• 3 months ago
Xiao Wu Xia, the young lord of Yueluo City, endured the humiliation and lurked in Liang Kingdom for many years. He changed his name to Wei Zhao and suffered the infamy of being a sycophant. In order to find out the truth about his family back then, Wei Zhao tried to kidnap the only survivor in the case. However, his carefully laid plan was ruined by the sudden appearance of the young girl Jiang Ci. Pei Yan took the opportunity to raise the seriously injured Jiang Ci into the mansion in order to find the “saboteur” behind the scenes.

Wei Zhao’s tragic life experience and his righteousness touched the innocent Jiang Ci. The two saw each other’s shining points and gradually developed mutual feelings for each other as they got along.

In the end, Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci, and Pei Yan put aside their personal grudges and jointly fought against Emperor Liang, realizing their wish to protect Yueluo and establish a better dynasty.
00:30花一落,堆积凡尘的凉薄, Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo, As the flowers fall, they pile up the coolness of the mortal world.
00:49随着风,仿若不留痕而过, Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo, As the wind blows, it's as if it doesn't leave a trace.
00:56借诗借一滴笔墨, Chong xie xia ni wo, Gan gu yu gong, He tian di tong you.
01:10血染土,宿命纠缠无解的因果, Xue ran tu, suu min jiu chan wu jie de yin guo, The blood stained soil, the cause of the endless entanglement of fate.
01:17乱世中,未相逢的缘由, Luan shi zhong, wei xiang feng de yuanyou, In the troubled times, the reason for our reunion,
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷, Chong shi le li he, Gan ge liao luo, In the midst of it, we've overcome the difficulties, we've reunited,
01:31干戈了落,明月照晨光, Gan ge liao luo, Ming yue zhao cheng guang, The dry branches have fallen, the bright moon shines on the morning light.
01:38我愿是一枪杆弹, Tie ma zhan, 高响云端, Wo yuan shi yi xiang gan dan, Tie ma zhan, gao xiang yun duan, I'd rather be a gun, I'd rather be a horse, I'd rather be a sword,
01:45只为那一曲无憾,生死俱不破不换, Zhi wei na yi qu wu han, Sheng si ju bu po bu huan, I'd rather die for that song, I'd rather die for that song,
01:52人眼随心意兜转,山河尽处人不散, Ren yan sui xin yi dou zhuan, Shan he qing chu ran bu san, The world is changing, the mountains and rivers are still here,
01:59愿狼烟再与你相伴, Yuan lang yan zai yu ni xiang ban, I'd rather be with you in the wild.
02:30莫非侯爷怀疑这是个局? Mo fei hou ye huai yi zhe shi ge ju?
02:37卢公不比旁人,稍有不敬,陛下怪罪下来,将是大祸. Lu gong bu bi pang ren, shao you bu jing, bi xia guai zui xia lai, jiang shi da hu.
02:45可若坐视不理,魏氏案的期限只剩一日。 Ke ru zuo shi bu li, wei shi an de qi xian zhi sheng yi ri.
02:48侯爷,我们不可放过任何一处蹊跷。 Hou ye, wo men bu ke feng guo ren ke yi chu qi jiao.
02:55我现在进宫,奏请陛下,安成,派人守在这里,你陪崔先生回府通知夫人,不论发生任何事情,都不可轻举妄动。 Wo xian zai jing gong, zou qing bi xia, an cheng, pai ren shou zai zhi li, ni pei cui xian zhang hui fu tong zhi fu ren, bu len fa sheng ren he shi qing, dou bu ke qing ju wang dong.
03:04侯爷,我随你一起去。 Hou ye, wo sui ni yi qi que.
03:05不行,你务必替我守好侯府和母亲。 Bu xing, ni wu bi ti wo shou hao hou fu he mou qian.
03:09陛下,今日便是最后一日,卫国那边一直等着咱们的答复。 Bi xia, jin ri bian she zui hou yi ri, wei guo nei bian yi zhi deng zhe zai me de da fu.
03:24梁州如何? Liang zhou ru he?
03:26卢公一直守着,卫人暂不敢轻举妄动。 Lu gong yi zhi shou zhe, wei ren zan bu gan qing ju wang dong.
03:30幸亏还有卢将军替朕分忧解难啊。 Xing kui hai you lu jiang jun ti zhen fen you jie nan na.
03:34陛下洪福齐天,此次风波定将尽早平复。 Bi xia hong fu qi tian, ci ci feng bo ding jiang jin zao ping fu.
03:40陛下洪福齐天。 Bi xia hong fu qi tian.
03:45请陶宗晚禀报陛下,我有要事求见。 Qing tao zong wan bing bao bi xia, wo you yao shi qiu jian.
