know that because you're not picking up.
00:40Look, uh, it's the third time I've tried you.
00:44I know you're pissed about EJ deciding not to charge my dad the stairs hit and run, but
00:50let's just hope and maybe we can talk things out.
00:54Maybe this is you.
00:59Hey, Harold.
01:00How's it going?
01:01It's, uh, it's going.
01:02I've just finished a photoshoot for Bonnie and Saul.
01:03Kind of a favor for Kate and Abe.
01:04That's good of you.
01:05Yeah, thank you.
01:06It's good.
01:07It's as good as can be expected, man.
01:08I actually was just about to call you.
01:09I'm sorry.
01:10It's okay.
01:11It's okay.
01:12It's okay.
01:13It's okay.
01:14It's okay.
01:15It's okay.
01:16It's okay.
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04:13It's okay.
04:14It's okay.
04:15It's okay.
04:16It's okay.
04:17It's okay.
04:18It's okay.
04:19It's okay.
04:20I understand.
04:22I'm not over it either.
04:25I still deeply regret the choice to keep that a secret.
04:29But as I explained,
04:31I was...
04:33I was desperate to save my marriage.
04:35Not that that's an excuse, it's just...
04:37just a reason.
04:38No, I get it.
04:39Being desperate can make us all do
04:41awful, stupid things that we end up regretting.
04:46You're a very kind and empathetic person, Holly.
04:49Thanks. Well, you were really kind and empathetic to me when I told you, I found out how my dad really died.
04:56That it was Eric who drove drunk and killed him.
05:00Well, I'm glad I could be there for you.
05:02Well, it really meant a lot to me.
05:05And while we're on the subject of drunk drivers,
05:08so, what are you doing to make sure Tate's dad pays for what he did to my Aunt Sarah?
05:12Sarah, how can I tell you that I'm done going after Brady after the son of a bitch just confessed to
05:27running you down when he was driving drunk and leaving you by the side of the road.
05:30Now he's gonna walk away, scot-free. I mean, where's the justice in that?
05:34Harry, you know you were preaching to the choir, right?
05:37You don't have to tell me how unfair this is, even though you have said it a million times.
05:42No, no, no, I'm just... I'm just...
05:45Obsessed. That's what you are. You're just obsessed.
05:49You're obsessed with making Brady pay, with revenge, and
05:54even though I have repeatedly and emphatically
05:59told you that what's best for us is to move forward,
06:05we have a beautiful little girl who needs our full attention.
06:08Darling, I'm sorry that my being upset about this upsets you too, but
06:15you're the reason I can't let this go. It's all about getting justice for you.
06:19I don't want it. I don't want it. How have I not gotten through to you that you getting
06:28justice for me is only causing me anxiety? Instead of... Instead of obeying you,
06:37instead of letting me focus on what is important right now for me,
06:41that is figuring out how to get around without the use of my legs so that I can be there for
06:47our daughter. Can you understand that? Of course I can.
06:53Okay, well then if you really want to help me, if you really want to be there for me,
06:59then you will forgive and forget, and not for Brady's sake, for ours, for Victoria's.
07:13Sarah darling, I swear to you that I will do whatever it takes to help you figure out
07:20how to be there for Victoria. Thank you.
07:25But I will never forget what Brady's done to you, and I'm sorry, but
07:31I'm never, ever going to forgive him.
07:37Brady, you know you can't punish yourself for the rest of your life because of what
07:40happened to Sarah. Well, I crippled her.
07:48You know that her little girl's going to start walking soon, and Sarah's not going to be able
07:52to get up out of her chair and just hold her little girl so she can take the first few steps.
07:58You realize that? Brady, listen to me.
08:01All right, you made a mistake in what happened with Sarah.
08:05She's a strong and resourceful person. She's going to find a way to have a good life.
08:10You need to start doing the same. You're right. Why didn't I think of that?
08:15Why didn't I think of that? I should just start having a good life, you know?
08:19Why would I waste one more minute on guilt just because I happen to just run over an
08:25innocent woman and paralyze her for the rest of her life? That's a good point.
08:28And you can stop with the sarcasm, Ben, or I'll stop with the sarcasm if you stop this
08:33Pollyanna take on the whole thing. How the hell am I supposed to just go have a good life
08:41knowing that I just ruined someone else's? By the way, I may not have to pay for this,
08:49but Xander's not going to let go of this. What do you mean? Did he threaten you?
