• last year
कर्नाटक: कन्नड़ फिल्म उद्योग में यौन और अन्य दुर्व्यवहारों से निपटने के लिए सिनेमा कलाकारों के साथ कर्नाटक फिल्म चैंबर ऑफ कॉमर्स में एक बैठक आयोजित की गई। बैठक की अध्यक्षता राज्य महिला आयोग की अध्यक्ष नागलक्ष्मी चौधरी ने की। इस बैठक के बाद कन्नड़ फिल्म निर्माता कविता लंकेश ने मीडिया से बातचीत में कहा कि जैसा कि हम सब जानते हैं कि यह एक पुरुष प्रधान इंडस्ट्री है इसलिए हम महिलाओं को बोलने का मौका नहीं दिया जाता है। बीते सालों में ना जाने कितने ऐसे केस हुए होंगे जब महिलाओं ने कुछ नहीं बोला होगा। मुझे फिलहाल इतना पता है कि जहां-जहां महिलाएं हैं वहां-वहां उनके साथ गलत होता है।
#kannadafilmindustry #womenimpowerment #womenprotection #safeworkplace #sexualabuseprevention


00:00No, because of course it's a male-dominated industry and again they didn't even give us
00:04a chance to speak, but they have heard Madam Nagalakshmi, the Commissioner, has heard our
00:09problems, has spoken to her before also about the problems which are existing.
00:13The men in the industry here are saying there's been no problem at all so far, from 90 years
00:17which I don't believe.
00:18As you know, being journalists or anywhere or any industry or any workforce, there's
00:23always a problem with women and they are exploited and they face many challenges.
00:28So of course this industry also has it, but somehow here they seem to have blind-spotted
00:33the whole thing and said there's no problem at all.
00:36Okay, so let's take it into consideration, maybe there's not been a problem, but we ourselves
00:41have faced, when a situation had come earlier, when two, three, me-two people had come, the
00:47whole thing was compromised here and all they said was shake hands.
00:50So when a woman is molested or harassed in any way and all you have to do is shake hands
00:55with the victim, I think that's the most atrocious thing that can happen.
00:58So that's the kind of compromise they do here.
01:01And we wanted a separate committee, not from fire.
01:04See, please let that be clear, people here are like jumping over fire and saying we are
01:08like the enemies.
01:09We are not.
01:10We are also looking at something which is the welfare of the women in the industry.
01:14So we wanted a committee not with us, but we wanted somebody from, like a retired judge,
01:19maybe a woman activist, and some people from the chamber also, and some people from the
01:24industry, you know, who are respected in the industry, senior women, and some men, so that
01:29there'll be an impartial judgment hearing when any woman comes.
01:33See, again they're just talking about newbies from the village.
01:36What happens to the women who are, I mean, women who are here, who are in the city, and
01:41who are exploited day in and day out.
01:43I mean, being a technician, everybody's been harassed at some point or the other.
01:47Which is, everybody knows it happens.
01:49We can't be putting a blind, blind this thing and saying nothing's happening here.
01:54There's a problem with having a committee about abortion, I understand.
01:57But that's why when she makes one good thing that happened was, Madam Nagrashmi has said
02:01she's going to make a survey, you know, a confidential survey with, across women in
02:07all the industry, from junior artists to everybody.
02:11So even if they get some 50,000, 40,000 people, I'm sure they're all not going to be like
02:15the men answering here saying it's all fine.
02:17Somebody would be harassed, somebody would be exploited, somebody would be, you know,
02:22sexually or verbally assaulted.
02:23So if that comes on, at least they'll know the sensitization course will happen, and
02:27maybe a committee is against, they want to follow anyway.
02:30What we want to do is also the same thing.
02:32They are saying they're going to do it, let's see how.
02:34I mean, at least our pressure is on.