03:49裴侯来得正好,今日已是十日之期,陛下和诸位大臣正在大殿内等着裴侯呢。 Pei hou lai de zheng hao, jin ri yi shi shi ri zhi qi, bi xia he zhu wei da chen zheng zai da dian nei deng zhe pei hou ne.
03:57陶宗啊,腾瑞很有可能被藏匿在卢宫附近。 Tao zong wa, teng rui hen you ke neng bei cang ni zai lu gong fu ding.
04:13近年来卢将军战功赫赫,外面在传些什么你也知道,这一直是陛下的心病啊。 Jin nian lai lu jiang jun zhan gong he he, wai mei zai chuan xie shen me ni ye zhi dao, zhe yi zhi shi bi xia de xin bing a.
04:21如今若是让卢将军抓住什么把柄大做文章,可是徒增陛下烦恼啊。 Ru jin ruo shi rang lu jiang jun zhua zhu shen me ba bing da zuo wen zhang, ke shi tu zeng bi xia fan nao a.
04:30请陶总管指点一二。 Qin Tao zong guan zhi dian yi er.
04:33这…… zhe……
04:36裴侯在此稍候,我先进去禀明陛下。 Pei hou zai ci shao hou, wo xian jin qi bing ming bi xia.
04:50让开,抓我者死。 Zhang kai, zhang wo zhe zi.
04:52住手。 Zhou shou.
04:59雷将军,带兵器闯入皇宫可是大罪,魏某劝你冷静一点,别把事情闹大了。 Lei jiang jun, dai bing qi chuang ru huang gong ke shi da zui, wei mo quan ni leng jing yi din, bie ba shi qing nao da le.
05:07卫昭,你最好给我让开,我要面见你们皇帝,为我为国使节腾瑞大人申冤。 Wei zhao, ni zui hao ge wo rang kai, wo yao mian jian ni me huang di, wei wo wei guo shi jie teng rui da ren shen yuan.
05:18腾大人的案子,艰鼎侯正在查,必定会给诸位一个结果。 Teng da ren de an zi, jian din hao zheng zai cha, bi ding hui ge zhu wei yi ge jie guo.
05:23你还敢跟我提裴炎,腾大人就是被他害死。 Ni hai gan gen wo di pei yan, teng da ren ju shi bei ta hai si.
05:28雷将军,你可不要信口雌黄啊。 Lei jiang jun, ni ke bu yao xin kou cihuang ah.
05:32若我雷震撒谎,必遭天打雷劈。 Ruo wo lei zhen sa huang, bi zou tian da lei pi.
05:37你若放我进去,我当着你们皇帝陛下的面与裴炎对质。 Ni ruo fang wo jin que, wo dang zhe ni me huang di bi xia de mian, yu fei yan dui zhi.
05:43不如这样,请雷将军卸下兵器,我带将军进宫。 Bu ru zhe yang, qing lei jiang jun xie xia bing qi, wo dai jiang jun jin gong.
05:50陛下,裴侯在殿外候着,他说腾瑞可能藏在庐宅之内。 Bi xia, pei hou zai dian wai hou zhe, ta shuo teng rui ke neng cang zai lu zhai zhi nei.
05:59让他到书阁先候着。 Rang ta dou shu ge xian hou zhe.
06:03是。 Shi.
06:13裴炎,给我个说法。 Pei yan, gei wo ge shuo fa.
06:15雷将军。 Lei jiang jun.
06:17外面何人喧哗? Wai nin he ren xuan hua?
06:21雷将军所为何事啊? Lei jiang jun suo wei he shi a?
06:24还望陛下恕雷某冒昧,今日前来是想请陛下主持公道,为我国使臣腾瑞,腾大人申冤。 Hai wang bi xia shu lei mou mao mei, jin ri qian lai shi xiang qing bi xia zhu chi gong dao, wei wo guo shi chen teng rui, teng da ren shen yuan.
06:35雷将军何出此言呢? Lei jiang jun he shu ci yan ne?
06:39我雷震,今日在大梁皇帝陛下驾前,控告大梁建鼎侯裴炎谋害我魏国使臣腾瑞。 Wo lei zhen, jin ri zai da liang huang di bi xia jia qian, kong gao da liang jian ding hou pei yan, mou hai wo wei wo shi chen teng rui.
06:50将士秘制胡椒,完美。 Jiang shi mi zhi hu jiao, wan mei.
07:20快点!快! Hurry up! Hurry up!
07:28这可得出什么事啊? What's going on here?
07:30怎么来这么多官兵啊? Why are there so many soldiers?
07:33怎么突然草木皆兵的? How did the grass suddenly freeze?
