ダーウィンが来た! 2024年9月15日 「まるで宇宙人!-アリと居候」

  • 10 hours ago
ダーウィンが来た! 2024年9月15日 「まるで宇宙人!-アリと居候」
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00In Africa, there is a type of ant that is feared as a carnivorous ant.
00:07It is said to be one of the strongest ants in the world,
00:14with millions of ants gathering together to attack prey.
00:17Today's protagonist is not this ant,
00:21but a creature that lives with such a ferocious ant.
00:28This is a cormorant.
00:32Cormorants are creatures that enter other people's homes and become their prey.
00:39This cormorant gets caught up in a swarm of ants
00:43and has them share food with each other.
00:48It's no wonder that ants can't be attacked even when they're this close together.
00:57For example, in our society,
00:59there are a lot of aliens that don't notice us.
01:04What? Aliens?
01:08Why don't they notice us even though we look different?
01:15How do ants, who are bound by a strong bond,
01:19break into the iron wall of security?
01:25They infiltrate an unknown underground world that no one has ever seen before.
01:31It's a world of super-deep ant labyrinths.
01:35We will reveal the unknown secrets.
01:42Darwin is here!
01:46The journey to find the ant labyrinth begins in the Western African Kingdom of Cameroon.
01:56The jungle of Niwata-Sukageri.
02:02First, let's look for ants.
02:06This is Mr. Maruyama Munetosu from Kyushu University, who is conducting an investigation here.
02:13Ants live in groups, moving from one place to another.
02:25It's hard to find them.
02:27Yeah, it's hard to find them.
02:34He found something.
02:39It's 6mm in size.
02:41It's a comrade of a hornet with a strange horn.
02:46Yes, it's a comrade of a hornet.
02:50Oh, it's an ant.
02:52This is also a comrade of a hornet.
02:55Ants look like each other and protect themselves from the enemy.
03:00Ants are so afraid of each other.
03:16He finally found it.
03:20It's a hornet ant.
03:23It's about 2cm in size.
03:28It's estimated that there are about 50 million ants in one group.
03:32It's the world's largest group of ants.
03:37They come out of the hole one by one.
03:42They're going to hunt now.
03:50The line spreads out and becomes like a black river.
03:56They are afraid of the carpet attack by covering one side.
04:05They scatter on the trees and grass and look for prey.
04:12The hornet ran away late.
04:14The ants are attacking the hornet.
04:19The ants are attacking the hornet.
04:24It's the world's largest group of ants.
04:30But today's main character is not an ant.
04:33It's a comrade of a hornet.
04:37The survey of the comrade of a hornet is not carried out in the world.
04:42There are unknown creatures lurking somewhere in this line of ants.
04:50It's like exploring the deep sea in a submarine.
04:56There is a world that no one has ever seen.
05:07Which one?
05:11Mr. Maruyama is catching them one by one with a special tool.
05:16But I don't know well.
05:20In slow motion,
05:23Ah, this one.
05:25Certainly, there are different creatures in the line of ants.
05:30This is a comrade of a hornet.
05:34It's 1 cm in size.
05:36Most of them are insects about 2 to 3 mm.
05:42Wow, it's so small.
05:50If you look closely, there are various shapes.
05:57There may be hundreds of species in one group.
06:01It's the world's largest group of ants.
06:07But why do they live with such a terrible ant?
06:21Mr. Maruyama is preparing for the survey.
06:24What are you doing?
06:26I'm applying a baby powder to prevent the ants from coming up.
06:31Mr. Maruyama went to the nest of the lurking ants he found a few days ago.
06:39The soil is rising in a range of about 2 meters in diameter.
06:46I think there are about 10 million ants in the nest.
06:53The group has come back from the hunt.
07:01They are carrying prey.
07:05They bring it back to share it with their friends and larvae.
07:12It is dangerous for the survey because ants gather near the nest.
07:18That's why Mr. Maruyama is applying a powder to prevent the ants from coming up.
07:27But if you let your guard down a little...
07:32Oh, there's another one.
07:35Oh, it looks painful.
07:40Even in such an iron wall-protected nest...
07:45Oh, it's cute.
07:49There was a lurking ant.
07:52It's even in the nest.
07:58The ants eat the prey and throw the remaining garbage outside the nest.
08:04They are waiting for it.
08:07There are a lot of ants in the surrounding soil.
08:12Lurking ants live like this.
08:15They pick up the food like this.
08:19They follow the ants and catch the ants.
08:23Their goal is food.
08:26And the scary ants are the strongest bodyguards.
08:30They don't get attacked by the enemy.
08:35So why aren't the ants attacking the lurking ants?
08:39The answer is in the nest.
08:44Lurking ants are too dangerous to look inside the nest to attack people.
08:52So, let's move the stage.
08:56Let's take a closer look at the secret of lurking ants in Japan.
09:01Actually, there are lurking ants in Japan, too.
09:10This is a small ant living in Okinawa.
09:18It's getting closer to the ant.
09:23It's licking its leg.
09:29It's moving away.
09:32This time, it's licking its own body.
09:35What a pity.