08:56Eric, he came to Basic Black with a baseball bat.
09:00He said, I'm going to do to you what he did to Sarah.
09:03What happened? Xander's mom
09:10happened. Fiona Cook showed up and basically stopped her son from crippling you.
09:18Well, this was lovely, Fiona. Thank you for suggesting it. You're welcome.
09:28You know, I can't remember the last time I've been out of the house.
09:32I'm not complaining, mind you. I love spending time with my daughter,
09:36my granddaughter, and Sarah needs you, of course. But Maggie, it's a heavy burden to carry.
09:43You have to allow others to help you. Oh, I do. I mean, your son has been
09:51doting over Sarah's, you know, catering to her every need pretty much around the clock.
09:58Yes, he has. And he's been quite upset with me lately. Xander has?
10:07Yeah. And for good reason, actually. Maggie, that's why I suggested you and I have dinner
10:15together. I wanted to explain before you hear it from anyone else why Xander is not best pleased
10:25with me, to say the least. Okay. And I'm sure it's something that you won't approve of either.
10:34In fact, you will likely be appalled. Fiona, just tell me, okay?
10:42Well, Brady and I, we met shortly after I came to Salem and I ran into him in the pub and
10:52we started talking. Hit it off, if you will. And then one thing led to another.
11:04Are you trying to tell me, Fiona?
11:11I slept with her, Maggie. I slept with the man that crippled your daughter.
11:18You haven't said a word to me since I handed you that bag of barbecue sliders.
11:36You wouldn't be polite to talk with my mouth full, would you? How did you even know these
11:40were my favorite? Hello? You only order them every time you come to see me at the bistro.
11:45I guess I didn't know you were paying attention. I always pay attention to you, Tate.
11:52Well, um, thank you for bringing me dinner. You really didn't have to.
11:57I don't want to get them for free. It's not a big deal. And I know how hurt you've been
12:00about Holly freezing you out, so I thought I should stop by to bring you a little comfort food
12:06and some TLC. That's okay. I still don't get why you let Tate's dad go. Holly, I already explained
12:26there wasn't enough evidence to formally charge Brady with a crime. Even though he confessed,
12:32even though he was obviously guilty. Now, if we had any eyewitnesses or Brady's damaged car...
12:39Well, we don't. I know. And I can't just let it go, EJ. I mean, it's
12:44it's just the idea of Brady getting away with this.
12:51Holly, I know that you care deeply about your Aunt Sarah.
12:56And I knew you would be upset about what Brady did to her, no matter what.
13:04But your level of anger, the intensity of it...
13:09Sweetheart, you need to ask yourself, is this about wanting justice for your Aunt Sarah?
13:18Or is it about wanting Eric to pay for what he did to Daniel?
13:27Brady, I get that Xander is angry as hell, but that does not give him the right to
13:32take the law into his own hands. You called the police and reported this, didn't you?
13:39No, I figured I heard it coming, Eric. Whatever pain Xander wanted to inflict on me in that
13:44moment, I felt I deserved it. First of all, no you didn't. You're a good man who's battling a disease.
13:50That's no excuse though, is it? You made a terrible mistake, but that does not give
13:56this son of a bitch the right to do what he did to you. Well, he obviously thought that he did.
14:02Okay, so Xander's mom, she stopped him before he attacked you? She did.
14:12You keep her son out of prison, I assume? That was part of it, but I also
14:19think she may have wanted to protect me, but it seemed to get her.
14:24Well, good for her, but why? I mean, she doesn't even know you.
14:29Not in the profound, personal sense, no, but in the biblical sense, she does.
14:38What are you saying? Yeah.
14:42Xander's mom and I, we slept together.
14:49So, let me get this straight.
14:54Of all the men in this town, the one you chose to take to your bed was Brady.
15:01God, Fiona, you told me you didn't even know who he was. I know, and I'm so sorry that I
15:08misled you about that. I'm sure you can understand that I found the whole situation somewhat
15:15awkward. More than somewhat, I would say, considering you share a son with my late husband
15:21and Brady is Victor's grandson. Brady and I had no idea about the familial connections when we
15:28made our own connection. I see. Well, then why don't you tell me, Fiona, exactly how did it happen?
15:38Was Brady drinking at the time? He was, but I had no idea he shouldn't have been.