07:35不知道。 I don't know.
07:36所有人都回自己房中,没有命令,不许出门。 Everyone, go back to your rooms. No orders, no going out.
07:40是! Yes!
07:50我雷阵,今日在大梁皇帝陛下驾前,控告大梁剑鼎侯裴炎,谋害我魏国使臣腾瑞。 I, Lei Zhen, today, in front of the Emperor of Great Liang, announce the accusation of the Marquis of Great Liang, Pei Yan, for murdering my envoy of Wei, Teng Rui.
08:10雷大将军,这胡乱之言可说不得。 General Lei, this is nonsense.
08:14我有铁证,证明腾大人乃裴炎所害。 I have evidence to prove that Lord Teng was murdered by Pei Yan.
08:20雷将军,你有何证据? General Lei, what evidence do you have?
08:27这枚玉葫芦乃当初腾大人赠予裴炎婢女姜氏之物。 This jade gourd was a gift from Lord Teng to Pei Yan's maid, Jiang Shi.
08:33按我大魏的风俗,今日要为新王人敬墓擦拭身体,祝王魂早登极乐。 According to the customs of Great Wei, today, we are going to worship the dead and clean our bodies, and wish the dead a happy life.
08:47一会儿你们按照风俗给大人敬墓。 Later, you are going to worship the dead according to the customs.
08:51是! Yes!
08:55何人? Who is it?
08:56追! After him!
08:57是! Yes!
08:58却在灵堂之上发现一名黑衣蒙面人正在搜查遗体。 I found a masked man in black on the altar.
09:04我欲将他拿下,却被他用粉雾逃之夭夭。 I was going to take him down, but he escaped with the powder.
09:10我便在腾大人的遗体口中发现了这枚玉葫芦。 I found this jade gourd in Lord Teng's body.
09:16想来,那名黑衣人百般搜寻不可。 I guess that man was looking for the jade gourd everywhere.
09:22想来,那名黑衣人百般搜寻不得之物便是这枚玉葫芦。 I guess that man was looking for the jade gourd everywhere.
09:29那名黑衣人逃脱之后,留下了一枚暗器。 After that man escaped, he left a hidden weapon.
09:38此乃长风卫的流星镖,想必诸位无人不识吧。 This is the Meteor Mark of Changfeng Guards. I'm sure you all know it.
09:48这未免也太匪夷所思了吧。 This is too much to ask.
09:51庄王觉得匪夷所思,我却觉得悲剧惨烈。 Lord Zhuang is suspicious, but I think it's tragic.
09:56滕大人遇害当晚,于火海中求生无门,为了留下证据,他将这枚玉葫芦含在了口中,就是为了有朝一日,真相能大白于天下。 Lord Teng was killed that night, and he tried to survive in the fire. In order to leave evidence, he kept the jade gourd in his mouth, so that one day the truth could be revealed to the world.
10:10可是,仵作并没有在滕公口中发现有异物。 But the coroner didn't find any strange object in Lord Teng's mouth.
10:14太子殿下,裴衍乃大梁的建鼎侯。你们自然会想方设法地维护他。 Your Highness, Pei Yan is the Marquis of Daliang. Of course you will try to protect him.
10:24话可不是这么说的。失火当晚,裴府正在给荣国夫人办寿宴。我们跟裴衍在一起,他如何能杀人? That's not what I said. On the day of the fire, the Pei family was holding a birthday party for Mrs. Rong. How could we kill him when we were with Pei Yan?
10:34可雷某却听闻,当天晚上裴衍和那名婢女姜氏中途离开寿宴,连太子殿下都被晾在了一旁。 But I heard that Pei Yan and that maid Jiang left the birthday party in the middle of the night, and even the Crown Prince was left alone.
10:45雷某想请问裴侯,那半个时辰,您去了哪里? I would like to ask you, Marquis Pei, where did you go during that hour?
11:04少君,你到底去了哪儿?不妨说出来。 Young Master, where did you go? Why don't you tell us?
11:14这都什么时候了?裴衍,赶快自证清白。 What time is it now? Pei Yan, you have to prove your innocence.
11:21他当然不能说。 Of course he can't.
11:23属下不解。 I don't understand.
11:25说出来,便是陛下优惠臣妇,失了天子威仪,皇家体面。 If it's said, it's because His Majesty favors his subjects, loses the dignity of the emperor, and the dignity of the royal family.
11:31裴衍若是为了自证清白,将一国之君摆上台面,那他此生恐怕永远都无法踏入朝堂半步了。 If Pei Yan puts on a show to prove his innocence, I'm afraid he'll never be able to step into the court again.