09:38It's licking the smell of the ant.
09:43This is the secret of lurking ants in Japan.
09:48Ants distinguish their friends by smell.
09:53Even the same species of ants have different smells.
09:57If you smell it, you can tell if it's a friend or not.
10:03Lurking ants distinguish their friends by smell.
10:14This ant has another amazing skill.
10:19If you hit the ant with your front leg,
10:26the ant will give you food.
10:33Ants hit each other with their tentacles to get food.
10:41On the other hand, lurking ants hit each other with their legs because their tentacles are straight and hard to hit.
10:53In fact, this ant can only eat by licking its own body.
11:03Ants can't live without lurking ants.
11:10What a strange relationship.
11:16There are other strange lurking ants.
11:21Oh, here it is.
11:24The round thing on the wall.
11:28Actually, this is also a lurking ant.
11:33They live in the nest of lurking ants.
11:41It's starting to move.
11:46But ants don't seem to care.
11:51Ants think it's part of the nest wall.
11:56But it turns out that ants are eating lurking ants' larvae.
12:03Wait a minute.
12:06You're here again, Himeji.
12:09That's right.
12:11Lurking ants eat larvae.
12:14Why don't ants chase them away?
12:17Lurking ants are part of the nest wall.
12:22Ants don't notice it.
12:24But the strategy of lurking ants is not always successful.
12:29Oh, that's a cricket.
12:32Yes, take a good look.
12:35Oh, I got caught.
12:38Yes, they found out that they were not friends.
12:43What? Is that true?
12:46Ants and lurking ants have a long history of evolution.
12:51Mr. Maruyama says that.
12:56When lurking ants enter a new nest,
13:00they are likely to be attacked by ants.
13:03If everything goes well, the nest will be full of lurking ants.
13:07But lurking ants' security system is still working.
13:13I think lurking ants survived because they overcame it.
13:17I see.
13:18But lurking ants have a hard time to get into ants' nests.
13:25By the way, who is this lurking ant?
13:29That's right.
13:31It's an unbelievable insect.
13:34Oh, I got caught.
13:37Is this possible?
13:42One day,
13:45the lurking ant stopped moving at all.
14:05a big-eyed insect came out.
14:08It's an insect.
14:12An insect called Arisuabu lives only in ants' nests.
14:17The lurking ant was its larva.
14:23When the lurking ant floated, it escaped from the ants' nests.
14:28When it came out, it spread its wings.
14:32The lurking ant met a male and a female outside the nest and laid eggs.
14:37The larvae are thought to sneak into the nest in some way.
14:43Then, the larvae grew up without being noticed by ants.
14:47The way of life beyond our common sense is like an alien.
14:54Chapter 2 will take you to a deeper world.
14:57An ant and a lurking ant?
15:01The ultimate relationship that can't be separated.
15:04The world's first revolutionary video.
15:12This is a tool used by Mr. Maruyama to catch a lurking ant.
15:17It's called a suction tube.
15:20It seems to be sucked in by a hose.
15:22Will the insect get into its mouth by mistake?
15:26I'm curious.
15:32Mr. Maruyama's suction tube course.
15:39The insect is very small.
15:42I use a tool called a suction tube to catch something that I can't catch by hand.
15:46There is a container in the middle of the hose.
15:50By sucking this hose in the mouth,
15:53the insect will be sucked in and accumulate here.
15:58I'll try to suck the rice.
16:05I see.
16:07The sucked rice will accumulate in the container in the middle.
16:12I see.
16:14The sucked rice will accumulate in the container in the middle.
16:18So, there is no need to worry about it getting into the mouth.
16:22Do you have any tips on how to suck rice?
16:26In an instant, increase the pressure and suck.
16:33Try not to excite the ant.
16:35In an instant, increase the pressure and suck.
16:38I was so excited that the investigation on that day was over.
16:43I was trying to figure out how to make the ant not notice it.
16:48I think I'm pretty good at it now,
16:51but I feel like I've been doing it for about 10 years.
16:5410 years?
16:58Thanks to the successful investigation,
17:01he made a lot of effort.
17:06Iso-ro lives on the ant.
17:10But, on the other hand, the ant lives on Iso-ro.
17:15They have an ultimate relationship that they can't live without each other.
17:28This is the ant.
17:31It's a honeybee.
17:32It's a honeybee.
17:34It's about 4 mm in size.
17:39Iso-ro, which lives with the ant,
17:42is called the ant's treasure.
17:46It's about 1.5 mm in size.
17:49The rounder one is the head.
17:53This unique shape is a product of a deep relationship with the ant.
18:02The honeybee adds the ant's treasure and carries it somewhere.
18:10The ant has no eyes on the ant's treasure,
18:13and it can hardly move on its own.
18:16It is thought that it has become in this shape so that it can be easily added to the ant.
18:27Here comes the root of the grass.
18:29Here comes the root of the grass.
18:32Look, they are lined up in a row.
18:36They stick their mouths to the roots and suck the juice.
18:41The ant's treasure's staple food is the juice from the roots of the grass.
18:47They are attached to the food by being carried by the honeybee.