15:47All I knew was that he was charming, good to talk to, and we were both lonely.
15:55I see. Well, are you and Brady still sleeping together? No, no, it's over,
16:02and I'm horrified, horrified by what he did to Sarah.
16:08Hitting her like that and leaving her there to die is unconscionable. It's unforgivable.
16:15Brady, you know I don't judge. Well, I do my best trying not to, but what are you thinking?
16:36I wasn't thinking. I was on a bender. By the way, I did not know that Fiona was Zander's mom when
16:42we first got together. Okay, so once you found out, are you into things? I don't know.
16:51Seriously? But it's over now, okay?
16:57Nothing kills romance faster than paralyzing your new lover's daughter-in-law.
17:05Anyway, let's change the subject. Did you talk to Holly?
17:08Yeah, I mean, that must have been rough. What, you haven't heard?
17:12Heard? I thought you were going to tell Holly the truth behind Daniel's death. Did you do that?
17:20Well, I wanted to, but somebody beat me to it.
17:26What? Who told her? Your son.
17:38Thanks for saving me, Mom. Yeah, no problem. I mean, since you brought me before.
17:49So delish. So, Holly's still not talking to you? No, she's not returning my calls. All my
17:58texts and DMs are going unread. That's just wrong. I mean, I know she's upset,
18:04but I don't get why she doesn't understand. I'm just trying to be there for your dad.
18:07The way Holly sees it, she doesn't even have a dad. That's all because of what my Uncle Eric did.
18:13Now, my dad nearly took her and Sarah's life, so to put it mildly, it's a lot.
18:19Yeah. I guess when you put it like that, I actually feel bad for her. And even though
18:25she's ghosting me too, I really do wish we were still close so I could be there for her. I mean,
18:31she never even met her father because he was killed by a drunk driver, and now she knows that
18:36the drunk driver was Eric Brady, the man who her mother is now living with in Paris. It's just
18:43so awful and sad and depressing. Yeah, Holly above. I'll tell you,
18:53my heart breaks for Holly. And for you too.
18:59Yeah, I guess there's some truth to what you're saying, but maybe I'm transferring some of my
19:11anger towards Eric onto Jane's team. That is understandable, Holly.
19:17Especially because all Eric got was a slap on the wrist for killing my father. And now it looks like
19:22Brady's going to walk for putting my aunt in a wheelchair, all because they thought it was
19:26okay to drink and drive. Well, it's not okay, obviously. It was horrible, unconscionable.
19:35And as I told you, as district attorney, I am committed to holding Brady accountable for that
19:40hit and run the second any concrete evidence of his culpability comes to light. Okay. And my offer
19:46still stands. You just say the word and I'll do whatever I can to help you find that evidence.
19:51Holly, we've been over this. It is a job for the police.
19:53Oh my God, AJ, we both know that if the Salem PD was going to find something, they would out by now.
19:59And I'm not just going to stand by and watch history repeat itself when someone hurts the
20:04people I love. I mean, Eric, he's literally living his best life with my mom right now.
20:11And all except for five minutes in prison, he never paid for what he did.
20:15But Brady has to pay one way or the other. I agree wholeheartedly.
20:20I know you do. And it really means a lot to me to know you feel the same way I do.
20:29We are kindred spirits in there.
20:34Yeah, I guess we are. I better get going.
20:40All right, Holly, will you take care of yourself? Okay.
20:43You too.
21:02So you met Brady the night of Sanders' wedding. Right. And yes, he was drinking.
21:11I had no idea he was in recovery. And I'm sure you remember how Xander tore into me
21:19for keeping that secret for all those years. Him being Victor's son.
21:26Maggie, I was in a bad place. I had no idea who Brady was.
21:32He was just a handsome stranger who's been kind to me.
21:40Why are you telling me all this now?
21:45Because when I initially found out about the bad blood between Xander and Brady,
21:51I thought it best that I keep quiet. I'd only just managed to get back into my
21:56son's good graces after years of estrangement. And I didn't want to take the chance that an
22:02affair with his nephew would ruin things. Does Xander know about you and Brady?
22:11No. How? I can imagine his reaction when he found out.
22:19He was completely thrown. He was terribly upset. But some good did come of it.