11:40原来如此。可万一裴衍说出腾瑞没死呢? So that's the case. But what if Pei Yan says that Tengri is alive?
11:45他也不会说。 He won't say.
11:47为何? Why?
11:48陛下和鲈鱼互相制衡了这么多年。如果裴衍说出了腾瑞未死,那他必定也要说出腾瑞现在的下落。 His Majesty and Lu Yu have been at odds with each other for so many years. If Pei Yan says that Tengri is alive, then he must say where Tengri is now.
11:57所以大人命我们假装将腾瑞送进鲈鱼府邸,就是料定裴衍不能说,也不敢说。 So you want us to pretend to send Tengri to Lu Yu's residence, so that Pei Yan won't be able to say or dare to say it.
12:05裴衍未必看不穿这是一个局,但他顾虑的事情太多了。 Pei Yan may not see it as a game, but he worries too much.
12:10他能仰仗的是陛下的信任,这是他的内忧。雷阵和魏国施压,这是他的外患。 What he can rely on is His Majesty's trust, which is his inner worry. The pressure from Lei Zhen and Wei State is his external danger.
12:18可这玉葫芦出现的如此突然,难道雷阵看不出来吗? But the jade gourd appeared so suddenly, can't Lei Zhen see it?
12:24你以为雷阵真的在意真相吗?他守卫腾瑞不利,回国必遭惩处。 Do you think Lei Zhen really cares about the truth? He defended Tengri, so he must be punished when he returns to the country.
12:32所以才卯足了救,替魏国铲除裴炎这个对手,将功补过。 So he saved Wei State from Pei Yan, and made up for it.
12:39我就是要让裴炎吃个哑巴亏,让他看破也说不破。 I just want Pei Yan to suffer.
12:45裴炎,你有何话说呀? Pei Yan, what do you have to say?
12:51陛下,臣是清白,但臣无话可说。 Your Majesty, I am innocent, but I have nothing to say.
12:57魏昭。 臣在。 Wei Zhao. Yes, Your Majesty.
12:59派人去裴府,捉拿婢女姜氏。 Yes, Your Majesty.
13:04裴炎! 裴炎与姜氏婢女牵涉命案,打入天牢,听候处置。 没朕的旨意,裴府上下不得出入。 Pei Yan! Pei Yan and the maidservant of the Jiang clan are involved in a murder case. You are to be put in prison.
13:13没朕的旨意,裴府上下不得出入。 Without my permission, no one from the Pei family is allowed to enter.
13:18卫昊啊,裴府上下,一只老鼠都不能给我放出来。 Wei Hao, no one from the Pei family is allowed to let a mouse out.
13:21小手长锋卫还敢抗旨? 小手长锋卫还敢抗旨? 小手长锋卫还敢抗旨?
13:30班统领,不要冲动。 班统领,不要冲动。
13:35卫指挥使。 卫指挥使,侯爷现在怎么样了? 卫指挥使,侯爷现在怎么样了?
13:41少军已在风口浪尖,不要声言一别了。 少军已在风口浪尖,不要声言一别了。
13:52岳将军,陛下的口谕只是为府,这儿毕竟还是建典侯府。 岳将军,陛下的口谕只是为府,这儿毕竟还是建典侯府。
14:15见过荣国夫人,臣奉陛下之命带婢女姜氏进宫协助调查。 见过荣国夫人,臣奉陛下之命带婢女姜氏进宫协助调查。
14:21阿渡,是。 阿渡,是。
14:25查案便查案,为府是什么意思啊? 查案便查案,为府是什么意思啊?
14:29惊扰夫人了,但在案件水落石出之前,侯府上下必须要配合调查。 惊扰夫人了,但在案件水落石出之前,侯府上下必须要配合调查。
14:39夫人,婢女姜氏带到。 夫人,婢女姜氏带到。
14:46贱婢,你可知错! 贱婢,你可知错!
