• last year
The Mandarin Duck, or Aix galericulata, is a really pretty bird from East Asia. The males are super colourful, with bright orange "sails" on their backs and a red beak. Females are more plain, mostly brown with white spots. These ducks live in forests near water, like ponds and streams. They're ace at flying through trees and often nest in holes high up in trunks.
Mandarin Ducks eat all sorts of things - plants, seeds, insects, and small fish. They're not big, only about 45cm long. In the wild, they're found in China, Japan, and Russia, but some have escaped from parks in the UK and now live here too.
People in Asia see these ducks as a symbol of love and faithfulness because they usually stick with the same partner. Sadly, there aren't as many of them as there used to be, mainly because we're cutting down their forest homes. But luckily, they're not in danger of dying out just yet.

Learn more: https://binocularbase.com/bird/mandarin-duck/