18:52The ant's treasure's staple food is the juice from the roots of the grass.
18:59The ant's treasure's staple food is the juice from the roots of the grass.
19:06Suddenly, a honeybee comes.
19:12It puts the juice in its mouth
19:16and swallows it.
19:18This is the honeybee's staple food.
19:23The ant's treasure sucks the juice from the roots of the grass and releases the remaining sugar.
19:30The honeybee has been eating this for its whole life.
19:38Therefore, the honeybee cherishes the ant's treasure very much.
19:44The ant's treasure cleans its body.
19:47This is how the ant protects itself from mold and diseases.
19:54It is unusual for an insect to take care of a species that is different from its own.
20:01It is a deep bond that goes beyond the species.
20:05It is mysterious, isn't it?
20:07There is an event that symbolizes the bond between the two species.
20:14One day,
20:17a winged ant appears.
20:20It is a new queen ant.
20:26The ant's herd is full of honeybees.
20:31The queen bee is the queen of the ant's herd.
20:35Once a year, a new queen and a male ant are born in the ant's herd.
20:43When they fly out of the nest one after another,
20:46the new queen meets another male ant,
20:49and eventually, she creates her own new herd.
20:57The new queen adds the ant's treasure before she flies out.
21:05In order to live in a new nest,
21:08she takes only one ant's treasure with her.
21:16The queen and the ant share their fate.
21:34She flies away from the nest,
21:37in search of a new nest.
21:56She finds a new queen with a wing.
22:05She digs a nest.
22:08The new queen makes a nest with only one ant.
22:15In order to carry the soil,
22:17she has to release the ant's treasure.
22:21She digs the nest little by little,
22:24taking care of the ant's treasure.
22:29Each of the ants
22:31adds hundreds of thousands of ant's treasure,
22:35helping each other to live.
22:43It's a strange story.
22:46Wait a minute.
22:48What is it, Mr. Beard?
22:50It's a nice place.
22:52I understand that the queen and the male ant meet and lay eggs,
22:56but how do the ant's treasure increase?
22:59The ant's treasure increases by laying eggs.
23:02It seems that the new queen
23:05brings a female ant who is ready to lay eggs.
23:09How does she choose?
23:12I don't know.
23:14Anyway, it's still a mystery.
23:16It's the first time
23:19we've filmed the inside of the nest in detail like this.
23:22They need each other.
23:26It's wonderful.
23:29What are you talking about?
23:31We need each other, too.
23:33Yes, of course.
23:36I can't live without you.
23:42Recently, the research on the ant's treasure
23:46has revealed the explosive power of living things that promote evolution.
23:50Mr. Maruyama, who did the research on the ant's treasure in Cameroon.
23:55I got a lot.
23:57I got more than 100.
24:00He found more than 80 ant's treasures in a week.
24:06Most of them were found by insects, which are called feather-hiding insects.
24:11Surprisingly, he found a variety of things.
24:15This is a new species, which was found this time,
24:19as if it were an ant.
24:24It looks like a rhino, which was living long time ago.
24:30It's a very precious species that no one had seen
24:34since it was found over 50 years ago.
24:40I've been looking for the ant's treasure.
24:42It's a very rare species.
24:45I love this shape.
24:48Wow, this is amazing.
24:51It's shaped like a 7-leaf clover.
24:54It's cool.
24:55It's cool, isn't it?
24:59It's the first time we've seen such a unique species, and we're all very impressed.
25:05When and how were all these different species born?
25:15When we examined the genetics of the Isouro we caught, we were surprised.
25:25Hanekakushi originally lived without Isouro.
25:30But 80 million years ago, the Isouro appeared and started to exist.
25:36Hundreds of species were born at once.
25:42I was surprised.
25:44There are many different types of Hanekakushi.
25:49There are small, droop-shaped Hanekakushi to ride on the back.
25:53There are also small, ant-like Hanekakushi to fit in society.
25:57There are also large Hanekakushi to attack ants.
26:01There are so many different types of Hanekakushi that it's hard to believe.
26:05I think that one species originally met another species and started to evolve.
26:15The Isouro has found a variety of ways of life by changing its shape and appearance.
26:23It's amazing that there was an alien-like creature that went beyond our common sense.
26:33The unknown world is still expanding right next to you.
26:53It's started.
26:54It's a drama about a lion boy.
26:56That's right. Mahiri, who was born wealthy.
26:58Suja, who was born middle-class.
27:00Busaara, who was born poor.
27:01I'm Busaara.
27:02The three of them, who were born with different personalities, are aiming for the king.
27:08She's a little reluctant.
27:10Well, like me.
27:12Mahiri is...
27:13Let's eat.
27:14She's so selfish that she's isolated from the crowd.
27:17That's why Bonbon is sweet to herself.
27:19What about Busaara?
27:20Show me Busaara.
27:21Suja and Mahiri are out of the crowd.
27:24What are we going to do now?
27:27Are these two going to meet here?
27:29The pressure is on.
27:30What about Busaara?
27:32At that time, Busaara was talking to the girls.
27:35What are you doing?
27:40I'm waiting for the fifth illustration.