14:51带走。 带走。
15:38陛下,是臣行事不周,让贼人钻了空子。 陛下,是臣行事不周,让贼人钻了空子。
15:43你是贱鼎侯,奉命调查此案。 你是贱鼎侯,奉命调查此案。
15:47可真相没查着,倒让卫人给抠了个屎盆子。 可真相没查着,倒让卫人给抠了个屎盆子。
15:53一切都是臣的错,求陛下责罚。 一切都是臣的错,求陛下责罚。
15:56你识大体,懂得忠君守礼,还没把卢公卷入本案。 你识大体,懂得忠君守礼,还没把卢公卷入本案。
16:02朕要责罚你,那岂不成了以德报怨的昏君了。 朕要责罚你,那岂不成了以德报怨的昏君了。
16:07臣不敢。 臣不敢。
16:16黑眼啊,你说腾瑞没死,朕信了你。 黑眼啊,你说腾瑞没死,朕信了你。
16:23可是你查了一圈,竟然查到了卢公的头上。 可是你查了一圈,竟然查到了卢公的头上。
16:28陛下,请再给臣一次机会。 陛下,请再给臣一次机会。
16:31好了,别说了,朕心里已经有决断了。 好了,别说了,朕心里已经有决断了。
16:39朕可以再保你一次,至于那个婢女嘛,留不得。 朕可以再保你一次,至于那个婢女嘛,留不得。
16:48陛下,她是无辜的。 陛下,她是无辜的。
16:51糊涂,之前你胡闹,朕只当你是年轻,可以一笑置之。 糊涂,之前你胡闹,朕只当你是年轻,可以一笑置之。
16:58可此事事关重大,难道还要朕教你不成? 可此事事关重大,难道还要朕教你不成?
17:03陛下,此事确与她无关,臣愿意一力承担。 陛下,此事确与她无关,臣愿意一力承担。
17:09黑眼,你难道要为了一个婢女放弃眼前的一切吗? 黑眼,你难道要为了一个婢女放弃眼前的一切吗?
18:07But I think what you let it
18:21Hey, yeah, how's the way to
18:32Hurry up!
18:34Yes, yes.
18:35I'm really surprised by you.
18:38You're the one who's looking for everything.
18:44You just got out of the Lü family.
18:51It's not a big deal.
18:55I don't know what you're going to do next.
19:00I was moved when Pei Yan pleaded for you just now.
19:09I didn't expect Pei Yan to love you so much.
19:14Are you happy to die for him?
19:24Let's see who dies first.
19:30Fine. Let's see.
20:00I only treated you as a young man before.
20:05But this is a serious matter.
20:08Do you want me to teach you?
20:16Your Highness.
20:17Young Master, why are you so confused this time?
20:20Sorry to worry you.
20:23Can you help me send a letter to my mother?
20:27I acted recklessly. I'm afraid she'll be worried.
20:32It's not difficult.
20:33Just be careful. I'll help you.
20:36You don't have to worry too much.
20:37When it's all over,
20:39I'll find a way to get you out.
20:43Thank you, Your Highness.
20:45But His Majesty just got angry.
20:49If he knows you helped me,
20:51I'm afraid he'll be angry again.
20:53It's better not to let others know this.
20:58Your Highness.
20:59What else, Young Master?
21:03Can you help me get Jiang Ci out?
21:06What time is it now?
21:07Young Master, you can't do stupid things in the court.
21:11Jiang Ci is the only witness of Teng Rui's case.
21:15What did you say?
21:16It's a serious matter. I dare not deceive you.
21:20How can you hide such a big thing for so long?
21:22The thief is cunning and has many tricks.
21:24I'm afraid to alert him.
21:26Now Jiang Ci is in prison.
21:28If the assassin kills him,
21:31we'll never find the murderer
21:34and save Teng Rui.
21:38But it's getting late.
21:40I'll send you a letter first.
21:41I'll find a way tomorrow morning.
21:55Your Majesty.
21:57How is Lu Fu?
21:59Everything is calm.
22:01No one was alarmed.
22:02What about Lei Zhen?
22:03I've asked someone to send Lei Zhen and others back to the embassy.
22:06But he means
22:08to go back to Wei State after we investigate thoroughly.
22:12Your Majesty.
22:14What should we do with Jiang Ci?
22:17He made me so confused.
22:21It's okay if he doesn't stay.
22:23When I helped with the case,
22:25I heard that Teng Rui was not dead yet.
22:28If it's true,
22:30the girl is not the murderer.
22:32She doesn't have the ability to kill people.
22:36But the jade gourd appeared in the embassy.
22:40There must be something wrong with it.
22:44Go and interrogate her.
22:45I can't let her use my subordinates to plot.
22:50I want the result.
22:52I'll leave the rest to you.
23:04Your Excellency.
23:05His Majesty didn't see you were injured, did he?
23:11How is Pei's Mansion?
23:13Everything is as you expected.
23:14Changfeng Guard in Pei's Mansion has been detained.
23:17No one can get out.
23:18All the imperial guards have been transferred.
23:21His Majesty won't lock Pei Yan up for too long.
23:24Send Teng Rui out of Qingkang as soon as possible.
23:27I'll do it right now.
23:29Be careful.
23:38The Crown Princess ordered me to visit Lady Rong.
23:42No one is allowed in.
23:52Commander Yue.
23:54Look at you.
23:56Don't you know how big a crime our family has committed?
24:00Lady Rong is joking.
24:02We are just...
24:04Yue Jinglong.