22:26And what is that? When I told him the truth, for various reasons, mostly, I suppose,
22:33because he was so shocked. It stopped him from hurting Brady, from attacking him with a baseball
22:38bat. I'm serious, Xander. I need you to promise me that you're going to drop this vendetta against
22:47Brady. A little bit of time business I have to attend to. At this hour?
23:00It might be night time here, but the Asian markets have just opened.
23:07Well, Sarah, why are you looking at me like that? Do you know why? The last time that you left here
23:13on Titan business, you knocked Brady with a baseball bat. Darlene, look, as I said, I'm
23:21not going to promise you that I'll drop my vendetta against Brady.
23:24I can absolutely promise you that I'm not leaving you right now to go confront him again. Come on.
23:30Trust my heart. You do believe me, don't you? I'm trying.
23:42Why don't you
23:47work on your upper body strength while I'm gone? I will. I will attempt.
23:52I wish you that.
24:01Thank you. Thank you.
24:05I can still take care of you, you know? I don't think I can for a minute. I'll be gone, Mom.
24:22Well, Fiona, in spite of the shock about what you told me about you and Brady,
24:36of course I believe that you stopped Xander from hurting him. Believe me, so was I.
24:44Serenade Xander by her side right now, not in prison for assault, and also as deeply disappointed
24:53as I am in Brady and angry at his terrible choices that he made, I don't want him to be hurt.
25:03Despite what he did to your daughter?
25:05The truth is, I can't bear to look at him right now, but he's family,
25:12and he's had a lot to deal with in his life, including alcoholism.
25:21But he's a kind and a decent man.
25:24And he's sober.
25:35So Tate told Holly that you were the driver that caused Daniel's death.
25:41Why would he do that? He thought she already knew.
25:47Right, okay. I get why he would. How's Holly dealing with it?
25:54She's angry as hell at me and Nicole, rightfully so.
25:59We've been lying to her her entire life. She feels betrayed.
26:03You and Nicole, you had your reasons, Eric. Yeah, we did.
26:08Just, you know, just looking back now, maybe those reasons weren't good enough.
26:16Give Holly some time to process it. You've loved that little girl her whole life.
26:23And she knows that there's nothing you wouldn't do for her.
26:29Let her remember that. She'll, she will come around eventually.
26:35You pray, right?
26:40Well, it's time for me to go to an AA meeting.
26:47One day at a time, right? Right.
26:53I don't care what time it is. You call Acting Commissioner Hunter and remind her that this
27:08investigation into Sarah Kuriakos' hit-and-run is an ongoing one. Stress to her that they need to
27:15find some concrete evidence linking Brady Black to this crime, or we'll make sure the case to
27:20Mayor Pricer there needs to be significant changes in personnel running our police department.
27:30Perhaps I should take Holly up on her offer and get her on the case.
27:35She can't be any worse than the same PD.
27:41I just wish Holly would understand that even though you have your dad's back,
27:45you're on her side too. I mean, you're the guy she loves, right?
27:52I'm not really sure anymore. I, uh,
27:58I just want her to know that I'm here for her to talk or whatever.
28:05You know, if I was lucky enough to have an amazing boyfriend like you,
28:09then I was going through something like this, I wouldn't take you for granted.
28:13And I sure wouldn't push you away. I mean, you're such a great person, Tate Black.
28:17You're not only great looking, you're also smart and fun and sensitive. Just, like, it's total catch.
28:25Yeah, right? You are, I swear. And it's not just my opinion. It's a fact. You are amazing.
28:35I'm sorry.
28:44I'm glad we talked, Fiona. We both have stepped up to be there for our children.
29:09I've come to consider you a friend, and I wouldn't want us to keep any secrets.
29:18No, would I? Well, I better get going because I want to stop and get my daughter her favorite
29:26desserts before she turns in tonight. And if you don't mind, I'll stay behind and have my
29:34favorite dessert right here. Of course. So I'll see you at home. You will? Yep. Thank you, Maggie,
29:43for not thinking too well of me. At least I hope you don't. I don't. I don't. I've said many times
29:50you've been there to help and support Sarah, Xander, and me. We're very grateful for you.
29:59And I'm very grateful for your understanding. Oh, come on.
30:17Well, if it isn't the world-famous shutterbug, Eric Brady.
30:23The mummy of Daddy's free worker.
30:25What do you want, AJ?
30:27Oh, is Roman aware of how rudely you're greeting his customers?
30:30Did you come in here to eat?
30:32No. God, no.