24:05I'm the first-rank lady appointed by His Majesty.
24:09How dare you call me we?
24:16I'm sorry.
24:17Please don't blame me.
24:21His Majesty's order is not to allow anyone from the duke's mansion to go out.
24:24Now the Crown Princess asked someone to visit me.
24:27I didn't send anyone out.
24:29It's not against the imperial decree.
24:34Let him out.
24:47I'm sorry.
25:10Where is Wei Zhao? I want to see him.
25:12How dare you!
25:14How dare you call Commander Wei's name!
25:16I have important information to tell him.
25:18Can you afford to delay it?
25:24Greetings, Commander.
25:25The prisoner...
25:26Open the door.
25:38You stole my jade gourd.
25:40If you didn't meddle in other people's business
25:42and told Pei Yan about Rui Mei's death,
25:45I wouldn't have forced you.
25:47You are the one who harmed her, not me.
25:49You are being unreasonable.
25:50Without you, no one would fight back.
25:56What are you doing?
26:02What are you doing?
26:07Let go of me.
26:13Now that you are a concubine,
26:16there is no need to keep you.
26:18What are you doing? Let go of me.
26:22Come and drink.
26:24Don't worry.
26:25I won't make you suffer.
26:30You ruined my plan on the day of Gangling Garden.
26:40You lost your arm to save Tang Rui and the prisoner.
26:44And Li.
26:45You didn't kill Bo Ren,
26:47but Bo Ren died because of you.
26:54Don't climb trees again in your next life.
27:00Don't climb trees again in your next life.
27:04Don't climb trees again in your next life.
27:25If you have something to do in the future,
27:27you can give me a moon.
27:29I will find a place to meet you.
27:35I will find a place to meet you.
27:38I will give you another chance.
27:40Tell me what you want to say.
27:42If you dare to play tricks,
27:44I will make you die more painfully.
27:47I left a letter.
27:49The letter says you are a woman.
27:52And the means you use to threaten me.
27:55And the evidence I left on you.
28:05Do you remember the day before yesterday?
28:07I fell.
28:10My seed!
28:12The seed you stepped on is called Dark Leaf Ulan.
28:15Once this flower sticks to the body,
28:17it's hard to clean it.
28:21Even if you wash it off,
28:23you can still see the change in color
28:25by soaking it in white vinegar.
28:28Do you think you can touch me with a letter?
28:33You are Wei Zhao.
28:35You are the commander of the Light Division.
28:38The person His Majesty trusts the most.
28:41I know.
28:42I told you this.
28:45You can destroy that pair of shoes.
28:48A letter,
28:50a seed,
28:52can be fooled by you.
28:55But this will also plant an untrustworthy seed
28:58in the hearts of the Marquis and His Majesty.
29:02This seed may be small,
29:05but it will sprout in their hearts
29:08and open a gap.
29:10Once this gap is formed,
29:12all your plans and plans
29:14will be destroyed.
29:17The Marquis is now surrounded by bugs.
29:19Even a fly can't fly in.
29:22How can you go in?
29:24Find a letter that I don't know where it is hidden.
29:28You said His Majesty would not embarrass the Marquis.
29:31Then the Marquis will go back soon.
29:33He will definitely find out.
29:37Don't think I dare not kill you.
29:42Don't kill me.
29:45You said good people are cruel.
29:47But what is the difference
29:50between your actions now and those good people?
30:02Greetings, Your Highness.
30:03Why are you all here?
30:04Your Highness,
30:05Commander Wei is interrogating the prisoners inside.
30:07According to tradition, we can't eavesdrop.
30:09This is bad.
30:10San Lang!
30:13Show some mercy!
30:20San Lang!
30:23Your Highness,
30:24I was ordered by His Majesty to interrogate the prisoners.
30:27Why are you in such a hurry?
30:30I was entrusted by Pei Yan to save this lady.
30:34I didn't expect Pei Yan to be so concerned about this lady.
30:38She suffered from the plague.
30:40She didn't forget to protect her.
30:43San Lang, you don't know.
30:45This lady is very important.
30:47Pei Yan told me last night
30:49that she is the only witness of the Tang Rui case.
30:53Pei Yan is so capable.
30:56If this witness dies,
30:58the Empress Dowager and Wei State will be in trouble.
31:00I will go to ask for His Majesty's mercy.
31:02San Lang,
31:03please speak up for Pei Yan in front of His Majesty.
31:08Thank you, Your Highness.
31:15Goodbye, Your Highness.
31:23I didn't expect Pei Yan to do so much for this girl.
31:28Your Excellency, what should we do now?
31:31In order to save this girl,
31:33Pei Yan didn't hesitate to let the Crown Prince know
31:35that she is the witness of the Tang Rui case.