30:34If I lived to a hundred, I'll never understand the appeal of a place that serves a great portion of their items.
30:40Those little packets of tartar sauce.
30:46Why so glum, Eric?
30:48Oh, you know what? Never mind.
30:51I know the answer to that.
30:54Not only has your alcoholic brother crippled the wonderful and very well-respected Dr. Sarah Walden,
31:02you're now having to relive the misery and shame of your own crime.
31:07Which was much worse, considering you actually killed someone.
31:15Not to mention, Holly Jones now absolutely despises you.
31:20And for good reason, don't you think?
31:22Since that someone was our father.
31:27Sophia, I bet your ears were burning. Tate and I were just talking about you.
31:33Who are you?
31:34We were. I was just telling your boyfriend that I really hope things work out between you two.
31:41I bet you do.
31:43I do. Oh my God, I hate that you two are fighting.
31:46Okay, well, I should get back to work. I just ran over here to bring Tate some sliders on my brain.
31:51It's too bad you don't have anyone to blackmail into working for you.
31:55Otherwise, I'd say, good to at least stay in Hank.
31:57Mmm, you're hilarious. Okay, see you later, girl.
32:01Yeah. See you later, girl.
32:03Bye, Tate.
32:06It's not what you think.
32:14Whatever. I don't want to waste my time talking about Sophia.
32:18I came over here because I wanted to apologize to you, Tate, for not answering your calls or texts.
32:25I just, I've been dealing with a lot, with this whole situation, with our families.
32:32I totally get it. I know it's been really rough for you.
32:36Yeah, that's fair.
32:38But I don't want to talk about that either.
32:40I just, can we hang out and spend some time together, like we used to before all this craziness happened?
32:50I'd love that.
32:53I've missed you, Holland.
32:55I've missed you. So much.
33:02Hey, you okay?
33:10Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine. Can I just use your restroom? Just need to freshen up.
33:16Yeah, of course.
33:18I'll only be a few minutes.
33:32Ready, is it?
33:33I'll have a seat.
33:42Hi there.
33:43Oh, hello, dear.
33:44I was just about to beckon over to you.
33:46Oh, I'm so sorry.
33:47It's okay.
33:48It's okay.
33:49It's okay.
33:50It's okay.
33:51It's okay.
33:52It's okay.
33:53It's okay.
33:54It's okay.
33:55It's okay.
33:56It's okay.
33:57It's okay.
33:58It's okay.
33:59It's okay.
34:00It's okay.
34:01Oh, well, her shift just ended, so I'll be closing you out.
34:05Would you like anything else?
34:09Actually, I would.
34:15Claire, we'll be finished.
34:17Do you have what I need?
34:18Sure thing, Xander.
34:20I'm supposed to carry out your scene.
34:25I heard your shift had come in.
34:27I went to put in.
34:28So why are you running things now?
34:32Gun ride.
34:34Well, pardon the disrespect.
34:37There you go.
34:44It's totally untraceable.
34:46As per your request.
34:50And you're clear on your call on this?
34:52Crystal, I know exactly what you need me to do.
34:56And no words, okay?
34:59God won't know what hit him.
35:15Holly doesn't despise me.
35:18And I know she has every reason to be hurt.
35:22But I know she'll come around.
35:26Well, I admire your optimism, Eric, as misplaced as it is.
35:33You see, I'm certain now that Holly knows how much of a chronic liar her mother is,
35:40and that you are the drunken driver who deprived her of her father,
35:47that poor girl is not going to trust either of you ever again.
35:54Good thing she has me to lean on, huh?
36:28What the hell are you doing?
36:38Excuse me?
36:40You're Brady Blush, right?
36:42I am.
36:44Who's asking?
36:47Cheesecake and a very dry martini straight up with a twist.
36:53Your perfect pairing.
36:55Anything else for you?
36:57No, I'm all set, thank you.
36:59Okey-dokey, well, just give me a holler if you change your mind.
37:17Sarah, darling, I brought you some tiramisu from...
37:33This is very odd.
37:36I don't know what to do.
37:39I don't know what to do.
37:42I don't know what to do.
37:46I wonder where she could have gone to this night.
38:07How did you get here?
38:09The second that you left, I had Henderson bring the van around.
38:12And then I used location tracking to have the driver follow you here.
38:17I see you.
38:19So much for title business.
38:22What are you really doing here?