31:38We can't kill this girl.
31:41It's so easy for her.
31:45Pei Yan is not a man who will do anything for money.
31:47She met with the Crown Prince last night.
31:49It's impossible that she did it just for a reward.
31:52Is there a backup plan?
31:54Go and check
31:55to see if there are any moves
31:57after the Crown Prince left the prison last night.
32:15Be careful.
32:18Don't worry.
32:19Don't worry, Aunt He.
32:21Uncle He,
32:22we will wait for you to come back for a drink in Yueluo.
32:24That's good.
32:25I didn't agree to it.
32:27Aunt He.
32:29Don't worry.
32:31Let's go.
32:34Be careful.
32:44Greetings, Your Majesty.
32:46Greetings, Your Highness.
32:48How was the interrogation?
32:50She was tortured,
32:51but there was no suspicion.
32:53I'm afraid
32:54she was used.
32:55The Crown Prince
32:57also pleaded with me
32:59to give Pei Yan another chance.
33:03The Crown Prince is benevolent.
33:08I know Pei Yan very well.
33:10She must have been framed.
33:12Please give her
33:13a chance to make amends.
33:23Go to the prison
33:24and release Pei Yan.
33:26Tell her
33:27I'll give her three days
33:29to prove her innocence.
33:31Thank you, Father.
33:46The Crown Prince is soft-hearted
33:48and too kind.
33:50I'm afraid
33:51when he takes over the throne
33:54in a hundred years,
33:55it will be a disaster.
33:58Your Majesty
33:59will live a long life.
34:04The Crown Prince is right.
34:07If Pei Yan
34:08really loves that girl,
34:10I'll be grateful
34:12for your compassion
34:14if I can keep her alive.
34:17Release that girl.
34:20Keep an eye on Pei Yan
34:21for the next three days.
34:24Yes, Your Majesty.
34:27Your Excellency,
34:28last night,
34:29the Crown Princess
34:30sent a maid to the North House
34:31and visited Mrs. Rong.
34:35Tell Uncle He
34:36to be careful.
34:37Yes, Your Excellency.
34:44Uncle He.
34:46Uncle He.
34:47What happened?
34:48Where is Ah Jun and Ah Zheng?
34:49Song Teng has left the city.
34:51Hurry up.
34:52Catch up with us.
34:53There is an ambush.
34:56Hurry up.
35:03Check the area.
35:10Let them go.
35:20Get out of the way.
35:24Get out of the way.
35:25The water pipe is going to collapse.
35:33I heard Uncle He is waiting at the crossing.
35:34As long as he gets on the boat,
35:35Pei Yan will have
35:36three heads and six arms.
35:37You can't find him.
35:50I have been waiting here for a long time.
36:06Hurry up.
36:07If you are exposed,
36:08you will implicate the Crown Princess.
36:10He Shen.
36:11I'll take you with me.
36:12I want to burn the thing.
36:13There can't be any trace left.
36:15Hurry up.
36:16He Shen.
36:20He Shen.
36:39Take her away.
36:46Your Highness.
36:47Young Master.
36:48Father has promised to give you three days
36:49to prove your innocence.
36:50Your Highness.
36:51I will remember
36:52your kindness this time.
36:54It went so well this time.
36:56You have to thank San Lang.
36:58San Lang?
36:59Today, Father sent San Lang
37:01to interrogate Jiang Ci.
37:02Fortunately, I arrived in time.
37:04Your maid survived.
37:06But later,
37:07San Lang also helped to plead with Father.
37:09Father was relieved.
37:19Your Lordship
37:20has been set up by His Majesty.
37:23If Pei Yan returns to Pei's Mansion
37:25and finds the letter you wrote,
37:27and knows what you have done,
37:29how will he treat you?
37:32If he knows
37:33you have a close relationship with me,
37:35I'm afraid
37:36he won't let you go.
37:38I'm afraid
37:39he won't let you go.
37:41If he knows
37:42you have a close relationship with me,
37:44I'm afraid
37:45he won't let you go.
37:47I'm afraid
37:48you won't be able to leave Jingang anymore.
37:51His Lordship still pleaded for me
37:52in front of His Majesty.
37:53He is not that kind of person.
37:54Jiang Ci.
37:56You can't change anyone
37:59or anything.
38:07Xiao Ci.
38:08My Lord.
38:09My Lord.
38:16I will keep
38:17San Lang's kindness in mind.
38:19Young Master,
38:20you are so devoted to your maidservant.
38:22I really admire you.
38:28Xiao Ci.
38:30How did you get hurt?
38:32What happened?
38:36I got hurt by accident.
38:39My Lord,
38:40I'm sorry.
38:41I lost the jade gourd
38:43and got you in trouble.
38:44The thief tried to frame us.
38:46They are in the dark,
38:47and we are in the light.
38:48It's understandable
38:49to be used.
38:51Why don't you two
38:53go back home
38:54and relax?
38:55San Lang's kindness
38:57is unforgettable.
38:58I just did what I was ordered to do.
39:01Young Master should know
39:03His Majesty only gave you
39:04three days.
39:05If you need
39:06any help,
39:07just tell me.
39:10I'm ashamed.
39:11Chang Feng Wei is trapped in the camp.
39:13I was going to ask San Lang
39:15to borrow the Light Guard.
39:19Young Master, you are so brave.
39:21Is there any plan?
39:24The game between me and the real murderer
39:26has come to this point.
39:28It's a win-win situation.
39:30What we are fighting for
39:32is the will of God.
39:54Hurry up.
39:55Hurry up.
40:06How are you?
40:10What should we do?
40:11I don't think we can get to the exit.
40:12I'll stop him.
40:13You retreat first.
40:14Ah Zhao.
40:15Ah Zhao.
40:20Ah Zhao.
41:09Greetings, My Lord.
41:10Is this
41:11Xu Jun of Chang Feng Wei?
41:14Greetings, Commander.
41:15Hasn't Commander Xu
41:16been stationed in the city?
41:18Why is he here?
41:20It's a coincidence.
41:21On my mother's birthday,
41:23Xu Jun brought a team
41:24to escort the birthday gifts to the capital.
41:26But he didn't expect
41:27to walk to Hongfeng Mountain
41:28and meet someone else.
41:29He was fine,
41:30but he lost
41:31a few lives.
41:33Xu Jun lost his job.
41:35He asked someone to send a letter to me
41:36saying he was too ashamed to see his mother.
41:38If he didn't bring the lives,
41:40he wouldn't return to Qingkang.
41:42Commander Xu
41:43has been stationed outside Qingkang?
41:45What a coincidence.
41:48After being locked in the cell,
41:49I suddenly remembered this.
41:51So I entrusted the Crown Prince
41:52to send a letter to my mother.
41:54I expected that the thief
41:55would take advantage of Chang Feng Wei being trapped
41:57to transfer Teng Rui out of the city.
41:59So I ordered Xu Jun
42:00to keep an eye on the city gates
42:02to keep an eye on the cars.
42:04I didn't expect you
42:06to have such a good soldier.
42:07Did Commander Xu
42:09find anything?
42:10I have rescued Lord Teng
42:12and sent him to the palace for treatment.
42:14At the same time,
42:15I found out that
42:16the thief who was caught at the city gates
42:17was Lao He
42:18who had been working for the Jieshui Bureau for many years.
42:19Just now,
42:20I went to the Jieshui Bureau to arrest someone
42:21and caught a woman.
42:22I'm trying to find the evidence.
42:25Bring him up.
42:26Let's go.
42:33Kneel down.
42:40Kneel down.
42:56Are you Lao He?
42:59Tell me the truth.
43:01Who ordered you
43:03to kidnap Lord Teng?
43:05I can spare your life.
43:07If you want to kill him, just kill him.
43:09Don't act on impulse.
43:13Xu Jun.
43:16Beat him.
43:27You bastard.
43:29Kill me if you dare.
43:32Keep beating him.
43:37Lord Teng,
43:38stop it.
43:39They are just a bunch of old men.
43:41Lord Teng.
43:53Are you going to speak or not?
44:08Ji Xun.
44:10Zhao Jun.
44:12You can't get the result
44:13by asking like this.
44:15Why don't you leave the interrogation
44:17to me?
44:28Back off.
44:38Back off.
44:47Take it.
44:48It's the evidence.
44:50Be quick.
44:53You are a fool.
44:55You didn't do anything wrong.
44:58How can you interrogate me?
45:06as good as always.
45:08I'll give you a chance.
45:16I'll speak.
45:17Kill me.
45:35Old woman.
45:37Old woman.
45:40Kill me too.
45:41Kill me too.
46:03If you want to make the grievance
46:04come to an end,
46:06the royal family is the most important thing.
46:08If you want to make the grievance come to an end,
46:10the royal family is the most important thing.
46:12You can't die now.
46:14Aran's car will run away in the future.
46:17Don't worry, Young Master.
46:18We understand
46:19that we should focus on the big picture.
46:21He Shen, I'll take you with me.
46:23You can't help me.
46:24Otherwise, Young Master will be implicated.
46:26I have to collect the things.
46:28I can't leave any traces.
46:29Go quickly.
46:36I'm alive.
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